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Beloved, Repent and Believe: Be Loved and Be Free
Beloved, Repent and Believe: Be Loved and Be Free
Beloved, Repent and Believe: Be Loved and Be Free
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Beloved, Repent and Believe: Be Loved and Be Free

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Friend, you are beloved, you are one who is loved! God desires for us to repent, to turn from our sin so that through Jesus Christ, our lives can be reformed. He wants us to believe, to be convinced that Jesus Christ is Lord and accept Him as the truth. I encourage you to seek Him until you find yourself lost in His love. Learn to fight the good fight with the whole armor of God on. Patiently endure through the fiercest of life's storms. Don't give up! Don't grow weary! Learn to be still and watch God move! A true story of redemption, being born again and lives surrendered, learning to live out faith with love, grace, and forgiveness through the toughest of times believing and knowing that in due time, God would deliver!

Release dateJun 26, 2020
Beloved, Repent and Believe: Be Loved and Be Free

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    Beloved, Repent and Believe - Tashina Atchley


    Grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, redeemed. Any person who is semi-familiar with Christianity and Jesus has more than likely heard these words, but have you ever heard them? I’m not talking about hearing these words spoken, I’m talking about living them, breathing them, and experiencing them.

    For twenty-six years, I had heard these words every Sunday and Wednesday in church services, revivals, and other Christian events. I knew what these words meant by definition, but I had no idea what it was like to live, breathe, and experience these. To be honest, I’m nearly convinced that a lot of Christians also have no idea what it is like to experience these wonderful words. They may know what they mean, but do they really and truly know deep down in their hearts how these words can change their life forever?

    I’m truly blessed and very unworthy of knowing what these words mean in my own experiences in my life and marriage. I spent twenty-six years pretending and living my life with a mask on until I was so broken that I no longer wanted to live. I was so ashamed of who I was and how I had hurt people close to me, my wife included. But in one moment, Jesus whispered all these words to me. Grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, redeemed. I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life. It was then that I truly understood what these words meant, and as you will read in this book, I also experienced up close and personal forgiveness and grace by not only Jesus the Savior of the world but also my wife.

    I won’t spoil the book, but I do want to say that I do not feel worthy or good enough to be with my wife. She has put up with more things from me than I can count, has forgiven me when I did not deserve forgiveness, and loved me when I was being unlovable. It has been the closest thing to my experience with Jesus.

    In this book, as you read, keep these words in your mind and heart. Tashina has not only experienced these words by Jesus too but also has had to live out these words to the fullest extent. The greatest thing is you too can truly experience and know these words for yourself! If you haven’t caught what I’ve been trying to say yet, here it is—Jesus Christ is those words. He can restore. He can heal. He is forgiveness. He is mercy. He is redemption. He is grace. He is love that surpasses all understanding. What is awesome is He has also given us the power to show forgiveness, grace, and love too in the deepest kind of way!

    This book is an example of these things. I have watched how my wife has grown and transformed into the woman she is now in Christ. As she will explain in this book, she has been through a lot of things that were unfair, that were unjust, and that were out of her control. But as she will explain, God was always in control, and through it all, He never stopped loving. He has never stopped showing grace or forgiveness. We all are unworthy. We are all filthy. We all need a savior. We were all born into a sinful world. We were all held captive and were slaves to sin. Some of you may still be a captive. Some of you may still be a slave. But remember this, friend, beloved, repent, and believe, be loved, and be free!

    But most of all, I hope and pray that if you have not received Jesus as your savior and have not been born again, then maybe something in this book, perhaps something Tashina talks about, will help you come to the realization of your need for Jesus. Enjoy reading!

    Derrick Atchley


    I want to give thanks for all who have helped make this book available for others to see how God still changes lives and restores relationships through our obedience, trust, and faith in Him. First of all, thanks be to God for all He has done for humanity. Thanks for His love and longsuffering with us and His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord. I’m thankful to know the depth of His love and the sweetness of His true amazing grace. I’m thankful for every person down throughout time who has surrendered and lived an obedient life unto the Lord our God so that the truths of the gospel could trickle down through time and save a soul as mine.

    I’m thankful for the people who have fought for their marriages and their children and truly showed what it means to endure and live out our faith. May God bless you all in ways only He can through His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus, for the pain You endured so You could take away mine. Thank You for showing us that love isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but love is action, love is enduring patiently, and we have to be intentional about it so others can see what real love is. Your love has kept me and given me new life, and my desire is to point others to You in what ways You allow me to.

    Thank You, Jesus, always and forever. I pray God’s will be done. Amen.

    Chapter 1

    Trading Lies for Life

    He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    —John 8:44

    You’re worthless, no one wants you here, no one really loves you, look at what you’ve done in life, you could never do anything for God, look at how you’ve lived, the things you’ve done, the relationships you had, God can’t use you, your husband doesn’t love you, your kids don’t need you, you should just shoot yourself, just shoot yourself, no one wants you here.

    These were the words that flooded my mind early November 2015 when I was twenty-five years old. I had fought these voices in my head for many days before being admitted to an emotional and mental health facility. Before I was admitted, I hadn’t been able to sleep for at least three days that I can remember because all of my energy was fighting against these voices trying to take my life. The voices of our enemy, the one who roams up and down the earth seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8), the one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).

    My mind and body were exhausted, but I could not rest. I wanted to just go to sleep so badly, but I could not. I had thoughts running through my head that maybe I should just run away and live under a bridge somewhere because maybe if I ran away, my husband and kids would be better off without me. Lies, lies, lies. I’m calling him out. Our enemy, Satan himself, is trying to destroy what God had put together. Note: What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder (Mark 10:9).

    Satan does not care who you are, who you love, or who you live for. He comes to destroy what he may.

    Fighting these voices,

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