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Data Science Projects for thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems
Data Science Projects for thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems
Data Science Projects for thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems
Ebook211 pages1 hour

Data Science Projects for thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems

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"Data Science Projects for Thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems" is a must-have guide for students, researchers, and professionals seeking to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to political science. This book presents smart questions that address critical political issues, offering detailed analytical hints for each. Readers will learn how to harness AI and ML to analyze media bias, social media influence, political advertising, voter sentiment, policy effectiveness, and more. By providing practical examples and step-by-step guidance, this book empowers readers to make data-driven decisions that enhance political communication, optimize election campaigns, and improve governance. "Data Science Projects for Thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems" is your essential toolkit for integrating cutting-edge analytical solutions into political science projects, paving the way for more informed and effective decision-making.

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Data Science Projects for thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems

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    Book preview

    Data Science Projects for thesis and Portfolio - Dr. Zemelak Goraga


    I extend my deepest gratitude to all those who contributed to the creation of Data Science Projects for Thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems. Special thanks to the brilliant minds in political science and data science whose innovative ideas and insights have significantly shaped this book. I am immensely grateful to my mentors, colleagues, and students for their unwavering support and collaboration. Your dedication to advancing AI and ML applications for decision-making in political science has been truly inspiring. Thank you to my family and friends for their endless encouragement and patience throughout this journey. This book is a testament to the collective effort of a community committed to improving political processes and governance through data-driven solutions.



    Welcome to Data Science Projects for Thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems, a comprehensive guide that bridges the worlds of political science and data science to address some of the most pressing issues in modern governance. This book is designed for students, researchers, and professionals who seek to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to enhance decision-making processes within political science.

    In an era where data is the new currency, the ability to analyze and interpret vast amounts of information is crucial. Political science, with its complex interplay of variables and unpredictable dynamics, stands to benefit immensely from the precision and insights offered by AI and ML. This book presents a total of 50 smart questions, each targeting a critical problem within the realm of political science. These questions are crafted to stimulate thought and guide readers through the intricate process of data analysis, ultimately leading to informed and effective decision-making.

    For each question, detailed analytical hints are provided, offering step-by-step guidance on how to collect, analyze, and interpret data. These hints are designed to not only solve the specific question at hand but also to equip readers with the skills and knowledge to tackle similar challenges independently. From analyzing media bias and social media influence to optimizing campaign strategies and evaluating policy effectiveness, the book covers a wide array of topics that are pivotal to contemporary political science.

    Data Science Projects for Thesis and Portfolio: Solving Political Problems is more than just a collection of questions and answers. It is a roadmap for integrating advanced analytical techniques into political science, paving the way for more accurate predictions, strategic planning, and impactful governance. Embrace the potential of AI and ML, and embark on a journey toward more data-driven, effective decision-making in the political arena.

    1. Chapter One: Political Communication and Media Influence

    1.1. Media Bias Analysis

    Imagine a political landscape where media bias is a hotly debated topic. How can data analytics identify and quantify media bias across different news outlets? What data should be collected, and how can machine learning models detect patterns of bias in political reporting?



    In a politically charged environment, media bias can significantly influence public perception and opinion. Identifying and quantifying media bias across different news outlets is crucial for ensuring fair and balanced reporting. Data analytics provides powerful tools to analyze large volumes of media content, detect patterns of bias, and quantify their extent. By collecting data on language use, sentiment, and the framing of news stories, machine learning models can identify subtle and overt biases in political reporting. This approach enables a comprehensive analysis of media bias, helping to promote transparency and accountability in journalism.

    Statement of the Problem:

    Media bias is a contentious issue that can distort public perception and influence political outcomes. Identifying and quantifying media bias across different news outlets is essential for promoting fair and balanced reporting. Data analytics and machine learning can be used to detect patterns of bias in political reporting.

    Business Objectives

    Identify and quantify media bias across different news outlets.

    Promote transparency and accountability in journalism.

    Provide insights into how media bias affects public perception and opinion.

    Develop tools and methodologies for continuous monitoring of media bias.


    Media organizations

    Journalists and editors

    Political analysts and researchers

    Public policy makers

    General public


    H1: Data analytics can accurately identify and quantify media bias in news reporting.

    H2: Sentiment analysis and language patterns reveal significant indicators of media bias.

    H3: Machine learning models can detect patterns of bias across different news outlets.

    H4: Continuous monitoring of media bias promotes transparency and accountability.

    Significance Test for Hypotheses

    To test these hypotheses, various statistical methods and metrics will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of data analytics and machine learning models in detecting media bias.

    H1: Identification and Quantification Accuracy

    Use validation techniques to compare identified biases with expert evaluations.

    Accept hypothesis if there is high agreement (e.g., correlation coefficient > 0.7).

    H2: Sentiment and Language Patterns

    Conduct thematic analysis and sentiment analysis to identify indicators of bias.

    Accept hypothesis if identified patterns align with known bias indicators.

    H3: Model Detection Accuracy

    Evaluate machine learning models using metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score.

    Accept hypothesis if models show high accuracy in detecting bias.

    H4: Transparency and Accountability

    Survey media organizations and stakeholders to evaluate perceptions of transparency and accountability.

    Accept hypothesis if survey results show a significant positive response.


    KPIs and Metrics

    Sentiment Scores (positive, negative, neutral)

    Frequency of biased language and framing

    Coverage Balance (proportion of coverage for different political entities)

    Model Accuracy Metrics (precision, recall, F1-score)

    Public Perception Metrics (survey responses)


    Dependent Variables:

    Sentiment Scores

    Frequency of biased language and framing

    Coverage Balance

    Model Accuracy Metrics

    Public Perception Metrics

    Independent Variables:

    News Outlet

    Article Topic

    Political Affiliation of Source

    Time Period

    Open Data Sources

    GDELT: Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone

    Common Crawl: Web Data

    Pew Research Center: Journalism & Media

    Media Cloud: Media Analysis Platform

    Kaggle: News Datasets

    Arbitrary Dataset Example

    NewsOutlet ArticleID SentimentScore BiasedLanguageFrequency  CoverageBalance  PoliticalAffiliation  PublicationDate

    OutletA 001 -0.5 3 0.6 Left 2024-01-01

    OutletB 002 0.3 1 0.8 Right 2024-01-02

    OutletC 003 -0.2 4 0.5 Center 2024-01-03

    OutletA 004 0.6 2 0.7 Left 2024-01-04

    OutletB 005 -0.1 3 0.4 Right 2024-01-05

    Dataset Elaboration

    Dependent Variables:

    SentimentScore: Numeric variable indicating the sentiment of the article.

    BiasedLanguageFrequency: Numeric variable indicating the frequency of biased language in the article.

    CoverageBalance: Numeric variable representing the balance of coverage for different political entities.

    Independent Variables:

    NewsOutlet: Categorical variable indicating the news outlet.

    ArticleID: Numeric variable representing the unique identifier for an article.

    PoliticalAffiliation: Categorical variable indicating the political affiliation of the source.

    PublicationDate: Date variable indicating the publication date of the article.

    Data Types

    NewsOutlet, ArticleID, PoliticalAffiliation: Categorical

    SentimentScore, BiasedLanguageFrequency, CoverageBalance: Numeric

    PublicationDate: Date

    # Data Inspection, Preprocessing, and Wrangling in Python

    import pandas as pd

    import numpy as np

    # Create the dataset

    data = {

    'NewsOutlet': ['OutletA', 'OutletB', 'OutletC', 'OutletA', 'OutletB'],

    'ArticleID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],

    'SentimentScore': [-0.5, 0.3, -0.2, 0.6, -0.1],

    'BiasedLanguageFrequency': [3, 1, 4, 2, 3],

    'CoverageBalance': [0.6, 0.8, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4],

    'PoliticalAffiliation': ['Left', 'Right', 'Center', 'Left', 'Right'],

    'PublicationDate': pd.to_datetime(['2024-01-01', '2024-01-02', '2024-01-03', '2024-01-04', '2024-01-05'])


    df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    # Data Inspection

    print(Data Inspection:)



    # Data Preprocessing and Wrangling

    # Handling missing values (if any)

    df = df.fillna(df.mean())

    # Encoding categorical variables

    df['NewsOutlet'] = df['NewsOutlet'].astype('category')

    df['PoliticalAffiliation'] = df['PoliticalAffiliation'].astype('category')

    print(Data after preprocessing:)


    # Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing in Python

    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

    import statsmodels.api as sm

    import scipy.stats as stats

    # Linear Regression to Evaluate Impact of Bias Indicators on Sentiment Score

    X = df[['BiasedLanguageFrequency', 'CoverageBalance', 'PoliticalAffiliation']]

    y = df['SentimentScore']

    model = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X)).fit()

    predictions = model.predict(sm.add_constant(X))


    # Hypothesis Testing (Example: correlation between biased language frequency and sentiment score)

    correlation, p_val = stats.pearsonr(df['BiasedLanguageFrequency'], df['SentimentScore'])

    print(fCorrelation: {correlation}, P-value: {p_val})

    # Accept/reject hypothesis

    alpha = 0.05

    if p_val < alpha:

    print(Reject the null hypothesis: There is a significant correlation between biased language frequency and sentiment score.)


    print(Fail to reject the null hypothesis: No significant correlation between biased language frequency and sentiment score.)

    # Data Visualizations in Python

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import seaborn as sns

    # Sentiment Score Distribution by News Outlet

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

    sns.boxplot(x='NewsOutlet', y='SentimentScore', data=df)

    plt.title('Sentiment Score Distribution by News Outlet')

    plt.xlabel('News Outlet')

    plt.ylabel('Sentiment Score')

    # Biased Language Frequency vs Sentiment Score

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

    sns.scatterplot(x='BiasedLanguageFrequency', y='SentimentScore', hue='NewsOutlet', data=df)

    plt.title('Biased Language Frequency vs Sentiment Score')

    plt.xlabel('Biased Language Frequency')

    plt.ylabel('Sentiment Score')

    # Coverage Balance Distribution by Political Affiliation

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

    sns.boxplot(x='PoliticalAffiliation', y='CoverageBalance', data=df)

    plt.title('Coverage Balance Distribution by Political Affiliation')

    plt.xlabel('Political Affiliation')

    plt.ylabel('Coverage Balance')

    Assumed Results

    Regression Analysis

    Significant predictors: BiasedLanguageFrequency, CoverageBalance, PoliticalAffiliation

    High R-squared value indicating good model fit.

    Hypothesis Test Results

    Correlation: Significant correlation between biased language frequency and sentiment score (correlation = 0.65, p-value = 0.02)

    Possible Business Decisions

    Based on the analysis and assumed results, several decisions can be made to achieve the business objectives:

    Develop Bias Detection Tools: Create tools and algorithms that continuously monitor news content for bias indicators. These tools can provide real-time feedback to journalists and editors to promote balanced reporting.

    Train Journalists and Editors: Conduct training sessions for journalists and editors on recognizing and reducing bias in their reporting. Use data-driven insights to highlight common patterns of bias.

    Promote Transparency: Increase transparency

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