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Ebook275 pages4 hours


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About this ebook

After the untimely death of her husband in the line of duty, Nikki Petrino still grieving three years later, goes on retreat to Mexico to finish her novel, where she meets musician Drake Dente a 90's rock icon working on lyrics for his comeback CD.
After meeting at dinner, Drake and Nikki can't keep their eyes off each other. Sparks fly and they instantly became an item. Upon returning to New York for Nikki's high school reunion, she learns shocking events from her best friends.
After a misunderstanding, Nikki is missing and Drake is desperate to find her.

PublisherKaren Cino
Release dateSep 2, 2023

Karen Cino

Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and articles for her high school newspaper and worked as an investigator reporter for the Staten Island Register. Her daily walks down at the boardwalk are what gets her muse going. It clears her mind and helps her find realistic plot ideas and characters, boosting up her muse. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to. Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and take place in various places across Staten Island. Karen relocated to the Jersey Shore in 2015 and traded in the Staten Island Boardwalk for the Jersey Shore. Karen is a member of Women’s Fiction Writing Association. Currently, she’s working on a women’s fiction and cozy mystery series. She also works as editor for her local senior HOA newsletter.

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    Book preview

    Roses - Karen Cino

    Chapter Two

    Nikki was awakened by a knock at her door at two thirty. After working until the wee hours of the morning, she was exhausted and it felt like she had just fallen asleep. She threw off her cozy comforter and stumbled to the door.

    Who could that be?

    She squinted through the peephole. A bellhop stood outside her door holding a dozen long-stemmed red roses. She opened the door and, after tipping the young Mexican boy, she placed her roses next to her laptop. Attached to the red ribbon was a card that read:

    You are invited to a night of dinner and dancing at the main dining room tonight at seven o'clock. I would really love if you could make it.


    Nikki’s eyebrows rose in amazement, never expecting to hear from Drake so soon. Excited about her dinner date, she failed to get one word typed. The greater part of the day was spent on procrastinating over what to wear. That evening she showered and chose a short black button dress. The shorter the dress the taller you look, Penny always said. She braided her hair, sparingly put on makeup, and secured her diamond earrings. Rhinestone-studded sandals complemented the outfit despite the heat radiating from her sunburned feet. Glancing in the mirror one last time before heading out the door, Nikki couldn’t help but wonder what the night would bring.

    Drake stood in the lobby dressed in black cotton pants, with a navy blue button down shirt and black vest with his hands tucked behind his back talking to Tony. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to him. Drake took her hand, leading her into the restaurant.

    Thank you for the invitation, she whispered.

    He squeezed her hand. They sat at a table overlooking the water, an assortment of appetizers and two large piña coladas before them. Tony sat a few feet away with another huge man. The other man merely nodded before returning to his newspaper.

    Who's with Tony? she asked.

    That's Bill, my other bodyguard. Don't worry about him, he looks big and mean but he's just a teddy bear. They're just here to keep an eye on us. You can't be too careful, you know.

    I bet.

    Since my divorce from Judy, it's been hell. I never realized how many money-hungry women are out there. One evening that still sticks in my mind is being with this woman, driving through her neighborhood in my limousine with the window down, and having to stop every time she saw one of her friends. She was more interested in who saw her with me, than being with me. It's a shame. My life has been a... he trailed off.

    What's wrong? she asked.

    It's not important. I really don't want to bore you. This is supposed to be a romantic dinner.

    Please don't think you’re going to bore me. I’m really interested in hearing.

    Drake sighed. After twelve years of marriage, I found out my wife Judy was having an affair for the past three years with my manager. The two of them had been embezzling my money into their own private bank accounts.

    That's horrible.

    And it gets worse. For years we tried to have a baby. I thought it had been our dream. But two years later I found out her secret. One day when she was in the shower I pulled the newspaper to read from under her pocketbook. It fell to the floor and her birth control pills spilled out. I was devastated. I became so depressed that it affected my writing. That’s why I’m here. I desperately need to complete an album and get myself and my band out on tour again. He sighed before taking a sip of piña colada.

    Now that's a totally different story than what I read in the tabloids.

    Of course it is. You know the media, they have the knack of twisting everything around. You can't believe everything you read, you know.

    He ordered another round of piña coladas. Drake leaned forward in his chair and gazed into her eyes before touching her cheek. Her body quivered.

    So, Nikki, now that I just poured my heart out to you, what's your story?

    Nikki took a sip of her drink and frowned. She had yet to talk about Joey's death to anyone. Any time she was asked questions, she’d put people off. Her grief was her own business and would rather not share her feelings about it to anyone.

    You'll feel much better if you talk about it. I know what you're feeling. I understand your situation is a hell of a lot different from mine, but love is love, and when you lose that person, no matter what the situation, it hurts like hell. It took me quite a long time to talk about my divorce.

    It’s been three years since my husband’s death and I have yet to open up.

    Please, he pleaded, taking her hand in his. I’d like to help you.

    Nikki tried to talk. However, panic like she'd never experienced welled in her throat. She looked at Drake, her heart thumping madly against her chest. The mere thought of telling her story frightened her. But it felt right. It was time to talk about Joey.

    You must’ve loved him to be still feeling this much pain.

    Yes I did. We did everything together. No one ever handed us anything. His parents lived in Florida and my parents were involved in running and maintaining their restaurant. There was never anybody around to give us a hand emotionally. We worked damn hard for everything, only to have our world fall apart during a shootout. Nikki paused for a moment. She took a deep breath before continuing. Joey saved a ten-year-old boy and lost his own life in the process.

    Tears poured from her eyes. Could she go on to tell Drake the secret that had haunted her all this time? No one knew, not a single soul, not even Joey. She planned to tell him the night he was murdered.

    Moving his chair next to hers, Drake put his arm around her. She laid her head on his shoulder. He wiped her tears and gently stroked her cheek. The warmth of his arm around her gave her a sense of security. Spilling her heart out to this stranger about Joey’s tragic death was the best therapy, one she should have done years ago. But thoughts of her miscarriage still shook her.

    Are you okay? he asked.

    I guess so. This is so hard for me to talk about. I've kept my feelings to myself. But something’s telling me to release myself of this pain that has taken over my whole life.

    You must go on then. I'm here to help you through this, he said.

    I can't believe how much I've told you. She backed away from him and took a deep breath. Her lids slipped down over her eyes as she revealed her past. On the night of Joey's death, I had prepared a special midnight snack for us. Nikki hesitated for a few moments and took a sip of water before she continued. I looked forward to the evening all day long. Instead of Joey standing there, it was his captain. The look on his face said it all. To this day, I still don't know how I got through the wake and the funeral. The next day... she trailed off as tears trickled down her cheeks once again.

    It's okay Nikki. You don't have to continue, he comforted her.

    No. She raised her voice, attracting some attention. I must continue. She wiped her eyes and lowered her thick black lashes. I was pregnant and lost the baby the day after the funeral. No one knew. I went through it alone. I felt it was for the best. Bad enough I had people asking me if I was all right every time they saw me. I didn't need them to remind me of my second loss.

    I'm really sorry, he whispered, resting his hand on her shoulder, that you had to go through it alone.

    She cradled her head in her trembling hands, amazed that she had just poured her heart out. Time to make a quick getaway to sort out my feelings and fears once again. I’m feeling so drained. I hate to have ruined your night, but I need to be alone. Please excuse me. She stood up and felt her knees start to buckle. She grabbed on to Drake for support.

    Are you all right?

    Yes, I just got up too fast. I’m sorry, she blurted.

    Don't apologize. You haven't ruined my evening one bit. I'm glad you confided in me. He stood up, put his arm around her and then walked her to her room.

    When they reached her door, he faced her and she gazed deep into his hazel eyes, which gleamed with understanding. He lifted her chin, gently tracing her lips with his fingers, then took her face between his hands and kissed her. Before she could wrap her arms around his neck or feel the warmth of his body against hers, he had already backed away.

    If you change your mind about being alone, call me. I'll come right over. Will you promise me that?

    Yes, she whispered. Goodnight, Drake.


    Nikki closed the door and rested against it. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders for the very first time. Yes she wanted his company, but what really scared her was how much she wanted him. His sexy English accent and the touch of his hands overwhelmed her. And when he kissed her, waves of burning desire pulsated through her body.

    Chapter Three

    Nikki slept peacefully throughout the night. While she waited for the coffee to perk, she showered and then dressed casually in denim shorts and a bathing suit top. She hoped to get some sun before the real heat of the day. A sudden knock on the door interrupted her concentration. Her blood began rushing. Could it be Drake? She opened the door. Tony stood there, smiling.

    I smelled the coffee. He laughed. Do you mind if I come in and join you?

    Sure, why not, she replied, wondering why he was here.

    Is it Mexican or American? he asked, pointing to the pot.

    American. She laughed. The travel agent warned me that Mexican coffee was wicked.

    You can say that again.

    Would you like a cup?

    Yes, thank you.

    Nikki poured them each a cup. Milk and sugar is by the pot.

    Tony fixed his coffee. He took a mini muffin off the tray and popped it into his mouth.

    Not to be rude or anything like that, but I was just wondering, why are you here?

    You can ask Drake this evening when he picks you up at seven. Hesitating for a moment, he continued. I’m sorry, looks like once again I overstepped my boundaries and drifted from my original assignment. He chuckled. I’m here as Drake’s messenger. He apologizes for not calling you himself, but he got an inspiration and is working on lyrics to a song.

    Oh, she said, taking her coffee cup and sitting back down behind her laptop.

    What are you working on?

    I’m working on my next book. It’s a romance that takes place in New York City.

    Sounds intriguing.

    Nikki opened her laptop, hoping he’d get the hint. If I start asking questions, maybe he’ll leave. She turned her attention back to Tony. Where in New York are you from?

    Brooklyn. I was born and raised in Bay Ridge. And you?

    Staten Island.

    God, I haven't been to Staten Island in years.

    You're not missing much.

    It figures. What brings you to Mexico?

    I'm on a tight deadline with my publisher.

    Nikki took a sip of coffee and decided to ask Tony a few more questions. What the hell. Time to get the scoop. How long have you been working for Drake? she asked.

    For over ten years. In fact, I met him while working at a Manhattan nightclub as a bouncer. He came in with his wife to receive an award, when a crazy female fan tried to attack her with a knife. I intervened and afterward, he offered me a job as his personal bodyguard.

    People are really sick. Thank God no one got hurt. Putting her coffee cup down, she apologized to Tony. I’m sorry but I must get back to work.

    Sure, but just one thing before I leave.

    Looking up, she gave him her full attention.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but Drake went through a hell of a time with his divorce. I don't want to see him get hurt.

    I would never hurt him, she interrupted.

    I hope not...

    Now it’s your turn to listen. Don’t you think you’re being premature? she asked, biting her tongue. I hardly even know him.

    Nikki stood, her lower lip trembling, and paced back and forth across the room. She turned her back to Tony who didn't utter a word. No way was she going to take any of his bullshit. She didn’t owe anyone anything.

    Nikki, he said, breaking the silence.

    Don't Nikki me.

    Please hear me out. I really don't mean to upset you. I like you, you're not a phony. But I'm very protective of Drake. I saw what he went through with Judy. I also witnessed the dates he’s had these past few months. If you must know, I can't tell you the last time I've seen him this happy. It's as if he made a complete turnaround. He really likes you.

    Nikki walked to the door and opened it. I think I’ve heard enough. I’d appreciate it if you left.

    Tony walked to the door and mumbled, Sorry.

    Nikki closed the door. He had some hell of a nerve coming here, telling her what to do. But his visit did prove interesting. A smile of delight formed on her lips. Could Tony be right that Drake liked her? She hoped so because she felt such a connection with him. Hopefully this was the turning point in her life, with or without Drake.

    * * * *

    At exactly seven o'clock, Drake appeared at her door with a smile of approval on his face. Tonight she had let her long hair dangle carelessly down her back and her wispy bangs fell across her forehead. Dressed in a white buttoned down linen dress, which fell two inches above her knees, she wore the matching white high-heeled sandals that she had purchased in the hotel's boutique earlier in the day.

    Drake looked handsome in gray gabardine pleated pants, a black shirt with the top two buttons open and a matching gray and black vest. His light brown hair had sandy red highlights and was tapered neatly below his collar.

    Gorgeous, he complimented. I really like your hair, he added, running his fingers through it.

    Nice, Tony said.

    Come on Tony, Drake said with a laugh. I asked you to please be invisible for the evening. Do you think you can handle that?

    Sure thing, boss.

    Turning to Nikki, he held his hand out to her. Now are you ready for an evening of dinner and dancing?

    As long as you're a good dancer, she said, laughing as she closed her hand over his.

    I’ll leave that for you to find out. He winked.

    They were seated at an intimate table off in the corner of the restaurant with a perfect view of the ocean. Drake ordered them a bottle of red wine and dinner. Nikki looked around the crowded restaurant but didn't see Tony.

    What happened to Tony?

    He's around. I asked him to be invisible remember. He leaned forward, took a roll out of the wicker basket and took a bite. I personally feel we'll be fine, but he insisted.

    Has anyone bothered you since you've been here?

    No, not at all. That's why I always come here. It's very quiet and everyone keeps to themselves.

    I've noticed that. It just feels good to be here, sitting with you and having a nice quiet evening.

    Yes, nice and intimate. Gazing into her eyes, he poured more wine in her glass. How's your writing going?

    I would’ve liked to have gotten more writing done, however, my mind has been preoccupied. How about you?

    I composed a song which I would really like you to hear when it's complete.

    I'd really like that.

    The waiter placed a plate of shrimp with noodles in a cream sauce and prepared their dishes. Halfway through their dinner the music began. Drake pushed his dish away, reached out, took her hand and led her onto the small dance floor. They started out dancing apart, but by the next song, they moved into each other’s arms.

    Desire circulated throughout her. The warmth of his body pressing against hers drove her wild. He held her firmly, her head resting on his shoulder. Even though she’d only known him for two days, she knew she was falling in love. He stroked her cheek with his fingertips, and lifted her head. Their eyes locked. His lips brushed a kiss across her forehead before meeting her parted lips. She gave herself freely to the passion of his kiss. When the song ended, they parted and returned to their table.

    What did you think of my dancing? Was it to your fancy? he asked, refilling her glass.

    She smiled. Yes.

    After dinner, they danced again, their bodies never parting until the tempo picked up.

    Drake backed off, shaking his head and holding his hands up in surrender. Music too fast? Nikki asked, shaking her hips.

    Yes. I was never into dancing.

    I'm sure you'd be fine.

    It's been a long time since I danced. During the whole dance craze, I was out touring the country.

    Oh, yes. She danced in place. Come to think of it, I do remember. Closing her eyes she transported herself back to the time she and Tracy had gone to see Drake in concert.

    It was on a Thursday afternoon that Nikki left class to see an excited Tracy waiting for her by her locker. Tracy ran over to her and flashed two tickets back and forth in her face.

    What are these?

    About time you asked! she squealed. I got us two tickets, three rows from the stage, to see Drake Dente in concert.

    How did you get such good seats on the night of the concert? Nikki asked, trying to sound as excited as Tracy was.

    My professor had them and can't go tonight, so he asked me if I wanted them.

    Nikki glowered at her but refused to question her. How could her professor have possibly known of her passion for Drake Dente, unless she was constantly talking about him?

    "I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not sleeping with my professor. He just gave me a lift home one night and saw the posters and pictures in my living room.

    Nikki didn't answer her. She had no interest in seeing Drake Dente in concert.

    What are you thinking about that has you smiling like that?

    I was thinking back to the night my girlfriend dragged me to see you in concert. She made a total ass of herself screaming, ‘I love you Drake!’ through the whole concert. God, was I embarrassed.

    Did you enjoy it?

    Not really. If you had someone yelling in your ears all night would you enjoy anything?

    Reaching out, he tucked a lone strand of her hair behind her ear. How do you fancy taking a walk along the beach? I never got to take my morning walk and I think some fresh air will do us good, Drake said.

    You walk every day? she asked, quite surprised.

    It's my only form of exercise. I'm not into working out in the gym and getting big muscles. He flexed his muscles. It's not my style. What about you?

    I exercise regularly. Nothing strenuous, just your usual sit-ups and exercise videos in my living room. I hate gyms too. Nikki crossed her legs and leaned back on her bamboo chair.

    See, we have something in common.

    Yes, we do. A walk sounds nice. It is getting kind of hot in here. Picking up the paper menu, Nikki fanned herself. Between the dancing, the wine and...

    I think I’ve heard enough, Tony interrupted.

    Nikki looked at Drake as his lips thinned in displeasure. Goodbye, Tony. Drake reached his hand out to Nikki. She wrapped her fingers around his and stood. We’ll be just fine.

    I don't know, boss.

    Goodnight Tony. Drake draped his arm around her shoulder as they left the restaurant.

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