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Calm Parents Confident Kids
Calm Parents Confident Kids
Calm Parents Confident Kids
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Calm Parents Confident Kids

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About this ebook

The authors of this book are parents who have been using Train Your Brain philosophies to raise centered, happy children and also to be happier and more centered themselves.


As you turn the pages of this book, you will discover that this book is not only about instilling a better mindset in your children but also "training your own brain" too.


The best part of this book is that it far surpasses the original Train Your Brain philosophies because you get the combined experience of all the authors here.


These authors have their own modalities and techniques woven into their parenting experience, alongside Train Your Brain.

"You have in your hands a tome of wisdom that will inspire you and benefit your children. It's a book that couldn't have been created any other way." By Dana Wilde, author of Train Your Brain: How to Build a Million Dollar Business in Record Time and creator of The Mind Aware and many get-the-job-done-with-joy-and-ease programs.

Release dateMay 5, 2022

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    Book preview

    Calm Parents Confident Kids - Lee Collver-Richards



    Cogito, Ergo Sum

    Figure 1: The Human Brain’s Reticular Activating System(RAS) by LACR


    by Lee Collver-Richards

    Congratulations! The book you have in your hands will send you on a journey of total freedom – the EASY way. Don’t get us wrong, shifting our brain’s programs out of lifetimes of conditioned beliefs is a task reserved for only the brave of heart, stalwart of mind, and present in body.

    In other words, anyone who has ever been, or contemplates becoming, a parent, a leader, a teacher, a steward of new life.

    As a parent, you are your child’s best teacher, and they are yours. Each of us alternates between teacher and student throughout our entire lifetime. The process of growing and learning allows us to transform that sacred, intimate, ever-so-personal, and unique relationship with life itself.

    Creating, investigating, imagining, innovating, playing, inquiring, and transforming are integral to healthy human life. As parents in the human family, it is our inimitable right to provide the foundations of a healthy life for our children. Even, or especially, if we never felt we had it available ourselves.

    It is our hope to seed for you, Beloved Readers:

    How to model the power of conscious thinking for the children in your loving care.

    How to practice with them.

    How to celebrate every time they show you that they know and can consciously do for themselves.

    To heighten self-awareness and mindful guidance practices.

    To commune with the qualities of virtue as sovereign and interdependent human beings.

    To dissolve ignorance and live true bliss.

    To foster loving kindness in all relationships.

    To provide a variety of approaches and practices in how we can transform our brain’s unconscious, fixed mindset.

    To shift our perspectives for the better and to our advantage.

    To develop mastery and true freedom of choice at every age and stage of our lives.

    This book is for anyone who chooses to live as a responsible human being. For to operate optimally, the complex human mind requires ongoing direction, through conscious choice, in every waking moment. And calm, clear, consistent rest time to accomplish its natural rejuvenation processes.

    Our physical health and wellness require the zero point or the constant rebalancing of homeostasis of all the body systems, on all four levels of being, in a constant dance of movement, rest, observing, and action:

    Mental body requires a clear, calm mind

    Physical body requires a pure body, full of nourishment, and gratitude

    Emotional body requires an open heart generating and practicing unconditional love

    Spiritual body requires a light spirit, joy, creativity, and connection

    Your body’s operating system is your brain. It supports all the body’s natural functions for health and wellness. Most of what the body accomplishes naturally is done in the unseen realms – it is in the unconscious. We don’t think to breathe. We don’t effort to breathe. Yet we can limit or constrict our breath flow by trying to control it from a mind gone amok.

    Directions from an undisciplined mind hamper learning, cut off potential, and squash creativity because the undisciplined, unconscious mind is like a rogue. Its directions are neither clear nor focused. Mental and emotional health imbalances can cause serious relationship instability and destroy trust. Trust is another quality essential to a healthy, happy life. Consciously retraining your mind to flow with your own and each other’s natural creative genius is truly a necessity in these times.

    Learning requires a quiet mind inside a relaxed nervous system. Learning also requires physical safety where others can meet you in relaxed mindfulness. Honoring and cultivating this sacred space of physical, mental, and emotional safety gives rise to creativity flow and harmonious relationships. It is free of judgments and builds confidence, self-esteem, and mental acuity.

    The creation of physical safety and trust begin within a disciplined mind. It’s a mind that knows how to work with all energy in respect, equanimity, wonder, and gratitude. When you cultivate and honor a growth mindset, you smile at negative fears (false evidence appearing real) and you meet new learning or the unknown, with trust, resilience, and wonder. You know how to defeat insecurity rather than feed it.

    As Dawson Church so aptly wrote in Mind to Matter(2018), the human mind has at its beck and call an infinite myriad of possibilities for its entire lifetime. Foundational sciences, religion, education, and governance have heretofore ignored, or worse, denied, and hid.

    Unfortunately, many children struggle to learn well in school. There may be times when internal worries have them believing the negative stories about their capacity or worth in their worlds. Or they may not feel physically safe. Labeling and categorizing a child as gifted or disabled, intelligent or dull, also contribute to the struggles children can experience when they’re giving it their best to learn and comprehend. These practices leave no room for change, growth, or even joy and wonder. Labels like these can devastate self-esteem and permanently damage potential before a child develops the cognizance to choose from their own consciousness or free will.

    It doesn’t help that many of our education systems have been squelched by dogmatic rules. We pass laws that place limits on human capacity. We base our knowledge on racist ideologies, religious and race superiority theories, economic status determinants, scientific biases, cultural elitism, environmental cruelty, and more. To quote the great Stephen Covey You’re on the wrong wall!!

    Many of our world’s social structures, and systems, are skewed to failure because they are based on false premises. Those same structures force entire nations to suffer in abject poverty, disease, and disaster. While we stand idly by and look, armies form to protect that status quo. These false economies continue unchecked, at painful, exorbitant, and unrelenting human and environmental cost.

    Meanwhile, many of our children languish in hostile environments they feel even more powerless than we do to inhabit, let alone change. They watch the adults in their lives and behave as they see us, no longer hearing, or heeding, the language of the

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