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America Needs God – Not Hypocrites, Liars, and Socialists!
America Needs God – Not Hypocrites, Liars, and Socialists!
America Needs God – Not Hypocrites, Liars, and Socialists!
Ebook171 pages2 hours

America Needs God – Not Hypocrites, Liars, and Socialists!

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This publication summarizes America’s true history in founding of the United States, her progress through each decade, leading up to the condition of our great country today and how we can correct the crisis created by the present administration of Socialist Democrats in power. As a Christian and a patriotic citizen, Woody felt he was called to write this book.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 14, 2022
America Needs God – Not Hypocrites, Liars, and Socialists!

D. Woody Walker

Woody retired from operating and managing hotels and a variety of properties and as a hotel consultant with his own company for over fifty years. He attended the University of Tampa and the University of South Florida as well as serving in the United States Army. Woody married his beloved wife for over 56 years ago. Through his career, he served as president and founder of a hotel association, board member of chamber of commences, trustee, court receiver, associate pastor, deacon, and member of the Republican Party. The best-selling author, Martin Caidin, encouraged Woody to write his first book, “The Innkeeper.” With his love of life, he continued by writing, “Boom!”, “Orphans West”, “Impeach”, “2099 Heavenly Space”, “Sun City”, and now “America needs God”.

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    America Needs God – Not Hypocrites, Liars, and Socialists! - D. Woody Walker

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    Rev. date: 08/22/2022




    This book is dedicated

    to my God, my loving wife, my family,

    and all the patriotic, hard-working American citizens.



    Chapter 1 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries

    Chapter 2 19th Century

    Chapter 3 20th Century

    Chapter 4 Into the 21st Century

    Chapter 5 2021—Changing America

    Chapter 6 American Citizens’ Petition

    Chapter 7 2022 and the Future of America


    Maybe the title of the book should be The Washington Circus Run by Clowns. We, American citizens, do not understand what is happening in our government or in our great nation. With the elected politicians turning away from God, they have created disastrous problems in our great country. The second biggest problem in our country is political parties. The left-wing radicals and the biased media have been preaching hate for the conservative right since 2016, and this terrible frame of mind has not stopped. This must cease because it has divided the country and may cause another civil war. On the first day of the new administration in 2021, they continued political hate and revenge by reversing the former administration’s policies such as a controlled southern border and the stoppage of the Keystone Pipeline which hurt the country’s gas and oil supply as well as cutting thousands of jobs. Political parties are putting their personal emotions before good, old-fashion common sense. Instead of putting their parties first, every elected official should stop and look their selves in the mirror and think what will be good for the people and the country, regardless if a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or whatever.

    Most of all, former and present elected officials have violated the trust of their constituents by creating a double standard form of government for their own benefit. They have created their own retirement. After five years of service, they receive a pension and their own health care program; they give themselves raises and set themselves above the law and above the people. Of course, they receive compensation for their expenses and travel as well as security. They take advantage of term limits. Even the press is calling them the elite!

    While sending billions of dollars to foreign countries, they forget that money still belongs to the hard-working taxpayers! The elected people’s representatives should think, America First. Instead of paying back favors to lobbyists for dollars and perks from large corporations and minority groups, these men and women should be working for the citizens! Most of these arrogant people have never been in the business world, most are lawyers and professional politicians with some not ever having a real job. How does anyone expect these people to manage a government as large as the United States of America with no experience?

    The new, younger representatives and an ignorant, anti-American, minority group has introduced another stupid, new idea called cancel culture. Cancel culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone or a group is or has been dismissed out of social or professional circles. Those who are subjected to this ostracism are said to be canceled.

    The left-wing liberals of our society are trying to cancel the glorious history of the United States, including our founding fathers. They are even trying to cancel our history in the schools while adding Black Lives Matter, a critical race theory (which creates hate and division) as subjects and teaching the benefits of socialism and communism over democracy. This group is changing the names of schools that have the names of some of our greatest founders and leaders. An example of this is what was happening at the University of Washington. Instead of learning and studying as pupils, they wanted to cancel the father of our country. An anti-American leftist group (traitors) of students was trying to remove the statue of George Washington and change the name of the institution. This great man fought and lead America to freedom, he was the first President of the United States and a signer of the Constitution. Who gave anyone the right to cancel the truth and the American way of life? Most of these anti-American youngsters are spoiled brats living off their parents or unemployed deadbeats living off the government (taxpayers). This is so silly, who every they are, would have canceled Mr. Rodgers because he was so nice. Any true American with any sense will ignore these anti-American idiots with their nonsense!

    The radical left peaceful demonstrators were in the streets destroying the statues of great Americans as well as burning and looting citizens’ private businesses. The insanity has got to the point of trying to eliminate the police in our society while releasing the criminals back on the streets. This is bad enough but now the criminals have no fear of the law, they are going into stores and walking out with all the merchandise they can carry, without paying. One store clerk got shot by stopping the thieves. NO convictions! The kicker to this criminal practice is these low lives go home and receive a government check for not working! These people are part of a group calling their selves progressive. They are very confused, this is regression and criminal. This is not the change the new government should be encouraging but when Senator Schumer said, Now, we can change the country, after the Georgia Senate race. Well, the people in charge are completing their goal.

    At one time, we citizens had a group of elected representatives called the Committee of Un-American Activities to protect our way of life. Why did they eliminate this needed committee? Today, we need this group back in action, starting with Congress itself. There are anti-Americans, socialists, and terrorist supporters as members of the elite. Anyone with common sense can see that the nation is in a crisis at our southern border and crime throughout the country, with other major crises facing us such as inflation, employment, spending out of control, cutting the military, energy, and other issues. Are the present leaders trying to destroy the United States of America?

    Attention all students and liberals, you cannot change or cancel the history of the United States of America. It is fact, that these men and women established the greatest democracy in history. We must remember that they were mortal human beings. Our Lord said, Those without sin, cast the first stone. Every American should be thankful for all the patriotic men and women that have given their lives for our freedom. Instead of trying to cancel our glorious history, read it and appreciate it. So let us cancel the cancel culture!

    We all know that our founding fathers of the United States of America did not establish the federal government to operate as it does today. They established three branches in the government structure to provide a check and balance of power on each, not absolute rule by one group.

    It is time for all American citizens to wake up, appreciate, and refresh their selves in the history of this great nation. When we lose pride and respect in our country, we lose pride in ourselves. We all need to remember that we are all human beings and God’s children regardless of the color of one’s skin. Humanity has been around a lot longer than any of our lifetimes while our species has thousands of years of experience, we, as well as future generations, should all study our history and contribute to it in a positive manner in order to preserve our institutions.


    15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries

    With the discovery of the Americans in the fifteenth century, explorers, including Christopher Columbus, from Italy, Spain, England, France, and Portugal continued to claim new lands in their countries’ names. Columbus was a spiritual man as he was seeking a route to the West Indies when he discovered San Salvador (meaning Holy Savior) as he named it. As his expedition explored the other islands, he had a cross erected on each island, along with another mission of spreading the gospel. Florida’s written history began with the arrival of Ponce de Leon in 1513 made in the first textual records. Spain ruled Spanish Florida for over two hundred years. St. Augustine was the first European continuously inhabited settlement in America in 1563 until now, 458 years later! Spain ceded Florida to England in 1763–1783 before becoming a territory of the United States in 1821.

    Through turbulent seas, storms, sicknesses, misery, and lack of food and water, the brave immigrants came seeking freedom of speech, religion, and a better life from the rule of a monarchy. The first English colony was founded in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 by the Quakers seeking freedom to practice their religion, a form of Christianity. The Mayflower arrived with 122 Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, near Cape Cod, in 1620. The group sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Plymouth, England. The journey lasted sixty-six days. The first thing they did after landing was to pray. While on board, the Pilgrims drafted and signed a document called the Mayflower Compact in which they agreed to govern themselves in a Civil Body Politic, agreeing to abide by the laws they’d later establish for the good of the colony. The principles of self-governing are still fundamental to the American way today. In both settlements, the colonists flourished with some assistance from Native Americans. With the knowledge and the education of the old countries, it was a noticeably short time before the first university was to be founded on September 8, 1636, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and it was named Harvard University. Out of the first 108 universities founded, 106 were based on a Christian foundation. God said, If the people will humble themselves and pray, I will forgive them and heal the land. Jesus said, If you believe in me, you’ll have freedom.

    All European powers began to realize the opportunities in the New World. The new settlers came from a vast variety of social and religious groups, including adventurers, farmers, merchants, ministers, tradesmen, indentured servants, soldiers, and a few from the aristocracy.

    From the first organized settlement in 1607, the New World of North America grew as fast as the wooden ships could sail. Through the 1600 and 1700 centuries, the Eastern Seaboard grew from the New England colonies to Georgia. They were now the new British colonies. In 1773, the cry in the colonies was no King except Jesus Christ.

    The French Empire established New France north of the British colonies. With both powerful European countries seeking land and waterways, the French Indian War broke out in 1754 and ended in 1763. With France being outmanned, France ceded Canada and French Louisiana to Britain in the Treaty of Paris. At the same time, Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for Havana, Cuba.

    By the mid-1770s, the administrations of Britain and America became strained and acrimonious. The first shots were fired in April 1775, thus, the war for independence had begun.

    In 1775, the Continental Congress created a Continental Army and appointed George Washington, with no pay, as Commander. This bloody Revolutionary War for freedom and independence lasted seven years (1775–1783). The exact number of casualties is unknown, but the estimate of both sides, including Native Americans, is ninety thousand. Besides our founding fathers Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, and others, we should recognize so many more that contributed to the fight for liberty. Crisps Attucks, a multiracial man known as the first American colonist to die in the American revolution. Daniel Boone, Paul Revere, Betsy Ross, Martha Washington, Patrick Henry (give me liberty or give me death), and John Paul Jones (Naval Commander) are some more famous contributors to our freedom. James Armistead Lafayette was a slave turned spy that helped in victories for the American troops.

    With the Americans winning the Revolution War, the last British troops departed the east coast port cities of Savannah, Charleston, and New York City by November 25, 1783. This marked the end of British rule in the thirteen American colonies. Since Bibles became extremely scarce in the American colonies due to the war, in September 1782, Congress passed a bill to support Robert Aitken’s publication of the New Testament to be distributed in

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