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The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America
The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America
The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America
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The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America

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Unlike other accounts of the historic attacks on 9/11, this discussion surveys the role of the world’s most advanced military command and control plane, the E-4B, in the day’s events and proposes that the horrific incidents were the work of a covert operation staged within elements of the U.S. military and the intelligence community. Presenting hard evidence in the form of proprietary photos taken from raw footage filmed by CNN, the account places the world’s most advanced electronics platform circling over the White House at approximately the time of the Pentagon attack. The argument offers an analysis of the new evidence within the context of the events and shows that it is irreconcilable with the official 9/11 narrative.

PublisherTrine Day
Release dateSep 1, 2008
The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America

Mark H. Gaffney

Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona: The Third Temple?, The First Tree of the Day, and Gnostic Secrets of the Nassenes. He lives in Oregon.

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The 9/11 Mystery Plane - Mark H. Gaffney

The 9/11 Mystery Plane

and the Vanishing of


Mark H. Gaffney

Foreword by Dr. David Ray Griffin

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page

Publisher's Foreword





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11





Back Cover

The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America Copyright © 2008 Mark H. Gaffney — All Rights Reserved. Presentation Copyright © 2008 Trine Day LLC

Permission to publish copyrighted pictures, screen-shots and illustrations has been sought and/or the images are used under common law fair use codified by the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107. The use of any image or illustration does not denote any endorsement of this Work, its arguments, or any of its conclusions by anyone associated with said images or diagrams.

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Published by: Trine Day LLC PO Box 577

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2008907274

Gaffney, Mark H.

The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America / Mark H. Gaff- ney—1st ed.

p. cm. (acid-free paper) Includes references and index.

(ISBN-13) 978-0-9799886-0-8 (ISBN-10) 0-9799886-0-8

1. September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 2. War on Terrorism, 2001

3. Terrorism investigation—United States 4. Conspiracies—United States—History—21st Century 5. United States—Politics and Govern- ment—2001. 1. Title

HV6432.7.G 937.931—dc22

First Edition

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Printed in the USA Distribution to the Trade by: Independent Publishers Group (IPG)

814 North Franklin Street

Chicago, Illinois 60610


— Publisher’s Foreword —

What a world we live in! How much of it is of our own making? Are there possibly deep currents of a corruption that channel managed confrontations towards a contrived reality misusing our fears, our prejudices, our ignorance and, insidiously, even our hopes, as shackles of manipulation, and subjugation?

We all, on that fateful Tuesday, watched in shock and horror as the images of tragedy kept flashing into our brains over and over and over and over again. For days the replays were constant, new views, different angles, if not on TV, then in our heads: Airliners enveloped by explosions smashing sleekly into skyscapers. Planes loaded with people ripping mightily into a busy workplace.

Traumatic — leaving a grieving nation in shock and … easy to mislead.

Much angst, blood and treasure have been spent and our collective weals and freedoms have since morphed into an endless war-footing, demanding a limitation of personal liberties, the application by the state of torture, the stultification of habeas corpus, and a dictatorial executive. A country lost, where we the people, are given false witness, and then asked to supply the funds for battle, the fodder for the cannons and moral support for endless war.

With this book, Mark Gaffney chronicles, as he puts it, … an unraveling, the likes of which we have never seen in our history, about how … the official story about that terrible day [the day that changed everything] is disintegrating. Need we say more …

Mark brings together the research and hard documentation that leaves one facing questions that most of us would rather not think about, let alone deal with. But engage we must, for if we the people shall ever hope to direct our own destiny … there is business that needs to be taken care of.

So do read on, and please mark my words: never believe everything you read, but do take what you discover and think for yourself. Don’t simply be told what to think, believe or do. Investigate, spend some time (it won’t take long), if not for yourself, for your country, for your children, for … our world. Let us join with others in conversation, discourse and investigation; as history has shown, we the people can make a difference. To effect lasting change we need to gather understanding about the webs of perfidy, deceit and bamboozlement surrouning us. This book is a good beginning … the end is in all of our hands.

Onward to the utmost of futures! Peace,

Kris Millegan


September 22, 2008

This book is dedicated to the many victims of 9/11, both at home and abroad. Their number is not limited to the nearly 3,000 who perished on the day of the attack, but include more than 4,000 dead American soldiers (as of this writing) and numberless dead Iraqis and


— Acknowledgments —

This book would never have happened without the magnificent contributions of numerous individuals. However, among the many, several were especially generous with their time, ideas, and information. I am particularly indebted to Bob (Pinnacle), an indefatigable investigator who was one of the first to recognize the importance of the mystery plane. John Farmer not only contributed his expertise but also generated cool graphic images for the discussion of the 9/11 radar data. Indeed, chapter four was only possible thanks to his invaluable assistance. My thanks also to Robin Hordon and Colin Scoggins, who provided professional expertise about the FAA. Others who gave feedback or provided assistance include Marco Bollettino, Chris Bornag, Linda Brookhart, David Ray Griffin, Eric Douglas, Daniele Ganser, Jim Hoffman, Rebecca McNerney, Ken Jenkins, Ian Henshall, Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, Steven Jones, Gary Nichols, Joel Meyerowitz, Rowland Morgan, Barbara Honegger, Matt H. (BoneZ), Ron Hamburger, Bob Bowman, Jack Yolam, Bill and Kathy Christison, Paul Balles, Louis Butch Nagel (who regularly threw hundred-dollar bills in my direction), my webmaster Kirk Oakes, my neighbor Ed Atkin (my reader), and (last but not least) my old friend Garry Lambrev. I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have inadvertently forgotten. I am solely responsible for any errors that mar the book.

— Foreword —

The Lies of the Mighty

by David Ray Griffin

What if Americans had concrete evidence that our top officials in the Pentagon, both civilian and military, had lied about 9/11? How would we react?

That would depend, surely, on the nature of the lie. Some lies we would dismiss as of little consequence. We could understand, for example, if Pen- tagon officials had lied simply to cover up some mistake they had made. Such lies, most of us probably assume, are told all the time.

But what if the lie were such that we could understand it only as an attempt to cover up something far worse — something which might mean that our entire foreign policy, and much of our domestic policy, since 9/11 had been based on a lie about what really happened on that fateful day?

This book by Mark Gaffney is about an episode that provides concrete evidence of such a lie.

The episode involved a large white airplane flying over the White House at the time of the attack on the Pentagon. This mystery plane was reported that day by CNN, ABC, and NBC, but then largely forgotten. The 9/11 Commission Report did not mention it.

In 2006, however, an independent researcher in the greater Los Angeles area notified his congressman, Adam Schiff, about this plane, asking him to write to the U.S. Air Force about it. Schiff did so and received a letter, dated November 8, 2006, saying, Air Force officials have no knowledge of the aircraft in question.

Almost a year later, on September 12, 2007, television journalist John King, who had given the CNN report about the plane on 9/11, presented a new report on Anderson Cooper 360˚ that showed that reply by the Air Force to be a lie. He gave irrefutable proof, by means of film and testimony from a retired Air Force officer, that the plane was a U.S. Air Force plane with the most advanced electronic capabilities.

Why did this revelation provide evidence that the official story about

9/11 was false? Because part of that story was that the attack on the Pentagon, said to have been a strike by American Flight 77, was a complete surprise. One official said, The Pentagon was simply not aware that this aircraft was coming our way.

That was the reason given for not evacuating the Pentagon. This was a serious issue, because 125 people in the Pentagon were killed, and 92 of these were on the first floor. Therefore, if an evacuation order had been is sued even a minute or so before the attack, most of those people probably would have escaped death. Pentagon officials were excused from culpability for those deaths on the assumption that the attack was a surprise — that they had no idea that an aircraft was bearing down on the Pentagon.

The revelation of the Air Force plane, with its extraordinary capacities, flying over the White House, just a few miles away, undermines this claim. According to the official report put out by the National Transportation Safety Board, the attacking airplane executed a 330-degree downward spiral before striking the Pentagon, and this spiral took 3 minutes and 2 seconds. Even if this plane did not have the means to prevent the attack, it certainly would have had time to tell officials in the Pentagon to evacuate the building.

Besides showing the claim that the attack was a surprise to be a lie, the revelation of the plane’s presence over the White House provided the occasion for military officials to tell another lie. Having already lied to Congressman Schiff, Pentagon officials repeated the lie to CNN. As John King said, Ask the Pentagon, and it insists this is not a military aircraft. For Pentagon officials to continue to lie about this, in the face of indisputable evidence to the contrary, suggests that they are covering up something that dare not be revealed and are, in fact, telling news agencies to back off and quit reporting about the episode. The news agencies have obliged.

But the story is now out. A mainstream television show has revealed, for all the world to see, the fact that Pentagon officials have constantly lied about the plane flying over the White House on the morning of 9/11. And this lie clearly suggests that the entire official story about the Pentagon attack is a lie.

Mark Gaffney has been a central figure in the exposure of this lie. In April 2007, he published an online essay entitled The 9/11 Mystery Plane, which appears to have influenced John King’s presentation. Although King did not mention Gaffney’s article, he did show a photograph of the white plane that was included in that article. He also, in identifying the white plane, listed the same three points and in the same order.

Gaffney had written:

Notice … the U.S. flag painted on the vertical stabilizer (i.e., the tail), and the blue stripe and insignia on the fuselage. The clincher, however, is the bump directly behind the bulging 747 cockpit.

According to King’s CNN narrative:

This comparison of the CNN video and an official Air Force photo … Note the flag on the tail, the stripe around the fuselage, and the telltale bubble just behind the 747 cockpit area.

Having been instrumental in getting the covered-up white plane episode exposed, Gaffney has now written a fascinating and informative study to alert the wider public to its reality. And its implications.

For further discussion see Chapter 21 of my 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press (Northampton: Olive Branch, 2008).

— Introduction —

The Great Unraveling

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Today, Americans are witness to an unraveling, the likes of which we have never seen in our history. For many months now the official narrative about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on America has been coming apart, and I mean: at the seams. As I write, the official story about that terrible day is disintegrating. The trend shows no sign of abating and it even appears to have accelerated. Soon there will be nothing left of the official version of events but a discordant echo and a series of extremely rude aftershocks.

Is our nation prepared for those rude shocks?

Exactly when the unraveling began is a matter of opinion. My own 9/11 research dates to only 2006, so I am a relative newcomer to these issues. Others who have been tracking 9/11 longer than I tell me the official story began to unravel almost from the day of the attack. In any event, there is little doubt that the official version of events suffered a major setback on August

2, 2006, when the Washington Post revealed that members of the 9/11 Commission were convinced that government officials, including NORAD generals, had deceived them during the hearings — in essence, had lied to their faces.¹ According to the Post, members of the 9/11 Commission vented their frustrations at a special meeting in the summer of 2004. This was just weeks after the release of the 9/11 Commission Report. The panel even considered referring the matter to the Justice Department for a criminal investigation.

The unraveling accelerated with the release of a follow-up volume, Without Precedent, authored by the two men who had co-chaired the commission, Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton. The two had come under increasing fire since the release of their final report, for presiding over what many now believe was a failed investigation. Stung by so much criticism, Kean and Hamilton evidently felt the need to defend themselves and their conclusions. The gist of their 2006 book is easily summarized. They write, We were set up to fail.

The bleeding continued in May 2007 with the stunning announcement that former BYU physicist Steven Jones had found residues of thermate, a high temperature explosive, in the dust of the collapsed World Trade Center.² The discovery has the gravest implications for our nation and, no doubt, for this reason the announcement was censored by the U.S. media. In chapter six I will examine this important evidence. As we will learn, the truth about what really happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11 is whispering to us in prophetic fashion, from the dust ...

Another crucial development also received scant attention in the national press. I refer to the October 2007 release of NORAD’s 9/11 radar data by the U.S. Air Force. I wager we will look back on its release as one of the turning points in the movement for 9/11 truth. In chapter four I will examine this hard evidence in detail. As I will show, it proves that the official story is a cover-up. With hindsight, it is astonishing that the Pentagon ever allowed this radar data to see the light of day. It slipped out, in my opinion, because the overwhelming majority of people who work in government and the military are honest. Whoever made the decision probably took it as an article of faith that the official story was correct, hence saw no problem releasing the 9/11 radar data in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. The individual had no clue just how damaging the radar data would turn out to be. A small group within the military/intelligence community no doubt rue the day of its release.

One startling revelation in December 2007 did cause a stir in the press — briefly. The New York Times reported that the CIA had destroyed evidence in the form of audiotapes deemed vital to the official 9/11 investigation. ³The news prompted 9/11 Commission co-chairs Kean and Hamilton to fire off an angry salvo, also published in the Times, charging that the CIA had obstructed their investigation.⁴ Their blunt accusation was explosive and should have caused every American to sit up and take notice. Unfortunately, the average American probably failed to connect the dots because, as usual, the U.S. media offered nothing in the way of helpful context or analysis. We were fed the usual diet of tidbits and sound bytes: a stream of minutiae. The big picture remained elusive.

I wrote this book, in part, to overcome this vexing problem. I have always been skeptical of the official story about 9/11. In the aftermath of the September 11 attack, I shared the disquiet of many Americans about the Bush administration’s rush to war. I could not shake the irksome feeling that somehow I (we) had been set up — that the country was being manipulated. The research for this book was driven by my personal need to understand what really happened on 9/11. In the end it was not one or another piece of information, but the totality of evidence, which ultimately persuaded me that 9/11 was an inside job. In the following pages I will present what I have learned, in the hope that it can assist others to peel away their own layers of denial and glimpse the true picture. Assuming knowledge is power, perhaps in this way we can fortify ourselves to bring about the changes that are desperately needed in our country — before we lose it. But I have digressed. Back to the unraveling story …

The CIA Destroyed Evidence

Starting in 2002, the CIA conducted interrogations of captured al Qaeda operatives, including Abu Zubaydah and Ramzi Binalshibh, at undisclosed CIA prisons. During these interrogations the CIA resorted to enhanced interrogation techniques (the CIA’s euphemism for torture) to extract information.⁵ The methods included waterboarding, which induces a sensation of drowning in the unlucky individual. Evidently, the CIA decided for its own internal reasons to videotape these early interrogation sessions. However, several years later (in 2005), Jose A. Rodriguez, the CIA’s Director of Operations, ordered the tapes to be destroyed. For what reason? Well, according to CIA Director Michael V. Hayden, because the tapes posed a serious security risk. ⁶Hayden went on to clarify his rather cryptic remark for the benefit of the press. He explained that if the tapes had become public, they would have exposed CIA officials and their families to retaliation from al Qaeda and its sympathizers. The excuse was a dodge — obvious flimflam. But the reporters hung on Hayden’s every word as if he were speaking gospel. They certainly did not throw him any hardballs or press him on the matter.

Hayden also claimed that the CIA had followed the letter of the law in 2005, by notifying the appropriate committee heads in Congress before destroying the evidence. However, according to the Times, this was immediately disputed by the top two members of the House Intelligence Committee. A spokesman for Representative Peter Hoekstra (R-MI), who at the time chaired the oversight committee, said that he was never briefed or advised that the tapes even existed, let alone that they were going to be destroyed.

Kean and Hamilton had a similar gut reaction: outrage. In their January 2008 article in the New York Times they state categorically that the CIA never informed them about any taped interrogations, despite their repeated requests for all pertinent information about the captured al Qaeda operatives, who were then in CIA custody. In fact, as damaging as the news about the destruction of evidence surely was, the story laid bare an even more serious problem. One might naturally assume that the official commission charged to investigate the events of 9/11 would have had unfettered access to all of the evidence pertinent to the case, including government documents, and especially key witnesses. This goes without saying. Access was vital to the success of the investigation. How else could the commission do its work? Yet, it never happened.

The CIA Stonewalled the Official Panel

In the same article Kean and Hamilton summarize their dealings with the

CIA.⁸ They describe their private meetings with CIA Director George Tenet and how he denied them access to the captured members of al Qaeda. Notice, this means that the panel never conducted its own interviews. Tenet even denied the co-chairs permission to conduct secondhand interviews with the CIA interrogators, which Kean and Hamilton felt were needed to better judge the credibility of the witnesses and clarify ambigui ties in the reporting. ⁹Ultimately, the commission was forced to rely on third-hand intelligence reports prepared by the CIA itself. Many of these reports were poorly written and incomplete summaries¹⁰ that, according to the co-chairs raised almost as many questions as they answered.¹¹

In order to resolve the many uncertainties, the commission prepared a list of questions, which it then submitted to the CIA. The questions covered a range of topics, such as the translations from the Arabic, inconsistencies in the detainees’ stories, the context of the questioning, how the interrogators followed up certain lines of questioning, and the assessments of the interrogators themselves. But the CIA’s response was less than helpful. According to Kean and Hamilton, the [CIA] general counsel responded in writing with non-specific replies. This is a bland way of saying that the agency rebuffed the panel. Not satisfied, Kean and Hamilton made yet another attempt to gain access to the captives, but were again denied permission during a face-to-face meeting with Tenet in December 2003.

For this reason the ambiguities and other questions went unresolved, flawing the commission’s final report. Yet, as I have indicated, the more serious problem was the panel’s lack of access to begin with, a problem which was by no means obvious until this story broke in the mainstream press. In fact, Kean and Hamilton had inserted a caveat in their report (on page 146) conceding this crucial point: that they were denied access to the witnesses. Most readers probably passed over it without understanding its awful significance. I know I did on my first reading.

There was another revelation — no less disturbing. Not even Porter J. Goss, CIA Director at the the time, knew about the destruction of the audio-tapes, which, as noted, had been ordered by Jose A. Rodriguez, the CIA’s Director of Operations (as in covert operations). According to the Times, Goss was angered to learn that he had been kept out of the loop.

¹²However, he declined to make a public statement.

What are we to make of this? Why was the CIA chief kept in the dark about the destruction of evidence deemed vital to the 9/11 investigation? This is no less shocking than the destruction of the tapes, because it points to a disconnect in the chain of command. At very least, it means that Goss was not fully briefed about the CIA’s handling of the 9/11 interrogations when he was appointed to the Directorship. But why wouldn’t he be? Was the CIA’s covert branch, long notorious for staging rogue operations, up to its old tricks? Are there loose cannons at Langley, still?

Of one thing there can be no doubt: The 9/11 Commission Report was packaged and sold to the American people like some trendy product. The mass media have told us countless times that it is the definitive version of the events of September 11. No wonder that in 2008 most Americans probably take this for granted. When something is repeated enough times by the authorities, people absorb it. The public ends up believing whatever it is told, whether true or not.

We witnessed a similar case during the run-up to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, when the Bush administration mantra about Saddam Hussain’s Weapons of Mass Destruction and his supposed links to al Qaeda were drummed into the brain of every American through mass marketing. Today, of course, we know different. None of it was true. Yet, on the eve of that war a Washington Post poll found that 70% of Americans believed that Saddam had WMDs and was responsible for 9/11. The case is a sobering reminder of the power of the corporate media to shape public opinion with — let us call it by its true name — propaganda.

OK. The better part of a decade has passed. Are we Americans prepared to face reality? The 9/11 Commission’s lack of direct access to the captured members of al Qaeda can only mean that the official 9/11 investigation was fundamentally compromised from the outset. Given the disclosures I have cited, no other conclusion is possible. In their January 2008 article in the Times, Kean and Hamilton do not repudiate their own report, at least not in so many words. But they come close. They insinuate that the CIA’s stonewalling calls into question the veracity of key parts of the official story, namely, the plot against America supposedly masterminded by Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and approved by Osama bin Laden.

Until now, the nation has assumed that all of this was soundly based on the testimony of the captured al Qaeda operatives, several of whom supposedly confessed. This is the story as told in the 9/11 Commission Report. But probe more deeply and one finds the devil lurking in the details. The reality is that, without independent confirmation about what the captives actually confessed to, precisely what was said and by whom, indeed whether they confessed at all, there is absolutely no way for us to know how much of the official story is true and how much was fabricated by the CIA for reasons we can only guess.

There is another problem. If the confessions were extracted by means of torture, then just how reliable can they be? It comes down to whether the CIA is telling the truth. Should we believe them? If the captives did confess as reported, why did the CIA refuse the 9/11 Commission access to the witnesses? Obviously, something is not right. In fact, for all we know, the entire story is a pack of lies. And there is another important question: How did the miscarriage of a lawful process of discovery happen, given that Congress invested the 9/11 Commission with the authority to subpoena evidence?

The Uncensored History ...

Fortunately, in February 2008, along came The Commission, a tell-all book by Philip Shenon with much to say about the above, and some answers.The book’s sub-title, The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation, sounds promising, and the author does not fail to deliver. Shenon covered the 9/11 Commission for the New York Times, and over the course of the investigation he personally interviewed many of the commissioners and staff. His best-selling book is a well written exposé and our best look yet at what went on behind-the-scenes. Shenon obviously enjoys playing the role of reporter. Although he makes his opinions known in the book, the author fortunately does not overburden us with his own conclusions. Most of the time Shenon describes what happened through the eyes of the commissioners and staff. For this reason his book offers valuable insights about why the investigation failed.

Of course, we already knew large parts of the story. We knew, for example, about National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice’s incompetence, and about the serious conflicts of interest on the commission, particularly in the person of Philip Zelikow, who served as the panel’s executive director. In that capacity Zelikow controlled many facets of the investigation, including the scheduling of witnesses and the vital flow of information between the staff and commissioners. Zelikow also edited (and, no doubt, doctored) the final report. In addition to being a long-time confidante of Rice, with whom he coauthored a book, Zelikow served on G.W. Bush’s transition team and even drafted a national security strategy paper the Bush administration later used to justify the 2003 war against Iraq.

It is hard to believe that Kean and Hamilton, who claim that their goal was to lead a nonpartisan investigation, would have knowingly hired such a man — a neocon — to manage the panel’s day-to-day affairs. According to Shenon, it only happened because Zelikow failed to report the full extent of his ties to the Bush administration when he submitted his resume for the job. If Zelikow had been more forthcoming, he would have been instantly eliminated from consideration. But this hardly excuses Kean and Hamilton for failing to thoroughly vet the candidate. They would have been wise to listen to the families of the victims, who demanded Zelikow’s resignation. The families believed that more than enough was known about the man, and hindsight proves them correct.

Shenon’s most important revelation has sped the unraveling process. The author names CIA Director George Tenet as one of the government officials who the commissioners and staff were convinced had lied during the hearings.¹³ Tenet gave testimony on three occasions (in addition to the private meetings with Kean and Hamilton), and in each of these hearings the CIA Director suffered from a faulty memory, frequently responding with I can’t remember. Initially, the commissioners were inclined to be sympathetic, and gave the director the benefit of the doubt. (At the time, Tenet’s supporters at the agency reportedly made excuses for their boss: George cannot remember because he is dead-tired, physically exhausted from dealing with the war on terrorism. Or: he has been suffering from sleep deprivation — not getting enough shuteye.¹⁴ Poor old George.) But gradually the tide turned. By Tenet’s third appearance it was obvious to everyone he was perjuring himself.

Again, some of his perjury had been known. For instance, it was known that Tenet lied to the 9/11 Commission in April 2004 when he denied his meetings with President Bush in the weeks before the September 11 attack. I didn’t see the president, Tenet told commissioner Tim Roemer. I was not in briefings with him during this time. He [i.e., Bush] was on vacation; I was here [i.e., in Washington]. ¹⁵Tenet added that he did not even speak with Bush on the telephone during this period. But Tenet’s denial was immediately exposed as a lie, because the president had already gone on record about the meetings. On August 25, 2001 during a walking tour of his Crawford ranch, Bush casually let slip to the press that he had met with Tenet the previous day about a very important subject.¹⁶

The CIA was forced to issue a retraction the day after the hearing: Tenet misspoke.17 Yet, from Bush’s 2001 remarks, it is abundantly clear (with the benefit of hindsight) that the August 24, 2001 meeting at the ranch was less a briefing than a war council. The pow-wow took place on Bush’s front porch and by his own estimate lasted about six hours — most of the day. Also in attendance: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Richard Myers. This was a little more than two weeks before the attack. Yet, we are supposed to believe that Bush was on vacation, down on the ranch. Is it reasonable to think that Tenet simply forgot about the meeting? No, of course not. It appears that he lied in an attempt to keep it secret.

Tenet’s performance before the commission must have been a spectacle to behold, but one would never know this from reading the 9/11 Commission Report, which gives no hint that the Director of Central Intelligence lied to the panel. Why not? Thomas Kean gave the reason at the commission’s first public hearing in New York City, when he said, Our ... purpose will not be to point fingers. I should add that his comment was not well received. According to Shenon, it prompted a rumble in the audience, and even elicited sneers from the families of the victims who wanted the responsible officials to be held accountable. ¹⁷But not even this reluctance to assign blame adequately explains why the panel took the CIA at its word regarding the interrogations of the al Qaeda captives, since by this time it was common knowledge that Tenet was lying through his teeth. We are left to ponder why Kean and Hamilton failed to insist on some type of independent confirmation.

Of course, when Tenet stiffed the commission, he was merely carrying on a time-honored Langley tradition. For the first 25 years of its existence, the CIA functioned entirely outside the U.S. constitutional framework of government. Like it or not, this is the reality. This state of affairs prevailed until the Watergate era, when the Church hearings in the Senate exposed a laundry list of criminal activities by the CIA, such as domestic spying, the assassination of foreign leaders, the overthrow of governments, not to mention the nasty habit of deceiving Congress. Those dark revelations shocked the nation and led to the creation of House and Senate intelligence committees, to provide the democratic oversight that was sorely lacking.

Anyway, such was the intent. But, as with so many good ideas, things did not turn out as expected. The CIA soon found ways around the oversight process, which is not surprising when you consider that clandestine operations are what the CIA is all about. Today, the Intelligence Committees in both houses are widely viewed as a joke, and despite a chorus of denials from the agency and its admirers, the perception is undoubtedly correct. To his credit, Shenon touches on the issue in his book. The author mentions that one of the commissioners, former Senator Slade Gorton (R-WA), once served on the Senate Intelligence Committee but quit in frustration because of the lack of any serious business. Said Gorton, "I felt it was a useless exercise — I never felt I was being told anything that I hadn’t learned in the Washington Post."¹⁸

Does Such an Agency Deserve Our Trust and Respect?

As to why Kean and Hamilton did not make more aggressive use of their authority to subpoena evidence, Shenon’s answer is not very satisfying, but it rings true. The co-chairs were overcautious because they wished to avoid a legal showdown that would drag out in the courts.¹⁹ A legal stalemate threatened to delay their investigation beyond the mandated deadline. This, in their view, would have been tantamount to a Bush victory. But it was a huge mistake — their worst.

Had Kean and Hamilton stood tough and issued blanket subpoenas early in the investigation, as their legal counsel advised, the inevitable showdown in the courts might have worked in their favor. Bush and Tenet would have been perceived — correctly — as obstructing the investigation and would have come under increasing pressure and scrutiny. That sort of confrontation would have served the discovery process and the cause of

9/11 truth. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. This helps to explain why the official investigation failed in its stated objective: to provide the fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11.²⁰

Although Philip Shenon supports the official narrative, his research was so narrowly focused that his rather casual discounting of conspiracy theorists can do no harm to the 9/11 truth movement. (Here, of course, conspiracy theorist means anyone who does not agree with the official conspiracy theory.) I gave Shenon’s book only three stars in my review at, because the author seems genuinely unaware that by 2007 the evidence had shifted decisively in favor of the conspiracy theorists. There is simply no excuse for Shenon not knowing the facts. In the following pages I will present much of this evidence.

A showdown over 9/11, though long delayed, appears to be developing, and portends — I believe — a coming shift in the terms of the debate: away from the previous discussion about the incompetence of officials and security failures to more grave issues. But how this important drama will play out remains unclear. Obviously, a new legally-empowered investigative body is urgently needed. Will it happen? Perhaps, but only if the American people demand it.

Seven years after the terrible events of 9/11, numerous anomalies associated with the collapse of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon crash have yet to be explained, and remain controversial. To this day, there is also considerable uncertainty about the actual chronology of events, i.e., exactly what happened and when. A glance at Paul Thompson’s invaluable book,

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