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Teaching Sucks, Yet, It’s Still Rewarding for Those Who Love to Teach!: America’s #1 Teacher’s Coach
Teaching Sucks, Yet, It’s Still Rewarding for Those Who Love to Teach!: America’s #1 Teacher’s Coach
Teaching Sucks, Yet, It’s Still Rewarding for Those Who Love to Teach!: America’s #1 Teacher’s Coach
Ebook95 pages46 minutes

Teaching Sucks, Yet, It’s Still Rewarding for Those Who Love to Teach!: America’s #1 Teacher’s Coach

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Teaching Sucks…. is an easy read that provides the beneficial advice never given in a teaching credential program. Day to day life on a school campus is a mixture of fights, great days, divorce aftermath, unfounded threats against teachers, broken bones, screaming parents and so much more. How on earth is a new teacher to deal with the chaos? For the first time ever, here is a book that does not cover theory, practice, or freaken assessments! Just practical everyday ideas and advice. That’s it!

Excellent practical advice shared by a professional with new teachers. Linda shares clear examples to be used in the classroom to aide the navigating of a new school year. – Mercedes Alvarez.

Starting off your teaching career? Prepare yourself with the do’s and don’ts of teaching with the help from an experienced and mindful educator. Take this as a cheat sheet – Rebecca Villarreal.
Release dateMar 19, 2023
Teaching Sucks, Yet, It’s Still Rewarding for Those Who Love to Teach!: America’s #1 Teacher’s Coach

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    Book preview

    Teaching Sucks, Yet, It’s Still Rewarding for Those Who Love to Teach! - Linda Bojorquez

    Teaching Sucks,

    Yet, It’s Still Rewarding

    for Those Who

    Love to Teach!

    America’s #1 Teacher’s Coach

    Linda Bojorquez

    Foreword by Irazema Valdivieso



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    © 2023 Linda Bojorquez. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  03/17/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0086-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-0087-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023902236

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    Part 1 — Advice, Anecdotes, and Ideas

    Chapter 1   Classroom Environment and Beginning of the Year

    Chapter 2   Parent Night

    Chapter 3   Parent Conferences

    Chapter 4   Do you truly want parents in your class?

    Chapter 5   Fun Ideas & Activities

    Chapter 6   Teacher Advice to Parents

    Chapter 7   Why Teach?

    Part 2 — Affirmations


    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to the man who pushed me to become the educator I am today, my father, Hugo Bojorquez.

    I also dedicate this book to my children; may they see how hard I try to make them proud. And to all those educators who are not appreciated but so needed.


    Interestingly, the reason I became a teacher was because I became a caregiver at a young age. I guess I have my mother and my culture to thank for that. I have been an educator for 23 years and at times I have regretted not going to law school, but my work and my life have always been interesting because I am a teacher. So, I thank my mother and father for guiding me to become one.

    I also want to acknowledge my former principals, Veronika Lopez-Mendez and Irazema Valdiviezo. The former pushed me to come out of my shell and present at teaching conferences, the latter has always been my best support throughout my teaching career. I am truly grateful to them both.

    During this writing project, every one of my friends has been an amazing support. They have always given me an endless outpour of love, praise, and approval. I am in awe of the blessing they bring to my life.

    I would also like to thank Ariela Wilcox, the Literary Agent who oversaw the writing of this book. She was hard on me and us Sagittarians need that push sometimes.


    My name is Irazema L. Valdivieso and my trajectory in the field of education began as a Bilingual Education elementary school teacher. My specialization was teaching reading in English and Spanish for over a decade. After pursuing a Masters in Bilingual Cross-Cultural Education, I became an elementary school Resource Teacher/(PAL), a Parent Academic Liaison, realizing the vital goal of educating parents about their children’s education. Thereafter, I completed my Administrative Services Credential, and became an administrator in the San Diego Unified School District, where my passion for bilingual education led me to The Language Academy, a bilingual school where children attend one of the dual language immersion programs in Spanish or French.

    It was here that I had the pleasure of meeting Linda Bojorquez, first in a professional relationship as her school administrator, where she taught 2ndgrade & where our relationship grew from a mere acquaintance to a friendship. We forged a strong partnership in

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