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The Quiet Man
The Quiet Man
The Quiet Man
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The Quiet Man

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A badass who single handedly takes out a group of corrupt politicians and leaders.

PublisherAaron Abilene
Release dateJul 21, 2023
The Quiet Man

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    The Quiet Man - Aaron Abilene

    The Quiet Man

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Aaron Abilene, 2023.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. July 21, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8215422878

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

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    The Quiet Man

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    The Quiet Man

    Written by Aaron Abilene


    The sun bled through the kitchen window, casting a harsh light over the breakfast table where John Everhart sat with his family. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of gun oil that clung to John's hands. He listened intently as his children shared their plans for the day, trying to offer his input without betraying the darkness that crept into his thoughts.

    Mom, can I go to the park later? asked Tommy, his face smeared with syrup from the towering stack of pancakes on his plate.

    Of course, sweetheart, Olivia replied, her eyes flicking towards John. As long as your father thinks it's safe.

    John nodded, the weight of his responsibility settling heavy on his shoulders. He knew the city was becoming more dangerous by the day, but he couldn't let those fears dampen the joy his children found in life's simple pleasures. Just make sure you're back before dark, he said, ruffling Tommy's hair.

    His daughter, Ellie, looked up from her cereal, her green eyes filled with curiosity. Dad, are we going to the museum this weekend? You promised.

    I haven't forgotten, kiddo. John smiled, despite the gnawing anxiety that threatened to consume him. He'd spent years fighting to protect his family, but each passing day brought new challenges – and fresh horrors.

    Olivia glanced at the newspaper, her face paling as she scanned the headlines reporting the latest string of violent crimes. She folded the paper and pushed it aside, her fingers trembling slightly. John, I'm worried about this city. It feels like every day, there's another murder or robbery. Can't the police do something?

    Believe me, Liv, we're doing everything we can, John said, his voice low and measured. Even though he had left the military, his soldier's instincts never left him. He was always on guard, ready for the next threat. But you know how it is – he hesitated, not wanting to expose his children to the ugliness that lay just outside their door, – sometimes it takes time to make a real difference.

    Time we might not have, Olivia murmured, her eyes brimming with concern.

    Hey, John reached across the table, taking her hand in his. The callouses on his palms were a constant reminder of the battles he'd fought, but he refused to let them define him. We're going to be okay. We've weathered worse storms than this.

    As he spoke, he tried to reassure himself as much as his wife. They had faced countless dangers in their lives, and each time they had emerged stronger and more united. But the escalating violence in the city threatened to shatter their fragile peace – and there was no way of knowing when the storm would finally break.

    John held Olivia's gaze for a moment, letting the silence stretch between them. He could see the fear in her eyes – the same fear that haunted his own dreams. But he couldn't let it consume them. Not now, when they were all each other had.

    Listen, he said softly, his voice steady and reassuring. I know things are bad right now, but I promise you, I am doing everything in my power to make this city safer for us – for our family. He glanced at Tommy and Ellie, their innocent faces watching him with rapt attention. I won't let anything happen to you.

    As if on cue, the front doorbell chimed, interrupting the solemn atmosphere. John stood up and strode to the door, his instincts already shifting gears. He opened the door to reveal Detective Leo Harris, his former partner and closest friend. The two men shared a brief, firm handshake, their camaraderie evident in the way they fell into step beside each other.

    Leo, John greeted, clapping him on the back. What brings you here?

    Thought I'd swing by before we hit the precinct, Leo replied, his voice gruff but tinged with warmth. Share some intel over a cup of your famous coffee.

    Come on in, John said, stepping aside to let his friend enter. Leo nodded his thanks, his eyes scanning the room as he crossed the threshold. Despite his rough exterior, John knew that beneath the surface lay a fierce loyalty and an unyielding determination to bring justice to the city they both loved.

    Olivia, kids, you remember Leo, John said, gesturing to the tall detective as he entered the kitchen. Olivia smiled warmly at the newcomer, while the children looked up from their breakfast with wide eyes.

    Of course, Olivia said, extending her hand. Welcome, Detective Harris. Can I get you some coffee?

    Please, it's just Leo, he replied with a slight grin, accepting her offer. And thank you.

    As Olivia poured the steaming liquid into a mug, John watched his family interact with his old friend. It was in these quiet moments of domesticity that he drew strength, the thought of their safety and happiness fueling him through the darkest of days.

    Leo and I have been through a lot together, John said, leaning against the kitchen counter as his partner sipped the hot coffee. We've got each other's backs, no matter what.

    Damn straight, Leo agreed, his voice low and gravelly.

    John took a sip of his coffee, feeling its bitterness sharpen his senses as he turned to Leo. Alright, what's the latest on the case? he asked, leaning against the kitchen counter, his eyes locked onto his partner's.

    Murder at the docks, Leo replied gruffly, setting down his empty mug with a decisive clink. Victim's got ties to one of the big crime families. Looks like an internal power struggle.

    John's jaw tightened, and he felt a familiar surge of anger coursing through his veins. This city was choking on its own corruption, and each new case seemed to drag them deeper into the darkness.

    Who's our primary suspect? John demanded, his voice low and controlled, careful not to disturb the fragile peace of his home.

    Guy named Marco Russo, Leo answered, his brow furrowing as he recalled the details. Been climbing the ranks in the DeMarco family for years. Ruthless bastard – won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way.

    Then we need to get him off the streets before he can do any more damage, John declared, his determination fueling his resolve. We can't let these criminals keep running our city into the ground.

    Olivia watched from the doorway, her heart swelling with pride and love for her husband. Despite the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders, he never wavered in his fight for justice. He would willingly face any danger to protect their family and the people of this city, even if it meant confronting the darkest corners of humanity.

    Agreed, Leo said, his fierce loyalty evident in every word. But we need solid evidence to take him down. Russo's dangerous, and he's got powerful friends. We've got to tread carefully, or we'll find ourselves in the crosshairs.

    Then we'll gather all the proof we need, no matter what it takes, John replied, his eyes ablaze with conviction. We'll dismantle this crime family piece by piece and show the city that no one is above the law.

    Damn right we will, Leo affirmed, his voice filled with the same steely determination that had carried them through countless cases before.

    As they spoke of their plans, Olivia observed her husband's unwavering commitment to justice. She knew he would face any challenge head-on, no matter the personal cost. And although she worried for his safety, she couldn't help but admire the fire that burned within him – a fire that refused to be extinguished even in the darkest of times.

    Let's get to work, John said, straightening up from the counter and reaching for his jacket. We've got a long day ahead of us.

    Stay safe, John, Olivia whispered, her hand lingering on his arm as he prepared to leave.

    Always, John promised, looking down at her for a moment before turning to join Leo. Together, they headed out into the shadows of the city, their shared passion for justice a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.


    Hey, Dad, John's eldest son, Michael, asked tentatively, breaking the heavy silence that had settled in the room. Can you tell us some more about your time in the military?

    John paused for a moment, considering how best to answer his son's question without revealing the true horrors of war. He glanced at Olivia, who gave him a reassuring nod, and then turned back to his children.

    Sure, kiddo, he said with a small smile. I learned a lot during my time in the military – skills that help me do my job as a detective now. Hand-to-hand combat, firearms training... all things that keep me safe when I'm out there, trying to make our city a better place.

    Wow, Michael breathed, his eyes wide with admiration. You must be really good at fighting, huh, Dad?

    Your father is one of the best, Leo interjected, his voice tinged with both respect and camaraderie. I've seen him take down guys twice his size without breaking a sweat.

    Really? Michael asked, his curiosity piqued.

    Really, Leo confirmed, a hint of a grin playing at the corner of his lips. There was this one case we worked on together, back when we were still rookies. We got a tip about a drug deal going down in a warehouse near the docks – real nasty stuff, too. Fentanyl mixed with God knows what else.

    Language, Leo, Olivia chided gently, casting a pointed glance at their younger children before turning her attention back to the story.

    Sorry, Olivia, Leo apologized, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Anyway, John and I decided to check it out, see if we could get some evidence to shut the operation down. But when we got there, we found ourselves face-to-face with a whole group of thugs, all armed to the teeth.

    Did you guys fight them? Michael asked, practically bouncing in his seat with excitement.

    Damn right we did, Leo replied, his voice low and intense. We didn't have a choice – it was either fight or die. And let me tell you, your father was like a force of nature that night. He moved so fast, they didn't even see him coming. In no time at all, he had taken out half of them, leaving the rest of us scrambling to keep up.

    Wow, Michael whispered, his eyes shining with pride.

    Of course, I couldn't have done it without Leo here, John added, clapping his partner on the shoulder. He had my back every step of the way, just like he always does.

    Partners for life, brother, Leo said, reaching up to squeeze John's hand in a gesture of solidarity.

    Partners for life, John echoed, his

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