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Up All Night
Up All Night
Up All Night
Ebook159 pages1 hour

Up All Night

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A brush with the supernatural?

A rock concert?

A reunion?

A poolside revelation?

The need to know what's up?

The confessions of a friend?

The dream of escape?

A sick pet?

An English assignment?

The rear-window view of a murder next door?

The search for the mother you never met?

What keeps you up all night?
Release dateOct 6, 2009
Up All Night

Peter Abrahams

Peter Abrahams is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty-five books, including the Edgar Award-winning Reality Check, Bullet Point, and the Echo Falls series for middle graders. Writing as Spencer Quinn, he is also the author of the Chet and Bernie series—Dog on It, Thereby Hangs a Tail, and To Fetch a Thief. He and his wife live in Massachusetts with their dog, Audrey.

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Rating: 3.3833333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Some fairly good a couple dreadful. Short stories have never really been my favorite though.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This had a great mixture of stories. I was a wee bit disappointed, because I thought there would be some supernatural/paranormal situations in it, but there really weren't. Otherwise, the stories were good, a series of different situations teenagers may face.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A somewhat disunified collection of night-time short stories that nonetheless houses several distinguished and welcome YA authors, and several worthy stories. I particularly enjoyed David Levithan's and Peter Abrahams' contributions--two very different stories that both attest to the scope of Geringer's editorial brainchild, and to its overly broad shortcomings.I didn't understand Gene Luen Yang's comic, I admit it.

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Up All Night - Peter Abrahams


Dear Reader,

When I was a teen, my favorite short stories often had to do with moments of wonder and amazement, when a single revelation transformed a character literally overnight. The tales were as varied as their tellers, but the theme that drew me was the same: Something kept the hero or heroine up all night; and at the end of the vigil that individual (for better or for worse) was never the same again.

In some cases a soul had been lost, in others found. Or innocence had been lost or perhaps regained. Or the power of speech had been sacrificed. Or a shift of perception had offered salvation when it was least expected. Always, something had irrevocably changed, between sunset and sunrise during the quiet hours when most mortals were fast asleep.

Those stories I loved—by Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hans Christian Andersen, Lafcadio Hearn, E.T.A. Hoffman, and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm—linger still in my mind and heart. If you too tend to be nocturnal by nature, or even if you don’t, I recommend them to you.

I also recommend to you one of the greatest of all insomniac writers, Loren Eiseley, whose essay The Judgement of the Birds tells of his experience one night on the twentieth floor of a midtown hotel in New York City when, alone in the dark, he grew restless and on an impulse, opened the curtains: I…peered out. It was the hour just before dawn, the hour when men sigh in their sleep, or, if awake, strive to focus their wavering eyesight upon a world emerging from the shadows…. The light was being reflected from the wings of pigeons who, in utter silence, were beginning to float outward upon the city. In and out…passed the white-winged birds on their mysterious errands. At this hour the city was theirs, and quietly, without the brush of a single wing tip against stone in that high, eerie place, they were taking over the spires of Manhattan…. As I crouched half asleep across the sill, I had a moment’s illusion that the world had changed in the night, as in some immense snowfall…. To and fro went the white wings, to and fro. There were no sounds from any of them. They knew man was asleep and this light for a little while was theirs. Or perhaps I had only dreamed about man in this city of wings…. Perhaps I, myself, was one of these birds, dreaming….

Each of the stories in this collection presents in its own way what Loren Eiseley described so beautifully in that passage from The Immense Journey—a moment of vision from an inverted angle, a time when, by chance or intention, a human stood sleepless upon the border of two worlds at an hour when others were unconscious, and miraculously caught a brief transformative glimpse into the depths.

In Peter Abrahams’s Phase 2, a brush with the supernatural works in mysterious ways as an agent of change in the lives of two children who have lost their father. In Libba Bray’s Not Just for Breakfast Anymore, a rock concert evening of breathless misadventure and an underwater revelation bring unexpected rewards. In David Levithan’s The Vulnerable Hours, the simple question What’s up? paves a winding road to a reciprocal moment between two lonely seekers of truth. In Orange Alert, by Patricia McCormick, going too far cuts both ways in a sudden and highly satisfying reversal of power. In Sarah Weeks’s Superman Is Dead, the impact of the death of a pet, a divorce, the birth of a stepbrother, and an imagined murder come together in a loss of innocence that is all too poignantly real. In Gene Luen Yang’s The Motherless One, the age-old question Why was I born? becomes Monkey’s quest and obsession, ironically causing the legendary character to ignore the signposts nature offers all around him and come dangerously close to losing the very life he is seeking to understand.

It gives me the greatest pleasure to have the masterful storytellers represented here gathered in one volume. Inspired by their narratives of a single night that matters, I invite you to write your own short story.

I hope you enjoy these unusual tales, as I have, and that whatever you select to take from them stays with you for many days and nights to come, waking and dreaming.

Laura Geringer

Publisher, Laura Geringer Books


Isaac Asimov’s Nightfall

Richard Connell’s The Most Dangerous Game

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

Ernest Hemingway’s A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

James Joyce’s The Dead

Guy de Maupassant’s Night: A Nightmare

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart


Peter Abrahams

Counting the hours, my dad wrote in his last email. Exactly forty-six more and I’m out of this godforsaken place. Phase Two begins! Love you all." All meaning Mom, my eleven-year-old brother, Neddy, and me, Lara.

Hey Mom, I said. An email from Dad.

Is everything all right? Mom said, hurrying over from whatever she was doing, the laundry maybe—laundry, I remembered at that moment, that I’d promised to take care of before school. For some reason, Mom just couldn’t get used to these emails coming in real time from a war zone, got alarmed whenever one turned up in the in-box. She leaned over my shoulder for a closer look at the screen, a bottle of spot remover in her hand. I was aware of her eyes tracking the words, could feel her concentration, so intense.

What’s the time difference again? Mom said.

Thirteen hours? I said. Or maybe with turning back the clocks it’s—

Why can’t you guys get this? said Neddy, doing his homework at the kitchen table. He glanced at his watch. It’s eight thirty-five A.M. over there, A.M. tomorrow.

That’s good, said Mom.

What is? I said.

That it’s already tomorrow, Mom said.

For God’s sake, said Neddy. Forty-six hours is forty-six hours. Probably the very words Dad would have said, but they wouldn’t have sounded so annoying coming from him. Dad had a real gentle voice, deep but soft. Neddy’s voice had a grating undertone even when he was in a good mood. But he and Dad both had that precise way about them, a precision you could see in Dad’s email, how the grammar was always right and all the letters that should have been capitalized were. That precision was what made him such a great pilot. Nobody had told me that—I just knew. Once, when I was really little and we still lived on the base, Dad took me up in an old World War Two P-39, let me sit on his lap while he flew. Somehow his hands on the controls looked intelligent, as though each contained a tiny brain, thinking about every movement. I felt so safe, like the sky was my natural element. He even did a few barrel rolls, just to hear me laugh. Dad liked my laugh, for some reason. Where’d Lara get a laugh like that? he’d say.

Mom went to the calendar on the fridge door. So forty-six hours from now means Thursday at six thirty-five P.M.?

Duh, said Neddy.

Mom took a red marker and made a big! in Thursday’s square. That didn’t mean Dad was coming home on Thursday; they always flew to the Ramstein base in Germany first. But he’d be back by Sunday or Monday and then there’d be big changes, what Dad called Phase Two of our lives. Phase Two started with Dad resigning from the service and taking a piloting job with Executive Air, a charter company. Mom and Dad were real happy about it. He’d be home three or four nights a week and most weekends, and the pay was good. They’d already put down a deposit on a house in almost the nicest part of town. A house with a pool! Plus Neddy and I were going to have our own bedrooms for the first time, instead of sharing. Even the address sounded great: 88 Hickory Lane. I’d already written it on all my schoolbooks, scratching out 3712 Baseline Road, Apt. 19.

Mom went to the beauty parlor and had highlights put in her hair. Once or twice I heard her singing to herself. Mom had a beautiful singing voice, had even made a demo for some record producer when she was a teenager. She cleaned the apartment from top to bottom and rearranged the furniture. Thursday night she made a special dinner—pork roast with orange sauce and pecan pie for dessert. Mom kept glancing at the clock. At six thirty-five she went to the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. Mom didn’t drink wine, didn’t drink at all. Who wants a little sip? she said.

Bring it on, said Neddy.

Mom gave him a look. Just this once, buster, she said.

I took three glasses from the cupboard and set them on the table. Mom was unscrewing the cap off the wine when the buzzer went. She pressed the intercom button and said, Yes?

Then came some static, followed by a man’s voice. Mrs. Byron?


First Lieutenant Kevin Skype and Chaplain Ferrarra to see you, ma’am. May we come up?

Mom went white, the color of a corpse in the movies. The bottle of wine slipped from her hand and smashed on the floor, but while it was still in midair I noticed a soaring eagle on the label, rising in a pure blue sky, the image so clear. I remembered that eagle way better than anything that happened in the next few days.

There’s a crazy thing I’ve thought about a lot of times and still don’t understand. After someone dies—someone close to you, I mean, like a father—why should it be so important to get the body back and bury it? They’re dead, right? That’s the big thing. So what difference should it make? All I can tell you is that it does. It makes a big difference. I know, because we never

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