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The Reason for Our Evolution
The Reason for Our Evolution
The Reason for Our Evolution
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The Reason for Our Evolution

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Theories talk about the motives and causes of evolution. Darwin explained our origin from primates and the mechanism of evolution of natural selection, but in our case, it is not yet clear.

Are free hands important? What about upright gait and brain volume? It is widely believed that free hands and upright gait made it possible to meet the need for food, thus enabling brain development. The author points out that the brain is important, but its development is the understanding of abstraction! Two million years ago, the volume of our brain (not our hands) developed abruptly. Can you imagine how much of a need there was for such great brain growth? Today we live in a technological age and the volume of the brain has not increased even by a millimeter!

In theory, it can be imagined what was the initiator of the brain enlargement. It’s a belief! The author explains how and why the primate began to believe. Over time, belief has enabled the evolution of the brain to understand abstraction. The initial belief evolved through five stages. Belief in the five objects of fertility provides answers to many prehistoric and historical unknowns. Why do the symbols have the shape they have or why was the custom used in just such a form or why did the objects have just this particular shape? All customs and ways of worship have common roots. Belief is our creator, but we are also its creator!

Release dateJan 6, 2023
The Reason for Our Evolution

Mladen Černi

Mladen Černi was born in 1958 in Pula, Croatia. He lived in Vodnjan until he was 10 years old. He finished elementary school and high school in Zagreb. Černi graduated from the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport in Rijeka. He has always been interested in prehistory, so by his thirties he had put together a theory of evolution. The theory is complete and globally applicable because it explains why all civilizations have similar customs and symbols (pyramids, Venus figurines, mention of fertility, the study of stars, moon…) The similarities exist because all civilizations have a common base from the distant past. The theory explains the mechanism of our evolution.

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    The Reason for Our Evolution - Mladen Černi

    About the Author

    Mladen Černi was born in 1958 in Pula, Croatia. He lived in Vodnjan until he was 10 years old. He finished elementary school and high school in Zagreb. Černi graduated from the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport in Rijeka. He has always been interested in prehistory, so by his thirties he had put together a theory of evolution. The theory is complete and globally applicable because it explains why all civilizations have similar customs and symbols (pyramids, Venus figurines, mention of fertility, the study of stars, moon…) The similarities exist because all civilizations have a common base from the distant past. The theory explains the mechanism of our evolution.

    Copyright Information ©

    Mladen Černi 2023

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    The story, experiences, and words are the author’s alone.

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    Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

    Černi, Mladen

    The Reason for Our Evolution

    ISBN 9781638291541 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781638291558 (ePub e-book)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022915081

    First Published 2023

    Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

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    Thanks for the help, Robert Pajkovic and Petar Popić Mileusnić.

    The theory of the birth of the soul analyses the evolution of humans from the beginning to the historical period. Through the history we can see that all civilizations have similar elements at the beginning of their development, which indicates a common origin. In particular, they have a common respect for fertility. Thinking deeper about this ascertainment has led me to conclusions that I describe in this theory. Viewed through the prism of fertility, human evolution gets its meaning from the beginning. Why do we walk upright, why do we love music, why do we bury the dead, why do we build mounds, why do we roam the walls of caves, why do we believe in gods, why are gods perched in the sky or the tops of hills etc.

    This theory is about the need to change our view of human evolution. We magnify man that in the last 1% of evolution he developed agriculture, script, built imposing buildings, created civilizations. It is constantly emphasized that in the period before that man was primitive! This is understandable because there are very few archaeological remains from 99% of human evolution. Due to the small number of archaeological remains, understanding of human development has concentrated on only 1% of evolution. However, this does not mean that the man was primitive. Man has not become intelligent in the last ten thousand years, but it is a process of evolution. It is true that great progress has been made in the last 10,000–20,000 years, but the human brain has not undergone major changes in the last 15,000 years. On the contrary, brain volume increased sharply at the beginning of evolution 2,000,000 years ago, not in the last 15,000 years. Literacy and agriculture are the pinnacle of evolution, but to develop a speaking apparatus, to start using tools, making tools, using clothes, using red in times of disorganization, illiteracy, instability requires a much greater mental effort. Non-primitivism is the essential premise of changing the view of evolution. History has shown that it is necessary to change views of certain events in order to gain a better understanding of things. The earth was thought to be a flat surface, that the planet Earth was the center around which the planets were moving, that there were no galaxies other than the Milky Way… But step by step with changes in society, demographics, technology and many other changes, we are starting to see the world in the right light. The theory explains why symbols have the shape and color they have! It explains why customs and narratives have certain characteristics! By analyzing the symbols and customs of men, we find that they are all created in the context of faith. Fertility was believed! That is why it is important to see that our ancestors were not primitive. However, how did the first faith come about?

    A long upbringing and attachment to her mother created dependence on her caregiver. Addiction evolved into believing in your caregiver. One can go so far as to claim that faith separated us in the direction of hominids and that it all began with belief. If we look at primates, everyone has their own social behavior, and Bonobo primates have interesting social behavior. In them, the cub is dependent on the mother and has been attached to the mother all her life. This behavior makes the cub a mum’s mom, addicted and insecure. In our species, the attachment of the cub and the mother was even more extreme and led us to the first worship of the mother. Our primates were materially organized. Dominant females forced an aggressive male (upright threatening attitude) to protect the cubs. This evolved the species toward an upright gait.

    What set us apart from other beings is not intelligence but the power of contemplation and imagination. Contemplation and imagination, derived from an abstract notion, gave impetus (stimulus) to continue the evolution of worship. Imagining allowed us to believe. Our species has developed an abstract image that is more important than intelligence. Over time, the abstract part of our brains has evolved so much that in coordination with intelligence, it has led to even greater intelligence. The first worship was forming for a very long time. It had its ups and downs, different duration, different variants (due to isolation), it was very fragile, but it has survived to this day.

    In Theory, I’m trying to point out that all civilizations had the same tradition and a very old base! Namely, civilizations can have similar elements only if tradition existed before the settlement of separate continents of America and Australia. I point out that at the time of the settlement of Australia 60,000 years ago, man was aware and organized in accordance with his beliefs in respect for Mother Earth and fertility. I do not consider it to be zero civilization so long ago, but I am talking about a very old tradition that lasted much longer than civilization can take. If we look at the rare archeological remains from prehistoric times from a fertility perspective, we will see that this reverence is much older than 60,000 years! Age is indicated by the findings of Venus: Venus TanTan 450,000 y.; as well as Venus of Berekhat Ram 230,000; stone circular structures in Mpumalanga 200,000 years old… We can even trace the evolution of fertility beliefs in parallel between Neanderthals and other hominids who have had a separate evolution for 700,000 years ago! Both had a common basis for respecting the cave as a source of life, but for the Neanderthals the cave painting reached its pinnacle. One might think that I went too far into the past because the Early Man is a primitive. However, mother worship has existed from the beginning! This is indicated by the custom of eating liver, i.e. hypervitaminosis in the bones of Turkana homo erectus before 1,500,000; a method of collecting bones per 20 km² in Isernia Italy 700,000 years ago; ocher remains 800,000 years old in Wonderwerk Cave – South Africa… Symbols of red, the habit of eating liver, worshiping white bones, moving east are all the results of believing in the fertility of the mother. Belief in fertility explains why burial began, why a person was buried in a crooked position, why red ocher was used in burials and rituals, why a mound was raised above the deceased…fertility is the reason for the emergence of the symbols like circle, the point, the worship of snakes, the trinity, the making of vases, habitats, statues of Venus… Man has used fertility symbols far into the past and evolved them into strong faith and tradition. This tradition has spread to all continents. How could an early man have a tradition before the emergence of all civilizations known today? The answer is found in the similarity of all civilizations. On all continents we find pyramids and mounds, Venus, the outlines of red hands on the walls, drawings of rhombuses with a line in the middle, tattoos…, and the most widespread similarity is reverence for Mother Earth and fertility.

    However, it’s not all that simple. Numerous symbols and customs cannot be explained merely by interpreting the mother’s fertility worship. Fertility worship has been around for over two million years, and it has evolved over many phases over such a long period of time. Below, I explain the stages of evolution by which we can understand most of our behavior, activities, customs, and symbols. The object was first Mother, then Earth, then Moon, then Sun and finally Gods. These stages of the evolution of the belief in fertility are very important because they reveal why man’s interest is formed in the moon, the stars, the cyclical, the mathematics, the gods…that is why we are formed the way we are formed!

    At all stages, fertility was a major element of belief, faith, and the philosophy of life. In the first stage, a particular Mother was worshiped, a specific burden, a concrete creation-birth. After hundreds of thousands of years, when a mental critical mass was created in man to portray the wider world than the mother, it came to the second stage when one tried to interpret how all other nature came into being. In this second phase of belief, the object of worship became Earth. The earth has become a symbol of the fertility from which nature, food, water appear and life comes from the hills, which represent a burdensome belly. Belief in the burden of a particular Mother has been mirrored by the burden of the earth, by simply comparing the profile of the lying burden of the mother with the landscape of the earth on whose horizon the hill lies. The Earth is Mother, the hill is the burden of the belly, the top of the hill is the navel, the rivers spring and rivers are the umbilical cord, the cave is the womb, and the entrance to the cave is the vagina.

    The pregnant mother as a concrete object of belief in the continuation of life has been replaced by the abstract object of the earth’s burden. For an early man to understand the earth as a new object of fertility, which is not a living organism, abstraction is needed. Abstract vision allowed for a broader interpretation of fertility, general pregnancy, non-specific thinking. Abstraction is a special, revolutionary, way of thinking that has enabled the evolution of faith, and thus of man. Man began to develop a part of the brain intended for an immutable representation that enabled him to understand mathematics, the world, and the universe!

    The parallel of Mother and Earth is the key to explaining the roots of most symbols and given associations with symbols! Because of this parallel, all present tribes and civilizations associate Earth with their mother. Since all early human activity was subordinate to belief, the expansion of symbols and objects of belief occurred. Thus, the main symbol is the circle with the dot cause that the first settlements were built in a circular fashion and that the tribal settlements had a central common house. The city of Rome, Babylon (like all settlements) at the very beginning had their navel in the center of the settlement (even the name of the navel has been preserved to this day). The navel is a source of life mapped to the center of the village, but also to the top of the mountain. Therefore, the old settlements are located at the top of the mountains and have a circular plan for the construction of the walls. The parallel of the hills and the belly is the reason why the Aztecs perform the ritual at the top of the pyramids, because it is the point of connection between the spiritual and the material. Over time, everything on top of the mountains becomes an important symbol. The symbol of the chamois is important because they live on the tops of mountains, and even later the symbol becomes its horns and the spiral shape of the horn. The symbol becomes mountain birds that inhabit the spiritual peaks and touch the spiritual sky. The white color of snowy or rocky peaks becomes a symbol of the spiritual union of the worlds. So, too, the white bones of the deceased (though they have nothing to do with the hill but have with the remains after death) become a symbol of the spiritual. Especially the skull because it has a circular shape (which is why only the heads are buried somewhere). White smoke that goes to sky becomes part of spiritual rituals. White clouds become spiritual. Furthermore, fossilized shells become a symbol because of where they are (mountains) and because they are bones. Because of the location of these shells, all religious theories and myths speak of the deluge. They were interesting to find at these heights, but also because they were in a holy place! Later shells (as a spiritual object) were adapted as part of the garment, especially for the head. They were used as a pottery design tool! Clay pots, as a product of a community in which everything is subordinate to religion, must be consistent with belief, and this is a symbol of a burdensome belly. The pots are made of Earth (Mother’s symbol) and contain water and food. The shape of the first pottery is unusually wide because it symbolizes pregnancy and fertility, and shells graffiti (which is a spiritual tool) is made on it.

    The burial ritual begins with the symbol of the artificial hill of the circular layout. In order to be sure of the deceased’s passing to another world, the belly is imitated in such a way as to make artificial hills, mounds of circular foundation, with red ocher on the floor. Habitats were created by this circle pattern on the ground plan and semicircle above. That is why habitats are often burial sites. Later (in patriarchy) the mounds will develop into square pyramids.

    Drawing in caves is not an expression of art, but is closely linked to the belief that the hill is a burden on the mother’s belly. The visual position of the cave penetrating the interior of the hill is a parallel for the symbol of the womb, vagina, fertility. The caves are painted with fertility symbols, marked with silhouettes of the hand. This is because in many caves, the floors are sprinkled with red ocher, as are burial places sprinkled with red ocher – a symbol of fertility, i.e. the passage to the new world. Fertility is the reason for drawing three points at the end of the caves, because the end of the cave is not the end but the beginning of the world.

    The hill is the reason for the creation of an unusual instrument, a bell, a symbol of the spiritual. Sound, rhythm, music, dance are essential elements of connection with the spiritual, and the bell shaped as a belly of a pregnant women has a special role to play in faith. Because of this, the Pagodas have bell-shaped forms at the top of the pyramid, the navel. The sound produced by blowing into the horn has pure spiritual initiation. Especially because the horn is part of the skeleton, therefore spiritual.

    The rivers that originate in the sacred mountains are parallel to the umbilical cord, i.e. the connection of two worlds or the flow of life. Everything in the river is used for symbolism (stone pebbles, fish, brook, Nile horse, blue color…). An early man often drew symbols of fish and rivers (the symbol of fish remained in Christianity). In Egypt, the Nile Horse is worshiped simply because it is a resident of the river. Snakes that swirl like rivers, umbilical cord shapes, and emerge from the earth like rivers have had significant symbolism throughout all stages of the evolution of faith. At Aztec, the white-water lily had spiritual symbolism because it grows in water. River and white color have the same roots symbolizing the spiritual navel. The choice of an object for a symbol is primarily related to the burdened Mother and Earth, and if there are additional parallels, it only

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