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The Summer of Me: A Novel
The Summer of Me: A Novel
The Summer of Me: A Novel
Ebook329 pages6 hours

The Summer of Me: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The nationally bestselling author of Delilah’s Daughters and The Amen Sisters returns with a moving story about a single mother who discovers the woman she can be in one unforgettable summer.

As a single mother, Destiny makes sacrifices for her children—including saying goodbye for the summer so they can spend time with their father and stepmother. Though she’ll miss them with all her heart, the time alone gives her an opportunity to address her own needs, like finish getting her college degree. But Destiny’s friends think her summer should include some romance.

Destiny doesn’t want to be set up…until she meets Daniel.  The handsome, warm and charming pastor soon sweeps Destiny off her feet. But is romance what she really wants? Or needs?

As the days pass, Destiny will make new discoveries—about herself, the man she’s fallen for, and the people around her. And she’ll face challenging choices.  But most of all, she’ll grow in ways she never imagined, learning unexpected lessons about trust, forgiveness, and the price of motherhood…and truly become the woman she wants to be.

Release dateApr 19, 2016
The Summer of Me: A Novel

Angela Benson

Angela Benson writes from the heart about matters that she has experienced and about which she feels strongly. She is the award winning and bestselling author of fourteen novels, two novellas and two non-fiction titles. Her work has been published by six major publishers, including Harlequin, Tyndale House, Berkeley and William Morrow. Her most recently published works are the relationship guide, Men Don’t Like Ugly, Women Don’t Like Broke (July, 2016), and the contemporary novel, The Summer of Me (William Morrow, 2016). She holds a doctorate from the University of Georgia, a masters from Georgia Tech and undergraduate degrees from both Georgia Tech and Spelman College. Dr. Benson is an associate professor at The University of Alabama.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Sep 6, 2017

    The Summer of Me has well developed characters and the story line is interesting. This novel was a good summer read. I would like to read more of the characters in sequential novels. The words flowed well with no grammatical errors. I will definitely read more from Angela Benson.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Sep 6, 2017

    The Summer of Me has well developed characters and the story line is interesting. This novel was a good summer read. I would like to read more of the characters in sequential novels. The words flowed well with no grammatical errors. I will definitely read more from Angela Benson.

Book preview

The Summer of Me - Angela Benson

Chapter 1

SEATED IN A SALON STYLING CHAIR IN THE BASEMENT OF Destiny Madison’s townhouse-style apartment, Bertice Brown turned and looked directly at her friend. Are you crazy, Destiny? she asked.

Destiny tugged on her friend’s braid with her hands and used her foot to pump the lever to lock the movement of the styling chair. How do you expect me to make this straight and tight if you keep turning your head and moving around?

Forget my hair for a minute, her longtime friend said. You’re about to make a big mistake.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, Bertice, said Destiny’s other friend Natalie, who sat in the recliner across from the styling chair with her feet up. You don’t even have kids.

Bertice huffed. Neither do you. Besides, you don’t have to be a fireman to know how to put out a fire.

Destiny laughed at the banter of her two best friends. What the heck are you talking about, Bertice? There’s no fire here.

You know what I mean, Bertice said. It’s not smart for you to let your kids go off for the entire summer with that fat Mary Margaret. Let them go for the weekend, not the whole summer.

Natalie rolled her eyes. What do you think the woman’s going to do, Bertice? She’s not a serial killer or a child abductor.

Not that we know, Bertice said.

Now you’re really talking crazy, Natalie said. What’s your problem with the woman? She hasn’t done anything to Destiny, the kids, or you.

I don’t trust her, Bertice said. If she wants kids, she and Kenneth need to have them and leave Destiny’s alone. There’s something sneaky about that woman. Nobody is as good hearted as she pretends to be.

Destiny had her own suspicions about her ex-flame’s wife. It was a sore spot for her, so her friends rarely brought it up, but Kenneth had been dating Mary Margaret when Destiny became pregnant. Destiny had known about the woman, but she’d foolishly believed Kenneth when he’d told her it was over between him and his high school sweetheart. To be honest, I thought about not letting them go, Destiny said.

Bertice nodded. That would have been the smart move. You’re too bright not to see through Mary Margaret.

No, that wouldn’t be the smart move, Natalie said. This trip will be good for the twins. They need to see the world outside Georgia.

Bertice huffed again. They have, she said. Destiny took them to Disney World in Orlando last year. That’s outside Georgia.

Natalie shook her head. There’s no reasoning with you. She turned to Destiny. You’re doing the right thing, girl, she said. I know it’s difficult but you have to think of your kids first. Besides, Mary Margaret is not that bad.

Destiny swallowed hard. It was difficult to hear her friend spout positive words about the kids’ stepmother. She enjoyed their jabs at the woman more than she acknowledged. You two are so focused on Mary Margaret that you’re forgetting something: the kids are spending the summer in Los Angeles with their father and their father’s wife, she said. This is not about Mary Margaret. It’s about the kids and their father.

Keep telling yourself that, Bertice said. I’ve always thought Mary Margaret needed some tips on how to stay in her lane. She’s too much in your business and the business of your kids.

She’s married to Kenneth, Bertice. She’s involved because he is.

Bertice snorted. Okay, Ms. Baby Momma of the Year. You sure have softened toward Mary Margaret. I can remember the day when you couldn’t bear to hear her name.

Natalie eyed Bertice. People grow and change, Bertice. At least, most people do, she added with a not-so-subtle dig.

As usual, you’re always on the side of Mary Margaret, Bertice said to Natalie, lifting her arms in frustration. When did my two friends become saints right here on earth? She cut a glance to Natalie. I blame it on Gavin. We never should have let you marry that preacher. That’s when you two began to change on me.

Natalie laughed. Like you could have stopped me.

Destiny let the playful exchange between her friends wash over her as she considered the truth of Bertice’s words. There had been a change in their friendship since Natalie married Gavin, one of the pastors at the church they all attended, three years ago. Destiny had watched her friend change from a selfish, sometimes vindictive witch with a b to a model pastor’s wife. Natalie still had her same spunk but it was now couched in a genuine concern and love for others. Destiny didn’t know much about miracles but she believed the change in Natalie was as close to one as she had seen. Natalie’s compassion had been a strong factor in helping Destiny develop a cordial relationship with Kenneth and Mary Margaret. Bertice was right. She hadn’t always been accepting of Mary Margaret. She wasn’t wholly accepting of the woman now, but she was doing her best for the sake of her kids.

Destiny continued to listen as her two closest friends debated whether she should trust Mary Margaret. Bertice expressed the fears that Destiny felt about letting the woman into her children’s lives, while Natalie presented all the good that could come out of a positive stepparent relationship. The decision is made, Bertice, she said when she grew weary of all the talk. The kids are leaving on Saturday.

Bertice opened her mouth as if to say more, but she wisely closed it.

Are they excited? Natalie asked.

Destiny sighed. "Too excited. They’re bouncing off the walls. You know, they’ve never been on an airplane before. The entire summer is stacking up to be a big adventure for them. I wish I could experience it with them. I can’t bear to think of the firsts I’m going to miss."

Natalie lowered the footrest on the recliner and leaned toward Destiny. You’re doing the best you can do right now. The important thing is that you love your kids and your kids love you. That’s all that matters.

I know, Destiny said, but I want to do more for them, more than my financial situation will allow. I hate that Kenneth and Mary Margaret can give them more than I can.

You’d have more money if Kenneth and Mary Margaret stepped up those child-support payments, Bertice said. I know fat Mary Margaret gets a fat paycheck from Turner Entertainment each month, so they can more than afford it.

Destiny cut Bertice a glare. Both of her friends knew she didn’t want or expect Mary Margaret’s money.

I’m just saying, Bertice said. They seem to be adding to your expenses, so I don’t see why they can’t chip in a little bit more. You know it’s more expensive to live in Gwinnett County near them than where you live over here with the folks in South DeKalb.

Destiny sighed. That may be a moot point now, she said. I may not be moving to Gwinnett after all.

What? Natalie asked. I thought it was all set.

Destiny shook her head. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to tell her friends that her grand plans for the summer had fallen apart. As she looked at the concern and questions on their faces now, she knew she had to tell them. They rescinded the job offer, so I’m not going to have the money to move into the house.

What happened? Bertice asked.

Destiny shrugged. They said it had something to do with funding but I’m not sure I believe them. It doesn’t matter really. There’s nothing I can do about it anyway.

Well, Natalie said, you’ll just find something else. We’ll help you look, won’t we, Bertice?

That’s right, Bertice added. In fact, I may have the perfect business opportunity for you. Recently, my life between paychecks has gotten considerably better.

Natalie rolled her eyes. I don’t know if I want to hear this. Please tell me the police are not going to come rolling up to your house anytime soon. If you get in trouble, you’re going to end up with a public defender and a life sentence.

Destiny laughed. Stop it, Natalie.

"It’s the truth and Bertice knows it. We’ve heard about her business ventures before. They range from sorta shady to really shady. She stared at Bertice. Pyramid schemes are not legal. Please tell me this isn’t one of your pyramid schemes."

Bertice shook her head. My ventures were network marketing opportunities, not pyramid schemes. There is a difference. Amway is network marketing and the guy who founded it now owns a basketball team. I bet he had his naysayers, too. Besides, this opportunity is not network marketing.

Casting a wary eye at Bertice, Natalie got up from the recliner. I’m leaving, she said. I don’t want to know about your harebrained scheme. That way, I can honestly tell the police that I don’t know anything. I would hate to have to testify against you.

Oh, ye of little faith, Bertice said, laughing.

Natalie picked up her purse. Then she leaned over and brushed a kiss on Destiny’s check. Don’t get yourself in trouble listening to this crazy woman. Braid her hair and get her butt out of here.

Destiny laughed. I won’t let her lead me down the wrong road.

Natalie stared down at Bertice. You need to be more careful of what you get caught up in, Bertice. One day things are going to go really bad for you.

Bertice stood and gave Natalie a kiss on the cheek. You worry too much, Miss Preacher’s Wife. I’m not going to get into any trouble.

I’ll be praying for you, Natalie said to Bertice.

The concern in Natalie’s voice raised alarm bells in Destiny’s mind, but she pushed them aside as she walked her friend up the stairs and to the front door of the townhome she shared with her twins.

I worry about Bertice, Natalie said, after they were upstairs. And you, too.

Don’t worry about me, Destiny said. I’m not going to get caught up in any of Bertice’s crazy schemes.

It’s not that, Natalie said. Kenneth is not going to take the kids from you.

Destiny closed her eyes briefly as she let the words that captured her greatest fear settle over her. When she opened them, they were damp. He’s going to try, she said. He already convinced me the kids needed to go to school in his district since it has the better schools. Now he’s harping on all the shuttling back and forth of the kids between school, his house, and here that we do each week. He makes a good point about it being more convenient if the kids just stayed with him and Mary Margaret during the week, but I don’t want that. I want my kids with me each night. I’m their mother.

Natalie brushed at a tear that fell down Destiny’s cheek. Of course you want them with you, which is where they’re going to be. We’re going to work this out, Destiny. When the kids get back from California, they’ll come back to a new home in Gwinnett County close to their school just the way you’d planned. I’m believing God for it. Can you believe with me?

Destiny nodded, silently thanking God for good friends like Natalie and Bertice.

Then dry those tears and give me a hug. I have to get out of here.

Destiny leaned into her friend’s embrace. When she pulled back, Natalie gave her a sheepish smile.

What? Destiny asked.

Natalie sighed. "Because Gavin and I know how much you’re going to miss the kids this summer, we want to give you a trip to California to visit them as an early Christmas gift.

Destiny shook her head. She couldn’t take such an extravagant gift, even knowing her friend was coming from a place of love. It’s sweet of you to offer and I love you for even thinking of it, but I can’t let you do it.

Natalie lifted her brow. What do you mean you can’t let us? It’s our idea. We want to do it.

Destiny’s heart warmed. I know, but you do enough for me already. More than enough really. You and Bertice both help out more than you know by paying me to do your hair. I hate to take money for something I enjoy doing for my friends. No, you’re both doing enough. Please don’t treat me as a charity case. Besides, with my second-job situation up in the air, I have no clue what my schedule will be.

Okay, Natalie said, though the look in her eyes told Destiny the conversation was not closed for good. Call me tomorrow and let me know what crazy scheme Bertice has gotten herself involved in.

Destiny laughed. You can count on it.

And don’t forget I want you to meet Gavin’s old friend Daniel Thomas, who’s moving to town. He’s a great guy. You two will hit it off.

I’ll think about it, Destiny said, though she already knew the answer. She wasn’t ready to dive back in the dating pool, despite Natalie’s determination to push her back in there.

Don’t think about it, Natalie said. Come to dinner one night so you can meet him. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just some friends getting together for a meal and some good conversation.

I don’t know, Natalie. I can’t see myself going out with a preacher. I’m no saint.

Neither is he, Natalie said. And neither am I, but look who I married. Forget Daniel is a preacher and think of him as someone who has the same kind of hole in his heart that you have in yours.

Destiny closed her eyes briefly and then opened them. I doubt that.

Natalie looked as though she wanted to say something more, but she just pulled the door open. Before she stepped through it, she pressed another kiss against Destiny’s cheek and whispered, You’re not the only person in the world recovering from a broken heart. It’ll heal if you allow it. God wants to heal it.

Destiny leaned against the closed door after her friend stepped out into the night air and let her parting words wash over her. Was her personal pain that obvious? Kenneth had broken her heart and the recovery was taking longer than she expected. The twins were six and her heart still ached. How sad was that? Destiny pushed the thoughts away as she moved away from the door and made her way back to the basement where Bertice was waiting for her.

Natalie is too uptight, Bertice said when Destiny reached her. She never should have married the preacher.

Destiny took a seat on the stool behind Bertice’s chair and picked up her comb. Gavin’s a great guy.

He’s not bad, for a preacher, Bertice said, fidgeting in her chair.

If you want me to braid your hair, you’d best be still.

Bertice looked up at her with a grin on her face. So do you want to hear about my business opportunity?

I’m sure I shouldn’t, Destiny said with a chuckle, but tell me anyway.

Chapter 2

FEELING SAD?" PATRICIA MADISON ASKED, PEERING OVER her cup of coffee at her daughter, who sat next to her on the couch.

Destiny put her cup on the ottoman that served as a coffee table in her mother’s living room. Am I that obvious?

Patricia grunted. You’re a mother. Your kids are leaving for the summer and you’ll be separated from them for the first time. It’s not a matter of being obvious. What you’re feeling is what any mother would feel.

Destiny leaned back, picked up a pillow from the couch, and pressed it against her chest. They’re growing up too fast, Mom. Pretty soon they won’t need me anymore.

Patricia leaned over and pressed her forehead against her daughter’s. Now you know how I feel.

Destiny smiled. I still need you, she told her mother.

Patricia leaned back. It’s not the same.

No, Destiny said. It isn’t the same. My kids are getting ready to leave for three months and they’d rather spend the days before their trip with their friends instead of their mother. That hurts.

Patricia chuckled. I can now officially welcome you to the Old Mom’s Club since you’ve already passed the initiation.

Well, I don’t feel as though I’ve passed anything.

I know, sweetheart, but you have. You’ve learned that kids are the source of your greatest joy and also the source of your greatest sorrow. You love them more than they’ll ever know until they have their own kids, and sometimes you feel as though they wish you’d just disappear. She eyed her daughter. I know you’ve always thought I was too hard on you, Destiny, but I hope you can see now that you have your kids that everything I did was because I loved you.

I know you love me, Mom, Destiny said. She was sure her mom loved her, but she wondered if her mom knew the best way to show that love. If she did, Destiny might feel more comfortable sharing her problems with her. As it was, she didn’t dare for fear her mother would attack her decision making or try to tell her what to do. Her mother had no idea she’d been planning to move to Gwinnett. She’d planned to tell her when it was a done deal because she didn’t want to open herself up to any negative comments. Given that the job had fallen through, she was glad she hadn’t told her.

I push you hard, Destiny, but I do it only because I love you and want the best for you. I named you Destiny because you were special. You still are. And I want you to reach your destiny. Patricia put her hand on her daughter’s knee. I know you’re going to miss the kids, but you can make good use of the time they’re away by going back to school.

Destiny groaned. Not again, Mom.

Yes again, her mother said. You’re only a few credits short of getting your degree. You’ve put it off too long as it is. With the kids away, this summer is the perfect time to knock out a few courses. Then you should be able to finish up over the next year or so by taking a class or two each semester. The kids are in school now and are beginning to have their own interests. It’s the perfect time, Destiny. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. You know I didn’t like it when you left school because you were pregnant, but you were so determined to do what you wanted.

Destiny heard her mother’s unspoken and you see how that turned out rebuke. She accepted that she’d used her pregnancy as an excuse to leave school. She’d wanted out long before the doctor had given her the news that had changed the trajectory of her life. There had been a time when she’d thought about going to New York or Los Angeles and trying her hand at modeling or acting. That dream may have still been achievable with one child, but giving birth to twins had closed all those doors. Her priority at that point became the health and care of her children. So she’d taken an entry-level job at Marshalls and reached the highest position she could reach without a degree, manager of the cosmetics department.

I don’t know, Destiny said, hedging even though she had absolutely no interest in school. Her mother was a teacher with a graduate degree, so the importance of education had been drilled into her since childhood. But she’d never really enjoyed school, something she attributed to her mother’s unrelentingly high standards. It wasn’t enough for Destiny to be a good student; she had to be a great student. As a result, Destiny had felt more inadequate in school than she did at home. School is not for everybody, Mom. You should know that by now.

It may not be for some people, but it is for you. You’re a smart girl, Destiny. You just have to apply yourself. I don’t think you ever applied yourself when you were in school before. You’ll be surprised by how well you do when you give it your all.

Destiny nodded, but she didn’t agree with her mother. She had been an average student at best. All the evidence pointed to that conclusion, but her mother refused to see it.

There are no guarantees in life, Destiny, but a degree will increase the likelihood of your getting a better job. You need to let those executives at Marshalls know that you’re not content with the position you have. Show them that you’re willing to work hard to move up. That’s the way it works in corporate America.

Destiny resisted the urge to point out that her mother had never worked in corporate America. Besides, she knew what the older woman said was true. She just didn’t want to go back to school.

Get that degree because you need the credential. Your managers will view it as a sign you’re committed to your future. Then when an opportunity presents itself, they’ll know you’re ready for it.

I hear you, Mom was all Destiny could say. Well, she could say more, but it would do no good.

Her mother sighed. It’s still not too late to get your teaching degree.

Destiny began shaking her head, effectively cutting her mother off. We agreed a long time ago that teaching was not the road for me.

You should reconsider now that the twins are in school. Teaching is the perfect lifestyle for a single parent. You’re at work when your kids are at school and you’re off when they’re off. The pay may start a little lower than in industry, but over time you can make a good living.

I hear what you’re saying, Mom, but teaching is not for me. I’m not you. I’m not like you. We’ve been through this.

Patricia leaned forward and picked up her cup of coffee. No need to get upset. It was just a suggestion.

Destiny didn’t buy it. Her mother rarely gave suggestions; she gave orders and she made points that she wanted others to adhere to.

Patricia gave another long sigh, clearly exasperated with Destiny. If you don’t want to go to school, what are you going to do? You don’t talk much about it, but I know your finances are tight. What are you going to do about it? Don’t you want to own your own home someday? Don’t you want to be able to buy a new car for once rather than a used one? Don’t you want to be able to afford vacations for you and the twins? And I don’t even want to think about funding the kids’ college educations.

Yes, Destiny wanted all those things and her mother knew she did. This was Patricia being her overbearing, unyielding self. Since arguing with her did no good, Destiny kept quiet. It was a tactic she’d learned as a child.

If you don’t go to school this summer, her mother continued, what are you going to do while the kids are away? Sit around and mope? That wouldn’t be too smart.

Destiny could feel herself shutting down. She knew her mother meant well but she poured it on too thick sometimes. I’ll do something productive, Destiny said, wanting to end the conversation. Now was not the time to tell her

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