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The Savage Peak
The Savage Peak
The Savage Peak
Ebook290 pages4 hours

The Savage Peak

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When Morgalla and her mentor are forced to abandon their sanctuary on a far-off world, they must return to the realm of hell. The only problem is teen Morgalla has never been around her own kind before, and she's finding she doesn't fit in. Smaller than the average demon, she not only holds contradictory views to her own culture, she possesses a unique talent most demons don't have.


When Delilah makes a life-changing decision for her, Morgalla finds herself on the run on another world as she tries to adapt and fit into a culture where both demons and humans coexist.

PublisherBHC Press
Release dateJul 9, 2020
The Savage Peak

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    Book preview

    The Savage Peak - Jon David


    Editor: Rebecca Rue

    Proofreader: Hannah Ryder

    The Savage Peak

    Copyright © 2020 Jon David

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, please write to the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published by BHC Press

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019954361

    ISBN: 978-1-64397-074-5 (Hardcover)

    ISBN: 978-1-64397-108-7 (Softcover)

    ISBN: 978-1-64397-109-4 (Ebook)

    For information, write:

    BHC Press

    885 Penniman #5505

    Plymouth, MI 48170

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    Dedicated to my parents,

    whose love and support mean everything.


    The demons towered over her so high, she thought they might be statues. At first, she did not realize they were alive. Her lilac eyes peered up at them from beneath her hood as her tiny hands gripped the plush animal. She and the stuffed beast were almost the same size. The new power she was discovering told her things about other demons, so she did not have to ask—not everything—but certainly enough to read their emotions clearly. The four who surrounded her appeared nervous, but determined, to do their duty. Today their duty was her protection.

    They wore uniforms of black leather and armor trimmed with gold symbols. Though the demons were the same species, they all appeared different. She couldn’t see their faces; she thought they were very tall, but in reality, she was simply very short. Four of the greatest skilled sentenels stood ready.

    The girl held the elephant tightly as she watched with concern. Though she felt secure that no harm would come to her from these four, she was unsure why she’d been brought there.

    Two more figures entered the chamber, one dressed in extravagant robes decorated with gold. His hair was long and curly, as was his white beard…probably due to his advanced age. On top of his head, four horns showed through thick hair. His pink eyes peered down at the child before him, and she seemed unable to return his gaze. She focused on the marble floor, afraid to lock eyes with the strange beings before her.

    Master Udo, the servant said, this is the child—

    But of course, fool.

    Y-yes, Master, the servant stammered.

    Lord Udo studied the child, his fingertips steepled together in front of his chest.

    So you are the one, hmm? He pondered and smiled. Do you speak, child?

    The girl remained quiet, for she had nothing to say.

    Look upon me, young one, Udo commanded. She could not explain why, but she felt an urge to gaze at him, regardless of her level of fear. Do you know your father?

    She shook her head. Udo stepped closer, and the girl wished with all her heart to be away from him, far away from here.

    He is a powerful being. The most powerful…next to the Dark One. You are most fortunate to have his blood flowing through you. You will grow to be powerful and take a rightful place at your father’s side. But until then, your life is in danger.

    The chamber door opened again. A figure entered, dressed in black, her features concealed. Surely it was a woman by the way she strolled in with such confidence and delicacy. The small girl felt a pair of eyes on her, but she couldn’t see who was peering down. The person seemed happy to see her.

    Hello, little one, the figure said in a soft voice.

    The child returned a small smile.

    Once she lifted her hood, the woman’s scarlet features were obvious. Her skin revealed pale red scales, smooth to the touch and white horns that stretched high behind her head. Black lips, full and vibrant, glittered in the light. Her hair was the most beautiful the girl had ever seen, flowing long and white. Flickers of silver shone upon her radiant locks. Her strange, yellow eyes made the small girl nervous, but she gasped when wings emerged from under the woman’s cloak.

    You are very lovely indeed, the woman said. Do not be afraid, young one. I shall not harm you.

    The words helped, and the young girl believed her sincerity and even felt happy.

    Can you fly? the girl asked.

    With teeth gleaming white, she said, Why yes, I can. My grandmother was a dragon. Do you know what a dragon is?

    The girl shook her head from side to side.

    My name is Delilah, and that is just one of many things I will teach you.

    The little girl sensed something from the woman, but she couldn’t quite figure out what. It wasn’t sight, smell, or sound but an instinct beneath the surface. A warm feeling emanated from the red-skinned woman. The more the child studied her, the stronger it became. An odd warmth built a bridge between the two, and they both smiled at the same time.

    You feel it, don’t you? Delilah asked. The child nodded. It is the greatest of all gifts bestowed upon our people. All living beings, anyone with a beating heart and soul, project what we feel to the world. Demons are the only ones who can feel it. In some cases, they even use it. This I will teach you too.

    Delilah extended her hand, and with some added patience, the girl finally reached out and took it.

    Lord Udo spoke, but the woman didn’t look at him. Her gaze was on the young, orange-skinned girl.

    Mistress Delilah, do you swear in the name of the Dark One to watch over this girl? To protect her? To teach her our ways and give her the power she will need in the coming years?

    Yes, she said, smiling and exposing glistening white fangs beneath her black lips. A name. She needs a name.


    Something grand, Delilah added. Something that…means something.

    Um…yes, Udo replied. I have given much thought to this and have decided upon a name to honor our Lord Zorach and the Dark One as well.

    Delilah’s gaze never left the young girl. She rolled her eyes at Udo’s grandstanding, which made the little girl giggle slightly.

    I have searched through the ancient texts in languages as old as the child’s father, and I have found a name that… Lord Udo rambled on, to the annoyance of Delilah and the confusion of the little girl.

    Delilah knelt down, close enough so only she would hear.

    He can talk a bit too much, can’t he? Delilah whispered and winked.

    The strange woman with the crimson skin made a couple of funny faces that caused the girl to burst out in laughter.

    You know, I never thought about having children, the woman went on, but seeing you, and the potential you have, the potential that I shall see you fulfill—

    Morgalla, Udo bellowed.

    Hmm? Delilah replied, checking over her shoulder at him.

    The child’s name. From this day forth…may all know you as…Morgalla.

    During Udo’s vain rambling, neither of them had heard the meaning of the girl’s name, something from a long-dead language. But to Delilah, it did not matter. She smiled at the young one again. She stood, and the girl inched close, almost hugging the woman’s leg. Delilah wrapped her cloak around to envelop the child. It was a simple cloth and yet to the child, it was stronger than any armor. Delilah swelled with pride.



    Hell has a library, and it’s run by the Master of Knowledge. The stacks of books were taller than the child. But then again, most things were. The book she carried was very big and heavy. She didn’t even know the subject matter, nor did she care, but its size would fit her needs. She had arranged books into four walls; in the middle of them, she had set the largest book down to sit upon. Within her small fortress of knowledge, Morgalla would fill her mind with lessons her mistress had commanded.

    The ceiling of this chamber was huge with multiple levels. Shelves appeared to go on forever atop iron catwalks. Dusty books were scattered about on the floors and shelved in what appeared to be no order. No signs of life existed except for one small figure…a child of nine.

    Virtually all demons, by the time they were twelve years old, had already executed their first lesser being, but Delilah had kept Morgalla sheltered among the stacks of Hell’s library. Delilah had fallen asleep high upon one of the shelves. The sound of the large book plopping down on the catwalk had awakened her. All six limbs stretched the fatigue from her body, and she rose. She flapped red dragon wings a few times to return the circulation and then leapt off the shelf. Delilah glided down to where she had left her apprentice, finding her within the four walls.

    Constructed your own little castle, I see, Delilah noted.

    Uh-huh. Her voice had a tone of aggravation, slipping closer to annoyance.

    Delilah ignored the child’s mood. Finish the lesson?

    Yes, Mistress.

    Let me take a look.

    The girl held up a few sheets of parchment; upon the first was her name written many times. Delilah took the sheets in her claws and flipped through them to see many other words spelled out. Morgalla kept her eyes focused on the book in front of her. Delilah, as she studied the child’s writing, couldn’t help but notice that the utensil her pupil had been using was digging deeper and deeper into the paper. She found some doodles on the final page curious; it was a drawing of a woman with red skin and wings, a sword in her hand.

    You’re improving, child. Excellent.

    That purple boy made fun of me the other day.

    Oh? What did he do?

    He told me all about how great his family is and how I’m nothing.

    Striking him might be fulfilling for sure, the dragon-demon said, but it could cause friction between his family and yours. They are powerful. Do not forget.

    I won’t. I just…hate him…

    Yes, I know, Delilah assured. Look at me, child.

    Morgalla obeyed, meeting the gaze of her mistress’s eyes. Delilah’s clawed hands rested upon the wall of books in front of her.

    He is to never touch you, Delilah stated with conviction. If he does…you are to tell me. Understand?

    Are you going to kill him? Morgalla asked with a hint of concern.

    Oh no. I’ll just cut off his hand. Don’t worry, it will grow back. That will be warning enough.

    Morgalla giggled as Delilah smirked and winked. The woman then crawled down to the floor and made her way through the castle entrance. Master sat next to student for a moment of silence.

    Morgalla, I mean it. He is not to touch you.

    I understand, Mistress.

    Do you think the Master of Knowledge will be angry with your little…redecorating? Delilah asked, referring to the castle.

    These books were unshelved.

    Librarians love their books. To them, they are the bricks that make up their kingdom.

    I’m making the library look nicer, the girl proclaimed.

    Delilah’s laugh filled the room all the way to the high ceiling, so it sounded like an ancient cavern. She then peered over at the open book Morgalla had been studying. There were pages of pictures with beaches, the sun shining upon the sand and crystal-clear water.

    Where did you find this? Delilah asked.

    It’s pretty.

    I guess. But all that sun? I’m sure it’s nice and hot but…too bright.

    Delilah’s head suddenly snapped, and her eyes averted to another part of the chamber. She must have sensed the presence of others quietly entering the room because she stood and focused on the wall of books, then down from the catwalk to the entrance far below.

    I think it would be nice to have a house on the beach. What does the ocean smell like?

    Shh… Delilah commanded.

    Peering down to the main hall, Delilah saw a group of demons had entered and seemed to be as stealthy as possible. They were dressed in black, their features hidden from view, but Delilah could, with ease, feel their souls. Unfortunately, their intent was not clear to her.

    There are others here, she whispered to her young apprentice.


    They’re from the family of the purple boy.


    Yes, Delilah agreed and extended her hand. We should go.

    Can I bring the book with me?

    I…I guess. I doubt the Master would notice a book like that missing.

    Delilah took the girl in her arms and leapt off the catwalk and glided down through the darkness. By the time the two of them reached the light of the main hall, the group of demons spotted them. Before they could react, Delilah had already swooped to the main gate and flew out, the child in her arms.

    The Master of Knowledge had been returning, walking up the cobblestone path leading to his kingdom. He was an older demon, one who imposed his will upon the youth of Hell. Instead of joining the many wars fought upon many worlds, he kept his nose in books. Since he had grown in power, demons as young as Delilah dared not cross him directly. She flew past him in a blur, the air swooshing as her wings flapped.

    He shouted. You’d better not have taken any of my books!

    Morgalla held on with both arms and legs as Delilah’s powerful limbs kept her apprentice close to her. The book was pressed between their bodies, a new treasure the child wasn’t going to lose. Delilah flew towards Zorach’s castle but would land in a courtyard some walking distance away. She set Morgalla down and looked around the area as if searching for something.

    Velleau, Delilah called out.

    Over here.

    Both ladies watched a demon step forward from the shadows of stone. He was dressed to show off his wealth and power, dripping with gold from expensive robes.

    Did you get it? Delilah asked.

    Yes, of course. You know I had to pull some favors for this.

    No gratitude for saving your life? And here I thought you came from one of the more honorable families.

    Do you always exploit those in your debt?

    It’s not for me, Delilah said. It’s for her.

    Zorach lets her walk around? Rather dangerous, don’t you think?

    Velleau nodded to the girl, who returned a shy wave. Morgalla never left Delilah’s side, staying close and holding onto her cloak.

    But you got it, right? Delilah asked.

    Yes, yes. I got it.

    The blue blood held out a small drawstring bag and handed it to Delilah. She knelt and opened it, pouring the contents onto the ground. A single item fell out. The medallion had seemingly unimpressive features. Both Delilah and Velleau were careful not to touch the trinket with their bare hands.

    Come, Delilah said to her ward. Hold out your hand.

    Morgalla was confused but did as she was told. Delilah took hold of her, making sure the girl’s hand was directly above the medallion. Velleau stood a few feet away, picking something from between his teeth with his pinky claw.

    Now close your eyes.

    Again, the child did as she was instructed though her pulse quickened. With the speed of a bullet and the precision of a surgeon, Delilah removed a small blade and made a razor-thin cut on the child’s palm. Morgalla opened her eyes and let out a slight cry of pain. Delilah held her wrist, making sure a drop of blood fell on the trinket at her feet. Morgalla frowned at her palm, realizing the cut had already healed itself. Demonic powers. Delilah took the decoration by its tiny chain and lifted it from the ground.

    Excellent, Delilah said. Here, take it. It’s yours.

    Morgalla held out the gift.

    For me?

    Her teacher smiled and nodded. Morgalla was shocked to watch the metal in her hand turn into a blade as long as she was tall. The sudden weight change surprised her, and she dropped the weapon.

    Easy there, Delilah said. Not to worry, you’ll get used to it. Soon it will feel as if you’re carrying no weight at all.

    With both hands, the young girl held the sword up. Morgalla could see her reflection in the gleaming metal. She lost strength in her shoulders, fell to her knees and set the blade on her lap, still marveling at the craftsmanship.

    Her nose filled with the smell of leather as she held the gray-colored grip.The blade was dull on one end but razor-sharp on the other, much different from the small swords she had practiced with. The blade was narrow at the guard and grew wide as her eyes trailed up the gleaming, silver-like metal; again, different from the black blades Delilah made her practice with. The blade was wide near the end but came down to a sharp tip. The weapon had a knuckle guard that came out and curved like an S down to the head. At the head, there was a small hook just inches where her pinky finger would be. As the child held it, the metal wasn’t cold.

    It was a work of art meant to kill.

    There are few things in this life you can trust, Morgalla.

    Morgalla stared up at her mistress with a smile. Delilah did not return it but studied the weapon instead.

    I trust you, the child replied.

    Others cannot be trusted. But this…is a weapon in your hands, under your control. You are its mistress. That you can trust.

    I…I don’t know.

    First, though. I will teach you how to use this. Delilah pointed to her forehead. That is your most important weapon. I will not always be there for you, Delilah said as she stood. Do not look to another to save you. Do not ask a male to be your hero. This sword will be your hero.

    Morgalla gazed again up to her mentor and then back to the gift in her hands. It took only a moment to decide a name for her new friend.


    Velleau watched the child with curiosity as she strolled into the courtyard, mesmerized by the weapon in her hand. He couldn’t help but notice that the sword might even be even taller than its owner.

    How old is she? Five? he asked.


    He was surprised. Really? She’s so small.

    Don’t let Zorach hear you say that.

    Hell forbid. But I was curious why you chose to get her a blade so large. My first weapon was more…

    Yes, yes, I know— Delilah interrupted. More your size. Mine was the same way. But I have orders from Zorach, and I don’t know when we’ll be back.


    We’re being ordered off-world.

    The two of them turned towards the child who was swinging…or at least trying to swing…the sword around. When she raised it above her head, she lost her footing and fell backward.

    She seems weak for one her age. Nine years old, really?

    Yes, really. I know why we’re being ordered to leave. Isn’t it obvious?

    A little, Velleau said with a smirk.

    She’ll grow into it. The sword, I mean.

    When will you be back?

    Delilah shrugged. That, I couldn’t tell you. But we won’t return until I think she is ready.

    I have a feeling it will take years.

    Delilah checked around the area, from the dark mountains decorating the horizon, to the black trees surrounding them in the valley. She walked to an area of some red flowers that bloomed in the garden and knelt to smell one before whispering a single word to herself. Years.


    Morgalla would soon forget all about the look, feel, and even the smell of Hell. Her dreams were sometimes filled with a sky on fire and the roars of warriors, but she’d wake every morning to the peaceful forest. The women, much like the peaceful monks they lived with, had all they needed up in the trees. Even if Morgalla didn’t have

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