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2020: My Year Fighting Trump
2020: My Year Fighting Trump
2020: My Year Fighting Trump
Ebook522 pages4 hours

2020: My Year Fighting Trump

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About this ebook

Shortly after Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, I joined the local (Lincoln Square, Chicago) chapter of Indivisible, a grassroots organization focused mainly on defeating Trump in 2020. My experience of canvassing for Democratic candidates in 2018 led me to believe that it would be interesting to keep a record of voter sentiment during the upcoming 2020 campaign. So I decided to keep a diary—a political diary—something I’d never done before. I kept the diary from January 1, 2020, through January 20, 2021.

Of course the pandemic interfered with canvassing, especially on the Democratic side. But I still got some feedback via phone calls and texts to voters. In addition, I tried to keep abreast of current political events and I included my thoughts about these in the diary. Also included are excerpts from a “Weekly Update” that I regularly sent to Indivisible Lincoln Square members, with headlines under various topics such as environment, social justice, voting rights, etc.

There is a long tradition of writers offering "materials for history." In that spirit this diary is being offered, complete with uncorrected misspellings, grammatical errors, and repetitions.
Release dateNov 19, 2021
2020: My Year Fighting Trump

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    2020 - William Sellers

    Table of Contents


    Diary: Jan. 1, 2020 to Jan. 20, 2021

    Appendix: Congressman Mike Quigley (IL-05) on the Jan. 6 Insurrection

    Appendix: 2020 Album



    On my wish list for Christmas of 2019 I put diary. I’ve never kept a journal of any kind, but I knew 2020 was going to be an interesting year because of the upcoming Presidential election. I also knew that, as an active member of my local Indivisible affiliate (Indivisible Lincoln Square in Chicago), I would be fighting hard to defeat Donald Trump. And I wanted a record of this struggle—to document my frame of mind leading up to November 3, 2020—without the distortions or benefits of hindsight.

    Fortunately one of my grandsons was kind enough to give me a diary and I started keeping it on January 1. I realize most diarists jot down the events and thoughts of the day just before retiring. That method did not suit me; before going to sleep I like to read in bed, not write. So most of my entries were written in the mornings, after reading the news both in actual newspapers and on line. Thus many reactions to events were recorded the day after they occurred. (My wife, Jill, and I subscribe to home delivery of the New York Times, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Financial Times, plus on-line access to the Washington Post and the Guardian. Mid-year I began subscribing to the Chicago Defender and the Philadelphia Tribune.)

    I faithfully kept writing every day but did miss one day in May, inadvertently. I also followed a self-imposed rule that anything written for a particular day would not be changed or amended later. As I got closer to the end of the year, I realized that the story would not be over until January 20, 2021, so I kept recording on extra pages that the diary had included.

    As part of our volunteer work with Indivisible Lincoln Square (ILS), Jill and I published and emailed to ILS’s 800+ members a Weekly Update, containing news items of interest. I include excerpts from the updates in parallel with my diary entries, so that the reader can get some sense of what was happening in the country—what was being done to the country—by the worst president in U.S. history.

    There is a long tradition of writers offering materials for history, beginning at least with Olympiodorus of Thebes1 in the 5th century. He and other writers in antiquity often assembled such materials so that they, or others, could use them as the basis for a history.2 In that spirit I am submitting the following resources, complete with uncorrected misspellings, grammatical errors, and repetitions.

    2020: My Year Fighting Trump

    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    This is intended to be a political diary—recording the subjective experiences of a 73-year-old white male leading up to the Nov. 3 election. Mostly intend to record news items as they occur so that later I can look back to see if there were things that pointed (not just seemed to point) to the 11/3 result, whatever it turns out to be.

    T’s own scientists say EPA is ignoring science.

    Markets at all-time high.

    T’s pardoned war criminal3

    T warns Iran—calls it a threat

    Biden still front runner—puzzling. But the other Dem. candidates not too promising. Can folks accept gay president?

    Impeachment trial coming up? Will Pelosi manage to extract concessions from Mitch?

    More and more incidents of anti-semitism—Nazi salutes, etc.

    Dems have taken over in Illinois and are doing such great things—why can’t people see that (compared to, say, Kansas Republicans)?

    Continuing to get desperate requests from Dem candidates for money—that’s all they seem to want.

    Worked a little on Sister District4 Virginia data project—need to keep VA blue.

    Had New Year’s lunch w/Jill, Cait & boys.5 Agree we don’t like Biden. Other candidates all have pluses/minuses.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Lipinski joins Republicans in asking Supreme Court to consider overturning Roe v. Wade.

    Time to leave Dan Lipinski’: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot says there is ‘no room’ for anti-choice congressman.

    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Warren keeping mum about Medicare for All—she’s in a bind: health care the top issue for Dems but outlawing private ins. scares people.

    Why can’t R’s see what a disaster T’s foreign policy is? He’s been bamboozled by Kim Jong Un, erratic w/respect to Iran, cowed by Xi, enamored of Putin.

    Article in NYR6 makes strong case that impeachment articles are not defendable—i.e. all likely defenses don’t hold up. Will R’s even mount a defense? as opposed to show trial

    Did more data entry for Virginia statehouse races. Incredible how much money is involved even for state races. Can hope big Dem win in Nov. will lead to overturning Citizens United.

    Conference call, 7-8, for Indivisible Chicago 2020 Committee.

    Canvassing for Marie Newman

    Happy Blue Year event on 1/13

    Blue Wave Rave on 2/3 (probably w/different name)

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Two Democrat legislators propose expansion, 'modernizing' of beverage container act.

    Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission applications mailed out.

    Cash, claims of illegality already flying in Michigan's Senate race.

    Friday, January 3, 2020

    Wildfires in Australia climate change: existential threat that R’s not only deny but actively promote (oil, gas). Why didn’t Hillary call T. out about this just once in the 2016 debates? Why are current Dem candidates mum?

    Iraq drone attack on Iranian general—doesn’t appear too smart on balance (kills enemy but riles up Iranians).

    Dems furiously raising cash and T has shitload. But as seen in Virginia local races, having most cash doesn’t always lead to win. Also need inspiring candidate, with no ghosts in the closet.

    With Castro dropping out, Dems getting whiter.

    Cullerton retiring (but not Madigan!)—says power of email and Twitter is now supreme. Hard to see why representatives would care so much about tweets—they are such flimsy, ephemeral things, extremely vulnerable to subversion by bots and paid tweeters. Surely town halls, editorials, letters are a better way to gauge public opinion.

    Stocks are down-- Hope they keep going down until Nov. Manufacturing down, too.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Wisconsin Elections Commission deadlocks, keeps voters on the rolls for now.

    President, Supreme Court top Wisconsin races in 2020.

    Wisconsin Republicans sign letter asking Supreme Court to reconsider Roe vs Wade.

    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    Trump continues to roll back Obama regs—

    Housing: let people live where they want to

    Environment: no need to consider cumulative effects

    (How did these cabinet posts—where the head is opposed to the agency’s mission—get approved?)

    Americans keep buying bigger cars. No incentives for electrics.

    T refuses to release 20 emails re Ukraine. Hopefully will be forced to do so by courts.

    Spent day canvassing for Marie Newman. Tom Moss interviewed her for Ind. podcast from 10 to 11. She’s a good candidate. Canvassed from 11 to 2. Most people not home. For those at home, most undecided or had not heard of Marie. Quite a few Lipinski supporters. (Garfield Ridge area)

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update

    Health Care

    What we learned in 2019.

    Why this free health clinic is pushing to expand Medicaid.

    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Talking heads going into overdrive trying to figure out consequences of Iranian assassination. Maybe T’s luck will run out?!

    Lightfoot says Lipinski must go (for wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade). Hopefully Newman campaign will be able to capitalize on this. Only 10 weeks to 3/17.7

    At reading group last night it was impossible to avoid talking about T. and what despicable things he is doing—esp. in immigration & environmental policies.

    It’s hard to fathom how we got here. I was glad in the summer of 2016 when Sanders was defeated and T won nomination. Worried that a Socialist would frighten voters and assuming T’s wretchedness would be profoundly unattractive. Severely underestimated level of misogyny and racism (the latter directed at Hillary because she was associated with Obama). Then to wake up on the day after election to find Republicans controlling presidency, House, Senate, and 3/4ths of state houses. Felt like a massacre. Only thing to do was to grit teeth and fight for the long haul. Thankfully found Indivisible and Sister District. Worked out in 2018!8

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Amazon threatens to fire workers speaking out on climate change without approval.

    Trump rule would exclude climate change in infrastructure planning.

    Effects of air pollution in St. Louis separate and unequal.

    EPA science board criticizes Trump administration's environmental proposals.

    Monday, January 6, 2020

    T has threatened cultural sites in Iran. If Air Force ordered to bomb Persepolis, would they comply?

    France warns US not to retaliate for their taxes on Google/Amazon/etc. with exorbitant tariffs on wine, etc.

    ILS9 Steering Committee tonight to discuss draft bylaws. Not exactly a top priority w/me but some folks think it’s important. Will also talk about primary campaigns with more than one Dem. candidate. An issue because primaries in WI and MI are not until August.

    Now Pompeo is saying intelligence on Suleimani was good—which of course means the opposite.

    Sent out Weekly Update10 w/new format—news about IL, WI & MI political situations.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Maisch: "the flat tax is really the fair tax."

    Vote Yes For Fairness announces formation of its steering committee.

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Now Bolton says he’ll testify if Senate sends subpoena. How could Senate R’s not call witnesses? Moscow Mitch is helping T. destroy our democracy.

    Dems get in power and good things happen—viz. VA: assault rifle ban, ERA, depose Confederate statues, letting undocumented get driving licenses.

    Biden accentuating his commander-in-chief credentials.11 What a jerk.

    Military says it won’t attack cultural sites. Will T. give such an order? Almost hope he does so that we’ll have a mutiny.

    Krugman points out all T’s foreign policy failures. Why can’t his base see this?

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    The looming battle for Michigan's Senate seat.

    Rep. Hoadley supports ballot measure to end LGBT discrimination.

    2020 Democrats top Trump in Michigan match-ups: poll.

    Upton votes against war powers resolution.

    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    T. and Iran back away from further conflict—armed conflict that is. Iran will get more sanctions. Good that we don’t have WWIII but not good that this probably helps T. in November.

    Tonight we have orientation for 2020 membership outreach team leaders. Kevin12 in charge—expect he’ll do a good job.

    People say they don’t want to wake up Nov. 4 thinking if only I had done more… But there has to be a limit or you simply burn out.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Wisconsin GOP resurrects bill to make English official language.

    Wisconsin farmers worry about impact of large dairy producers filing for bankruptcy.

    Republicans clear Wisconsin primary field for Trump, angering potential GOP rivals.

    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    13 people showed up at mtg yesterday—not bad. Need to do orientation for 13 more.

    Republicans making a mockery of primaries—either not holding them at all or allowing only T’s name to appear.

    EPA continues assault on environment—removing drilling & pipelines from review.

    New poll in MI shows Biden beating T. but by only 7 pts. ANY Dem should be beating T. by 1,000 pts.

    Facebook won’t restrict lies in political ads. Not helpful.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update

    Health Care

    Illinois Medicaid now covers transgender therapy.

    Reduce health costs by nurturing the sickest? A much-touted idea disappoints.

    Friday, January 10, 2020

    Tribune published email from ComEd lobbyist indicating rape cover-up (years ago). Lobbyist a close colleague of Madigan so we can hope direct link will be found and major source of corruption in Springfield will go away.13

    NPR reported small town in MN voted against allowing refugees, even though chances of any refugees winding up in that town are negligible. Article in NYT says decline in US population parallels drop in immigration. Hatred/fear leads to blindness.

    Saying now Iran may have shot down Ukrainian plane. If so, T. will bear some responsibility.

    T’s attack on environment continues—A lot of this goes into Weekly Update. I should probably preserve it as a subsidiary record.

    Bloomberg trying to buy the nomination. Totally un-Dem but he’s now up there in polls.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update

    Health Care

    High-deductible plans jeopardize financial health of patients and rural hospitals.

    'Hotspotting' in healthcare has little to no effect on patient outcomes.

    Saturday, January 11, 2020

    Went canvassing in Michigan, just south of Benton Harbor. List was Dems only so almost all very friendly. When asked for top of mind issue for 2020, many said just get rid of Trump or words even stronger. Other issues were healthcare, education, income inequality, environment. Weather was bad—cold drizzle.

    Need to organize make-up outreach orientation for next Wed.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    House votes to regulate PFAS chemicals, but Trump administration opposes bill.

    Latest climate models predict thinner clouds and more global warming.

    Brake dust a major source of air pollution and can weaken the immune system.

    Sunday, January 12, 2020

    Trump reversing course on trying to overturn ACA—he’s smarter than Republicans in the House. I’m torn about wanting court to overturn—would help Dems but also hurt millions.

    Jared looks like he might be taking over T’s campaign. Well, he’s failed at everything else.

    Race could come down in the spring to a contest between Biden and Sanders. If so, will work hard for Sanders. Just can’t see Biden inspiring new voters.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Embattled EPA workers say they need ‘bill of rights’ under Trump administration.

    These are the biggest climate questions for the new decade.

    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Dept. of Interior stopping drone usage to monitor things like forest health. Reason: security concerns! (the drones apparently come from China) Gives T. cover for cutting anything environmentally responsible.

    Defense sec’y Esper not going along w/T’s bogus claim re Suleimani threat to 4 US embassies. Look for him to be ousted soon.14

    Textbooks in Texas feeding kids US history full of holes—there was no redlining, no lynchings, etc. How to combat?

    Article in NYT reminding us that Biden voted for Iraq war. This is a MAJOR flaw in his candidacy—I think Iraq war support or not a big factor in Obama success and Hillary failure.

    Sent 600 texts for Marie Newman under auspices of IndivisiText. Those folks have pre-written many, many responses and a lot of them are really pushy.15 Surprisingly, the recipients are not expressing irritation. Guess IndivisiText knows what they’re doing.

    T. is tweeting that Pelosi, Schumer & Dems are supporting Iranian terrorism. Can he go any lower?

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Republican state officials: Democrats will come after middle class with 'fair' income tax.

    Lipinski keeps big labor backing—barely.

    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    Pelosi caved to Moscow Mitch—will send impeachment articles to Senate.16 Why did she get into the fight in the first place if she wasn’t going to go all in? Would Republicans have caved?

    2019 deficit is $1 trillion ($3.4T in, $4T out). This is surely not sustainable even though Krugman says it just represents borrowing from ourselves. MMT17 will allow Dems to spend w/a clear conscience but what will drive increase in taxes?

    Biden taking lead in Iowa poll. Hard to believe. Will watch debate tonight at Gideon Welles, as well as postcard party (Wisconsin recipients).18

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    POLL: Five Democrats top Trump in Michigan.

    Michigan Republicans line up to keep Justin Amash’s seat in the party.

    Who is running for Congress in 2020? Michigan’s top races to watch.

    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    New evidence of malfeasance w/respect to Ukraine/Biden. Still, finding 4 Senate Republicans to vote to consider witnesses/evidence in impeachment trial looks to be difficult. Those people (R’s) are despicable toadies.

    U of I president to get a 40% pay raise to over $800K. Obscene, obscene, obscene. Sent letter to Tribune.

    Report that Florida may be in play. Too bad it’s so far away from Chicago! We’ll have to concentrate on WI and MI. Just maybe KY, to wipe out Moscow Mitch.

    Jill & I wrote 100 postcards to WI Dem voters last night. The text was ridiculous but we’re told it’s one of 6 test texts to find out what works best (in 4/7 WI primary).

    Going to Kevin’s tonight to train Indivisible membership engagement initiative volunteers. Not too enthusiastic about this project—seems to me if ILS members are not already self-motivated we can’t do much.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Foxconn promised 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin. Where are they?

    Wisconsin appeals court sides with Democrats in putting voter purge on pause.

    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    China caved on trade. Well, bullies do win in the short term. Eventually other countries will learn to gang up on us. Will that happen after Dem pres. takes over?

    New book out says T. wanted to overturn foreign corrupt practices act by exec. order. Just the sort of thing we can expect more of if he’s re-elected.

    Jill and Barbara are not optimistic about Nov. I feel I have to be optimistic. The alternative is too painful to contemplate.

    Gave someone a ride home from mtg. at Kevin’s. Both of us expressed disappointment in Obama.

    Attending mtg. this PM at alderman’s19 office—I’m on the Senior committee. Hopefully we can discuss affordable housing.

    GAO finds T. broke the law.20 Will this have any impact on R. senators. Unlikely.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Trump counterprogrammed the Democratic debate with a rally featuring a rant about toilets.

    Majorities of Wisconsin voters disapprove of Trump foreign policy and killing of Iranian General.

    Friday, January 17, 2020

    The sham trial begins—outcome certain. I truly think if even the worst allegations were proven, Republicans would still vote against removal. We can only hope this will come back to bite them in Nov. Report from NYT is that T. is unhappy—GREAT!

    FT points out Phase I China trade deal still leaves 20% tariffs in place. Yet T. will be perceived by supporters as having won. Hopefully EU will stand together if T. goes after individual countries, like France.

    T. to appoint to Fed someone who wants US to go back to the gold standard. Of course he has learned nothing from history because he is titanically ignorant.

    New book (Stable Genius): T. didn’t understand significance of Arizona gravesite at Pearl Harbor.

    T. claims he saved pre-existing condition coverage. Will probably be believed by 1/3 of the electorate—not deplorable but brainless.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update

    Health Care

    The healthcare issue that Democratic presidential candidates are missing.

    Sanders targets health industry profits. Are his figures right?

    With fate of Roe v. Wade unsure, abortion fight shifts to new territory.

    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    Field trip with my mentee, 19 yr. old Kedawi,21 to Chicago History Museum. Unfortunately his English is still pretty limited so I doubt he got much out of it. The exhibits on Lincoln, slavery, and the Civil War were difficult to explain! But he told me he’s optimistic that he'll be speaking perfect English within a year.

    Because of the field trip, didn’t go downtown for Women’s March—but probably wouldn’t have gone anyway: don’t see the point.

    T. wants to make school lunches less healthy. Why on earth? Is it his gut talking or Big Ag? Probably both.

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    Emails reveal U.S. Justice Dept. working closely with big oil to oppose cities' climate lawsuits.

    Minnesotans are drinking water contaminated by nitrate.

    Air pollution: your exposure and health risk could depend on your class, ethnicity or gender.

    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    NY Times is opening up their vetting for presidential endorsement—published interviews w/9 candidates. No one very impressive. Even Bernie disappointed, getting testy as he sometimes does and not really listening to questions.

    T added to his legal team: Starr & Dershowitz. Both defended J. Epstein. Both anti-MeToo. Both will eagerly help T. destroy the rule of law.

    What troubles me the most is that I genuinely don’t see how anyone who wants the US to be better—to live up to its ideals—could possibly support someone like Trump. The sad conclusion is that Republicans put party ahead of country. (Does anyone doubt that if T. were a Dem he wouldn’t be removed from office?)

    Excerpts from ILS Weekly Update


    EPA seeks public comment on heavy-duty truck emissions proposals.

    Magna Carta of American environmental law is under siege.

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    MAGA media praising AZ senator for slamming CNN reporter who simply asked her about calling witnesses in impeachment trial. This is how it

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