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The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Civilian Population
The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Civilian Population
The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Civilian Population
Ebook284 pages4 hours

The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Civilian Population

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Mark provides compelling evidence that wealthy satanist-psychopaths are waging a covert war right in your neighborhoods as they establish a global dictatorship known as the New World Order. Their potential enemies are placed under constant surveillance by the security forces, relentlessly persecuted, and attacked with silent and traceless directed-energy weapons that leave no visible injury.  These attacks are combined with psychological warfare used to inflict recurrent emotional pain.

PublisherMark M. Rich
Release dateNov 5, 2023
The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Civilian Population

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    The Hidden Evil - Mark M. Rich


    This book was funded by my mother Claire L. Rich. She also provided me with food and other necessities.

    Notes on the 2nd Edition

    While researching this book, I collected data from articles, websites, and radio shows, which I combined with information pertaining to historical and current political events. I wanted to present this phenomenon in a manner that would be simple for most to understand. My goal was to explain an impending tyranny that the world has never seen.

    Upon writing New World War, which was released in 2010, I discovered that many of the weapons and tactics mentioned in this book have official military terms. Although the labels used to describe them here differ, I found plenty that were accurate. In retrospect, I was not far off. Not bad when you consider that this was and still is a developing subject.

    I realized while reviewing this text that the message could be conveyed more accurately with less information. So I removed unnecessary material, making this edition shorter.

    More people are discovering that they are being attacked and that their cities and towns are under siege. Eventually, many also determine that their elected officials, government agencies, media, and NGOs, are standing down while the financial elite use their security forces to torture and murder citizens worldwide.

    There has been a coordinated effort to conceal this system of persecution by the organizations which people rely on to expose such things. Unfortunately, even groups that you might think would be the first to reveal this issue have been providing cover for it by not reporting or understating it.

    At some point in the future it will be common knowledge that this existed. I hope this book helps you in some manner.

    Thank You,

    Mark M. Rich

    Volume I Part I


    Throughout this book I will be presenting evidence on what I’ve discovered to be highly organized, covert, psychological warfare campaigns being carried out on the civilian population in all NATO countries.

    Upon researching this phenomenon, I found that it led to elite organizations that have instigated wars, manipulated major historical events, and have wreaked havoc on a population that is largely unaware of their existence.

    I will be explaining something that resembles insanity because it is caused by those who are pathological. The information in this book will be uncomfortable to most people. I do not present it for the purpose of scaring you, but it is a peripheral result of explaining something this repulsive in detail.

    There are multiple websites now devoted to this topic which are listed in the Sources section of this book. Some independent talk shows such as The Grassy Knoll, The Power Hour, The Investigative Journal, and a few others, have covered this topic. But it is not talked about in the popular media for reasons which I will explain.

    Each person or organization used as a source may not necessarily agree with my overall estimation of this. If you’re on the receiving end of these attacks, or even if you’re not targeted but have researched it, you may not completely agree with my findings. I’m just presenting the information that I’ve compiled. I don’t propose to have all the answers.

    There are people who will have a vested interest in discrediting me and the information in this book. I’ve taken much caution to minimize the amount of informational errors that it contains. But most books contain some errors. I have taken little liberty when making certain points that I believe are pertinent by doing my best to document this phenomenon as much as possible.

    But, as much as I’ve done my best to do this, the media and others may find something wrong with it and relentlessly attack me. Some words or phrases may be twisted around and quoted out of context. Small irrelevant inconsistencies may be blown out of proportion. There may also be a pervasive effort by multiple targeted individuals to discredit me or this information. As I’ll demonstrate, these are predictable tactics.1

    I will be referencing the work of doctors, former federal law enforcement, politicians, and researchers. Some of these individuals have seen how things really works due to their experience on the front lines. This experience has given them a glimpse of matters that will eventually affect everyone. They have issued warnings to the public in their publications.

    During this presentation you’ll see evidence from both the political Left and Right. Because there are often barricades which prevent people who have adopted a political side from accepting information, I ask that you briefly abandon any identification with a political party.

    This is necessary for two reasons. First, conservative and liberal news sources both publish useful information. Secondly, as I’ll demonstrate, both political parties are controlled by the same source. The left/right political spectrum is a control mechanism.

    The first part of the current volume explains how the Hidden Evil can be allowed to exist in our society. It will cover the controlling financial elite, who they are, what they've done, and what their plans are. It will provide evidence to support my premise, that, unknown to most citizens, groups of wealthy people control their governments.

    The second part of Volume I is an overview of historical events that have been kept from official publications. It provides an outline which explains how the Hidden Evil is part of a recurring historical pattern. It also explains how these elite groups control the media, schools, and have rewritten history. Furthermore, it documents their financial support for communist and fascist dictatorships, as well as a string of lies they've used to cover their tracks.

    Volume II will focus on the structure, tactics, and purpose for the Hidden Evil, as well as how people can be persuaded to serve it. Also in Volume II, we’ll explore the high probability that it was created by these elite organizations.

    I’ll also cover the subject of satanism which has surfaced many times during my research, and manifests itself on multiple levels of this program. But, it is not necessary to believe in any religion in order to recognize that the Hidden Evil exists.

    This book is not a complete coverage of New World Order or financial elite. Nor is it an in-depth coverage of history and non-lethal weapons (NLW). But it’s necessary that these subjects are touched upon to show a pattern which suggests that the Hidden Evil is a foundational element for a dictatorship, and was created by people who have funded dictatorships in the past.

    Why would I want to focus on such a dark area of humanity? There is the argument by some mystics or New Agers that much of reality is an illusion. They insist that perception is reality, and if you choose to change your interpretation of an event, then it will have whatever meaning you assign to it.

    Many things can be changed by choosing a different belief system. But I also think there are principles and circumstances which exist no matter what. They exist regardless of our beliefs or knowledge of their existence. This is one of them.


    1 In addition, the manuscript for this book has undergone frequent sabotage. This occurred from the time I began writing it, up until the moment it was uploaded to the publisher's server.

    Introduction to the Financial Elite

    Before covering the specific groups which are likely responsible for creating the Hidden Evil, it's necessary to explain that the United States and other NATO countries are not run by their respective leaders. The power structure does not operate in the manner taught in public schools.

    The evidence I'll be presenting suggests that these nations are run by an elite cabal of wealthy individuals who prefer to operate from behind the scenes. This group has been called the Establishment, Secret Brotherhood, Alliance, Invisible Government, Shadow Government, New World Order, Illuminati, Military-industrial Complex, etc.1

    In an article entitled, Elite Clique Holds Power in the US, which appeared in the Indianapolis News in December of 1961, Edith Kermit Roosevelt wrote: The word ‘Establishment’ is a general term for the power elite in international finance, business, the professions and government, largely from the northeast, who wield most of the power regardless of who is in the White House. Most people are unaware of the existence of this legitimate mafia.

    Most people can sense that something is wrong, but can’t quite put their finger on what it is. Despite changes in administration, the world continues to fall apart.

    The reason, insists Professor Antony C. Sutton in his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, is that our elected officials are not really making the decisions. Instead, they're made by a clandestine group of wealthy elite, whose objectives differ from a majority of the population.

    On March 26, 1922, the Mayor of New York City, John F. Hylan said: The real menace of our republic is the Invisible Government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimly length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as ‘international bankers.’ This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends.

    Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald wrote in November of 1975: Many of them use their vast wealth, and the influence such riches give them, to achieve even more power. Power of a magnitude never dreamed of by the tyrants and despots of earlier ages.

    Author James Perloff describes the typical path of one of these individuals, in his book, The Shadows of Power. They start off in prestigious private schools, then move on to Columbia, Yale, Princeton, or Harvard, where they join fraternities. After that, they proceed to a prominent law firm or bank on Wall Street.

    Those who are politically inclined work at establishment think tanks such as the RAND Corporation, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Brookings Institution, or join the boards of one of the great tax-exempt foundations. After that, they may ascend into a lofty position in the federal government.

    According to Professor Texe Marrs, banking, education, religion, and the armed forces are all under the control of this small group of men. Whatever we call this self-perpetuating elitist group, explained Professor Sutton, it is apparently fundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a level far behind and above that of the elected politicians.

    Throughout this book you’ll notice that they disguise themselves and their intentions by creating groups which profess only the most innocent objectives. In this manner, they masquerade as humanitarians. They frequently lie to accomplish their objectives. They often use the National Security Act to justify their destructive deeds and to provide cover when they get caught.

    One of my goals is to show you who they are, what they've done, how they've covered it up, and what their plans are. So who are they? Apparently, Wall Street, multinational corporations, international banks, and wealthy people have formed elite groups to serve as vehicles for their interests.

    These include think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, and others, which are interlocked with the great tax-exempt foundations, Federal Reserve, The Order of Skull & Bones, and Bohemian Grove.

    Rene Wormser, General Council to the Reece Committee which investigated tax-exempt foundations in the mid 1950s, provides us with an example of interlocking directorates, in his book, Foundations: Their Power And Influence. The Reece Committee found that the trustees and officers of the RAND Corporation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, and Rockefeller Foundation were all connected.

    According to Robert Gaylon Ross, author of Who's Who of the Elite, this small group of wealthy people decides when wars will start and how long they will last. They own the central banks of the world. They directly or indirectly own all of the major media outlets which they use to control information. They decide who will be running for President, Governor General, Chancellor, and Prime Minister.

    If most people knew that a handful of unelected people were running their government they would probably be outraged. While most members of some of these elite organizations may not be aware of their true objectives, there is an inner-core that is.

    This organized crime network prefers to remain behind the scenes. But its existence is not completely hidden.

    By incident, or accident, people such as targeted individuals, corporate/government whistleblowers, and others, have directly experienced how government really works and who controls it. Their experience on the front lines has given them insights into impending situations that the general population is not yet aware of.

    These elite organizations have been called think tanks. Some receive their funding from tax-exempt foundations.2 The existence of groups like the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers is well documented, stated Jim Marrs in his underground bestseller, Rule by Secrecy.

    According to author Marrs, these groups run the major corporations, which, in turn, control most of the necessities of our world, such as transportation, energy, agriculture, communications, entertainment, and healthcare.

    If policies are set at the top by the controlling elite, then it’s understandable how destructive ones which appear to be positive can be filtered down to local and state governments.

    Marrs explained: If the top leadership of government and business is controlled ... then the activities of subservient agencies and divisions must be of little consequence. Government bureaucrats―honest and well-intentioned workers for the most part―simply follow orders and policies set by superiors.

    Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot acknowledged this covert power structure in his 1962 book, The Invisible Government, when he wrote: Somewhere at the top of the pyramid in the Invisible Government are a few sinister people. The Invisible Government that Smoot refers to uses the groups previously mentioned to carry out its policies. 

    According to authors Marrs and Ross, these organizations directly or indirectly control local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as the courts, federal agencies, the UN, and NATO.

    The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and a few others―numbering less than a dozen leaders of international finance are the real power behind the visible thrones of world government, added Professor Marrs. No major policy is formulated without their input; no major plan of action is implemented without their specific ‘go’ signal.

    Now we'll have a look at these elite groups in more detail. Let's meet your unelected rulers.


    1 From the information I've come across, the term New World Order has been used to describe: a political movement, a group of individuals bringing about the movement, and joint reference to both the movement and the group fostering it.

    2 Some describe these organizations as think tanks or modern secret societies, while others describe them as foundations. Carnegie Endowment is listed as a foundation in Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Wormser, but also listed as a think tank in Who's Who of the Elite by Ross, and Trilaterals Over Washington by Sutton and Wood. Author Marrs describes the CFR, TC and Bilderbergers as modern secret societies in Rule by Secrecy.

    Trilateral Commission

    The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It has headquarters in New York, Paris, and Tokyo. It is said to be funded by the tax-exempt giants like Ford, Lilly Endowment, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, German Marshall Fund, and corporations such as Time, Bechtel, Exxon, General Motors, Wells-Fargo, and others.

    It originally consisted of media executives, business leaders, and high government officials from Japan, Western Europe, and North America. Many of its founding members were also part of the CFR.

    Its membership is composed of past and present presidents, ambassadors, secretaries of state, Wall Street investors, NATO and pentagon military personnel, international bankers, foundation executives, media owners, university presidents and professors, senators and congressmen, and wealthy industrialists.

    The Trilateral Commission has an official publication called, Trialogue. It also issues multiple Task Force Reports per year. Although its meetings are invitation-only, its membership list is publicly available.

    In their book, Trilaterals Over Washington, Professor Antony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood revealed that the group is not as benevolent as it may appear. The Task Force Report entitled, The Crisis of Democracy written in part by Harvard political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, stated that methods were to be devised to circumvent democracy.

    The Commission allegedly arranged for Jimmy Carter to become President, who appointed 14 Trilateralists to top positions in government. This occurred at a time when the Commission had only 65 American members.

    Regarding this, a January 1977 issue of The Washington Post expressed: The President-elect [Carter] is a member. So is the Vice-President-elect Walter F. Mondale. So are the new Secretaries of State, Defense and Treasury. So is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral Director and Carter’s National Security Adviser, also a bunch of others who will make foreign policy for America in the next four years.

    It was announced in the June 18, 1974 issue of the New York Times: The lives and fortunes of large numbers of human beings hang upon the outcome of decisions taken by a small handful of national leaders―on the Trilateral Commission.

    Regarding the consolidation process of the New World Order, Brzezinski commented during an interview by the Brazilian newspaper Vega: The reality of our times is that a modern society such as the US needs a central coordinating and renovating organ which cannot be made up of six hundred people.

    In his book, Between Two Ages, Brzezinski stated that sovereignty was a fiction, and that the old political framework (US Constitution) was not consistent with reality.

    "One of the most important ‘frameworks’ in the world ... is the United States Constitution," exclaimed Sutton and Wood. So why is it so important to these elite organizations that this document be changed?

    Well, they’ve admitted in their own publications that they tend to merge the US and other NATO countries into a single world government controlled by the big corporations. Would a constitution which guarantees individual freedom interfere with their plan?

    Before the amendments made by the US Patriot Act and other anti-terror legislation, the US Constitution made it difficult for a totalitarian

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