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Manifest: The Power to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life
Manifest: The Power to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life
Manifest: The Power to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Manifest: The Power to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life

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About this ebook

Manifestation is giving birth to your dreams, your prayers, your hopes, and your expectations. This is spiritual work as much as it is physical work. The principles within this book are written from a spiritual perspective and are transferable into any part of life. This book is for the person seeking direction for their life. This book is for the business leader trying to manifest positive results with their employees and raise their level of productivity and performance. This book is for the pastor or spiritual leader attempting to shift the culture of their church and reach more people with a message of hope and love. This book is for the counselor trying to help their clients experience greater joy in life. We all have things we want to manifest, and this book will help you prioritize your goals and position you to receive all that God has for you. It will teach you how to renew your mind and transform your life.
Release dateSep 3, 2023
Manifest: The Power to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life

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    Manifest - Kevin Murriel


    To manifest means to bring something tangible into existence through belief and action. Whether you realize it or not, we manifest things, good and bad, into existence every day. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic shook the world. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, and we’ve been challenged in unimaginable ways. I wrote this book in the midst of that pandemic, during my personal time with God. It has resulted from interactions with people who’ve had to confront the reality of their hurt during this tumultuous time. Shutdowns forced many people to spend far more time together than before COVID-19. The new situation sparked relational conflict, as raw emotions worsened unaddressed tensions.

    On the other hand, some people found themselves with time to process their feelings and confront personal issues that the busyness of life had covered up. Many discovered a lack of inner peace because churches and other religious communities closed. Calls for counseling also increased. As a pastor, I found myself helping people process the pain of their past and the reality of their present. Rates of domestic violence increased during COVID-19, while social and political unrest saturated the nation. The deaths of unarmed black men and women, as well as an increase in anti-Semitic activity, reignited the movement for justice, equity, and equality that included protests and, at times, riots.

    Needless to say, 2020 and 2021 are years that history will remember. Those of us who lived through them will never forget the instability this virus caused. The pandemic made us rethink life. It forced us to focus on things that truly mattered and let go of things that mattered little. We discovered how to use gifts and talents we didn’t know existed. We removed things that were distractions. We picked up new ways of doing things as creativity took center stage. Mask wearing would become both a fashion and safety requirement.

    We had to practice our faith differently. With churches and other religious spaces closed, we used social media and other virtual platforms to connect with our faith communities. We had to build our spiritual connections in a different way. We were also inundated with information while we tried to improve our way of living in this new normal. Hard decisions to close physical buildings and become fully virtual or hybrid had to be made. For spiritual and secular leaders, leading through the pandemic would, at times, be challenging. Death rolled over us like a tsunami destroying everything in its path. We lost many people dear to us. I officiated at countless funerals and the grief that families faced was unbearable.

    The pandemic taught us efficiency.

    Organizations figured out how to cut overhead and maximize efficiency to maintain their profit margin. To enforce social distancing, our church went completely virtual, which increased productivity. Numbers across the board increased: from those who worshipped with us online, to the number of volunteers engaged in acts of service through our ministry. We were able to hit our goals in less time with fewer resources expended. Because of our increased efficiency, we were able to serve more people in our community. We also welcomed new members into our church from different states, and our ministry extended into other parts of the world.

    Every now and then, something comes along that makes us rethink life. That is the intent of this book. To help you rethink life so you can manifest what your heart desires or you believe you have the potential to bring into existence. This book is meant to motivate you to become more efficient so that you are living a more fulfilled life. No one wants to waste time on things we’re not passionate about or lose focus because of how difficult life sometimes can be.

    Manifesting is truly about remaining focused and intentional on your goals— personal, spiritual, professional—and making your vision a reality.

    That’s why this book will help you face the truth about who you are and who you are becoming. It will help you set goals, priorities, and increase productivity in areas that align with your strengths and passions.

    On June 30, 2020, our son, Anderson Blake, was born. My wife gave birth to our amazing baby boy in the middle of a pandemic. Her pregnancy was closely monitored because we didn’t know how serious COVID-19 was at the time. My wife, like many others, was able to telework, which was a blessing because it limited her exposure to the virus. One day, we were reflecting on being pregnant in a pandemic, and God helped us see how He always places in us the possibility of giving birth to something great even in difficult times. But we must protect that which is within us, so that at the right time, and in the right season, that which we have carried and nurtured can be birthed into existence.

    In this way, manifestation is akin to giving birth—to your dreams, your prayers, your hopes, and your expectations. This is spiritual work as much as it is physical work. I’m approaching this book from a spiritual perspective, but these principles on manifestation are transferable into any part of life. This book is for the business leader trying to manifest positive results with their employees and raise their level of productivity and performance within the company. This book is for the pastor or spiritual leader attempting to shift the culture of their church and reach more people with a message of hope and love. This book is for the counselor trying to help an individual or a couple experience greater joy in life. We all have things we want to manifest in this life, and this book will help you prioritize and position yourself to receive all that God has for you.

    I’m also approaching this book from a spiritual perspective because I’m a pastor, and I believe all that we receive in this life is connected to our divine purpose. But also because the word manifest is a spiritual term that secular culture has taken, magnified, and commercialized. Manifestation is something that we see throughout Scripture and is a spiritual principle that can be practically applied. I believe there are things that God wants to manifest in your life but you must have the faith to receive. That’s why the foundation for this book is based on one of my favorite Scriptures, Matthew 21:22 that says, If you have faith, you will receive whatever you pray for.

    When read in context and applied to life, this Scripture gives us the secret to manifestation. In Matthew 21, Jesus came to Jerusalem in the event we know as the triumphal entry. Upon entering the temple, a palm-waving celebration lauding Him as the One who comes in the name of Lord, turned into a scene of anger and indignation as Jesus drove out those taking advantage of the poor. He turned over tables and declared that God’s house was to be a house of prayer. After He did this, Jesus had an encounter with the religious leaders in Jerusalem that obviously fueled His anger.

    Jesus left the temple agitated and frustrated. He was also hungry and angry (today we would say hangry), and all He wanted was a little snack. So, He approached a fig tree that had

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