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Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3
Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3
Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3
Ebook866 pages5 hours

Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3

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About this ebook

Start developing modern day component based web apps using React 16, Redux and TypeScript 3 with this easy to follow guide filled with practical examples.

Key Features

  • Learn the latest and core features of React such as components, React Router, and suspense

  • Dive into TypeScript 3 and it`s core components such as interfaces, types aliases, tuples, generics and much more.

  • Build small-to-large scale single page applications with React, Redux, GraphQL and TypeScript

Book Description

React today is one of the most preferred choices for frontend development. Using React with TypeScript enhances development experience and offers a powerful combination to develop high performing web apps. In this book, you'll learn how to create well structured and reusable react components that are easy to read and maintain by leveraging modern web development techniques.

We will start with learning core TypeScript programming concepts before moving on to building reusable React components. You'll learn how to ensure all your components are type-safe by leveraging TypeScript's capabilities, including the latest on Project references, Tuples in rest parameters, and much more. You'll then be introduced to core features of React such as React Router, managing state with Redux and applying logic in lifecycle methods. Further on, you'll discover the latest features of React such as hooks and suspense which will enable you to create powerful function-based components. You'll get to grips with GraphQL web API using Apollo client to make your app more interactive. Finally, you'll learn how to write robust unit tests for React components using Jest.

By the end of the book, you'll be well versed with all you need to develop fully featured web apps with React and TypeScript.

What you will learn

  • Gain a first-hand experience of TypeScript and its productivity features

  • Transpile your TypeScript code into JavaScript for it to run in a browser

  • Learn relevant advanced types in TypeScript for creating strongly typed and reusable components.

  • Create stateful function-based components that handle lifecycle events using hooks

  • Get to know what GraphQL is and how to work with it by executing basic queries to get familiar with the syntax

  • Become confident in getting good unit testing coverage on your components using Jest

Who this book is for

The ideal target audience for this book are web developers who want to get started with creating modern day web apps with React and TypeScript.You are expected to have a basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML programming. No prior knowledge of TypeScript and React is needed.

Release dateNov 29, 2018
Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3

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    Book preview

    Learn React with TypeScript 3 - Carl Rippon

    Learn React with TypeScript 3

    Learn React with

    TypeScript 3

    Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3

    Carl Rippon


    Learn React with TypeScript 3

    Copyright © 2018 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Commissioning Editor: Amarabha Banerjee

    Acquisition Editor: Devanshi Doshi

    Content Development Editor: Francis Carneiro

    Technical Editor: Surabhi Kulkarni

    Copy Editor: Safis Editing

    Project Coordinator: Kinjal Bari

    Proofreader: Safis Editing

    Indexer: Rekha Nair

    Graphics: Alishon Mendonsa

    Production Coordinator: Aparna Bhagat

    First published: November 2018

    Production reference: 1281118

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78961-025-3

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    About the author

    Carl Rippon has been involved in the software industry for over 20 years, developing a complex line of business applications in various sectors. He has spent the last eight years building single page applications using a wide range of JavaScript technologies, including Angular, ReactJS, and TypeScript. Carl has written over 100 blog posts on various technologies.

    I'd like to thank Sarah, Ellie-Jayne, and Lily-Rose for all the support they've given me while writing this book. Thanks to everyone in the Packt editorial team for their hard work and great feedback, especially Francis Carneiro and Surabhi Kulkarni. Special thanks also to Devanshi Doshi for reaching out to me with this opportunity.

    About the reviewers

    Ashok Kumar S has been working in the mobile development domain for about six years. In his early days, he was a JavaScript and Node developer. Thanks to his strong web development skills, he has mastered web and mobile development. He is a Google-certified engineer, a speaker at global level conferences (including DroidCon Berlin and MODS), and he also runs a YouTube channel called AndroidABCD for Android developers. He is a computer science and engineering graduate who is passionate about innovation in technology. He contributes to open source heavily with a view to improving his e-karma.

    He has also written books on Wear OS programming and mastering the Firebase toolchain. In his spare time, he writes articles and makes videos on programming. Ashok Kumar has also reviewed books on mobile and web development, namely Mastering JUnit 5, Android Programming for Beginners, and developing Enterprise applications using JavaScript.

    I would especially like to thank my mother for her boundless support in every possible way, not to mention family members Shylaja, Sumitra, Krishna, Vinisha, and my fiancé, Geetha Shree. 

    Dave has had over 16 years' experience as a software engineer. After working for a number of creative agencies in London and then as a contract tech lead for a global e-commerce company, he is now tech lead at Seccl Technology, a start-up based in Bath, UK, that is building pioneering digital services for the financial industry, working with a serverless infrastructure in the cloud, and providing wonderful experiences through their web applications. He has worked with TypeScript for about five years and has seen it mature a lot over the years. Dave has worked specifically on React applications for over two years, as well on serverless code for the Seccl platform.

    Pogo Kid is Dave's consultancy where he provides support for companies wanting to improve their serverless, React, and TypeScript applications. He has also reviewed a couple of book proposals for Manning on TypeScript. 

    He has had the privilege of bringing leadership to development teams across the world, including many household names. He is a firm believer that when systems have the correct architecture and the team has a good mix of passion and skill, users will have a wonderful experience.

    Daniel Deutsch is working as a web developer in various companies. Although most of his work is structured around client-side development, he is also able to contribute to different problem areas in software development, like the backend, devops, or project management. Coming from legal fields and also studying law he aims for bringing the 2 areas together and create additional value for both industries. As his personal interest focuses on machine learning, he likes to incorporate more of those disciplines in his day to day work.

    Daniel's ultimate goal is to structure a business around motivated people to create something that brings value to humanity and lasts for a long time period.

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright and Credits

    Learn React with TypeScript 3

    About Packt

    Why subscribe?


    About the author

    About the reviewers

    Packt is searching for authors like you


    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

    To get the most out of this book

    Download the example code files

    Download the color images

    Conventions used

    Get in touch


    TypeScript Basics

    Technical requirements

    Understanding the benefits of TypeScript

    Catching coding errors early

    Better developer experience and productivity

    Using future JavaScript features

    Understanding basic types

    Primitive types

    Type annotations

    Type inference







    Creating interfaces, types aliases, and classes



    Method signatures

    Optional properties and parameters

    Readonly properties

    Extending interfaces

    Type aliases


    Basic classes

    Implementing interfaces


    Extending classes

    Abstract classes

    Access modifiers

    Property setters and getters


    Structuring code into modules

    Module formats



    Default exports

    Configuring compilation

    Common options











    Specifying files for compilation

    TypeScript linting

    Installing TSLint

    Configuring rules

    Built-in rules

    Excluding files

    Code formatting



    Further reading

    What is New in TypeScript 3

    Technical requirements


    JavaScript rest and spread syntax

    Open-ended tuples

    Tuple function parameters

    Spread expressions

    Empty tuples

    Optional tuple elements

    The unknown type

    Type checking with a type predicate

    Type narrowing with a type assertion

    Project references

    Setting up an example

    Referencing projects 

    Additions to compiler options

    Cross-project Go to Definition

    Build mode

    Default JSX properties



    Further reading

    Getting Started with React and TypeScript

    Technical requirements

    Creating a React and TypeScript project

    Using create-react-app

    Creating a project manually

    Creating our folder structure

    Creating package.json

    Adding TypeScript

    Creating tsconfig.json

    Adding TSLint

    Adding React with types

    Creating a root web page

    Creating a simple React component

    Adding webpack

    Project folders and files

    Creating start and build scripts

    Creating a class component

    Creating a basic class component


    Component props

    Optional props

    Default prop values

    Handling class component events

    Basic event handlers

    The this problem

    Function props

    Class component states

    Defining state type

    Initializing the state

    Changing state

    Class component life cycle methods




    getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and componentDidUpdate


    Deprecated life cycle methods

    Creating a function component

    Creating a basic function component

    Stateful function components

    Function component life cycle hooks

    Optimizing function component rendering



    Further reading

    Routing with React Router

    Technical requirements

    Installing React Router with routing types

    Declaring routes

    Creating navigation

    Using the Link component

    Using the NavLink component

    Route parameters

    Handling not found routes

    Implementing page redirects

    Simple redirect

    Conditional redirect

    Query parameters

    Route prompts

    Nested routes

    Animated transitions

    Lazy loading routes



    Further reading

    Advanced Types

    Technical requirements

    Union types

    String literal types

    String literal union types

    Discriminated union pattern

    Type guards

    Using the typeof keyword 

    Using the instanceof keyword 

    Using the in keyword 

    Using a user-defined type guard


    Generic functions

    Generic classes

    Overload signatures

    Lookup and mapped types



    Further reading

    Component Patterns

    Technical requirements

    Container and presentational components

    Compound components

    Adding reviews to a product

    Creating a basic tab component

    Leveraging the compound component pattern

    Sharing state with React context

    Render props pattern

    Completing Tabs with render props

    Using render prop for tab headings

    Using children prop for tab content 

    Higher-order components

    Adding asynchronous data fetching

    Implementing the withLoader HOC

    Consuming the withLoader HOC



    Further reading

    Working with Forms

    Technical requirements

    Creating a form with controlled components

    Adding a Contact Us page

    Creating controlled inputs

    Reducing boilerplate code with generic components

    Creating a basic form component

    Adding a basic Field component

    Sharing state with React context

    Implementing our new ContactUs component

    Validating forms

    Adding a validation rules prop to form

    Tracking validation error messages

    Invoking validation rules

    Triggering validation rule execution from field

    Rendering validation error messages

    Form submission

    Adding a submit button to the form

    Adding a onSubmit form prop

    Consuming the onSubmit form prop



    Further reading

    React Redux

    Technical requirements

    Principles and key concepts


    Key concepts

    Installing Redux

    Creating actions

    Creating state and action types

    Creating actions

    Creating reducers

    Creating a store

    Connecting our React app to the store

    Adding the store Provider component

    Connecting components to the store

    Connecting ProductsPage to the store

    Connecting ProductsPage to the loading store state

    Adding product state and actions to the store

    Adding basket state and actions to the store

    Connecting ProductPage to the store

    Creating and connecting BasketSummary to the store

    Managing state with useReducer



    Further reading

    Interacting with RESTful APIs

    Technical requirements

    Writing asynchronous code


    Callback execution

    Handling callback errors


    Consuming a promised-based function

    Creating a promised based function

    async and await

    Using fetch

    Getting data with fetch

    Basic GET request

    Getting response status

    Handling errors

    Creating data with fetch

    Basic POST request

    Request HTTP headers

    Changing data with fetch

    Basic PUT request

    Basic PATCH request

    Deleting data with fetch

    Using axios with class components

    Installing axios

    Getting data with axios

    Basic GET request

    Handling errors

    Request HTTP headers


    Canceling requests

    Creating data with axios

    Updating data with axios

    Deleting data with axios

    Using axios with function components



    Further reading

    Interacting with GraphQL APIs

    Technical requirements

    GraphQL query and mutation syntax

    Reading GraphQL data

    Basic query

    Returning nested data

    Query parameters

    Writing GraphQL data

    Using axios as a GraphQL client

    Getting a GitHub personal access token

    Creating our app

    Querying the GraphQL server

    Using Apollo GraphQL client

    Installing Apollo client

    Migrating from axios to Apollo

    Adding an Apollo provider

    Using the query component to query GraphQL

    Adding a repository search component

    Implementing the search form

    Implementing the search query

    Rendering the search result

    Implementing a mutation with Apollo

    Working with cached data in Apollo

    Clearing the caching using refetchQueries

    Updating the cache after a Mutation



    Further reading

    Unit Testing with Jest

    Technical requirements

    Testing pure functions

    Creating a basic pure function test

    Understanding Jest watch options

    Adding structure to unit test results

    Testing components

    Creating a basic component test

    Improving our tests with react-testing-library

    Installing react-testing-library 

    Removing CSS class references from our tests

    Using fireEvent for user interaction

    Creating a second test for a valid form submission

    Using Jest snapshot tests

    Mocking dependencies

    Using a mock function in Jest

    Mocking Axios with axios-mock-adapter

    Getting code coverage



    Further reading


    Chapter 1: TypeScript Basics

    Chapter 2: What is New in TypeScript 3

    Chapter 3:  Getting Started with React and TypeScript

    Chapter 4: Routing with React Router

    Chapter 5: Advanced Types

    Chapter 6: Component Patterns

    Chapter 7:  Working with Forms

    Chapter 8: React Redux

    Chapter 9: Interacting with RESTful APIs

    Chapter 10: Interacting with GraphQL APIs

    Chapter 11: Unit Testing with Jest

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    React was built by Facebook in order to provide more structure to their code base and allow it to scale much better. React worked so well for Facebook that they eventually open sourced it. Today, React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building frontends. It allows us to build small, isolated, and highly reusable components that can be composed together in order to create complex frontends.

    TypeScript was built by Microsoft to help developers more easily build large frontend applications. It is a superset of JavaScript, bringing a rich type system to it. This type system helps developers to catch bugs early and allows tools to be created to robustly navigate and refactor code.

    This book will teach you how you can use both of these technologies to create large sophisticated frontends efficiently that are easy to maintain.

    Who this book is for

    This book is primarily aimed at web developers who want to create large web applications with React and TypeScript. A basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML is assumed.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, TypeScript Basics, introduces the TypeScript type system, covering the basic types. It moves on to cover how we can configure the incredibly flexible TypeScript compiler. Linting and code formatting are also introduced, along with their configuration.

    Chapter 2, What is New in TypeScript 3, steps through the significant new features that were introduced in version 3 of TypeScript. Tuples feature heavily in this chapter, along with the closely related rest and spread syntax and how we can use these constructs with strong types. Setting up multiple related TypeScript projects efficiently is also covered, before moving on to improvements that have been made when setting default prop values in a React component.

    Chapter 3, Getting Started with React and TypeScript, begins with how projects that use both these technologies can be created. The chapter then introduces how strongly-typed React components can be built in both a class-based and functional manner. Managing state and hooking into life cycle events are also key topics in this chapter.

    Chapter 4, Routing with React Router, introduces a library that can help us efficiently create an app with multiple pages. It covers how to create page links, and declare the components that should be rendered. Step by step, the chapter covers how to implement route parameters, query parameters, and nested routes. The chapter also covers how to load components from a route on demand in order to optimize performance in apps entailing lots of large pages.

    Chapter 5, Advanced Types, focuses solely on TypeScript types. On this occasion, more advanced, but still very useful, types are covered, such as generic types, union types, overload signatures, and keyof and lookup types. 

    Chapter 6, Component Patterns, covers a number of common patterns for building React components while still maintaining strong types. Container components are stepped through first, followed by composite components. The popular render props pattern and higher-order components are also covered in this chapter.

    Chapter 7, Working with Forms, covers how forms can be implemented efficiently with React and TypeScript. A generic form component is built step by step, including validation and submission.

    Chapter 8, React Redux, covers how this popular library can help manage state across an app. A strongly typed Redux store is built with actions and reducers. The chapter finishes by looking at how a new React function can allow a Redux style structure within components without Redux.

    Chapter 9, Interacting with RESTful APIs, begins with detailed coverage of asynchronous code. The chapter then moves on to cover how we can interact with RESTful APIs using a native JavaScript function, as well as a popular open source library.

    Chapter 10, Interacting with GraphQL APIs, begins by introducing the syntax for reading and writing data. The chapter covers how to interact with a GraphQL server with an HTTP library before moving on to using a popular purpose-built library. 

    Chapter 11, Unit Testing with Jest, covers how to test both pure functions and React components. A popular open source library is looked at to make tests less brittle when the internals of components are refactored. Some of the great features of Jest are stepped through, such as snapshot testing, mocking, and code coverage. 

    Answers, Contains the answers to all the exercises present in the chapters of this book.

    To get the most out of this book

    You need to know the basics of JavaScript, including the following:

    An understanding of some of the primitive JavaScript types, such as string, number, Boolean, null, and undefined

    An understanding of how to create variables and reference them, including arrays and objects

    An understanding of how to create functions and call them

    An understanding of how to create conditional statements with the if and else keywords

    You need to know the basics of HTML, including the following:

    An understanding of basic HTML tags, such as div, ul, p, a, h1, and h2, and how to compose them together to create a web page

    An understanding of how to reference a CSS class to style an HTML element

    An understanding of basic CSS is also helpful, but not essential:

    How to size elements and include margins and padding

    How to position elements

    How to color elements

    You will need the following technologies installed on your computer:

    Google Chrome: This can be installed at

    Node.js andnpm: These are used throughout this book. You can install them at If you already have these installed, make sure that Node.js is at least version 8.2 and that npm is at least version 5.2. 

    TypeScript: This can be installed vianpm by entering the following command in a terminal:

    npm install -g typescript

    Visual Studio Code: You'll need this to write React and TypeScript code. This can be installed from 

    Download the example code files

    You can download the example code files for this book from your account at If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files emailed directly to you.

    You can download the code files by following these steps:

    Log in or register at

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    Click on Code Downloads & Errata.

    Enter the name of the book in the Search box and follow the onscreen instructions.

    Once the file is downloaded, please make sure that you unzip or extract the folder using the latest version of:

    WinRAR/7-Zip for Windows

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    The code bundle for the book is also hosted on GitHub at In case there's an update to the code, it will be updated on the existing GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: Let's create a new file called tsconfig.json in the root of our project. 

    A block of code is set as follows:

    import * as React from react;

    const App: React.SFC = () => {


    My React App!



    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    interface IProps {

    title: string;

      content: string;

    cancelCaption?: string;

      okCaption?: string;


    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    cd my-components

    npm install tslint tslint-react tslint-config-prettier --save-dev

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see on screen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: We need to click the Install option to install the extension.

    Warnings or important notes appear like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

    Get in touch

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome.

    General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, mention the book title in the subject of your message and email us at

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    TypeScript Basics

    Facebook has become an incredibly popular app. As its popularity grew, so did the demand for new features. React was Facebook's answer to help more people work on the codebase and deliver features quicker. React worked so well for Facebook that they eventually open sourced it. Today, React is a mature library for building component-based frontends that is extremely popular and has a massive community and ecosystem.

    TypeScript is also a popular, mature library maintained by a big company – namely, Microsoft. It allows users to add strong types to their JavaScript code, helping them to be more productive, particularly in large code bases.

    This book will teach you how you can use both of these awesome libraries to build robust frontends that are easy to maintain. The first couple of chapters in the book focus solely on TypeScript. You'll then start to learn about React and how you can compose robust frontends using Typescript components with strong typing.

    In this chapter, we'll cover TypeScript's relationship to JavaScript and the benefits it brings. A basic understanding of JavaScript is therefore required. We'll also cover the basics of TypeScript that you'll commonly use when writing code for the browser.

    You'll come to understand the need to use TypeScript for building a frontend and the sort of projects for which TypeScript really shines. You will also see how to transpile your TypeScript code into JavaScript so that it can run in a browser. Last but not least, you'll learn how you can perform additional checks on your TypeScript code to make it readable and maintainable.

    By the end of the chapter, you'll be ready to start learning how you can use TypeScript for building frontends with React.

    In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:

    Understanding the benefits of TypeScript

    Understanding basic types

    Creating interfaces, types aliases, and classes

    Structuring code into modules

    Configuring compilation

    TypeScript linting

    Code formatting

    Technical requirements

    We will use the following technologies in this chapter:

    TypeScript playground: This is a website at that allows you to play around with and understand the features in TypeScript without installing it.

    Node.js andnpm: TypeScript and React are dependent on these. You can install them at: If you already have these installed, make sure Node.js is at least Version 8.2 andnpm is at least Version 5.2.

    TypeScript: This can be installed via npm, entering the following command in a terminal:

    npm install -g typescript

    Visual Studio Code: We'll need an editor to write our TypeScript code. This one can be installed from Other editors that could be used can be found at

    All the code snippets in this chapter can be found online at:

    Understanding the benefits of TypeScript

    When a JavaScript codebase grows, it can become hard to read and maintain. TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript, adding static types. The TypeScript compiler reads in TypeScript code that includes type information and produces clean, readable JavaScript with the type information transformed and removed. The compiled code can then run in our favorite browsers and Node.js.

    TypeScript offers several benefits over JavaScript:

    Coding errors can be caught in the development process earlier

    Static types allow tools to be built that improve the developer experience and productivity

    JavaScript features that aren't implemented in all the browsers yet can actually be used in an app that targets those browsers

    We'll go through these points in detail in the following sections.

    Catching coding errors early

    The type information helps the TypeScript compiler catch bugs and typos before our users run into them. In code editors such as Visual Studio Code, a mistake is underlined in red immediately after the user has gone wrong. As an example, create a file called utils.js and paste in the following code, which calculates the total price on an order line:

    function calculateTotalPrice(product, quantity, discount) {

      var priceWithoutDiscount = product.price * quantity;

      var discountAmount = priceWithoutDiscount * discount;

      return priceWithoutDiscount - discountAmount;


    There is a bug in the code that might be difficult for us to spot. If we open the file in Visual Studio Code, no errors are highlighted. If we change the extension of the file to .ts, Visual Studio Code immediately underlines bits of the code that need our attention in red:

    Most of the errors are TypeScript asking for some type information. So, let's add some types to our code:

    interface IProduct {

      name: string;

      unitPrice: number;


    function calculateTotalPrice(product: IProduct, quantity: number, discount: number): number {

      var priceWithoutDiscount: number = product.price * quantity;

      var discountAmount: number = priceWithoutDiscount * discount;

      return priceWithoutDiscount - discountAmount;


    Don't worry if you don't understand what we just added; we'll go through types in the next section. The key point is that we now have a single error highlighted to us, which is, in fact, the bug:

    The bug is that our function references a price property in the product object that doesn't exist. The property that we should reference is unitPrice.

    Better developer experience and productivity

    Let's fix the bug in the previous section by renaming price to unitPrice. Notice how Visual Studio Code gives us IntelliSense lists unitPrice as an option because it looking at our type definition:

    Here, TypeScript and Visual Studio Code are using the types to provide a better authoring experience for us. As well as IntelliSense, we are provided with code navigation features, and the safe renaming of functions and variables across multiple files. These features increase our productivity, particularly when the code base is large and there

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