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Finding True Happiness With The Wisdom of Rumi
Finding True Happiness With The Wisdom of Rumi
Finding True Happiness With The Wisdom of Rumi
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Finding True Happiness With The Wisdom of Rumi

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Many people are rich and successful.  But no doubt that they have problems too. Meanwhile  Rumi had beautiful, mesmerizing and inspiring poems and quotes.  For those who face many problmes Rumi's works are worth reading.  Here are my interpretation of his works that I believe might be able to inspire you. .  

Release dateJul 11, 2023
Finding True Happiness With The Wisdom of Rumi

Bambang Udoyono

Bambang Udoyono is a writer, a tourist guide and a tour leader.  He conducts inbound tours to Indonesia and outbound tours abroad. He writes books on tourism, English, and culture.  Based on his experience he writes this book.

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    Finding True Happiness With The Wisdom of Rumi - Bambang Udoyono

    Introduction to Rumi’s work

    Rumi was a Sufi, an Arabic word that means an Islamic clergy. He lived in the town of Konya, Turkey, in the 13th century. He was well known because he wrote many beautiful poems that express his thoughts and feelings about love, life, and spirituality.

    Rumi was really a master of both the theology of Islam and literature. That is why he could express his ideas about God, life, love, etc. in beautiful poems. They are beautiful, stylish, and full of meaning. Some of them are metaphorical. Some of them are clearly a kind of paraphrasing of the Holy Koran.

    If you take his works very seriously and apply them to your life, I am sure there will be some advancement in your life. You will be able to see life from a different perspective.

    I never promise that your life will be much better after reading this book and his works. What I am trying to say is that you will have good material to think about in your life. After some intensive thought, you may be able to make changes in your life. In other words, you may use Rumi’s works to illuminate your life.

    1. If you dig a pit for others to fall into, you will fall into it yourself.

    In the real world and in today's virtual world, you can often see words and actions that hurt others. On social media, every day, inappropriate remarks are uttered. Likewise in the real world. Current news is abundant. In this current situation, it is better for us to pay attention to the pearl of wisdom from Maulana Jalaludin Rumi, the Sufi (Islamic spiritualist) from Konya, Turkey.

    Quote from Rumi

    If you dig a pit for others to fall into, you will fall into it yourself.

    Those are wise words from Maulana Jalaludin Rumi, a well-known Sufi from Konya, Turkey. What does it mean? Let's elaborate on it.

    Action will return.

    I think that sentence is Rumi's advice to all of us not to have evil thoughts, plans, and actions towards other people. Evil deeds may bring benefits, but only in the short term. In the long term, evil deeds actually harm the perpetrator. Rumi likens the culprit to falling into the hole he made to trap other people.


    There are indeed evil deeds that appear clear, but there are also those that are vague. It is this disguised act that makes some people's hearts unhealthy and not clean enough to be deceived. Inappropriate oral (and written) expressions such as backbiting, harassment, gossiping, and pitting against one another, for example, At first glance, it doesn't feel like a serious crime. But if we look at the history of Indonesia, it turns out that the impact was enormous. Just look at the suffering of Indonesians in the past, who were colonized for hundreds of years. Their wealth was plundered by the invaders, and their dignity was humiliated. They were persecuted, killed, slandered, and so on. Colonialism was successful, among others, with the tactics of dividing and dominating (divide and rule). The once-mighty kingdom of Mataram fell apart and was colonized because it was pitted against each other. Isn't this an extraordinary crime against humanity? The culprit may escape human law in this world, but surely, he will not escape God's law in the hereafter. Allah Almighty is very strict.

    Clemency of Allah

    What if you already have an evil word or deed? Don't worry. Allah Almighty is forgiving. Allah almighty will forgive except the sin of shirk, alias associating partners with Allah. Here are some verses of the Holy Koran about Allah's forgiveness.

    Say, "O my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God, for God forgives all sins, for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (QS Az Zumar/The Crowds, 53)

    "Turn ye to your Lord (in repentance) and bow to His will before the penalty comes on you; after that, ye shall not be helped. (QS Az Zumar 54)

    (The Holy Koran, translated by Yusuf Ali)

    Know they not that God does accept repentance from His votaries and receives their gifts of charity, and that God is truly He, the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful? (QS. At Taubah/Repentance: 104).

    If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks God’s forgiveness, he will find God Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. (QS. An Nisa'/The Women: 110).

    The hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the fire; no helper will thou find for them. (QS. An Nisa’: 145)

    Except for those who repent, mend their lives, hold fast to God, and purify their religion as in God’s sight; if so, they will be numbered with the believers. And soon, God will grant the believers a reward of immense value. (QS. An Nisa’/Women: 146)

    Why turn them not to God and seek His forgiveness? For God is oft-forgiving and most merciful.(QS. Al Maidah/The Table Spread: 74).

    So, while it's not too late, let's ask for forgiveness. Of course, there is a procedure for asking for forgiveness. The late limit was death. After death, the door of forgiveness is closed. As long as we are alive, we are still given the opportunity to ask for forgiveness. Make the best of this opportunity.

    Summing Up

    Whatever you give will come back to you. Your words and deeds will come back to you sooner or later. The problem is that sometimes we are not aware of doing evil. Sometimes words and deeds don't feel bad. So many people do it. But don't worry, because Allah is forgiving. Immediately ask for His forgiveness. And leave; do not repeat.

    2. If you look too closely at the form, you’ll miss the essence.

    I f you look too closely at the form, you’ll miss the essence. (Rumi) What does it mean? Once again, we will review the beautiful and meaningful pearls of wisdom from Maulana Jalaludin Rumi from Konya, Turkey.

    Humans are endowed with high intelligence. With that intelligence, they built a very sophisticated civilization. One that is built is culture. And one aspect of culture is language and manners. There is a group of people who are able to build a very sophisticated language so that they are able to express manners and pleasantries that are very elegant. People who are trained in this culture are able to communicate very politely, so subtly that it is very pleasant. As a result, many people like to hang out with him. Especially if he is also good at the art of dressing. Imagine if people have good manners, speak beautiful language, dress neatly, and look good; then people are definitely fascinated by them. Almost everyone thought he was a good guy.

    Meanwhile, people whose condition is the other way around, whose appearance is disheveled, whose clothes

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