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Artificial Ventilation: A Basic Clinical Guide
Artificial Ventilation: A Basic Clinical Guide
Artificial Ventilation: A Basic Clinical Guide
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Artificial Ventilation: A Basic Clinical Guide

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This book provides a concise, clinical guide to the basics of airway and ventilation management for non-specialists working in pre-hospital and emergency medicine. It fulfills the need for a resource that simply and clearly explains the fundamentals of respiratory physiology, the pathophysiology behind respiratory failure and the practical aspects of artificial ventilation. 

Artificial Ventilation: A Basic Clinical Guide, 2nd edition has been expanded to include guidance on mass ventilation during a viral pandemic with lessons learnt from the COVID-19 outbreak. It has been fully revised to support non-specialist medical and nursing personnel to understand the basics of artificial ventilation and to be able to improvise mass ventilation outside the ICU. Professionals seeking a clear guidance on currently available devices and new approaches to mechanical ventilation will find this book to be an essential resource for all types of emergency situations where artificial ventilation is required.  

Release dateOct 19, 2020
Artificial Ventilation: A Basic Clinical Guide

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    Artificial Ventilation - David J. Baker

    © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    D. J. BakerArtificial Ventilation

    1. A Brief History of Artificial Ventilation

    David J. Baker¹ 


    46200 Lacave, Souillac, France

    1.1 Introduction

    Artificial ventilation (AV) of the lungs to replace failed normal breathing goes back to antiquity but it is over the past 300 years that it has developed to the essential position it holds in modern medicine. Now, AV using both simple and highly complex devices is found in all areas of medical practice, from the emergency ambulance through to the sustained life support of a critically—ill patient in an intensive care unit. It is a fundamental part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for primary cardiac arrest and for respiratory failure and arrest which leads to secondary cardiac arrest as well as in the management of asphyxiation from other causes such as carbon monoxide poisoning and drowning. Major trauma may cause respiratory failure or complete arrest and here too AV is an essential part of the clinical management.

    Outside the hospital AV may be performed by first aiders using only basic skills and by medical or paramedical personnel with relatively sophisticated equipment. In the hospital setting AV is used on a regular basis as part of general anaesthesia when the patient may require ventilation support as part of balanced anaesthesia where the patient may require muscular paralysis to aid surgery. In this situation the patient cannot breathe of his own accord since the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles are also paralysed by neuromuscular blocking drugs derived originally from the South American arrow poison curare. In the intensive care unit (ICU), AV is used to support or completely replace the breathing of patients who are critically—ill either from infection, trauma or following major operative procedures. Artificial ventilation in all these different settings, both in and out of the hospital follows the same basic principles which are described in later chapters in this book. However, the skill levels and ventilators used in modern clinical practice now cover a very wide range.

    In the early years of resuscitation and anaesthesia simple techniques of AV were used, both inside and outside the hospital. Since the 1960s however hospital ventilators, used in ICU have become increasingly complex depending on piped high pressure gas supplies, electromagnetic valves and microprocessor controls. Over the same time span, there has been a parallel development of portable resuscitator devices and ventilators designed to be used by ambulance services, in the emergency room and in the recovery areas of operating theatres. The situation now is that there are two essentially different classes of mechanical ventilator namely (1) sophisticated devices designed to provide optimal interactive patient respiratory support in the hospital, usually in the ICU (2) simple portable ventilators that are designed to be operated by non—ventilation specialists in a variety of non-ICU and prehospital settings which include disasters and mass ventilation. Over the past decade this division has become more complicated with the development of electronically—controlled complex portable ventilators designed for the transport of ventilator—dependent patients from one location to another, while providing the level of complexity of AV support found on modern ICU ventilators.

    This chapter concerns the early development of resuscitation, through the development of manual ventilation devices and the renewed interest in expired air ventilation as part of CPR in the early 1960s, followed by the development of and use of portable pneumatic ventilators which began in the 1970s. Where necessary there will be references to the development of hospital ventilators but, in keeping with the objectives of this book the emphasis will be on manual techniques and portable ventilators intended for use by non-specialist providers of AV. There are many detailed accounts of the history of AV in the literature, some of which are included in the suggestions for further reading at the end of this chapter and readers requiring more detail are referred to these.

    1.2 The Development of Basic Methods of Artificial Ventilation

    Through the ages simple AV has involved blowing air or expired air into the victim’s lungs or drawing air into the lungs by a variety of procedures which attempted to expand the thoracic cavity by physical means. Both these approaches had the advantage of requiring little or no equipment. Expired air resuscitation, (EAR), possibly first described in the Old Testament (ll King’s 4, vs 4–5) relies on the fact that air expired from normal lungs contains sufficient oxygen (18%) to oxygenate the blood of someone who has stopped breathing. EAR has a long history but was developed scientifically with the development of modern cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in the 1960s by James Elam and Peter Safar in the United States. The great Italian anatomist Vesalius (Fig. 1.1) in 1543 made the discovery that the pressure inside the thoracic cavity was negative and that this drew air into the lungs. He opened the chest of a live animal and noted that air rushed in and the lungs collapsed, following which the heart stopped. In his famous work De humanis corporis fabrica (Concerning the fabric of the body), published in 1543 he described ‘placing a tube in the trachea and blowing into it to re inflate the lungs.’ In England in the seventeenth century Robert Hooke repeated Vesalius experiments and in 1667 carried out his own experiments in a dog whose chest had been opened and therefore normal breathing was not possible. Hooke used positive pressure ventilation from a bellows which kept the dog alive and provided the first demonstration that it was the gas entering and leaving the lungs and not the movement of the lungs themselves as though previously.


    Fig. 1.1

    The sixteenth century anatomist Vesalius

    Interest in AV continued into the eighteenth century and in 1744 Tossach, a Scottish physician, gave an account of the use of EAR on a miner who had suffocated. EAR was used in midwifery at that time but was not adopted by the medical profession nor the public. Positive pressure ventilation continued to develop however. 1767 saw the founding of the Society for the Resuscitation of the Apparently Drowned in Amsterdam. Other societies were formed in Venice and Milan in 1768, along with the Royal Humane Society in London in 1774 Positive pressure ventilation was provided by a modification of the household fireside bellows and versions of this were used in Amsterdam and London (Fig. 1.2). In London the surgeon John Hunter developed his own version of the resuscitation bellows which both pumped air into the lungs during inspiration and sucked it out again during expiration.


    Fig. 1.2

    The royal humane society resuscitation bellows 1784 (Reproduced with permission from Cazalaa et al. (2005). Photograph by Jean–Pierre Alonso)

    One major problem faced with this approach to AV was the difficulty establishing a connection between the ventilation device and the patient. This highlighted the importance of establishing a proper airway through which AV could be provided and led to the development of the technique of intubation of the trachea. The development of airway management in relation to AV is considered further in Chap. 5.

    Although shown to be effective, early positive pressure ventilation had its hazards however and in Paris, in 1827 Leroy demonstrated that damage could be caused to the lungs by over-inflation. From that time the bellows technique fell into disrepute and was discontinued. Before the rediscovery of modern positive pressure AV there was more than a century of the use of a number of negative pressure techniques that were introduced after the abandonment of bellows ventilation. Between the 1830s and 1940s more that 70 methods of negative pressure ventilation (where the normal ventilation of the lungs is mimicked by a number of manipulations designed to suck air into the lungs) were described. These involved stretching the chest wall muscles by lifting the arms followed by compression of the thorax or abdomen to aid expiration introduced by Sylvester in 1861 and Howard in 1871 (Box 1.1). By the late 1950s these methods were realised to be totally ineffective in providing adequate ventilation during resuscitation and were discontinued.

    Box 1.1 Manual Negative Pressure AV

    In the latter part of the nineteenth century AV methods involving stretching the arms to promote inspiration and compressing the thorax to help expiration were introduced by Sylvester in 1861 and Howard in 1871. They were later combined to produced the Holgar Neilson method widely taught to first aiders in the mid twentieth century.





    1.3 The Development of Mechanical Negative Pressure Ventilation

    From the late nineteenth century through to the middle of the twentieth, mechanical AV was provided by ventilators that used the principle of negative pressure ventilation, where a partial vacuum was created around the patient in order to suck air into the lungs from outside. Such devices were called ‘cabinet ventilators ’ or more popularly ‘iron lungs .’ The Frenchman Woillez described the first negative pressure machine in 1876 (Fig. 1.3). This was called the spirophore and consisted of a metal chamber around the body with the patient’s head sealed thorough a rubber flange at one end of the chamber. The ventilator was powered manually by a lever connected to a flexible diaphragm at the other end of the box. The device had a number of disadvantages due to being operated manually and with leaks occurring around the neck seal which meant that the negative pressure in the chamber was ineffective. However the idea of cabinet ventilation crossed the Atlantic and in 1929 Drinker and McCann in Boston built an electrically—driven device. These workers were copied by others. The iron lung became a feature of hospital practice and was used extensively in the management of poliomyelitis for nearly 30 years. Figure 1.4 shows an iron lung ward in California during the polio epidemic of 1953. However such machines were in short supply for mass ventilation and it was the need for an alternative in Copenhagen in 1952 that led to the development of modern positive pressure ventilation.


    Fig. 1.3

    The Wolliez Spiraphore 1876 (Reproduced with permission from Cousin (2005))


    Fig. 1.4

    A cabinet ventilator ward in California during the 1953 polio epidemic

    1.4 The Return of Expired Air Resuscitation as Part of Cardio-Pulmonary Life Support

    James Elam, in late 1950s against resistance from first aid organisations, showed that EAR with effective airway control could provide normal levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide following apnoea for long periods. The Austrian Peter Safar and his colleagues, working in Pittsburgh in 1960 added head tilt and chin lift for Elam’s EAR technique making it possible for a first aider to keep the airway open and provide artificial respiration without the aid of any equipment. At the same time, Koevenhoeven, Jude and Knickerbocker developed the idea of chest compression combined with EAR to produce the first systematic approach to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Chest compression alone had been suggested earlier as a method of AV but was shown not to provide an adequate tidal volume. With the combination of expired air ventilation the essential airway, breathing and circulation (ABC) management of life support was born and has continued to the present day. To improve ventilation further, it was clear that other techniques would be required. The major driving force in this area came from the development of assisted ventilation in anaesthesia which had been used since the 1930s.

    1.5 The Development of Airway Management in Relation to Artificial Ventilation

    1.5.1 Introduction

    The human airway is not stable and requires support during unconsciousness and when there are life—threatening blockages. This fact had been realised since the birth of medicine but it was with the development of methods of positive pressure ventilation, starting in the eighteenth century that the importance of airway management during AV was truly recognised.

    The history of airway management is complex and goes back many centuries but today endotracheal intubation is recognised as being the most effective way to protect the airway and to ensure adequate ventilation during AV. Many forms of endotracheal tube have been produced in the last 100 years and accounts of the history are often clouded by linguistic and national considerations. While development in the United Kingdom and the United States was linked by a common language in journals that were widely read on both sides of the Atlantic the important developments in airway management in France and Germany often went unnoticed by workers who only read and spoke English. Recently the history of the development of airways in France has had a wider readership through the publication of accounts in English.

    For a full account of the history of airway management the reader is referred to specialist articles and texts. This section considers the development of airway management in direct relation to the development of AV, which could not have progressed without it.

    1.5.2 Driving Forces in the Development of Endotracheal Intubation

    Placing a tube in the windpipe to overcome obstruction to breathing has been known since antiquity but it was the animal studies on resuscitation in the seventeenth century by Robert Hooke and others that revived interest in its use. Although the significance of respiration and the need to support it was emerging from animal studies, in human medicine the use of tracheal intubation was driven by common emergencies affecting the respiratory system. The urgent requirement for a clear airway was recognised by the early eighteenth century. In England the surgeon John Hunter realising that AV could not be effective without a clear passage to the lungs carried out early experiments with AV from a basic fire bellows on intubated dogs. However, the early drive to tracheal intubation did not come from AV but from common life—threatening respiratory conditions that obstructed the airways. The French obstetrician Chaussier (1746–1828) described the use of a metal tube to be inserted into neonates, guided by the fingers. The need for maintaining an open airway because of disease was further recognised by Bouchet in 1858 who used intubation to overcome croup in children. Several other French physicians described intubation through the nineteenth century, despite the fact that positive pressure AV had been abandoned as unsafe at that time. O′ Dwyer, working in New York published a paper in 1885 on the intubation of the larynx for cases of diphtheria which was to be of major influence in the development of modern intubation. This worker was however unaware of the work of Bouchet in France.

    Trauma provided another drive to the development of intubation. Charles Kite, in 1788 in an essay on resuscitation described placing a tube in the nose to support respiration in the case of pharyngeal blockage. Currey, in 1815 described intubation techniques for casualties trapped in mines and caves The progress towards intubation continued into the twentieth century. Intubation became increasingly necessary in the management of anaesthesia for the trauma cases during the First World War. Early tubes were made of metal but the first flexible tube fitted with a cuff to ensure a good seal within the trachea was invented as early as 1898 . In 1919 the English anaesthetists Magill and Rowbotham described the forerunner of the modern endotracheal tube (ETT). This had both an entry tube for fresh gas and an exit tube for expired air. In 1938 Magill concluded that a single tube made of red rubber to function during both inspiration and expiration would be better. These ETT continued to be standard equipment in anaesthesia until the 1970s when they were gradually replaced by plastic disposable tubes developed by the Portex company, founded in Portland Place London by the dentist SA Leader. These tubes in a variety of forms are in use in anaesthesia and emergency medicine to the present day.

    The progress of intubation in the twentieth century was greatly helped by the development of laryngoscopy—the ability to view the larynx and to insert a tube under visual control rather than guided by the operator’s fingers (Fig. 1.5). Babbington in England had described indirect laryngoscopy in 1829 but the first direct laryngoscope was developed by the American Chevalier Jackson in 1910. This was made possible by the ability to illuminate the larynx by the use a small electric light bulb, a development first described by Baratoux in France in 1883. Before this time the only option for illumination during any form of endoscopy was to use a naked flame built into the instrument. While this was possible in early urethroscopy it was not practical for airway management. Following the First World War laryngoscopy developed and became widely accepted in anaesthesia with the development of a straight blade device by Magill between 1923 and 1928 and later with the familiar curved blade Mackintosh laryngoscope in 1943.


    Fig. 1.5

    The Chevalier Jackson Laryngoscope 1910 (Author’s collection)

    1.5.3 The Development of Other Means of Airway Control

    With the development of general anaesthesia in the nineteenth century there was a need to keep the airway open in an unconscious patient. In 1873 the German anaesthetists Heiberg described the now classical technique of jaw thrust, while Howard in England described head tilt and chin lift while delivering the anaesthetic through a facial mask. At a time when most anaesthesia was being given in this way the development of oropharyngeal airways such as that of the Americans Guedel and Waters in the early 1930s was a major step forward.

    However, by the early 1980s the only alternative way of ventilating a patient who could not be intubated was to use a pharyngeal mask and airway. This was not always the best option for patients with a full stomach in the case of emergency anaesthesia who were at risk of vomiting and inhalation. The answer to this problem was provided by the English anaesthetist Archie Brain. A cuffed oropharyngeal airway had been developed in the United States by Shipway in 1935 but interest this type of device which could protect the airway against reflux from the oesophagus was not revived until Brain’s work in the late 1970s. He noticed that the shape of the pharynx, revealed by a plaster cast of a cadaver resembled an early nasal anaesthetic mask, developed by Goldman for use in dental anaesthesia. Brain made his own prototype laryngeal mask airway (LMA) as it was to become known, by attaching a Goldman mask to a Portex ETT. After working for a number of years on prototypes he produced a mask that effectively sat over the larynx in the way the the traditional mask sits over the mouth and nose (Fig. 1.6). In 1981 Brain performed the first blind insertion of an LMA followed by effective mechanical ventilation. His paper on the subject, published in 1983 was largely ignored but he persevered with this device and by the mid-90s it was widely adopted by many hospitals in the UK and the rest of the world. Its advantages in being able to provide a secure airway (with limitations) without the need for intubation was of considerable importance for non-specialists who were required to ventilate patients but who had very little continuing experience of intubation. Despite early concerns about the LMA not providing an effective seal during positive pressure ventilation it is now recognised by some emergency services, particularly paramedical as being the airway management of choice for emergency ventilation in difficult circumstances.


    Fig. 1.6

    An early Laryngeal Mask Airway, 1981 (Author’s collection)

    1.6 The Modern Development of Positive Pressure Ventilation

    We have seen that the support of breathing from the middle nineteenth century onwards both in and out of hospital relied on the use of methods that would support natural breathing by creating a negative pressure in the chest cavity. Negative pressure mechanical ventilation using an iron lung had a number of disadvantages which were: (1) the machine was very large and expensive to purchase and maintain (2) access to the patient for standard nursing care was very limited (3) the patient had to synchronise his swallowing and phonation with the machine (4) the neck seal had to be tight and was often uncomfortable and could cause ulceration of the skin (5) if the patient had paralysis of the laryngeal or pharyngeal muscles there was a risk of regurgitation and inhalation. This could be managed by a tracheostomy but looking after the tube with the patient inside the chamber was very difficult. These problems and the realisation of the ineffectiveness of manual methods of AV led to the re-introduction of positive pressure ventilation as a standard procedure by the 1950s. The stages in development can be summarised as follows:


    The first operations which opened the chest cavity were performed in the USA towards the end of the nineteenth century . Because the normal negative pressure seal in the chest had been broken there was therefore a need to provide internal lung pressure to keep the lungs open and to ensure adequate ventilation.


    In Germany in 1907 the Dräger company produced the first mechanical ventilator , the Dräger Pulmoflator (Fig. 1.7). This interesting device, discussed in more detail below incorporated many of the principles that were to be used in pneumatic ventilation 60 years later. It was designed to be used to provide AV in mines (Dräger was a company specialising in mining industry support) but inexplicably the medical profession largely ignored it.


    In 1910 Laeven and Sievers developed an electrically driven piston ventilator for the management of pulmonary embolectomy (a clot of blood in the main vessels of the lungs).


    Green and Janeway in New York produced artificial positive pressure ventilation via a box placed around the patient’s head (Fig. 1.8) These innovators coined the term ‘controlled ventilation’ since their machine could control the rate and volume of each delivered breath and could also apply positive pressure during expiration—a technique that would become a standard medical procedure in the later part of the twentieth century. The concept of controlled ventilation was the root from which all ventilation would develop in the latter part of the twentieth century.


    In 1927 the American Dennis Jackson used an anaesthetic machine combined with a mechanical ventilator for the first time. However, it was used only in veterinary medicine and it aroused no interest in human practice. Jackson was the first to continue the studies of positive pressure ventilation that had begun with the work of Vesalius nearly 400 years earlier but were discontinued at the beginning of the nineteenth century.


    Meanwhile, controlled ventilation made its first re-appearance in human anaesthesia with the work of the anaesthetists Arthur Guedel (who invented the curved pharyngeal airway that is still a standard device to the present day) and David Treeweek. These innovators used their machine for thoracic anaesthesia from 1934 onwards. There were also developments in Sweden to produce mechanical controlled ventilation with the production of the Spiropulsator ventilator . IPPV had been suggested as early as 1916 in Sweden by Giertz but his publication was in Swedish and went unnoticed. Despite all these interesting developments on the production of mechanical ventilators most anaesthetists continued to support ventilation during general anaesthesia by squeezing the reservoir bag of the anaesthetic machine. But this technique would be the forerunner of the modern self-reforming bag (the ‘Ambu’ bag) and of modern intermittent pressure ventilation).


    Fig. 1.7

    The Dräger Pulmotor Artificial Ventilator 1907 (Reproduced with permission from Cazalaa et al. (2005). Photograph by Jean–Pierre Alonso)


    Fig. 1.8

    The Green and Janeway Headbox circa 1900

    1.7 The Development of Positive Pressure Ventilation in General Anaesthesia

    Early anaesthesia depended on the patient inhaling a volatile anaesthetic agent at atmospheric pressure. Figure 1.9 shows a typical apparatus developed by the English pioneer anaesthetist John Snow. This type of inhalation anaesthesia was used in hospitals well into the twentieth century. Gradually however it became necessary to mix oxygen and nitrous oxide under positive pressure from cylinders to take and to deliver the anaesthetic agent, such as ether to the patient. This led to the development of the so-called anaesthetic ‘machine’ which was essentially composed of gas cylinders, flowmeters and a vaporiser, An integral part of this device was the reservoir bag. When the patient is breathing spontaneously the bag (called a Boyle bag after the British Anaesthetist Boyle) acts as a reservoir and its volume decreases. Anaesthetists found that they could assist the patient’s own respiratory efforts by squeezing the bag while the expiratory valve in the pipe leading to the patient (known in anaesthetic terms as a ‘circuit’) through which the patient exhales was partially closed. This gentle squeezing of the bag became known as ‘assisted ventilation.’ Gradually anaesthetists realised that controlled ventilation, where the AV took over completely from the patient’s own efforts was a more effective way of ventilating the lungs.


    Fig. 1.9

    A mid-nineteenth century inhalational anaesthesia apparatus (right) developed by John Snow (left) (Reproduced with permission from Cazalaa et al. (2005). Photograph by Jean–Pierre Alonso)

    The development of muscle relaxant agents for use in anaesthesia provided another major stimulus for the development of positive pressure ventilation. 1942 saw the first use of curare (known for many centuries in South America as a paralysing arrow poison) to provide relaxation of the muscles to aid surgery. Previously this could only be achieved by deep inhalational anaesthesia from which the patient would take many hours to recover consciousness. The rationale for the use of curare was to relax the abdominal muscles. However, paralysing these also paralysed the respiratory muscles, first of the chest wall and then the diaphragm. Thus AV was necessary to maintain life during an operation.

    The use of curare and synthetic drugs with the same action gradually become standard practice in anaesthesia during the second part of the twentieth century and so positive pressure ventilation also became standard practice. Another key development in anaesthesia to provide manual positive pressure ventilation both in the operating theatre and in emergency resuscitation outside the hospital was to modify the Boyle bag so that it would function without an internal positive pressure flow of gas. This development occurred after the first use of anaesthetic equipment for non-anaesthetic purposes during the Copenhagen polio epidemic of 1952. This was the beginning of the standard use of AV for life support in conditions that produce partial or complete respiratory failure.

    1.8 The 1950s and the Start of Intensive Care Units

    The requirement for mass ventilation in Copenhagen during the 1952 polio epidemic overwhelmed the supply of cabinet ventilators available. The anaesthetist Bjorn Ibsen had the idea of using anaesthetic circuits containing a Boyle bag to provide intermittent positive pressure ventilation. The bag was kept inflated by a positive pressure of gas within the circuit and could be squeezed by hand to provide inflation (Fig. 1.10). Later the bag would be modified to become self-reforming so that it could be used independently of an anaesthetic machine.


    Fig. 1.10

    The Danish anaesthesiologist Bjorn Ibsen and a manual ventilation apparatus used in the Copenhagen polio epidemic in 1953 (Author’s collection)

    The bag used by Ibsen had to be kept inflated by a constant flow of gas, which was normal in anaesthesia. The Danish anaesthetist Henning Ruben modified the bag by placing springs inside which would allow the bag to reform after squeezing. Apart from the self-reforming bag Henning Ruben also invented the Ruben non-return valve which allowed the escape of expired carbon dioxide to the surrounding air. Previously, as in the case of Ibsen, patients had to be ventilated with a circuit containing a soda lime canister to absorb the gas. The incorporation of

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