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Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary
Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary
Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary
Ebook188 pages3 hours

Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary

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About this ebook

When R. Neville Johnston was shot three times in 1977, he died. But he came back knowing some things he hadn't known before. That the universe is made up of vibrations for one. And that some of the most meaningful vibrations are the words we use in everyday thought and speech. Obviously it behooves us to choose our words with care so we can create the life we want. Hidden Language Codes is a book about thought. Where we go in life is directly related to our mastery and command of our thoughts and our language. In evolving, we naturally change the way we think. A method of accelerating this process is to change the very words we think with. This book is the key to learning words that will improve our lives and giving up the ones that hold us back. Learn to use power words--words that serve us well--such as "acceptance," "faith," even "MacGyver," and the key power word, "love." Those words that do not serve us well include "greed," "blame," "hard," and the poster child for disempowerment/slave thinking "can't." Our language is full of unconscious triggers--the words we speak are making decisions for us, running us. As long as we continue to try, need, guess, want, whine, and victim our way through life, we sabotage our own goals and happiness. Never use these words again. Take charge of your thoughts and speech, and your life will follow suit.
Release dateNov 15, 2005
Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary

R. Neville Johnston

Mr. Johnston was shot to death. The NDE started his new path. “The human race is to become an advanced civilization, we are designed to be.” He began by writing a series called “The language Codes.” His latest works have incorporated Story Telling to do the teaching. Everything he writes awakens people.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Nothing like what I was expecting. Words are important, words express our thoughts. Words can create our reality, and therefore our experience of life. Good so far.

    Then it looks at a lot of words, phrases with a subjective view of how they affect our expression of the world as we see it? Was not interested in all of that. That had no value for me. Sort of a subjective sociological dictionary. Just flashed through to the end.

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Hidden Language Codes - R. Neville Johnston

The All-Important Introduction

Every century takes all century to get around to setting the stage for the birth of the new century. It took the entire eighteenth century to herald the new form of government, democracy. It took the nineteenth to organize the flowering of the industrial revolution, which I'll simply call WWI. It has taken the twentieth to create the technological advance, the Web, which is fostering the thought evolution, the vast awakening of human consciousness, that is becoming the twenty-first century.

What will history say about the twentieth century? What is the single greatest discovery of the entire hundred years? In my opinion it is this: everything vibrates.

It is that simple. We live in a vibratory universe. Everything vibrates. I vibrate, you vibrate. Scientists have dubbed this realization the quantum field. The quantum field is on the atomic level. The quantum field is also deep space. And it is right here, right now. Another word for quantum field is this room, this book—in short, reality. The quantum field and everything in it, reality, is in a state of vibration at all times.

When we open our mouths and vibrate a word into the field, the vibration of the word programs the field. We tell everything what to do, all the time, with the vibrations from our words and thoughts. This is our method of programming our lives. We are born with it. This ability to tell reality what to do is God's gift to mankind. Do we know it? Do we take advantage of it?

It is the secret. Even our slightest thoughts conduct the symphony of vibration that is the reality of our lives. This is an extremely powerful idea. It is no longer suppressed. To know this, to think this way, makes you very powerful.

The vibration of the word/thought itself is the vehicle. It carries our instruction into the field on an atomic level, on every level. We command the field by vibration of our thoughts. Words/thoughts combine our intelligence with our environment. As in, The rose burst forth in a wondrous dance of reds and more reds. In this thought all the atoms pay attention to the choreography of reds. Another thought could make the same rose just an expensive flower that will be dead in a day or two anyway. Which thought, would you prefer?

When we vibrate any sound into existence, we link it with all other existence through the holographic principle: Everything is everything. Everything is connected to everything else. There is no separation. A fragment of one thing can describe the whole picture. Anything we say affects everything else. We direct it all.

To sum it up, we tell reality what to do every time we open our mouths or have a thought. It is a fact. Words create reality. Thought creates reality. These are exciting new thoughts to think.

Each of us has this power, this gift, this ability. It is built in. It is switched on right now. It has been from day one. An infant has every ability to create reality with its voice. Ask any parent.

A closer examination of the idea of words suggests that they are predesigned, prepackaged pieces of instruction that direct the flow of our intentions. Any word is just like a software package. Our words are the programming by which we create our reality.

We use words to represent thoughts. Words are habits of thinking, not actual thinking. We often think in words, but the words are groups of decisions already made. Some of these decisions don't work very well anymore. Words are the habits of our thoughts.

The purpose of this book is to examine these habits, to render us even more fluent in our ability to program reality by choosing certain words and discarding others.

Some will say that it is our intent that counts, not the words we say. How does the universe tell the difference? The fact is, words do count and they can express our true intent, though our intent may be significantly different from our words without our realizing it.

To say I will do this is significantly different from I will try to do this. They are different in intent. We are in charge of the part of the universe that manifests our reality. Intend is a weak word next to the word decide.

When we are sick or embarrassed, we do not desire to talk about it. This is because speaking the words about not feeling well nail the concept into three dimensions. When fifteen people ask how we are feeling, saying that we don't feel well fifteen times begets feeling worse. It places our sacred attention on how we feel. Words do count and they count all the time. It is a matter of where they place our attention.

Understand that words may place our attention exactly opposite to where they were supposed to. Everyone who died on the Titanic was killed by the word unsinkable. Why? Because unsinkable actually means the fear of sinking: this is where the word places the attention.

The passengers, in fact the whole world, placed their attention on one and only one outcome: unsinkable. When we exclude by saying there is only one way to be happy, we are actually placing our attention on all other outcomes by way of resisting them. Clearly the attention, the manifestation, was in this way placed on sinking. In other words, if the word unsinkable had never been uttered . . . .

Now, to get the universe to manifest our conscious command is the object of this book. To understand the concept of an included command, is a first step. An included command is where one says one thing while believing something else. For example, to say, I will win at a poker game while believing that one doesn't deserve the money. The universe will only hear the intent, which is the belief in undeservedness. This is because beliefs create reality, and the belief in the undeservedness exceeds, by far, the belief in winning.

Clearly then, speaking is not required to program the grid of reality. Thoughts create. To some degree, our thoughts are in word form, and thoughts, as streams of words, are subject to the prejudice of words. Therefore words also create.

This reveals the concept of preconceived ideas creating preconceived reality. Like, algebra is hard. Hearing and believing this, one then creates the reality of algebra being hard. So if one states, Algebra is easy, one then creates an A plus. The word hard creates a preconceived relationship with algebra. Algebra is not hard; it is thinking of algebra as hard that makes it that way. Put a censor on the word hard, never again uttering it, and life will become markedly easier. This will involve breaking the habit of, the excuse of, the way of life of

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