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Sweet Everlasting
Sweet Everlasting
Sweet Everlasting
Ebook462 pages8 hours

Sweet Everlasting

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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From the author of The Saving Graces: “When I crave romance with emotional punch and unforgettable characters, I turn to Patricia Gaffney” (Nora Roberts).
  Newly installed at his modest post in Wayne’s Crossing, Pennsylvania, Tyler Wilkes is a doctor, a hero of the Spanish-American War, and the heir to a great fortune. His wealthy family in Philadelphia doesn’t approve of his new station, but Tyler is sure of his calling. And the young ladies of Wayne’s Crossing can’t seem to get enough of their handsome young physician, exploiting every excuse to visit his offices with imagined maladies.   Tyler is most intrigued by Carrie Wiggins. Mute, sensitive, lovely, and troubled, Carrie lives with her abusive alcoholic stepfather, Artemis, in the mountains just outside of town. Her gentle nature and the loving care she bestows on injured animals in the woods quickly endear her to Tyler, though they belie the darkness in her life. Can she overcome her tortured past to give voice to her heart?
Release dateDec 13, 2011
Sweet Everlasting

Patricia Gaffney

Patricia Gaffney's novels include The Goodbye Summer, Flight Lessons, and The Saving Graces. She and her husband currently live in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A sweet book set in the early 1900's centering around a mainline Philadelphia doctor who has started a practice in a small town, and the lovely mute mountain girl he befriends.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The heroine's mute, the hero's the town doctor. American historical. The Gaff really has a way with characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book has me shaking my head, frustrated and annoyed. Gaffney writes well, and this kept me reading long enough to finish the book, and she does a great job depicting fully-fleshed characters. It's just that I objected very much to the heroine she created and didn't think she was matched well at all with the hero. Tyler Wilkes is a doctor, formerly one of Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders and has taken up a position in rural Pennsylvania while just getting over a bout of yellow fever he'd contracted in Cuba. I really liked Ty - he didn't take himself too seriously, was something of a hero who was realistic about the horrors of war, at the same time chaffing against his upper crust mother's influence and her political ambitions for him. I found him very flawed and very interesting. The girl, Carrie Wiggins, he was paired up with however, is nothing more than that - a child. Not an annoying brat or anything, just so pitifully young that there was even something a bit off and uncomfortable about the love scenes between these two. She is a back-woods, poverty-stricken country girl who lives on Dreamy Mountain with her step father. She tends to sick animals, knows the name of every flower in the forest, and is mute (at least for part of the story.) Why Carrie can't talk, her history and the subsequent plot developments, just didn't work for me and frankly didn't make much sense. It was all over the place, added to which she was such a martyr, so sweet and nice, always doing what's right. I don't understand why Ty loved her, and her love for him was the instantaneous, blind adoration of a child. It was so unbalanced, and this bothered me so much because I really liked Ty, his romance and charm. He deserved a better story, and a better match.

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Sweet Everlasting - Patricia Gaffney








By Patricia Gaffney

This book is for

Nora Roberts and Mary Kay McComas,

without whom, etc., etc.

Thanks to you, this writing life

is hell only half the time.




























A Biography of Patricia Gaffney


SAY, DOC, WHAT THE hell is this?

That’s guaiacol carbonate, Hoyle.

"Yeah, but this is pills. I can’t swallow no pills."

Grind them up in a little cod-liver oil, they’ll slide down like sardines. One in the morning, and then one—

No, but this ain’t the right thing—Doc Stoneman always gives me Graves’ Tonic for my rheumatism.

Tyler Wilkes reached up to rub the kink out of the muscle in his right shoulder. Graves’ Tonic, he repeated in the slow, thoughtful tone he used when pretending to consider one of his predecessor’s lunatic prescriptions. Doc Stoneman had also carried morphia granules in his pocket and had given them out for anything from diarrhea to diabetes. Well, there’s nothing wrong with Graves’ Tonic, Tyler conceded gravely. Except that it was about ninety percent alcohol. But try these for a couple of weeks, why don’t you, Hoyle, and see how they suit you.

I dunno, Doc. Hoyle Taber scratched his chin stubble while he peered down at the little package of tablets in his palm. Don’t seem right, swallowin’ a pill. Like it ain’t what God intended, know what I mean?

The doctor’s bad leg began to throb. He slid a pile of advertising circulars aside and propped his thigh on the edge of his desk. How’s that, Hoyle? he asked mildly. By concentrating hard, he kept his eyes off the clock over the door to his waiting room.

"Well, it don’t come like that, does it? In nature, I mean. All squashed into this little white dot, stuff I can’t see, can’t even pronounce. How do I know what’s really in here? Warming to it, he hunkered down with his hands on his knees, fixing the doctor with an intense look. Same with an atom. Know what an atom is? Tyler opened his mouth, but not in time. No, and nobody else does either! That’s the trouble, there’s too much a man’s supposed to take on faith."

Tyler folded his arms and nodded a few times, as if deep in thought. I see what you’re saying. Makes sense, Hoyle, no question about it. I feel the same way about soap.

Hoyle straightened up. Soap?

Who really knows what’s in one of those little yellow cakes?

Yeah, but—

Could be anything. Or take a salt lick. I ask you, is that how God intended salt to look?

Hoyle, who owned the livery stable, looked vacant, then confounded. "Okay, but a salt lick, now—"

Or take Mrs. Stambaugh’s blueberry cobbler over at Pennicle’s.


"I’ve never made a blueberry cobbler, have you? She says it’s berries and flour and sugar and what-not, but how do we know? It’s a lot to ask a man to take on faith."

Hoyle finally got it. He sucked in all his breath and blew it out in a violent whoosh. Hoo-waw, he said, chuckling and snapping his elastic suspenders against his chest. Hoo-waw, Doc, you’re something.

Tyler got up and thumped him on the back. You try these subversive little pills for about ten days, Hoyle. If they don’t help, come back and we’ll try something else.

Hoyle stuffed the pills in his pocket, still grinning. I’ll do ’er, and we’ll just see. Yessir, we’ll just see.

He went to the coatrack beside the door and took down his old corduroy jacket. While he pulled it on, he leaned over to peer at something tacked to the wall. From experience, Tyler knew it wasn’t his diplomas—Harvard College, 1893; Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1896—that had Hoyle’s rapt attention. It was the photograph under them of himself, Tyler Arbuthnot Wilkes, M.D., on horseback in the jaunty uniform of a Rough Rider, only a pace or two behind Lieutenant Colonel Teddy Roosevelt himself. Ty had been reluctant at first to hang the photograph, but now he was glad he’d overcome his reservations, because the picture had done more to instill blind faith in his doctoring skills among the folks of Wayne’s Crossing, Pennsylvania, than anything else he’d done in the four months since he’d come here.

Mmm mmm, said Hoyle in apparent awe, jamming on his leather cap and tugging the earflaps over his cheeks. My, my, my. But he was the town wag, and awe didn’t set right with Hoyle for long. I gotta tell you, Doc, he couldn’t resist on his way out, you looked a whole lot better down there in Cuba.

Well, thanks, Hoyle. Thanks a lot.

Don’t mention it. Say, if these pills are so damn good, maybe you oughta try some yourself. No offense, but you ain’t exactly a walking advertisement for good health. Haw!

Tyler’s weary smile was as good-natured as he could make it. When the door closed behind Hoyle, he went to the sink to wash his hands, and a glance in the mirror confirmed—no surprise—the old buzzard’s appraisal. By now he’d recovered from the worst of the yellow fever he’d contracted in Havana, but the aftereffects still plagued him. He hadn’t gained all his weight back, and he still suffered headaches and sudden, debilitating attacks of neuralgia. Thank God he was over the jaundice, though, and most of the depression, and the Mauser bullet in his thigh only pained him at the end of his longest days.

But Hoyle was right, he didn’t look like a well man. Luckily he was a hero, or as close to one as Wayne’s Crossing was likely to get. Otherwise he might not have any patients at all.

He still had one in the waiting room, the last of the endless, exhausting day. She stood up when she saw him, setting aside her ancient magazine—part of Dr. Stoneman’s office legacy—and smiled a coy welcome. Spring Mueller, the lawyer’s blue-eyed daughter, looked suspiciously healthy. She had last week too, Tyler recalled, and that mysterious ringing in her ears had cleared right up as soon as he’d said yes to a dinner invitation at her father’s house. He sighed, aware that besides being the town’s new hero, he was also its most eligible bachelor. Spring wasn’t the only unmarried lady who had found cause to visit him with ingenious, nonspecific complaints. But he had to admit she was the prettiest. And the most determined.

Why, hello, Tyler, she greeted him, with the slight lisp she affected for reasons he couldn’t fathom.

Spring, he returned pleasantly. It wasn’t worth getting into another argument over what he should call her; Miss Mueller would have suited him better, but it always brought on one of her coquettish lectures, and he was too tired today for the rigors of flirtation. He widened the door and stood back to let her pass. How are you—

A sudden crash made them both jolt and Spring whirled around with a little cry of shock. The door to the street hit the inside wall and swung back, butting in the chest the man who burst into the waiting room on a blast of icy air. Boy, Tyler amended on second look, although he was over six feet tall, thin and hatchet-faced, his chin sprouting the beard stubble of an adolescent. Dirty yellow hair shot out on all sides of his head like straw from a haycock. When he spotted Tyler, he shouted, Hey, Doc, come on, quick, come on!

Spring Mueller recoiled. Broom, she cried, what on earth—

Come on! the boy insisted, red-faced, bony limbs twitching as if electrified by violent, uncoordinated jerks. Hurry, come on, quick! He started backing out the door.

Tyler rushed out after him.

A girl was standing in the frozen, rutted road behind a mule-drawn wagon. In the fading light he saw that she was tall and angular, with a woolen shawl around her shoulders that looked too thin for the raw February afternoon. She appeared distraught, alternately wringing her hands and hugging herself to keep warm. When she saw Tyler she took a few steps toward him, stopped, and darted back to the wagon. He spied something small huddled under a blanket on the floor of the wagon bed and hurried closer, thinking it was a child.

But when he pulled the covering away, he started back in consternation. What the hell—! Under the blanket lay a dog.

Shadow’s hurt, babbled the boy named Broom, spraying saliva in a wide, foot-long arc. Fix it, come on!

Tyler dropped the blanket back over the scruffy black mongrel and dusted his hands. I’m a doctor, I don’t fix dogs, he snapped, exasperated—then amused, hearing the sound of wounded pride in his voice. Was anything more fragile, he wondered, than the dignity of a new doctor?

The girl made a grab for his arm when he started to turn away. She let go immediately, but the pleading in her eyes stopped him. I’m sorry, he said more kindly, I’m not a veterinarian. I can’t help you.

"But Shadow’s sick. Help, Doc, come on!" The boy jerked and hitched, arms and legs jumping as if yanked by strings. Acute chorea with possible retardation, Tyler diagnosed automatically. So far the girl hadn’t opened her mouth, and he wondered if she was slowwitted, too.

Holding his gaze, she put her hand on the panting dog’s side, pointed to her own ribs, then back to the dog’s. Broken ribs? he asked reluctantly. She nodded and sent him another entreating look. "Look, I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. I’m a doctor." The excuse was beginning to sound craven even to him. Without warning, her eyes flooded with tears. She twisted away to hide her face—too late—and buried her fingers in the dog’s shaggy coat.


I’ve got a patient, he said gruffly. Bring the animal inside, and I’ll look at it when I have time. Without waiting for an answer, he stalked back into his office.

Spring Mueller’s complaint today was dizzy spells. He listened to her sparse history, looked into her eyes and ears, and told her not to lace her corsets so tight. That brought on a flood of eyelash-batting and fraudulent blushes. Oh, Doctor, she giggled, what a silly goose you must think I am.

He denied it with suave mendacity.

What was the matter with Broom? she asked, buttoning her coat slowly, not ready to be dismissed yet.

Conscious of an odd unwillingness, he told her about the girl and the dog in the wagon.

Oh, Spring said, laughing, that’s Carrie. She’s dumb.

He managed, just barely, to keep his smile in place and said evenly, Not very bright?

No, dumb—you know, mute. She can’t talk. Broom’s always hanging around her. He’s crazy, always has been. People call him Fireman because of the way he spits when he talks. Aren’t they a pair? She laughed again, indulgently.

Tyler thought of the girl’s silent beseeching, and the boy’s agitated loyalty to her. Quite a pair, he agreed quietly.

Spring strolled to the waiting room door and opened it. She looked back over one shoulder, demurely flirtatious. I’m having a little poetry reading at my house on Friday evening, Dr. Wilkes. Just a few people, you know, the cognoscenti of Wayne’s Crossing, she simpered, enjoying the word at the same time she pretended to mock it. Everyone’s going to bring their favorite poem to recite, and I thought—

"Doc, Shadow’s sick. Come on, look at Shadow, okay?"

Spring spun around, startled. Through the waiting room door, Tyler saw Carrie and Broom and the dog, all huddled on the floor beside the coal stove. A strange sight, he supposed, and Spring was visibly offended by it. She turned a look on him that said she was delicately appalled, and shoved her dainty hands into her fur muff.

Thank you for the invitation, he said, moving her toward the outer door with a light hand on her elbow. I’ll let you know in a day or two, may I? Be careful going home, now, I think it’s starting to snow.

Yes, all right, she faltered, thrown off her stride. Well. Good-bye. Ty opened the door for her, and she sailed out with her nose in the air.

The girl was sitting on the floor cross-legged, cradling the dog’s head in her lap. Tyler squatted down beside her, changing a grunt of pain into a hum of doctorly speculation just in time. Is your name Carrie? he asked. She nodded.

I’m Broom!

Hello, Broom. I’m Dr. Wilkes. He reached out a hand to scratch the dog’s ears, murmuring, Good dog, Shadow’s a good dog. The long nose was dry and hot with fever; the bright eyes rolled toward him in a feeble panic. A quick touch told him its ribs were broken. Hold his head, he told the girl, and bent down to press his ear to the side of the dog’s chest. Its lungs were filling with fluid. What happened to him?

Carrie ducked her head.

Did Artemis do it? Broom asked her. She wouldn’t look up. Artemis done it, he said positively.

Who’s Artemis?

Carrie’s pa.

She glanced up then, but Tyler couldn’t read the expression in her eyes. Unusual eyes, troubled, the color of the sky before a violent storm. She’d thrown off her shawl, revealing reddish-blond hair tied back in an artless, disheveled knot. Her clothes were poor and patched, painfully neat, country-plain. But she was pretty, and her long, fine-boned face looked intelligent.

Where do you live, Carrie? he asked. Her cloudy eyes darkened; an awkward moment passed, and then she put her fingertips to her lips. She was about to explain her handicap to him—somehow—and he wondered with a stab of regret what had made him ask her the question, any question, when he’d known she couldn’t answer.

But Broom spoke up for her. Lives on Dreamy. Carrie and her pa, they live up on Dreamy.

Do you? It’s beautiful there, he smiled, hoping she would smile back. But she only nodded in agreement. He laid his hand on Shadow’s grizzled muzzle. Even though his touch was light, the dog let out a weak, fearful snarl. I’ll keep him overnight if you like, he decided. He won’t suffer. I’ll make sure of it.

Her, Broom corrected. Shadow’s a girl dog.

The distress in Carrie’s face lifted at once; she put her fingers on Tyler’s wrist, just for a second, and her mouth curved in a wisp of a smile. Her silent gratitude moved him. He and Broom clambered to their feet at the same moment, constrained by the same refinement of feeling, when she bent her head to Shadow’s and put her lips on the old dog’s temple in a soft kiss. Then she rose, too, in a long, fluid movement at odds with her graceless clothes, blinking back tears.

He told her to come back the next day, and she nodded and thanked him again with her eyes. He stood in the doorway as she walked out to the road and climbed up on the seat of the wagon, settling her worn skirts around her. Bye, Doc! called Broom. Carrie waved, a wan, forlorn twitch of the hand that matched her good-bye smile. She gave the mule a light slap of the reins, and they started off, Broom trotting alongside.

Tyler watched them to the corner at Broad Street until they turned east and disappeared. The low twilight sky looked mean and menacing; the wind blew a gust of sleet in his face. How far up High Dreamer Mountain did the girl have to go? Dreamy, the locals called it; he could see its pine-dark silhouette off to his left, hazy with distance and the milky swirl of snow. He shivered and went back inside, where it was warm.


IT SMELLED LIKE A big snow coming. You could tell by the sky sometimes, but this late in the day you could only tell by the smell. Carrie took a deep breath of damp air, feeling the prickly frozen pinch in her nostrils. The juncos and tree sparrows had been singing all afternoon, and that was another sure sign a storm was coming. How did they always know? She’d had enough of snow, enough of winter, but the sparrows’ music had lifted her heart a little today in spite of everything—for a bird singing on a dark day was a special blessing, and God parceled those out in February pretty sparingly.

Shadow’ll get well, Carrie. That new doc, he’ll fix her up, so don’t worry, okay?

She nodded, pulling on the reins to slow the mule down so that Broom wouldn’t have to walk so fast to keep up. She put her ice-cold hands between her knees, wishing she’d brought her mittens. But she’d left home too fast this afternoon to think about anything except Shadow.

He’s nice, ain’t he? And a good doc, too. Ain’t he, Carrie? Did you see how he touched Shadow? So soft and everything? Remember, Carrie?

She nodded again, remembering it fine. She remembered how tired Dr. Wilkes had looked, as if he didn’t get enough rest. Or food, either—he didn’t have enough flesh on his bones for the size of man he was. But mostly she remembered what kind eyes he had once he’d gotten over being angry because she’d brought him a dog. I’m a doctor, I don’t fix dogs, he’d scolded, mad as anything. But Shadow was lying beside the warm coal stove in his waiting room, and Carrie bet he was tending to her at this very minute.

Broom’s left arm flew up and flapped in the air awhile before it dropped back down to his side. Like somebody hoisting a flag and then deciding against it, thought Carrie. Spring! he burst out all of a sudden, spittle flying. She don’t like me, Carrie, I can tell! You think she likes me? Did you see that fur thing she had? She put her hands in to keep ’em warm, in that little fur thing. Shadow’s nice and warm right now and the doc’s fixing her. I like the doc, don’t you?

Carrie! Hoo-ooo, Carrie Wiggins!

She turned around on the seat, and waved when she saw Eppy Odell coming out of the yard goods store. Eppy was her best friend; her only friend, to tell the truth, except for Broom and Dr. Stoneman. Hauling on Petey’s reins, she stopped and waited for Eppy to hurry along the sidewalk till she caught up to the wagon.

Hello, Broom, said Eppy. She looked plump and pretty in her brown winter coat, like a little mama rabbit.

Hi, Miz Odell. Broom backed away, shy as a turtle, not able to look her in the eye.

Eppy gave a little shake of the head to Carrie, which she knew meant, That boy, I’ll swear. What brings you into town so late, Carrie? she asked.

She started to fumble in her pocket for her notebook and pencil, but Broom found his courage and spoke up for her. Her dog got hurt, and she took it to the doc’s house, and now he’s curing it.

"What’s that? You took your dog to see Dr. Wilkes?"

Carrie spread her hands. I had to, she wished she could say. She was hurt so bad, I couldn’t help her myself.

For goodness sake. Eppy looked like she wanted to laugh, but Carrie thought the expression on her own face must’ve told her not to. You mean the dog’s there now?

Yeah, the doc’s curing her, Broom answered, shuffling his feet, one wild wrist flying.

Well, I declare.

Carrie put her hand on her stomach and raised her eyebrows, asking Eppy how the new baby was.

Oh, fine, we’re fine. I saw Dr. Wilkes myself yesterday, as a matter of fact, and he says October. I told him it better be a boy this time, or Frank’ll leave me for sure.

Eppy laughed, and Carrie smiled, enjoying the sound. Eppy had the best laugh of anyone she knew. And of course she wouldn’t really mind another girl—her fifth—and Frank Odell wouldn’t leave her in a hundred years. Mr. Odell owned the town newspaper, the Clarion; except for Dr. Stoneman, Carrie thought he was probably the smartest man in Wayne’s Crossing.

Carrie, there’s a covered-dish dinner this Saturday in the church basement, and Frank and I want you to go with us.

She nodded thank you and shook her head no.

Eppy clucked her tongue. That’s just what I told Frank you’d say. Why not?

She shrugged, smiled, shook her head again.

Well, it’s too cold to stand here arguing with you. Where’s your coat, anyway? You get on home, it’ll be pitch-dark before you get there as it is. Have you got a lantern? Go on, and Broom, it’s time you got home, too. I’ll talk to you again, Carrie, about Saturday, she warned, waved good-bye, and bustled off toward Truitt Avenue.

Carrie slapped Petey into motion and moved on, thinking how grown up and bossy Eppy was to be only twenty-six years old. Most of the time she acted more like Carrie’s mother than her friend, and she guessed that suited both of them fine.

Is Miz Odell gonna have another baby, Carrie? Broom wanted to know, jogging along beside her again. Let’s you and me have one, okay? We could keep it at my house so Artemis couldn’t get it. Want to? Let’s, Carrie, let’s get one of our own. You could take care of it, and I could … He stopped talking to think, which was rare, and Carrie couldn’t decide if she felt like laughing or crying. Because neither one of them was ever going to get a baby.

All at once Broom stopped in his tracks, and she looked up Cumberland Street to see what he was staring at. Three men were walking toward them, swaggering and laughing, bumping up against each other like overgrown puppies. Even though it was almost dark, she could tell the one in the middle was Eugene Starkey just by the way he moved. She didn’t know anyone else who walked like that, as if he owned the whole town, or maybe the whole world. Uh oh, said Broom. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. He was talking to himself; he didn’t even know she was there anymore. Run away, she wanted to tell him, run away before they see you.

Hey, Fireman!

Too late. The two young men on either side of Eugene broke into jerky runs, mimicking Broom, and before he could flee they had him surrounded, with the wagon at his back.

Hey, Fireman, Lee Burney taunted him, you put out any big ones lately?

Henry Sheffler twitched his arms and waved his hands in Broom’s face, hooting with laughter.

Carrie had seen it so often, suffered something like it herself more times than she could count. She bit her lips, helpless, wanting to shout. Finally she banged her flat hand against the side of the wagon, over and over, until the boys left off tormenting Broom and looked up at her.

Hi, Carrie, they said in singsong voices, nudging each other.

Eugene came up behind them. Evening, Miss Carrie. He tipped his woolen cap and grinned at her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Broom backing away; at the first chance, he whirled around and ran as fast as he could down Broad Street.

What do you say? prompted Eugene. How’s Miss Carrie Wiggins today? You’re looking mighty pretty. Can I go home with you? They all guffawed.

Carrie slapped Petey’s reins, but Eugene reached out and took hold of his harness, stopping him. What’re you doing in town today? he persisted, coming toward her, patting Petey’s rump on the way. Come on, write me one of your little notes.

She frowned at him and shook her head, mad, pointing at the mule. Let me go, Eugene.

Henry, you and Lee go on ahead, I’ll catch up, he instructed without taking his eyes off her. That started them to snickering and teasing, but he ignored them. Go on, I’ll see you at the Duck in a minute. Go on, now. The Duck was the Blue Duck Tavern, where Eugene always went after work. The boys joshed him for a little longer but then they obeyed, as she’d known they would. Eugene was their leader: they always did whatever he said.

When they’d gone off, he moved in closer and laid hold of her right shoe with his hand. Boys didn’t mean nothing with ol’ Broom, Carrie. Honest. Come on, they didn’t hurt him, did they?

She pinched her lips together, disapproving. He looked as if he couldn’t decide whether to keep being nice to her or get mad and say something nasty. She just waited, for it always came to that between them eventually, one way or the other.

Aw, come on, gimme a smile. He gave her worn old shoe a little shake.

Shame on you, she told him with her eyes; but he kept on grinning, trying to charm her. She knew there were lots of girls—Teenie Yingling, for one—who thought he was handsome, and she supposed he was in a way. He was tall and strong and brawny, with thick brown hair he parted in the middle and a wiry mustache he put wax on sometimes. When he wasn’t working at the Wayne Tool and Die, he wore fancy clothes that he went all the way to Chambersburg to buy. Eppy said he was well turned out, which meant, as far as Carrie could tell, that he spent a lot of time in front of the mirror.

Guess what, Carrie, I got promoted today. You’re looking at the new turning department assistant foreman. He stuck one hand through his belt and puffed out his chest. I’m making more money right now than my daddy made farming all his life, and I’m only twenty years old.

She smiled and nodded; but she must not have looked impressed enough, because he finally got the belligerent look on his face that she was much more used to. "What’s your old man make? he demanded, surly. When he’s not falling down drunk, that is. I heard they don’t even let him near the saw anymore at Bone’s Mill, because they’re afraid he’ll cut himself in half, or somebody else. That is one worthless son of a bitch, Carrie, you can’t deny it."

No, she couldn’t deny it; but she wasn’t going to agree with him, either. She pulled her shawl tighter and gave the reins an impatient shake.

Whoa, now, not so fast. He reached for the lead leather again and held it. Stared at it for a few seconds, fingering it, scowling and tongue-tied. Carrie couldn’t have been more surprised when he blurted out, Will you go with me to the Wolf’s Club social on Saturday night? And when his face got dark and mottled-looking, as though he might be blushing, she couldn’t believe her eyes. You could meet me there, or I could come up the mountain and get you, whichever you want. Starts at seven. So, will you go with me?

She looked down at her hands, then back up at Eugene. Slowly and gently, she shook her head.

Why not?

She shrugged, then pulled her notebook out of her pocket! Her fingers were stiff with cold, and it took awhile to write, I just can’t. Thank you for asking.

He folded the paper up after he’d read it and stuffed it in his coat pocket. She thought he’d turn ugly now, but he said almost kindly, Nobody’d make fun of you, Carrie. You’d be with me, and I’d take care of you. Come on, you’d have a good time.

She shook her head again; it was out of the question. But thank you, she tried to say with her smile.

Okay, don’t. He dropped the leather and stepped back. I don’t give a damn, it doesn’t mean shit to me. He slapped Petey’s rump hard, and the wagon jerked forward. The reins slipped off Carrie’s lap, and she had to make a fast grab for them before they could slide over the footboard. Go on home to your daddy, he called after her. She twisted around in the seat, but he was striding away, big arms swinging, and he wouldn’t look back. Why, why was it always like this between them? He could never stay nice for long so why didn’t he just leave her alone? She blew out a frosty, discontented sigh, and turned the mule toward Dreamy Mountain.

It’s beautiful there, Dr. Wilkes had said. She’d known he was a good man before that, but if he thought Dreamy was beautiful, that meant he was also smart. People who lived in town or on farms in the valley liked to make fun of those who lived on High Dreamer, calling them backward and stupid and no account. There were pockets of shiftlessness and ignorance on the mountain, no doubt about that, but if she had a choice she wouldn’t pick anywhere else to live. It was the prettiest place in the world, and except for Artemis’s bad times it was always peaceful. Nobody bothered her because, if you didn’t count the Haights, nobody lived nearby. Best of all, she had her wildlings to take care of, which meant she was never lonesome. Well … sometimes, maybe. But it never lasted long, for there was always work to be done; she didn’t have time to be lonely.

She was only halfway home when it grew too dark to see the road. She didn’t bother lighting the lantern, though, because Petey could see in the dark, even if she couldn’t. He was old but he was surefooted, and he knew there were oats waiting for him at home.

Still, if she hadn’t been late, she’d have lit the lantern anyway so she could see the woods filling up with snow. It was just a dusting now; the leathery brown oak leaves’ edges would be crinkling out of the thin white covering, and everything would be quiet except for the soft whisper of snowflakes hitting the bare tree limbs. There was a mist over everything, and the trees would look like ghosts gliding by. She loved the way her insides felt when she was alone in the woods on the mountain—breathless and sharp, but calm and peaceful, too. It sounded peculiar, but sometimes she felt that same way in the Wayne’s Crossing Lending Library, just thinking about all the books around her, free for the taking. But the snowy woods were even better because there she was alone, and when she was alone she was safe.

She knew when Petey passed the narrow, bumpy turning to the Haights’ house, even though the snow and the mist were too thick now to see through. She couldn’t see the pale yellow firelight in the front window of her own house until she drove all the way into the yard. The silent yard—no Shadow to bark with lazy, stiff-legged joy because she was back. She unhitched Petey and fed him his oats in the dark, then gave his indifferent nose a kiss and closed the rickety lean-to door.

She approached the cabin warily. When she smelled wood smoke, she relaxed a trifle. If Artemis had a fire going, at least he wasn’t blind drunk anymore. But if he was still mean drunk, she’d sleep in the shed with Petey tonight no matter how bitter cold it got.

As soon as she opened the door, she knew from the smell, sour-sweet and stale, that he wasn’t drunk anymore. He’d come to the next stage, the sick, surly, silent stage, when you were safe from his violence but not his temper, and you’d better keep your distance.

He sat hunched in front of the fireplace, his shotgun on his lap, oil can and cleaning rags beside him on the settle. Where’ve you been? He didn’t even turn around to snarl the question. I had to heat up my own supper.

Carrie shook snow from her shawl and hung it on the hook by the door. She was freezing; she wanted to go close to the fire and thaw her stinging hands. Instead she picked up the slate from the table and wrote on it with chalk, Town. He looked around. She held the slate up so he could read it, but didn’t go any nearer.

What for?

She looked at him, careful to keep anger or accusation out of her face. Even sick, his brutish body frightened her, the arms too long and the legs too short. He had hair everywhere except for the top of his head, and sometimes she thought he resembled an animal more than a man. She rubbed out Town and wrote Shadow.

He looked at the word and then back at her. His black eyes burned with some vacant kind of fire, but they didn’t give anything away. Are you sorry at all? she longed to ask. Do you even remember what you did? He turned away without saying a word, and went back to cleaning his gun.

Broom had told Dr. Wilkes this afternoon that Artemis was her pa. She wished now she’d corrected him. He wasn’t her father, he was her stepfather, no blood kin at all. And she was getting scared of him again because his drinking was worse. In the four and a half years since they’d moved to the mountain, he’d always made sure that he got drunk away from the house—in town at the Duck, or on a friend’s front porch, or all by himself in the woods. Until today. Today he’d come home from the mill early with a half-empty jar of whiskey, and instead of falling into bed and sleeping it off like he usually did, he’d kept on drinking. After a while he’d gotten up and stumbled toward the door, to go outside and use the privy. Shadow was deaf and she didn’t hear him, she didn’t get out of his way in time. He tripped over her and almost fell. And then, in a rage, he kicked her all the way across the room.

He leaned his gun against the wall. The butt striking the floor made a sharp thud, and Carrie jumped. Nervous tonight. She sat at the table eating cold potato soup while Artemis took down his Bible and began to read. She washed her bowl and spoon and put them away, then swept the floor and tidied up around the cabin. It was quiet without Shadow. Snow fluttering past the window in the lamplight made her feel shivery cold and scared inside, not joyful.

The minute the mantel clock struck nine, Artemis snapped his Bible shut, went into his room, and closed the door. Without a word, of course. Every great once in a while, she felt so lonesome she almost wished he would talk to her. But he hardly ever did, except to complain about something she hadn’t done. Right now he was kneeling on his frayed rug in his underwear, saying his prayers. In ten minutes, he’d get in bed and immediately start to snore.

She went to the cupboard and took down a small bag of hazelnuts, and another of raisins and dried apples. Next she sliced three pieces of bread and spread butter on them half an inch thick. Throwing her wet shawl over her head, she opened the door without a sound and slipped outside.

The air smelled fresh and piney, and the only sound was the high, icy fall of

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