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The Condemned
The Condemned
The Condemned
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The Condemned

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I keep having these dreams. At first, I figured it was stress, being that it's my last semester in college, but they just keep happening. The places I find myself…the things I see are just horrific. I see all these people, many of which are crying out, screaming in agony. The others that I see are dead, displayed or lying in gruesome and grotesque ways that make my stomach turn. There is this overwhelming sense of despair that just weighs down on me. The hopelessness that I feel from these tortured people is thick in the air and clings to my body.

In every dream, I see this…figure. I'm drawn to it by some unknown desire, but regardless of how close I try and get, I can't make out what it looks like. It's wrapped in shadows, hidden from the light. And each time I see it, my mind screams to run, but despite my best efforts, I can't. I stand there frozen with fear, surrounded by all this anguish, torture, and death, but this figure's voice cuts through all the misery. Its voice is clear and surprisingly soothing as it says to me, "I will become of your world." With each dream, I feel this figure pull me closer. It needs me for something, but what? Why does it keep showing me these things?

Release dateJun 3, 2021
The Condemned

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    Book preview

    The Condemned - Jesse Rosenbaum


    The Condemned

    Jesse Rosenbaum

    Copyright © 2021 Jesse Rosenbaum

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books, Inc.

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2021

    ISBN 978-1-64952-322-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64952-324-2 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-64952-323-5 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    For Mark Takacs.

    Our friendship was cut short, but I am honored to have known you and am thankful for the time we shared. You inspired me, and I dedicate this book to you.

    Deepest thanks and love to Dana Ziegler for supporting me, my writing, and this story. Your input and love have helped me reach this point.

    Thank you to Benjamin Blake for making maple syrup and inspiring me to complete this story and get it out into the world.

    Thank you also to Michael DeCicco for your feedback and support.


    My earliest memory of my love of horror was at two years old. True story. My parents had a collection of VHS tapes, and my mother told me that I would watch Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining over and over. She figured that at my age, I didn’t understand what was going on and they just let me watch it. She told me that I would finish it, rewind it, then play it again. She may have grown to regret that decision when one day when I was two or three, I put a thin yellow Wiffle ball bat through the glass in the back door, stuck my head in, and said, Mommy, I’m home! That was also a true story.

    From there, my love of horror developed over the years and expanded into science fiction. I recalled reading Bunnicula by Deborah and James Howe in elementary school. Our Scholastic book fairs were a joy for me, buying books like the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz and others like My Teacher Is an Alien by Bruce Coville. I would spend my middle school days in the library looking up books on vampires and ghosts. I would get lost in reading those choose your adventure books, but when I got to high school, something changed.

    Perhaps, it was my newfound interest in girls, playing hockey or video games, but my reading dwindled, relegated only to school assignments, which I found immensely boring. Well, the Shakespeare wasn’t boring. I quite enjoyed that. It really wasn’t until I was nineteen that I actually wanted to buy some books that I wanted to read. The stuff I had been reading since high school and in college wasn’t doing it for me. So, I started looking on the internet for books I would want to read, and I came back to my love of horror. After all, horror movies remained a staple in my life despite my diminished reading for pleasure. I still had a love for vampires, so I started looking for vampire stories.

    One night, I came across a book called I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. I didn’t know who he was, but the synopsis of the story sounded like something I would like. To my surprise, the book I purchased had that story and other short stories included in the book. To say I was addicted was an understatement. I couldn’t stop reading that story. I brought it to work, to college and read it every chance I got. I was transfixed by the characters and the world that Matheson had created. I felt the anger, despair, fear, loneliness, loss, and sadness that was in Robert Neville, the protagonist. The part where he falls asleep in the cemetery and wakes up at sundown and races to get home fighting off vampires has me riveted.

    A year later, I had read a lot more Matheson, and he easily became my favorite author. I loved the ability he had to write just about any genre, and he inspired me. I had decided that I wanted to try and become a writer. Now up to this point, the only writing I had down was poetry, which started as an assignment sophomore year of high school, and with some support from my English teacher, I started writing a lot of poetry. A story on the other hand felt like a challenge I wanted to take. So, over the next year or so on and off, I worked on the book you’re about to read, The Condemned. I finished it when I was almost twenty-two, and at the time, it was a bit shorter than the version here, and it was also really out of date thematically as well as contextually in some ways.

    So, why did it take me so long to finally get to this point where I could publish it? Well, in college, I met this guy, Mark Takacs, and we hit it off immediately. We became very good friends, and I learned that he wanted to be a writer too and was working on screenplays. We talked about story ideas for books, movies, and TV shows, and we would brainstorm together. We had decided that we were going to work together and make something, anything. We were each other’s muses.

    I remembered this one time when he came into the diner we all used to hang out at and had two pieces of paper, which he had written on front and back. He had this idea for a movie about a hit man, but not your typically hit man jumping over tables and coming out of massive gunfights unscathed. It was a fun idea, especially in our very early twenties. We planned to do a writing session at my house one day. I recalled getting ready around 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. as he was supposed to come over, but he didn’t show up on time. I tried calling and texting him, but he wasn’t getting back to me. I thought nothing of it and started working on the screenplay to get some ideas down so when he finally arrived, we had a lot more to work with.

    Hours later, he finally called me and told me he got tied up with some family stuff and said that he was on his way. When he arrived, I told him that I was done. He apologized and said that he was sorry he was late and hoped we could still work on the screenplay, and I corrected him. I said, No, I am done. I wrote the whole screenplay. I proceeded to read the whole screenplay, and at the end of it, Mark just loved it. He said, Change nothing! We were young, inspired, and felt like we could conquer the world, well the world of film anyway.

    A year later, everything changed. It was April 10, 2003, and my friends and I were all getting together at the diner we went to several nights a week to hang out. We planned on ringing in Mark’s twenty-second birthday at the diner and then the next night, Friday, we would all go out and do something. Well, hours passed as we all hung at the diner, but Mark didn’t show up. I remembered my friend, Matt, and I stayed at the diner until about 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. when we finally went home. We had all called and sent text messages but got no response. I remembered calling Mark when I got home, and I left him a voice mail saying, I just want to know you’re okay. The next morning, Matt called me crying to tell me that Mark had been killed by a drunk driver on his way to the diner.

    Our worlds were shattered. I suddenly found myself feeling all the same emotions that Robert Neville had felt in I Am Legend. Shortly after his funeral, my writing felt empty, incomplete. My muse was gone. Over the years, I dabbled with some writing, but there was this part of me that felt empty when I did it. I revisited this story several times over the years that followed, but I really just sat on it. I even tried writing a couple of screenplays in 2012 and 2013, but I felt equal parts sad and scared to do anything with it all and in a weird sort of way felt like doing anything with my writing without Mark to be a part of it, felt wrong in some way. I know that may sound silly, but death is a strong thing and affects us all in different ways. For me, it drowned out the fire and passion I had back in my early twenties. So, I sat on this story, but in 2019, things changed again, this time for the better.

    So it was 2019, and my great friend, Ben Blake, called me one day and told me that he decided that 2019 was going to be his year of accomplishment. It’s important to know that Ben had, at any given time, what felt like hundreds of ideas of things he would like to do. One such thing that he wanted to do for years was to make his own maple syrup, and dammit, he was going to do it finally. He was well underway too. He got some maple syrup, a whiskey barrel, and other items to get started. He was well on his way to accomplishing one of his long-delayed passions. I do have to say, he did finish the maple syrup, and it’s fantastic.

    I have to say that he inspired me. I thought to myself, It’s time to finish this story and try to do something with it. So, from the summer of 2019 until January 2020, I worked on expanding and updating The Condemned. One night, I was watching TV and saw a commercial about writers getting help to find publishers for their books. That was when I got in touch with Fulton Books. Over the next five months, I worked on refining the manuscript so I could submit it for review to see if Fulton Books would want to publish it. I shared it with my friend, Michael DeCicco, to read as he and I had worked on the aforementioned screenplays back in 2012, and I respect his work. We also have a lot in common when it came to our taste for subject matter and horror as well. I also read it out loud to my fiancée, Dana, over the course of several weeks. The feedback I got from her and Michael was wonderful and really helped in refining the story.

    The night of my fortieth birthday, June 27, I submitted the manuscript to Fulton Books, and a week later, they called me to tell me that they wanted to publish it! So, here we are. This story, which you are about to read, is very dear to me. It took me just about twenty years to get this story in your hands, and I truly hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I want to thank you for taking the time to not only read this introduction but also this story.

    Chapter 1

    Saturday, April 28

    Michael fell to the floor, tired and broken. Drops of blood stained his forehead as he breathed in and out erratically. Aside from his breath, he lay there motionless for a moment. His eyes lay closed as he let the cool night air pass over and through his exhausted body. He opened his eyes and took in the surrounding room in the old house. It was mostly dark and cold, but the moonbeams seemed to find their way in through the remnants of one of the windows like little beams of cold light, offering no true comfort or warmth. His back was on a dust-and-dirt-covered floor with broken boards scattered across it. He listened as the entire structure seemed to creak as the chilling wind swept through it like that of a creaking ship blowing in the wind lost at sea.

    He pushed his heels into the blood-soaked wood to push his body toward the nearest wall. Exhaling and wincing, he struggled to move. His body felt like someone was standing on his chest as he tried to move. As he neared the wall, he rose himself up a little and let his back slump against the wall. He raised his shaking hands and cupped his forehead. He looked at the blood on the floor and on himself. He ran his hand through his short, dirty, and blood-spattered black hair then quickly pulled his hand back in frustration. He began to mutter to himself, Shit…what have I done? Tears began to form in his green eyes. What have I done? Michael sat there, hands trembling, thinking about what had brought him to this house in the first place. Then he remembered it all began with the dreams.

    Chapter 2

    Tuesday, April 3

    Michael always loved spring semesters at college. The sun would shine most days behind white fluffy clouds and skies of blue. The energy on campus was always higher, more electric and upbeat. The winter’s in the area were bitter and cold, so when the warmth came, everyone was affected by it. More of the local hotspots would open up early for the coming summer season. People would be studying outside, and the overall vibe was just better. But most importantly, it was that part of the semester where it was almost time for final exams.

    It was a Tuesday, and in just about five more weeks, he would have completed his finals, have walked in his graduation commencement, and earned his bachelor’s degree, a seemingly insurmountable mountain of debt from the student loan and would most likely need to still work summers at the grocery store back home. One of Michael’s professors said that she could try to get him a paid internship over the summer and see if it could develop into something more, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath for that. Not that he didn’t think she could help, but from what he heard from other classmates, the internship was hard to get, and a bunch of people already applied for it. He was nervous about starting a job where he would actually have to put his time at university to use.

    Like most people, he worried if he would do well or not. He worried if all this time here would be for nothing in that he wouldn’t be able to get a job. He thought about how a cousin of his ended up not even getting a job in her area of study, which was fine for her ultimately

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