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Alluring Study Of Aromatherapy For Healers & Perfumers
Alluring Study Of Aromatherapy For Healers & Perfumers
Alluring Study Of Aromatherapy For Healers & Perfumers
Ebook390 pages3 hours

Alluring Study Of Aromatherapy For Healers & Perfumers

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Hello and welcome to this alluring healing art. 
Learn to become an Aromatherapist with 61 essential oil monographs, an aid for your academic pathway. This book follows international training standards. Including the chemistry of essential oils with an A to Z list of ailments and the best oils to heal each ailment. This book is used in Aromatherapy training centers. Covers blending instructions for skincare and ailments. Contraindications and more. This book has been designed for Perfumers and Healers as well as the home users.  Explains the chemistry and applications of essential oil treatments, allowing you to employ their therapeutic powers to strengthen your mind, body, beauty, and soul. It is a meticulously designed guide to embracing the rejuvenating benefits of aromatherapy, it will also assists you in stress relief, healing, and recuperating your mental and physical well-being in the most natural way possible. The benefits of smell therapy is explained because that is the safest way to healp strangers heal.

Release dateAug 21, 2023
Alluring Study Of Aromatherapy For Healers & Perfumers

Robyn Ji Smith

Hi I am part of the Beauty School Books Team of authors that writes training manuals for both Beauty School Books and Beauty Pathways Academy.  In 1993 we were also chosen by the Australian government to write the training standards for the Hairdressing and Beauty industry registered training centers. We did such a great job; our Australian government was asked to rewrite the international training standards. Again, I was invited to become part of the international industry training standards. I do not claim to be a great author but have been blessed with being a good teacher. My family started training me in 1950s. When you are trained by people that love you, magic happens. I always try to encourage students to ask questions. Their questions often mean I have not explained that section well enough and I write a new version. It does however, also give me an idea about how well they are practicing each module on friend and family. To read something without trying to perform the skill is only doing half the job. Reading is one of the core activities of study. You need to be able to understand what you read and to be able to recall the main ideas when you need them. You can use the SQW3R method to improve your comprehension, to remember a reading for tutorials, seminars or to review for exams. This is a wonderful method to get through the theory exams but will mean more when you practice using the physical tools of the trade. Happy Learning comes with practice.

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    Book preview

    Alluring Study Of Aromatherapy For Healers & Perfumers - Robyn Ji Smith

    Aromatherapy - Healing & Relaxing 

    Aromatherapy is an alluring journey into an ancient, holistic healing art. But before you read on - be warned!

    Aromatherapy is sensationally addictive! It is an alluring healing journey. Robyn has been using alternative healing methods, most of her life. Alternative healing methods, taught to her, by her family, at a very early age.

    Her journey blossomed after studying the healing art of Aromatherapy at Nature Care College in Sydney Australia 1in 1993.

    You can use essential oils without being a qualified Aromatherapist, but it's a good idea to have some knowledge.

    Like everything here on mother earth, essential oils in just one drop have many natural chemicals.

    Because of their strength they need to be added to a carrier oil before apply to your skin.

    Smell therapy needs certain considerations as too does bath therapy and massage therapy.

    They have vibrational energy and essential oils are capable of changing the DNA in your brain and they will change your personal vibrational energy.

    Are you a healthy person in mind, body and soul? If you are not you need to address the issue by checking the ailments list and to pay particular attention to the contra-indications. Just like a doctor will tell you not to eat grapefruit while on medication. I have added some learning about these issues for your attention.

    In 1996 Robyn was chosen to sit on the committee to rewrite the Australian Standards and 2007-2014, to rewrite the International Standards for the Beauty Industry. Robyn is passionate about the use of Essential Oils, their healing and beautifying properties. Oils are extracted from herbs, roots and flowers and then used in treatments such as massage, reflexology, smell-therapy, bathing - techniques, smell therapy, acupressure, and cosmetic preparations. Essential oils are used to strive for balance - in physical, mental and spiritual health. Aromatherapy aims to heal, relieve, and prevent health problems for a healthy lifestyle.

    This book follows: - The International Standards for The Beauty Industry Aromatherapy elective study code SIBBBOS505A

    Many hundreds of thousands of lay people are successfully using Aromatherapy in their homes. They use it to treat such conditions as frigidity in women, impotence in men, nervous conditions and an endless range of aches and pains. It is not a new healing art; it is, in fact, a resurgence of a very ancient art. In many cultures, they anointed the dead with essential oils and embalmed them, in preparation for their after-life..

    In the Bible, there are numerous references to the use of essential oils. Historians relate- during the middle ages, perfumers were immune to Cholera and other life-threatening diseases thanks to the use of essences from plant life.

    With the rapid progress of the Nineteenth Century (the 1800's) essential oils, were replaced - by synthetic chemical ingredients.

    Fortunately, in 1920's Professor M. Galtesfosse rediscovered the benefits of essential oils and coined the term, Aromatherapy..

    There was an explosion in his Lab, and his arm was crudely, burnt. He quickly plunged his arm into the nearest container of liquid, which happened to be Lavender oil. To his amazement, his 3rd degree burns healed rapidly without scars.

    Cleopatra Seduced Mark Anttony

    Just hours before, Cleopatra and Mark Anttonys first interlude. Cleopatra had her servants gather Rose petals. They laid them 1" thick; over her entire bedroom floor. Cleopatra bathed in a bath of added Jasmine petals, Rose essential oil and milk - to silken her skin. How Romantic?

    Old Fashion Healing – handed down by my family, are great old-fashioned cures. They are in my A-Z Section and here and there throughout this manual. You will find them a little odd, yet most successful. Do not be afraid to try them; I still live to tell the story.

    The most important factors in Aromatherapy are:

    Best Practice

    Nil by Mouth

    Knowing which oils to use for an ailment See A-Z list

    Check Contraindications

    Check The safety factors see Toxic Oils

    How much to use - see Blending Table

    Learn where to buy the best quality oils

    Never ever use essential oil until they are blended with a carrier oil.

    That is it .

    Do not be afraid, if you follow those rules all will be well. You will be ready to be allured into this marvelous healing journey - of healing the mind, body and your soul.

    Where to source the information quickly, is more important than trusting your memory.

    Continue your learning journey.

    Understanding the genus and species - of each oil

    Chemical components in each species.

    Having a basic understanding of the complex nature of human behaviour.

    My recipes are fool proof providing you follow the mixing instructions and check the contraindications for each oil, pertaining to the individual you are mixing for.

    Never mix for acquaintances unless you are a certified Aromatherapist.

    If you have a complex personality, do not follow my recipes. See a doctor or a qualified practitioner one that has been in business for at least 12 years. Do not ever believe everything you read. Stick to the golden rule in Australia it is nil by mouth. No matter what a person may tell you, or you may tell yourself there is always the underlying cause of the disorder. The biological, psychological, or emotional factors involved.

    Where to source the information quickly.

    I'm hopeful you will read every page of this manual before you begin using essentials oils. Then you will know where to source information quickly. Do not be afraid, but do be-careful. Essential oils are sometimes 1000s of times stronger than the plant they came from so. never use them neat. Always dilute them with a carrier oil, see blending section in this book and the contra indications. Starting page 199

    Under the common name of each oil you will find the other important names such as the



    family name

    and more.

    Do not trust that this is all you need to know, like I did when I first began my journey. There was no internet nor google to research, when I began my aromatherapy journey.

    Therefore, any books written on Aromatherapy before 2000 need to be considered folklore. The best books are still to come. I have learned more about aromatherapy 2007 to 2021 than before. In 2007 I started questioning my knowledge, and that of others.


    Keep It Simple Sweetheart

    Buy 4 to 10 essential oils.

    Learn all there is to know about those oils.

    Follow the blending table

    Fill in the client form for yourself and clients.

    Check the contraindications!

    Make the blend for a purpose.

    Never make oils to sell unless you are trained. Family is fine.

    However, you can add a disclaimer to the form stating you are an enthusiast not an Aromatherapist. There are many enthusiasts in the world that do the job with far more love and passion than Certified Medical Practitioners. Have you seen the movie

    Lorenzo's Oil is a 1992 American drama film co-written and directed by George Miller. It is based on the true story of Augusto and Michaela Odone, two parents in a relentless search for a cure for their son Lorenzo's adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Worth watching so you fully understand how research by people with a love and passion in their heart can do, what no one else can do. Make yourself a comprehensive Form.

    client History form.

    Before you advise or make a lotion or potion for someone else you need to know a lot about them.

    Table Description automatically generated

    What medication or drugs they are on.

    How much alcohol they consume? What skin conditions they have. Do their eyes water? Do they an Ailment such as a Heart, Kidney, Liver Issue? Do they have HIV, Aids, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Depression issues?

    There are resins why, you need to know these things.

    Have they been in contact with someone that has an air borne disease? Such as Mumps, Chicken pox and more. As a Beauty therapist, nurse Doctor, you will know how to make such a form. This is why Aromatherapy become an elective study under the same training codes as Beauty Therapy in Australia in 1993 to 1996 and Internationally 2007 and 2014.

    Let us consider the difference between making a product for yourself and for a family member. Then consider making products for people you may never meet nor get to ask these questions of. You will more than likely know the ailments and habits of family and friends. You will not know the ailments of strangers nor a member of the public buying a product in a store.

    You need to research each oil; you put into a product and write a contraindication list. You need to tell them to swope their skincare every six months. Some would say with every season.

    Clary sage is a wonderful estrogen booster to add to night creams and serums. However, if the client/customer is a heavy drinker or a slightly built person - Clary Sage used too often or in large doses - can multiply the effects of the alcohol.

    Grapefruit can cause issues with people taking barbiturates.

    Essential oils are amazing healers when you buy quality oils and use them in an educated way. Before you make this form check the contraindications of the oils you feel the clients needs and check the clients ailment. This gives you a good idea of what you should add to this form.

    Essential Oils ARE: -

    Essential Oils are Dynamic Vegetable Hormones

    A Liquid Not An Oil

    A Nil By Mouth Therapeutic Substance

    An Additive For Massage Oils And Other Therapeutic Treatments.

    Essential Oils Common BENEFITS: -



    anti-virus properties

    Detoxify - gets rid of poisons from our blood stream. (Urine is usually pale yellow, as it gets darker it is a sign of toxins being discarded)

    Oxygenate - as oxygen is added to our body it has the effect of pumping up the tissues, so does exercise such as Yoga

    Temporarily helps rid tissues of excess fluid

    Easily absorbed - by the skin because they are lipo solvents - they dissolve in fats.

    Dissolve in the fatty part of the skin - to quickly penetrate different layers before entering the bloodstream (Sebaceous glands produce Seba the essential oils blend with the Seba and makes for easy absorption)

    Has the power of healing rapidly In some cases the cure is instant

    Helps balance the nervous system

    Inflammable, and so can ignite

    Odouriferant - smelly! Either beautiful or detestable depending on our personal perception

    Penetrates through the skin. (see notes on Skin )

    Promotes new cell growth - sheds dead skin cells

    Improves circulation - by regulating the action of capillaries

    Regulates and balances body functions (Bergamot, Clary Sage, Lavender, Geranium)

    Rehydrates in 1-5 hours - restores moisture

    Restores vitality to tissues

    Soluble in pure alcohol (ethanol) - vegetable oils, milk, butter and cream,

    Volatile - when exposed to air they evaporate quickly

    Watery - and do not leave an oily mark on paper

    Antiseptic power - on a great many microbes (small germs), especially Eos:-Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lavender, Sandalwood, T Tree, Thyme

    Absorption is transcutaneous, (through the skin) - down through the hair follicle and through sebaceous glands into the circulatory system. When applied to the soles of the feet absorption is by osmosis, so it is slower. Osmosis means the next internal movement of water molecules moves the oil until an equilibrium is reached. Aromatherapists today believe that they and other things actually penetrate the skin I believe not. See page headed Skin.

    Heat accelerates absorption of Essential Oils: Therefore, do not take a sauna nor a spa after the application of Essential Oils. However, if you have a spa or sauna in the evening, you may then have a massage or give yourself a rub down with a massage blend. A warm bath (for 20 minutes) with bath oil added is much safer than a spa or sauna.

    NOTE: Aromatherapists using oils all day long excrete what they do not need - so we are told! I beg to differ. Less is always best. If you are using something too often, you will develop an allergy to it. I do my treatment with cold pressed oils then I put on my surgical gloves and massage the affected region with essential oil mixture.  If needed I put a warm wheat bag over the area or a compress and complete the treatment e.g. massage, reflexology.

    Through basic study of essential oil chemistry, we can see that essential oils contain very little, if any nutrients at all. No water-soluble or fat-soluble vitamins and no minerals. Definitely - no proteins, enzymes, or hormones. Despite this, essential oils are extremely potent plant medicines with the capacity to support our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Nutritional content (or the lack thereof) is not why we use essential oils. We use them because time and time again they have proven their ability to support our over-all health, mainly by sending messages to our brain.

    Essential Oils ORIGIN: -

    Families of Earths Medicines

    Also look at the section named Essential Oil – Heredity Definitions   page 134 and "Aroma Families

    Bark: - Cinnamon Bark, Cassia

    (never to be used in Aromatherapy as it will burn the skin)

    Flowers: - Jasmine, Lemon, Orange blossom, Neroli, Rose, Violet, Ylang Ylang

    Flowers & Leaves: - Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Violet,

    Fruit:(rind) - Bergamot, Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit

    Gums or oleoresins: Myrrh, Frankincense, Ginger

    Leaves & Stems: - Geraniums, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Verbena, Cinnamon

    Root: - Angelica, Vetiver, Sassafras

    Rhizome:(underground stem) - Ginger, Orris

    [Sassafras - not to be used in Aromatherapy]

    Seeds: - Almonds, Fennel, Nutmeg, Anise

    Wood: - Cedarwood, Sandalwood. Amyris

    It is important to understand as money is God to some distillers, they often do not separate the bark and twigs from the plants. That is fine with some oil production as the stems, leaves and flowers have healing benefits. Geranium is one such plant. Some suppliers will cut rose tops off and distil the stem and the petals. It is only the petals that have major healing properties. The same applies to many other oils. Be sure to buy from suppliers with loads of certificates attached to their business so you know they are being checked by governing bodies. The rind distillers may peel the skins in such a way you are also getting the white pith. Although it is good for weight loss, it turns the oil rancid quicker than distilling just the rind.

    Oh me oh my, the joys of trusting.

    Hydrosol Verses Floral Waters

    Always do a pH test when they arrive and document your findings on the bottles. See section pH. Because we are also going to explore some skincare recipes in this book, I feel it is also important to consider the use of floral waters and hydrosols. They are both used in cosmetics and perfume manufacturing. They both have some great healing powers. Not as much as the essential oil blends, yet still rather powerful.

    A hydrosol is a diluted essential oil which derives its power from the same plant compounds as popular essential oils, including lavender, rosemary, lemongrass and more. The best versions of these products use steam distillation to create their products, an ancient and completely natural method of extracting the powerful oils from plants and turning them into something more useful. Because they are derived directly from the plants. However, hydrosols will take more organic materials than simply the essential oils, which provide them with a more rounded and subtler effect, even if most of their power is coming from the same compounds found in essential oils. High temperatures and water can cause chemical modifications of EOs.


    A flower water, by contrast, is water that has been scented using essential oils. So instead of a rounded collection of the plant, it’s only the essential oil, one that has been diluted using either steam distillation or, in the event of a more delicate plant product, solvents or chemical processes. Floral waters are usually useful for their scent alone, since that is why they’ve been infused with essential oils. More often than not, flower waters are made using actual flowers, which often contain powerful yet delicate compounds. But hydrosols are usually made with plant parts like leaves, bark, or even the roots, which are much heartier.

    High temperatures and water can cause chemical modifications of EOs.


    As for their use, many people use flower waters and hydrosols in a similar capacity. Indeed, both can be used to moisturize your face after a good cleaning or as a toner for your skin. But hydrosols can also be mixed into all-natural aromatherapy products and also your favourite beauty products, like shampoo, to provide extra volume, a nicer scent, and add healthy results. Flower waters can also be used in cooking, which isn’t usually recommended with hydrosols, which can often contain powerful compounds best used on the outside of the body.

    So what is the difference between a hydrosol and a flower water? It depends on the seller. Either way, be sure to research your products beforehand so you can make an informed decision.

    History of Aromatherapy

    The History of Aromatherapy began in Australia in 1789 when John White distilled Eucalyptus oil and sent it to England for analysis. It was found to cure cholera

    Note: It is not always the therapeutic properties of the plant that determines the price but, the labour cost in picking the plants. It takes approximately seven million tiny Jasmine flowers to make about 4 x 500 ml bottles of oil.

    Note in this day and age most famers use machines so the oils cannot possibly be as pure as they were many centuries ago.

    In India the farms are far too small to grow enough plants to make oil for export. Plus, a Sandalwood tree takes 30 years of growth before the resin can be extracted. A cart travels between farms each morning picking up plants to distill and the small farm owners share the profits. Because the essential oils yield the best oils while the plant is still covered in the morning dew, the pickup of the plants is done with a distillery on horse and cart. I lost the photo I took but they look like this horse and cart.

    The factory is now heavily

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