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Evidence of God: Spiritually Uplifting Books
Evidence of God: Spiritually Uplifting Books
Evidence of God: Spiritually Uplifting Books
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Evidence of God: Spiritually Uplifting Books

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God exists. He is all around us, inside us, and we are inside Him; Just like the seed is there inside the fruit and fruit is there inside the seed.


Just like the fish, which is made from water, born in water, inside the water, and water is inside it, is not experiencing anything other than the water only. Still, the fish, if its consciousness gets evolved enough, can have the question, what is the water? How to respond to this query? In the same way, we, despite being made of God, by God, are inside the God, God is within, and God is all around, ironically are still looking for God. It's like God, seeking God in the human form, which has forgotten its true identity. But we are not fish.


The solution to any problem cannot be had from the same level of consciousness in which the problem is perceived.


We look for evidence because we want to see Him and feel Him the way we see and perceive other things. Which is not possible.


It is because we perceive things with the faculties like Mind and Wisdom which are limited and thus not capable to perceive the infinite. They all are objects, creations like us, and are under certain laws, etc. Whereas He is the Creator, the Subject, the One who framed all those laws, and the One who is experiencing the whole thing. He is beyond the reach of mind and wisdom. But He can surely be directly experienced at the level of intuition. And Meditation is the way to awaken the intuition faculty- majorly lying dormant within us.


The way is, going inside. All the Masters, through whom came various scriptures, got the knowledge not just simple ideas and concepts, but by experiencing the same. They even demonstrated the same. What more evidence is required?


Still, science has given us several theories, that validate the existence of God, very convincingly. This book details several scientific theories and concepts in which each chapter is structured along Science and Spiritual lines.


This book has the potential to transform our lives, by establishing the faith in the existence of God and inspiring us to seek Him now with full faith. The journey becomes easier thus.

Release dateJun 1, 2023
Evidence of God: Spiritually Uplifting Books

sanjeev sareen

Sanjeev Sareen is an Engineer and into Spirituality, practicing under a Realized Master past twenty-five years. He has released three books. His Niche is Spirituality. The first book “ईश्वर- कौन, कहाँ और क्यों” (God- who, where and why?), is a Hindi poetry book, released in May 2021. The second book “Spirituality through Science” was released in August 2021. The third book “101 thought-provoking questions on life” was released in e-version on 5th Jan 2022 and Paperback version on 10th Jan 2022. He has released 23 episodes on the radio show on “old age issues”. He is regularly conducting free Kriyayoga Meditation classes. He is releasing his blogs on the subject of spirituality at the Quora and Medium platform. He is releasing inspirational videos on his YouTube channel and Facebook page also- all in the name of “Awakeningwithsanjeev”. He is also providing free counseling on health, professional and spiritual matters. His passion is transforming himself and helping others.

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    Evidence of God - sanjeev sareen

    A Free Gift

    As a token of my appreciation for taking the time to read my book, I am offering a gift.

    Please download my book- The Guide: Meditation for beginners.

    If you have no idea about meditation and have not done any type of meditation earlier, then this is for you.

    The tips given here are so simple that even the busiest person can practice meditation.

    Meditation is somewhat differently understood in different cultures of the world and ever so often also within the same culture. It is not concentration as is often misunderstood. Meditation does entail concentration but it is a state of being that is much more relaxed than simple concentration. Much of the world today confuse meditation with a lot many exercises that are geared toward relaxing the mind or releasing stress.

    So, no matter what your achievements are, pause and think. Introspect and impartially survey yourself. Unless and until you have truly understood what life is all about, you will always find a leak through which your happiness is constantly ebbing away. Nothing except God can satisfy you and wipe your miseries completely

    Therefore, do not be satisfied being what you are, but try to be what you can and should be. If you are one of those who are thirsty to solve your problems, or human problems in general, to understand the mystery of life, then you need to learn the techniques of scientific meditation.

    Please download the article here using the link given.

    Table of Contents



    PURPOSE OF UNIVERSE................................7

    NATURE OF UNIVERSE................................25



    EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS.........................45

    Consciousness and reality..............................51

    UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS...........................57

    NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS:...........................71

    CONSCIOUSNESS AND LIGHT............................77



    STRING THEORY.....................................95

    THE WORLD OF VIBRATIONS............................99

    DNA THEORY......................................105

    DARK ENERGY.....................................111

    THEORY OF MASS..................................113



    MEANING OF LIFE..................................125

    HIGHWAY TO THE INFINITE............................131

    MYSTERY OF Great Pyramid...........................137

    Energy Vortex.....................................145

    SUMMARY- The ultimate answers to existence 149


    Postscript 157

    Books Published by The Author 158

    Social Media Channels 170

    I refuse to prove that I exist, says God,for proof denies faith, and without faith,I am nothing

    Douglas Adams


    In today’s world we find an interesting phenomenon taking place in Human evolution; From Faith to Reason to Intuition or Higher level of consciousness. Spirituality is attracting people of all religions. This trend gets facilitated because scientific methods have been applied to test the knowledge gained from experiences of higher levels of consciousness; Like the impact of Yoga, Meditation and Consciousness of Consciousness has been scientifically tested.

    This has brought Science and Spirituality closer. While Science deal with ‘outer search’, Spirituality deal with ‘inner search’. Today society needs a new Inner Outer Balance to achieve a better balance between Materialism and Spiritualism. This is possible by complementing Science with Spirituality.

    Ever since science rose to prominence as an intellectual and moral force in the 19th century, there has been a debate between two worldviews: The Scientific and the Spiritualistic.

    Perhaps we should turn to Albert Einstein for some final clarifying words. Einstein wrote, Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Einstein became a believer in an impersonal creator God. Einstein found a way to believe in both God and science. Perhaps he did not believe in a personal God or a Biblical God, but the facts of science led him to the inevitable conclusion that both God and science must coexist.

    Most scientists earlier believed that science can say nothing about God other than to show that there is no need for such a being. Scientists claimed that science is quite capable of providing most explanations today and virtually all explanations in the future. But others also said that the breathtaking visions of science are the perfect expressions of a Creator God.

    By the 20th century, most scientists devised proof of God’s existence. Theology and science entered into a sort of new relationship. Rather than undercutting faith and a sense of the spiritual, scientific discoveries offered support for them, at least in the minds of people of faith. Big-bang cosmology, for instance, once read as leaving no room for a Creator, now implies to some scientists that there is a design and purpose behind the universe.

    Scientists who are also spiritual practitioners are making significant discoveries for humanity. Instead of proving that God doesn’t exist, now science is broadening our definition of divinity. In its way, physical science in many places is already affirming the validity of laws already discovered by Yogis through mental science. We will see that in the following chapters, theory by theory.

    Science is drawing from all knowledge sources, including the mystical and firsthand encounters with the divine, to fully comprehend the aspects of reality. To understand the reality—that only God exists—one has to first acknowledge the existence of the Divine World. An avenue for investigating consciousness and spirituality is provided by quantum physics and some scientific hypotheses.

    Although science is more accessible than ever, it remains foreign to most people. The problem is that many people perceive science as an enterprise devoid of emotion and meaning. Science, in this view, is the enemy of faith. If science is seen as an expression of our need to make sense of existence, many more will embrace it.

    Scientists should engage more with the mystery of existence, inspired by a deep sense of awe and filled with humility. Making science relevant to a wider audience requires an emotional, not just a rational appeal. If science is seen this way, many more will be ready to embrace it as one of the highest expressions of the human spirit. We must teach that science has a spiritual dimension, need not be in the sense of supernaturalism, but at least in the way, it connects us to something bigger than we are.

    Spirituality is the science of the Soul. Just as there is technology outside your body, there is technology within your body and you need to find a meeting point of both. Thus, science and spirituality should go hand in hand.

    Mahatama Gandhi said that if both science and spirituality go hand in hand then one can create heaven on the holy earth

    The twenty-first century now calls for further new insights into spirituality by analyzing the deepest parallel between various scientific theories and what is experienced by the realized masters. The Nobel Award in Physics for 2022 is proof of that direction.

    The purpose of this book is to inspire the readers to realize that there is much more to life than what they think. They should feel the urgent need of exploring the realms of God within, with the new perspective of spirituality as a higher science. That they can achieve God's realization through Self-realization. This is possible by devoting part of their lives to serious spiritual practice. This will help them to evolve, attain spiritual liberation, experience bliss, conduct life meaningfully, serve, and also benefit others.

    To stimulate the desire for inward realization, the writings from certain sacred scriptures and the reflection of some scientists- with their research available in the public domain, are reproduced side by side in each chapter of this book, to prove that both are pointing to the same Truth.

    I hope this book contributes in some way towards awakening as many people as possible to the urgency of spiritual transformation. The darkness of Maya, or illusion, is closing in more and more, and we must hurry homeward, towards our true spiritual nature.

    I should make it clear from the start that I have no religious agenda. As Yogananda said, there is no greater service than to speak of God, and to help others understand that the path of meditation leads to eternal life while the path of error leads to death. The value of realizing God is far greater than any material wealth, as it will stay with us even beyond death. Thus, it is important to share this knowledge with others. This is a small humble attempt, with all sincerity and responsibility, towards this concept.

    This book is significantly revised version of my book-Spirituality through Science.



    Not only are we in the Universe, the universe is in us.I don’t know of any deeper spiritual feeling than what that brings upon me

    Neil deGrasse Tyson.


    Scientists investigate that which already is.



    Should scientists even try to answer questions about the purpose of the universe? Most researchers assume that science and religion are completely separate fields, but as physicists investigate the most fundamental characteristics of nature, they’re tackling issues that have long been the province of philosophers and theologians: Is the universe infinite and eternal? Why does it seem to follow mathematical laws, and are those laws inevitable? And, perhaps most important, why does the universe exist? Why is there ‘something’ instead of ‘nothing’?

    The scientists are beginning to think Big Bang appears to be under some sort of external control – perhaps the mind of God?  The Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation Cosmic inflation theory states that the universe is not expanding into space; rather space itself is expanding, dragging stars and galaxies in its wake. A simple analogy is that of a balloon, representing space-time, with some dots drawn on it to represent the galaxies. When the balloon is inflated the dots move further apart.

    So, the big bang wasn’t matter exploding to fill empty space – it was matter, energy and space expanding together into an endless void of nothingness. But where did all the matter come from?

    The theory of relativity states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, so if it wasn’t created it must have been transformed into matter from energy. But where did the energy come from?

    It must have always been there and was just reawakened or recycled in the big bang. Generally, with an explosion there is an initial rapid expansion followed by a gradual slowing down. Not

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