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Children's Respiratory Nursing
Children's Respiratory Nursing
Children's Respiratory Nursing
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Children's Respiratory Nursing

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About this ebook

Children's Respiratory Nursing is a comprehensive, patient-centred text providing up-to-date information about the contemporary management of children with respiratory conditions. It looks at acute and chronic respiratory conditions in both primary and secondary health care sectors and explores the subject from a child- and family-focused perspective.

Children’s Respiratory Nursing
is divided into four user-friendly sections:

  • The first section provides a general background for children’s respiratory nursing
  • Section two explores the various investigations that aid diagnosis and treatment, such as assessment of defects in airflow and lung volume, oxygen therapy, and long term ventilation
  • Section three looks at respiratory infection and provides an overview of the common infections in children with reference to national and local guidelines
  • The final section considers the practical issues that impact on children’s nurses - the transition from children to adult services, legal and ethical issues and the professional communication skills needed for dealing with children and their families

This practical text is essential reading for all children’s nurses who have a special interest in respiratory conditions and would like to develop a greater level of understanding of the management required.

Special Features

  • Examples of good practice provided throughout
  • Includes evidence-based case studies
  • Explores care in both hospital and community settings
  • A strong practical approach throughout
Release dateAug 13, 2012
Children's Respiratory Nursing

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    Children's Respiratory Nursing - Janice Mighten

    Introduction: the evolution of children’s respiratory nursing

    Janice Mighten

    Children’s Respiratory/Community Nurse Specialist, Nottingham Children’s Hospital

    The health service has progressed over the years largely due to advancements in technology, which define how we treat many diseases. The changes that have occurred in nursing have been responses not only to technology but also to political influences and standards outlined within quality assurance frameworks. Other developments within the National Health Service (NHS) have also emerged, such as the concept of regional centres, generating high costs and resources. Consequently, nurses with specialist knowledge and skills were required, to meet the demand.

    Many models of practice originated from North America and had some impact on elements of nursing care within the United Kingdom. This included specialist areas of nursing practice, which were recognised as early as 1979, within the Merrison Report, which also made reference to the concept of clinical nurse specialists (Middleton 2005).

    Project 2000, introduced in the 1990s, changed nursing education and the concept of specialist areas (Holland et al. 2008). This provided specific areas of nurse training, such as the children’s branch, and also set the standard for changes within nurse education. This change has continued further with the important move towards nursing becoming an all-degree profession, with emphasis on quality and standards, as suggested by the Prime Minister’s Commission (Department of Health 2010). Basford and Slevin (2003) allude to such changes in nurse education and suggest that they have lead to the emergence of practitioners with qualities that include competency, safety and effective communication , which the modern health service demands.

    Within the realms of paediatric respiratory medicine, we have witnessed the development of many nursing positions. Specialist areas such as paediatric respiratory nursing have emerged through the interest of individuals practising within the field of general respiratory medicine. This began with long-term conditions, such as asthma, and lead on to many more health conditions.

    Wooler (2001) outlines the importance of the children’s respiratory nurse specialist in the management of children with asthma in both primary and secondary care. Wooler also highlights the opportunity that such a role provides for children’s respiratory nurse specialists to broaden their skills within respiratory medicine.

    A general medical placement provides the learner with the opportunity to gain experience when caring for children with a variety of respiratory conditions. A qualified nurse with a special interest in paediatric respiratory medicine can be presented with opportunities within this field. Such positions are very varied, from clinical nurse specialists and advanced nurse practitioners to nurse consultants.

    Currently, there are very few nurses at consultant level within paediatric respiratory medicine. This suggests that the time is right to promote and encourage professional development for those who have the desire, passion and drive to reach such heights, even in these times of austerity. The ultimate aim will be to provide positive role models for the nurse specialists of the future.


    Basford L, Slevin O. (2003) Theory and Practice of Nursing. An integrated approach to caring practice, 2nd edn. London: Campion Press.

    Department of Health. (2010) Front Line Care. Report by the Prime Minister’s Commission on the Future of Nursing and Midwifery in England. London: Department of Health.

    Holland K, Jenkins J, Solomon J, Whittam S. (2008) Applying the Roper, Logan and Tierney Model in Practice, 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Elsevier.

    Middleton C. (2005) Short journey down a long road: the emergence of professional bodies. In: Sidey A, Widdas D (eds) Textbook of Community Children’s Nursing. London: Elsevier.

    Wooler E. (2001) The role of the nurse in paediatric asthma management. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2(1), 76–81.

    Section I

    The fundamental principles of respiratory nursing

    Chapter 1

    Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system

    Conrad Bosman

    Paediatric Registrar, Nottingham Children’s Hospital

    Learning objectives

    After studying this chapter, the reader will have an understanding of:

    the anatomy of the upper and lower respiratory tract

    stages of lung development

    the development of the respiratory system

    physiology of the respiratory system.


    A solid understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system is an essential part of children’s respiratory nursing. Furthermore, some knowledge of the embryological origins of those respiratory structures allows understanding of the development of congenital pathology.

    The function of the respiratory system is simple: to provide oxygenation to the blood and removal of carbon dioxide. In disease, the mechanisms allowing such gaseous exchange are impaired. Therefore knowledge of the physiology of the upper and lower respiratory structures allows an understanding of why impairment of ventilation and perfusion occurs in various disease states.

    Anatomy of the upper respiratory tract

    The respiratory tract begins at the tips of the nostrils (alae nasi), which are kept open by soft cartilage. Around the nostrils are the alar nasalis muscles which cause the nostrils to flare open during states of respiratory distress, and can reduce nasal airway resistance by up to 25% (Carlo et al. 1983). The nasal cartilage encloses the anterior nasal cavity called the nasal vestibule. The cells of the nasal vestibule are the same as skin and contain small hairs, vibrissae, which can help stop debris such as dust from entering. There is a large vascular capillary network in the anterior vestibule, commonly called Little’s area, which is a common site of nosebleeds in children.

    A midline nasal septum divides the nasal cavity into two. On the lateral walls lie three curved turbinate bones called conchae, which direct airflow. Air passing through the nasal cavity is warmed and humidified and prevents the airways from drying out. Ventilator humidifiers do the same thing when the nose is bypassed by an orotracheal tube. This is the beginning of the nasopharynx, the site where nasopharyngeal aspirates are taken. The cells in this area are ciliated respiratory epithelial cells, rather than squamous cells, and move any particulate matter towards the oropharynx where it can be swallowed.

    It is notable that the lacrimal ducts drain into the nasal conchae and the eustachian tube, that equalizes pressure in the middle ear. The adenoids are located near this region of the nasopharynx, and during viral upper respiratory tract infections adenoidal hypertrophy can block the eustachian tube in some infants and children which can lead to otitis media with effusion (Wright et al. 1998).

    The naso- and oropharynx lead to the pharnyx where the epiglottis protects the laryngeal opening from the tracheal aspiration of food and liquids. During swallowing, the epiglottis moves down to close off the larynx. In epiglottitis, the epiglottis becomes very red and inflamed, swallowing becomes too painful, and the child drools.

    Figure 1.1 (a) Larynx showing cricoid and thyroid cartilages and level of vocal cords. (b) Vocal cords. Courtesy of Dr Phoebe Sneddon.

    The larynx is a complex structure that contains ‘C’-shaped rings of cartilage and the vocal cords and muscles (Figure 1.1). The vocal cords and the space between them are commonly referred to as the glottis. Any abnormalities in this area will cause a variety of sounds, the most common being stridor. Below the vocal cords are the windpipe or trachea, which is part of the lower respiratory tract.

    Anatomy of the lower respiratory tract

    The trachea bifurcates at the carina to become the right and left main bronchi. The angles are slightly different, with the left main bronchi coming off at a more acute angle. Thus any inhaled foreign bodies tend to go down the right main bronchus. These bronchi then divide repeatedly into secondary and tertiary bronchi until finally dividing into the terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles and finally alveoli.

    The lung itself is covered by a pleural membrane which consists of the visceral and parietal pleura, with a small fluid-filled space in between. The visceral pleura covers the lung itself, while the parietal pleura is attached to the inner walls of the thorax. Infection and/or inflammation within the lung tissue can lead to accumulation of fluid or pus in this pleural space, respectively called a pleural effusion and empyema.

    The work of breathing is done by the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, located between the ribs. In poorly controlled respiratory conditions such as asthma, the diaphragm works much harder than usual and can deform the chest wall, as the muscle fibres attach to the lower part of the rib cage. This chronic deformity of the chest wall is called Harrison’s sulci.

    Surface anatomical landmarks

    The ability to describe surface locations on the chest is important, and is usually described in terms of ribs or intercostal spaces and vertical lines drawn from anatomical landmarks. The second rib is located first by feeling for the sternal angle, then moving laterally. Other ribs can then be identified by counting downwards. The important vertical lines are the midclavicular and midaxillary. The midclavicular line passes straight down from the middle of the clavicle and the midaxillary line passes straight down from the axilla, when looking at the patient side on. In pneumothorax, needle thoracocentesis is performed by inserting a butterfly needle or venflon into the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line. Emergency chest drains are inserted into the fifth intercostal space in the midaxillary line.

    Development of the respiratory system

    Congenital defects of the upper airway originate from abnormalities of the embryological pharyngeal arches. Six arches are formed in the ventral surface of the hindbrain during the fourth to fifth weeks of embryological development, and give the embryo a characteristic appearance. These arches are derived from mesenchymal cells. The first pharyngeal arch mainly forms the lower jaw and anterior tongue, and defects can present as the Pierre Robin sequence with micrognathia, cleft palate and glossoptosis. The second pharyngeal arch gives rise to the root of the tongue, as well as other structures in the neck. Such a difference in embryological origin explains why the different parts of the tongue are innervated by different cranial nerves. The epiglottis forms from the fourth arch. The larynx opens in the 10th week of gestation. Incomplete opening at this point can lead to a laryngeal web, which can present in infancy as stridor.

    Table 1.1 Stages of human lung development

    The trachea and lower respiratory tract develop in the fourth week from the outpouchings of the embryological foregut, and thus are derivatives of endoderm. Incomplete separation from the gut leads to the condition of tracheo-oesophageal fistula. The lung buds divide in the fifth week, with three main divisions in the right bud and two in the left. These will eventually correspond to the three lobes of the right lung and the two of the left. By the end of the fifth week the embryonic stage of lung development is finished.

    The diaphragm forms in the 6th week and failure of fusion can result in herniation of abdominal contents into the thorax – congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The left side is most commonly affected.

    Following on from the embryonic stage are stages of lung development (Table 1.1) (Scarpelli 1990). Before 24 weeks’ gestation, the lungs simply cannot function, even with exogenous surfactant. This stage of gestation is commonly seen as the limit of viability.

    Changes in anatomy with age

    In infancy, the narrowest point of the upper airway is the cricoid ring, rather than the vocal cords as in older children. Endotracheal intubation requires placing a suitably sized tube so as not to damage the vocal cords, whilst ensuring that any air leak is minimal. In younger children and infants the cricoid ring provides a seal, whereas in older children an endotracheal tube with an inflatable cuff is used. When the endotracheal tube passes through the vocal cords and is in the correct position, the cuff is inflated which creates a seal against the trachea and prevents air leak.

    An important consideration in airway resistance is the change that occurs when the diameter is reduced due to mucus or inflammation. Poiseuille’s law states that airway resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the airway radius (Figure 1.2). Thus a 1 mm change in airway diameter in an older child will have little effect on resistance compared to that of a newborn or infant (Balfour-Lynn and Davies 2006).

    Physiology of the respiratory system

    The function of the lung is to oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide. Air at sea level contains 21% oxygen, with inert nitrogen making up the remainder. In order for the oxygen to be delivered to the blood, flow of air into the lung must occur. To accomplish this, a pressure gradient must be created between the terminal respiratory unit and the outside air. By contraction mainly of the diaphragm, against a thoracic cavity held rigid by the rib cage, a negative intrathoracic pressure is generated and flow of air occurs.

    Figure 1.2 A similar amount of airway narrowing causes a much larger increase in airway resistance in smaller airways. Courtesy of Dr Phoebe Sneddon.

    The anatomical ‘dead space’ consists of the terminal bronchioles, bronchi, trachea and upper airway. Although air passes through this dead space, no gas exchange occurs. Similarly, the tubes from a ventilator to the patient, including the endotracheal tube, extend this dead space. In neonatal ventilation, endotracheal tubes are kept as short as safely possible to reduce dead space.

    During inspiration, the negative pressure exerts a force against the extrathoracic trachea and larynx, which instead of the rib cage relies on the cartilaginous rings to prevent collapse. During times of upper airway obstruction such as croup, increased effort to create flow will create further narrowing in the upper airway which is why inspiratory stridor occurs before expiratory stridor. In laryngomalacia the cartilage is not fully formed and stridor occurs as the larynx partially collapses with inspiration.

    Involuntary breathing is controlled by centres in the brainstem which receive signals from chemoreceptors located in the medulla, carotid and aortic bodies. These chemoreceptors mainly respond to changes in acid–base balance which correspond to changes in blood carbon dioxide levels. Higher centres in the cortex can over-ride brainstem signals, allowing voluntary control of ventilation.

    During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and the elastic recoil of the lungs creates a relative positive pressure within the airways to create flow of air out of the lungs. Resistance is the obstruction to airflow and is increased in conditions such as acute bronchiolitis and asthma. Compliance is the extent of lung inflation at a given inflation pressure. It is dependent on the production of surfactant by type II pneumocytes, which reduces the surface tension on the alveoli and prevents atelectasis. Low compliance is commonly referred to as a stiff lung.

    The alveoli provide an enormous surface area for the diffusion of oxygen into the pulmonary blood and the removal of carbon dioxide. This assumes that the areas of the lung that are venti­lated are also being perfused with pulmonary blood. In conditions such as asthma, in which mucous plugging occurs, areas of lung are not ventilated or perfused by blood. This is called ventilation/perfusion or V/Q mismatching.

    Oxygen then transfers across the alveolar capillary membrane, binds to haemoglobin and is carried to the tissues, where it is made available for aerobic metabolism.


    This chapter has provided an overview of the development of the respiratory system. This should enable readers to fully appreciate how ill health and congenital abnormalities can affect the function of the respiratory system.


    1. What is the function of the alar nasalis muscle?

    2. What is the function of the conchae?

    3. The main reason why an inhaled foreign body would go down the right main bronchus much more easily than the left is?

    4. What defects are present in Pierre Robin sequence?

    5. An infant with a laryngeal web would present with what?

    6. Why does inspiratory stridor occur before expiratory stridor?


    Balfour-Lynn IM, Davies JC. (2006) Viral laryngotracheobronchitis. In: Chernick V (ed) Kendig’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children. Philadelphia: Elsevier.

    Carlo WA, Martin RJ, Bruce EN, Strohl KP, Fanaroff AA. (1983) Alae nasi activation (nasal flaring) decreases nasal resistance in preterm infants. Pediatrics 72, 338–43.

    Scarpelli EM. (1990) Lung cells from embryo to maturity. In: Scarpelli EM (ed) Pulmonary Physiology. Fetus, Newborn, Child and Adolescent, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.

    Wright ED, Pearl AJ, Manoukian JJ. (1998) Laterally hypertrophic adenoids as a contributing factor in otitis media. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 45, 207–14.

    Chapter 2

    Homeostasis and the respiratory system

    Andrew Prayle

    Research Fellow, Division of Child Health, University of Nottingham, and Nottingham Children’s Hospital

    Learning objectives

    After studying this chapter, the reader will have an understanding of:

    the principles of homeostasis

    the respiratory rate, carbon dioxide and pH

    negative feedback mechanism

    how ill health disrupts homeostasis.


    We live in an ever-changing environment but despite this, the body needs to maintain its internal environment within strict limits. The process by which the body maintains internal consistency (or internal equilibrium) is termed homeostasis (Chiras 2002). Respiration is one of the many body systems which are regulated by homeostatic processes. This chapter describes this process and gives an example of how it can be affected by ill health.

    Respiratory rate, carbon dioxide and pH

    Blood pH needs to be held within a neutral range of approximately 7.35–7.45. A lower pH is too acid and a higher pH too alkaline. The body’s metabolism naturally produces acids, most of which are ultimately excreted by the kidneys. Carbon dioxide is produced by all cells as they make energy, and is also acidic. However, carbon dioxide is an acidic gas and so it is removed from the bloodstream by the lungs through breathing. The rate of carbon dioxide removal from the body is proportional to the volume of each breath (bigger breaths remove more carbon dioxide) and the respiratory rate (faster breathing removes more carbon dioxide).

    Carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood regulates the respiratory rate

    The brain regulates the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood by altering the respiratory rate and depth (also termed the tidal volume). Chemical sensors termed chemoreceptors in the medulla of the brain can determine if carbon dioxide levels have increased by detecting the decreased blood pH caused by the increased carbon dioxide (Chiras 2002). A drop in blood pH is detected by the medulla which then stimulates nerves to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, increasing the respiratory rate and tidal volume (West 2004). This leads to an increase in the rate of removal of carbon dioxide from the body, and the blood levels of carbon dioxide fall back to normal. This in turn returns the blood pH to its normal level, removing the stimulus which previously increased the respiratory rate and tidal volume, and the tidal volume and respiratory rate settle at this new level (Figure 2.1).

    Control of respiratory rate is an example of a negative feedback mechanism

    In a negative feedback mechanism, a stimulus causes a response which removes the original stimulus, thus ‘turning off’ the response. You will notice that raised carbon dioxide triggers an increase in respiratory rate, which decreases the amount of carbon dioxide, and the respiratory rate falls again. So, control of breathing by carbon dioxide is an example of a negative feedback mechanism. There are several causes of increased carbon dioxide production, such as exercise or severe sepsis. Negative feedback is a common mechanism used by the body to regulate itself and maintain homeostasis (Clancy and McVicar 2009). Other examples are the control of blood sugar through regulating insulin release from the pancreas and maintenance of blood pressure by regulating the heart rate.

    Figure 2.1 Carbon dioxide and respiratory control operate as a negative feedback loop.

    In disease homeostasis is disrupted

    Disease processes affect the body’s ability to regulate itself (Waugh and Grant 2010). This is parti­cularly important in respiratory disease, as without adequate respiratory function patients quickly become acidotic (due to a rise in carbon dioxide) and hypoxic (due to a lack of oxygen).

    An example of this is an acute severe asthma attack. An asthma attack is characterised by reversible narrowing of the airways (termed bronchospasm), which leads to the wheezing sound which asthmatics make. At the start of a severe asthma attack, a child will breathe more quickly to maintain arterial oxygen saturations. The increased rate of breathing often initially reduces the blood carbon dioxide levels. The patient usually looks unwell, sits upwards, has intercostal and subcostal recession and supports their breathing by using their accessory muscles, like an athlete would after a race. If the arterial oxygen saturation falls, supplemental oxygen is administered. However, if this situation persists without intervention (or even with intervention in severe cases), the child’s respiratory muscles (the intercostal muscles and diaphragm) fatigue. They are unable to maintain the high respiratory rate necessary for gas exchange due to the increased work of breathing caused by the narrowed airways. The breathing depth and rate fall and carbon dioxide levels gradually rise. The brain detects this rise in carbon dioxide but is unable to increase the rate or depth of breathing and homeostasis is disrupted. The rise in carbon dioxide causes a respiratory acidosis and, with increasing severity, worsening hypoxia occurs due to lack of oxygen transfer. Without urgent intervention, this child would die (Figure 2.2).

    The regulation of blood pH is called acid–base balance and is assessed with blood gas analysis

    The control mechanisms of the respiratory system have a key role in maintaining acid–base balance of the blood. Acidosis (low pH) and alkalosis (high pH) are both damaging to the body. Table 2.1 summarises the blood gas findings which occur with a respiratory and metabolic acidosis. A blood gas test takes only a few minutes to perform and analyse, and is an invaluable part of the investigation of many respiratory disorders.

    Table 2.1 demonstrates typical results found with various acid–base disorders. Approximate ­normal ranges are shown in brackets. The first step in the diagnosis is to look at the pH; if this is low an acidosis is present, if high an alkalosis. Next look at the carbon dioxide; if this is raised in an acidosis then this is a respiratory acidosis. If it is low or normal, then the acidosis is metabolic (due to increased acid production by the body, for example during sepsis). The respiratory system will usually try to compensate for a metabolic acidosis by increasing the respiratory rate and excreting more carbon dioxide. So sometimes in a metabolic acidosis (e.g. during a diabetic ketoacidosis) a low pH, low carbon dioxide, low bicarbonate and low base excess are all found; this is a metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation.

    Figure 2.2 Blood carbon dioxide and respiratory rate during a severe asthma attack unresponsive to therapy. Initially carbon dioxide falls due to the high respiratory rate. Later, as the child tires, the blood carbon dioxide rises. The normal homeostatic mechanism which keeps the blood carbon dioxide within tight limits has failed due to the disease process.

    Table 2.1 Blood gas analysis


    The respiratory system is primarily responsible for the regulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Ill health results in disturbed homeostasis and the normal regulatory systems fail. Healthcare interventions can in a sense be seen as efforts to artificially maintain the body’s homeostasis, when it cannot cope with an illness. Examples of this are discussed later in this book – drug therapy for asthma is discussed in Chapter 10, and oxygen delivery to maintain oxygen saturations is also discussed in the context of children with chronic lung disease of prematurity in Chapter 8.

    Homeostatic mechanisms within the respiratory system maintain blood carbon dioxide and ­oxygen levels within tight limits. However, respiratory disease such as asthma can overwhelm the body’s normal homeostatic mechanisms, and lead to low blood oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels. It is useful for nurses to have a basic understanding of homeostasis when caring for children with respiratory conditions. This can assist nurses with the continual assessment of sick children, especially nurses working in paediatric intensive care where blood gas analysis is an important aspect of management.


    Answer true or false.

    1. Increased carbon dioxide will cause the blood to become alkaline.

    2. The blood pH is monitored by chemoreceptors in the medulla.

    3. The respiratory rate will increase if carbon dioxide falls.

    4. A high carbon dioxide level is a sign of serious illness in asthma.

    5. Control of breathing rate by carbon dioxide levels is an example of a positive feedback mechanism.


    Chiras DD. (2002) Human Biology: health, homeostasis and the environment, 4th edn. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

    Clancy J, McVicar A. (2009) Physiology and Anatomy for Nurses and Healthcare Practitioners: a homeostatic approach, 3rd edn. London: Hodder Arnold.

    Waugh A, Grant A. (2010) Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 11th edn. London: Elsevier.

    West JB. (2004) Respiratory Physiology: the essentials, 7th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

    Chapter 3

    Nursing assessment, history taking and collaborative working

    Janice Mighten

    Children’s Respiratory/Community Nurse Specialist, Nottingham Children’s Hospital

    Learning objectives

    After studying this chapter, the reader will have an understanding of:

    the importance of a structured approach during a nursing assessment for the child with respiratory disease

    the significance of a paediatric early warning scoring system for respiratory assessments

    the significance of history taking and building relationships with parents

    the impact of presenting symptoms associated with respiratory disease on the activities of daily living

    the impact of collaboration on health.


    Comprehensive history taking, good consultation skills and a thorough assessment are the starting point of all patient care. This model of practice provides a framework for guidance, based on the activities of daily living for nurses, referred to by Roper, Logan and Tierney (2000) as the nursing process. This process emphasises nursing care based on the concept of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation (Holland et al. 2008).

    There is also a need within modern healthcare to use the concepts of critical analysis, including best practice (Basford and Slevin 2003) and available evidence such as the British guidelines on the management of asthma (BTS 2011). This will be covered in more detail in Chapter 10. This chapter will provide an overview of assessment, history taking and consultation skills for nurses. Consideration will also be given to the importance and benefits of assessment, when planning care for children with respiratory disease.


    When planning care following the Roper 1996 nursing model, a thorough assessment needs to be carried out in a systematic manner (Basford and Slevin 2003). This enables the identification of a problem with the ultimate aim of assisting a diagnosis. This approach can also be applied to many specialist areas such as children’s respiratory nursing.

    Table 3.1 Normal pulse and respiration

    Adapted from Huband and Trigg (2000).

    Using a framework such as the nursing process not only assists with assessment of the patient but also enables nurses to consider particular elements of the assessment, such as breathing. Naturally, respiration is relevant to respiratory disorders and is also essential for life. Any alteration in breathing affects other activities of daily living such as eating and drinking (Holland et al. 2008). Therefore a holistic approach to assessment is recommended, including prioritising nursing activity when planning care.

    Recording the respiratory rate is the most significant observation in the respiratory system (Smyth 2001). A child in respiratory distress can present with grunting, head bobbing and recession (the use of accessory muscles). This clinical presentation is also highlighted within NICE guidelines (2007), which provides a comprehensive framework when assessing patients for respiratory distress.

    It is important that nurses have a clear understanding of the normal values when monitoring vital signs such as pulse and respiratory rate (Table 3.1). This allows interpretation of observations which a child may present with when unwell. Also, the respiratory rate should not be taken when a child is crying as this ultimately affects the respiratory rate.

    Assessment and recording of observations, with the use of a paediatric early warning scoring system (PEWS), are now an established part of clinical practice, following the introduction of NICE guidelines to assist the early detection of sick patients who have the potential to become critically ill (NICE 2007). The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2011) has also produced a ‘paediatric trigger tool’ in conjunction with healthcare professionals caring for children. The ethos of this was to assist practitioners to maintain patient safety with care delivery by using a scoring system.

    Oliver et al. (2010) report that when caring for children, observations are not always recorded on a regular basis. This also included variation in which specific observations were actually recorded; for example, the pulse rate may be recorded but not the respiratory rate. Oliver et al. suggest that early warning scoring systems can help to address this problem, in areas that have yet to introduce this in practice.

    The introduction of this concept is based on the traffic light system of red, amber and green when assessing clinical risk (NICE 2007). Thompson et al. (2009) found that a system of monitoring vital signs can be of value for both serious and less serious infection in children.

    Therefore, the importance of recording height and weight should not be underestimated in ­children. Not only are they important for drug therapy and developmental milestones but they are important parameters for assessing states of dehydration and fluid requirement, needed to correct dehydration. This can be significant with infants who have bronchiolitis and present with symptoms such as tachypnoea, poor feeding and low oxygen levels.

    At postregistration level, nurses have the extended knowledge that enables them to interpret what the observations are indicating. Oliver et al. (2010) observed in practice that respiration was the one observation that was often omitted, despite the use of a scoring system. This indicates that nurses caring for children with respiratory conditions can benefit from support and education from experienced individuals, such as the respiratory nurse specialist. Oliver et al. reinforce this point by ­suggesting that the success of a paediatric early warning scoring system is reliant on nurses not only recording the observations but understanding and acting on such recordings for the sick child.

    Box 3.1 Signs of cyanosis

    Central cyanosis

    Discoloration of lips, tongue and mucous membranes



    Discoloration of fingers/toes

    Peripheral cyanosis

    Discoloration of affected area

    Cold extremities

    Discoloured nail bed

    Mottled extremities

    Essentially, nursing observations not only assist with diagnosis but can help prevent long-term complications. For example, post pneumonia, a child who continues to cough should undergo ­further investigations because this can be an indication of persisting atelectasis. If this is not treated then bronchiectasis can develop (Smyth 2001).

    During observations, it is also useful to assess skin colour for signs of cyanosis. Cyanosis is caused by a high level of deoxygenated haemoglobin in the tissue (Ward et al. 2006). The skin has an abnormal discoloration and can have a greyish blue tinge. There are many causes of cyanosis, including impaired blood flow or circulatory shock. The presenting signs and symptoms are dependent on the underlying cause, which will determine whether it is central or peripheral cyanosis (Box 3.1). Central cyanosis occurs with heart and lung disease or haemoglobin that is abnormal. Peripheral cyanosis occurs as a result of blood flow that is impaired, causing reduced

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