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Long Dark Road: Bill King and Murder in Jasper, Texas
Long Dark Road: Bill King and Murder in Jasper, Texas
Long Dark Road: Bill King and Murder in Jasper, Texas
Ebook342 pages8 hours

Long Dark Road: Bill King and Murder in Jasper, Texas

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On a long dark road in deep East Texas, James Byrd Jr. was dragged to his death behind a pickup truck one summer night in 1998. The brutal modern-day lynching stunned people across America and left everyone at a loss to explain how such a heinous crime could possibly happen in our more racially enlightened times. Many eventually found an answer in the fact that two of the three men convicted of the murder had ties to the white supremacist Confederate Knights of America. In the ex-convict ringleader, Bill King, whose body was covered in racist and satanic tattoos, people saw the ultimate monster, someone so inhuman that his crime could be easily explained as the act of a racist psychopath. Few, if any, asked or cared what long dark road of life experiences had turned Bill King into someone capable of committing such a crime.

In this gripping account of the murder and its aftermath, Ricardo Ainslie builds an unprecedented psychological profile of Bill King that provides the fullest possible explanation of how a man who was not raised in a racist family, who had African American friends in childhood, could end up on death row for viciously killing a black man. Ainslie draws on exclusive in-prison interviews with King, as well as with Shawn Berry (another of the perpetrators), King's father, Jasper residents, and law enforcement and judicial officials, to lay bare the psychological and social forces—as well as mere chance—that converged in a murder on that June night. Ainslie delves into the whole of King's life to discover how his unstable family relationships and emotional vulnerability made him especially susceptible to the white supremacist ideology he adopted while in jail for lesser crimes.

With its depth of insight, Long Dark Road not only answers the question of why such a racially motivated murder happened in our time, but it also offers a frightening, cautionary tale of the urgent need to intervene in troubled young lives and to reform our violent, racist-breeding prisons. As Ainslie chillingly concludes, far from being an inhuman monster whom we can simply dismiss, "Bill King may be more like the rest of us than we care to believe."

Release dateJul 21, 2009
Long Dark Road: Bill King and Murder in Jasper, Texas

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    Long Dark Road - Ricardo C. Ainslie

    The Row


    I was struck by his size; at five foot nine he appeared incongruously small in relation to the enormity of the crime for which he was convicted. On February 25,1999, a Jasper, Texas, jury sentenced John William King to die by lethal injection for his role in the killing of James Byrd Jr., a black man who had been assaulted and dragged to death the previous summer while chained by his ankles to the back of a pickup truck. Byrd’s torn and dismembered remains had been dumped unceremoniously in front of a rural African American church. Since the slaying occurred after midnight on a Saturday night, the presumed intent was that horrified worshipers would discover him on their way to services the next morning. Two other men were also subsequently convicted for having taken part in the sadistic murder, which many would later characterize as a modern-day lynching.

    I felt fortunate to be visiting Bill King given that inmates are permitted to have only ten people on their visitation list (names may be added or deleted from the list every six months). King was escorted from his cell by two corrections officers, hands cuffed behind his back, to one of several three-foot-by-three-foot cells in the visitation area. Once safely locked inside the box, as prisoners refer to these cells, King extended his hands through a slot in the door so that his handcuffs could be removed, freeing him to talk on the telephone that connected him to the other side of a window—to the outside world. All visits, including attorney and clergy meetings, take place under these circumstances, with prisoners and visitors separated by thick bulletproof glass.

    King’s prison-issue white jumpsuit was unbuttoned at the top, revealing a crew-neck T-shirt that had turned a dull gray from countless washings. DR, for death row, was stenciled in large block letters on the right pant leg and across the back of the jumpsuit. Most often, even in winter, King preferred short-sleeved jumpsuits so that he could sport the full-sleeve tattoos whose racist and satanic content had become infamous during his trial. A prison artist called Dirtball, with whom King had previously been incarcerated, had rendered most of them. His tattoos start at the wrist line and extend all the way up each of his arms in an unbroken, seamless pattern of blue images (prison tattoo artists don’t often have access to other colors). The only portion of his arms that has escaped Dirtball’s artful eye is his right elbow, which King refers to as his virgin patch.

    Despite the tattoos, I found that there was something disarming about being in the presence of King, a man whom most of the world had come to view as a monster, the very embodiment of evil. His demeanor was not what I had expected from a man on death row, let alone from someone guilty of a barbarous crime that had drawn both national and international attention. He was baby-faced, and his expression readily conveyed geniality. There was actually something soft about him, a quality that might explain the steady flow of letters that he receives from female admirers from all over the country. King’s manner was matter-of-fact; he was direct but not brusque. He was also a man of obvious intelligence. A high school dropout, King nevertheless has an impressive command of the English language, and he articulates his ideas with ease. I would later learn that he has the habit of searching the dictionary for unfamiliar words that he finds interesting and then incorporating them into conversation and correspondence, a strategy for improving his vocabulary that he learned from his tenth-grade English teacher.

    King was twenty-five years old at the time of that first meeting, in August 2000, and his short brown hair was thinning prematurely. He told me that he preferred to cut his own hair with a razor in his cell rather than going to the prison barbers, whom he accused of not being particularly fastidious about disinfecting their barbering tools. He also described his house—as prisoners refer to their cells—as impeccably clean and organized, with his correspondence arranged according to source or subject matter and filed chronologically. King liked to make his bed with smart forty-five-degree folds, military style, as he learned to do at the age of seventeen, when he was first sent away to boot camp for participating in a burglary. This individual, now so notorious for having committed such a brutal crime, has a penchant for orderliness.



    formerly named the Terrell Unit, houses the male prisoners on Texas’s death row. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice prefers to be discreet about the prison; about a mile west of Livingston, on U.S. Highway 190, a modest green sign with white lettering simply announces, TDCJ Polunsky Unit, with an arrow pointing left. It is the only indication that suggests the presence of the prison, and the sign’s understated character might easily lead one to think that the Polunsky Unit is a facility for first-time offenders rather than the state’s premier maximum-security prison. Death row inmates remain at the unit until the day of their execution, when they are transported in a three-vehicle caravan to Huntsville’s Death House, some forty-five miles to the west.

    A winding two-lane country road cuts through piney woods and thick underbrush—the typical terrain of East Texas—past weathered houses with sagging roofs and dilapidated trailer homes, until a final turn offers the first glimpse of the prison. From afar the Polunsky Unit does not evoke the kind of foreboding feelings that one’s imagination might conjure when thinking about an institution that houses condemned men. By way of comparison, the Walls Unit in Huntsville, which includes the Death House (where Texas carries out the death penalty via lethal injection), is instantly disturbing, with its sheer 125-year-old blood-red brick walls dotted with guard towers. Shotgun-toting officers are visible as they walk the perimeter of the unit, atop the imposing parapet that encircles the prison. The gravity of what takes place within is immediately evoked.

    The Polunsky Unit, on the other hand, is almost attractive at first glance. For one thing, it is relatively new; the first inmates arrived there in 1993, and it was not until 1998 that Texas moved its death row inmates out of Huntsville’s Ellis Unit to this location. Most of its buildings are but two stories high, so the prison lies low on the horizon in an otherwise pastoral landscape cut out of the surrounding pine forest. The buildings are constructed of cement, reinforced by ribbons of blue-gray steel that form distinctive markings at intervals between the two floors. Two parallel twenty-foot-high chain-link fences surround the vast complex, each topped with concertina wire. In the morning, the sun glistening off the wire creates a bright sliver of light that runs across the very heart of the prison, its sparkle almost adorning the buildings, as if they were whimsically wrapped packages. The entire complex has a strangely contemporary character, as if designed for a high-tech industrial park. It is only as one drives closer to the prison, and the features of the various compounds become evident, that the illusion of smart aesthetics dissolves into the reality of razor-sharp wire and four strategically placed guard towers.

    These prisoners on death row are modern-day untouchables; regulations prohibit them from having direct physical contact with loved ones, not even on the eve of their executions. Those who are in good standing are allowed one two-hour visit per week, not counting attorneys and clergy—although the reality is that few have friends or relatives who make the trip to Livingston with any regularity.


    as we talked, snacking on a sandwich, soda, and candy bar that I had purchased for him. Behind him, through the metal latticework of the door to the box and across a hallway where corrections officers were escorting prisoners to and from their visits, I could see another set of windows, and through them a green field of grass. Farther still, I could see the walls of the death row compound. The intense sunlight of a Texas summer morning poured in through those farthest windows, backlighting Bill King as he sat there. It was as if King were framed by glass, and I had the unsettling sensation of looking into a diorama.

    Nothing about Bill King’s demeanor suggested that he was capable of the murder of James Byrd on a dark and lonely East Texas summer night. Even in a place like the Polunsky Unit, there are a small number of individuals whose crimes have been of such infamy that they hold a peculiar celebrity status—prisoners whose notoriety as evil sadists sets them apart even from the unusually cruel cohort of men whose crimes made them eligible for the death penalty. Certainly the character of James Byrd’s murder qualified King for membership in this circle. It was an act so heinous, with the victim so brutally tortured, that it had shaken the emotional moorings of even veteran law enforcement officers. One could conjure scenarios that might render lethal acts comprehensible (say, moments of passion, or an attempt to cover one’s tracks by leaving no witnesses), but the specific character of this murder defied such attempts at understanding or rationalization. There was nothing within the realm of logic to account for it. The atrocity had momentarily forced the nation to reflect on its comfortable and sleepy belief that race relations in America had somehow transcended their ugly past. It was as if the discovery of Byrd’s mutilated body had momentarily thrust us back into some bygone era of Jim Crow racism, a time when Texas and the South were shaped by the agendas of the secretive network of the Ku Klux Klan and its sympathizers. It was this quality that made Byrd’s murder feel uncanny, as though something familiar but ancient had been terribly mislocated into the present.

    In addition to Bill King, Russell Brewer and Shawn Berry were later convicted of the murder in separate trials. King and Brewer had been in prison together in the past, and they were members of the same white supremacist gang, a small group calling itself the Confederate Knights of America, which was unknown even to most prison gang experts. Like King, Brewer also received the death penalty. Berry received a life sentence, spared the ultimate penalty largely because several African Americans testified that they did not believe him to be a racist and because he had no known white supremacist affiliations. Of the three men, Bill King was considered by most knowledgeable observers to have been the ringleader. They thought this because he was bright and had always exhibited a forceful personality, even an element of charisma. And they thought this because of his white supremacist ties. Nevertheless, King continued to profess his innocence, which is not surprising, for he was still appealing his conviction. However, by most accounts King appeared to be on what is termed a fast track, having exhausted his state appeals in record time. Now, languishing on death row, he was awaiting the outcome of his federal appeals, the last steps before a Jasper judge would set his execution date.

    A Dallas socialite has taken up King’s cause, underwriting the services of a California attorney specializing in death penalty cases as well as an investigator who has scoured the evidence and interviewed everyone who would agree to meet with her. King’s attorney has submitted an unusually lengthy and detailed federal habeas corpus brief, raising King’s hopes of a possible retrial, but few outside of King’s inner circle of family and friends believe that those efforts will spare King’s life. In fact, Bill King’s own views on the matter fluctuate significantly. At times he appears to feel hopeful and confident that his conviction will be overturned or, at the least, commuted to a life sentence; at other times he seems certain that his cause is hopeless.

    The man believed by most to have been the central figure in the murder of James Byrd has done all he can to shore up his legal standing. Now there is little left for him to do but to spend his time reading and corresponding, waiting for the federal courts to determine his fate. I suspect that this situation, and the sheer boredom that must plague him, played some part in his decision to talk with me.


    Bill’s father, he was a brokenhearted man. The elder King is serving his own death sentence, dying from emphysema—a condition that, since his son’s trial, has required that he be continuously tethered to an oxygen tank. Ronald King was living next to his daughter’s house in Jasper, in a shed that is not much larger than the cell occupied by his son; it is a hovel, with no running water, no insulation, and only a bucket to serve him should he need to use the bathroom overnight. Not fit for a dog was the way one friend described it, and I couldn’t help but concur when Ronald finally permitted me to see it.

    I had known Ronald for six months or so when he asked me if I would be willing to meet with Bill. I asked him at the time what it was that he hoped might come from such a meeting, and his reply came without a moment’s hesitation: Understanding, he said in a firm but quiet voice laden with the nasality of a heavy Mississippi-Texas patois. He had looked at me with sad, pale blue eyes, drawing oxygen through the plastic tubes clipped to his nostrils. As always, he was wearing a navy-blue jumpsuit, his gray hair thinning severely at the temples and his face weathered, cracked, and stained with age spots. I assume that it was my background as a psychologist that made Ronald hope that I might help him come to some greater understanding of his son, or perhaps he hoped that his son might come to some greater understanding of himself, though Ronald never elaborated. I was intrigued with the idea of talking to Bill King for other, albeit similar, reasons. I hoped that I might come to some understanding of what would render a man capable of committing such an unspeakable crime.

    Accepting Ronald King’s invitation, I was not sure what I would find when I looked into the eyes of a man whom most of the world regards as a monster. A few months later, when I went to the Polunsky Unit in Livingston for the first time, I was convinced of King’s guilt and comfortable with the state’s decision to end his life. I have since spent in the neighborhood of twenty hours talking face to face with Bill King while also maintaining an extensive, three-year correspondence with him. I have often left the Polunsky Unit emotionally exhausted and physically depleted, at times uncertain of the true facts behind the murder of James Byrd or the motives that played a role in it. King’s personality—intense, persuasive, and profoundly engaging—played no small part in precipitating such states.

    During one of my early death row visits King volunteered that The Silence of the Lambs, a novel by Thomas Harris, was one of his favorite books. I dutifully went home and read it. The book’s plot revolves around the psychology of Hannibal Lecter, a primitive, monstrous creature (he is a serial killer who has cannibalized his victims) whose collaboration the FBI desperately seeks to enlist in order to solve the riddle of another serial killer’s identity. As was true of King, Lecter is confined under the highest security. It was evident that King identified with Lecter, the novel’s evil but ultimately human protagonist; that placed me in the role of Clarice Starling, the FBI agent sent to obtain Lecter’s insights and cooperation.

    One interchange between Lecter and Starling, in particular, stood out when I read the novel and seemed to signal Bill King’s possible motives for meeting with me. Starling has visited Lecter for the first time and asks him to fill out a personality inventory, which Lecter mockingly refuses (Do you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool?). Starling continues to press him, noting that he can shed light on the motives of other serial killers. When Lecter asks her what possible reason he would have for complying with such an endeavor, Starling replies, Curiosity … About why you’re here. About what happened to you.

    Perhaps, I thought, King, too, like his father, and like me, wanted understanding. But it was impossible to miss a different implication to which the novel lent itself, given that the story leans heavily on the tensions created by the possibility that Lecter will somehow manage to seduce and take control of the FBI agent. Lecter is already infamous for his hypnotic powers of persuasion. King, too, I would soon learn, possessed a powerful capacity to sway others, to bring them into his orbit, to alter their sense of what was real.

    And so I found that understanding was hard to come by. It took many months for me to decide that I knew King well enough to begin to imagine what might have motivated him. I learned a lot about King by visiting him. At the same time, his personality was so mesmerizing and his interest in denying his guilt was so strong that it was often necessary to spend time away from him in order to learn more about him. The crime spoke volumes, of course, and from the law enforcement officials who solved the murder I learned a great deal about the alleged perpetrators. Friends and family were able to provide crucial information about the years leading up to the murder. Finally, the trial itself served as a forum in which the character of Bill King was debated.

    Nobody but the men who were present that night knows what really happened out on the lonely logging road where Byrd was dragged to his death. The three trials yield contradictory narratives. What we do know is that three men—Bill King, Russell Brewer, and Shawn Berry—left their apartment in Berry’s pickup truck after midnight on June 7, 1998. After failing to find a party on a country road to which some girls had invited them, they headed back to town, where they encountered Byrd walking along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Shawn Berry, who was driving the truck, made the fateful decision to give Byrd a ride. Up to this point, all stories converge. After it, they teeter and veer under the press of self-serving accounts and evidence that is by turns feeble and tenuous or conclusive and incontrovertible.

    What most impresses me about what I have discovered is that though his crime was monstrous, Bill King, the man, is much more human than we would care to think. When the global news media descended upon his hometown of Jasper in a relentless hunt for sensational material, they constructed a perhaps comforting, but ultimately obscuring, myth about King’s monstrous nature. The truth is that King is all too close, in kind and in temperament, to me or to you, and that is why so many people, especially those who knew him, are confounded by what transpired on that summer night in 1998. On the whole, the forces that shaped him were not particularly vile, and the flaws in his character, while clearly evident, were not such as to signal what was to come. He was, in many ways, an average young man gone astray until the night that Byrd met his death. Countless others like Bill King have lived ordinary enough lives. Although notable, the things that may have caused him to commit such a murder do not point to a foregone conclusion. They do not add up to the torture and murder of a middle-aged, intoxicated black man whom the three men happened to come upon as he was walking home late one night on a dark Jasper street. While it may make us feel safer to imagine that Bill King is a creature quite alien to ourselves, the uncomfortable truth is that he is more like the rest of us than we would like to believe. The propensities that might explain this act remained mostly latent, lurking beneath the surface, unrecognized even by those who thought they knew him well. And that means that Byrd’s murder, however extraordinary, is perhaps more proximate, more in the realm of the possible, than we may want to acknowledge.

    Huff Creek Road


    of June 7, 1998, Cedric Green, a middle-aged African American man, was driving to town in an old orange Ford pickup truck. His six-year-old stepson, Marlon, accompanied him as they made their way down a narrow dirt road in a westerly direction through the logged-out piney woods into Jasper County. At the juncture where the dirt road gave way to the paved surface of a little country lane known as Huff Creek Road, in front of an old African American church, they discovered remains that were so severely mutilated that the dark form was almost unrecognizable as that of a human being. We thought it was a deer at first, the little boy later recalled. In the ensuing moments, as the initial shock of what he was seeing dissipated, Green tried to shield his son from the horror of it. Don’t look, he said, hoping to protect the boy from what he instinctively knew would be a traumatizing experience.

    The church where the body had been left was a few miles outside of Jasper. It was a small rectangular structure, with a roof line that sloped down on either side of a high center beam at a sharp forty-five-degree angle. The lines of the portico paralleled those of the roof, but on the portico’s front, facing back down the paved road that ended at this very spot, there was affixed a simple cross. Like the church, the cross was painted white, and the white-on-whiteness of it gave it an aura of understatement. The church, resting up off the ground on short stilts, was nestled into the surrounding piney woods in a bucolic Southern rural setting. Immediately to its left was the dirt logging road on which the man and his son had been traveling before encountering the human remains, lying before the church like a dark and perverse offering.

    The old Huff Creek Church wasn’t used much for regular Sunday services anymore, but no one except the residents of the little African American community that lived along this road would have known that. The building and grounds were well maintained. People in the community tended to use the church almost exclusively for home goings, as Southern African Americans often refer to funerals. The Huff Creek Cemetery was immediately adjacent to the church. Some of the headstones in the cemetery were made of fine cut stone and dated back to the nineteenth century, but there were many graves of people whose families had been too poor to buy headstones. Some, for example, were simply marked by the top half of an ironing board—an old custom among poor blacks in this region—protruding oddly out of the red clay soil, standing in rusty vigil over their plots. Other headstones were fashioned out of formed cement, their inscriptions scrawled by hand with a crude writing implement, sometimes decorated with a chip of a mirror or a brightly colored piece of ceramic tile.

    Everything about the murder suggested a wish to defile. There was the mutilated condition of the victim, for example, as well as the specific placement of the body in front of the church, where the perpetrators no doubt believed it would be found by worshipers coming to services later that morning. Cedric Green and his son rushed to a nearby house and made a call to the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department, thereby sounding the first alert to the world that something awful had occurred in this remote East Texas community. As the horrible details of the crimes racial hatred began to emerge in the ensuing hours and days, that shock would only deepen. That an act of such savagery could have taken place more than thirty years after the demise of the Jim Crow era seemed almost inconceivable.

    That same morning Tommy Robinson and Joe Sterling were sitting in the dining room at Jaspers Ramada Inn drinking coffee. The Ramada Inn was something of a hangout for local law enforcement officers as well as for business and civic leaders. Robinson and Sterling, officers with the Jasper Sheriff’s Department, were about to head out to a community called Leesville, some fifty miles east of Jasper, just across the Louisiana line, where the local sheriff had apprehended a man attempting to sell stolen property. It was Robinsons day off, but he was the kind of officer who was always ready to set personal plans aside when something cropped up at the sheriff’s office. The officers had finished their coffee and were about to leave the Ramada Inn when they received a call on the mobile phone from the dispatcher reporting that an agitated man had just called to say that he’d found a dead person out on Huff Creek Road.


    Tommy Robinson looked like a stock character from a film depicting an Old South lawman. His gray hair was thin and cut burr short, as it had been all his life. He was potbellied and ruddy-cheeked, and he had a penchant for wearing jeans and Western shirts that showed signs of strain around his middle. Robinson was in his mid-fifties, but he looked decidedly older than his years. He had lived a hard life, a life reflected in the deep ruts that defined his face, and he was long past the days when he could run down suspects and wrestle them to the ground. His assignments these days tended toward interviewing suspects and collecting evidence. Unlike the stereotype of Southern justice, there was an easy geniality to the man, despite his intense, questioning blue eyes. There was also a reassuring steadfastness about him. Sterling and Robinson went back a long way. Sterling had spent many a day as an adolescent riding shotgun with Robinson, patrolling the lazy back roads of Jasper County. That experience had cemented Sterling’s interest in becoming a law enforcement officer. So it was an appropriate turn of fate that the two officers would end up being together when the biggest case of their careers broke.

    Robinson and Sterling headed in a northeasterly direction out of Jasper. It took them only a few minutes to travel the five or six miles to the community of Huff Creek. Huff Creek Road is short—a three-mile spur that branches off a farm-to-market road and comes to a dead end at the Huff Creek Church. Half a mile after turning off the farm-to-market road, one comes to a narrow wood bridge spanning the creek for which the community is named. It was just past this bridge that Deputy Robinson first saw strange marks on the paved road that morning, coming out of, or perhaps going into, a dirt logging road

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