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History Digest
History Digest
History Digest
Ebook246 pages1 hour

History Digest

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Ministry Of Education Approved. A great man once said the singular most unifying influence in life is a story. It is the most powerful force of a people. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. History Digest has only as its Objective. Story Telling. To tell the story of a great and powerful nation across every time, every phase, every season. Through the beautiful, the bad and the ugly. The strength and the weaknesses. To illuminate the entire chaotic beauty that is our nation. Nigeria.
Release dateApr 24, 2023
History Digest

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    History Digest - Oburoh Roli Hazel



    This book is dedicated to the Holy Spirit,



    First, Iwantto say a big thank youtoYahweh for thehonour and privilegeto bring this to reality.

    I want to appreciate my family. An immerse gratitude my mum foryourcontinuous support.

    My sincere gratitude to Pastor Segun Abolude, Mr Bright and Mrs Jolomi Isioro, Aunty Mabel, Uncle Funmi Oburoh,UncleFelixOburoh,UncleEbezenerOburoh,UncleTemisan, Aunty Erewa and Uncle Shola. Uncle Peace, Aunty Faith, AuntyDupe,UncleJeffery Oburoh,Aunty Omawunmi Oburoh. I am truly grateful for every support and kindness.

    A specialthankyoutoSirMarksonforyourthoroughreading. I'm grateful.

    To friends that support and encouragein times of hardship. Benjamin, Gladys,andsometimes JedegeI amgrateful.

    To the mentors and teachers and learning environment that groomed me,MrPeterOkungbowa,Barr Joseph Omofomah,Newman,MrAnyanwu,Goodnews,SisterElizabeth,PresentationNationalHighSchool,Goshen,Gorilla brain andUniversity of Benin.

    Iamtruly grateful.


    History is the branch of knowledge that deals with Past event. It is essential as in the words of George Orwell, Hewhocontrolsthepastcontrolsthefutureandhewhocontrols the presentcontrols thepast.

    There are threemajor sources ofhistory. Oral account

    Archeology Written Sources.

    Oral account is a major source of history butlargely unreliable.

    Archeology is much more objective as it give proximate dates done through carbon 14 dating method. It is the study of antiquities.

    Written sourcedealsmorewithwrittenrecords,books, letters and documents. They are mostly by Arab Scholars hencewrittenwith ais andinsincerity.

    There are also various historical sites that bear the narrative and reflection of our past. They tell our stories. Some of those sitesare;

    The First StoryBuildingin Nigeria

    Even though it's not visually appealing, it's a big piece of history because it's the first building to have more than one story inNigeria.Thisbuilding, originatingin Badagry, Lagos, was built for the church missionarysociety.

    Tafawa Balewa Square

    History Digest

    TheentranceoftheTafawa Balewa Square, located inLagos State, consists of four horses and seven red eagle statues that all together symbolize strength and dignity. The square alsocontains theRemembranceArcadethatcontainsthememorialsofWorldWarIandII,NigerianCivilWarVictims, and the Independence House.

    Oduduwa Grove

    Located inIle-Ife,OsunState,theOduduwaGrove is famous for the legendary ancestor Oduduwa, who foundedthecityofIle-Ife.Thegroveisoneofthemostsacredtemples in Nigeria.

    Osun-Osogbo SacredGrove

    These sacred groves are located on the banks of the Osun Riverinamassivesanctuaryofsculptures,shrines,and carvings. These objects within the groves were crafted for the goodness of fertility.

    Olumirin Waterfall

    This famous waterfall was discovered by a granddaughter of Oduduwa, who founded the city of Ile-Ife. The site attracts50,000 tourists each year and is located in Erin-Ikesha, OsunState.

    The Wallsof Benin

    The main function of the Walls of Benin at the time was the protectionanddefenseoftheKingdomofBenin.The construction began in800 and was finished in the middle of the 15th century. Altogether, the walls are 99 miles in length, so the latitude and longitude shownare actually for the city of Benin.

    Ogbunike Caves


    These famous caves located in Ogbunike were host to many temples and sanctuaries to the locals in the area, providing spiritual and historical importance to all Nigerians. The cavescontain a large sacred chamber with ten tunnels that allconnect to formthe shape of a labyrinth. Thecaves are apart of the UNESCO Heritage SIte.

    National WarMuseum

    The National War Museum has a collection of Nigerian war memorabiliaincludingtheNigeriancivilwarandoldNigerian empire conflicts. Located in Umuahua Abia State,the museum isa symbolof the country'shealing.

    Emir's Palace

    Emir's Palace isthelegacyof Emir, who controlled Northern Nigeria for a very long time. His palace is located in Kano city where many ancient artifacts can be found from the ancientcivilization. The palace itself contains a plethora of ancient structureswith traditional African style.

    The WallsofKano

    This ancienthandmadewallprotectsthecityofKano. Construction of the wall began in 1095 and was completed inthe 14th century,spanning a total of 14km.Thewall holds a lot ofspiritual and cultural value.


    Ghana came into existence in the Eight century. It reached it's peak in the tenth century. It's ride was due to it's strategicposition that encouraged commerce. The Southern termini of thetranstradeSahara.


    It was discovered by an Arab astronomer and initially called land ofGold, Al- fazari.

    It was however founded by Soninke. The original founders called it Awkar. As a matteriffact, the name Ghana referred to the earliest rulers. It means War - Chief. It's king's were also calledKaya Magha or King of gold.

    In 1203,thecapitalofGhanathenatKumbuSakewascaptured by Sumanguru Kante, the Susu warrior king ofKaniaga.


    The original founders of Mali were the Mandinks who were largely pagans. It reached the height of it's power in the thirteenth and fourteenth century owing to the contributionsof Sundiata Keuta known asMariDiata alternatively.

    Itissaid that he began his life asacripple, analmost forlorn child. HerisetofameasaresultofhisvictoryoverSumanguru, the Susu king of Kaniage at the battle of Kirinain 1235.

    Mari Diata also Sundiata Keifa conquered Ghana in 1240.He moved thecapital from Jeriba toMiami. The name Mali after there appliedtothewholeempirenotjusttheroyalresidence.

    After Sundiata, theruler of Mali took over the title of Mansa. A mandigo word for emperor signifying that Mali had now acquired sufficient territorytobe recognized as an empire.


    Mansa Uli succeeded Sundiata in 1255 and ruled till 1270. Uli was a strict Muslim and Islamic influence bwas strongly felt underhisleadership.

    After his reign the empire was seized by Ann ex slave named Sakura in 1285. After Sakura, one of the most famous Mali leaders emerged. His name was Manda Musa. Under His reign the empire reached its peak and he was famous for hislavish pilgrimage to Meccain 1324.

    The greatness of Mali was as a result of trade and mineral wealth.

    History Digest

    Chapter 1

    Songhai Empire



    the Da farmers. They developed a commercial bcentre at Kukia whichbecame thefirst capital at Songhai.

    TheSorkorulers of Songhaiweredeposedby refugees from the north escaping from Muslim persecution. They set up their own kings and that started the Dia dynasty. The Dia kings abandoned Kukia and moved to Gao as the new capital.The first Songhai king to become Muslim was Dia Kosoi in 1009.

    Under the reign of Dia Yasiboi in 1323, Emperor Mansa MusainvadedSonghaibecausehewasenviousofGao's prosperity and seized his two sons and hostage. As a result, Songhai becametoprovincetoMali,payingtribute.Although theywere stillruled by their ownkings.

    One of the captive sons trained in Mansa Musa court called Ali Kolon.Itwas himwho restored Songhai to her ownrulership. He took the title of Sunni and became known asSunni Ali.

    Although he was the founder of the independent state, it was Sunni AliII whobroughtitto it's peak.


    SunniAliwasaveryhottempered man and often sentenced people todeath.TheonlymoderatinginfluencewasMuhammad Ture.

    Muhammed Ture led a rebellion against his sons after his deathbecausetheywereliberalmuslimsandcouldnot operate a complete Muslim society. This brought about the Askia Dynasty.

    The First professional army to be organized in West Africa bwas done by Askia the great. The Songhai empire was the largest and wealthiest ever established in West Africa beforenineteenth century.

    For Administrative conveniencehe divided the Empire into four provinces which was placed under a representative of the Askia called Fari.

    The Balama was in charge ofArmy

    The Fori Mundeya wasin chargeoftaxcollection. Hi - Joy sad incharge ofLalarcanoes.

    Korey - Farma was inchargeofforeigners.

    Askia wasabletoachieve:

    A stateprisonyard for condemned offenders.

    Trade was regulated and a systemof weight and and measures introduced.

    Market Inspectorscalled Dey Farma to supervise marketand settle dispute.

    The practice of purdah or wearing of veils by women when they appeared in public.

    He howevermade amistake when under the advice of Al - Maghilli he waspersuaded to persecute the Jews. He was

    Songhai Empire

    overthrown by some of his numerous sons and he already blind and old wasforcedinto exile.

    Songhai Empire was eventuallybrought to ruins by a young and ambitiousSultanMuleyAhmednicknamedtheVictorious. Songhai cane into ruins under the reign of Askia Ishak in the famous battle if Tondibiin April12th.

    With the defeat of Songhai Army, the Moroccan occupied Timbuctu, Gao and Jenne. They eventually recovered and tried to fight back but their military tactic of guerilla warfarecould not match the military might of the Moroccans under the leadership of Zergun, the general who took over fromJudar Pasha.

    Chapter 2

    Hausa/Fulani System


    he Fulani people are one of the largest ethnic groupsthat can be found widely dispersed across the SahelandWestAfrica.

    Known by differentnames across the globe, they are called the Fula people in Manding languages and can sometimes bespelled as'Fulah' or 'Fullah'.

    In French they are called Peul, in the Hausa language they arecalledFulaniorHilani;andinPortuguese they are called Fula orWolof.

    However,ofallthesenames 'Fulbe'is the preferred nameof

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