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For Love of Country
For Love of Country
For Love of Country
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For Love of Country

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In 1776, Thomas Paine anonymously produced Common Sense, a pamphlet advocating for colonial independence from Great Britain. If Paine's revolutionary words had been revealed to the British authorities prior to their publication in the colonies, his writings most certainly would have resulted in his death. Paine

Release dateFeb 19, 2024
For Love of Country

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    Book preview

    For Love of Country - Norman W. Holden




    Title page



    A House Divided

    We the People

    A Threat to Democracy

    The Threat Among Us

    Sovereignty Matters

    Taxation Without Representation

    Don't Tread on Me

    It's Not Just a Piece of Cloth

    The American Dream

    A Call to Action

    Restoring a Nation Through Revolution

    Author's Note




    This book is dedicated to the future of America.

    May her ideals weather the test of time, and may she withstand the transgressions of human interference.


    If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

    —George Washington

    Those freedoms bestowed by our Creator, thoughtfully and eloquently framed within the First Amendment of the United States Constitution by the Founding Fathers, allow me to offer the following words without fear of being silenced.

    With this obligatory qualification out of the way, let us now address the elephant (or donkey) in the room. What you are about to read will not sit well with many in power or their supporters. Detractors will immediately try to vilify, label, or place this book and me in a box. Most likely, I will be titled a nationalist, far-right conspiracist, or some other diversionary term. Predictably, those who do will, without haste, diagnose me with a multitude of phobias all in an effort to marginalize my voice or alter the narrative. It is difficult to describe the status of our modern-day existence or provide a meaningful warning without offending or upsetting a portion of our society. Regrettably, this is what America has become: a polarized society of us versus them. Thus, we have deliberately been plunged back into tribal groups.

    My tone, and the content for which I intend to explore, will admittedly strike a nerve for many readers. Many of my fellow Americans on the left may wholeheartedly disagree with some of my points. While my words may seem antagonistic, I respectfully implore my fellow Americans to override the urge to dismiss this editorial and see this experiment to its end. The topics for which I challenge affect all Americans, and only We the People can correct our course.

    I want to be clear for the reader: You may label me anything you choose; however, your words will not hurt me. Thankfully, I was raised in the era of sticks and stones [1]; therefore I can handle it. In the end, I would prefer to be called an American. I will not shrink away or apologize for this statement. Fortunately, and by no choice of my own, I was born and raised in this country. I am truly grateful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon this land and its citizens. While I have no supreme authority to do so, I accept her from sea to shining sea, [2] warts and all. However, I am confident that if we all did the same, our country would be in a much better position. Unfortunately, as a nation and a civil society, I feel we are teetering on the edge of a dangerous precipice, and that is the catalyst behind this book. These remarks are put forth in favor of and love for America.

    This book is not intended to be a dog whistle for one side of the aisle or the other. Rather, it was intentionally written and meant for all Americans, for those who believe that the original plan for our nation was meant to be a force for good. My words are aimed at those Americans who love our country and feel we have lost our way and strayed off course into a storm of polarization, defeatism, and loathing for the land of the free. This book is for those who are concerned about our future and the breakdown of our social fabric and overall decline of our nation. If you dislike America and approve of the current anti-American narrative, agree with censorship, like to modify history or the facts, think good citizenship is divisive and/or traditional American values are racist, then prepare to be triggered.

    If I sound defensive, I am. My perspective stems from a deep sadness and frustration with the ongoing degradation of our country and civil society. My words are overburdened by a broken heart. My deep reverence for our nation and its citizens brings forth a passioned retort that at times may sting or come across as a superior viewpoint. Please understand that I am merely a humble servant delivering difficult news that should be heeded.

    This book is my second chance to do what I feel is owed to our great nation. Due to health reasons, I was disqualified from serving our country in military uniform. Consequently, I feel indebted to our nation and to those who sacrificed for our freedom. I recognize that this gesture does not measure up to the sacrifices our men and women in uniform offer up on a daily basis, nor does it carry the same level of risk that Thomas Paine and the many other Founding Fathers endured, yet this is my contribution. Consider it one patriot’s tithe to his fellow Americans—past, present, and future.

    I feel obligated to provide a similar provision, as I wrote in my first book titled Do Better!, where I convey that I am not a therapist, licensed professional, counselor, academic, theologian, or historian. Also, I am not a sheep blindly being led to slaughter. I am, however, like many in this great nation, an everyday man, a husband, and a father of three. I am an American. Like my homeland, I am a tarnished vessel. My blue-collar roots are richly planted and were nourished by the American spirit. I, like millions of others, have benefited from this great nation. I have simply hit my limit of negativity, self-loathing, and the constant bombardment of haters putting America down. She deserves much better.

    There are many

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