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Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms
Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms
Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms
Ebook311 pages4 hours

Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms

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Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms is a historical political thriller that explores an American revolution that broke out during a once in a hundred years pandemic that killed more than four hundred thousand Americans. As a trained historian, he explains the dynamic involved in the complicated event which has everybody on pins and needles.

He articulates the frustration and fear people experience during this pandemic. He explores the sick ideology of Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement that is attempting to destroy the American way of life. These are Communist groups who reject the middle-class way of life. They want to do away with the nuclear family and reject hard work and initiative.

He also looks at the actions Tea Party groups took to fight back against the pandemic lockdown and ridiculous mask mandate for everyone. They believed only the older and immune comprised people needed masks. As you read through this account, you will be able to feel the pain and joy the characters experience as the story unfolds.

The author tells a hopeful story about America and the American people's future. He shows the ups and downs of families' lives during this very troubling period of our history.

You will have a hard time putting this book down as he quickly goes from one family story to the next one. We highly recommend this tale as we are moving through the revolution we are presently experiencing.

Release dateMay 3, 2021
Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms

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    Book preview

    Dark Times - Michael J. Lewinski


    Dark Times

    A Lockdown and a Call to Arms

    Michael J. Lewinski

    Copyright © 2021 by Michael J. Lewinski

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    About the Author

    This story is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, who inspired me as I wrote.

    I also want to give credit to my children, who supported me throughout the process, and a special note of gratitude to Patti Harman, who improved the work through her excellent editing.


    America will experience sweet, strong, prosperous, and glorious times, absent fear and dread. First, however, we will have to suffer through ominous times. Times of danger, loneliness, opportunity, and risk.

    This is the story about the CCPvirus (Chinese Communist Party virus) that took down the most prosperous economy Americans have ever experienced. This is about the lives of the people who have been upended by the CCPvirus. This is also a story about the renewal and rebirth of American society. It is a story that will be retold and remembered many times by the world two hundred years from now, just as the American Revolution is admired today.

    It is a story about how America lost its soul. It is about families that are broken and broken up from sickness, drug abuse, and murder. This story is about evil political and corporate corruption that harms the American public. This is about the abuse of Americans’ civil liberties, religious liberty, the right of assembly, gun rights, and other abuses.

    This is about the eternal struggle between the left and the right, Conservatives and Progressives. A story about the choice between a competitive free-market prosperous economy and a Socialist big government failing economy. A story about American freedom or Socialist slavery.

    This is about a choice we will make on November 3, 2020. It will be made in this consequential election this year. The choice will be for either a freedom-bearing small government or a restrictive large government model.

    We will find out if American citizens want to rule or be ruled. This pandemic crisis will permanently change our nation’s soul. In one case it will be for the better; in the other case, it will be for the worse.

    Conservative, Libertarian, and Moderate voters must line up to support and vote for President Trump and other Republican Conservative congressional candidates to defeat the Democratic Socialists and Progressive candidates. The future of our country hangs in the balance. We cannot allow the godless, power-hungry to succeed and destroy our precious country. We must not pass this tragedy onto the generations to come; they will forever despise us.

    While this story is mostly factual, faithfully following a timeline until I completed it, I did take literary license to create some scenes that did not happen to add to the flavor and sense of what was happening during this pandemic. Some of my characters are based upon people I know, and others are taken completely from my imagination, not to deceive readers but rather to entertain them.

    Chapter 1

    The Inauguration of President Biden

    The Revolution had triumphed. Progressives won the day in the 2020 elections. They defeated Trump. They turned many red states and cities blue, electing governors, mayors, town council’s county boards, judgeships, district attorneys, and sheriffs. Progressives were ready and set to rule America.

    The only place they hadn’t succeeded was in rural areas and small towns, villages, and cities. There is where the opposition had come from. In those areas the opposition had formed and where the resistance had started. People began by not obeying many laws the Progressives had passed.

    I, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. I solemnly swear or affirm that I will faithfully execute the Office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    Smiling, Chief Justice John Roberts said, Congratulations Mr. President. Sensing change was blowing in the winds, Roberts had started voting with the Progressive justices. After Biden had been elected, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer promptly announced they would retire first thing next year. Unbelievably, new justices were even more radical than their Progressive Comrades emerged.

    Joe Biden was about to give the most important speech of his life. On his teleprompter was a speech written by Kate Bedingfield and a large Progressive team who put together the most radical wish list to which Americans had ever been exposed.

    After the acknowledgments and formalities, President Biden began to lay out his and other’s visions for America. "When I announced my bid for the president on the twenty-fifth of April in 2019, I said I could not stand by and allow President Trump and all he embraces to completely destroy our country. This aberrant moment in time has now finely passed.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. The time has passed when it had been for some people. Under a Biden administration and forevermore all people will enjoy the American promise for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    The crowd of more than a million persons gathered there went nuts but for a few who were not in the crowd, but on the stage. President Biden had a much different vision than had our founding generation. The swamp had grown well past Washington, D.C. It was now embraced by 70 percent of the American people.


    I will never accept this, said Linda Rodrigues, a thirty-four-year-old laid-off machinist, as she listened to Biden speak. Where is his commitment to life when he is promising free abortions for everybody? Where is his commitment to liberty when he says people will no longer have the right to speak freely if they judge it as hate speech? Or his commitment to happiness when we were laid off due to the lockdown?

    Her husband, Tom, replied, We have lost all those American rights. We must resist and fight them before they take our guns, which they will be coming after. We have to leave home and head into the wilderness to conduct our resistance campaign.


    President Biden said, We are going to provide reparations for all minorities who have been taken advantage by the white majority. For African Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans.

    Does that mean for me? said Willa Ott, a twenty-eight-year-old laid-off mechanic whose mother had emigrated from Africa thirty years ago for the opportunities America promised? How would that be fair! I don’t agree with many of the things he has been proposing."


    We have a problem with gun violence in our country. Too many guns in the wrong hands. We only need people in the military and the police to be armed. We have to do something to make that happen. It is a priority of my administration to draft legislation to make that happen during my first hundred days. We have significant majorities in the House and Senate. Mitch McConnell is no longer there to derail this kind of legislation. Leader Schumer will get the job done—just as he will guarantee the right to get free abortions or the right for every LGBTQ American to be treated equally. We are moving ahead into a new Progressive era.


    I’ll be damned if we will move into a Progressive era, said Micky Root, a sixty-four-year-old businessman whose business had been shut down by the phony pandemic lockdown. I’m going to open my shop tomorrow and woe to the officials who come to my shop to stop me. They will get some buckshot if they come.

    His wife, Milly, responded, They will kill you!

    If we don’t open, that will kill us. We can’t pay our bills for the shop, and we can’t pay our personal bills. The bank account is empty. We have to start earning income.

    Milly said, We could get a job in a grocery store.

    That wouldn’t work, even if we both got jobs. That won’t pay for our personal expenses, let alone our business expenses. I’ve made up my mind. I’ll open tomorrow, and you’ll stay home. If Gavin is going to send his goons to our shop, I don’t want you to get hurt. I…

    Oh no, you don’t. If you are going to die, I am going to die with you!


    Biden continued with his speech even though he was wearing out. "We are going to enact Medicare for all. It is a human right which the throwbacks have denied us for all too long. Every person in our country has a right to see a doctor, get x-rays, be hospitalized, and get a vaccination. All deserve to be treated for mental health problems, see a doctor, and get an eye exam and glasses.

    "All Americans have a right to free education—an education which starts in the public nursery schools and lasts through a four-year college degree. We have to invest in our future by educating our young people and retraining older workers. We owe it to ourselves. This is how we move forward.

    These programs are expensive, and they are going to have to be paid for. We are going to have to make the rich pay their fair share now that we have the votes to do so now. Also, the middle class and the working class are going to have to pay just a little more. Instead of paying for these services which will be free, they will face higher taxes from the federal government, state governments, and local governments. We don’t want to drive up our deficits.


    That was six months ago. Many of the plans President Biden called for had been enacted and put in place, but a resistance had risen up which was led by the Republican opposition and most of the people in large swaths in the country. Violence was spreading, people were dying, and it looked like a new civil war was brewing.

    I am concerned that if I declare martial law, half of the troops won’t show up, said the president to his chief of staff.

    That is a possibility, responded General Powell. It’s possible some of the troops will side with the resistance. We need to find another way to put down this uprising. We can send in National Guard units and regular soldiers who are loyal.


    In Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, and thirty other states, ordinary citizens were no longer adhering to the lockdown rules. People were out at the beaches, gathering in large crowds, and doing whatever they wanted to do.

    Billy Roberts, a forty-seven-year-old unemployed grocery worker with a deep tan and a slight limp, was living off his universal basic income which he and his wife and the children were receiving. He was living better than he had ever been living before. It wouldn’t last for long; however, inflation was beginning to tick up.

    I am going to meet up with some friends, and we’re going to go four-wheeling out in the desert. It’s not allowed, but I don’t care. The officials are spread too thin, and we can get away with it.

    Stay safe, said his wife, a plump woman who was always eating things that weren’t good for her. They will lock you up, and I need you around here.


    Robert Hitch was a retired Marine sniper who lived in San Diego. He was in a hide taking aim at a city official. He had had enough of the lockdown orders they were enforcing. He thought it was ridiculous that he could not be out of his house to do things he needed to do.

    I don’t see any wind out there, he said to his partner, Kathy.

    It looks good to me, she said. That’s a seven-hundred-yard shot.

    He squeezed off the shot and hit his target in the head. Let’s get out of here, he said as he broke down his rifle and put it into a bag and started cleaned up things.

    As he left the building, he encountered a cop. What are you doing here? asked Sergeant Rolf.

    I was just going out to get some food, replied Robert.

    I need to see your ID, and what’s in the bag?

    Hitch punched the cop in his face, drew his concealed side arm, and shot him in the head. He made his way to his car and drove away as he heard sirens rushing to the scene.

    Damn, we’ve be ID’d, and now we have to go into hiding, he said to Kathy. We have to get to our places, pick up a few things, and get out of California. We will head to Idaho and join up with other elements of the greater resistance movement.


    General Miles was the head of Homeland Security. I just got word one of the San Diego supervisors was shot dead.

    Do they know who was responsible? asked the president.

    No, replied General Miles. He was shot at long range. A police officer investigating a gunshot and was killed. They have footage from the officer’s body cam. They are working at identifying him.

    In Seattle, the Biden Administration, shortly after he was sworn in, sent in the National Guard to shut down the CHOP zone. He used the pretext of the fifteen death to send in the Guard. The real reason was that he could not tolerate another state within the United States. More than a hundred people were killed when they put the rebellion down.

    Colonel Spikes led the assault. He instructed his subordinates to lock and load but not to fire upon the resistors until they threated their lives. Move out, he commanded as tanks crashed through their road barricades. The foot soldiers followed close behind and quickly came under fire.

    The warlord in CHOP had been handing out automatic weapons and large quantities of ammo. They had been firing the weapons over several weeks for target practice. They had set up defensive positions and also had sniper positions set up.

    Cover me, said Jaylen Jones. I want to maneuver over to behind that car to fire on their flank.

    I got you covered, he said as he laid down cover fire and threw out a smoke grenade. The battle lasted an hour and a half until the gunships were brought in to end the battle. It was a bloody mess. Twelve guardsmen were killed with many more casualties. Forty-five CHOP activists were killed. Civilian deaths and causalities were even higher.


    In Indiana, protests against Governor Holcomb had resumed after the 2020 election in which he was re-elected to serve another term. Robert Hall had called for a peaceful protest against the governor’s reimposed lockdown. Indiana’s citizens were not obeying. They were out gathering together and celebrating their newfound unauthorized freedom. Some were drinking, others were getting high. Yet others were just soaking up the sun.

    Hay, hay, ho, ho. Holcomb must go—this chant rang out over and over. In their anger, they were happy. They were eating sandwiches and drinking water.

    The speakers began to address the crowd of 1,500 people. Robert said, "We are gathered here to tell Governor Holcomb it’s past the time for you to resign and allow a true Conservative to take the helm. You have no authority anymore. The people are no longer listening to you. We will not accept what you are doing. You are driving us into another Great Depression, just like your Progressive brothers in Washington and other states have been doing.

    We are calling on our Conservative senators and representatives in the House to impeach you for maladministration. They need to appoint one of their own to resist the Biden government and return common sense to Indiana. Conservative senators like Mike Braun and our Conservative members of the House will stand on your side.


    In Kokomo, Wendy Key was in her barbershop cutting hair along with the three other barbers she employed. One of her customers asked her, Did you know there is a protest in Indianapolis today?

    I did, she replied. I wanted to go, but I have to make money and be here for you today. I know more than a dozen people who attended the protest. I heard it was a peaceful event.

    Another customer piped in, I know a couple people who want to the protest too. I had to be at work today so I couldn’t go, but I wanted to.


    In Rochester, New Yorker Tim Ryan tried to open his restaurant for in dining at 11:00 a.m. By noon, the police showed up to force him to shut down. He produced a handgun, and the police killed him, but not before he wounded a cop. One of his customers was also killed.

    Chapter 2

    The Resistance Gets Organized

    Robert Hitch and Kathy Edmunds arrived at a friend’s house outside Pocatello, Idaho. Joshua Bright had lived in this house for his entire life. Today was his forty-third birthday. He had a small business shoeing horses. He was a muscular man with green eyes and light-brown hair with a deep tan and a weathered look. He had been married but his wife had died.

    It was early afternoon when they got there, and Joshua was not at home. He had told them when he called he would be out working and that they should just make themselves at home. He and Kathy moved their gear into the house and settled in. Joshua, said Robert, how have you been? when he returned home.

    Good, really good. I’ve been busy, but still have some time for fun. And you? How have you been.

    Good until yesterday. I’m a wanted man. I got caught offing a San Diego Supervisor and had to kill a cop to get away.

    Great! Another blow for freedom. What are your plans?

    I’m looking to hook up the greater resistance movement. Do you have ideas how we can do that?

    Yeah, I know some people in Lewiston who are involved with them. I can hook you up with them. They have an exceptionally large network throughout the United States. And you can stay here as long as you want. Do you need money?

    No. I have a little over ten thousand dollars in cash, a hundred and fifty-five thousand in gold, and two thousand dollars in face in silver. What’s his name?

    He’s a she, and her name is Linda Lou.

    When he and Kathy arrived at Linda Lou’s home, he was met by her husband. "Hello, I am Robert Hitch, and this is Kathy Edmunds.

    Greetings, this is my husband, Ed. Would you like a cup of coffee or something else to drink?

    Coffee would be fine for me.

    That will be fine for me too, said Kathy.

    As she poured their coffee, she said, What can I do for you?

    I want to meet someone who can introduce me to the leader of the greater resistance movement.

    Well, you are here. That’s me.

    I know you can introduce me. Who is it?


    You are so young.

    I can’t help that. It’s my job. What’s going on?

    Robert related his story to Linda.

    Good job! We need good snipers. We have an underground network that we can safely move people around in the country. We’ve gotta vet you and Kathy. Go back to Joshua’s and you’ll hear from us in a few weeks.

    They did not know what to think about Linda. They did not know if Linda was lying about being the leader of the resistance. It was all so strange.


    Biden had given the go for sending in the troops to a disturbance in Philadelphia. Protestors had been marching for two days. There hadn’t been much violence but for the counterprotesters, who were filled with antifa and other radical activists up to their usual dirty deeds. They were setting a few fires, a little looting, and a lot of broken glass.

    After the first of the year, most people thought the demonstrations and violence would stop; The wrongs were going to be properly addressed. The Progressives would reform policing polices, and personnel adjustments were going to be made. The economy would begin to be repaired. They said stability would be restored. It didn’t happen the way people expected, however. The laugh was at the expense of the American people.

    All the things the Progressive candidates campaigned on were broken promises. They were not sound plans that they knew how to implement. It was one great clown show, and the American people were suffering through the Progressives failures.

    As the troops were deploying to clear the streets, they knew what to expect. The peaceful demonstrators who wanted to open the economy would disperse, and then they would have to deal with the counterprotesters who were insisting on keeping the economy closed. It was the antifa group and the other bad actors who had infiltrated into the counterprotests the troops would face.

    Most of the American people, young or old, realized they had been screwed. They could see it all around them every day all the time. They could smell its stench. It was a much worse life for all but the elites that created this chaotic mess. You know, the Progressive politicians, the bureaucrats, the lame mainstream media, the entertainment complex, and the captured miseducational establishment had what they desired available to them, and that wasn’t all that too bad for them.

    As one day ran into the next, people became more and more disenchanted. Pressure was mounting for greater and greater resistance. If things didn’t let up, we were on the verge of a real bloody second civil war. The Progressives were fighting for a civil war, and the Conservatives were struggling to resist it. The Conservative Christian Greater Resistance Movement recognized that the killing of the Progressive element was the only way to secure peace and sanity so that the stability of American society could be realized.

    By the first anniversary of the Biden administration, the resistance was growing and beginning to coalesce. The 2022 elections were less than a year away and more than half the people who voted for Progressives, and even people who didn’t vote, were going to vote the rascals out of office. This was a really big problem for the Progressives governments. They had to find a way to cancel all future elections. If not, their governments would end up on the ash heaps of history as had all tyrannical governments before.


    Three weeks after Linda sent him back to Joshua’s, he heard he had been cleared in the vetting process. Welcome to movement, Robert and Kathy. We have a priority mission if you’re ready.

    What’s up?

    We want to take out the mayor of New York City.


    That’s right.

    How did I get such a sweet project?

    "Quite frankly, you have the

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