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The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini
The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini
The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini
Ebook145 pages1 hour

The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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For fans of Jerry Spinelli's Maniac Magee, Gary D. Schmidt's The Wednesday Wars, and Jack Gantos's Joey Pigza Books comes a hilarious and poignant slice-of-life novel from critically acclaimed author and poet Peter Johnson.

When an author comes to speak to his class in a rundown area of Providence, Houdini decides to make money by writing his own novel. Houdini chronicles his life as he and his friends start a leaf-raking business, befriend Old Man Jackson (a Vietnam War veteran with a seriously intimidating dog), and get even with the neighborhood bully, Angel. But it's hard to find a way to write about his dad losing his job or his brother, Franklin, who is first reported missing in action in Iraq and then still seems to be missing when he comes home.

No matter what, Houdini and his friends rely on one another to figure out how to do the right thing. And Houdini discovers that writing and thinking about his friends and family lets him get to know them in completely new ways.

Release dateJan 24, 2012
The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini

Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson grew up in Buffalo, New York, at a time when they had a good football team, which seems like fifty years ago. Similar to Benny Alvarez and his friends, Peter always loved words, knowing he was going to be a teacher or a professional baseball player. Also, being from a long line of Irish storytellers, he loved reading and telling tales, and when he realized that his stories changed every time he told them, and that he could get paid for this kind of lying, he decided to become a novelist. His first middle grade novel, The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini, was named one of the Best Children's Books by Kirkus Reviews, and he's received many writing fellowships, most notably from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Reviews for The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini

Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    John Smith Jr. aka Houdini is thirteen and lives on the East Side of Providence. He’s obsessed and has read every book about the real Houdini. John helps his friends Lucky and Jorge rake leaves in their neighborhood, but this book is really about feelings, the war in Afghanistan, parents, trouble, enemies, and most of all change.Wait, I almost forgot, it’s also about a boy that writes a book.Author Peter Johnson teaches college level creative writing and children’s literature in Rhode Island.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thirteen-year-old John "Houdini" Smith Jr. is inspired by a visiting author to start chronicling the events of his life, because he can certainly write about being a kid better than a lot of the authors he's read, whose thirteen-year-old characters are nothing like the real thing. And he has a lot to write about. His parents have big-time money worries; his older brother is a Marine in Iraq; his two best friends and he have just started a lawn-service business, courtesy of a sleazy politician; and the class bully has Houdini in his sights.
    This story was such a refreshing surprise-- I was expecting a pleasant if predictable story, and what I got was something slightly reminiscent of the best of Jerry Spinelli and Gary Paulsen, but quite original. Houdini is a pretty cool kid-- and Peter Johnson is an author who definitely has a handle on authentic middle school voices.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Thirteen-year-old John "Houdini" Smith tries to write a book about what is happening in his life, from his parents' worries about money and his brother in Iraq, to his new understanding of people while he and his friends rake lawns in their East Side Providence, Rhode Island, neighborhood.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I won this as a giveaway from another site and was looking forward to it based on the publisher descriptions.However, I was rather disappointed once I got into it. The positives of the book were the fact that the language was easy to understand, and the chapters manageable, especially given the recommended reading ages of 3rd to 7th grade. The author also has a good knack for being able to bring places alive through his descriptions. I cannot say the same about the characters though. The only one who was truly intriguing was Old Man Jackson, and I would love to learn more about him. The others, including Houdini, come off as shallow representations of those from a stereotypical teen novel. They went through the motions to get through the author's idea for a story arc and even that seemed a little contrived. I was most disappointed in the very predictable climax and then let down of an ending. I will avoid spoilers, but can safely say that the author either ran out of time or gave up here.This would probably be suitable for a short time as an upper grade hi-lo read, but the reliance on contemporary news events to drive some of the story would out date it quickly among those readers. I don't see the lower end of the recommended ages enjoying this for the language, dry humor, and current events may be above them.

Book preview

The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. AKA Houdini - Peter Johnson


My name is John Smith, Jr., but everyone calls me Houdini. If you can be patient, I’ll explain the Houdini part, but first you should know what it’s like to be named John Smith, Jr.

It sucks.

It’s like calling your dog Fido, or your cat Mittens, like plain white bread dipped in skim milk, spaghetti without meatballs, or an old Ford Focus with roll-down windows and no CD player.

My father’s name is John Smith, too. Well, really, it’s John Smith, Sr. I guess we’ve had hundreds of years of this John Smith nonsense in our family, which would be fine if we were related to the guy who knew Pocahontas, but we’re not. In the future, if some other John Smith decides to trace our family tree, he’ll find a few other John Smiths hanging from one of its branches or stealing silverware from some rich guy’s house.

But we are English, though none of us were born in England. My father even has our coat of arms hanging in the living room next to a very ugly painting of an October sunset. He says hundreds of years ago someone in our family owned a castle with servants and hunting dogs, though I find that hard to believe.

All I’m really interested in is why my parents didn’t call my brother John Smith, Jr., because he was born twelve years before me. His name is Franklin, and if you call him Frank or Frankie, he won’t even respond. He was a big-time quarterback at my high school, and he played in college before joining the Marines. Now he’s stationed in Iraq, fighting a war my father calls the stupid nightmare of the most colossal goofballs of all time, meaning the politicians who voted for it. When he says this, my mother responds, John, I’ve asked you not to use that word, but the goofballs (that’s not really the word he uses) keep flying like spitballs.

It’s weird, though, that my father hates a war my brother is fighting in. He’s proud Franklin is a marine but says every time he gasses up the car he wants to strangle someone. By that he means Franklin is risking his life so rich guys who own oil wells in Iraq can get even richer. He’s also mad about the economy, but then everyone in my neighborhood is afraid of losing their jobs.


First of all, I’ve read everything written on Harry Houdini. One day in study hall, I found a book in our library on magic tricks and magicians. The first page I opened to had a picture of Houdini, dressed in a pair of what looked like white Jockey shorts, hanging upside down and handcuffed in a Chinese Water Torture Cell. When I turned the book around, he seemed to be smiling while holding his breath underwater. I laughed because that’s something my friend Lucky or I would’ve done, though Lucky would’ve drowned because he’s the unluckiest person I know, which is why we call him Lucky.

That day in the library I became obsessed with Houdini. I read biographies on him and books he’d written on tricks and on other magicians. Most people think Houdini was crazy, but he was actually very smart and disciplined. Genius is repetition, Houdini supposedly said.

What an amazing concept. When I first read it, I thought, Brilliant, now all I have to do is find something I like, then do it over and over until I’m great at it. Because Houdini meant that there were no secrets to his acts. He used to pretend he was a wizard because his audience needed to believe that, but, in fact, he’d practice a routine until he perfected it. And here’s the cool part. After wearing himself out from all this practice, sometimes even he couldn’t explain how he escaped. He’d just zone out, like he had tapped into some power from above.

I explained this to Lucky and to my other friend Jorge one day while we were shooting baskets. It’s like he had a religious experience where he could leave his body and watch himself escape.

Lucky laughed and said I sounded like an altar boy.

Jorge said he loved me like a brother but that I was a flake.

And that was the first day they called me Houdini.


Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for some wise guy to add Weenie to Houdini, so sometimes I was called Houdini, other times Houdini Weenie, but at least no one ever called me Weenie, which would have been worse than John Smith, Jr. Well, almost no one, except for Angel Dimitri, who is one of the bad guys in this story, and so, like Lucky, has a name that doesn’t fit him.


In the beginning, I decided to write this book because I wanted to make money. We talk about money a lot at my house. We’re always afraid my father will lose his job, and sometimes my parents argue if my mother buys something without asking him first.

Last week, a famous author came to class to discuss his book, which probably only three of us had read. His name was Mr. Peterson, a tall, skinny guy with a receding hairline and eyes as blue as Lucky’s. Writers are always coming to my school. Our teachers email them, explaining how poor we are. Dear Mr. Peterson, I imagine them writing, please find it in your heart to visit a few classes, since we feel you will motivate (they always use this word) so many of our students. Then these writers show up, expecting to be lifted onto our shoulders and paraded through the halls.

We don’t need their charity.

We don’t want to be MOTIVATED.

We are sick of the word MOTIVATED or any word related to it, like MOTIVATION or in Jorge’s case, UNMOTIVATED.

But we all want to make money, and Mr. Peterson said he’d been doing well with his books about kids in crisis.

What does he mean by that? Jorge whispered to me, and Mrs. Guido cruised down the aisle and tapped him alongside his head with her big meaty hand.

Mr. Peterson’s comment made me think about Lucky, Jorge, and me because we certainly had problems, and I figured if Mr. Peterson could write a book about this stuff, then it would be easy for me, since I’m one of the best writers in class.

Mr. Peterson said any of us could write a kid’s book if we worked hard enough. He said we all have authentic voices, while he had to invent them.

What’s ‘authentic’ mean? Jorge whispered too loud again, and Mrs. Guido made a return visit, shaking her head so violently I thought her wig would fall off.

I didn’t know what authentic meant either, but I think Mr. Peterson’s point was that, unlike him, we didn’t have to pretend to be thirteen. And he was right. One reason I didn’t like his book was because I couldn’t believe the kid telling the story was really a kid. I knew it was Mr. Peterson pretending to be thirteen. It’s like when I eat Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, and even though it tastes good, my mother’s recipe blows it away. Now my mom, there’s someone who makes authentic macaroni and cheese.

But Mr. Peterson did make me think about what it’s like to be thirteen. He also made me want to write my own book because I know my life was more interesting than the kid he wrote about.

For one thing, the thirteen-year-old in Mr. Peterson’s book never swears, and just about every thirteen-year-old swears, especially Jorge. We can’t do it in front of our parents, even though our fathers swear all the time. My father says one curse word over and over, but Mr. Peterson said if I use it, no one will publish my book. He said kids’ books with swear words won’t sell in the South or Midwest.

The South or Midwest might as well be Mars or Jupiter to me, since I’ll probably never live more than five miles from home. But I think Mr. Peterson must know something because he got his book published, so there will be no swear words in my novel.

Instead, here’s a list of words, and when they’re spoken, imagine that the person using them is really swearing:

Goofball. (This should be my father’s middle name because he says it so much.)

Take a hike.

Freaking. (Jorge has trouble completing a sentence without this word.)


Tick me off.




No kidding. (This is my favorite.)

I realize that calling someone a freaking goofball isn’t the same as calling them a you-know-what, but at least the sound of you-know-what will be ringing in your ears, and, hopefully, my own personal cash register will be ka-chinging when the kids in the South and Midwest buy this book.

Mr. Peterson also said a kid’s book can’t have explicit sex.

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