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The Girl with the Golden Gun
The Girl with the Golden Gun
The Girl with the Golden Gun
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The Girl with the Golden Gun

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Following a tragic plane crash, no one believed that Golden Spurs ranch heiress Mia Kemble could have survived. And no one is more surprised to find out she's been languishing in a Mexican prison than loner cowboy Shanghai Knight, Mia's former lover. Shanghai has fought hard to put the past behind him, and has finally become as successful as the stuck-up Kembles. So why can't he forget Mia, or their one night of passion? Suddenly Shanghai knows he needs a plan.

When Shanghai arrives to save the day, Mia can't help but wonder if the wild man from her past, the man who broke her heart, has finally been tamed. Or whether he would have come if he knew the truth behind her baby's paternity. But she's still in jeopardynow more than ever. And Shanghai may be the only one who can help.

It isn't over between them. Not even close.
Release dateOct 15, 2014
The Girl with the Golden Gun

Ann Major

Besides writing, Ann enjoys her husband, kids, grandchildren, cats, hobbies, and travels. A Texan, Ann holds a B.A. from UT, and an M.A. from Texas A & M. A former teacher on both the secondary and college levels, Ann is an experienced speaker. She's written over 60 books for Dell, Silhouette Romance, Special Edition, Intimate Moments, Desire and Mira and frequently makes bestseller lists.

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    Book preview

    The Girl with the Golden Gun - Ann Major


    Black Oaks Ranch

    South Texas

    "When I’m through with you, you’ll have nothing and be nothin’, boy! Mia will finally see what a lowlife you are!"

    Rain slashed the windshield so hard Shanghai Knight could barely see to drive. He speeded up anyway, slamming his foot down on the gas pedal with such a vengeance his truck weaved recklessly through the slippery mud.

    He couldn’t get away from the Golden Spurs Ranch fast enough. Damn. He was such an idiot!

    As if to knock some sense into himself, he hit his brow with the bottom edge of his fist. He’d give anything if Caesar Kemble’s taunts would stop repeating themselves inside his head like a broken record.

    When he rubbed his right cheek and jaw, he only aggravated the painful bruise that Caesar had caused when he punched him, so Shanghai clamped both hands back on the steering wheel. It galled him to remember what quick work Caesar had made of him in front of Mia.

    A few punches in the ribs and a few more below the belt, and all the fight had been knocked clean out of him long before Caesar’s men had picked him up and shoved him down the ranch house steps into the mud.

    Every time he thought about Caesar standing over him in his dining room with his fists raised and that nasty grin on his face, Shanghai wanted to wheel around and go back. Looking prettier than a picture, Mia had knelt beside Shanghai stroking his face. How he’d hated her, of all people, for being a witness to his humiliation.

    The wealthy Kembles despised the lowly Knights, and the Knights held an ancient grudge against the Kembles for stealing their ranch. Shanghai and Mia never should have become involved with each other.

    They wouldn’t have if Caesar hadn’t damn near backed over her at Old Man Pimbley’s gas station when she’d been two. Shanghai had been twelve at the time and sneaking a smoke out back. At the risk of his own neck, not that he’d ever been one to mind that much, he’d thrown his smoke down and run screaming toward the truck. Not that Caesar had noticed. When he’d kept on backing, Shanghai had dived behind the truck and thrown her to safety. One of the big back tires had broken his leg.

    When his cigarette butt had started a grass fire out back, Caesar and Old Man Pimbley had cussed him out for his trouble although Caesar had relented and paid to get his leg set. But the local gossips had made Shanghai into something of a hero, which had truly galled Caesar.

    As Mia grew up she’d heard the story, and like the gossips, seen him as a hero, too. Thus, she’d developed a bad habit of following him around, her whiskey-colored eyes sparkling with adoration. He’d liked somebody admiring him, especially since it had rankled Caesar so much, until he’d started chasing girls his own age. Then her habit had gotten annoying since she was always watching him at the damnedest times.

    Once when he’d been dating two girls at the same time, she’d called them both and told each one about the other. Mia knew how to make trouble, all right.

    What did she think of him now?

    Hell, why should he care?

    Not many people admired the Knights much anymore. The Kembles were everything in Spur County—mainly ’cause they’d stolen from the Knights. Shanghai had grown up poor while Mia had been a princess from birth. If he worked for the rest of his life he’d never be able to earn a fraction of her wealth.

    Everything about tonight was pure, raw hell. The weather was wild and wet, the road bad and Shanghai was breathing hard and driving way too fast. He’d made a fool out of himself, and tomorrow after Mia and Caesar got through bragging to all their friends, everybody in three counties would know.

    If he had a fault, it was pride. He didn’t like feeling like he was nothing. He realized now that it was too late, that maybe he shouldn’t have gone alone to Caesar Kemble for a showdown on Kemble’s vast Golden Spurs spread.

    Suddenly up ahead Shanghai saw the dark, familiar outline of the small, hunting cabin where he’d spent many a night when his daddy was drunk or just plain too mean to live with. Shanghai stomped on the brakes, causing the big old truck to skid on its bald tires. It hurtled through the mud and rain at a frightening speed and slammed into the bottom step that led up to the porch.

    Wood splintered. Cursing silently, he cut the engine. He didn’t know what to do.

    If he went home, his daddy might be drunk. If his old man saw his face, he’d figure out what had happened. Whether Shanghai confessed or not, his daddy would most likely start a fight. Caesar was going to do what he was going do.

    He grabbed the steering wheel and laid his dark brow on it, remembering how filled with pride he’d been when he’d boldly slapped those documents that proved his ancestors had as much right as Caesar’s to the Golden Spurs Ranch onto Caesar Kemble’s massive dining-room table in front of Caesar and his foreman, Kinky. He’d eyed the men cockily, feeling full of himself. Rubbing his brow, Kinky had frowned.

    Caesar hadn’t even bothered to read a single page. He’d said simply, This don’t mean nothin’! Hell, you’re nothin’, kid. Then he’d punched him in the jaw and knocked him out cold.

    A girl’s screams had startled him back to consciousness. He’d been sprawled flat on his back under the table when he’d felt little bits of shredded papers raining down on him and the tenderness of soft cool fingers brushing his face.

    He’d said, Ouch!

    Then she’d been yanked away by her father.

    Mia! I’ll tan you, too, if you don’t get back upstairs with Lizzy where you belong! Caesar had yelled at her.

    You’d better not kill him! she’d whispered fiercely, crossing her arms over her chest.

    I don’t need your help, little girl. I’ll be just fine! Shanghai had muttered, feeling shamed by her tenderness but most of all by the fact that she’d seen his sorry ass sprawled on her floor.

    Fine? That’s why you’re lying there flat on your backside all busted up?

    Her words had hit a nerve. He prided himself on being tough.

    He’d stared at her through slitted lashes, pretending to ignore her ’cause Mia hated being ignored more than she hated anything. Even so, he saw the redheaded teenager place her hands on her hips as she hovered over him like a guardian angel. Tonight she’d worn skintight jeans, a T-shirt and red boots. When she’d sprinted back up the stairs, he’d noticed that she filled out her jeans and T-shirt with a woman’s shape now.

    She was too young to look so grown-up. Mia had exasperated and charmed him for years by chasing him anytime she got the chance. He would have felt easier with the bean-pole shape, freckle-faced kid that she used to be.

    Mia had made a habit of disappearing from the Golden Spurs Ranch for long stretches and wandering about the county on horseback. Anytime she’d gotten hurt, she’d come crying to Shanghai. Anytime she’d made a good grade or had won a prize at school, she’d had to tell him first even if it meant riding over to Black Oaks.

    Once when her daddy had told her he was going to shoot a torn-up mongrel sheepdog she’d found bleeding to death on the highway, she’d carted the pup to Shanghai in her red wagon.

    He’d told her her daddy was right for once, and it would be a kindness to shoot him. But when she’d left the mutt and her wagon, the beast had given him a baleful stare. Shanghai had taken the dog to the vet and nursed it back to health. He still remembered how her eyes had shone, when she’d come back for her wagon a month later and had seen the black-and-white mutt napping on his front porch.

    Don’t you dare tell anybody I saved him, he’d warned her. They’d think I was plum crazy.

    Cross my heart. She’d hesitated. What do you call him?


    She’d knelt and petted the animal. Can I name him?

    What’s wrong with Dog?

    I—I’d call him Spot.

    That’s as bad as Dog.

    Not quite, is it, Spot?

    Spot had wagged his tail fit to be tied, and it was Spot from then on.

    Shanghai put the memories of her childhood aside. She was a Kemble and all grown-up now.

    No sooner had her door slammed upstairs tonight than Caesar had resumed tearing up the documents. Then he’d started pounding the table. Shanghai had found himself staring up at the underside of the table where the name, Mia, was scrawled dozens of times in bright red crayon alongside Lizzy’s name, and he’d imagined Mia a cute kid with red pigtails under the table up to mischief with her sister.

    Then Caesar had distracted him by raking the last of the ruined documents he’d brought onto the floor beside Shanghai and shouting they were garbage just like he was.

    "Get out, you lowdown, lying thief. You aren’t a damn bit better than your daddy. And we all know what he is—a lousy, no-good drunk. But at least he knows that he lives under my protection, which is more than I can say for you. You think you’re somethin’! Well, you’re nothin’! When I tell him what you tried to do tonight in my house, in front of my little girl…you’ll be lucky if he ever lets you set foot in his place again. He owes me. And so do you. So does this whole damn community. You Knights don’t have any friends around here unless I allow it. Don’t you ever forget it. Without me—you’re nothin’, boy. Nothin’!"

    Suddenly Caesar’s red face had changed. You’ve given me an idea, boy. A helluvan idea. A real winner. I know how I’ll get rid of all you Knights, once and for all. He’d gone to a small cabinet, opened a drawer and pulled out a couple of fresh decks of cards. I’ll hunt up that daddy of yours, and we’ll have us a friendly, little game of poker. That’s what we’ll do. We’ll have a few drinks. Then I’ll tell him what you did here tonight.


    Caesar had laughed at him.

    Shanghai despised himself because in the next breath he’d begged and apologized.

    Please—I’m sorry. Please—leave him alone!

    Caesar had guffawed again. Everybody in three counties knows that cards and liquor are a fatal combination for your old man, boy. Kinky! Eli! Get him out of here! Caesar turned back to Shanghai. When I’m through with you, you’ll have nothing and be nothin’, boy! Mia will finally see you for the lowlife you are!

    Don’t you go near my daddy!

    When Shanghai had fought Eli and Kinky, Caesar had called for more cowboys. It had taken five of the bastards to fling Shanghai down the stairs into the rain.

    When Shanghai had pulled himself to his feet, the last thing he’d seen was pretty Mia Kemble leaning out of her upstairs window. When he’d looked up, she’d thrown something down to him and then banged her window shut.

    Pretending not to give a damn about her, he’d rammed his dripping Stetson with his lucky turkey feather on his head even harder than she’d slammed her window. Curious, he’d picked up the object she’d thrown. When he’d realized it was a red rose, he’d pitched it back into the mud.

    Now that he was at his hunting cabin, Shanghai dreaded his daddy finding out that he’d gotten in a fight with Caesar. He might never let Shanghai go home again. His father didn’t care if the Kembles had robbed the Knights of practically all their land. He just wanted to drink and gamble. Caesar kept offering to buy their last fifty thousand acres and his father kept refusing to sell, mainly because he and Cole begged him not to. The land was Shanghai’s heritage, Cole’s, too; part of their souls.

    No use thinking about it. Shanghai knew he’d started something tonight that couldn’t be stopped.

    As he got out of his truck, he stood in the rain for a moment to inspect the mangled bottom step he’d just smashed. Damn.

    He sprang to the second step, which was still sound, just as the sky flashed livid white fire and then went black again. Every timber of the tiny hunting cabin shook when thunder exploded again.

    He threw open the front door, ripped off his wet, Western shirt and hung it on the back of a tattered leather chair where it dripped water onto the scarred oak floor. Then he went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers. He downed the first beer and paced restlessly.

    He was twenty-four. What the hell was he going to do with the rest of his life? Cowboying and rodeoing were all he really liked to do. Not that he could stay here when there was no future at Black Oaks. At least not in the business of cows and calves and horses. Livestock prices had collapsed too many times, and Daddy had borrowed way too much money. There was only his kid brother, Cole, to consider.

    Hell, Cole was twenty-one, which meant he was all grownup…even if he was still in college. It was time for Cole to be on his own.

    Shanghai didn’t want to leave his home, but he hadn’t liked feeling like nothing on Caesar’s floor with Mia watching. If he stayed here, he’d be nothin’ all his life.

    He sank wearily into the leather chair near the open window. The only thing he’d ever done to make money besides working Black Oaks was rodeoing. He was good at bronc ridin’ and bull riding. When he donned buckskin chaps with silver conchos, pointed cowboy boots with spurs and his Stetson, people cheered and screamed and then patted him on the back when he rode well. They went wild when he won. Pretty women threw themselves at him.

    He was too tall and powerfully built for the sport, and he’d have to be damn good—the best ever—to make it really pay. Good or bad, you could get yourself stomped or gored to death in front of thousands. Champions died of injuries as small as a broken rib nicking an artery.

    What choice did he have?

    Hell, he’d been beaten up all his life, hadn’t he? A man could become famous riding bulls, as famous as any Kemble, at least for a spell.

    Nobody wrote country songs about lawyers or doctors, did they? He reckoned he could take about as much pain as any man.

    His black brows slashed together as he watched the rain hammer the earth. Caesar had destroyed the sheaves of old journals and ancient bank documents he’d slung on the table—all the evidence he’d been gathering for nearly two years to prove that his family, the Knights, had as much right to the Golden Spurs Ranch and its staggering mineral riches as the Kembles did.

    What should he do next?

    A bolt of lightning crashed again. Shanghai’s heart beat faster. He rubbed his sore jaw. After his quarrel with Caesar Kemble, the storm more than matched his mood. Since Caesar had refused to even talk about making a fair settlement, maybe he should think about finding a real lawyer. But he couldn’t go to a lawyer until he reassembled at least some of the evidence Caesar had destroyed. Besides lawyers cost money.

    Even though it was so obvious the Knights had been swindled, his father had told him not to fight the Kembles.

    His father could go to hell. Most people probably saw his daddy as an easygoing, shiftless soul, who had a weakness for the bottle. But they didn’t know. His old man could get really drunk, and when he did, he always went after Shanghai.

    There was no talking to him then, no arguing with a drunk.

    The lights in his kitchen flickered twice. Shanghai wouldn’t have minded the thunderstorm if he’d been in a better frame of mind. Water was scarce in south Texas.

    He was stretching his long legs out when he heard a car door slam and quick, light footsteps followed by a timid knock at his door.

    Not wanting company, Shanghai hunkered lower and ignored the light taps.

    Thunder crashed outside and was quickly followed by brilliant lightning. Then the world went dark again as the rain continued to pour down.

    The door rattled as a girl’s hand pulled it open. Can I come in?

    Mia’s soft whisper cut through the noise of the storm and sliced bits out of his bruised heart. Shanghai sprang to his feet as if she’d pelted him with buckshot. Then pain licked through him from the beating he’d taken from her daddy.

    Go away! he growled. You’re the last person I want to see.

    Not till we talk.

    Damn your hide, girl. Git. His mouth hurt so badly he could barely speak. He rubbed it before he thought and orange stars flashed in front of his eyes. Damn.

    When she didn’t leave or say anything, he bit his lips in frustration. Then quick as a panther he flung his empty long-neck so savagely into the trash can, it burst. Broken glass tinkled to the bottom of the can. His boots made hollow sounds that rang on the oak flooring as he stalked heavily to the front door, which he slammed open wider with enough force to show her she wasn’t welcome.

    Shanghai flipped on the outside light and saw her through the screen. She sure as hell looked different with her long red hair flowing like fiery amber about her pretty face and slim shoulders. Despite his injuries, he tensed when he saw that she sucked in a quick breath after looking at his bronzed shoulders and torso. Then she blushed.

    She’d changed out of her jeans. Why the hell had she done that? She looked so soft and feminine and sweet. Her beauty caused a hard knot to lodge in the base of his throat. He’d never seen her in a damp, clingy white dress before; never guessed that a tomboy kid like her could have such a good figure. She was still wearing her bright red boots, though, and she was holding a mud-spattered rose.

    What happened to the kid with red pigtails he’d felt so easy around?

    He ran a hand through his black hair and inhaled a quick, raspy breath.

    Where’d you get that damn-fool dress?

    Borrowed it from Lizzy.

    Figures. You should have borrowed some shoes, too.

    Her feet are longer than mine.

    Since he was bare-chested and black and blue all over, she could probably see every mark her bullying father had inflicted.

    He stood up straighter, maybe to intimidate her. I wasn’t expecting company. I’d better put on my shirt.

    No. It’s probably soaking or something. You look…good. She blushed again and lowered her eyes.

    You shouldn’t throw away the presents people give you, she said, pulling the screen door open.

    When she twirled the rose under his nose, he grabbed it and threw it on the floor.

    Girl, don’t you know better than to come looking for me—tonight…after…

    Shanghai notched his chin higher as he remembered regaining consciousness and finding Caesar Kemble standing over him, his hand still clenched into a fist and that awful grin on his face.

    I shouldn’t have gone to your house tonight, Shanghai said. And you shouldn’t be here now.

    Don’t you care that I hate what my daddy did to you?

    No, I don’t care.

    Why do you hate me?

    Well, maybe ’cause your bunch has been stealing from my bunch for umpteen generations. Maybe tonight I want to be alone to sulk and drink and nurse my hatred for all things Kemble—including you.

    I saw you ride that bull last weekend at the Kingsville Rodeo. You were great.

    He inhaled a couple of long, embarrassing breaths while she stared at his chest, and he tried not to stare at hers.

    You’re very young, he muttered.

    What’s that got to do with anything?

    Plenty. Don’t you know nothin’? You’re not a kid anymore.

    I didn’t think you’d ever notice.

    Go home.


    I’m twenty-four.


    I’ve already got a girl.

    Wendy! I know.

    So go chase boys your own age.

    Some of the sparkle went out of her eyes. Still, she was a vision in that white dress. He couldn’t very well throw her off his porch into the rain. Not when he didn’t trust himself to touch her.

    Still, the last thing Shanghai needed tonight was a sassy virgin from the Kemble bunch to tempt him even further down the road that led to hell.

    Can I come in or not? she whispered again.


    She laughed as she pulled the screen door open and sashayed past him.

    Are you out of your mind? How many times have I warned you to stay the hell away from me, girl?

    She pretended to count her fingers and then stopped. Way too many. She went to his cooler, opened it and grabbed a beer. Then she popped the top off using the edge of his table. She would have taken a long swig of the stuff if he hadn’t grabbed it from her and taken a healthy pull himself.

    You’re not exactly the obedient type, are you? He watched her as he took another long pull.

    Are you?

    That stopped him cold.

    I was worried sick about you, she said. I had to come.

    Her big, golden, long-lashed eyes met his. Again he noted the raindrops glistening like diamonds in her red hair. Most of all he fixated on that single sparkle that clung to the tip of her cute, upturned nose. She was wearing lipstick and eyeliner for a change.

    If you’re looking to get yourself seduced, little girl, follow cowboys like me home and then throw yourself at them.

    You’re not like that, and we both know it. You’re nice.

    Nice? You don’t have the gumption God gave a horsefly. Guys aren’t nice. They’re all out to get you.

    Where’s Spot?

    At the house.

    Her teeth chattered, and she rubbed her arms to warm herself.

    If your daddy catches us together here, he’ll get one of his bought-off judges to railroad me into some prison until I’m old and gray. Come back when you’re eighteen.

    What if some other girl…like Wendy Harper gets you before then?

    He didn’t answer.

    I’m all wet and cold. You could offer me a blanket or your shirt or something. She swallowed a quick breath, and he realized she was even more nervous than he was. Then she picked up the damp shirt that hung on the back of his chair and slipped her arms through the sleeves. When the long sleeves dangled many inches longer than her hands, she began to roll them up.

    Why can’t you ever do what you’re told?

    Because then I don’t get what I want. She paused, pulling his shirt close against her body. Can I help it if I grew up spoiled instead of with a great big chip on my shoulder weighing me down?

    What if I grabbed you and snapped you against my chest? What if I gave you a kiss or two, would you leave me alone then and go chase somebody closer to your age?

    She straightened up to face him. Beaming brightly, she puckered her lips. Cross my heart and swear to die.

    You’re hopeless. Girls are supposed to let the guy do the chasin’, he said.

    That’s stupid. You’d never chase me.

    You’re too young.

    When I’m all grown up, eighteen, would you really want…

    You’re a Kemble.

    Kiss me, she whispered in a low, hypnotic tone. If my daddy runs you off like he said he would, this might be my last chance. Then I’d have to live my whole life without knowing…what you’re like.

    Hardly knowing what he did, he strolled closer, leaned down and pecked her cheek lightly with his lips. The kiss accomplished, he intended to jump free. There. Now go!

    That’s not the kind of kiss I meant, and you know it!

    Her gentle hands circled his wide shoulders, and she seemed to melt into him as she clung tightly. Even as he fought to loosen her grip, he heated where her warm breath brushed his cheek. He noticed that her damp body, although slim and petite, nestled against his huge frame, felt more like a woman’s body than a child’s. Damn her hide, she was a perfect fit.

    His heart thudded painfully. He should burn in hell for this alone.

    On the lips, she pleaded. Kiss me like you kissed Wendy at the rodeo.

    You little spy!

    Just once—please.

    He yanked himself loose. Still, he admired the way she went after what she wanted. Nothing had ever been handed to him, either.

    She put her hand to her cheek. My skin burns where you…

    It was the damnedest, most unaccountable thing, but his lips burned from the chaste kiss he’d given her.

    One taste of her sweet, velvet skin had rocked him. She was innocent but willing and utterly, utterly adorable.

    He wished he was ten years younger so he could crush her close and not feel like he was Satan’s spawn.

    He couldn’t stand another second of this, so he stomped out of the house and stood on his porch and watched it rain.

    She raced after him.

    Now you really have to go, he said roughly. You promised.

    She shook her head. That was only if you kissed me on the mouth. Her voice fell so softly, he had to strain to hear it over the downpour.

    Being protective of a Kemble was not a role he felt comfortable with. Not when she was so all-fired beautiful.


    When he turned and saw her backlighted by the porch lamp, he had to remind himself again she was jailbait. Standing there in her wet dress with her big eyes fastened on his mouth, she personified fresh, young sensuality and femininity.

    Go, he said.

    How come you still wear that turkey feather I gave you in the brim of your hat?

    That doesn’t mean anything, girl.

    His heart thudded. Inside his jeans, he was hard and swollen.

    He wanted her. Even though it was wrong.

    Before she could answer him, headlights flashed, and he heard a car down the road.

    Go to the kitchen. Don’t make a sound. If anybody finds you here, I could end up in jail. Do you understand how serious this is?

    For once she obeyed, and he shut the door behind her. Scarcely had she hidden herself, than his own father stormed up to the porch.

    As usual he was drunk. His thick florid face was set in a mask of hatred as he stumbled up the steps. I—I lost the ranch tonight…or what’s left of it…to Caesar Kemble. Because of you.

    Shanghai sank to his knees and fisted his hands. If someone had slammed a shovel against his spine, he couldn’t have felt more broken.

    It’s your fault.

    Right, Shanghai whispered. Blame somebody else like you always do.

    His father weaved drunkenly. You had to go over there and stir him up. He came looking for me just like you knew he would. And you just sat here and let him lure me into a game of cards. Entice me with the finest liquor. When it was over and he’d won Black Oaks, he told me you went to his house and strutted around like a bantam cock, like you thought you were somebody, like you thought you were as good as him.

    I am as good as him.

    You’re a loser, born to a loser, who’s sprung from a long line of losers.

    I’ll drive you home and put you to bed, Daddy.

    Don’t act so damned superior.

    It would’ve happened anyway!

    The hell it would! You’ve got high-and-mighty airs, but you’re no better than me. Caesar said it was time all of us Knights got what we deserved—nothing! But that’s not the only reason I came over. Kinky called him and said Mia’s run off again. Caesar said she was upset because he hit you, and they think she might’ve come over here. I don’t reckon you know where—

    Shanghai shook his head just as a pot crashed in the kitchen inside the cabin.

    Who the hell’s in there with you then?


    You lyin’ son-of-a skunk! Caesar’s on his way over here, you fool!

    His father rushed past him, whipped the screen door open and stormed through the house.

    Mia screamed from his bedroom. When Shanghai ran inside, his father was dragging her out from under the bed by the hair.

    Let go of her, Shanghai yelled, shoving him in the back.

    It’s not what you think, Mr. Knight, Mia began. He didn’t do anything. It was me. All my fault. He told me to go, but I—

    I got eyes in my head. He’s bare-chested and you’re wearing his shirt. You were in his bed.

    "Under his bed. I told you. I came over here on my own," she said.

    How long has this been going on? his father yelled.

    Nothing’s going on, Shanghai said.

    She’s here, in your bedroom. It’s the middle of the night. She’s underage. You’ve got a wild reputation and you’re madder than hell at her father. And you’re trying to tell me that you didn’t touch—

    What do you care? You’re the one who gambled the ranch away!

    His father lunged at him. That was your fault and you know it! You set me up tonight! Laid a trap. I should’ve seen it coming. You’ve been a wild ’un since the day you was born.

    Wonder where I get it?

    Not from me! ’Cause you’re not mine, boy! The only reason your scheming mother married me was to get a daddy for her no-good bastard.

    You’re lying!

    His father lunged. Together they crashed onto the floor. When Mia leaned down to try to pull them apart, his father slugged her.

    Unconscious, she slumped like a limp rag doll to the floor.

    Instantly Shanghai forgot his father and dropped to his knees beside her. Smoothing her hair from her face, he touched her throat.

    I didn’t mean to hit her, his father gasped, all the meanness going out of him at the realization he’d hit Caesar’s daughter. I meant to knock some sense into you. Not that that’s possible.

    I think she’s okay.

    Shanghai picked her up in his arms and laid her on his bed. As he held her wrist and found her pulse, which was strong and steady, he saw headlights on the road outside.

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