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A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems
A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems
A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems
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A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems

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"A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems" is a reprint of an early 20th-century biology text reflecting the main assumptions of the eugenics movement, which was on the rise at the time of publishing. The book is famous for starting the Scopes trial, commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, an American legal case in which a high school teacher, John T. Scopes, was accused of teaching human evolution. The teacher was called to court for reading his students certain passages from "Civic Biology".
Release dateNov 21, 2022
A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems

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    A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems - George W. Hunter

    George W. Hunter

    A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems

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    DigiCat, 2022


    Table of Contents































    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents

    What is Biology?Biology is the study of living beings, both plant and animal. Inasmuch as man is an animal, the study of biology includes the study of man in his relations to the plants and the animals which surround him. Most important of all is that branch of biology which treats of the mechanism we call the human body,—of its parts and their uses, and its repair. This subject we call human physiology.

    Why study Biology?—Although biology is a very modern science, it has found its way into most high schools; and an increasingly large number of girls and boys are yearly engaged in its study. These questions might well be asked by any of the students: Why do I take up the study of biology? Of what practical value is it to me? Besides the discipline it gives me, is there anything that I can take away which will help me in my future life?

    Human Physiology.—The answer to this question is plain. If the study of biology will give us a better understanding of our own bodies and their care, then it certainly is of use to us. That phase of biology known as physiology deals with the uses of the parts of a plant or animal; human physiology and hygiene deal with the uses and care of the parts of the human animal. The prevention of sickness is due in a large part to the study of hygiene. It is estimated that over twenty-five per cent of the deaths that occur yearly in this country could be averted if all people lived in a hygienic manner. In its application to the lives of each of us, as a member of our family, as a member of the school we attend, and as a future citizen, a knowledge of hygiene is of the greatest importance.

    Relations of Plants to Animals.—But there are other reasons why an educated person should know something about biology. We do not always realize that if it were not for the green plants, there would be no animals on the earth. Green plants furnish food to animals. Even the meat-eating animals feed upon those that feed upon plants. How the plants manufacture this food and the relation they bear to animals will be discussed in later chapters. Plants furnish man with the greater part of his food in the form of grains and cereals, fruits and nuts, edible roots and leaves; they provide his domesticated animals with food; they give him timber for his houses and wood and coal for his fires; they provide him with pulp wood, from which he makes his paper, and oak galls, from which he may make ink. Much of man's clothing and the thread with which it is sewed together come from fiber-producing plants. Most medicines, beverages, flavoring extracts, and spices are plant products, while plants are made use of in hundreds of ways in the useful arts and trades, producing varnishes, dyestuffs, rubber, and other products.

    Bacteria in their Relation to Man.—In still another way, certain plants vitally affect mankind. Tiny plants, called bacteria, so small that millions can exist in a single drop of fluid, exist almost everywhere about us,—in water, soil, food, and the air. They play a tremendous part in shaping the destiny of man on the earth. They help him in that they act as scavengers, causing things to decay; thus they remove the dead bodies of plants and animals from the surface of the earth, and turn this material back to the ground; they assist the tanner; they help make cheese and butter; they improve the soil for crop growing; so the farmer cannot do without them. But they likewise sometimes spoil our meat and fish, and our vegetables and fruits; they sour our milk, and may make our canned goods spoil. Worst of all, they cause diseases, among others tuberculosis, a disease so harmful as to be called the white plague. Fully one half of all yearly deaths are caused by these plants. So important are the bacteria that a subdivision of biology, called bacteriology, has been named after them, and hundreds of scientists are devoting their lives to the study of bacteria and their control. The greatest of all bacteriologists, Louis Pasteur, once said, It is within the power of man to cause all parasitic diseases (diseases mostly caused by bacteria) to disappear from the world. His prophecy is gradually being fulfilled, and it may be the lot of some boys or girls who read this book to do their share in helping to bring this condition of affairs about.

    The Relation of Animals to Man.—Animals also play an important part in the world in causing and carrying disease. Animals that cause disease are usually tiny, and live in other animals as parasites; that is, they get their living from their hosts on which they feed. Among the diseases caused by parasitic animals are malaria, yellow fever, the sleeping sickness, and the hookworm disease. Animals also carry disease, especially the flies and mosquitoes; rats and other animals are also well known as spreaders of disease.

    From a money standpoint, animals called insects do much harm. It is estimated that in this country alone they are annually responsible for $800,000,000 worth of damage by eating crops, forest trees, stored food, and other material wealth.

    The Uses of Animals to Man.—We all know the uses man has made of the domesticated animals for food and as beasts of burden. But many other uses are found for animal products, and materials made from animals. Wool, furs, leather, hides, feathers, and silk are examples. The arts make use of ivory, tortoise shell, corals, and mother-of-pearl; from animals come perfumes and oils, glue, lard, and butter; animals produce honey, wax, milk, eggs, and various other commodities.

    The Conservation of our Natural Resources.—Still another reason why we should study biology is that we may work understandingly for the conservation of our natural resources, especially of our forests. The forest, aside from its beauty and its health-giving properties, holds water in the earth. It keeps the water from drying out of the earth on hot days and from running off on rainy days. Thus a more even supply of water is given to our rivers, and thus freshets are prevented. Countries that have been deforested, such as China, Italy, and parts of France, are now subject to floods, and are in many places barren. On the forests depend our supply of timber, our future water power, and the future commercial importance of cities which, like New York, are located at the mouths of our navigable rivers.

    Plants and Animals mutually Helpful.—Most plants and animals stand in an attitude of mutual helpfulness to one another, plants providing food and shelter for animals; animals giving off waste materials useful to plants in the making of food. We also learn that plants and animals need the same conditions in their surroundings in order to live: water, air, food, a favorable temperature, and usually light. The life processes of both plants and animals are essentially the same, and the living matter of a tree is as much alive as is the living matter in a fish, a dog, or a man.

    Biology in its Relation to Society.—Again, the study of biology should be part of the education of every boy and girl, because society itself is founded upon the principles which biology teaches. Plants and animals are living things, taking what they can from their surroundings; they enter into competition with one another, and those which are the best fitted for life outstrip the others. Animals and plants tend to vary each from its nearest relative in all details of structure. The strong may thus hand down to their offspring the characteristics which make them the winners. Health and strength of body and mind are factors which tell in winning.

    Man has made use of this message of nature, and has developed improved breeds of horses, cattle, and other domestic animals. Plant breeders have likewise selected the plants or seeds that have varied toward better plants, and thus have stocked the earth with hardier and more fruitful domesticated plants. Man's dominion over the living things of the earth is tremendous. This is due to his understanding the principles which underlie the science of biology.

    Finally the study of biology ought to make us better men and women by teaching us that unselfishness exists in the natural world as well as among the highest members of society. Animals, lowly and complex, sacrifice their comfort and their very lives for their young. In the insect communities the welfare of the individual is given up for the best interests of the community. The law of mutual give and take, of sacrifice for the common good, is seen everywhere. This should teach us, as we come to take our places in society, to be willing to give up our individual pleasure or selfish gain for the good of the community in which we live. Thus the application of biological principles will benefit society.


    Table of Contents

    Problem.—To discover some of the factors of the environment of plants and animals.

    (a) Environment of a plant.

    (b) Environment of an animal.

    (c) Home environment of a girl or boy.

    Laboratory Suggestions

    Laboratory demonstrations.—Factors of the environment of a living plant or animal in the vivarium.

    Home exercise.—The study of the factors making up my own environment and how I can aid in their control.

    Environment.—Each one of us, no matter where he lives, comes in contact with certain surroundings. Air is everywhere around us; light is necessary to us, so much so that we use artificial light at night. The city street, with its dirty and hard paving stones, has come to take the place of the soil of the village or farm. Water and food are a necessary part of our surroundings. Our clothing, useful to maintain a certain temperature, must also be included. All these things—air, light, heat, water, food—together make up our environment.

    An unfavorable city environment.

    All other animals, and all plants as well, are surrounded by and use practically the same things from their environment as we do. The potted plant in the window, the goldfish in the aquarium, your pet dog at home, all use, as we will later prove, the factors of their environment in the same manner. Air, water, light, a certain amount of heat, soil to live in or on, and food form parts of the surroundings of every living thing.

    An experiment that shows the air contains about four fifths nitrogen.

    The Same Elements found in Plants and Animals as in their Environment.—It has been found by chemists that the plants and animals as well as their environment may be reduced to about eighty very simple substances known as chemical elements. For example, the air is made up largely of two elements, oxygen and nitrogen. Water, by means of an electric current, may be broken up into two elements, oxygen and hydrogen. The elements in water are combined to make a chemical compound. The oxygen and nitrogen of the air are not so united, but exist as separate gases. If we were to study the chemistry of the bodies of plants and animals and of their foods, we would find them to be made up of certain chemical elements combined in various complex compounds. These elements are principally carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and perhaps a dozen others in very minute proportions. But the same elements present in the living things might also be found in the environment, for example, water, food, the air, and the soil. It is logical to believe that living things use the chemical elements in their surroundings and in some wonderful manner build up their own bodies from the materials found in their environment. How this is done we will learn in later chapters.

    What Plants and Animals take from their Environment. Air.—It is a self-evident fact that animals need air. Even those living in the water use the air dissolved in the water. A fish placed in an air-tight jar will soon die. It will be proven later that plants also need air in order to live.

    Apparatus for separating water by means of an electric current into the two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.

    Chart to show the percentage of chemical elements in the human body.

    Water.—We all know that water must form part of the environment of plants and animals. It is a matter of common knowledge that pets need water to drink; so do other animals. Every one knows we must water a potted plant if we expect it to grow. Water is of so much importance to man that from the time of the Caesars until now he has spent enormous sums of money to bring pure water to his cities. The United States government is spending millions of dollars at the present time to bring by irrigation the water needed to support life in the western desert lands.

    Light as Condition of the Environment.—Light is another important factor of the environment. A study of the leaves on any green plant growing near a window will convince one that such plants grow toward the light. All green plants are thus influenced by the sun. Other plants which are not green seem either indifferent or are negatively influenced (move away from) the source of light. Animals may or may not be attracted by light. A moth, for example, will fly toward a flame, an earthworm will move away from light. Some animals prefer a moderate or weak intensity of light and live in shady forests or jungles, prowling about at night. Others seem to need much and strong light. And man himself enjoys only moderate intensity of light and heat. Look at the shady side of a city street on any hot day to prove this statement.

    The effect of water upon the growth of trees. These trees were all planted at the same time in soil that is sandy and uniform. They are watered by a small stream which runs from left to right in the picture. Most of the water soaks into the ground before reaching the last trees.

    The effect of light upon a growing plant.

    Heat.—Animals and plants are both affected by heat or the absence of it. In cold weather green plants either die or their life activities are temporarily suspended,—the plant becomes dormant. Likewise small animals, such as insects, may be killed by cold or they may hibernate under stones or boards. Their life activities are stilled until the coming of warm weather. Bears and other large animals go to sleep during the winter and awake thin and active at the approach of warm weather. Animals or plants used to certain temperatures are killed if removed from those temperatures. Even man, the most adaptable of all animals, cannot stand great changes without discomfort and sometimes death. He heats his houses in winter and cools them in summer so as to have the amount of heat most acceptable to him, i.e. about 70° Fahrenheit.

    Vegetation in Northern Russia. The trees in this picture are nearly one hundred years old. They live under conditions of extreme cold most of the year.

    The Environment determines the Kind of Animals and Plants within It.—In our study of geography we learned that certain luxuriant growths of trees and climbing plants were characteristic of the tropics with its moist, warm climate. No one would expect to find living there the hardy stunted plants of the arctic region. Nor would we expect to find the same kinds of animal life in warm regions as in cold. The surroundings determine the kind of living things there. Plants or animals fitted to live in a given locality will probably be found there if they have had an opportunity to reach that locality. If, for example, temperate forms of life were introduced by man into the tropics, they would either die or they would gradually change so as to become fitted to live in their new environment. Sheep with long wool fitted to live in England, when removed to Cuba, where conditions of greater heat exist, soon died because they were not fitted or adapted to live in their changed environment.

    Plant life in a moist tropical forest. Notice the air plants to the left and the resurrection ferns on the tree trunk.

    Adaptations.—Plants and animals are not only fitted to live under certain conditions, but each part of the body may be fitted to do certain work. I notice that as I write these words the fingers of my right hand grasp the pen firmly and the hand and arm execute some very complicated movements. This they are able to do because of the free movement given through the arrangement of the delicate bones of the wrist and fingers, their attachment to the bones of the arm, a wonderful complex of muscles which move the bones, and a directing nervous system which plans the work. Because of the peculiar fitness in the structure of the hand for this work we say it is adapted to its function of grasping objects. Each part of a plant or animal is usually fitted for some particular work. The root of a green plant, for example, is fitted to take in water by having tiny absorbing organs growing from it, the stems have pipes or tubes to convey liquids up and down and are strong enough to support the leafy part of the plant. Each part of a plant does work, and is fitted, by means of certain structures, to do that work. It is because of these adaptations that living things are able to do their work within their particular environment.

    Plants and Animals and their Natural Environment.—Those of us who have tried to keep potted plants in the schoolroom know how difficult it is to keep them healthy. Dust, foreign gases in the air, lack of moisture, and other causes make the artificial environment in which they are placed unsuitable for them.

    A natural barrier on a stream. No trout would be found above this fall. Why not?

    A goldfish placed in a small glass jar with no food or no green water plants soon seeks the surface of the water, and if the water is not changed frequently so as to supply air the fish will die. Again the artificial environment lacks something that the fish needs. Each plant and animal is limited to a certain environment because of certain individual needs which make the surroundings fit for it to live in.

    Changes in Environment.—Most plants and animals do not change their environment. Trees, green plants of all kinds, and some animals remain fixed in one spot practically all their lives. Certain tiny plants and most animals move from place to place, either in air, water, on the earth or in the earth, but they maintain relatively the same conditions in environment. Birds are perhaps the most striking exception, for some may fly thousands of miles from their summer homes to winter in the south. Other animals, too, migrate from place to place, but not usually where there are great changes in the surroundings. A high mountain chain with intense cold at the upper altitudes would be a barrier over which, for example, a bear, a deer, or a snail could not travel. Fish like trout will migrate up a stream until they come to a fall too high for them to jump. There they must stop because their environment limits them.

    A new apartment house, with out-of-door sleeping porch.

    Man in his Environment.—Man, while he is like other animals in requiring heat, light, water, and food, differs from them in that he has come to live in a more or less artificial environment. Men who lived on the earth thousands of year ago did not wear clothes or have elaborate homes of wood or brick or stone. They did not use fire, nor did they eat cooked foods. In short, by slow degrees, civilized man has come to live in a changed environment from that of other animals. The living together of men in communities has caused certain needs to develop. Many things can be supplied in common, as water, milk, foods. Wastes of all kinds have to be disposed of in a town or city. Houses have come to be placed close together, or piled on top of each other, as in the modern apartment. Fields and trees, all outdoor life, has practically disappeared. Man has come to live in an artificial environment.

    Care and Improvement of One's Environment.—Man can modify or change his surroundings by making this artificial environment favorable to live in. He may heat his dwellings in winter and cool them in summer so as to maintain a moderate and nearly constant temperature. He may see that his dwellings have windows so as to let light and air pass in and out. He may have light at night and shade by day from intense light. He may have a system of pure water supply and may see that drains or sewers carry away his wastes. He may see to it that people ill with catching or infectious diseases are isolated or quarantined from others. This care of the artificial environment is known as sanitation, while the care of the individual for himself within the environment is known as hygiene. It will be the chief end of this book to show girls and boys how they may become good citizens through the proper control of personal hygiene and sanitation.

    Reference Books


    Hunter, Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology. American Book Company.

    Hough and Sedgwick, Elements of Hygiene and Sanitation. Ginn and Company.

    Jordan and Kellogg, Animal Life. Appleton.

    Sharpe, A Laboratory Manual for the Solution of Problems in Biology, p. 95. American Book Company.

    Tolman, Hygiene for the Worker. American Book Company.


    Allen, Civics and Health. Ginn and Company.


    Table of Contents

    Problem.—To discover the general interrelations of green plants and animals.

    (a) Plants as homes for insects.

    (b) Plants as food for insects.

    (c) Insects as pollinating agents.

    Laboratory Suggestions

    A field trip:—Object: to collect common insects and study their general characteristics; to study the food and shelter relation of plant and insects. The pollination of flowers should also be carefully studied so as to give the pupil a general viewpoint as an introduction to the study of biology.

    Laboratory exercise.—Examination of simple insect, identification of parts—drawing. Examination and identification of some orders of insects.

    Laboratory demonstration.—Life history of monarch and some other butterflies or moths.

    Laboratory exercise.—Study of simple flower—emphasis on work of essential organs, drawing.

    Laboratory exercise.—Study of mutual adaptations in a given insect and a given flower, e.g. butter and eggs and bumble bee.

    Demonstration of examples of insect pollination.

    The Object of a Field Trip.—Many of us live in the city, where the crowded streets, the closely packed apartments, and the city playgrounds form our environment. It is very artificial at best. To understand better the normal environment of plants or animals we should go into the country. Failing in this, an overgrown city lot or a park will give us much more closely the environment as it touches some animals lower than man. We must then remember that in learning something of the natural environment of other living creatures we may better understand our own environment and our relation to it.

    On any bright warm day in the fall we will find insects swarming everywhere in any vacant lot or the less cultivated parts of a city park. Grasshoppers, butterflies alighting now and then on the flowers, brightly marked hornets, bees busily working over the purple asters or golden rod, and many other forms hidden away on the leaves or stems of plants may be seen. If we were to select for observation some partially decayed tree, we would find it also inhabited. Beetles would be found boring through its bark and wood, while caterpillars (the young stages of butterflies or moths) are feeding on its leaves or building homes in its branches. Everywhere above, on, and under ground may be noticed small forms of life, many of them insects. Let us first see how we would go to work to identify some of the common forms we would be likely to find on plants. Then a little later we will find out what they are doing on these plants.

    An insect viewed from the side. Notice the head, thorax, and abdomen. What other characters do you find?

    How to tell an Insect.—A bee is a good example of the group of animals we call insects. If we examine its body carefully, we notice that it has three regions, a front part or head, a middle part called the thorax, and a hind portion, jointed and hairy, the abdomen. We cannot escape noting the fact that this insect has wings with which it flies and that it also has legs. The three pairs of legs, which are jointed and provided with tiny hooks at the end, are attached to the thorax. Two pairs of delicate wings are attached to the upper or dorsal side of the thorax. The thorax and indeed the entire body, is covered with a hard shell of material similar to a cow's horn, there being no skeleton inside for the attachment of muscles. If we carefully watch the abdomen of a living bee, we notice it move up and down quite regularly. The animal is breathing through tiny breathing holes called spiracles, placed along the side of the thorax and abdomen. Bees also have compound eyes. Wings are not found on all insects, but all the other characters just given are marks of the great group of animals we call insects.

    Part of the compound eye of an insect (highly magnified).

    Forms to be looked for on a Field Trip.—Inasmuch as there are over 360,000 different species or kinds of insects, it is evident that it would be a hopeless task for us even to think of recognizing all of them. But we can learn to recognize a few examples of the common forms that might be met on a field trip. In the fields, on grass, or on flowering plants we may count on finding members from six groups or orders of insects. These may be known by the following characters.

    The order Hymenoptera (membrane wing) to which the bees, wasps, and ants belong is the only insect group the members of which are provided with true stings. This sting is placed in a sheath at the extreme hind end of the abdomen. Other characteristics, which show them to be insects, have been given above.

    Butterflies or moths will be found hovering over flowers. They belong to the order Lepidoptera (scale wings). This name is given to them because their wings are covered with tiny scales, which fit into little sockets on the wing much as shingles are placed on a roof. The dust which comes off on the fingers when one catches a butterfly is composed of these scales. The wings are always large and usually brightly colored, the legs small, and one pair is often inconspicuous. These insects may be seen to take liquid food through a long tubelike organ, called the proboscis, which they keep rolled up under the head when not in use. The young of the butterfly or moth are known as caterpillars and feed on plants by means of a pair of hard jaws.

    Grasshoppers, found almost everywhere, and crickets, black grasshopper-like insects often found under stones, belong to the order Orthoptera (straight wings). Members of this group may usually be distinguished by their strong, jumping hind legs, by their chewing or biting mouth parts, and by the fact that the hind wings are folded up under the somewhat stiffer front wings.

    Forms of life to be met on a field trip. A, The red-legged locust, one of the Orthoptera; o, the egg-layer, about natural size. B, the honey bee, one of the Hymenoptera, about natural size. C, a bug, one of the Hemiptera, about natural size. D, a butterfly, an example of the Lepidoptera, slightly reduced. E, a house fly, an example of the Diptera, about twice natural size. F, an orb-weaving spider, about half natural size. (This is not an insect, note the number of legs.) G, a beetle, slightly reduced, one of the Coleoptera.

    Another group of insects sometimes found on flowers in the fall are flies. They belong to the order Diptera (two wings). These insects are usually rather small and have a single pair of gauzy wings. Flies are of much importance to man because certain of their number are disease carriers.

    Bugs, members of the order Hemiptera (half wings), have a jointed proboscis which points backward between the front legs. They are usually small and may or may not have wings.

    The beetles or Coleoptera (sheath wings), often mistaken for bugs by the uneducated, have the first pair of hardened wings meeting in a straight line in the middle of the back, the second pair of wings being covered by them. Beetles are frequently found on goldenrod blossoms in the fall.

    Other forms of life, especially spiders, which have four pairs of walking legs, centipedes and millepedes, both of which are wormlike and have many pairs of legs, may be found.

    Try to discover members of the six different orders named above. Collect specimens and bring them to the laboratory for identification.

    Why do Insects live on Plants?—We have found insect life abundant on living green plants, some visiting flowers, others hidden away on the stalks or leaves of the plants. Let us next try to find out why insects live among and upon flowering green plants.

    The Life History of the Milkweed Butterfly.—If it is possible to find on our trip some growing milkweed, we are quite likely to find hovering near, a golden brown and black butterfly, the monarch or milkweed butterfly (Anosia plexippus). Its body, as in all insects, is composed of three regions. The monarch frequents the milkweed in order to lay eggs there. This she may be found doing at almost any time from June until September.

    Egg and Larva.—The eggs, tiny hat-shaped dots a twentieth of an inch in length, are fastened singly to the underside of milkweed leaves. Some wonderful instinct leads the animal to deposit the eggs on the milkweed, for the young feed upon no other plant. The eggs hatch out in four or five days into rapid-growing wormlike caterpillars, each of which will shed its skin several times before it becomes full size. These caterpillars possess, in addition to the three pairs of true legs, additional pairs of prolegs or caterpillar legs. The animal at this stage is known as a larva.

    Monarch butterfly: adults, larvæ, and pupa on their food plant, the milkweed. (From a photograph loaned by the American Museum of Natural History.)

    Formation of Pupa.—After a life of a few weeks at most, the caterpillar stops eating and begins to spin a tiny mat of silk upon a leaf or stem. It attaches itself to this web by the last pair of prolegs, and there hangs in the dormant stage known as the chrysalis or pupa. This is a resting stage during which the body changes from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

    The Adult.—After a week or more of inactivity in the pupa state, the outer skin is split along the back, and the adult butterfly emerges. At first the wings are soft and much smaller than in the adult. Within fifteen minutes to half an hour after the butterfly emerges, however, the wings are full-sized, having been pumped full of blood and air, and the little insect is ready after her wedding flight to follow her instinct to deposit her eggs on a milkweed plant.

    Plants furnish Insects with Food.—Food is the most important factor of any animal's environment. The insects which we have seen on our field trip feed on the green plants among which they live. Each insect has its own particular favorite food plant or plants, and in many cases the eggs of the insect are laid on the food plant so that the young may have food close at hand. Some insects prefer the rotted wood of trees. An American zoölogist, Packard, has estimated that over 450 kinds of insects live upon oak trees alone. Everywhere animals are engaged in taking their nourishment from plants, and millions of dollars of damage is done every year to gardens, fruits, and cereal crops by insects.

    Damage done by insects. These trees have been killed by boring insects.

    All Animals depend on Green Plants.—But insects in their turn are the food of birds; cats and dogs may kill birds; lions or tigers live on still larger defenseless animals as deer or cattle. And finally comes man, who eats the bodies of both plants and animals. But if we reduce this search after food to its final limit, we see that green plants provide all the food for animals. For the lion or tiger eats the deer which feeds upon grass or green shoots of young trees, or the cat eats the bird that lives on weed seeds. Green plants supply the food of the world. Later by experiment we will prove this.

    Homes and Shelter.—After a field trip no one can escape the knowledge that plants often give animals a home. The grass shelters millions of grasshoppers and countless hordes of other small insects which can be obtained by sweeping through the grass with an insect net. Some insects build their homes in the trees or bushes on which they feed, while others tunnel through the wood, making homes there. Spiders build webs on plants, often using the leaves for shelter. Birds nest in trees, and many other wild animals use the forest as their home. Man has come to use all kinds of plant products to aid him in making his home, wood and various fibers being the most important of these.

    What do Animals do for Plants?—So far it has seemed that green plants benefit animals and receive nothing in return. We will later see that plants and animals together form a balance of life on the earth and that one is necessary for the other. Certain substances found in the body wastes from animals are necessary to the life of a green plant.

    A section of a flower, cut lengthwise. In the center find the pistil with the ovary containing a number of ovules. Around this organ notice a circle of stalked structures, the stamens; the knobs at the end contain pollen. The outer circles of parts are called the petals and sepals, as we go from the inside outward.

    Insects and Flowers.—Certain other problems can be worked out in the fall of the year. One of these is the biological interrelations between insects and flowers. It is easy on a field trip to find insects lighting upon flowers. They evidently have a reason for doing this. To find out why they go there and what they do when there, it will be first necessary for us to study flowers with the idea of finding out what the insects get from them, and what the flowers get from the insects.

    The Use and Structure of a Flower.—It is a matter of common knowledge that flowers form fruits and that fruits contain seeds. They are, then, very important parts of certain plants. Our field trip shows us that flowers are of various shapes, colors, and sizes. It will now be our problem first to learn to know the parts of a flower, and then find out how they are

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