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Artificial intelligence in science: Challenges, opportunities and the future of research
Artificial intelligence in science: Challenges, opportunities and the future of research
Artificial intelligence in science: Challenges, opportunities and the future of research
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Artificial intelligence in science: Challenges, opportunities and the future of research

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The rapid advances of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years have led to numerous creative applications in science. Accelerating the productivity of science could be the most economically and socially valuable of all the uses of AI. Utilising AI to accelerate scientific productivity will support the ability of OECD countries to grow, innovate and meet global challenges, from climate change to new contagions.

This publication is aimed at a broad readership, including policy makers, the public, and stakeholders in all areas of science. It is written in non-technical language and gathers the perspectives of prominent researchers and practitioners. The book examines various topics, including the current, emerging, and potential future uses of AI in science, where progress is needed to better serve scientific advancements, and changes in scientific productivity.

Additionally, it explores measures to expedite the integration of AI into research in developing countries.

A distinctive contribution is the book’s examination of policies for AI in science. Policy makers and actors across research systems can do much to deepen AI’s use in science, magnifying its positive effects, while adapting to the fast-changing implications of AI for research governance.


Alistair Nolan is a Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. Prior to the OECD, Mr. Nolan led a range of industry-related analytic and technical assistance projects with the United Nations. Over a number of years at the OECD Alistair has been involved in work on skills and education assessment, entrepreneurship, private sector development and policy evaluation. Alistair is currently coordinating various streams of OECD work on artificial intelligence, and is overseeing the work on AI diffusion under the AI-WIPS project. Mr. Nolan oversaw preparation of the 2017 publication "The Next Production Revolution: Implications for Governments and Business", which examines a variety of emerging technologies, their impacts and policy implications, and which was referenced at the start of the 2017 G7 Taormina Action Plan. Mr. Nolan led work on 2020 publication "The Digitalisation of Science, Technology and Innovation : Key Developments and Policies", which among other topics addresses the role of AI in advanced production.
Release dateJan 5, 2024
Artificial intelligence in science: Challenges, opportunities and the future of research

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    Artificial intelligence in science - Alistair Nolan

    Artificial Intelligence in Science

    Artificial Intelligence in Science

    Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research

    Please cite this publication as:

    OECD (2023), Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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    ISBN: 978-92-64-44154-5 (print) - 978-92-64-44621-2 (pdf) - 978-92-64-92820-6 (HTML) - 978-92-64-33228-7 (epub)


    The Executive Summary and Chapter entitled Artificial intelligence in science: Overview and policy proposals were approved by the Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy at its 122nd Session on 22-24 March 2023 and prepared for publication by the OECD Secretariat.

    The essays set out in Parts I to IV of this document are under the responsibility of the authors named and the opinions expressed and arguments employed therein are their own. The essays benefited from input and comments from the OECD Secretariat and CSTP delegates. The essays should not be reported as representing the views of the OECD or of its member countries.

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    Rarely a week passes without announcements that artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved new capabilities. Since the arrival of generative AI, ChatGPT and subsequent large language models – after many of the contributions to this book were written - discussion of AI’s proliferating uses and their implications is increasingly visible in mainstream media. The economic, business, labour market and societal ramifications of AI now occupy the attention of firms, professional bodies, governmental and non-governmental organisations. Indeed, most governments in OECD countries have national AI strategies.

    Amid these developments, and except for specialised journals, less consideration has been given to the role of AI in research. This may be inevitable, as science is a specialised field. However, raising the productivity of research may be the most valuable of all the uses of AI. Being able to discover more scientific knowledge, helping science become more efficient, and doing this more quickly, will strengthen the foundations critical to addressing global challenges. Applying AI to research could be as transformative as the rise of systematised and institutionalised research and development in the post-war era. Preparing for new contagions, generating technologies that elevate living standards, countering the diseases of ageing, producing clean energy, creating environmentally benign materials, and other overarching goals, all require technologies and innovations that emerge from science.

    In this context, it gives us great pleasure to present this publication, Artificial Intelligence in Science: Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Research. Gathering the views of leading practitioners and researchers, but written in non-technical language, this publication is addressed to a wide readership, including the public, policymakers, and stakeholders in all parts of science. Among other topics examined are: AI’s current, emerging and possible future uses in science, including a number of rarely discussed applications; where progress in AI is needed to better serve science; changes in the productivity of science; and, measures to expedite the uptake of AI in developing-country research.

    A distinctive contribution is the book’s examination of policies for AI in science. Policymakers and actors across research systems can do much to maximise the society-wide benefits of AI in science, deepening AI’s use in science, while also addressing the fast-changing implications of AI for research governance.

    This publication is the fruit of a collaboration between our two organisations. The OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation undertook the substantive work, under the aegis of its Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy. The publication and the wider project of which it is a part have been made possible thanks to financial and other support from the Fondation IPSEN (, which works to improve living conditions by disseminating scientific knowledge to the public and promoting exchanges within the scientific community.


    James A. Levine,


    Fondation IPSEN


    Andrew Wyckoff,


    OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation

    In late 2019 the OECD concluded an agreement with the Fondation IPSEN, which would provide financial support to work on artificial intelligence (AI) and the productivity of science. The context was one in which some scholars had argued that the productivity of science may be stagnating, or even in decline. One aim of the project was to update and significantly expand previous work on AI in science conducted under the aegis of the Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP). This prior work included a chapter in the 2018 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook, titled Artificial intelligence and machine learning in science. A session on the growing importance of AI in science was also organised on 23 February 2022 the second OECD AI WIPS Conference.

    The first output of the project was a workshop – AI and the Productivity of Science – held from 29 October to 5 November 2021. The workshop gathered over 80 leading experts to explore topics highlighted in this book. The workshop was filmed and can be viewed here A project update was discussed at the 120th Session of the CSTP on 6-7 April 2022.

    Analysis of numerous issues underpinning a discussion of policies for AI in science necessarily draws on prior CSTP examinations of topics bearing on data-intensive science. These topics include, among others:

    The changing demand for and nature of digital skills in the scientific workforce (see, in particular, the report Building digital workforce capacity and skills for data-intensive science,

    Access to public research data (see the Recommendation of the Council concerning Access to Research Data from Public Funding,

    Many of the issues raised in this publication are also relevant to CSTP’s current and upcoming work streams, especially in connection with the role of science and technology in sustainable transitions, as well as technology governance, skills, and citizen engagement in science.

    Work on AI in science is one among a wide set of AI-related topics being examined by the OECD, overviews of which can be found at the OECD AI Policy Observatory.

    This publication was edited by Alistair Nolan from the OECD Directorate for Science Technology and Innovation. Alistair Nolan also wrote the opening overview and synthesis of policy recommendations.

    Special thanks are due to several experts who provided ideas and advice through much of the process of preparing this book, and for commenting on various of the essays. Among this group are Marjorie Blumenthal, William Clements, Jeremy Frey, Aishik Ghosh, Dominique Guellec, Ross King, Isabelle Ryle, and Hector Zenil.

    Valuable comments on parts of the book were had from Jesus Anton, Jonathan Brooks, Alessandra Colecchia, Diogo Machado, Daniel Opalka, Carthage Smith, and Pierre Warnier.

    Thanks are due to all the authors of the papers in this publication, who gave freely of their time and insights. Some of the essays also benefitted from the assistance of third parties, as follows.

    For helping to develop the Elicit model described in the essay Elicit: Language models as research tools, the authors thank Ben Rachbach, Amanda Ngo, Eli Lapland, Justin Reppert, Luke Stebbing, Melissa Samworth, and James Brady.

    As concerns the essay AI in drug discovery, Kristof Zsolt Szalay extends thanks to Andreas Bender, Krishna Bulusu, Abraham Heifets and Aviad Tsherniak for insights into the state of the field, as well as to Andreas Bender and Daniel V. Veres for expert reviews.

    With respect to the essay Declining R&D efficiency – Evidence from Japan, Tsutomu Miyagawa expresses gratitude to Takayuki Ishikawa.

    With regards to the essay The end of Moore’s Law? Innovation in computer systems continues at a high pace, Henry Kressel acknowledges valuable discussions with William Janeway.

    Sylvain Fraccola helped generate graphics, and Mark Foss copy edited the entirety of the text, with support from Céline Colombier-Maffre.

    Thanks are due to all the participants and contributors to the workshop AI and the Productivity of Science, held from 29 October to 5 November 2021. Celia Valeani managed the organisation of that event.

    Angela Gosmann, Beatrice Jeffries and Blandine Serve kindly made the text ready for publication.

    Lastly, the essay Quantifying the ‘cognitive extent’ of science and how it has changed over time (and across countries) was made possible in part thanks to support from the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and a Grant Thornton Fellowship.

    Executive summary

    Accelerating the productivity of research could be the most economically and socially valuable of all the uses of artificial intelligence (AI). While AI is penetrating all domains and stages of science, its full potential is far from realised. Policy makers and actors across research systems can do much to accelerate and deepen the uptake of AI in science, magnifying its positive contributions to research. This will support the ability of OECD countries to grow, innovate and address global challenges, from climate change to new contagions.

    Ambitious multidisciplinary programmes can promote progress

    Broad multidisciplinary programmes are needed that bring together computer and other scientists with engineers, statisticians, mathematicians and others to solve challenges using AI. Among other measures, dedicated government funding is required. It needs to be allocated using processes that encourage broad collaboration, rather than siloed funding for individual disciplines. One priority is to foster interaction between roboticists and domain experts. Laboratory robots could revolutionise some domains of science, lowering the cost and hugely increasing the pace of experimentation.

    Governments can encourage and support visionary initiatives with long-term impact. Initiatives such as the Nobel Turing Challenge – to build autonomous systems capable of world-class research – can inspire collaboration and co-ordination in science, to help focus efforts on global challenges, drive agreement on standards and attract young scientists to such ambitious endeavours.

    It is important to increase access to high-performance computing (HPC) and software for advances in AI and science. The provision of computing resources by large tech companies is helpful, but this has important gaps, and less well-funded research groups could fall behind. For academics to be competitive using state-of-the-art HPC/AI computing resources from commercial cloud providers is in most cases unrealistically expensive. National laboratories and their computing infrastructures, in collaboration with industry and academia, could address the gaps and help to develop training materials for institutions of tertiary education. Countries at the forefront of the field, including the United States and leaders in the European Union, may also collaborate on policy frameworks to make resources available from a shared pool.

    Updating curricula could assist. For example, using already proven AI-enabled techniques, students could be taught how to search for new hypotheses in existing scientific literature. The standard biomedical curriculum provides no such training. New integrative PhD programmes and/or industry research programmes based on knowledge synthesis – aided by AI – could also help.

    Governments can take steps to increase the availability of open research data and to harness the power of data across various fields, from health to climate. Examples include Europe’s Health Data Space, and GAIA-X, which aims to build a federated data infrastructure for Europe. Research centres can be helped to adopt systems such as federated learning that can apply AI to sensitive data held by multiple parties without compromising privacy. Another challenge is to make laboratory instruments more interoperable via standardised interfaces. Governments could bring laboratory users, instrument suppliers and technology developers together and incentivise them to achieve this goal.

    Public R&D can be used to advance the field

    Public research and development (R&D) can target areas of research where breakthroughs are needed to deepen AI’s uses in science and engineering. Research goals include going beyond current models based on large datasets and high-performance computing, and to find ways to automate the large-scale creation of findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data. Another target could be to advance AutoML – automating the design of machine-learning models – to help address the scarcity and high cost of AI expertise. Research challenges could be organised around AutoML for science, and research could be funded that involves applying AutoML in AI-driven science.

    Support should also be given for the development of open platforms (such as OpenML and DynaBench) that track which AI models work best for a wide range of problems. Public support is needed to make such platforms easier to use across many scientific fields.

    Public R&D could help foster new, interdisciplinary, blue-sky thinking. For instance, natural language processing (NLP) can help to work with the enormous growth of scientific literature. However, current performance claims are overstated. Today’s research in NLP also offers limited incentives for the sort of high-risk, speculative ideation that breakthroughs may need. Research centres, funding streams and/or publication processes could be set up to reward novel methods – even if these are at a nascent stage.

    Knowledge bases organise the world’s knowledge by mapping the connections between different concepts, drawing on information from many sources. Governments should support an extensive programme to build knowledge bases essential to AI in science, a need that will not be met by the private sector. Research could work towards creating an open knowledge network to serve as a resource for the whole AI research community. Relatively small amounts of public funding could help bring together AI scientists, scientists from multiple domains and professional societies ̶ along with volunteers ̶ to build the foundations for AI to utilise and communicate professional and commonsense knowledge.

    The thematic diversity of research on AI appears to be narrowing and is increasingly driven by the compute- and data-intensive approaches that dominate in large tech companies. Bolstering public R&D might make the field more diverse and help to grow the talent pool. Funders could pay special attention to projects that explore new techniques and methods separate from the dominant deep-learning paradigm. Meanwhile, policy makers could support research to examine and quantify losses of technological resilience, creativity and inclusiveness brought about by a narrowing of AI research and the possible implications of the increasing dominance of industry in AI research.

    Much of AI in science involves teaming with people, but funders could also help develop specialised tools to enhance collaborative human-AI teams, and to integrate these tools into mainstream science. Combining the collective intelligence of humans and AI is important, not least because science is now carried out by ever-larger teams and international consortia. Investment in this field of research has lagged other topics in AI.

    Among other fields, progress is needed in applying machine learning to medical imaging. Failures during COVID-19 were considerable. As in other uses of machine learning in science, incentives are needed to encourage research on methods with greater validation. Funding should involve more rigorous evaluation practices.

    Research governance matters

    Policy bodies should systematically evaluate the impacts of AI on everyday scientific practice, including on human-AI teaming, work, career trajectories and training ̶ where important changes could occur. Funding calls could require such assessments, and funders and policy makers should establish response mechanisms to act on the insights gathered. Among other measures, funders and policy makers could establish and support new independent fora for ongoing dialogue about the changing nature of scientific work and its impacts on research productivity and culture.

    The deployment of large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, demands attention from policy makers as their consequences are currently uncertain. LLMs could lead to more shallow work by making this easier, blur concepts of authorship and ownership, and possibly create inequalities between speakers of high- and low-resource languages. However, LLMs and other forms of AI could also aid governance processes, for instance in supporting peer review – a possibility that requires more study and testing.

    Policy should address the potential dangers entailed in dual use of AI-powered drug discovery. Little attention has been paid to the imminent dangers of being able to automate the design, testing and making of extremely lethal molecules (and there will be other dual use research to consider, too). Policy makers and other actors in the research system need to assess which of the possible governance arrangements will best protect the public good.

    Policy makers and their staff need more know-how to help decide what sort of technology initiatives to support

    Existing social networks and platforms could be used to help spread emerging practices. Social platforms such as and the Loop community could be used as testbeds for experimenting with combined human-AI knowledge discovery, idea generation and synthesis, and for propagating and evolving such approaches as literature-based discovery.

    Steps are likewise needed to improve the reproducibility of AI research. Among other actions, public funding agencies can require code, data and metadata to be shared freely with third parties, allowing them to run experiments on their own hardware.

    There is a strong case for sub-Saharan Africa, and possibly other developing regions, to receive much greater funding for AI in science. Development co-operation can help countries to advance open science, frame data protection legislation, improve digital infrastructures, strengthen overall AI readiness and support Africa’s own emerging initiatives, including indigenous development of data, software and technology. Projects with developing countries for AI in science can be mutually beneficial, and low-cost models of support have been proven. Development co-operation can also help create and support centres of research excellence.

    Artificial intelligence in science: Overview and policy proposals

    A. Nolan

    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


    This book addresses the current and emerging roles of artificial intelligence (AI) in science. Accelerating the productivity of research could be the most economically and socially valuable of all AI’s uses. AI and its various subdisciplines are pervading every field and stage of the scientific process. Advances in AI have led to an outpouring of creative uses in research. However, AI’s potential contribution to science is far from realised, and the impact of some widely hailed achievements may be less than is generally thought. AI, for instance, contributed little to research and treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, policy makers and other actors in research systems can do much to speed and broaden the uptake of AI in science, and to magnify its positive contributions to science and society.

    The book’s main contributions are to:

    Describe, in terms amenable to non-technical readers, AI’s current and possible future uses in science.

    Help raise awareness of the roles that public policy could play in amplifying AI’s positive impact on science, while also managing governance challenges.

    Draw attention to applications of AI in science and related topics that may be unfamiliar to some lay readers. Such applications include, among others, AI and collective intelligence, AI and laboratory robotics, AI and citizen science, developments in scientific fact-checking, and the emerging uses of AI in research governance. Related topics include the thematic narrowing of AI research and the reproducibility of AI research.

    Assess what AI cannot yet do in science, and areas of progress still required.

    Examine empirical claims of a slowdown in the productivity of science, engaging the views of domain experts and economists.

    Consider the implications of AI in science for developing countries, and the measures that could be taken to expedite uptake in developing-country research.

    This chapter proceeds as follows: the opening sections discuss why raising research productivity is important, whether through using AI or other means. The key issues concern economic effects, addressing critical knowledge gaps, summarising the evidence for and countering possible sources of drag on research productivity. In so doing, the text outlines why some scholars have argued that the productivity of science may be stagnating. To be clear, the claim is not that progress in science is slowing, but that it is becoming harder to achieve. The chapter continues with summaries of the book’s 34 essays. The summaries are presented under five broad headings. These correspond to the five parts of the book:

    Is science getting harder?

    Artificial intelligence in science today

    The near future: Challenges and ways forward

    Artificial intelligence in science: Implications for public policy

    Artificial intelligence, science and developing countries.

    The salient policy implications and suggestions are highlighted in text boxes.

    AI and the productivity of science: Why does this matter?

    The productivity of science is of critical interest for many reasons. Three are described here: economic; the need to close gaps in significant areas of scientific knowledge; and claims of slowing research productivity.

    Economic implications of research productivity

    Economists have established a fundamental relationship between innovation, which draws from basic research, and long-term productivity growth. The economic effects of COVID-19, sluggish macro-economic conditions in most OECD countries, burgeoning public debt and population ageing have all added urgency to the quest for growth.

    The sheer scope of science’s role in modern economies is easily underestimated. By one assessment, industries reliant just on physics research, including electrical, civil and mechanical engineering, as well as computing and other industries, contribute more to Europe’s economic output and gross value added than retail and construction combined (European Physical Society, 2019). The scope of any feedthrough from changes in research productivity will be correspondingly broad. Recent analysis by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) based on patents data suggests that basic scientific research diffuses to more sectors in more countries and for a longer time than commercially oriented applied research (IMF, 2021).

    Theory also suggests that growth stemming from more productive R&D will be more lasting than that spurred by automation in final goods production, which can yield a one-time increase in the rate of growth (Trammell and Korinek, 2020).

    Much basic and essential scientific knowledge is lacking

    In many domains, science is advancing rapidly. In 2022, there was widely publicised progress in fields as diverse as astronomy, with unprecedented images from the James Web telescope, the development of a nasal vaccine for COVID-19 and the first laboratory-based controlled fusion reaction. However, it is also the case that both old scientific questions endure and new ones arise continually. To take just three examples:

    After decades of climate modelling, uncertainty persists. Important uncertainties exist on such issues as tipping points (e.g. inversion of the flows of cold and hot oceanic waters), when changes could become irreversible (e.g. melting of West Antarctic or Greenland ice-shelves), and the quantitative role of plants and microbes in the carbon cycle (plants and microbes cycle some 200 billion tons of carbon a year, compared to anthropogenic production of around 6 billion tons).

    Many elementary cellular processes are not understood. For instance, the process by which Escherichia coli (a bacterium) consumes sugar for energy is one of the most basic biological functions. It is also important for industry in designing microbial biocatalysts that use carbohydrates in biomass. However, how the process operates has not been fully established (even though research on the subject was first published over 70 years ago).

    Around 55 million people worldwide currently suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. While studies have identified several risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease – from age, to head injury, to high cholesterol – the cause of the disease is still unknown (and treatments are missing).

    More productive science will also set foundations for breakthroughs in innovation, especially in some crucial fields. For instance, many of the antibiotics in use today were discovered in the 1950s, and the most recent class of antibiotic treatments was discovered in 1987. Innovation in the energy sector is also essential for achieving low-emission economic growth. But today’s leading energy generation technologies were mostly invented over a century ago. The combustion turbine was invented in 1791, the fuel cell in 1842, the hydro-electric turbine in 1878 and the solar photo-voltaic cell in 1883. Even the first nuclear power plant began operating over 60 years ago (Webber et al., 2013) (although the performance of these technologies has of course improved over time).

    By accelerating science and innovation, AI could help to find solutions to global challenges such as climate change (Boxes 1 and 2), and the diseases of ageing.

    Box 1. Artificial intelligence, materials science and net zero

    Materials science is central to new technologies needed to address climate change. Among many possibilities, new materials promise more efficient solar panels, better batteries, lightweight metal alloys for more fuel-efficient vehicles, carbon-neutral fuels, more sustainable building materials and low-carbon textiles. Progress in materials science may also create substitutes for materials with fragile supply chains, including rare earth elements.

    Assisted by an open-source research community and open-access databases, AI is ushering in a revolution in materials science, quickly and efficiently exploring large datasets for arrangements of atoms that yield materials with user-desired properties, while optimising aspects of experimentation.

    Materials discovery has traditionally been slow and uncertain, based on trial-and-error examination of many – sometimes millions – of candidate samples. The research sometimes takes decades. However, the new combinations of high-performance computing, AI and laboratory robots can greatly accelerate discovery (later essays in this book explore robotics in science). Service (2019) describes some materials discovery processes being compressed from months to just a few days. One lab robot conducts 100 000 experiments a year, producing five years of experiments in just two weeks (Grizou et al., 2020).

    The urgency of achieving net zero underscores the importance of accelerating materials discovery. Faster discovery can also encourage the private sector to invest in materials R&D, as returns are more likely to be had within commercial timeframes. Lowering costs per experiment can encourage more creative research, as the risk of failure is mitigated if a broad and fast-running portfolio of experiments is possible. In addition, faster discovery might help junior researchers to establish themselves (Correa-Baena et al., 2018).

    These advances in materials science require contributions from many disciplines, including computer scientists, roboticists, electronics engineers, physical scientists and materials researchers. Policies and approaches that facilitate cross-disciplinary research and exchange of ideas could help.

    Box 2. Catalysing research at the intersection of climate change and machine learning

    Climate Change AI (CCAI)¹ is a not-for-profit organisation bringing together volunteers from academia and industry. One of its most significant offerings is a catalogue² of numerous research questions across many areas in science, engineering, industry and social policy where AI could make a dent in climate problems. CCAI also cultivates a community of many researchers, engineers, policy makers, investors, companies and non-governmental organisations, many of which are applying AI techniques to scientific problems.

    1. See

    2. See

    AI also matters because science itself may be becoming harder

    Claims of a slowdown in science are not new. More than 50 years ago, Bentley Glass, former President of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, asserted that There are still innumerable details to fill in, but the endless horizons no longer exist (Glass, 1971). Recently, attention to a purported stagnation in research productivity has been spurred by Bloom et al. (2020) and other papers. Matt Clancy, in this book, reviews the relevant economic and technology-specific studies, and concludes that while quantification of research productivity is conceptually and methodologically complex, and not uncontentious, science has by some measures become harder.

    If science were indeed to become harder then, other conditions unchanged, governments would be forced to spend more to achieve existing rates of growth of useful scientific output. Timeframes could be lengthened for achieving scientific progress needed to address today’s global challenges. And for investments in science equivalent to today’s, ever-fewer increments of new knowledge will be available with which to counter unforeseen events with negative global ramifications, from new contagions to novel crop diseases.

    It is helpful to consider the arguments made by the scholars who contend that science is getting harder. These are summarised in Box 3. Examining the explanations why this might be can help to pinpoint how AI could help. Essays in this book examine various issues relevant to the effects of bad incentives in science systems, argument (1) in Box 3. Those essays explore such issues as AI in scientific fact-checking, and AI in governance processes (see the contributions of Varoquaux and Cheplygina; Flanagan, Ribeiro and Ferri; and Gundersen Wang). In connection with argument (2) in Box 3 – a more limited involvement of the private sector in basic research – AI can incentivise some areas of private research and development. This is because AI can help conduct some parts of science more rapidly, better aligning with commercial investment horizons. AI has also spurred the creation of firms specialised in doing basic science for larger corporates (see essays by Szalay; Ghosh; and by King, Peter and Courtney).

    AI in science is also relevant to argument (3) – the economic limits on discovery – as it can lower costs in some stages of science, especially laboratory experimentation. In addition, potentially large savings of scientists’ time could come from compressing the duration of research projects – for instance by using increasingly capable AI-driven research assistants (the subject of the essay by Byun and Stuhlmüller). Argument (4) in Box 3 relates to the need for larger teams in science. The essay on AI and collective intelligence by Malliaraki and Berditchevskaia considers how to harness the capabilities of such teams, as does the essay on AI and citizen science by Ceccaroni and his colleagues. Furthermore, arguments relating to the burden of knowledge – arguments (5) and (6) – are explored from different viewpoints in essays on natural language processing applied to scientific texts (see the contributions of Dunietz; Wang; Byun and Stuhlmüller; and Smalheiser, Hahn-Powell, Hristovski and Sebastian).

    Box 3. Why might science get harder?

    Researchers have posited reasons for an alleged decline in the productivity research. While not exhaustive, the main arguments concern the following:


    Changes in scientific incentives. Among others, Bhattacharya and Packalen (2020) explore the role of citations in performance measurement and in shifting scientists’ rewards and behaviour toward incremental science, with high rates of retraction, non-replicability and even fraud.


    A more limited engagement of the private sector in basic science (Arora et al., 2019).


    Economic limits on discovery. For example, the cost of the next generation LHC supercollider is estimated at EUR 21 billion. To generate energies needed to probe smaller subatomic phenomena would be orders of magnitude more costly.


    As more prior and diverse science must be absorbed to make new breakthroughs, larger teams are needed. But larger teams seem less prone to make fundamental discoveries than small teams (Wu, Wang and Evans, 2019).


    Scientists have reached peak reading. By one account, 100 000 articles on COVID-19 were published in the first year of the pandemic. Tens of millions of peer-reviewed papers exist in biomedicine alone. However, the average scientist reads about 250 papers a year (Noorden, 2014).


    The sheer size of the corpus of scientific literature in different fields. In larger corpora, potentially important contributions cannot garner field-wide attention through gradual processes of diffusion (Chu and Evans, 2021).


    As science progresses, it branches into new disciplines. Some breakthroughs require more inter-disciplinarity, but there is friction at the boundaries between disciplines.


    There are a finite number of scientific laws. Once a law or artefact is discovered, science has to proceed to the next challenge. DNA, for example, can only be discovered once.

    Is science getting harder?

    Are ideas getting harder to find? A short review of the evidence

    Reviewing multiple studies, Matt Clancy concludes that, using diverse methodological and conceptual approaches, a constant supply of research effort (such as numbers of scientists) does not lead to a constant proportional increase in various proxies for technological capabilities (e.g. doubling the number of transistors on an integrated roughly every two years). There are few exceptions to the general finding that a constant proportional increase in metrics of interest has tended to require an increasing supply of research effort.

    Clancy also points to other measurement approaches based on the idea that progress is not just about squeezing the last drop of possibility from each technology, it is also, and perhaps mostly, about the creation of entirely new branches of technology. However, acknowledging this perspective, Bloom et al. (2020) showed that, at least in health, despite successive waves of new technologies, from antibiotics to mRNA vaccines, etc., saving a year of life has needed increasing research effort measured by the number of clinical trials or biomedical articles.

    Another measure of the effects of R&D relates to performance outcomes in private sector companies. Bloom et al. (2020) examine sales, number of employees, sales per employee and market capitalisation and find here, too, that on average it takes more and more R&D effort by firms to maintain growth in these measures.

    Clancy likewise discusses total factor productivity (TFP) – the efficiency with which an economy combines inputs to create outputs – as a broad measure of technological progress. Bloom et al. (2020) found that for the US economy, going back to the 1930s, growing R&D effort has been required to keep TFP increasing at a constant exponential rate. Miyagawa, in this book, arrives at a similar result for Japan, as do Boeing and Hünermund for Germany and the People’s Republic of China (hereafter China).

    Another way to examine research productivity is to look at measures from science. Clancy discusses one approach which looked at the share of Nobel Prize winning awards that go to discoveries described in papers published in the preceding 20 years. Across all fields, this has fallen significantly. Clancy also describes studies that show a steady decline since the 1960s in the share of citations to more recent papers (those published in the preceding five or ten years), possibly suggesting a declining impact of recent scientific output. Patents share this pattern, and increasingly cite older scientific work.

    Clancy also explains why conceptual and methodological caveats apply to all the analyses. TFP, for instance, can vary for reasons unrelated to science and technology, such as changes in the geographic mobility of workers. However, many papers employing diverse approaches arrive at converging conclusions. Nevertheless, Clancy closes by acknowledging that even if ideas are getting harder to find, society also seems to be trying harder to find them, causing science to advance.

    Other essays in this volume – summarised below – examine three fields of technology where Bloom et al. (2020) compared performance metrics with measures of research input and thereby argued for a decline in research productivity: namely Moore’s Law, agriculture and the biopharmaceuticals sector. However, the picture that emerges in the essays below is not quite as clear-cut as Bloom et al. (2020) suggest.

    The end of Moore’s Law?

    Moore’s Law, which has held since the 1960s, posits that transistor chip density doubles roughly every two years, with a corresponding decline in unit transistor cost. Bloom et al. (2020) suggest that an apparent slowing of Moore’s Law indicates a decline in the pace of innovation in electronics. Such a decline would have serious consequences, as microelectronics are central to practically all industrial products and systems.

    However, Henry Kressel shows that while the ability to shrink transistors is reaching physical limits, fears of stagnation or decline in the power of computing systems are premature. He shows that other innovations – additional to those tracked by Moore’s Law – continue to improve the economic and technical performance of electronic systems. For instance, manufacturers are findings ways to improve energy efficiency, and developing three-dimensional architectures that make better use of the chip area. Good ideas are not running out. Nor is there evidence of declining interest in such research.

    At base, Kressel’s essay contains an important generalisable message: measuring the progress of a technology-driven field with a single metric can mislead. Indeed, at present, while non-specialists focus on Moore’s Law, no reliable general metric of progress is available today because computing systems range so greatly in scale and functionality.

    Is technological progress in US agriculture slowing?

    Matt Clancy examines innovation in US agriculture and concludes that the case for a slowdown seems to hold whether measured with growth in yields over time or using more sophisticated methods, such as changes in TFP. The slowdown may stem from agriculture-specific factors, such as stagnating levels of R&D through much of the late 20th century. It may also be influenced by broader forces, such as slowing technological progress in non-farm domains that supply critical inputs to agriculture. Moreover, while this essay examines US agriculture, Clancy cites research suggesting that global productivity growth in agriculture fell from an average of 2% per year over the 2000s to 1.3% per year over the 2010s.

    Echoing Kressel’s point on the need for care in selecting metrics of progress, Clancy observes that changes in agricultural yield – a focus of Bloom et al. – has drawbacks. For example, almost all of US corn is genetically modified to confer resistance to a key pesticide (glyphosate). This helps farmers by making it less costly to control weeds, a benefit not captured in measures of yield. Similarly, an important dimension of agricultural innovation not typically included in TFP is the environmental sustainability of agricultural production, which may be improving.

    Eroom’s law and the decline in the productivity of biopharmaceutical R&D

    Jack Scannell explores Eroom’s law, the observation that drug development becomes slower and more expensive over time. Scannell examines various metrics that show a significant decline in the productivity of biopharmaceutical R&D since the late 1990s (although with a slight uptick since 2010). He points out that DNA sequencing, genomics, high-throughput screening, computer-aided drug design and computational chemistry, among other advances, were widely adopted and/or became orders of magnitude cheaper between 1950 and 2010. However, over the same period, the number of new drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) per billion US dollars of inflation-adjusted R&D fell roughly a hundredfold.

    Scannell suggests that levels of innovation in biopharma have fallen for several reasons. Arguably of greatest importance is the progressive accumulation of an inexpensive pharmacopoeia of effective generic drugs. When drugs’ patents expire, they become much cheaper but no less effective. An ever-expanding catalogue of cheap generic drugs progressively raises the competitive bar for new drugs in the same therapy area, eroding incentives for R&D. Such therapy areas hold meagre returns for investment in new ideas, even if the ideas themselves have not become harder to find (there are many unexploited drug targets and therapeutic mechanisms and a vast number of chemical compounds).

    Scannell explains that R&D investment has been squeezed towards diseases where R&D has for long been less successful, such as advanced Alzheimer’s, some metastatic solid cancers, etc. He observes that novel chemistry – where AI can play a big role - is the most investible form of biopharmaceutical innovation because it can be protected by strong patents. However, the lack of good screening and disease models is a key constraint on drug discovery (a disease model is a biological system in the laboratory that mirrors a disease and its processes). A major reason for this shortage is economic: once the mechanism identified by a new disease model is publicly proven in trials in human patients, the information becomes freely available to competitors.

    AI will be incrementally helpful but not revolutionary in drug discovery

    Scannell considers that AI will help in

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