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The Ambition: A Novel
The Ambition: A Novel
The Ambition: A Novel
Ebook363 pages

The Ambition: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A corrupt judge in a mob murder case. A disillusioned pastor, hungry for power. A cynical reporter, sniffing for a scandal. A gambling addict whose secret tape threatens the lives of everyone who hears it.New York Times bestselling author, Lee Strobel, weaves these edgy characters into an intricate thriller set in a gleaming, suburban megachurch, a big-city newspaper struggling for survival, and the shadowy corridors of political intrigue. The unexpected climax is as gripping as the contract killing that punctuates the opening scene.
Release dateMay 31, 2011

Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel es el galardonado editor legal de The Chicago Tribune y es autor best seller de El caso de Cristo, El caso de la fe, El caso del creador y El caso de la gracia. Posee una licenciatura en periodismo otorgada por la Universidad de Missouri y un master de estudios en leyes otorgado por la Universidad de Yale, Lee ha ganado cuatro medallones de oro por la excelencia en la publicación y es coautor del libro cristiano del año. Se desempeña como profesor de pensamiento cristiano en la Universidad Bautista de Houston Baptist. Su historia ahora se revela en la pelicula cinamatográfica The Case for Christ. Para más información visita el sitio web:

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A complex thriller featuring the mob, a corrupt judge, a disillusioned megachurch pastor, and a cynical reporter. The story features political intrigue and ruthless killing and unfolds in what is mostly a predictable read. This narrative of faith and miracles, of greed and power, will not disappoint. Edgy characters, strong situations, and a twisty plot all combine to create this page-turner.Recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Filled with scandal, corruption, murder and a couple of miracles, The Ambition is definitely a page-turner. Author Lee Strobel puts everything he's got into this first novel that won't disappoint his fans. He has taken his experience in law, journalism and religion to produce quite an entertaining tale. Strobel is a best selling author of Christian non-ficion. His Case books are very popular, though I have not read or heard of them before reading The Ambition. It seems he has quite a big following in the Evangelical Christian community who have found his non-fiction books helpful in their lives.His strong Christian beliefs make there way into this novel as well, which is understandable since it is considered Christian fiction. His characters' beliefs are always shared and there is some preaching (amongst the characters). Though prominent, it doesn't get in the way of the story. In fact, considering the subject matter- it fits. The Ambition is also a thriller. As mentioned previously, there are mob hits, corrupt judges and possible scandals within a large Church. Strobel does a good job of weaving together these two seemingly different genres.I had a couple minor issues. One- there are many characters to keep track of- a pastor looking to leave his church to get into politics, a corrupt judge, a gambling addict who is a disbarred lawyer, and a journalist looking for a story to help keep his paper afloat. I managed to get confused with who was who quite a bit in the beginning. Once I got more into the story, and their importance to the story revealed itself, I no longer had any issues following along with each character.[SPOILERS]Second, I would have liked to seen a little more bad in the good. What I mean is the characters that are supposed to be good guys were and the bad were bad. There wasn't much in the way of surprises in the end. The agnostic becomes a believer, the pastor returns to his flock, the gambler turns to God and the bad guys get caught. [END SPOILERS]All in all, it was an enjoyable read even for someone who doesn't normally read Christian fiction.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An interesting look into discerning when an action is God's will for you and when it is your own ambition providing the motivation.

    This is more of a plot driven novel rather than a character driven one. I can't say there was a particular character that I grew to care about, but I was still turning the pages to see how the author would resolve the story.

    The ending felt a bit rushed to me--almost like there was a page count the author had to adhere to and so he pushed to wrap it up at that point. He did resolve most of the storylines, but left the possibility for a sequel open with Eric Snow's last bit of dialogue.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A corrupt judge in a mob murder case. A disillusioned pastor, hungry for power. A cynical reporter, sniffing for a scandal. A gambling addict whose secret tape threatens the lives of everyone who hears it. New York Times bestselling author Lee Strobel weaves these edgy characters into an intricate thriller set in a gleaming, suburban mega church, a big-city newspaper struggling for survival, and the shadowy corridors of political intrigue. The unexpected climax is as gripping as the contract killing that punctuates the opening scene.Exciting, suspenseful, witty, smart, and very entertaining, this is a great read. Lee Strobel steals the show - yet again - with a compelling and gripping tale. There's a twist at every turn. Good characters and a plot that keeps surprising. The story kept me riveted the ending super-satisfying. It also kept me guessing until the end.I was given this book by Christian Review of Books.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Eric Snow, Pastor, turned polictician, is embattled with a judge of dubious character to claim a set in the U.S. Senate.Newspaper reporter Garry Strider finds intrigues on both sides.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Everyone (well, almost) is familiar with Lee Strobel’s best-selling non-fiction works of Christian apologetics, but his latest release is something quite different – and exciting. The Ambition is Strobel’s first major work of fiction, and though it is written in a genre that I don’t normally read, I was very interested in reading the results of his latest writing efforts. I wasn’t disappointed.When Tom O’Sullivan, a struggling lawyer with a gambling problem, accepts the task of slipping a bribe to a judge, he didn’t know the trouble he was in for. When this same judge turns out to be a forerunner as a replacement for a corrupt senator, things are looking bad. Eric Snow, the pastor of a suburban mega church throws his hat into the ring as a contender, attempting to downplay his spiritual affiliations and essentially denying God’s hand at work. Thrown into the mix are also a strident investigative journalist, struggling through difficult financial times for his paper and trying to dredge up a story to save his job.Written with all the earmarks of a legal/political thriller, Strobel deftly mixes the strands of political ambition, organized crime, legal corruption, and faith into a fast-moving blend that keeps the pages flipping. There are quite a few characters (mostly male) to keep up with, the storylines are thoroughly interwoven, and this testosterone-driven tale is punchy and intense. Drawing upon his own experiences as a journalist and pastor, The Ambition comes across as very realistic – this is the turf Strobel learned to write on after all.Better than solidly written, Strobel shows real potential as a fiction author, and based on the cover style (it reminds me of the Left Behind series packaging) it seems that Zondervan agrees. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see future installments in this same vein from Strobel. More than a passing curiosity (hey, let’s see what Lee Strobel has gotten himself into now), this debut novel is both enjoyable, realistic, and points the way to very real political/faith collisions while asking meaningful questions about priorities.Reviewed at
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely different. Not in a bad way, mind you. Lee Strobel is an amazing author when he is writing his Case books. I love them. My dad has a whole collection of them, that I love to break into from time to time. They are stunning and amazing. But, when he writes fiction, well....let's just say that while his writing is not terrible, it's certainly not as good as I hoped it would be. With that being said, The Ambition's plot is awesome. The way the story line had to flow, with mobs, and megachurches, and politics. Very intriguing to see the way the characters were created for that plot. Each character was interesting and flowed well. I really was captured by the fast pace that this book entailed. The thrills of the book were good, the action was heart pounding and the suspense was fascinating, but for a debut novel, it could use some tuning. Not anything overly bad, just a few minor tweaks here and there with some grammar and issues with wording. I do recommend this book to those of you who love thrillers and politics. The suspense, the intriguing, thought provoking happenings of mobs and megachurches will have you on the edge of your seat with this Lee Strobel novel. Four stars and I am looking forward to another book by this otherwise fantastic author, in hopes that it will be even better! *This eBook was provided for review by Zondervan*
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It politics and christianity all rolled up into one book. Has a good moving plot and the player are very good. Ending has a nice twist to it. Enjoyed very much
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received a copy of Lee Strobel's fiction book The Ambition for review. I did not know about this author so I was not aware that he wrote non fiction christian books. This first novel is full of colorful characters, including a corrupt judge, a few Chicago mobsters,and an Evanglical pastor with political aspirations. The main character is a reporter trying to get the big story, one that will help him keep his job and advance his career. There are a few different side stories that are all pulled together by the end of the book. At first I had a difficult time reading this book as there were so many characters introduced that is was hard to remember who was who. After a few chapters I was hooked though. Fast paced and suspenseful, this book will appeal to all fans of the mystery genre with a bit of miracles and the mob thrown in.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I tripped over this in my library search for new mysteries/thrillers in audio books. I never heard of the author but love the reader (Scott Brick) so I gave it a whirl. And I enjoyed it enormously. Good characters, good story - what more do I need. An evangelist and a judge are contenders to fill a Senate term abandoned by the guy elected. A reporter is thrown into the mix. The story hangs together with all the needed credibility.

    I'm sorry Strobel does no have more mystery/thrillers in his list o' books. I'd read 'em all.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    THE AMBITION by Lee Strobel is an intriquing suspense fiction set in Chicago. It is written with depth and details. It has deceit,danger,death,the mob,payoffs, power,politics,bribes,contract killing,secrets,Senate candidate's and their secrets.This story if full of political intrigue,a megachurch,a big city newspaper,all the while taking you into the corrupt world of payoffs,corruption,and betrayal. It will have you on the edge of your seat.This is a thriller that is not to be missed as newspaper reporter Garry Strider probes into the world of justice,and corruption all while struggling to survive. The author weaves an exciting thriller with edgy characters and a powerful climax that will leave you breathless. A must read. This book was received from the Nancy Berland Public Relations,Inc.for the purpose of review.Details can be find at Zondervan and My Book Addiction Reviews.

Book preview

The Ambition - Lee Strobel


No one would expect him here. Not at the house of an estranged half-brother few knew existed, all the way out on the rural fringes of Cook County. Not when he had so carefully let it be known around town that he was heading for a long vacation at his condo in Boca Raton.

Pulling up the stubby driveway, he was pleased that the two-car garage was open and empty, dimly lit by a full moon. Shadows welcomed him to this shabby sanctuary. Until he could sort things out, until he could figure out a way to convince the Bugatti brothers that he hadn’t stiffed them on his street tax (well, maybe a little), he just wanted to lay low.

He exited the car and moved toward the side door that led into the house, wondering if he should’ve closed the garage first. What he should’ve done, he thought, is bring something to eat — he doubted his road-warrior bro kept a stocked fridge. Surely, though, he’d have a few cold ones waiting.

Out of the corner of his eye, a blur streaked toward him; the sound was like the striking of a match. The impact of the hollow-point bullet lifted him off his feet, sprawling him into three plastic trash bins along the garage wall.

The bookie was dead before he pitched forward, his head thudding face down at the feet of a hooded Nick Moretti. Something like moonlight spilled through the small window and illuminated a tight smile.

The job was done.




As he walked toward the metal detector in the lobby of the Cook County Criminal Courts building, Tom O’Sullivan’s heart pounded so hard and so fast and so loud that he was almost afraid a sheriff’s deputy would hear it. Or that someone would notice the sweat on his upper lip. Or that a security guard’s suspicion might be aroused by his awkward smile, a rather transparent attempt to act naturally.

Through the years, Thomas Ryan O’Sullivan III, attorney at law, had entered the squat, concrete building on Chicago’s West Side countless times to defend drug dealers and second–rate thugs charged with felonies. But this time was different; today this scion of a once–powerful political family was coming to commit an egregious crime of his own.

A sheriff’s deputy picked up Tom’s attaché case from where he’d dropped it on a table for inspection. The deputy made brief eye contact with him; there was a glimmer of recognition, and the officer didn’t even bother to open the case. Tom had counted on the fact that attorneys warrant only casual attention from the security force, especially frequent visitors like himself.

G’morning, counselor, the deputy said with a nod, handing Tom the briefcase after he emerged from the metal detector.

Tom didn’t linger. Have a good one, he said, grabbing his case with one hand and scooping his watch and car keys from the plastic container with his other. He turned and walked briskly toward the elevator. His footsteps echoed loudly in the cavernous hall, and he forced himself to slow down.

Is the deputy still watching me? Should I have shot the breeze for a few minutes? What about the security cameras — will anyone watch where I’m going?

Reaching the elevator, Tom glanced back toward the entrance. The deputy was busy patting down a defendant who had arrived for trial. Tom sighed deeply, shoved his personal effects into his pocket, and pushed the call button. He took out a handkerchief and dabbed at the perspiration from under the modest wave of reddish–brown hair that swept across his forehead.

How many times, he wondered, had his father dispatched thugs — the kind Tom usually represented — on clandestine missions like this? It was the first time he had ever allowed himself such a thought. He preferred to remember his dad the way he saw him while growing up — powerful, connected, warranting universal recognition and admiration.

He tried to suppress memories of the way his father’s life ended — the dishonor and ignominy, their entire family buried in humiliation. And now, here he was, wallowing in the same corruption — the last place he ever expected to find himself.

More than anything, Tom wanted to run, to hide, to escape, to call off everything. But he knew he had no choice. And in a twisted way, that provided some comfort. The decision had been made. There could be no backing out. The consequences of abandoning his assignment went beyond his imagination.

He gave his lapels a yank to straighten out the gray pinstripe suit. The only thing he could do at this point was to concentrate on not getting caught.


Garry Strider threw himself into a maroon vinyl booth at Gilke’s Tap. The usual, he called over to the bartender. Just keep ‘em coming, Jerry.

The place was virtually empty. Jerry glanced at his watch — a little after three — and let out a low whistle. He hustled together a J&B Scotch with a splash of water and brought it over, slipping into the seat across from his long–time customer.

Had lunch? Jerry asked. Want a burger?

Strider didn’t hear the questions. "It’s unbelievable. Unbelievable!" he said, gulping his drink.

For seventeen years, Jerry had run a hole–in–the–wall tavern strategically located between the offices of the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Examiner. During that time he had learned more about newspapers than most ivory tower journalism professors would ever know.

For him, the clues on this particular day were obvious: it was mid–afternoon in the first week of April and the chief investigative reporter of the city’s second largest paper looked like he should be on suicide watch.

So, said Jerry. The Pulitzers were announced.

Strider downed the rest of his drink and removed his wire–rim glasses, tossing them on the table and massaging the bridge of his nose, his eyes shut.

We worked eighteen months on that series, he said, more to himself than to Jerry. "We proved that lousy forensic work by the Chicago police lab had tainted dozens of criminal cases. Scores of cases. Two guys were released from death row. Seven cops resigned; a grand jury is investigating. We may nail the chief yet. We won every award in the state. What more do we have to do?"

Jerry knew more drinks were in order. He stepped behind the bar while Strider kept talking. "And who do they give it to? The Miami Journal for a series on nursing homes. C’mon — nursing homes? Who even cares, except in Florida?"

Jerry shoved another drink into Strider’s hand and plopped down a bowl of pretzels.

You remember Shelly Wilson, Strider continued. The redhead? Nice legs?

Oh, yeah, I had to pry the two of you apart a couple of times. Strider shot him a sour look. Don’t tell me she won it.

She was an intern when I hired her, Strider said. "I taught her everything — undercover work, public records, Internet research, milking informants. Maybe I taught her too well — she dumped me and ran to the Journal when they offered her more money and her own team. And now she screws me again."

Jerry shook his head. He felt terrible for his friend. For as long as he had known him, all of Strider’s focus had been on winning a Pulitzer — although Strider had never come right out and admitted it.

They both knew it: a Pulitzer turbo–charges a career like nothing else. It means a shot at the New York Times or Washington Post. It becomes a proud label for the rest of a reporter’s life: "In his commencement address at Harvard University, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Garry Strider said yesterday that blah, blah, blah …" It would have been in the lead of his obit someday.

Most importantly, bagging the Pulitzer would have gotten John Redmond off Strider’s back. Hard–driving and relentlessly arrogant (and, yes, recipient of a Pulitzer back in 1991), Redmond demanded big results from Strider’s three–person investigative unit. His willingness to let Strider spend month after month pursuing a single series of articles was predicated on him bringing home a prestigious Pulitzer for the paper.

Now that he had failed — again — to win the big one, it was unclear what the future would hold. Would he get one more chance? Newspapers were cutting investigative reporters around the country. When tough economic times hit, they were often the first to go.

You told Gina yet?

Strider slipped on his wire–rims. Yeah, I called her. She listened; she sympathized. What else could she do? Then she said she had some news of her own. He polished off his drink, holding out the glass for another refill. Unbelievable.


On the fourth floor of the Criminal Courts Building, Tom O’Sullivan walked up to the door of Chief Judge Reese McKelvie’s courtroom. He grabbed the brass handle — then paused, shutting his eyes tightly.

How did he get to this point? How did everything go so terribly wrong?

He was such an unlikely candidate for something like this. For much of his life, he had lived a golden existence — never having to work hard, never having to worry about his future. In Chicago, the O’Sullivan name had been the key to opening any door that was worth going through.

The O’Sullivan legacy went back to his great–grandfather, Ryan, who emigrated from Ireland in 1875 and bullied his way into a job as an organizer for the new American Federation of Labor.

Ryan’s eldest son, Big Tom O’Sullivan, was the first to make a mark on Illinois politics. Gregarious and brash, conniving and charismatic, Big Tom scratched his way through law school and then gained notoriety by successfully defending six Irish teenagers who had been framed for a killing committed by an off–duty cop. When the alderman of his heavily Irish Ward died of cancer, Big Tom rode a wave of popularity into office.

Over time, he systematically consolidated power. The street smarts he had garnered at the knee of his father, mixed with his larger–than–life personality, made him an irresistible leader. His lock on Ward politics continued until his death in 1957.

His son — Tom’s father — blended seamlessly into the Ward’s political machine during the last several years of Big Tom’s life, but his ambitions were loftier. The year after his father’s death, Tommy Junior was elected to the Illinois General Assembly.

Though not as affable or loquacious as his father, he was equally adept at manipulating the levers of power. After three terms, he easily advanced to the state Senate, where he gained control of key committees dealing with appropriations and transportation.

Growing up an O’Sullivan in Chicago meant every door flew open for Tommy Junior’s namesake son, his only male heir. Tom had learned quickly that mediocrity was more than sufficient in a world that revolved around his well–connected dad.

He partied through college and used his father’s clout to get into law school. But then everything collapsed overnight when the Examiner disclosed that Tom’s father had been caught sponsoring a fetcher bill — a proposed law whose only real purpose was to negatively impact a particular industry so that it would fetch a payoff in return for killing the legislation.

Headlines came fast and furious as allegations multiplied. Contractors told the grand jury that Tommy Junior had steered highway construction projects to friends in return for a piece of the action. It was classic Illinois pay to play corruption.

Before long, the investigation, led by Debra Wyatt, a bulldog federal prosecutor intent on making a name for herself, spread like cancer. The senator never discussed the investigation with Tom or his sisters. The closest he came was one morning when he walked into the kitchen and found them reading the Examiner.

Lies, he muttered without looking up. Wyatt wants to be governor — that’s what this is about.

Then came the seventeen–count indictment: mail fraud, tax evasion, extortion, racketeering. Tommy Junior’s health collapsed. And that’s when prosecutors turned up the heat. Come into the grand jury, Wyatt whispered in his ear, and implicate every friend. We’ll cut you a deal.

Not a soul expected him to turn state’s evidence — until a story by Garry Strider, based on a leak from prosecutors, landed on the front page of the Examiner, alleging that the senator had agreed to tell everything.

The leak was a lie, designed to chase away Tommy Junior’s friends so he’d feel isolated and more likely to testify against his colleagues. He could’ve shouted from the top of the John Hancock Center that he wasn’t cooperating with the authorities and nobody would have believed him. His fate as the biggest pariah in state politics was sealed. But within seventy–two hours of the story hitting the streets, Thomas Ryan O’Sullivan Jr. was stricken by a massive heart attack. Tom still blamed Debra Wyatt and the Examiner for hounding his father into an early grave.

Tom barely made it through law school and still wasn’t sure how he’d done it. The O’Sullivan name became political poison. He passed the bar on his first attempt, but then nobody would hire him. He ended up opening his own office and taking run–of–the–mill criminal cases — anything to pay the bills.

Only one thing still reminded him that he was alive — gambling. The thrill of placing the bet, the rush of eternal optimism that this one was it — this horse, this hand, this roll of the dice. Only he was losing more and more, the price steeper as his financial hole deepened. Now, as he swung open the Chief Judge’s heavy oak door, he was taking the biggest gamble of his life. And the odds, he feared, were stacked against him.


Jerry’s coffee did a pretty good job of clearing the buzz in Garry Strider’s head. The walk through the cool air to the front of his DePaul area townhouse helped too. But opening the door and seeing the living room couch made into a bed — well, that’s what finally jolted him back to full mental acuity.

Uh, Gina? he called, closing the door behind him.

She emerged from their bedroom, carrying a pillow and a newly laundered pillowcase. Her fresh–faced beauty still startled him at times — how did he get so lucky? Strider braced himself, figuring she was going to lambaste him for his drinking binge. Instead, she smiled and greeted him with a quick kiss on the cheek.

Hi, Strider, she said — everyone called him that. I’m really sorry about the Pulitzer thing. Honestly, they’re idiots. You okay?

Total disaster, he said. Someone spending the night?

Gina clad the pillow and tossed it onto the couch. Honey, no. Listen, we should talk. You eaten? There’s lasagna I can heat up.

What’s with the couch, then?

You want a sandwich?

I want to know about the couch. What’s going on?

Gina sighed and eased her slender form onto the sofa’s edge. Look, sit, she said. Strider lowered himself into a recliner. She thought for a moment, then gestured toward the makeshift bed. This is for me.

Before Strider could interrupt, she added: Now, don’t get all excited. This isn’t the end of the world. I just think, well, that we should cool it a bit — at least physically. Not forever — just until … well, if we get married.

For Strider, this did not compute. "What is this — the 1950’s? We’ve lived together for nearly a year! Suddenly, you don’t want to sleep together? If this is pressure to get married — "

No, it’s not that. I mean, yeah, you know I’d like to get married. But I’m realizing that we shouldn’t continue to be, um, intimate until it’s, like, y’know — official. It’s just … what I feel.

When he didn’t respond, Gina continued. Strider, I love you. I’m sorry this comes on such a bad day for you. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be together; I’m just saying we shouldn’t be sharing the same bed anymore. Not for a while.

So you’re going to live out here?

She sighed. No, I’m moving in with Kelli and Jen.

"You’re leaving?" Strider rose to his feet, his eyes riveted to her.

No, I’m not leaving you. She stood to face him. "I want us to be together — just not living together. Not until we get married — and I’m ready to do that whenever you are. This isn’t about breaking up; it’s about doing what’s right."

"What’s right?" That heightened Strider’s suspicions. Where is this coming from? Is this about the church that Kelli’s been dragging you to? Is that what this is about?

Tears pooled in Gina’s eyes. She hated it when Strider raised his voice to her; it reminded her of her father’s drunken tirades when she was growing up. The last thing she wanted to do was cry.

Softened by seeing her tears, Strider pulled her toward himself. Babe, what’s this about? he asked in a gentler tone. She hugged him back, and now the tears flowed.

I know … everybody lives together, she said between sobs. She kept her head on his shoulder; it seemed easier to talk without looking him in the face. But I’ve just been thinking a lot about relationships and love and sex — the pastor at Kelli’s church has been teaching on it, and I think he’s right about some things. I don’t want to lose you, Garry. Let’s just try it this way for a while. Please?

Strider was seething, but he knew enough not to argue with Gina when she was emotional like this. And he didn’t blame her, really — she was still young, impressionable. No, what he wanted to know was who this sanctimonious preacher was to butt into their lives? What kind of fundamentalist garbage was he peddling?

Please, she whispered.

Strider didn’t know what to say. Gina … He pulled away slightly, holding her by her shoulders and looking her in the eyes. Gina, it’s not the right time for this.

There’s never a right time. But let’s work this out. It’s not the end — just a new phase.

Strider drank in the sight of her. Man, she was beautiful! Those deep brown eyes. He loved the way her short–cropped dark hair, tinged with auburn, fell so naturally into a perfect tousled look. He knew right then that he didn’t want to lose her, but didn’t know if it was within his power to keep them together.

In many ways, they were an unlikely pair. They had met two years earlier when Gina, an elementary teacher who had penned a few short stories in college, dropped by a workshop at Loyola University that she thought was going to be about creative writing. But the seminar, sponsored by the Examiner, actually was focused on writing articles for newspapers and magazines.

Strider, the main speaker, regaled the audience with insider stories about his colorful exploits at the paper, never failing to emerge as the hero of his own tales. She would later admit that she thought he was arrogant; spotting her in the small crowd, he thought she was pretty and insightful, asking the most provocative questions of the morning.

Afterward, he sought her out for coffee. He felt more comfortable with her away from the spotlight, chatting at length about her interest in teaching and writing. They talked about their favorite books (his: All the President’s Men, the catalyst that fueled his interest in investigative reporting when he was in college; hers: To Kill a Mockingbird, which she’d discovered in high school and restored her hope in human dignity and justice).

They laughed easily, the pauses in their conversation pregnant rather than awkward. The difference in their ages — she was twenty–nine; he was forty–one — seemed to evaporate.

Gina had been attracted to his slightly disheveled appearance — his corduroy sports coat was a little rumpled, his burgundy tie a bit outdated, his blue jeans shapeless, his wire rims unfashionable. But his stories about his adventures as a reporter — well, she had to admit they were pretty exciting. So when he asked her to dinner for that evening, she didn’t hesitate — and from there, the relationship grew.

After the succession of cynical colleagues Strider had dated — users like that conniving Shelly Wilson — he found Gina to be surprisingly different: honest and sincere and genuinely caring. She brought such vibrancy and optimism into his life — and, as it turned out, she was the only woman who could put a governor on his impulsiveness and outbursts of anger. If she were a little naïve because of the age difference, then so be it.

When Gina moved into his townhouse about a year after they met, she became an anchor for his life. Over time she transformed his chaotic bachelor lair into a cozy, welcoming refuge from the oppressive stress of the Examiner newsroom. For Strider, Gina was much more than just a warm and generous and attentive lover; she really was the best friend he’d ever had.

No, he thought to himself as they stood facing each other in his living room, he didn’t want to lose her. He knew that with as much certainty as he knew anything.

I’ll tell you what, he said finally. I’ll sleep on the couch.

Gina smiled, pulling his face toward hers and giving him an enthusiastic kiss. Honey, this is the right thing. You’ll see.

Strider smiled back — weakly — and turned to walk toward the kitchen. I’ll take that lasagna, he said. We can discuss this more in the morning.

The whole situation left Strider confused. Gina had grown up in a large Italian family. Catholicism was part of the package. She always seemed so casual, comfortable even, whenever anything about God or religion came up — no big deal. He, on the other hand, remained indifferent to the whole notion of personal faith, deterred by the hypocrisy he read about in the paper whenever the latest scandal broke around some wayward church leader. But their religious beliefs had never gotten in the way of their relationship.

Why this all of a sudden? What educated, thinking person would adhere to these archaic beliefs in the 21st century? What else was she being force–fed at that sprawling, ultra–modern cathedral in suburban Diamond Point?

Strider had seen Pastor Eric Snow, founder of Diamond Point Fellowship, interviewed on national media several times — he was one of the most prominent evangelical leaders in the country, glib and self–assured, his hair combed just a little too perfectly.

And he continued to get more and more ink lately as he ventured out of the pulpit and increasingly into the public square. President George W. Bush had sought his counsel on a regular basis. He had successfully campaigned for a few select ballot initiatives pushed by the governor, and he gained statewide acclaim as something of an economic whiz when he co–chaired a task force on urban transportation issues.

His congregation had a reputation for being upscale, which made sense based on how much the guy had made in the dot–com world before shifting focus to ministry. His church was known for running with the clock–like efficiency of a high–tech Japanese factory — more like a NASDAQ corporation than a ministry.

Strider suddenly smiled to himself. There was one other thing that he knew as well: some twenty years

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