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Cosmic Communications From The Orgattans
Cosmic Communications From The Orgattans
Cosmic Communications From The Orgattans
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Cosmic Communications From The Orgattans

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Cosmic Communication from the Ogattans is a record of on-going interaction with a non-Earth civilization by psychic people in Melbourne, Australia. Conversations through mediums have been recorded and actual physical meetings described. Physical phenomena caused by extraterrestrials present evidence confirming the reality of a cosmic civilization already interacting on Earth.
Release dateAug 7, 2013
Cosmic Communications From The Orgattans

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    Cosmic Communications From The Orgattans - Dr Ian Gordon


    Chapter 1

    Original Contact with the Ogattans

    Dr Greta Woodrew introduced us to the worlds of the Ogattans. The people from that distant group of 5 planets revolving around two suns in another galaxy, began to communicate with Greta and her family in a significant way in 1976. The first part of this story she told in her book: On a Slide of Light, while the major revelations and experiences were presented in 1988 as Memories of Tomorrow, published by Dolphin Doubleday.

    Dr Woodrew’s psychic abilities had been well proven in university experiments and through her role at Lab Nine at Ossining with Dr Andrija Puharich. But communications with the Ogattans went far beyond those experiments. She became a unique medium.

    Initially that contact was at Dr Puharich’s property at Ossining. There Greta learned what it was to channel as Andrija placed her in a hypnotic state and beings could communicate directly through her, speaking to Dr Puharich. These ranged from someone who could speak in Arabic, to someone who spoke English but from a galaxy far away, who called himself Hshames. He was the first of many from the Ogatta system to speak through her. They included Ogatta, the leader of that civilization, Tauri, who presented as a younger, exciting very wise female, Zeoker, a botanist, Omee with a special interest in birds, and Cjork who helped with healing. There were many others who were met as Greta astral travelled or went in meditation to visit Ogatta.

    The Ogattans used physical phenomena to prove their reality. Many of these were demonstrated in the Woodrew house. They included things like moving a grand piano from one room to anotherp.152, gradually changing the shape of a statue of an Ogattan, commissioned as a gift by her children, controlling the position of clouds on request, and the plethora of cutlery and key bending situations in both restaurants and at home. They even spelled out the word Ogatta in the skyp.53 as if created by an advertising aircraft. On numerous occasions they would materialize objects from Ogatta, such as feathers, birds, plants and the like. But the most remarkable manifestation was that of an energy pellet used to power their craft. On one occasion when Greta and husband Dick were visiting Dr Puharich, Tauri spoke through Greta explaining that she was making energy pellets for their craft at a way station on the asteroid called Vesta. Puharich asked for more information and Greta in trance held out her hand while a pellet the size of a lima bean materialized. Puharich was amazed that anything could penetrate his copper shielded room. He asked permission to have the pellet tested. This was subsequently done at a Canadian laboratory, where the analysis indicated: Not of any known origin.p.41.

    Another impressive demonstration of their presence was when the Ogattans conducted healing. This included a gentle healing of Dick’s arm which had been injured in a fall, by sprinkling it with a sweet smelling firna and surrounding his arm with a gentle vibrationp.63. A more startling incident was when a guest was scolded by steaming hot coffee, immediately inflaming and puckering the skin in a pre-blister condition. Greta prepared herself, then passed her hands several times over the scalded arm of her friend Herb, while husband Dick assisted in sending energy to her. The burn was removed immediatelyp104. On another occasion, the Ogattans took over Greta’s body to show how to conduct a major healing including the energies of a group gathered around. That process radically changed the circulation of a man who was due to have his painful legs amputated pp 105-107. The Ogattans Zeoker and Cjork took over Greta’s body on another occasion to cure a man’s prostate cancer. They even materialized medication which they indicated would solve a patient’s problemp 108.

    Naturally, another important theme in Greta’s writing was UFOs, or Gattae as the Ogattans called their vessels. In chapter 25 of Memories of Tomorrow, she compiled a history of the UFO phenomena as she understood it up to the time of her writing. It is comprehensive and challenging. But more personally she described her own flights on the gattae in her childhood and then in later years how they brought one of their own vessels in close for Dick to see on his birthdayp.177. It also became apparent that Greta could travel astrally to visit with the Ogattans – and other civilizations.

    All these experiences Greta saw as preparation for her work of sharing information about extraterrestrial life. Indeed she was being urged by the Ogattans to write and speak extensively about them. The real purpose of this was to allay human fears about extraterrestrials, given the expectation that they would be visiting planet Earth to provide help and understandingsp.185. However, the Ogattans indicated that they had a different vibration and could not arrive until people could cope with that. The timing of their visits was always described in terms of a situation of great planetary changes and great need of help by humanity.

    It is probably the predictions which have caused most confusion for readers of the books and the newsletter: Woodrew Update. At the time of her writing, the theme of Earth changes and devastation for humanity was common among new age people and writers, spiritual channellers and many would-be gurus. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the key thought for many was: Cataclysm is coming.

    Greta went into this in considerable detail, being specific about the extent and timing of this coming cataclysm. In the early years of her involvement, Greta worked with Dr Andrija Puharich at Ossining and associated with ‘the space kids’ who were influenced by the Geller Phenomena. Puharich was convinced from the channelling of his associates, that those cataclysmic changes would occur before the end of the twentieth centuryp.32 and be so devastating that 40% of the Earth’s population could be destroyed in the Earth Changes and their consequences. This Greta also proclaimed with fearless confidence: significant climate changes, volcanic eruptions and earth movements so great there would be changes to coastlines and sea levels, devastation in cities and upheaval to normal life. She even saw a meteor or similar crashing into the earth contributing to the devastation. Such things were seen as the prelude for the arrival of visitors from space who would come with support and technology to help humanity recover. The change was seen as ultimately beneficial and leading to a more peaceful Earth.

    Many changes were seen to be already in progress, characterized by climate change, increasingly more powerful seismic activity, and perhaps a changing humanity – though the continuation of wars, deprivation, and starvation seems to belie that. The continued appearances of UFOs, claims by ‘contactees’ and apparent telepathic contact with extraterrestrials, also suggest that the contact with civilizations from elsewhere in the universe is in progress.

    The dilemma is that the scale and timing of changes as presented by Dr Woodrew did not occur prior to the millennium as she proclaimed. Nor were there the predicted mass landings of people from other civilizations. Where does that leave us?

    I don’t doubt that contact with the Woodrew family by the Ogattans was real. The problem is that there is a cloud over her specific predictions, particularly when she urged people to prepare for the worst by creating sanctuaries for themselves and stockpiling food and family requisites. Greta and Dick Woodrew (Smolowe) developed a significant retreat centre which they called Reisha Way in the western mountains of North Carolina. Their ‘Star House’ became a research centre, teaching centre and retreat. But eventually Greta and Dick moved back to a coastal community for retirement and the Woodrew Updates ceased publication. Greta, who was convinced she would have a role in mediating between the landed extraterrestrials and mankind, died on September 1st 2010 without that fulfilment.

    So, about the predictions…

    The first thing we have to note is that predictions are extensions of present circumstances. If the basis of the circumstances which creates the prediction change, then the prediction itself must also change or disappear. This covers a lot of parameters – not the least of which is the nature of Humanity. Tauri, a bright young Ogattan, said that if Humanity could change its consciousness in an instant, the scenario would changep.193. Perhaps an instantaneous transformation has not occurred, but certainly waves of energy have been sent around the globe by many groups simultaneously on occasions such as 11-11-11, and December 2012. Many groups reported sensing vibrating energies both on special occasions and incidentally at other times. For me that has been noticing my chest vibrating when I wake up, or drops of water splashing on me, both in the house and when walking on a clear day. Increasing vibrations to

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