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Mystic Secrets of Shiva
Mystic Secrets of Shiva
Mystic Secrets of Shiva
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Mystic Secrets of Shiva

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Delve into the mystic secrets and divine wisdom of Shiva. By combining insights from both ancient scriptures and modern knowledge, this book harmoniously integrates mystical concepts with practical guidance. With profound insights on consciousness, the universe, and paths to enlightenment, Mystic Secrets of Shiva guides you towards self-discovery and your true essence. Awaken your infinite potential within!• Provides an in-depth exploration of the mystical aspects of Shiva and his many avatars.• Offers spiritual guidance and insight.• Help readers deepen their understanding of Hindu spirituality.• Offers practical applications of these spiritual teachings.• Written in accessible language, making it an ideal resource for readers who may be new to the subject matter.

Release dateJun 20, 2023
Mystic Secrets of Shiva

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    Mystic Secrets of Shiva - Fingerprint Publishing


    Yogic Secrets of Shiva

    Lord Shiva enlightens us:

    "Meditate upon yourself as being one with Me—

    That is the MahaYoga, the great yoga!"

    Shiva is the Cosmic MahaYogi

    Shiva is infinity. He is the cosmic yogi, the MahaYogi, who teaches us the greatest secrets (rahasya) of yoga. Yoga means union, and Shiva’s yoga unites us with his infinitely deep power. The awe-inspiring yogic energy of Shiva cuts the knots of material limitations, taking us into the highest planes of mystic realization.

    Shiva is Maheshwara, the tremendous lord supreme. He is the mystic progenitor of the cosmos and of human civilization. He is the divine origin of the vast forms of yoga (it is said there are 84,00,000 expressions of it), as well as of Tantra. Shiva is available to all, whether in his benevolent or fierce forms, and is most easily pleased.

    In terms of yoga, Shiva signifies the spiritual power of ashesha, the boundless mystic power of infinity, limitlessness, measureless-ness! Yogic meditation upon Shiva takes us beyond all fears, for He is Mrityunjay (the one who grants us victory over even the fear of death).

    While it is not possible to describe the glories of Lord Shiva in one book, the attempt has been to distil and present the important principles relating to Him! Let us inculcate Shiva’s yogic consciousness (Shiva-Chitta) and pay homage to the eternal one, the ultimate reality, the supreme being—SadaShiva!

    The subject of Shiva is especially important in light of its parallels with science. In ancient Shaivite terms, everything from the largest galaxies to the smallest being carries the imprint of Shiva. And this is perfectly in alignment with quantum physics, which tells us how at the subatomic level we can observe a striking similarity of energy particles across all phenomena in the universe, no matter how large or small. This suggests an intelligence and purpose built into the very fabric (or matrix) of existence, bringing us to the subject of consciousness itself—and Shiva is universal consciousness!

    Since the early twentieth century, great scientists (such as Heisenberg, Bohr, Schrödinger, and others who followed them) began intuiting that existence isa projection of consciousness, and that at the deepest subatomic level, is almost like a dance of energy-consciousness. This tells us what the ancient yogic texts such as the Shiva Sutras and Spanda-Karikas were always telling us: that the divine vibration, pulsation, or spanda of Shiva as consciousness and energy (His shakti), is the yogic secret and eternal essence of the entire universe. The symbolism of Shiva is infact very much in line with the modern ‘many-worlds’ theory explaining parallel worlds or multiverses instead of a single universe. The iconography of Shiva is deep with meaning—with his yogic consciousness said to create and destroy endless universes in a cyclic manner, for eternity.

    Modern string theory explains the idea of vibration bringing forth all energy, matter, and everything in existence. All existence is considered to bea pulsating vibratory field at its most fundamental level—and at the deepest subatomic levels, everything is comprised of bundles of energy. This is resonant with the concepts of Shiva and AdiShakti (the energy of Shiva, and his beloved symbolized as Devi or the goddess) as the primary cause and constituent of our manifest existence, that is ever-changing and dynamic.

    As Fritjof Capra says his book The Tao of Physics: The Dance of Shiva symbolizes the basis of all existence. At the same time, Shiva reminds us that the manifold forms in the world are not fundamental, but illusory and ever-changing. Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter . . . According to quantum field theory, the dance of creation and destruction is the basis of the very existence of matter. Modern physics has thus revealed that every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction. For the modern physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter, the basis of all existence and of all natural phenomena.

    Expressing the idea of Shiva and Shakti in both, scientific and yogic terms is appropriate. Doing so, we are able to understand existence and the universe in totality—both materially and mystically, as a product of creative intelligence. Shiva and Shakti share the secrets of the universe in the numerous scriptures (i.e. yogic, tantric, agamic, vedic, puranic, vedantic, upanishadic, akashic, etc.). Shiva enlightens us, Creation is made of infinite impulses of chit-shakti (creative intelligence).

    In Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism, Shiva is also called Mahakaya (the cosmic body), Svayambhu (self-manifest), and Vishwanath (lord of the cosmos). As he says: The entire cosmos and existence exists in me. And I exist within the heart of all! I create, sustain, and destroy the cosmos through my own bliss. It originates from me and again merges into me at the end of time.

    Shiva and Shakti

    Mystically, Shiva is consciousness, and his divine and beloved consort, Shakti, is the symbol of universal energy. Together, Shiva and Shakti combine yogically as Shiva-Shakti, creating perfect cosmic balance. Through their love for each other, they teach us the lesson of love as being life’s ultimate wisdom.

    Shakti’s power flows from Shiva, who stands for integrity of consciousness and purity of goodness. At a yogic level, Shiva and Shakti are simply two aspects of the same ultimate reality. They are one, ever united.

    At a human level, we must yogically manifest both things in our lives: higher consciousness and goodness (Shivam), and dynamism in energy. Both these capacities are within us. Everything in the cosmos is Shiva-Shakti, so we carry the mystic essence and energies of Shiva-Shakti (in miniature) within ourselves.

    The mystic secret is this: Shiva and Shakti together represent the yogic power of creation, destruction, and renewal once again! They signify creativity—the divine crescendo of the cosmic dance and symphony.

    The Devi Upanishad contains a most mystical and wonderful yogic description of the Devi or Shakti. The devas asked her, MahaDevi, who are you? She replied: "I am, in essence,

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