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Unwavering Faith
Unwavering Faith
Unwavering Faith
Ebook157 pages1 hour

Unwavering Faith

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About this ebook

“Ask, and it will be given to you;

Seek, and you will find;

Knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7 (KJV)


Unwavering Faith is an unshakable, steadfast, solid belief that you can achieve your desires to life. It’s confidently believing in the unseen and trusting your aspirations to manifest through action, commitment, dedication, and focus.

The Unwavering Faith is a month by month thought-provoking guidebook designed to challenge and evoke men and women to better understand and daily practice unfaltering trust. This optimistic journey is divided into chapters by the months of the year. It spotlights faith in prosperity, inner freedom, unconditional love, forgiveness, gratitude, courage, full abundance, passion, joy, wisdom, empathy & compassion, and generosity. This book contains foundational concepts and exercises, inspirational short stories, journal sections, encouraging scripture verses, uplifting poems, and more.

Whether you are in need of personal change and healing or healthy and strong, this is a powerful path you need to experience. You do have the tools within yourself to solve many of your problems. Take the journey with Unwavering Faith to plan the course of your life. If taken to heart, it could change your world.

What you desire with unwavering faith, you will manifest. You are the designer of your life! Write your master plan in vivid color and inspire forward!

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 11, 2022
Unwavering Faith

Jeannie Burgos

Jeannie Burgos, is owner of Dream Events by Jeannie, an organization that adorns events to life as well as raises funds for natural disasters and supports foundations that aid child victims of abuse, neglect, and homelessness. Burgos has supported c-level executives for more than 30 years and for the past 11 years, she has worked as the Executive Assistant Manager to the President/CEO of a private bank. She is a devoted mother, an avid traveler and volunteer.

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    Unwavering Faith - Jeannie Burgos

    Copyright © 2021 Jeanette Burgos.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Website

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®). Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-6461-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-6463-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-6462-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021903678

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/28/2021




    How to Use This Book

    Chapter 1 January: Prosperity

    Chapter 2 February: Inner Freedom

    Chapter 3 March: Unconditional Love

    Chapter 4 April: Forgiveness

    Chapter 5 May: Gratitude

    Chapter 6 June: Courage

    Chapter 7 July: Full Abundance

    Chapter 8 August: Passion

    Chapter 9 September: Joy

    Chapter 10 October: Wisdom

    Chapter 11 November: Empathy and Compassion

    Chapter 12 December: The Spirit of Generosity

    Self-Love Exercises

    How I Developed This Guided Journal

    About the author

    To my daughters.

    They have encouraged and inspired me to persevere in creating this inspirational gift. They believed in me through loss, divorce, heartbreak, and countless challenges. Their boundless patience helped me achieve my aspiration of becoming a published author. And their support has been paramount and forever embedded in my heart. Thank you, Kristen and Briana. You have taught me the true meaning of unwavering faith. May you journal life into your day and follow your passion. May you orchestrate your steps, revel in the moment, live in gratitude and love wholeheartedly. May you learn and grow from mistakes, forgive quickly and create a life of blissful memories. I love you immensely.


    This book would not have been possible without the help of many people and dear loved ones. I would first like to acknowledge and humbly thank God for guiding me and holding me through this endeavor. He is unconditional truth and the provider of all understanding, and He has gifted me with a tenacious spirit to continue to strive no matter the adversity. Through unwavering faith, I have developed the inner strength to pursue my dreams. I am forever grateful.

    I would like to lovingly acknowledge my grandmother Maria Teresa; my mother, Rosa Maria; and my departed father, Juan Antonio, for their love, praise, insight, and influence. I am grateful to them for always keeping me in their sacred prayers. Their belief gave me the energy to strive for more and keep the faith alive. I love you more than words could ever express.

    Heartfelt thanks to my sisters, Glendaliz and Omayra; my nephews, Robert and Brandon; my nieces, Rosemary, Zelina, Ziara, Gianna and Ava; and my beautiful family for their love, support, soft place to fall and devoted bond. I am grateful and blessed to call you family.

    I would like to thank my sister-friends Lisa, Awilda, Aleida, and Haydee for being there for me through childhood, marriage, children, divorce, singlehood, and wise-hood. Thank you for the encouragement and reinforcement. Priceless.

    I am respectfully grateful to the inspirational guide masters of the world for guiding for good, better and best. Their open hearts and instrumental insight have ignited the fire within me throughout the years. I am so thankful to the teachers and up-lifters who reminds us that we are unstoppable and capable to reach our dreams in vivid color.

    My sincere appreciation to all who were not named—my nearest and dearest, incomparable bosses, devoted friends, caring associates, and treasured loved ones. Thank you.


    Unwavering faith is an unshakable, steadfast, solid belief that you can achieve all that you desire. It is the confidence that you can make your dreams come true through devotion, dedication, and focus. It allows you to hone your thoughts, channel your emotions, and direct your heart toward your purpose.

    Having unwavering faith expands your vision for a bigger, brighter, and better today. It gives you the inner passion and drive to reach the desired destination of your ideal tomorrow. The intent of this guided journal is to help you set out on your envisioned path.

    Begin your journey and open your eyes to life’s beauty. Be thankful that God’s love can be found even through challenges and obstacles, through conflicts and struggles, and through loss and sorrow. Do not allow pessimistic inner chatter to cloud your mind with worry and doubt, for it merely invites the universe to manifest negativity in your life. Problems are there to be solved. They are there to teach you and help you grow. Keep your eyes uplifted and move forward along your path.

    Unwavering faith opens your heart and mind to your unique spirit. It keeps you focused on your passion. It guides your steps closer to your goals and desires. The reality is this: You write the story, whether you are aware of it or not. Allow your inner spirit to lead you to your greatness. Don’t give your pen to someone who will script your days away. Attaining unwavering faith opens your heart to the signs that the universe is sending you.

    Unwavering faith guides you to your higher self. It directs you to be selfless, gracious, and grateful for both the positive and the unfavorable events in your life. God offers new lessons every day so that you may learn to overcome and reach a new tomorrow.

    The blessings of unwavering faith unfold in sweet abandon as you become aware of the kindred spirits that are all around you. Happiness will follow you; open yourself to the sources of love that are present in your life. Trust in the extraordinary favor that surround you day in day out.

    To have unwavering faith is to believe in the unseen. Believe deep in your core that what you wish—what you desire—will come to fruition. Your targets will manifest in due time. When your intent is absolute and your belief is heartfelt, you will come into what you ask for in conclusive form.

    This I wish for you. May Unwavering Faith open your heart to the promising new tomorrow that lies ahead of you. You are the designer of your life—write your masterplan and follow it through. May you love with full abandon, and may God guide you along your path.


    This book was written to be a monthly guided journal of contemplative practice. You may read it cover to cover for the wisdom contained within; you may read it each month and follow the exercises step-by-step; you may read it with friends in a book club or study group and support each other through the process. You may use it any way that you desire. It is up to you. No matter how you choose to utilize this book, you will find within it the freedom to design your life.

    This book is divided into twelve chapters by the months of the year, focusing on unwavering faith in areas such as prosperity, inner freedom, unconditional love, forgiveness, gratitude, courage, full abundance, passion, joy, wisdom, empathy and compassion, and the spirit of generosity.

    Each chapter offers exercise prompts, a space for journaling, inspirational quotes, music playlists, original poetry, and real-life stories of unwavering faith. There are daily, weekly, and monthly assignments—some more intense than others—which allow you to explore that month’s topic of personal development. Some of these exercises may provide the exact remedy to a situation that you have needed to resolve or heal in your life.

    I wrote this book based on my own experiences with unwavering faith. To inspire, to bring peace, joy, love, awareness, and growth and, most of all, forgiveness. This book is not

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