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The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy
The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy
The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy
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The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy

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The Clinician’s Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy is a comprehensive resource for all dysphagia clinicians. This beautifully-illustrated text is intended for SLP, ENT, radiology, GI, and rehabilitation specialists interested in swallowing and addresses the need for an up-to-date, all-inclusive reference. Topics covered include radiation safety and protection, fluoroscopic oral, pharygeal, and esophageal phase protocols and abnormalities, and objective measures of timing and displacement.
Release dateAug 5, 2014
The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy

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    The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy - Peter C. Belafsky

    © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

    Peter C. Belafsky and Maggie A. KuhnThe Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy10.1007/978-1-4939-1109-7_1

    1. Radiation Safety

    Peter C. Belafsky¹, ²   and Maggie A. Kuhn¹  


    Center for Voice and Swallowing Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, USA


    Department of Medicine and Epidemiology, University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Sacramento, CA, USA

    Peter C. Belafsky (Corresponding author)


    Maggie A. Kuhn


    Suggested Reading


    DysphagiaFluoroscopySafetyModified barium swallowMBSEsophagramVideofluoroscopic swallow studyVFSSSwallow studyEsophagography

    The dysphagia clinician must possess a thorough understanding of radiation safety in order to ensure the well being of both patients and fluoroscopists. An advanced knowledge of the tenants of appropriate radiation use is paramount for all swallowing clinicians conducting videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS) .

    Ionizing radiation has the potential to injure individuals directly (somatic effects) as well as indirectly through the production of undesirable consequences in future generations (genetic effects). Somatic effects include injuries to superficial tissues, damage to a developing fetus, cataract formation, and cancer induction. Approximately 1–2 % of all cancers are thought to result from exposure to radiation during medical imaging or therapy. In 2011, Berrington de Gonzalez estimated a lifetime cancer risk of 4–7 per 1,000 men and 6–13 per 1,000 women in the UK who undergo routine screening radiographic evaluations. The most common radiation-induced cancers include breast, thyroid, hematopoietic, lung, gastrointestinal, and bone. Genetic or inherited effects of radiation are a consequence of excessive gonadal exposure and manifest generations after the original radiation damage occurs. The radiation dose will vary among patient’s tissues during VFSS and the unique susceptibility of individual tissues to the effects of ionizing radiation also differs. Where the head, neck, chest, and upper abdomen are concerned, particularly vulnerable areas include the eyes (lens), skin, thyroid, and bone marrow.

    Limiting unnecessary radiation exposure begins with careful patient selection. The indication for VFSS should warrant the patient’s exposure to radiation that the study will require. Common indications include dysphagia, odynophagia, aspiration, chronic cough, and postoperative evaluation. If a clinical question may be answered with another, non-radiographic diagnostic procedure, the potential advantages, limitations, and adverse effects of each should be weighed. For most clinical presentations of dysphagia , the VFSS and the videofluoroscopic esophagram (VFE) are considered the gold standard and medically acceptable diagnostic tools to evaluate swallow function. Modalities that do not employ radiation include the clinical or bedside swallow evaluation, flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing (FEES), high-resolution manometry, esophagoscopy, and guided observation of swallowing in the esophagus (GOOSE). These may be considered when clinically appropriate or when evaluating vulnerable populations such as children, women of reproductive age, and pregnant women.

    Several units of measure are used to denote radiation amount and include gray, rads, and seiverts (Sv). When considering radiation’s effect on human tissues, the Sv is generally preferred and employed as it has been normalized for various tissue effects of radiation. During a typical VFSS , radiation doses of up to 1 mSv may be delivered though many studies achieve a far lower dose, even as little as 0.04 mSv. This dose is understandably higher than that experienced during a single chest X-ray but is in well below the exposure received during a computed tomography (CT) scan. Table 1.1 compares radiation doses from various sources.

    Table 1.1

    Comparison of radiation doses

    CT computed tomography

    Organizations overseeing and governing the population’s radiation exposure include the National Council for Radiation Protection (NCRP) and the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA). These bodies assert that there is no acceptably safe radiation dose threshold and recommend adhering to the as low as reasonable achievable (ALARA) principle. This implies that any dose of radiation may result in an undesirable effect though this effect may be too slight to measure. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk to patients and practitioners, radiation doses should be kept as low as reasonably achievable. Radiation monitoring devices (radiation dosimeter) are worn by individuals who may receive doses of ionizing radiation that exceed 10 % of the annual applicable allowable limit, and this includes clinicians who perform VFSS . The total effective dose equivalent (TEDA) is 0.05 Sv and represents the annual whole-body occupational external radiation limit. Women who are pregnant must declare so and may wear a fetal dosimetry badge. A pregnant woman’s annual allowable ionizing radiation limit is 1 mSv. A radiation safety checklist is presented in Table 1.2.

    Table 1.2

    Radiation safety checklist

    Factors directly influencing the amount of radiation delivered to a patient include X-ray tube characteristics of peak voltage (kVp), milliamperage (mA), collimation, and filtration. Additionally, exposure time, image field size, and distance of source to patient and to detector are directly related to the total radiation dose.

    Modern fluoroscopy equipment offers a number of features meant to decrease radiation dose including collimation to the area of clinical interest, last frame hold, automatic kVp adjustment, image intensifier mode, and adjustable frame rates. These parameters should be set to reduce patient exposures while preserving the integrity of the VFSS. Frame rates should not be acquired below 30 frames per second (fps) as slower rates would significantly reduce the study’s sensitivity and the clinician’s ability to detect pathologic subtleties. All fluoroscopic swallowing examinations should be digitally recorded for later playback, which obviates the need to repeat sequences for real-time evaluation. Additionally, the fluoroscopic exposure switch must be a dead-man type, which terminates exposure when pressure is released. This is generally supplied in the form of a pedal.

    Fluoroscopists and clinicians play a crucial role in preventing undue radiation exposure (Figs. 1.1 and 1.2). Firstly, they are responsible for determining the total radiation exposure time. This time should be adequate to obtain valuable clinical information but not excessive. Methodical protocols are useful to achieve this efficiency and are discussed further in Chaps. 2 and 3. Fluoroscopy time should be no longer than 5 min and, in our center, averages less than 3 min. Patients should be positioned such that the area of clinical interest is in the center of the collimated radiation field before fluoroscopy is activated. Subjects should also be instructed to remain still as unnecessary motion will diminish the image quality.


    Fig. 1.1

    Satisfactory preparation and positioning for VFSS with appropriate radiation precautions observed


    Fig. 1.2

    Unsatisfactory preparation and positioning for VFSS. A gonad shielding missing; B subject too close to emission source; C fluoroscopist missing thyroid shield; D clinician missing thyroid shield and dosimetry badge; E hand is in path of radiation and is ungloved; F no protective eye wear; G bright light illuminating fluoroscopy suite should be turned off

    The fluoroscopist or clinician must also ensure the use of recommended and appropriate shielding. For the patient, a gonad shield of at least 0.5 mm lead equivalent is required and placed over the pelvis. The fluoroscopist must wear a lead apron of at least 0.25 mm lead equivalent, a protective thyroid collar, and a personnel monitoring device (dosimetry badge). Additional available protective devices include leaded glasses and gloves. Other individuals present during the fluoroscopic study such as clinicians or family members should don lead aprons and thyroid protection collars. The patient should be positioned as closely as possible to the detector while located at least 12 in., and ideally 18 in., from the emission source. Clinicians should remain at least 5 ft from the source and ideally behind a screen or curtain if available. Turning off the lights in the fluoroscopy suite will improve image contrast and afford the use of lower radiation doses. The image receptor quality should be maximized by updating to contemporary devices and radiation scatter should be reduced by removing objects from the emission beam path.

    Fluoroscopic swallow studies are an essential component of the swallowing clinician’s diagnostic repertoire but their safe practice demands reliable adherence to radiation safety protocols. When these appropriate measures are taken, negative consequences to both the subject and practitioner are acceptably reduced.

    Suggested Reading

    Belafsky PC, Rees CJ. Functional oesophagoscopy: endoscopic evaluation of the oesophageal phase of deglutition. J Laryngol Otol. 2009 Sept;123(9):1031–4.PubMedCrossRef

    Berrington de Gonzalez A. Estimates of potential risk of radiation-related cancer from screening in the UK. J Med Screen. 2011;18(4):163–4.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef

    California Department of Health Services. Syllabus on fluoroscopy radiation protection. 6th ed.

    Langmore SE, Schatz K, Olsen N. Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing safety: a new procedure. Dysphagia. 1988;2(4):216–9.PubMedCrossRef

    Martin-Harris B, Logemann JA, McMahon S, Schleicher M, Sandidge J. Clinical utility of the modified barium swallow. Dysphagia. 2000 Summer;15(3):136–41.PubMedCrossRef

    McCullough GH, Rosenbek JC, Wertz RT, McCoy S, Mann G, McCullough K. Utility of clinical

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