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Memoirs of a Death Row Inmate
Memoirs of a Death Row Inmate
Memoirs of a Death Row Inmate
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Memoirs of a Death Row Inmate

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James Bryant is a relatively unknown detective with an otherwise average career. But for one detail: he caught a notorious serial killer from the Midwest. A psychopath, dubbed the South Side Sadist, Richard Allen Fenton, is locked up in the El Dorado Correctional Facility,

Release dateJul 18, 2023
Memoirs of a Death Row Inmate

Daniel Donovan

Daniel Donovan was born in Missouri and raised in Kansas for most of his life. He always had a passion for creative writing, but it wasn't until he spent four years in law enforcement that the spark for crime thrillers was really ignited. Donovan aims to bring his readers into the novel by incorporating real-life details into his works of fiction while giving readers the thrills and chills they seek.

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    Memoirs of a Death Row Inmate - Daniel Donovan


    Please state your full name.

    James Christopher Bryant. I replied.

    And what is the purpose for your visit? He asked.

    Suspect interview with Richard Allen Fenton.

    Identification please, requested the guard. I handed him my wallet with my police credentials and badge, and broke off my staring contest with the ground long enough to see the name on his uniform was ‘A. Foster.’ Foster was a short, forty-something, scrawny, almost sickly looking man with faded tattoos partially hidden by his long-sleeve, leaden guard uniform. Foster scanned my credentials, looking over a hawk-like beak of a nose with dark eyes as if the whole process was a waste of his time. Foster handed me back my wallet as two other guards stepped out from a large brownish red door behind me to assist in the process.

    The security check was little more than a desk and metal detector at the end of the hallway. The desk sat across the hall from the office, which was visible through a large, reinforced glass window. The long white halls gave the impression that they hadn’t painted for over a decade, resulting in a drab, faded, almost tan appearance. The hallway started with large, double doors, secured by an electronic lock. All the administrative offices, employee break rooms, locker rooms and showers were side by side, in a lazy fashion, obviously dreamed up a long time ago when architecture and creativity were a last priority when designing the building.

    I waited patiently while the other guards waived wands across my arms and down my back. The guard in front of me held his hand out as the wand passed my right hip. The loud squelching sound from the wand set off my throbbing headache, and indicated its passing over the Glock 17 on my hip. I unbuckled my belt and handed the gun over, holster and all. Before they could ask, I pulled the knife from my right pocket and handed it over. The guards were getting annoyed with me as they unstrapped the Glock 26 from my left ankle. Without blinking I handed them the pen from my shirt pocket. The guard in front of me held it up.

    …The fuck are you handing me this for? Foster inquired.

    I twisted the cap off in the middle of the pen and displayed the one inch blade on the tactical pen my wife had given me for my twenty-fifth birthday. The tactical pen held more than just the blade, but their only concern was the knife.

    What are you a Swiss-army cop? asked Foster.

    I rolled my eyes and said nothing. The pounding in my head made it easier not to speak, especially since rolling my eyes exacerbated the condition. I wasn’t there to see the corrections officers, and I had no interest in making small talk with them. I had nothing against them. They had a job to do, and I respected the role they played in law enforcement. My job meant nothing if they weren’t there to keep the shit bags under lock and key. They didn’t care about me either, and they were less happy to see me than the normal guests they screened. They knew why I was there, and they thought it was sick. So did I; so did everyone; I was in my own personal hell while fighting off what was clearly one of my shittiest hangovers ever. The thought of this visit had my stomach turning. It had for months. I was under orders, so it didn’t matter what I thought. My superiors had made the decision and I wasn’t about to disagree with them with ten years left until retirement. I couldn’t afford to start at the bottom again. I had ten years in-service already and that was a pay cut I couldn’t risk.

    I didn’t work for the biggest police agency in the state, but it was a respected one, and I had risen comfortably in my ten years of service. I had spent six years on patrol and the last four in investigations. I was promotion eligible, but not all that interested in advancement. That wasn’t surprising for a guy like me who barely graduated college.

    It’s all about what you want, and I wanted to be a cop. Voted most likely to go unnoticed, college had almost been a waste of my time. The degree helped in advancement opportunities, but if I could get those years of my life back, I would.

    College sucked. The girls were obnoxious and the guys were douchebags. It was a broad analysis of the environment at a state college, but it proved to be highly accurate. I didn’t fit the douchebag, frat-guy stereotype, and wasn’t in college to put notches on my headboard. College was the polar opposite of my upbringing. A lot of college girls lacked reservation with their bodies in the pursuit of feminist enlightened bullshit. Show me a woman who respects herself and earns the respect of others through hard work and perseverance, and I’ll show you a woman worth knowing. The guys weren’t much different, except their poor decision-making was credited to their egos and lack of security.

    It had been no surprise to anyone who knew me that I didn’t date much until I met my wife. She didn’t fall into the sorority girl stereotype. She wasn’t like anyone else I had ever met. The entitled attitude of the average college student didn’t sit well with her either. She never had a handout her entire life. She worked her ass off and got through college collecting degrees as she went until the wall in her office looked like a fucking art gallery; three degrees, three schools and never a shortcut taken. Someone once told me there are no shortcuts to any place worth going, and they were right. I had cut a few corners in my day, and each time it amounted to circling the block to find the fucking car keys you dropped along the way. You didn’t accomplish anything; you just retraced your steps with the intention of accomplishing something which should already be done. Fuck that noise; keep moving forward with your eyes on the prize. That’s what I was trying to do here.

    Unfortunately life does not hand you an easy path just because you put your shoulder to the wheel. Sometimes, you still have to shovel shit to keep the lights on; that’s just life. That’s all I could think about as I handed over my belt, keys and miscellaneous other items from my pockets in order to step through the metal detector. You can’t predict where life is going to take you, which is kind of the whole point. Life is what brought me to El Dorado Correctional Facility. My job was to put people here, not swing by once a week for the next six months like some obsessed girlfriend of a violent offender looking for some convict cock to suck.

    The last place I wanted to be today was here; a close second was the feminist rally in downtown Kansas City. If you want to overcome something, you build yourself up and make yourself a force to be reckoned with. Being the person who bitches loudest simply makes you the loudest bitch. The internet taught me that, and it’s so fucking true.

    They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but it’s also the first evaluated for replacement. No one ever thinks about that when they take on the squeaky wheel lifestyle. The greatest country on earth had turned into a melting pot of entitled people aspiring to a new level of victimhood. There were real victims out there; I met them every day as a police officer. No one is throwing a parade for victims of identity theft and fraud; there’s nothing to be gained from it. Claiming victim status without truly being a victim is like claiming you’ve been mugged as you look around for the best place to get mugged, hoping to turn yourself into an actual victim. I was here to help real people with real problems. It didn’t seem like it, knowing the task at hand. I never expected this to be part of my job.

    The heartache I had gone through to have everything in my life turned upside down, for this worthless fuck I was about to meet, had been too much. Now I have to hold his hand and tell him how he’s not so bad, and that all those people had it coming; what a crock of shit. I thought so, my department thought so, but there was more to be gained by being here than not.

    This wasn’t why I got into law enforcement. I worked hard, I wrote good reports and I chased every lead I had, pointless or not. I had no intention of pandering to some sick minded fuck that had spent his time destroying the lives of others. As much as I wanted it to be, it wasn’t a waste of time. There was an end game, a purpose, a deeper reason to waste every Saturday for the next six months talking with the sickest man I had ever met. He had answers, hundreds of people had questions; I had been tasked with attaining them. I couldn’t miss a day for any reason. I didn’t have a choice and he knew it. It’s why he had chosen me. I had put him here; now he monopolized my weekends like some soul sucking school awards ceremony.

    If you’ve never been to one, don’t go; especially not as the significant other of a student. If you’re a student, eat that shit up. They serve good food, but if you have no interest in the topic the Nobel Award winning speaker is about to pontificate upon, stay the fuck at home. Don’t pay money to listen to someone speak on soil erosion; life is too short for that shit. Take your wife to dinner, wait for the award to arrive in the mail and then frame it; trust me, it’s worth it. You have nothing to gain by going. Wait until your wife is in graduate school; she should at least be making professional contacts if you have to drink your way through a boring dinner party. Have a drink and then four more, and call a damn cab; you’ll thank me later.

    The guards finally finished feeling me up for weapons after which I stepped through the large metal detector twice, returning to deposit a loose coin, before I collected my shoes, belt and briefcase on the other side. My pants were too big making it difficult to hold my hands up as requested while walking through the scanner. I had lost sixty pounds in the last four months and spent zero dollars on my wardrobe. I had a mortgage to pay so clothes were a second priority. Knowing this would be a regular occurrence, it was clear to me I needed to spend the money on pants that fit. I turned everything I didn’t need over to the guards who locked it into a locker, and handed me the key. My weapons were stored separately, locked away in the guard’s office until I completed my three hour sentence.

    Twenty minutes; that’s how long it took to get from the front door, through security and down to maximum lock-up. They had a special interview room set up for me to use. I was glad they did, because I didn’t want to walk down the hall past Dennis Rader, the Carr brothers, and a long line of other sick individuals just to talk with the sickest of them all. The hallway leading to the room was even more depressing than the entryway. It was meant to contain hardened criminals who were so fucked up they kept the lights as dim as possible to hide the glow of insanity radiating from their eyes. This was no place for any decent human being to spend their time. The lights only got dimmer the further I walked down the hallway. The lights flickered, creating an ominous atmosphere punctuated only by the soft voices of the incarcerated, carrying from their various cells. Ahead of me, a three inch thick metal door complete with a six by six inch impenetrable glass window at head height waited for me. My heart started racing, and my throat tightened.

    I could see, through the small shatterproof glass window leading into the interview room that the source of my pain was waiting for me inside. A chill ran down my spine as the electronic lock popped allowing the door to slide open. The man chained to the table didn’t turn to acknowledge me as I stepped into the room.

    I’ll be right outside in case he tries anything, the guard cautioned. I nodded to him and stepped along the left wall. I circled the room until I was on the opposite side of the table from the man in the brown prison jump suit. I leaned back against the wall and set the briefcase down beside me.

    I finally raised my eyes to meet those of my cell-mate. Behind black and gray, bushy eyebrows shone the dark brown eyes of malice, radiating from the face of pure evil. The large figure was partially hidden by long, unkempt salt and pepper hair, hanging along either side of his face and obscuring his hulking shoulders. The face, if clean shaven, would have caused most people to flinch and look away; the beard, fortunately, hid some of the menacing lines of his permanent smirk. He sat with his hands cuffed together and the handcuff chains run through a ring on the table, keeping his hands together. He laced his fingers from one hand through the fingers of the other and stared as if he was contemplating his next ten moves.

    Have a seat, he said, gesturing to the open chair across from him. We might as well be comfortable. Did you bring everything you need? The menace in his voice was natural; his calm tone, a sign that he felt in control, despite being chained to the table and floor.

    I did, I replied staying where I was. The cold, concrete walls sending chills down my spine. Do you have the answers you promised?

    All of them, he said; As long as you do exactly as we agreed upon.

    I stepped forward and set the briefcase down on the table. One at a time I removed the items I had been instructed to bring and sat them on the table. Side by side I placed a stop-watch, a tape recorder, a pack of Marlboro Reds, a black Bic lighter with a naked lady on it, a yellow legal pad and a small golf pencil. Across the table from me watch the bearded man with more gray hair on his face than black, almost expecting him to rip his hands free and attack. He was easily six feet tall and two hundred forty pounds, but the menace he exuded didn’t come from his size, but his demeanor.

    He leered at me from across the table with a face not even a mother could love. He was too content to just stare at me as he tried to use the same intimidation tactics he’d been using for nearly a decade. From the moment I first met him, he had been a master of mind games and double talk. He could make you feel both worthless and subservient with the simplest of comments. Knowing I was on a timetable gave me the intestinal fortitude to speak first.

    Let me make this clear, if at any point you fail to deliver on your end of the bargain; this is over. No more cigarettes, no more visits; you rot in here just like you deserve until your last appeal falls through, and they put you to death, I whispered.

    Let ME be clear; if you don’t play my little game by my rules, you will have cost yourself the answers you seek, and the answers sought by hundreds of people. Those peasants are counting on you. Your kind already failed them by letting a guy like me walk free for so long. The police failed them; I simply did what was in my nature. Don’t let them down again.

    Shall we begin then? I asked.

    Start the stopwatch. I have you for three hours. If for any reason you decide to leave early or fail to have my memoir published and made public, you will pay dearly for it.

    Go fuck yourself, I said as I leaned in and started the stopwatch and the tape recorder. March 11 th, 2017; session one with Richard Allan Fenton. I sat down, leaned back in my chair, and looked at him. The hulking bearded man across the table stared at me with a look of loathing arrogance. I held his gaze; he was chained to the table which was mounted to the floor. I tried not to appear worried even though my heart was racing. The shackles on his wrists gave me just enough confidence that he couldn’t hurt me, encouraging me to sit up to the table.

    I’ve been doing what I do since before you were born, kid. You think because you put me here that you’re somehow better than me? He snarled through clenched teeth.

    I’ve never said it, but that sounds about right, I agreed, trying to appear nonchalant.

    Well you’re wrong. I might be pushing sixty, but what I’ve done, the impact I’ve made on this world; nobody will ever forget me. You’re just another fucking pig collecting your taxpayer funded paycheck. There have been a million fuckers just like you, and there will be millions more like you after you’re gone. He sat back and resumed his smug arrogance for a moment. You make your living because of people like me. Without me, you wouldn’t be shit. After all, I made you the success you are today. Don’t I at least get a thank you?

    I’ll thank you in six months when this nightmare is over, I said.

    Your nightmare is someone else’s answered prayers. He said, leaning forward with feigned sincerity. Your nightmare is something others would die to hear, and pay money to print. Don’t dismiss it so carelessly; remember I can end this at any time; so watch your fucking mouth.

    I’ll try to be more respectful, I offered, trying to control my temper.

    I’m still a human being. Try to remember that and this whole thing will be a lot easier. He advised, attempting to regain control.

    He was right; police work was all about treating people like people, and making sure we protected the rights of the people while we were catching the people infringing on the rights of others. We didn’t put people away; we put people in front of a judge and jury and let them decide what will happen. We reported what happened and left the decision to someone else. We weren’t the judge, jury and executioner like everyone thought. We were reporters in a way; we were just the first ones on the scene and if we did it right, bad people faced justice. If we did it wrong, bad people went free or good people paid the price. We didn’t get to mess up and then publish a redacted version of the story; we aren’t the media after all. If we messed up, we could lose our jobs or get put behind bars with people who hated our very existence. We couldn’t afford to mess up, and we couldn’t afford to be wrong. Sometimes we got lucky, but that was no way to approach police work.

    Let’s try this again. I said, trying to get back to the purpose of my visit. You said you had answers to a lot of questions; maybe you could indulge me with the details.

    Let me put it this way; I have stories and you’re here to write them. Each story has a happy ending for both of us. I get to tell you all the fucked up shit I did, and you get to take that information to someone who might want answers. I’ve been dying to tell someone all the things I’ve done. It’s hard to take credit for shit the world frowns upon. I can’t exactly thrill people at a bar with a story about choking some fat housewife while her husband is in the next room watching television; can I?

    No you can’t; so why don’t you tell me the story? I suggested, hoping I could get out of the interview without becoming a murderer myself.

    I’ll get to it eventually, but this first story is one of my favorites.

    I adjusted the tape recorder so it was closer to him. When did this happen?

    Kid, like I said; you weren’t even born yet. The year was 1975; people were losing their minds and the world had gone to shit around me. I watched my parents go from a happy couple to a pair of fat fucking slobs. My mom ate too much and nagged non-stop. My dad drank too much and listened too little. My parents both got fat and felt like I wasn’t worth keeping around. Half the time they didn’t know where I was; the other half they spent screaming at each other and beating on me. It got to where I couldn’t stand to be at home anymore. My dad worked a decent job and made a decent paycheck, when he didn’t drink it all away. My mom watched television and snacked all day. She didn’t clean, she didn’t take care of me and she yelled a lot. After seventeen years of growing up like that, you can imagine I wasn’t faring well.

    I can imagine, I said as he paused for a moment. So you’re telling me all the fucked up shit you did was because of bad parenting? It’s quite the cliché, if you ask me.

    Of course it is; it would be easy to blame them and try to pass myself off as the victim of poor parenting like every other fuckup who can’t come to grips with the shit they did, but not me. I did what I wanted and I made my own choices, and I loved every minute of it. Even this; I love it. Who else gets to capture the time and attention of one of America’s finest for the next six months. People are only prisoners if they choose to be. Even in here; I’m as free as I’ve ever been. You; HA! You’re a fucking prisoner here. We’re both locked in this room, but only one of us is truly in prison. I’ve captured a law man and put him behind bars with the rest of the victims of this fucked up judicial system.

    I took a second to scribble a few notes in my book to keep from rolling my eyes.

    You think you’re a victim? Not the unfathomable number of people you’ve raped, killed, and tortured?

    People are only victims if they choose to be. You refused to be a victim and so I had to take your options away. I had to make you a player in my fantastically fucked up little game just so I could make you a victim against your will. That’s the best kind of victim; the kind that doesn’t want to be one. It’s why I do what I do; taking people’s options away is a fantastic way to go through life.

    How do you figure that? Because a lot of people would say it’s in direct opposition to the way a decent society works. I insisted.

    Don’t talk to me about a decent society, he ordered. This world has never known a decent society. This world couldn’t handle a decent society. A decent society is one that doesn’t need rules or laws to keep it together; people just exist together without issue, but that’s not the world we live in; is it? This world; this country is so consumed with regulating and restricting the people that it takes people like me to challenge the rules nobody asked for. Without rules, people are free; that’s the truth nobody wants to believe; that’s the truth I bring to the world.

    All you’ve brought to this world is pain and misery. You can pass it off as truth all you want, but it’s just you trying to spin your fucked up existence into some kind of meaning. I argued.

    Aren’t we all? he asked with a laugh. Aren’t we all just trying to explain our existence to the world? In my world, you don’t make any sense. People like you have no place in a rule free society. We don’t need you.

    You don’t need me because I stand in the way of your rampage over the decent people of this world. You may think I have no place in this world, but people like you create the need for people like me. I am a direct response to the actions of a lawless, fucked up, psycho like you. You may not like rules or laws, but this is a society with laws. If you live in direct opposition to those laws you create a need, you create an outcry from the people who can’t defend themselves. Those people need me because you took away their freedom to choose a life without oppression. I insisted, my brow turning inwards slightly into a frown.

    Now that’s the first honest thing you’ve said. Finally we can talk; just the two of us; about all my exploits and endeavors. It’s why you’re here after all. He shrugged, as if he was casually making a point.

    We were talking about your exploits until you went off on a self-righteous tangent. My frown became more pronounced, exacerbating my headache.

    Keep it up pig; you’re about one stupid comment from blowing this for everyone. He spat.

    Have it your way; I’m here and the clock is ticking; so why don’t you tell me the story you started telling me earlier.

    That’s right; my way. He said pointing at his chest. I dictate how this goes and you sit and listen.

    I’m ready when you are. I offered, surrendering to the inevitable vulgarity about to come.

    1975- What a great fucking year to be alive; and dammit if I didn’t live it up that year. He sat back and smiled as if the thoughts in his head were so truly pleasing to him that he just needed a moment to enjoy them. He puffed on his cigarette as he reminisced, staring over my head at the wall behind me.

    Do you remember the first set of tits you felt? Of course you do; who could ever forget? Mine were nothing exceptional, but I remember the way they felt like it was five minutes ago. I’m walking down the street of my old neighborhood when I see the pretties little thing out at her mailbox. I’d seen her before; blonde, long legs and an ass that could have prevented the cold war. I tell you, if the government spent less time trying to develop the biggest nuclear arsenal and started looking at ass and tits then we would have stopped a couple wars short in history. Anyways; this girl…I had seen her before, and I couldn’t help but stare at her every chance I got. She never seemed to notice until that day. I can remember the look on my face when she asked if I was retarded or perverted. I didn’t know what to say; I didn’t know not to stare. Daddy never had a talk with me on how to charm the ladies. Truth is I don’t think he knew how. Momma was just looking for a steady paycheck to leech off of so she went down on daddy the first date and never looked back. My uncle told me that story when I was like, nine years old. I didn’t believe him for years until I could see the indifference in her eyes and the cold resentment in his. It was obvious she had what she wanted and he couldn’t cut her loose without alimony. They were stuck together, and just pretended like they didn’t hate every minute of it; Catholics, right? Anyways, I didn’t know what to say to her. She kept bitching at me about being a pervert until I looked down at the ground. I didn’t feel ashamed for staring; I just knew it would get her to stop yelling at me. It was how I got momma to stop screaming at me when I broke something in the house. Shame is a shitty way to raise a kid, but it can be mimicked to get what you want. I pretended to be ashamed and the pretty girl stopped screaming at me. She finally went back in the house, but I couldn’t get her out of my head. I hated her, but I loved what I saw. She wore this low cut dress that showed off just the right amount of skin. I knew I wanted to touch them; I just had to figure out how.

    He flicked the cigarette butt into the corner behind me and leaned forward, took out another cigarette, lit it, and sat back before blowing the smoke in my face. All I could do was glare at him. I expected nothing less from him. He had this one special privilege during our face to face time. No other prisoner was allowed tobacco products of any kind. This was a stipulation of the deal, and I knew he planned to smoke all twenty cigarettes in the course of the next two and a half hours. All I could picture was putting the cigarette out in one of his eyes. The sounds of his imaginary screams resounded in my head; it felt good to hate him that much. He was a particular kind of evil, and all I wanted him to do was feel nonstop pain for the rest of his worthless life. It seemed unlikely, but the idea of him getting lung cancer and rotting away brought warmth to my mind I couldn’t explain and didn’t particularly care for. He had purposefully stopped right before he gave out any specifics in the story. He liked to control the pace, and I could tell he had about twenty minutes worth of story to tell and three hours to tell it in; fucking asshole. He continued to blow the smoke in my face and smile as he did so. He was enjoying keeping me in suspense as he made me wait for him to continue.

    So what did you do? I finally asked, hoping to move the conversation forward.

    I kept watching her. She was home from college for the summer. She didn’t have a job and only had friends over on a few occasions. Otherwise she kept to herself while her parents went to work each day. The mailman delivered to that street at around 11:30 in the morning. She came out to get the mail as soon as he reached the end of the block. I guess she didn’t like bumping into strange men when her parents weren’t around. I didn’t do anything to change that either. I found a good hiding spot in the bushes across the street and watched her for a few weeks.

    He sat back smoking for a minute.

    Did your daddy teach you how to talk to women? He asked. Mine didn’t; neither did anyone else back then. Teenage boys were terrible then, just as I’m certain they are shitty little piss-ant fuckers now. I didn’t bother with friends; you can’t count on anyone these days and ’75 was no different. I hated boys my age. They just walked around high and mighty pretending they weren’t gonna turn out exactly like their weak-ass pussified fathers. I knew who my dad was, and he was just like every other dad back then. No spine, no guts, and no fucking clue. I watched him waste his life away in front of the television and I swore I’d be nothing like him a single day in my life. He thought it was weird I never watched any TV with him. He didn’t know I despised his very existence. The only reason I listened to him is because he could swing a belt. Seventeen years old, I hadn’t had my growth spurt yet. That happened the next summer. 1975 I was just a fat little fuck who wanted to see his first pair of boobies.

    He lit up another cigarette, and continued his story, I finally figured out how I was gonna do it. Each day I waited in a different spot. I figured out the layout of her house and found the best way to approach it without being seen. When she went to the mailbox, I used my grandpa’s old hand drill and started working away at a little peephole in her bedroom wall. It took a couple days to get through but I finally did it. It wasn’t big, but it was just right. It looked into her bedroom, right over her end table and towards the mirror where she did her makeup and brushed her hair before bed. I can remember the first time she brushed her hair with no clothes on. It was the last week of June and it was hot as hell outside. I had to be careful cause her daddy was a big man, and would have broken me in two had he caught me spying on his whore daughter. Her breasts were so firm and perky it made me want to die being stuck on the outside looking in. Have you ever had a boner that just wouldn’t go away? I did, the first time I saw her topless. I didn’t even know what to do at the time I just freaked out and walked home hoping no one had noticed. It felt weird, but I knew that I wanted to have that feeling again but with her there with me. I knew what I wanted and I went for it. That’s the difference between kids back then and kids now; back then when we wanted something we figured out how to get it and we got it. We didn’t sit around waiting for someone to hand things to us. When we saw a pretty girl we had to have, we made sure we got to have her. Boys don’t do that now; that’s why they’re all growing up to be queer. If they could get a girl they would, but maybe I’m just old fashioned like that.

    I sat back a little in utter shock at how vulgar he could be. I knew he was vulgar and crude; I had interviewed him before and then sat through months of trials with him. Had a police officer said a fraction of what he had said, their badge would be on the Chief’s desk in less than an hour. While being politically correct wasn’t exactly my thing, I knew how not to offend someone no matter whom they were or what they believed. Still reeling from the last line of bullshit he had spewed, I snapped back to attention as he continued.

    You can imagine my disappointment when she brought some guy over to the house while her parents were away. I couldn’t see much from my peephole, but I could hear them. I watched them undress each other, kissing each other and all that shit before they moved over to her bed where I couldn’t see them anymore. I was so angry; how could she do that to me? How could she bring some other guy over and fuck him right in front of me?

    He stared at me for a moment as if he expected me to explain how this injustice had happened to him. I couldn’t believe the level of self-obsessed insanity I was hearing. How the hell would any of that have been her fault?

    It didn’t matter; they didn’t fuck for very long before he got dressed and left. I didn’t see her get up from her bed when he left. I also didn’t hear him lock the door. I thought, ‘Well hell this is as good a time as any to step inside and say hello.’ Boy was it my lucky day; he sped off in some overblown piece of overcompensating American muscle and didn’t bother to lock the front door for his little fuck-buddy. I can still remember the way my heart was pounding when I slipped in the front door and locked it behind me. Look at me, I’m getting goosebumps all over again, he said holding up his arm as far as the handcuffs allowed him. He seemed genuinely thrilled with his rendering of the story.

    She was asleep when I got to her bedroom door. It was still open a few inches and I could see her sleeping, nothing but a sheet covering her sweet little body. I stared at her through the open door; I don’t know if it was ten seconds or ten minutes; I just couldn’t look away. I started opening the door nice and slow like. I didn’t want her to wake up so I stepped into the room real quiet and kept the door open. It felt like my feet weighed a thousand pounds. Each step felt like it was the hardest step I’d taken in my entire life. It felt like I was never going to get all the way across the room to her bed, but finally I was right there; standing over her. My first love; right there within arms-reach.

    He sat back and ground out his cigarette on the table top and sighed, flicking it to his right. I could feel my rage boiling under the surface. All I wanted to do was wrap a belt around his neck and pull it until his head popped off his shoulders. Between the anger and the hatred, I began to get nauseous. He hadn’t even started in on the gory, horrific details about to follow, and I already didn’t want to hear them. He smiled at me as he sensed my emotional turmoil. He was enjoying himself, and he liked the reaction he was getting from me.

    What’s the matter detective? Is something bothering you? I haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet. He added, lifting his chin to stare down his nose at me.

    Please proceed. I begged him, trying to remain calm and collected.

    "Am I making you uncomfortable? We can stop and never do this again if you’d like. All you have to do is say so, and all the pain and discomfort you are experiencing can be washed away and replaced with the guilt of failing hundreds of people expecting answers from you. Is that what you want; A lifetime of guilt instead of a few hours of uncomfortable conversation with little old me?

    I am not leaving; please continue. I said, barely above a whisper.

    I put one hand over her mouth and ripped the sheets back with the other. She was all-mine; lying there naked; waiting for me. She was a little surprised to see me though based on the look on her face. ‘Shush’, I whispered to her; ‘I won’t hurt you if you don’t scream.’ She tried to get her face away from my hand, but I leaned down over her forcing all my weight onto my one hand. That got her attention; she tried to grab my hand and pull it away, but it was too late for her. I took my other hand and pinned it across her throat. She started to panic then; she knew what she had done, so she started to calm down and listen to me. I slowly eased my arm off her throat and started working my way down towards her breasts. She was crying then; she knew she shouldn’t have been a bitch to me. She was finally getting what she deserved and she wasn’t ready for it. I squeezed both of those perky breasts; oh man, she had the body of a goddess. I couldn’t stay away from her anymore. I climbed up on the bed and straddled her. She tried to struggle again, but when I started choking her again she stopped fighting; she started cooperating. I told her it was all gonna be ok and that she should just sit back and enjoy herself. I started touching those perfect breasts again. I had never felt breasts before, and it was the most invigorating moment of my young life. This sensation started shooting through my groin and up to my head and before I knew what had happened, I blew my load in my pants. I didn’t even know what had happened. It had never happened to me before and I’ll admit; I wasn’t ready for it. I wasn’t done with her though. I ran my hands up and down her perfect body while I reassured her everything was gonna be ok. She shut her eyes then. I don’t know what she thought was gonna happen, but she apparently didn’t wanna see it. It pissed me off; why wouldn’t she FUCKING LOOK AT ME? WHY DID SHE THINK SHE COULD JUST CLOSE HER EYES AND MAKE ME DISAPPEAR? I HADN’T BEEN INVISIBLE THE DAY SHE CALLED ME A RETARD, WHY WAS SHE CLOSING HER FUCKING EYES? He roared, yelling at the top of his voice.

    I looked over his left shoulder at the door to see the guards staring in at me through the window. I heard a key in the lock and seconds later two burly officers rushed in towards us.

    STOP; EVERYTHING IS OK. I shouted as they got close. Please leave; there is no reason for you to be in here. I pleaded with them. They looked reluctant and a little pissed off, but I didn’t care. To find out what had happened, I needed to tap into his anger, his animalistic rage, and lack of impulse control. It didn’t happen often, and I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to get the raw, unfiltered truth from him before he reverted back to his twisted mind games. Please, leave us alone, I begged them again.

    The guards were not happy with my request, but chose to take the easy way out and left the cell, locking it loudly behind them.

    She just wouldn’t look me in the eye. He continued as if nothing had happened. And that made me mad. Back in those days I never got mad, but she just dismissed me like I was nothing but a worthless piece of SHIT! She didn’t have to die that day. I didn’t want to kill her, but she was rude to me. She wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence, even with me sitting on top of her. What kind of a bitch does that to a kid? I just wanted to love her and show her how much I cared. She couldn’t even look me in the eye, and that didn’t sit well with me. I hit her; right in the fucking eye, I punched her as hard as I could.

    He clenched both hand s into a fist as if he was reliving the entire moment, right in front of me. His face trembled slightly as the replay of those horrific events played in his mind. His eyes had lost their intense stare, and no longer pierced to most hidden parts of my soul. Now they stared out into oblivion as if I didn’t exist. I held my silence, waiting for him to continue.

    She started to fight me, but she couldn’t move me. He insisted. I just started swinging with my right hand into her nose and eye. If I didn’t get to look at her and enjoy her beauty, no one could. I don’t know when she went unconscious, but it took a while. She was tougher than she looked, but I was pissed enough that it didn’t matter. My fist hurt from punching her. At the time I thought the bitch broke my hand with her stupid fucking face, but it just turns out I had just bruised my knuckles so bad it felt broken. I was tired then, all that struggling and punching had worn me out. It was nice to just get to sit back for a few minutes and touch her body without having to control her.

    He went from a thousand yard stare to an almost trance-like state. The memories, as he relayed them, seemed vivid, and painted with gruesome details. He started to breath normally, the cigarette in his hand burning down to nothing with an inch of ash hanging on way too long as it remained un-flicked.

    I touched every inch of her skin over the next half hour or so. I wanted to touch her face, but it was all swollen and bloody from the ass kicking I’d just put on her. I didn’t even know what to do with a naked woman that day. I just touched her and tried to figure out the best ways to slip my fingers inside her. Everything was so new to me I just didn’t know what to do with myself. I just sat there on her stomach, touching her breasts and loving the massive erection I had. I only wish now I had known what to do with all that enthusiasm. After a while, I began to get bored with her. She was out like a light, and I didn’t want to wait around for her to wake up again. I leaned forward with both my hands on her throat and just pushed with all my weight and strength. I couldn’t hear her breathing, but I could feel her heart pounding against my hands on her neck. After a little while it stopped. I couldn’t believe what she had just made me do. I wanted her forever, not just the few minutes I had; or so I thought. Looking at her, lying there with her bitch face and her eyes closed so tight I never got to see the life draining from them. I felt robbed, but I felt so alive like never before. I came, saw and conquered her all in a matter of minutes; it made me feel better than I ever had in my miserable life. I became a man that day and I knew it wasn’t by way of turning eighteen or smoking my first cigarette. It was because I had just conquered a woman, and I loved the way it felt. I was alive and suddenly I knew what I wanted in life. I wanted anything I could get my hands on. I wanted it all, and if anyone stood in my way they were gonna die.

    He had snapped out of the trance and fixed his gaze on me again. His twisted grin returned, and he flicked the cigarette at me, just missing my right ear as it went by. He shrugged slightly as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

    She was my first in many ways, he continued, but I had just got started. I got up and walked to the kitchen. Her parents weren’t due home for several hours, but that wouldn’t be soon enough for me. I wanted to see all the activity, all the hustle, all the concerned people standing around wondering how something like this could happen in their quaint little town. I wanted to see the hysteria it would cause. I washed my hands in the kitchen sink with soap and water. I knew I would have to find a way to clean my clothes before my parents saw me, but that wasn’t much of a concern either. Mom would be watching her stories and dad wasn’t home from work yet. I could sneak in the back and wash my clothes before anyone noticed. I picked up the phone in their kitchen and wound up the dialer to call the police. It was a Wednesday, so the three cops on duty in that town were probably at the diner for lunch already. That would give me plenty of time to get out of the house and get home. I called the police and told them someone had been hurt and I had just seen someone leave in a pretty blue muscle car. That was another first that day. My first kill, my first ejaculation, my first time touching a girls boob, and the first time I framed someone else for one of my kills. Everything about that first kill was perfect except who died. I would have liked to keep her around, but life isn’t always what you want it to be. I walked home, washed my clothes, cleaned up and put on a shirt with sleeves long enough to cover up my swollen knuckles. A half hour after I called, I walked back over to the house. There was so much activity; it was fascinating, police officers scratching their heads while the citizens of that fine town looked on in shock and horror when they wheeled the covered body out on the stretcher. It was all too perfect. Three days later, they arrested her little fuckbuddy and he’s doing life in prison somewhere. I almost laughed when I saw the news. It freaked my dad out cause I sat down and watched the news with him that night after they announced the results of the trial. He was glad; he said we didn’t need pieces of shit like that in our town anyways. It was the funniest thing my dad ever said to me. He had no idea what had happened; he was just glad someone went to jail for it. What a fucking idiot! That was when I realized what was wrong with our justice system. They aren’t looking to catch the person responsible; they’re looking to vindicate themselves by making someone pay when something bad happens. They don’t care who it is, as long as they get to say they put someone behind bars for killing some whore who had it coming. What a shitty system; congratulations; you’re part of the problem. He insisted.

    I looked at the stopwatch in front of me. Somehow, there was still another hour and change to go to complete this ordeal. The smoke in the air was so thick by this time I might as well have been smoking the cigarettes myself. I felt completely drained. How could someone like this even exist? It was only the first meeting and already I thought him to be the most evil man in known history. I still had 25 more meetings with him after this one and somehow he had promised to fill them with horrifying stories of his exploits for which he had yet to receive credit.

    You look a little downtrodden, detective; have I upset you in some way? This is exactly what you signed up for when you agreed to meet with me. I know someone like me doesn’t make any sense to someone of your high moral fiber, but I can promise you, these stories won’t get any easier for you. This was my first time; I didn’t even know what I was doing when I went into that house. I get better with time; I’m like a fine wine that way. My stories will continue to get better and better until our time is up. Then you will have all the answers, I will have my story told so no one else will get credit for my work when I’m gone.

    So none of this is about clearing your conscience before you die? I inquired, in disbelief.

    "Have you not been listening to a fucking thing I’ve said? I want all the credit. I can’t get the credit if someone else is in jail for something I did or if you never knew I was the man you were looking for. I want the list of my victims carved into my big ass headstone. I’m going down in history as the baddest motherfucker to walk the face of the earth. People will study my cases, teach new wet nosed cops about me so they can pretend they understand someone who has accomplished as

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