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Challenges of Life and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Challenges of Life and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Challenges of Life and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Challenges of Life and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

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About this ebook

In Life we all have challenges. How we face these challenges and deal with these challenges can either mature us or destroy us.
Challenges should always draw us close to God.
Challenges are meant to make us better not bitter, they are meant to make us grow and mature in Christ.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 27, 2022
Challenges of Life and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Kathy Lee

As a former director and teacher, Kathy Lee now facilitates training of early childhood teachers, directors, administrators, and parents worldwide.

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    Challenges of Life and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit - Kathy Lee


    Life has so many challenges. Most of my challenges were always of a spiritual nature.

    I often asked God why me? Why do I have to go through these challenges?

    Then one day I read: Don’t ask: Why me, say instead Try Me!

    Life’s experiences should always teach to be Better not Bitter.

    I decided one day to start reading my bible. I had no idea of how to read my bible or if there is a method.

    Apparently, there is a method for reading bible. But I did not go to any school of theology I just picked it up and started from the beginning – Genesis 1. The creation.

    I pray before I read. I ask God to give me revelation of His word. I ask Him to show me what He wants me to know, more importantly what are You teaching me?

    Do you know that absolutely everything in and about life is written in the bible?

    There is so much to learn from this book. Whatever the challenges we have, the solution is in the bible.

    Do you know that there are 66 books – In the Old Testament there are 39 books and in the New Testament there are 27 books.

    An important lesson I learnt also is that God operates in times and seasons.

    One never knows how long a season can be. It can be one day, one week, one month, one year or it can be years!

    What is important, I have learnt, is that for every challenge there is a word in season or your Raema word. The key in our seasons is how obedient we need to be and how to learn the lessons God is teaching and showing us. More importantly is to Worship Him regardless of the season.

    If we are not pliable to His word and lessons it determines in part the length of the season.

    Genesis shows us that the journey the Israelites took lasted 40 years which in essence should have only taken 11 days. Deuteronomy 1:2 gave the GPS of that mapping!

    The Israelites took 40 years because of rebellion and disobedience to God. They forgot all the blessings they received from God. They murmured and were disgruntled.

    I would also like to add my perspective which is: They lacked maturity, understanding, gratefulness; the right attitude and wisdom.




    1 Corinthian 13:4-7

    Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself; is not puffed up; does not behave rudely; does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.

    Love never fails.

    Challenges in Life: LOVE


    The essence of God and who He is, is LOVE.

    God says if we can’t love then we are not of Him!

    Love can be very challenging.

    The Love between Husband and wife.

    This out of all the different types of love is the most challenging.

    Most times it’s challenging because we are unevenly yoked. The bible speaks about this in 2 Corinthians 6:14. It makes life harder. But God can make it work if both parties are pliable and want the promises of God. I would also advise to seek counsel with your pastor, and both do marriage counseling before the wedding.

    My personal belief is that sometimes an unevenly yoked marriage is God’s way of using one to bring salvation to another. It’s not God’s word, but I do know that it’s not His will that any of us perish, but have eternal life – John 3:16

    Unevenly yoked is two people coming together, sometimes from different backgrounds and cultures with different religious beliefs.

    When it’s not ordained by God and if God is not between them both, then chances of survival of this union is almost nil.

    God appointed the husband to be King and Priest of the home.

    A woman came out of man’s rib.

    Not from his feet to be walked on.

    Not from his head to be superior

    But from his side to be equal in support.

    Under his arm to be protected and next to his heart to be loved.

    (Author unknown)

    The wife is called to stand at his side in submission and as proverbs 31:15 says the wife rises whilst it’s still night and provides food for her household!

    Wives are supposed to be the strength and honor. Our mouths are to be filled with wisdom and our tongues is the law of kindness.

    Proverbs 14:1 says: A wise woman builds her home, but the foolish one tears it down! This means that we should stay away from gossip and ill speaking our husbands. Use our words to build our husbands. Our words must be soft and kind. Even if we are angry. Ephesians 4:26 tells us that we can be angry, but sin not; and do not let the sun go down on our anger, and do not make room for the devil. That’s what we do in anger – make room for the devil to come in.

    As women we are not to eat the bread of idleness.

    Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.

    Men ought to love their wives as Christ loves the church and gave Himself (Ephesians 5:25)!

    Genesis 2:24 says that men ought to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and become one flesh.

    Men you can’t give your all to your wife, if you are still cleaving to your past, your parents your single life and single friends. That’s why it says leave and cleave.

    You must leave and now build a new life that God has blessed you with.

    An area that I believe should not be a part of your life as a couple, is the boys’ night out or girls’ night out! That’s for the single life! It should now be our night out. I am hearing a great deal of disagreement with this. But may I

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