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A Hair Strand of Humility's Head
A Hair Strand of Humility's Head
A Hair Strand of Humility's Head
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A Hair Strand of Humility's Head

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The humbling of one's heart is the means by which they successfully knock on elevation's door. Therefore, it is as arduous for anyone to truly be exalted as they find it difficult to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God.

By what technology did I write a book that would inspire millions of people around the world when all the odds were against me as far as ethos is concerned? When I was microscopic in my own eyes, the Lord saw me and loved me into becoming a blessing to nations.

I heard questions that I simply did not have the answers to. Who are you? Where did you come from? Who are your parents? Who is going to sponsor you? Who's going to read your book? Why should people even listen to you? How are you going to make it anyway? Do you even have a college degree? What company is going to publish you? These were not questions posed by others; these were interrogations that I wrestled with in my head. For the longest time, I was against myself, but all along, the Holy Spirit was for me.

Hence, here I am--a published author. There was more dispiritedness that came from myself than anyone else could encourage or discourage. But my help came from the hill of the One who made it His business to clean my hands more than I could get them dirty and purify my heart with a fire that no cold could conquer.

Holy Spirit Academy: A Hair Strand of Humility's Head will certainly strengthen, renew, and restore your heart, mind, and soul. In fact, it is the purpose of this volume to endue you with a degree of knowledge and understanding of God that could only have sprung from the Spirit of Jesus.

Release dateJul 1, 2024
A Hair Strand of Humility's Head

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    Book preview

    A Hair Strand of Humility's Head - JDN Dameus


    A Hair Strand of Humility's Head

    JDN Dameus

    ISBN 979-8-89043-609-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89243-388-4 (hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-89043-610-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by JDN Dameus

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    The Intimacy of the Place of Prayer

    Prayer and the Word

    Might, Power, and the Spirit

    The External, Internal, and Eternal

    Ideology, Philosophy, and Theology

    Knowledge and Awareness

    Knowing God by Heart

    God as a Spirit

    Part of God's Ways

    Deep Calling to Deep

    The Spirit of Excellence

    Conjugating a Spirit

    Intimacy with the Spirit

    The Mind of God

    The Genius of God: El Unigénito de Dios

    The Philosophy of God

    The Angel of the Lord (That God)

    The Unbelievable and the Unbeliever

    The Date Tree

    Refused to Be Approved

    Patience Framed with Experience

    Authority and Power

    Making a Decision

    Fullness, Perfection, and Completion

    Who Are They?

    He Cited My Name

    Spiritual IQ

    Understand This

    Life, oh Life

    Discreet Aspects of the Name of God (DANG)


    The Student and the Study of God

    God's Will Cannot Lie

    The Status of the Truth

    God and the Gods

    God and Man

    The Expendability of the Average Man

    The Man Who Works for God Personally

    The Spirit of Man and the Spirit in Man

    Frequency and Consistency and Times and Seasons

    While We Wait


    The Way of the Lord and the Lord of the Way

    The Way and Its Maker

    Calling the Name of Jesus

    The Magnifier

    About the Author

    Holy Spirit Academy

    To the inspiration of the Almighty who gave me understanding


    To Manise, my wings and eyes through the cloudy and dark days of flying blind.


    The Holy Spirit is the biggest deal in the world we do see and all the other worlds we do not. Amid the countless spirits that exist, He alone is known as the holy one. Good or evil, a spirit is responsible for everything that moves in the heavens or upon the face of the earth, from one place to another, at any given time. From the thoughts in a man's heart to the words of his mouth to the burgeoning or even the manifestation of the ideas that he gathers from thoughts and words, a spirit sponsors them all.

    Without a spirit, it is impossible for a man to even think, let alone utter a word or act in pursuit of activating or actualizing a dream that he desires to be his reality. Even the madman could never have been made so mad except he had surrendered himself to the ways of the spirit of madness, which recruited his soul.

    A Hair Strand of Humility's Head is my testimony that, Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off (Psalm 138:6 KJV). For a while in my life, I felt stranded, lost, and void of significance, and I wondered if the God I grew up hearing about in Sunday school was real. I couldn't understand how I went from graduating as one of the top students in my class with a 3.70 GPA to scrubbing pots in a restaurant a couple of years later instead of going to college. My hopes and dreams were shattered during the first few years after graduation.

    The Lord has brought me to a place where I came face-to-face with the comprehension that He was sovereign in my life and that I was not my own. I used to think I was brilliant until the day I was struck by His light and realized I would sit in darkness for the rest of my days if I didn't surrender to His will for me.

    The idea of A Hair Strand of Humility's Head came from the abundance of revelations I have gotten and continue to get from reading the scriptures. I saw that the more I read, the more I needed to read, and that it didn't matter how many times I read the same verse, chapter, or book; there was something new to see every time. Therefore, compared to how much more understanding there is to glean from the inspiration of the Almighty, I equated everything I've gotten so far to a strand of hair on Humility's Head—the great I AM.

    The Head of Humility is not itself but greatness. The eyes of my understanding have been opened to see the reason why God does not despise humble beginnings. That new perspective helped me cope with where I was, despite where I thought I should be. I learned not to lean on my own understanding. Thus, trusting in the Lord became easy for me, seeing that I did not need to qualify for it.

    Little by little, by hearing from the Holy Spirit and taking notes daily, a volume began to form. I never dreamed about becoming an author. I didn't know the first thing about writing a book, but here I am today—a hair strand of the Spirit.

    Goodness is laid up and packaged in abundance, set aside, and reserved for those who fear the Lord and trust in Him. Fearing and trusting the Lord finesse the honor of the Father and the glory of the King, for He is most honorable and all glorious. The holy fear—distinguished reverence for His Majesty—prepares a son or daughter to do business with God in righteousness on a kingdom level. This is the highest dimension of communing with God. This is why it is mandatory that a man be exalted above the ways of men before he gets there.

    Yet let us quickly call to mind that the criterion for being lifted up is to humble oneself. Which means, technically, the way it works, anyone who desires to do business with the Lion of Judah must first seek to serve the Lamb of God. The King will want to see shepherd skills in the spirit when He looks at the résumé of the man that desires to see His face, for keeping sheep has been the occupation of God and His people from the beginning.

    Therefore, humility was the path through which even the Son of God walked before he was honored with the name above all names. The shepherd in David, king of Israel, danced before the Lord in the sight of the people. But the queen in Michal, his wife (the daughter of Saul, who was previously a keeper of herds himself), did not comprehend the joy in the heart of the man of God, and that cost her everything.

    King or shepherd, all kings and shepherds are servants to the King of kings, who is simultaneously the Shepherd of shepherds. But it is easier for a man to receive from God with his heart beating in the humility of the shepherd than for him to do so when he thinks he is also a king. The shepherd is the heart of the king. It is a divine slope that causes things to perfectly and effortlessly flow when God releases blessings to the humble. The king—who is better—blesses the shepherd, who is lesser.

    Still God gets the glory, for both the Lion and the Lamb are His Majesty's. When a man thinks in his heart that he is so up there with God, he makes it hard for himself to receive anything from His Highness. A ball can only roll so far on a flat surface, and no matter how hard you push it to the other side, it gets to a point where it just stops moving. But when humility is involved, the man begins to be conformed to the image of wisdom, and a wise man will always know that he and God will never be on the same level, though they may appear to be side by side. The sweet psalmist of Israel knew by experience that after he had done all the climbing he possibly could, God, by reason of His loftiness, still had to lower Himself in order to be reached, so he said, Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy (Psalm 86:1 KJV). This is a wise man. And men wonder why God loved David so much. Begin to be wise too, and you'll understand why.

    The degree of fear inherent in being so wise is not an average one. Out of countless opportunities to sin against God, from the root of the age of understanding to the man's final breath, he sinned once. This David came so close to being God that eventually God made him God. Who lived seven decades and only did one thing wrong, according to God's answer sheet? David. That man was the perfect prototype of the God like whom there is no other but God's very own heart, who is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

    From what took place in heaven between the Morning and His Son, we gather the moment where David fell for the woman—who depicts a man's height. The key to ascending is not to ascend but to bow down and worship the Maker of the elevator. You could never have known on your own that the way to the side of the north is paved, calibrated, and crystallized with technologies and treasures buried deep within the heart of the south side of heaven. That is to say, if a man tries to make it there holding on to his life, he will die before he covers one trillionth of the distance. But if he does not care to lose his mind in pursuit of the kingdom of God and His righteousness, though he dies in the process, God will personally see that he is breathed back to life. The side of the north is not for men who think they can get there because of what they have achieved in their days, but a man gets there on account of his friendship with the Son of God—who is God. It is a place of places prepared for those who humble themselves under His mighty hand.


    Holiness cannot be bribed. There is only one way to find God's will: Jesus. The search is by grace through faith, and the finding is by faith through grace. Pay close attention to the divine versatility of faith and grace. They're both means of getting to the same King and kingdom. And if you wonder, How will I know when I have found God's will for my life? Here's a clue: by the time you think you've found her, she will have found you first. God's will is His kingdom; His will is His righteousness. His will is everlasting. You were born into what you must seek.

    Therefore, the seeking is not to find what you do not yet have so much as to locate where and when exactly it'll be befitting for you to have what's rightfully yours from the Lord. It's a gift to be received before it's a prize to be earned. It's intimate business. God's will is in that secret place. If any other man but you and God knows where it is, then it's no longer a secret place. In that secret place, the bridegroom's bride is the Lord. And the bride's groom is that same Spirit. No flesh shall glory in the secret place of the Most High, even the hiding place of El Elyon, the Most High God.

    The secret place of the Most High was on earth; still many knew it not because God has chosen to hide His majesty in the heart of humility. Men expected to see starlight; magic carpets; diamond houses with emerald, jasper, and sapphire floors, pearly walls, and golden gates; a twelve-million-dollar car garage; and a collection that included Bugattis, Maybachs, Rolls-Royces, Mercedeses, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys, etc. But when they saw humility, clay, and a donkey, they were disappointed within themselves, though with their lips they shouted, Hosanna in the highest! Nonetheless, through all the noise, God knew that only a chosen few meant business with the Son of Man.

    Even today, in this very moment, that selfsame secret place abides and resides within every believer and seeker of the Truth in the person of the Holy Spirit, which leads us through the door made of pure and holy light. And this door is the one that leads to everlasting life, salvation, power, wisdom—el Christo.


    And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place. (Genesis 18:33 KJV)

    At the beginning of the chapter, we see the verse, And the Lord appeared unto him, in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day. And a few chapters prior, it says, There he built an altar unto the Lord (Genesis 13:18 KJV).

    If the Lord went His way, then where was the way of the Lord when He appeared to Abraham in the plains? Ah! Think about it. But before you think too hard and start thinking, This is too hard, let the Spirit help you.

    Pertaining to the ways of God, they are simply higher than yours and mine. So the Lord went higher as soon as He left communing with Abraham. Think of a father coming from the presence of his child, whom he just sang to sleep, and going upstairs as a husband to sing hallelujah with his wife. Upstairs, in that moment, he is not Father (though he is still a father), but he is a husband. And in that office, he functions as a husband. Making love to his wife is fulfilling a higher purpose than singing to his son. Both songs are sung by the same singing being, although they are different. One is greater, for one of the songs has the potential to bring forth another life into the world, and the other is just to help a child to rest for a few hours.

    Furthermore, consider a philosopher putting off his degree in philosophy and starting to play ABC songs so that the children he is surrounded by can have a good time. He is still great. But for the sake of the pupils, he takes it easy. God put aside His majesty when He appeared to Abraham. His way was still His way, but He did not bring His way along with Him, for the man Abraham still had a long way to go before he became the rock that he is as you read this. God is such a God. The only God like Him is Him, but He does not count Himself, so He says, There is none else.

    He appeared unto Abraham in one of his simplest forms, and still, in that simple form, He was three great men. Imagine one of His complicated forms; that's a host of Michaels and Davids squared.

    The holy community

    In the community where God resides, no carnally minded man can even think of buying a piece of property, let alone building a house there. The holy angel at the gate is so dreadful that from a few miles away from the way to the jurisdiction, his holiness can tell who is who. No man can make it to the gate with his own strength. They are overlaid with the ever-burning flames of the everlasting and holy fire. The Spirit responsible for the real estate in that community is branded holy by God Himself. That is the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. The same is the mind of Christ.

    Therefore, it is said, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5 KJV). Without this mind, it is impossible to think that one day, you can get out of the realm of renting and become the lord of your own land. That community is a community of communities. And therein is the house of prayer, even the house of God. So God does not only pray, but God is prayer. For this reason, every man of God is a man of prayer. In fact, one of the names of the Lord is Prayer. It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of Prayer' (Isaiah 56:7 NKJV). In other words, my house shall be called my house, the house of God.

    Moreover, even as God's people is called by God's name, so is His house called by His name, Israel—Prayer. The man that lacks understanding would wonder, What exactly is His name? Is it Israel? Or is it Prayer? Oh please. His name is Israel. His name is Prayer. And His name makes a septillion more sounds.

    The infrastructure of the community of God is put in place by His counsel and might. According to the one who received the grace to be wiser than any other man ever could be, Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches (Proverbs 24:3–4 KJV).

    Technically, every man in the community is also a man, but essentially, they are all gods abiding under the shadow of the God of gods.

    The Holy Communion

    Before God gave Abram the name Abraham, God prepared him for it. The Lord appeared to him before in dreams and in visions and communicated with him in dark sayings in the dead of night. But a time came when God appeared to him even in the flesh and commanded him to walk before Him and to be perfect. Patience has had her perfect work in the man; now he was ready to be made perfect and complete.

    The Almighty does not just talk to any man. He must have obtained an adequate degree of might, or he could collapse at the sight of the shadow of the Almighty. Now hear the word of the Spirit, even the word of the Lord. Communication and communion are not as synonymous as men would think. Communication can be achieved from a distance—over the phone or through one social means or another, it is called telecommunication. However, it is not so for communion, for there is no such thing as telecommunion. Koinonia requires intimacy. The carnal version that comes closest to depicting this dimension of knowledge is a husband knowing his wife.

    Still, that is not close enough. The Word says, Abraham stood yet before the Lord, and Abraham drew near, and said, ‘Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?' (Genesis 18: 22-23 KJV). This is a depiction of communion. There, the man does not speak with his mouth, but his heart does the speaking. In communion, no man ever says anything until he draws near, for nearness is the well from which his soul draws the grace and the wisdom to know how to conduct himself in the presence of the Holy One.

    Communication deals with mouth to ears; whereas communion covers heart-to-heart, which goes even deeper than face-to-face. God spoke to Moses face-to-face, and men were in awe because he was the only man to whom God spoke face-to-face in that generation. But before Moses and the children of Israel inherited the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God appeared to those gods, ate with them, and communed with them.

    In communion, God sets a portion of the whole speech to be birthed out of the loins of the man the spirit is being one with. Therefore, it is called communing, comme un, as one. It is not something common but something royally rare they have in common.

    God revealed Himself to Isaac, and Isaac became a god on earth. God appeared to Jacob in the form of a man, and the two went at it for hours. After bruising him, God blessed him, and he became mighty beyond any one man's might to comprehend how. From fifty to forty-five, from forty-five to forty, from forty to thirty, then twenty…ten, and then Abraham stopped there. This is more powerful than any wise man could think. And God remained and listened to Abraham's intercession until he decided, I will speak yet but this once (Genesis 18:32 KJV). God was not the first to leave. Abraham stopped at ten, then God left communing. He did not grow weary. He is infinite, and so are His patience and understanding.

    What does God have in common with man? Nothing. But what does God have in common with a man who believes in God? Everything. God Himself believes in the same. Therefore, it is written, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness (Romans 4:3 ESV). Believing, however, is not as trivial as most people think. Believing is as serious as any serious business gets. For believing is the official means by which anyone—who is not yet—can still become. It involves investing in, leaning on, taking pleasure in, and counting the cost of.

    The Intimacy of the Place of Prayer

    God could be right there with you, but still the Spirit could allow you to think that your need is a light-year away. Sometimes, it pleases God to play hide-and-seek with them who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The apostle Paul saw this and made it known to the Romans in the Letters

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