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Digestible Quantum Field Theory
Digestible Quantum Field Theory
Digestible Quantum Field Theory
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Digestible Quantum Field Theory

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This book gives an intermediate level treatment of quantum field theory, appropriate to a reader with a first degree in physics and a working knowledge of special relativity and quantum mechanics. It aims to give the reader some understanding of what QFT is all about, without delving deep into actual calculations of Feynman diagrams or similar.

The author serves up a seven‐course menu, which begins with a brief introductory Aperitif. This is followed by the Hors d'oeuvres, which set the scene with a broad survey of the Universe, its theoretical description, and how the ideas of QFT developed during the last century. In the next course, the Art of Cooking, the author recaps on some basic facts of analytical mechanics, relativity, quantum mechanics and also presents some nutritious “extras” in mathematics (group theory at the elementary level) and in physics (theory of scattering). After these preparations, the reader should have a good appetite for the Entrées ‐ the central par

t of the book where the Standard Model is described and explained. 

After Trou Normand, the restive pause including human stories about physicists and no formulas, the author serves the Dessert, devoted to supersymmetry (a very beautiful theory that is still awaiting a direct experimental confirmation), to general relativity and to the mystery of quantum gravity.  

Release dateDec 30, 2017
Digestible Quantum Field Theory

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    Book preview

    Digestible Quantum Field Theory - Andrei Smilga

    Part IAperitif

    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    Andrei SmilgaDigestible Quantum Field Theory

    1. Introduction

    Andrei Smilga¹  


    SUBATECH, University of Nantes, Nantes, France

    Andrei Smilga


    Half a century ago, when the author of this book was somewhat younger than he is now, he was interested in science, especially in physics. One thing that I wanted to understand at that time was what this famous theory of relativity was about. Not yet prepared to learn it from the corresponding Landau and Lifshitz volume, I had to look for the answer in popular books.

    The first book that I happened to read on this subject was Relativity for the Million by Martin Gardner (in Russian translation, of course). This book was written in a way adapted for a general public and did not contain a single formula. The author tried to explain the main relativistic effects (time dilation and twin paradox, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence and so on) using only words. Well, I must say that it did not work in my case. I did not understand much.

    My second try was, however, much more successful. It was Readable Relativity by Clement Durell. That book did involve some simple algebraic formulas. They failed to confuse me because I had just read the high-school manual for maths and already had some idea about what xy and even $$\sqrt{z}$$ might mean. The book also involved transparent and pedagogical explanations how the time dilation and length contraction mentioned above can be derived from Einstein’s two postulates of special relativity. I understood it.¹

    Later I read many other good popular articles and popular books. There were books by Yakov Perelman: Physics can be Fun , Mathematics can be Fun, Astronomy can be Fun and so on). I remember the article by Murray Gell-Mann about the Eightfold Way (the quark model and the Mendeleev-like classification of elementary particles). Still later, I enjoyed reading The First Three Minutes by Steven Weinberg about the origin of the Universe — what happened during the first three minutes of its existence. At that time I was already at graduate school. But I maintain that this book is understandable for a bright high-school student, in spite of (I would say, due to) the presence of a number of simple algebraic relations.

    Like it or not, physics is an exact science. And exact means that it is expressed in the language of mathematics. Without maths one just cannot understand it. For sure, there are different levels of maths. Going back to special relativity, it can well be expressed in the language of square roots. To understand it completely (better than Einstein understood it back in 1905 when writing his famous original papers), one should also be familiar with vectorial and tensorial analysis and with the basics of group theory.

    The reader has probably already guessed that this book devoted to quantum field theory will not be deprived of mathematics. Moreover, the necessary level of maths to grasp this subject is essentially higher than for special relativity. Thus, this book is hopefully going to be readable, but not by a 12-year-old boy. Even a bright one. But it is written to be accessible to any person who studied physics at University at the undergraduate level.

    This was actually my main motivation to write the book. I know many engineers, mathematicians, chemists, colleagues working in other branches of physics, who want to learn what quantum chromodynamics or the Standard Model are, who are capable of learning it at some level, not spending the large amount of time required to acquire a professional understanding, but have not been able to do so till now. The first two parts of this book (the first two courses in the dinner I am suggesting you enjoy) are for them.

    The prerequisites in maths are not only elementary algebra, but also elementary analysis and linear algebra (ordinary and partial derivatives, integrals, differential equations, matrices). The prerequisites in physics are a university course of general physics including quantum mechanics. The best such course is due to Feynman. However, an acquaintance with the Feynman Lectures in Physics is a sufficient, but not necessary condition to read the first two parts of this book.

    They have a popular character. In a certain sense, the beginning of the book is more popular than the Durell book on special relativity mentioned above. Whereas after reading Durell’s book one would obtain a rather clear and comprehensive understanding of the subject, we cannot promise the same to a person who limits his acquaintance with our book to its first two parts.

    Unfortunately, quantum field theory is a more complicated subject than special relativity, and the prerequisites listed above are not sufficient to fully understand what quantum field theory is. At this preliminary stage we will only announce the results and give whenever possible their heuristic explanations, without being able to derive them.

    One can make a general comment in this respect. Even though physical laws are formulated in the language of mathematics, there is a substantial difference between physics and mathematics and between the way a student learns them. Different branches of mathematics are related between themselves, but not so tightly. An expert in, say, functional analysis can have a rather superficial knowledge of group theory or number theory. And vice versa. Group theory and functional analysis are different logical systems based on different sets of axioms. They can be studied separately. A broad mathematical culture, knowing well several such logical systems and not only the one a mathematician is working on at a given moment, brings him perspective and can facilitate his insights, but it is not absolutely necessary.

    But physics is different. It has basically only one subject of study: the world around us. Different physical phenomena are very much intertwined and also their mathematical descriptions have very much in common; The same wave equation, $$\Box f = 0$$ , describes light, sound and surf. That is why it is next to impossible to study physics branch by branch. One simply cannot study optics at a deep level having no idea about mechanics (including analytical mechanics), about Maxwell’s equations, etc.

    A physics student is traditionally invited to be treated in a way similar to the way a piece of work is treated by a lathe — in a sequence of revolutions bringing it finally to the required shape. (i) At (a good) high school, s/he acquires the knowledge of the whole of physics at a superficial level and learns to calculate the trajectory of a canon ball and the capacity of a condenser. This is the first revolution. (ii) The second revolution is a course of general physics in college. Among many other things, a student learns that light is nothing but an electromagnetic wave representing a solution to Maxwell’s equations. (iii) The third revolution is a course on theoretical physics.

    And our book also involves several such revolutions. The first one is Part II. In Chaps. 3 and 4 I give a general bird’s eye overview of what the Universe looks like and how physicists understand and describe its structure. In Chap. 5, still hovering in the skies, we go down a little to focus better on the main subject of the book, quantum field theory, and give a superficial and mostly descriptive (with many words and only few formulas) synopsis of the modern theories of the electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions.

    Chapter 5 closes the Hors d’Oeuvres part of the book, and the reader who feels that his hunger is already somewhat satisfied and decides that s/he now has more urgent things to do, may skip all the other parts except, probably, Part V, the Trou Normand,² where I do not discuss physics, but tell a few human stories about physicists and impose on the reader’s attention with some personal recollections.

    If the reader wants to undergo the second revolution and to learn quantum field theory at a more profound level, s/he is invited to deal with four Entrées that I serve up in Part IV of the book. In Chaps. 11 and 12, the two ingredients of modern quantum field theory (it carries the low-profile name Standard Model), the theory of the strong interactions and the unified theory of the electromagnetic and the weak interactions, are described in detail.

    But to understand these chapters, one needs to learn mathematics, classical and quantum mechanics at a deeper level— beyond the standard university courses. All the necessary extras are given in the Chef’s Secrets part.

    Chapter 6 is a crash course in group theory, which is indispensable to understand the mathematical formulation of field theories, given in Chaps. 10–12. I also introduce there the notion of Grassmann numbers needed to describe fermion fields, which we do in Chap. 9.

    In Sect. 7.​1 I briefly describe analytical mechanics, the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods. This should be familiar to our target reader. But the other sections of Chap. 7 involve material that is not always taught at universities. Please have a look at it.

    Chapter 8 is devoted to scattering theory in quantum mechanics and to the diagrammatic representation of the elastic scattering amplitude. We derive the latter quite accurately, in contrast to the relativistic diagram technique, where we have chosen to be somewhat sloppy.

    I must say here that though parts III and IV do not exactly represent what one calls a popular reading, they are still popular in some sense. I tried to give there only the minimal technical details that are necessary to understand how things work at some level, which is not, however, the professional level. For example, I will discuss Feynman diagrams, will try to explain how they appear and what kind of analytical expressions for the scattering amplitudes they encode. But I will neither derive the Feynman rules accurately, nor teach the reader how to use them in exact calculations. I do not explain complicated theoretical issues (like quantum anomalies). I acquaint the reader with the notion of path integral, but do not go into detail.

    A student who wants to learn all this must consult more serious textbooks. Among them, I first want to mention the brilliant book of Anthony Zee Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell , written with a lot of pedagogical explanations at a level close to professional. And then there are, of course, comprehensive manuals, like An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Michael Peskin and Daniel Schroeder.

    For the Dessert, I mostly serve some sweet speculations. Chapter 14 is devoted to supersymmetry. Supersymmetry is a very elegant idea about the degeneracy between bosons (particles with integer spin) and fermions (particles with half-integer spin). It may or may not be realized in Nature. We give some arguments in its favour at the end of Chap. 12 and in Chap. 14. Irrespective of its relevance, it is so beautiful that I could not refrain from explaining what it is.

    The main subject of the book is quantum field theory. But there is one particular field theory that is known to us today only in its classical form and which successfully resists our attempts to quantize it. I mean gravity. We will discuss the classical theory of gravity, general relativity , in Chap. 15.

    The last chapter is devoted to the mystery of quantum gravity, to string theory (the mainstream candidate for the role of unified Theory of Everything) and to my own heretical ideas on this subject. This chapter and, to a lesser extent, Chap. 14 are more complicated than the others. They are addressed to a person who already knows the Standard Model fairly well — from our book or from other sources — and wants to meditate together with the author on what is beyond.

    Our book has one feature that I would like to mention here. There are frequent cross-references both to the previous and to the subsequent chapters and sections. These references are indispensable: after all, there is a lot of material, and one cannot expect the reader to keep in memory everything that he had read in Chap. 5, while reading Chaps. 11 and 12. S/he needs reminding. And for the benefit of those who are not satisfied with the heuristic hand-waving arguments in Chaps. 4 and 5, we gave there references to the later parts of the book where the same subjects are treated with more rigour.

    In so doing, we took our inspiration from the great architect of the 15th century Filippo Brunelleschi, who put some bricks vertically in the fishbone (spina pesce) pattern, when building the magnificent Florentine Dome. The vertical bricks kept the inclined wall of the Dome together and prevented it from collapsing during construction. Hopefully, our cross-references will do a similar job (Fig. 1.1).


    Fig. 1.1

    Fishbone brickwork with cross-references.


    I am not a native English speaker. My English is good enough for writing scientific papers, but barbarisms inevitably creep in when I try to write a text of a more general scope. Understanding that, I hesitated until recently to realize my longtime project and to write such a semi-popular book.

    Maybe this book would never have been written (at least, in English) if Hugh Jones from Imperial College in London had not make a generous proposal to edit and correct my style throughout the whole book. Knowing well what quantum field theory is about, he also made many valuable remarks on the content. My gratitude to him is difficult to overstate.

    I am indebted to Jean-Paul Blaizot, Masud Chaichian , Igor Klebanov, Heinrich Leutwyler, Alexei Morozov, Mikhail Shaposhnikov, Anca Tureanu , Arkady Vainshtein and Andrei Varlamov, to whom I showed the manuscript of this book, for useful comments. It is also my pleasure to thank Tatiana Eletsky for drawing the pictures in Figs. 4.​2 and 15.​1, Krystyna Haertle for her artistic contributions in Figs. 8.​1 and 8.​2, Albane Smilga for creating the Universe in Fig. 16.​7, and Oleg Kancheli for providing me with the photo in Fig. 13.​2 from his archive. Finally, I would like to thank the whole Springer team, and especially Dr. Angela Lahee for her encouragement and support.



    Recalling my positive emotions from reading my first book on a serious subject in serious physics, I have chosen the title of my own book as a variant of Durell’s title.


    The trou normand is a special course in a traditional French dinner — a glass of calvados or something similar — which helps a banqueter to digest the meals already consumed and prepares him for the dessert.

    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    Andrei SmilgaDigestible Quantum Field Theory

    2. Units $$\Box $$ Fundamental Constants $$\Box $$ Conventions

    Andrei Smilga¹  


    SUBATECH, University of Nantes, Nantes, France

    Andrei Smilga


    We are using in this book different units and unit systems. Quite often (though not always) we give numerical values for the masses and distances in kilograms and meters, as is prescribed by the International System (SI). However, although it is good for practical engineering purposes, SI is a kind of devil’s tool as far as teaching physics is concerned. This applies not so much to meters and kilograms, but to its messy electric units.

    In SI the ampere is an independent unit. As a result, the Coulomb law

    $$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{F}}^{SI} \ =\ \frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon _0} \frac{q_1 q_2 {\varvec{r}}}{r^3} \, . \end{aligned}$$


    involves an esoteric factor $$1/(4\pi \epsilon _0)$$ , which has absolutely no physical meaning and distracts students’ attention from what is relevant. (It is possible, of course, to learn physics using SI, but $$\epsilon _0$$ simply makes this task somewhat more difficult.) Even the brilliant Feynman Lectures were written using amperes, which is a pity. The reason is, of course, that Feynman’s book was written on the basis of a real lecture course that Feynman gave in Caltech. And he had to use the official unit system imposed by the Ministries of Education all around the world including the USA. Our book is not supervised by any ministry and we can make our own choices.

    Thus, (2.1) is the only formula in this book involving $$\epsilon _0$$ or $$\mu _0$$ . Whenever we need to write an explicit formula describing the physics of the electromagnetic interactions, we will often use the CGS unit system. The basic units there are centimeter, gram and second, all other units, including the electric charge, magnetic field and so on, being expressed in terms of them. For example, the CGS unit for the electric charge q is 1 esu¹ = 1 g $$^{1/2} \cdot $$ cm $$^{3/2} \, \cdot \, $$ s $$^{-1}$$ , as follows from the Coulomb law written in the form

    $$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{F}} \ =\ \frac{q_1 q_2 {\varvec{r}}}{r^3} \end{aligned}$$


    without extra factors.

    CGSE/M is better pedagogically than SI, but it is not the best. The best (not for all purposes, but for many) is the so-called theorists’ or natural unit system. The idea is simple. There are several basic fundamental constants in physics. In particular, the Planck constant $$\hbar $$ and the speed of light c. These constants enter all formulas. We now may choose the unit system where $$\hbar = c = 1$$ . This allows us to get rid of these constants and simplify a lot of the formulas, so that their relevant structure is much more clearly displayed.

    The consequences are rather radical and may not at first seem desirable. To begin with, due to the condition $$c=1$$ , time and length are now measured in the same units. Instead of centimeters or meters, lengths are measured in light-seconds. Well, actually, the readers of science fiction and popular astronomy books, familiar with the light-year measure, might not be too surprised and shocked here. In the theory of relativity time and length have a similar nature, which is better displayed if they are measured in the same units.

    For those who are still feeling uneasy, I propose to imagine an almost flat world with very strong gravity, such that the movements in the vertical direction are much more restricted than in our world. Would not the third z spatial axis be then perceived completely differently compared to the x and y axes? And would it not be natural and convenient in everyday life to measure z in different units compared to xy ?² Imagine now a physicist in this world, an indigenous Einstein, who discovered that the height actually has the same nature as two other direction. And he then proposes to measure them in the same units to clarify the underlying space structure. I believe that he would have his reasons.

    In this system speed is dimensionless, it is measured in fractions of c. The energy and momentum have the same dimension as mass and are measured in the same units.

    The condition $$\hbar = 1$$ brings about still more drastic changes. Given any mass m and knowing $$\hbar $$ and c, one can cook up a quantity of dimension of length:

    $$\begin{aligned} l_C = \frac{\hbar }{mc} \, . \end{aligned}$$


    For a particle of mass m, this quantity is called its reduced Compton wavelength (The ordinary Compton wavelength involves an extra factor $$2\pi $$ ). The meaning is the following. In quantum mechanics, there is a dualism between particles and waves. An electron with momentum p can be described by a de Broglie wave of wavelength

    $$\lambda = 2\pi \hbar /p$$

    . The wavelength $$2\pi l_C$$ corresponds to the momentum $$p = mc$$ when the speed of the particle is relativistic:

    $$\begin{aligned} v = \ \frac{pc^2}{E} \ =\ \frac{pc^2}{\sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4}} = \frac{c}{\sqrt{2}} \, . \end{aligned}$$


    One can say that the Compton wavelength is an approximate limit beyond which (at smaller distances) the usual non-relativistic quantum mechanics does not apply.

    In the system $$\hbar = c =1$$ , the Compton wavelength of a particle is just its inverse mass. In this system one measures distances not in meters and not in (light-) seconds, but in inverse (quantum-light-) kilograms!

    To be more precise, usually not in kilograms. In the micro-world, a kilogram (or a gram) is too large and inconvenient a mass unit. The units one traditionally uses to measure masses and energies of elementary particles are electron-volts. One electron-volt (denoted eV) is the energy that an electron acquires when going across a condenser with the potential difference 1 V. In other words,

    $$\begin{aligned} 1\, \mathrm{eV} \ = |e| \cdot ( 1 V) \approx 1.6 \cdot 10^{-19} J \, , \end{aligned}$$


    where e is the electron charge. In practice, one also uses kilo-electron-volts (1 keV $$= 10^3$$  eV), mega-electron-volts (1 MeV $$= 10^6$$  eV), giga-electron-volts (1 GeV $$= 10^9$$  eV), and tera-electron-volts (1 TeV $$= 10^{12}$$  eV).

    Bearing in mind the convention $$c=1$$ , these units are also used to measure momenta and masses. For example, the mass of electron is $$m_e = 511$$  keV, the mass of the proton is $$m_p = 938$$  MeV and so on.

    Also for distances, one uses not the meter, but its small fractions. The popular units are the angstrom (1 Å = $$10^{-10}$$  m), the characteristic size of the atom, and the fermi (1 fm = $$10^{-15}$$  m), the characteristic size of the atomic nucleus. As was discussed before, the distances can also be measured in time units and in inverse mass units. Thus, 1 fm

    $$\approx 3.3 \cdot 10^{-24}$$


    $$\approx (200 \,\mathrm{MeV})^{-1}$$


    The information about different units and the values of the most important fundamental constants is assembled in the table below (Table 2.1).

    Table 2.1

    Units and fundamental constants.

    We draw special attention to the value of Newton’s gravitational constant. In natural units,

    $$\begin{aligned} G_N = \frac{1}{m_P^2} \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ m_P \approx \ 1.22 \cdot 10^{19}\,\mathrm{GeV} \approx \ 2.2 \cdot 10^{-5}\,\mathrm{g} \ . \end{aligned}$$


    The mass $$m_P$$ is called the Planck mass. In usual units,

    $$\begin{aligned} m_P = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c}{G_N}} \, . \end{aligned}$$


    One can in principle use a supernatural system where all masses are dimensionless, being measured in units of the Planck mass. In such a system, the electron mass is

    $$\begin{aligned} m_e \approx 4.2 \cdot 10^{-23} \, , \end{aligned}$$


    which is very, very small. Thus, the masses of all elementary particles are very small compared to the Planck mass. One can also say that the Planck mass, being of the same order as the weight of the Amoeba Proteus, is very large compared to the mass of elementary particles.

    Besides the Planck fundamental mass, one can also define the Planck fundamental length and time. In usual units,

    $$\begin{aligned} l_P = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar G_N}{c^3}} \approx \ 1.6 \cdot 10^{-35}\,\mathrm{m}, \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ t_P = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar G_N}{c^5}} \approx 5.4 \cdot 10^{-44}\,\mathrm{s}. \end{aligned}$$


    When theorists work in their system, they usually give it an ultimate polishing touch and use the Heaviside definition of the electric charge,

    $$q_\mathrm{Heaviside} = \sqrt{4\pi } \, q_\mathrm{CGS}$$

    . Then the Coulomb law acquires the factor $$4\pi $$ downstairs, but Maxwell’s equations (4.​31) and the Lagrangian, where they follow from, have no $$\pi $$ .

    In Heaviside natural units, which we will mostly use, the fine-structure constant is expressed as

    $$\begin{aligned} \alpha \ =\ \frac{e^2}{4\pi } \, . \end{aligned}$$


    We will use the Minkowski metric

    $$\eta _{\mu \nu } = \mathrm{diag}(1,-1,-1,-1)$$

    and will carefully distinguish between covariant and contravariant vectors and tensors (we recall this formalism in Sect. 6.​1.​2) throughout the book. In most cases this distinction is irrelevant, but sometimes it is. Whenever we care to distinguish time and space coordinates, our convention is

    $$x^\mu = (ct, {\varvec{x}} )$$


    $$\partial _\mu = \left( \frac{1}{c} \frac{\partial }{\partial t} , \frac{\partial }{\partial \mathbf {x}} \right) $$

    . For the other 4-vectors we adopt the convention

    $$V^\mu = (V_0, {\varvec{V}})$$

    and hence

    $$V_\mu = (V_0, -{\varvec{V}})$$

    . We will also meet matrix-valued 4-vectors: two different $$2 \times 2$$ matrices

    $$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^\mu \ =\ (\mathbbm {1}, {\varvec{\sigma }}), \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \bar{\sigma }^\mu \ =\ (\mathbbm {1}, -{\varvec{\sigma }}) \, , \end{aligned}$$


    where $${\varvec{\sigma }}$$ are the Pauli matrices;³ and the Dirac $$4\times 4$$ $$\gamma $$ matrices

    $$\begin{aligned} \gamma ^\mu \ = \ \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 &{} \bar{\sigma }^\mu \\ \sigma ^\mu &{} 0 \end{array} \right) \, , \end{aligned}$$


    which satisfy the Clifford algebra

    $$\gamma ^\mu \gamma ^\nu + \gamma ^\nu \gamma ^\mu = 2\eta ^{\mu \nu } \mathbbm {1}$$


    The last remark is about our conjugation symbols policy. The star $$^*$$ will denote complex conjugation of ordinary numbers. The dagger $$^\dagger $$ will be used for complex conjugation of the Grassmann numbers and for Hermitian conjugation of operators. The bar $${}^{-}$$ is reserved for Dirac conjugation of bispinors [see Eq. (9.​45)] and will also mark fermion antiparticles (p stands for proton, while $$\bar{p}$$ for antiproton, etc.).



    esu means electrostatic unit of charge.


    In fact, something like that takes place even in our world with our moderate gravity. Some nomadic peoples have a traditional measure of length: the distance covered over a day by horse. But, obviously, this is only a measure of distances in x and y direction, not in z direction. Different measures for xy and for z are also traditionally used in England: the altitudes are usually measured in feet while the distances between the points with the same gravitational potential—in yards and miles.


    One can observe that

    $$\sigma ^\mu \bar{\sigma }_\mu = 4\cdot \mathbbm {1}$$


    Part IIHors d’Oeuvres

    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    Andrei SmilgaDigestible Quantum Field Theory

    3. The Universe as We Know It

    Andrei Smilga¹  


    SUBATECH, University of Nantes, Nantes, France

    Andrei Smilga


    ... To myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing

    on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then

    finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary

    whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

    I. Newton

    When Newton wrote this, people had just started to study Nature, and Newton’s comparison was only a little hyperbolic. At that time the only known fundamental law was Newton’s law of universal gravitational attraction. People were ignorant about the atomic structure of ordinary matter, had no idea why the Sun burns, what sunlight is and so on.

    Since then, more than 300 years have passed. The situation has changed drastically. We do know now up to a point what matter consists of. We know what ignites the Sun. Basically (with some notorious exceptions to be discussed later), we understand how the world around us functions from the microscopic scale $$\sim 10^{-18}$$  m (eight orders of magnitude smaller than the size of the atom) up to the scale $$\sim 10^{26}$$  m (the size of the observable part of the Universe). The ocean of truth is now mostly discovered and charted.

    The Universe was created about 13 billion years ago. The act of its creation is called the Big Bang. At the very moment of the Big Bang, the Universe had zero size and infinite temperature. Then it started to expand and to cool down rapidly. It is still expanding: distant galaxies run away from us at high speed. The more distant they are, the greater is the speed.

    Frankly speaking, we do not know now what happened at the very moment of the Big Bang. Neither are we sure that such a moment existed. And definitely, we cannot answer the question: what happened before the Big Bang? Well, people often give an answer to that (you can find it in popular and scientific books) that Time together with Space were created just during Big Bang, and hence the question "what was before" has no meaning. But this answer simply reflects the limits of our knowledge. It is true that, in Friedmann’s solution of the classical general relativity equations, time and space originate in the moment of the Big Bang. The problem is, however, that the classical theory simply does not apply to this very moment. Quantum effects are essential there. And we do not know today what quantum theory of gravity is...

    However, we know for sure that there was a time when the Universe was very small and very hot. We begin to understand the dynamics of the expanding Universe reasonably well from the moment $$t \approx 10^{-10}$$  s after the Big Bang when the Universe had already cooled down to the temperature

    $$T \approx 100 \,\mathrm{GeV} \approx 10^{15}$$


    3.1 Elementary Particles

    The Universe is filled with Matter. There are many different types of matter. Sometimes, physicists call these types fields and sometimes particles, the latter being elementary excitations (quanta) of the former. The temperature of the Universe we have just talked about roughly coincides (up to a numerical coefficient) with the mean energy of an individual particle.

    All the known elementary particles are listed in Table 3.1.

    Table 3.1

    Elementary particles. In the last column, G stands for gravitational, EM for electromagnetic, W for weak and S for strong.

    Let us discuss this table.

    There are four basic types of particles represented there. First of all, there are gauge bosons ² — mediators of four types of widely known fundamental interactions: the strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational. Thus, the mediator of the electromagnetic interaction is the photon. The reader has seen it. The mediator of the gravitational interaction is called the graviton. The existence of gravitational waves (representing coherent flows of a large number of gravitons) was predicted by Einstein a hundred years ago, and very recently they were detected in experiment — we will discuss this in detail in Chap. 15. The mediators of the weak interaction are the so-called intermediate bosons, $$W^\pm $$ and Z. Their existence was also first predicted theoretically and then they were discovered in accelerator experiments. The mediator of the strong interaction is called the gluon, In contrast to the photon, graviton, $$W^\pm $$ and Z; gluons have not been directly observed. Such an observation is in fact impossible for a rather peculiar reason. It turns out that an individual gluon (like an individual quark) just cannot exist in separation from other quarks and gluons due to confinement. We will discuss this at length later.

    The next group are the leptons, their most known representative being the electron. The word lepton comes from Greek ../images/352887_1_En_3_Chapter/352887_1_En_3_IEq16_HTML.gif , which means light. Indeed, the electron is light, lighter than most of the other particles. Neutrinos are even lighter — we do not even exactly know now how light they are; only the upper limits for their masses were established by direct measurements.³ But the tau-lepton is not particularly light. It is almost 2 times heavier than the proton. In fact, leptons are distinguished not by their lightness, but by the fact that they (in contrast to quarks) do not interact with gluons, do not participate in the strong interactions.

    There are 6 types (physicists say —flavours) of quarks. Some of them are rather light (in particular, the u and d quarks), and some are heavy. Quarks participate in all four types of interaction.

    The name quark was invented by Gell-Mann. He took it from Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, where this word had some mysterious and rather obscure meaning. But in German der Quark means cottage cheese.

    Quarks and leptons form three families called generations. Each generation involves a pair of leptons and a pair of quarks. The pairs (or doublets) $$\left( \nu _e , e \right) $$ and $$ \left( u , d \right) $$ constitute the first generation. The pairs $$\left( \nu _\mu , \mu \right) $$ and $$\left( c , s \right) $$ — the second generation, and the pairs $$ \left( \nu _\tau , \tau \right) $$ and $$\left( t , b \right) $$ — the third generation.

    The names up and down for the quarks of the first generation just indicate their position in the doublet represented as

    $$ \left( \begin{array}{c} u \\ d \end{array} \right) \, . $$

    The names strange, charmed and beautiful reflect a poetic imagination of modern physicists. The latter was to a considerable extent exhausted when the need to christen the heaviest quark flavour came. Top means again the upper doublet component. Matching this, also the b quark has got another often-used low-profile name: bottom instead of beautiful.

    Both leptons and quarks carry spin 1 / 2.⁵ They are fermions and have very bad social manners. They are so bad that two identical fermions just cannot stand staying together in the same quantum state (the so-called Pauli exclusion principle).

    In addition to the fermions listed in the Table, there are also antifermions. For example, the anti-electron is called the positron. It has the same mass, but carries positive electric charge. The antiparticle for the u quark is the quark $$\bar{u}$$ with electric charge $$-2/3$$ . As for the bosons, most of them (the graviton, photon, Z and Higgs bosons, in a certain sense also the gluon) coincide with their antiparticles. The antiparticle for $$W^+$$ is $$W^-$$ .

    Let us say right now that the ordinary matter, atoms and nuclei, is made of the light fermions of the first generation: u quarks, d quarks and electrons. But, as was already mentioned, the quarks are not observed directly due to confinement. What we see are the composite objects: the proton made of two u quarks and one d quark and the neutron made of two d quarks and one u quark.

    The fourth group of elementary particles has only one representative — the Higgs particle. It is described by a scalar field. Hence it has zero spin and hence (I will explain this further in the book) it is a boson and likes socializing. It participates only in two interactions out of the four — weak and gravitational.

    However, the Higgs boson also participates in two other less known types of interaction not mentioned in the Table: (i) the Higgs self-interaction, which endows this particle with a mass and (ii) the Yukawa interaction, giving mass to quarks and leptons. These interactions do not have gauge mediators. The Yukawa interaction and, especially, the Higgs self-interaction are important to make consistent the theoretical description of Nature, but they do not immediately display themselves when one looks around.

    On the other hand, two out of the four gauge interactions, gravitational and electromagnetic, act at large distances and their effects are seen in everyday life without any devices. (Apples fall down; this is the gravitational interaction. We see the sunlight; this is the electromagnetic interaction.) The strong and weak interactions act at small distances, one fermi and less. They are responsible for the microscopic structure of matter.

    Let us now talk about their role in the Universe in more detail.

    3.2 Gravitational Interaction

    At the microscale, it is very weak, the force of gravitational attraction between two electrons being 43 orders of magnitude weaker than the force of their electric repulsion.⁷ However, it is the gravitational interaction which determines the structure of the Universe at the cosmic scale. This is due to universality of gravitational attraction — the more matter you have, the larger its mass and the larger the gravitational force. The structure of the solar system (Kepler’s laws and so on) is determined by the gravitational interaction — that was already known to Newton.

    Newton’s law

    $$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{F}} \ =\ - \frac{G_N m_1 m_2 {\varvec{r}}}{r^3} \end{aligned}$$


    represents a non-relativistic approximation of Einstein’s general relativity. The latter brings about nontrivial effects.

    One such effect is the influence of the gravitational field on time measurements. Clocks tick faster on satellites than on the Earth’s surface. For the satellites used in the Global Positioning System and placed in a high orbit at an altitude of about 20000 km from the ground, the clocks advance by about $$38\,\upmu $$ s every day.⁸ $$38 \,\upmu $$ s seems to be nothing, but it is not so. It was absolutely necessary to take this effect in consideration while designing the GPS. Otherwise, it simply would not work.

    The most spectacular prediction of general relativity is the existence of black holes. Black holes are massive and dense cosmic objects. Being very massive and usually very dense, they have such a strong gravitational field that nothing, including light, can escape it.

    In fact, to understand this phenomenon, one does not need general relativity. Everybody knows that stones thrown by hand have the tendency to fall down on the ground. To launch a spaceship which would leave the Earth, one needs to endow it with a considerable velocity $$\approx 11.2$$  km/s. On the Sun, where gravity is stronger, the escape velocity is larger: $$\approx 620$$  km/s. The black hole is an object where the escape velocity exceeds the maximal possible speed existing in the Universe — the speed of light. An elementary high school calculation in the framework of Newton’s theory gives an estimate for the size of a black hole of mass M:

    $$\begin{aligned} r_g \approx \ \frac{2 G_N M}{c^2} \end{aligned}$$


    Surprisingly, this exactly coincides with the result (15.​25) of the accurate general relativity calculation. The quantity (3.2) is called the gravitational radius of a body of a given mass. For Earth, the gravitational radius is around 1 cm. For the Sun it is larger, about 3 km. It is still much smaller than the actual size of the Sun, meaning that the Sun is not a black hole.

    A black hole with a mass of about a million solar masses sits in the middle of our Milky Way galaxy. Its gravitational radius, and hence its size is $$\sim 3 \cdot 10^6\,$$ km. The Milky Way is not an exception; massive black holes are found in the centres of all the sufficiently large galaxies. In deep outer space, there are black holes with masses up to several billion solar masses (they are called quasars). Their size is

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