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Spartners: Discover the Value in Your Spouse as a Business Partner and Enrich Your Marriage
Spartners: Discover the Value in Your Spouse as a Business Partner and Enrich Your Marriage
Spartners: Discover the Value in Your Spouse as a Business Partner and Enrich Your Marriage
Ebook216 pages2 hours

Spartners: Discover the Value in Your Spouse as a Business Partner and Enrich Your Marriage

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In Troy & Shantel's upcoming book, Spartners: Discover the Value in Your Spouse as a Business Partner and Enrich Your Marriage, readers will delve into the complex world of marriage and business. Offering a unique perspective on enriching your marriage, this book promises to transform readers' mindsets on working pr

Release dateMay 24, 2024
Spartners: Discover the Value in Your Spouse as a Business Partner and Enrich Your Marriage

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    Spartners - Troy Brooks


    To our Heavenly Father:

    We give you all the praise. May this work glorify your Kingdom.

    To our beloved children, Sage and Phoenix:

    You are our miracles and blessings who fuel us each day. May you always know how much you are loved and strengthened through Christ and your papa and mama.

    To our parents:

    We love you and appreciate all your unwavering support, encouragement, protection, and love.

    To our spiritual family, Change Church:

    Thank you for guiding us toward our encounter with Christ, planting the roots of our marriage ministry, and giving us the platform to spread His message.

    To future and current Spartners:

    May you grow closer to God each day, thus closer and closer to one another, truly becoming one.


    In loving memory of Shavonne Latoya Johnson.

    May we all have the softened heart and forgiving spirit she carried each day.


    There are many reasons why people get married today. People may marry because it makes sense financially; it is expected of them culturally; a baby is on the way; they don’t want to be alone; or for some crazy people, because they really love each other. That’s us! We love each other to the moon and back—forever and always—and all that other lovey-dovey stuff that may make you want to roll your eyes and possibly even close this book.

    If you are like us, you married your spouse (or plan to marry your partner) because you love them more deeply than their pockets, beyond their appearance, and above all the other things society deems marriage worthy. Your faith binds you, and your commitment to each other is unbreakable. Your loyalty to one another is unmeasurable. If this is you… this book is FOR YOU!

    We wrote this book for spouses who love each other, trust each other, and want to live a quality life with each other, hand in hand. You believe God has intentionally brought you together to become one. You think about your spouse, and you smile as you reflect on how you first met and who got whose number first (or Instagram handle, email, online dating approval, TikTok, etc.).

    As you think about what you admire in your spouse, your heart fills with joy and warmth. When you sit back and reminisce about how you’ve supported each other, you can’t help but get teary-eyed (or close to it). We wrote this book for those spouses who, despite the temptation, negative perceptions, naysayers, and tough work, have chosen to marry each other and commit themselves to each other every day for the rest of their lives.

    When you think about your spouse, the amount of time you may spend with them, and the quality of time you spend with them, you may notice that you don’t have as much control over your lives as you may have thought. You may unknowingly work against each other with conflicting schedules/priorities set outside your control, and you really only know who they are in part.

    If you and your spouse have two separate careers/jobs, your schedules are likely filled with your individual tasks, and there is too little time shared between the two of you. With that also comes limited experiences you can partake in, extra stress, and less quality time you can enjoy together. Sometimes, your schedules and priorities may conflict, which can cause a divide between the two of you and lead to unnecessary conflict and tension in your marriage. Even though you support each other’s individual goals, purposes, and dreams, these individual pursuits may require a sacrifice of energy, effort, and time that you could be spending together.

    You may also notice that you only really know one dimension or one side of your spouse. This may become clearer when you join them at a work function and see how assertive or withdrawn they appear, but you know them to be the complete opposite at home. When you hang out with their friends, you may notice they are more outgoing and talkative or quiet and reserved. Also, when you have a child, the spouse you came to know (or the part of them you fell in love with) can also transform into a version that is new.

    You and your spouse have multiple strengths, multiple ways to love, and multiple ways to show up in various situations and environments. When you only spend nights and maybe weekends with your spouse, you miss out on all of who they are and potentially who they are becoming.

    We wrote this book to give married couples an alternate way to elevate their marriage by discovering the value in their spouse as a business partner. Neither of you need to be an entrepreneur to make this happen, nor do you need to quit your job. You only need to:

    Be in a healthy marriage;

    Be ready to move your marriage from good to great;

    Be open to the idea of working with your spouse; and

    Be committed to the strategies and practices we share in this book.

    If you meet the four conditions above, allow this book to help you discover the value in your spouse being your business partner to enrich and elevate your marriage.

    Knowing the value of your marriage is essential to ensuring it remains a priority in your life. To know the value of your marriage, you need to recognize the value of your spouse, and even deeper, your own value. To do this, we encourage you to first learn the value God has placed on you. Psalm 139:14 (NKJV) says, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."

    God made us in His image—He made us perfect for His way. We are His temple, and His Spirit resides in us. So, if you feel unseen or undervalued, remember this—you were wonderfully made! You can have greatness! You can have respect. And you most certainly can have love.

    You cannot really know the value of your marriage if you are struggling with owning your own value. Recognizing your own worth is a foundational step to building a healthy and fulfilling relationship with your spouse.

    Discovering the value in your spouse for your marriage is pivotal for a thriving relationship. Here’s why it’s so crucial:

    There is Connection and Intimacy:

    When you appreciate your partner’s value, it strengthens the emotional connection between you. It creates a sense of intimacy, fostering a deeper understanding and closeness in your relationship.

    There is Mutual Respect:

    Recognizing your partner’s value demonstrates respect for their individuality, strengths, and contributions. It builds a foundation of mutual respect, which is fundamental for a strong and lasting relationship.

    There are Positive Dynamics:

    Recognizing each other’s value creates a more positive atmosphere. It leads to a supportive environment where both partners feel validated and encouraged in their endeavors.

    Let’s make a conscious effort to discover the value in our spouses as business partners.

    When you run a business with your spouse, there are skills needed, personalities required, and trust established to make it work. You will learn how to navigate challenges in strategic ways you may not have explored before. You’ll experience compassion and patience, as well as appreciation and gratitude, which are revealed when working with your spouse. Becoming a business partner with your spouse can help elevate your marriage because of the unique demands and challenges it presents to your marriage. If you can work together through these external pressures, your marriage can sprout to heights of connectedness, love, and joy that could have otherwise taken years to reach, if ever.

    We invite you to consider and explore the value within your spouse as a business partner as you read our personal stories. They demonstrate strength, hardship, love, and conflict as we found our way to each other, as Spartners, and watched our marriage thrive. If you’re already Spartners, please allow this book to guide you into reflecting on how you value your spouse in marriage and business, and exploring ways in which you both can value each other more.

    Throughout this book, we will give you tools and scriptures to apply to your marriage and Spartnership (marriage + business). We will share interesting research, as well as suggestions and lessons about what worked for us. You’ll also learn from other Spartners’ experiences. At the end of each chapter, you will find concrete practices or mindset shifts to help you discover value in your spouse as a business partner.

    A deeper dive into the layout of this book is as follows:

    Chapters 1 and 2 address the elephant in the room (Marriage is Tough) and the truth untold (A Marriage and Business Partnership Can Thrive).

    Chapters 3 through 7 help you uncover beliefs and ideas that may be holding you back from truly seeing value within your spouse.

    Chapters 8 through 11 help show you what working with your spouse can actually look like if you Let Go and Lean In.

    There are many strategies you can use to elevate your marriage, but very few options for frameworks. Becoming Spartners (spouses who are business partners), is a framework that will certainly stretch you, refine you, and reveal things to you. It can also enhance your marriage in a way very few things can, thus bringing your marriage, and possibly your professional ambition, to heights never imagined.

    Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

    —Philippians 4:9 NIV

    Chapter One

    Marriage is Tough

    A black line on a white background Description automatically generated

    I just need you to listen.

    You’re not letting me finish!

    You always do that, but when I do it, it’s a problem.

    I have three kids—our two children and you!

    That’s how you choose to spend your time. That’s not my problem.

    That’s not what we agreed on.

    Your failure to plan is not my emergency.

    "Well, then you do it!"

    Your bra has been sitting on this dresser for four days. You’ve had to open your drawer and close it several times. Why can’t you just put it back in the drawer?

    "They are your parents."

    Why can’t you just place the dish in the dishwasher… not the sink?

    I love how you move the goalpost when it suits you.

    You spent how much?

    I need you to understand.

    Talk to me when you’re not in your ego.

    Is there ever a day when one of these comments—or something similar—isn’t made? We love each other, of course, but marriage is a dance where the music does not end. The song may change, the rhythm will certainly vary, and sometimes even the lyrics are spoken in languages not understood. In any dance intended to last forever, it is only natural for one partner to sit out and take a break while their partner keeps the vibrations going. Soon enough, that partner may slide back in and give their partner a chance to do the same. Sometimes a partner doesn’t even know they need a break until their ankle gives out or until they are told to just be still. There are times, in any dance which lasts forever, when it is only natural that the groove and the connection are so on point that both partners get lost in the melody. They allow time to pass by without even checking for it. It is also only natural for these two partners to bump heads, lose the beat, step on each other’s toes, or both want to quit at the same time. Marriage is a dance… a long, forever dance that can be so beautiful, yet so tough.

    Marriage can be the toughest partnership you will ever endure

    With a title like Spartners, you probably thought we would start by saying marriage is the best choice you can make or our marriage is the best, or even get married and change your life! While those statements can be true on any given day, that is not our message.

    Marriage can be the toughest partnership you will ever endure if you decide to jump the broom and commit your life, spirit, and body to someone else. Marriage can not only be tough because you’re legally and financially responsible for each other, but also for a slew of other reasons.

    But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.

    —1 Corinthians 7:28 NIV

    * * * * *

    You can be spread thin and not have time for yourself.

    Troy’s Story: Sacrifices

    I flew into Atlanta to get our new house in order days before Shantel (who was more than eight months pregnant) planned to come with Sage (our then two-and-a-half-year-old). I never stopped organizing, putting things away, and getting stuff together while I was there. I continued to get our home in order because we decided to have a home birth immediately after getting to Atlanta. Once my five-day trip was up, I drove thirteen hours back to New York to

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