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About this ebook

King Lorian loved his life. He loved his wealth. He loved his wives. And most of all. He loved his people.

Born into the age of prosperity. His people are content, his lands secure, his brides lovely and his pleasures infinite.

Betrayed by one he holds dear, Lorian is thrust into a future filled with death and decay. Awakened into the world as a Lich, Lorian is horrified by what has become of the world he knew.

Driven to reunite with his loved ones, Lorian will have his revenge.

And the dead cannot die tying.

Contains: MF, MFF, cute kobolds, souless zombies, cranky old ladies and a man with nothing to lose

Release dateMar 10, 2023

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    Lich - Montgomery Quinn


    The sun was shining, the sky was a clear blue. Trumpets were blowing in the plaza as dignitaries from neighbouring kingdoms arrived. It was truly a wonderful day. The kingdom of Lorian was the pinnacle of peace. A practical utopia for those of a law-abiding constitution. But it hadn’t always been that way, and that was the reason for this year’s celebrations. The harvest festival. It had been the same for seven generations. And it wasn’t about to stop now. And King Lorian (imaginative, I know) was waking up to a wonderful feeling.

    This is truly the most marvellous way to start the day, he smiled.

    Anything for my lord and master, Dhika giggled.

    King Lorian grinned, watching her scaled labia stretching over his cock with each bounce of her hips. The kobold had been utterly terrified of him at first. But like all the women in his employ, they soon came around. It wasn’t anything intentional on his part. He simply treated them with the dignity and respect he treated everyone else. And when a young, inexperienced kobold joined up a few years ago. Only to weep openly as the great King Lorian, held her bleeding hand after a mishap with a broken glass. Well, between his kindness, his charm and his obvious love for all things beautiful, the quiet kobold snuck into his bed to thank him. And in the years of her service, she had never thought to leave it again.

    Show me that tail of yours, he commanded softly.

    Dhika blushed furiously as she heard those words. But her tail flicked quickly from side to side. Tails in her society were frowned upon. The longer and more flexible they were, the worse they were viewed. Long tails got in the way when kobolds dug their tunnels. Excitement meant whoever was behind you in the confines of the dark had to keep their distance or risk being hit repeatedly in the face. That meant digging with a long-tailed kobold was slower and therefore relegated them to lower societal positions. Which is how Dhika ended up taking training as a maid and offered her services to the crown. It was only blind luck she ended up running into the king, who took her in and made her feel so welcome.

    And there lay her shame. A foot long flexible tail might not look like much to a human. But to a fellow kobold, she was practically hideous. So despite her slender waist, full breast, rounded ass and tight pussy, she had never felt beautiful. But, doing as her King commanded, she rotated on his cock to face his toes.

    She squeaked as his hand gripped the base of her tail. The source of her shame. The ultimate betrayal of her self-confidence. And he stroked it, from base, to tip and back. And like the filthy little kobold she was, she trembled in bliss at the taboo pleasure.

    My king, she whimpered.

    Bend forward, my dear.

    Dhika did as he commanded her. Leaning over, to expose her little scaly asshole to the king. It always sent shockwaves through her when he did this, and he didn’t do it often. That foot-long flexible tail of hers, was perfect for another use. She bit her lip, as he bent it around and she let out a small gasp as he pressed the tip into her ass.

    Tell me how much you want this, he murmured.

    I want it, she whimpered, rocking her hips back, shamefully on her own tail. It shames me, but it feels so wonderful.

    Will it make you cum? King Lorian asked, knowing full well the answer.

    Always, my king, she nodded frantically, making her long, ears flick back and forth with momentum.

    Even as she spoke, her face grew hotter with embarrassment. She hated how much she loved this, and she couldn’t help but wag her tail even faster. The king chuckled as he slowly fed her tail into her own ass. Dhika crooned softy as she dug her claws into the sheets. Her tail, with the frequency of her wagging, acted like a massive vibrating butt plug as he forced it up inside her.

    King Lorian shoved her further forward, keeping himself buried inside her. But the small kobold could feel her king as he got to his knees behind her. Her tiny body was used to his size by now. He had been so very gentle with her at first, but now she lived and breathed to worship his cock in any way he saw fit. And he saw fit with ample opportunity. What good was it to be the king of paradise, if you couldn’t take advantage of the abundance of said paradise.

    King Lorian smiled down at the beautiful kobold. Her ass fit nicely in his palms, while he used a thumb to force her tail further into her puckered hole. He smiled down at her as he pulled his cock free. He groaned, watching her labia clinging to his length, before he forced himself back inside. Once again, he wondered if he should broach the subject of her finding a proper mate. He knew her culture well, as that was part of his education growing up. But the beautiful kobold deserved to have eggs one day, and his royal duties prevented him from being the one to do so.


    King Lorian froze, as the door opened to his room. Queen Cyllbes frowned at him as Dhika froze in shock. It wasn’t the first time, she had been caught in bed with the king, but the terror never faded.

    Really, husband? She frowned, tilting her hip to give him a reproachful look.

    You could join us, King Lorian grinned, thinking about the curvy, brunette, gnome. He loved sinking his fingers into her soft flesh while she mewled beneath him. She was a little shorter than Dhika at only four feet tall, and he was almost ravenous in his desires to pair the two of them up.

    Husband, today is not the time for games, She chastised him.

    My apologies, Queen Cyllbes, Dhika whimpered.

    Not you, girl, the gnome queen shook her head. I know my husband better than to blame you for the position you’re in. In fact, I apologise for him leaving you unsatisfied.

    That’s hardly fair, King Lorian frowned as Dhika whimpered beneath him. She doesn’t deserve that.

    No, she does not, Cyllbes agreed. But you are responsible for not taking care of her sooner. You were the one to send off the servant who woke you. So, apologise to the girl and go bathe.

    King Lorian sighed and nodded his head in acceptance. Taking Dhika by the shoulder, he pulled her up into a kneeling position. The poor kobold was desperate. She was right on the edge of her own orgasm and almost wanted to cry in embarrassment. But as she was pulled up against the king, he forced himself into her, grinding her front wall as her tail pressed further into her ass.

    I’m sorry, my dear, he whispered softly.

    Dhika opened her mouth to respond, as the king’s fingers dug into her clit. She jerked as he pulled her tightly against him and felt his cock rub up inside her. Her tail went ballistic, throbbing deliciously inside her ass as his fingers swirled over her tiny clit. It was all too much, under the harsh glare of the queen, and Dhika squeaked as she started cumming. With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see the smirk on Queen Cyllbes’s face, nor the acceptance on King Lorian’s as he held the cumming kobold close.

    He was a wonderful king, in the end. Always working to make things better for his people, even at the expense of himself.  

    King Lorian stepped into the bathing chamber. He had wrapped Dhika in his bed clothing and tucked her into his bed to lie on his favourite pillow. It was her favourite spot, and he couldn’t help but spoil his favourite kobold. He had many mistresses and bed warmers within the castle. But most were fleeting. Coming when they felt need and moving on when they were satisfied. King Lorian considered himself a connoisseur of women. Some men liked wine, others cigars, but Lorian enjoyed flesh. Enjoyed it repeatedly and often.

    But Queen Cyllbes was correct in chastising him. Today was the Harvest Festival. The reminder of the past. A history lesson he, his forebears and his prodigy would all continue to take part in. The retelling of the past.

    Unlike his usual routine of lounging in the water, surrounded by his wives or attendants, King Lorian scrubbed himself down diligently in silence. He was quick, methodical and climbed out of his enchanted bath to dry himself off. Moving away from the bedroom and the sleeping kobold, King Dorian entered the dressing room. With so many wives, it was normalised generations ago to have an entire room dedicated to dressing. With all the various races of the world, it could hardly be called a luxury. Queen Afith, the beautiful, twelve metre long skylla regularly thanked him for the use of the room. Though he had no part in its construction.

    It resembled a tailor shop. With racks of coats, dresses and other garments set about in an order he had never fully appreciated. This room, unlike the bathing room, was fully staffed through, and as he entered, several of those staff rushed in to help. Usually there would be discussions on how he felt, and what he was planning for the day. But in the ceremony, there was only to be his plain robes. To enforce the fact that even though he was king, he was just a man like any other. He hungered, ached, breathed and bled like even the poorest farmer.

    And so the staff quickly brought over a comfortable set of leather boots, leggings, a plain shirt and his robe. It resembled that of a traveller’s cloak. In fact, it was made of the same material and even waterproofed for the same purpose. But instead of it being the drab brown, or whatever colour was available to those who made them. The king’s cloak was the shiniest black.

    With the cloak pulled into place and pinned with a pewter brooch. King Lorian turned to face his crown. It was the same crown, rebuilt from the remains of the tyrant kings, who was the reason the world was, as it is today. Much of history had been forgotten. The tyrant king had destroyed all records and had those who could speak verbal histories executed. So only whispered rumours had survived the era to the modern day. But what WAS known, was horrendous.

    War, famine, disease, destruction and it all came under a single great, but terrible ruler. King Lorian’s ancestor. The man had carved the empire from the ashes of destruction. Killing all those who opposed him, while forcibly taking a member of the royal family of each line, as a hostage to ensure no retribution.

    At the time, he was a tyrant. But his eldest son, was not. The boy grew into a man, before unseating his father in a coup. The young man, made reparations to the nations wronged. Sent the hostages home with gifts and a request. Petty squabbles followed, for many years. But the king refused to raise his armies to their former might. Until eventually, the Water Kingdom, sent a princess. Sick of the wars, the princess volunteered and agreed to be the king’s bride. She, on his behalf, petitioned the other nations of Earth, Fire and Air to do the same. And with a series of political alliances set, the king went about turning a bleak land, into a prosperous one.

    Acting as the seat of power in the lands of Spirit, the old King Lorian facilitated trade for mutual benefit. When bandits sprung up, he gathered forces from all sides to investigate and rout the problem. Soon, political strife became public knowledge as no single nation could hold the upper hand above any other. Political strife, caused the empires ruling echelon to address their concerns. Suddenly those taking advantage of the poor, for their own gain, found their coffers empty. Business was managed at a private level, but not at the expense of others. Prices were enforced, by law, to bolster profits, without harming those who could not afford basic services. Land was sold at prices even the poorest farmers could afford, so long as they worked to serve the people creating an abundance of food and resources.

    And the old King Lorian died as a beacon of success, leaving his son, a wealthier, happier kingdom. Generations later, this time of change and peace was still celebrated. Once per year, on this day, King Lorian The Eighth, would descend to the streets and visit with the people. Those with genuine concerns could reach his ears, and those of his advisors of any day. But now was the time to voice ideas, gauge public opinion and otherwise ensure the people knew that the king still cared.

    Those thoughts were in the back of his mind as he strode into the throne room. As usual, the ceremony started with the sight of a child sitting on the throne. A fetz girl in a pretty pink dress. Her fur was a lovely ginger, and she held a doll to her chest. A black furred fetz in the shape of the goddess Bast. It symbolised his ability to forgive minor slights and indeed he did, making his way over to the small girl. She smiled happily, knowing from watching a year before what was about to happen, until he spotted her missing earring.

    Glancing down at the floor, he spotted it and dropped to his knees. Picking it up, he admired the stud and looked around for the missing back.

    My earring! The child exclaimed.

    King Lorian frowned, not seeing where the back was, so he reached for his own ear. As was fashion of the time, he had his ears pierced as well. Plucking off his favourite stud, he pocketed the gem, before smiling at the child.

    Here we are, he leaned in and fit her earring back in place. It was a simple thing, made of silver. It sparkled with a glass jewel in her ear. But it wasn’t the quality of the jewellery that was important. It was the smile on her face as he stepped back. Admiring it for a moment, he remembered what he was there to do. Reaching into his pocket, he pushed aside his own earring and took out the gold standard, before offering it to the girl.

    Thank you, she beamed, taking the coin in her hand. It was so large that he could see the gold between her fingers as she clutched it.

    Enjoy the festival, he smiled, before turning to face the room.

    Welcome! I called to the room packed with guests. It is that time of year again. That time, when the barriers between us are no more. While I welcome each and every one of you into my lands and indeed my home, today is a special day. My family has sat on this throne, he paused as the little girl giggled. For eight generations of peace and prosperity. And with your help, I hope to leave a legacy of peace for the ninth!

    The room erupted in cheers, before the king turned and shot the child a smile. An older fetz, who must have been her mother approached, giving the king a small bow. He bowed in return, making the fur on her face mottle in embarrassment, but her delight was evident as she took her daughter’s hand. King Lorian didn’t know how the child was selected every year. But it was usually a recommendation and a vote amongst his wives that cemented the decision. Sometimes a child was put forward because of hardship. Others, because of their actions in helping others. But King Lorian always preferred a child be selected not on merit, but on luck. Because for a child to stand out, meant that there was something wrong. And problems shouldn’t be allowed to propagate so far as to reach royal attention.

    That’s not to say that this was a world without strife. Men still drank and beat their wives. Poor people went hungry in the winter and the risks of plague and famine were ever present when rain was scarce. But unlike the generations gone, where rule was preserved over all. King Lorian and his ancestor’s stove to close the divide. If there was a famine, he ate poorly as well. If there was a plague, he purchased medicine for his people. When drunken husbands beat their wives, they were banned from drinking establishments, and wives could have them charged if their behaviour did not improve.

    He was born of a legacy that cared. And that was of the utmost importance today. Meeting him by the entrance was Queen Illume. She was a phoenix and an heir to the throne of Fire. The ruling family of the Ignor Kingdom were mostly dragons, but every few generations a phoenix was born, and she was presented to King Lorian when they were both children. The two got along and became close during King Lorian’s stay during his education of their people. When he was of age, the young prince sent a request, and was overjoyed to receive her acceptance.

    Instead of hair, the Phoenix had bright red feathers that ran down her back and arms. They contrasted beautifully with her jet-black skin, and she smiled widely at him as he took her arm. But she wasn’t the first of his wives. Nor was Cyllbes or Afith, who lay coiled up on her tail in the square. Her beautiful blue skin was covered in a transparent, gossamer gown that covered her from her neck, to the beginning of her lovely green scales. She usually went about on land in her human form, but for the ceremony, she was presenting herself properly.

    Beside her, was Queen Yimojae, the fierce gargoyle from the Air Kingdom, Venta. Yimojae wore a leather dress typical of her people. It hugged her frame like a second skin, with holes cut for her wings and tail. The hard, pebbly surface of her exterior would destroy most fabrics, making leather the obvious choice for her to wear. 

    But it was Queen Mitigo, waiting with Queen Cyllbes who had his attention. Mitigo, his first wife. A beautiful Caladrius. Her pure white clothing and features made her look more pure than even her angelic attendants who graced this city. She stared at him, with the stoic Cyllbes by her side who wore a deep green gown.

    And with his wives at his side, King Lorian stepped into the city and greeted the commoners alongside the nobles that helped keep the peace in this world. Those he met, gave various words of encouragement and offerings. It was customary to offer a gift to the king if you had the means, just as it was customary for him to refuse on this day. But that didn’t stop them from trying. He even had to field multiple offers to join his bed, both from unmarried women, and those with elder daughters.

    One would think, making such offers to a man in front of his wives would cause problems. But his wives took an interest in each offering and King Lorian knew that likely more than one young woman would receive a job offer after

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