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Before the dawn breaks
Before the dawn breaks
Before the dawn breaks
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Before the dawn breaks

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All the oldest and most terrifying secrets of humanity converge in the cursed village of Crowswood, located in Oregon - United States. Where the blood will flow and attract with it the people who thought they were fleeing from their past, leading them towards truth and desolation.
Release dateJan 26, 2023
Before the dawn breaks

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    Before the dawn breaks - Johnn A. Escobar

    To the memory of Brian Alan Escobar.

    I did not move, but I contemplated the apparition. A crazy disorder reigned in my thoughts, an irrepressible tumult.

    Edgar Allan Poe



    The night was at its height and the winter cold was sweeping through the streets; for his part, Mr. Barraud continued working, as usual, in his office inside the building of the local newspaper named La Gaceta.

    Several years had passed since the death of his beloved wife Oriana, while his only daughter Amy Barraud, after graduating from Crowswood High School, studied journalism in Florida and later began a prolific career at the latest news channel, located in the State of New York. Despite the distance between the two of them, Joe Barraud talked on the phone with his daughter twice a week and that was more than enough for him, who was extremely proud of the success of his beloved Amy.

    The employees of the newspaper ended their working hours at half past six in the afternoon, naturally they retired to their respective homes and at three in the morning the person in charge of opening the doors to the four vans that distributed the printed newspapers had to arrive, to then order the reports and deliver them to Barraud in person as soon as he arrived.

    But in that intervening period of time where solitude reigned at ease, inside The Gazette, was when Joe Barraud preferred to stay in his office working at his computer, reviewing every last detail of the last print run distributed the day before, comparing the sales numbers and the relevance of the news published in the digital edition of The Gazette, along with the visits to the site. Although in truth, he finished these tasks before eight o'clock at night and then continued immersed in a new project, which had as its central axis something that he had never mentioned before, the strange events that occurred in Crowswood.

    Despite certain experiences that he could live in person during the past, he originally set out to ignore everything, however the distance with his daughter and the loneliness of the house made his days emptier, turning his interest in every inexplicable fact that has happened in the village since its origins.

    Although he could have chosen another activity, the firm decision to focus on such research was due to a series of extremely mysterious events related to the missing writer Sebastian Collingwood, whom he had the pleasure of meeting some years ago when the latter visited Crowswood.

    That author after leaving the village continued to work and even gave some talks and conferences, but little by little he began to distance himself from society, to finally publish a short novel and disappear definitively from the public eye, being an unknown where he was or if he was still alive.

    With a large number of open questions in his mind and being almost certain that the disappearance of Collingwood was linked to the town, Mr. Barraud decided to initiate a private investigation, using only his experience as a journalist, collecting information in abundance about a kind of cult or sect, of worldwide characteristics and that was also present in Crowswood.

    Barraud was not a man too complicated in his procedure, therefore the goal was clear, he planned to use the newspaper La Gaceta to expose the most influential members of that group, since everything indicated that they were linked to the sudden disappearance of several people in various countries.

    The hours were passing and when Joe Barraud finally finished his work he looked at the clock on the computer, noticing that it was five minutes from eleven o'clock at night. Despite being used to staying in his offices until late, for the first time he perceived the silence around him and a feeling of uneasiness invaded him, not knowing the reason. Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and from time to time a shiver ran down his back.

    Suddenly, from under the door a dense greenish fog began to penetrate into the office, Barraud after realizing it had almost lost control of his emotions, he was terrified and his heart was beating strongly.

    The greenish fog spread filling every corner of the office, that's when Joe Barraud tried to run away from there, but he couldn't see where he was going. With every step he took, he began to feel a horrible cold in every space of his body at the same time that sweat soon soaked his clothes, his skin turned reddish while he coughed constantly and without the possibility of stopping.

    An intolerable burning flowed in his lower extremities, he could hardly procure a single more step, to eventually fall to his knees. After that, a pain came from the stomach, nausea bent him down and finally a purulent and endless liquid emerged from his mouth and nose, generating the impossibility of breathing, to after a few seconds lie on that yellowish substance, devoid of life.

    The dense greenish fog, slowly, once again filtered under the door leaving in the office the corpse of Joe Barraud lying on the floor a few steps from his desk.

    In the Marshall residence, the absence of sounds was a common occurrence after ten o'clock at night, the latter due to the fact that its three inhabitants left for their respective rooms during that hour.

    Ian Marshall and his wife Chloe were trying to fall asleep, normally it was not a problem for them, but something prevented them on this occasion. Both were extremely exhausted, but strangely when they closed their eyes they could not sleep, being invaded by a persistent feeling of fear that had no apparent justification.

    After more than an hour without success in reaching the much desired rest, Chloe broke the silence.

    — I don't know what's going on! But for some reason I can't get to sleep, I feel invaded by some kind of worry.

    Ian let out a slight sigh before speaking.

    —The exact same thing happens to me, I feel tired and the need to sleep, however every time I close my eyes the restlessness dominates me...

    At that moment Ian fell silent to listen attentively to some light footsteps in the hallway in front of his room, he left the bed, Chloe did the same following him closely. Carefully Ian opened the door peeking out and for his peace of mind he could see Mrs. Michelle Harris who stopped her advance and turned instinctively, observing the lord and lady of the house to smile warmly.

    — I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm having a hard time sleeping tonight and that's why I thought I'd head to the kitchen. Maybe drinking a glass of warm milk will help me get some rest.

    There's nothing to apologize for, Mrs. Harris, Ian alleged— Chloe and I are having trouble falling asleep, too....

    Abruptly Ian stopped talking because he could perceive that through the small slits in doors and windows, which were completely closed, a dense greenish fog was filtering into the interior

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