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The Spirit World and Pursuing the Paranormal
The Spirit World and Pursuing the Paranormal
The Spirit World and Pursuing the Paranormal
Ebook538 pages6 hours

The Spirit World and Pursuing the Paranormal

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With the growing interest and encounters of the supernatural, this book ("THE SPIRIT WORLD...and Pursuing the Paranormal") details the many categories from: crossing over into the spirit world, past lives, children / animals experiencing the paranormal, our spirit guides, spiritual attachments, benevolent and malevolent entities, divination tools, mediums / psychics...just to name a few chapters within this fully captured and captivating informative book.
I have compilated the various topics related to the paranormal as an informative study to assist the masses (both aware and those unaware) in bringing a better understanding of the spirit world.
I feel that this Earth is a school as we are here to continually learn, develop, and we cannot complete our mission in just one lifetime.
May this book bless you with the necessary tools in providing you for continuous growth, strength, and wisdom while preparing you for the spirit realm.
Be protected and blessed all throughout your paranormal endeavors.

Release dateNov 16, 2021
The Spirit World and Pursuing the Paranormal

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    Book preview

    The Spirit World and Pursuing the Paranormal - Charles Michael Powers








    (Spirits, Ghosts, Entities, Energies)



    WALK INS...



    THE SEVEN FACES of the SOUL...



















    Is the Spirit World a true Reality? 

    Yes...a Spirit World of formless spirits that consists of:

    spirits, angels/sacred spirits, archangels, as of lower entities (demons) that are as existing as far beyond the human vision and in beyond this world of ALL formation, or is seriously involved with human affairs. In the deception of religion of with ALL the media germinates a cancer as upon ALL of the lethargic minds with the majority.

    With the complete media regarding all of its forms or content of the spirit world, it generates the complete disbelief amongst the masses of humanity. However, there are of a few individuals who will ascertain the truth of complete certainty with concerns that of the spirit world and in the context of the original spirit.  

    Long before humans were created, the nonlinear world was created.

    As every person of living today upon this earth have also lived as an energy of quintessence before going into the human cycle.

    Each person has experienced of their own as to which of their own beginning is of a formless soul. With each quintessence issued directly from the mouth of the Divine Source...each person was granted to a destiny, each person is allowed choice...

    and that choice is completely interconnected within  their destiny.

    Karmic laws bind each person according to that individual’s personal behavior.

    The beginning of the spirit world is a subject that all humans

    experience of mass deception since the creation of the wise man. No individual has ever viewed or has experienced even a faint glimpse of the supreme being of the full Almighty Divine Source.

    There exists a border in the heavens such as a curtain, as humans here on this Earth plane only view as a border of the sky —the space is limited.

    The Source—The Almighty, the Divine, directly resides hidden from all creation...simultaneously...being present in powerful energy. As our soul dwells deep within ourselves, it is the direct entering of the human cycle that has safeguarded one’s inner person from all of the corruption of darkness in a nonlinear world...preventing our formless soul in the progression directly downward towards of a corruption of demotion into the darkness.

    Each person who is living today on this earth has also previously lived as energetic quintessence before going into the human cycle.

    Understanding the Spirit World:

    The Spirit World existed long before the earth and humans existed.

    From the very beginning, the darkest (ego) existed with the virtuous light. Two sides evolved into the spirit world...

    the light on the right and darkness  on the left of the Divine Source.

    Understanding the insights of the spirit world can/will aid into

    opposing them darkness for the diligent spiritual student.

    The most sophisticated/educated people struggle within the subject of the spirit world. Because throughout centuries of deception, and wicked men into removing the cultures...cultures of the indigenous tribes, much knowledge and skills about the truths of the spirit world remain lost. As the truth of the Spirit World remains within all of the superstition and was buried from centuries of fear, of ignorance, and deception.

    Most of humanity refuses (being fear-based) as to actually listen to a reality that is true. A mass of individuals, yet few have been compared to the billions of people, are advancing within all of their own personal spirituality, allowing to free their minds...comprehending that our tribal forefather’s knowledge is still very much highly available, despite all of the rulings by Western imperialism.

    The few writers revealed that their own personal experiences and of direct knowledge all about the Spirit World will completely vary.

    Why? Because each person visualizes so very differently according to that person’s type of spiritual disposition and progression...

    and yet, the basic truths are analogous.

    Each person who’s living today on this Earth plane has lived as a spirit before transitioning in the human cycle that we know of.

    Each person experienced their beginning...

    the beginning for ALL humans was a formless spirit.

    As mentioned earlier...each spirit issued out of the Divine Source—each person was granted a destiny of a choice that is fully granted to each and of every person, that choice interconnects with our unique destiny.

    The Karmic laws bind of each person according to individual personal behavior. The third dimensional human body is of dense matter.

    An individual can experience separateness from their inner spirit...

    as the Spirit world is a subject that an insufficient amount of people will nor comprehend.


    The Conclusion:

    The spirit world is of a subject that an insufficient amount of people will then directly conjecture.

    The majority of today’s human population prefers their ignorance.

    However, there are of a considerable amount of people who are of the children of the light who are quickly becoming aware of the spirit world.  When the truth of reality is revealed, fear surfaces as within the common public that causes detrimental deception.

    For the diligent student, of understanding the necessary insights of the spirit world can aid to battle the darkness.

    With most of the first spirits who were previously created, they were granted creative powers along with the high-ranking lower entities.

    The ego had existed as an energy ever since the very beginning within the Spirit World.

    However, the light of love has proved predominant upon spirits, and even as though it was of the ego that caused the demotion of Baal ...the master of the darkness. And yet, it was the Almighty Divine Creator who had granted the spirits with creative powers as Divine-Craftsmen.

    The creation of life itself is of a subject that every single human being has all been in the dark since the creation of the wise man... (the Homo-sapiens), except for enlightened people who lived that of a high level of consciousness.

    The (true) prophets, the apostles, and...Jesus himself ALL taught or spoke about the spirit world, the kingdom of the light, the Judgment Era, and is also the...

    Man of Lawlessness.. Wicked men/Western religions have buried the truth and destroyed various cultures, such as...the Mayan and as of Native American Indians who understood the mysteries of the spirit world and respected the natural rhythms of nature.

    Upon the prerequisite of the desire of knowledge, the fearless and the diligent student will understand/comprehend the deeper truths of the spirit world.


    The Almighty...Divine, Holy Spirit is omnipotent and ALL-POWERFUL force of ALL creation. The All-Powerful Sacred Spirit (THE INFINITY) created all  of the original spirits, the spirit world, and all existence.

    It is through the Divine Holy Spirit that individual karma is  experienced. The destiny of the with the darkness, as the light, and each person is generated and/or directed from of the Almighty Powerful Spirit.

    Divine omnipresence, and the dominance of destiny is baffling as for all the multitudes in ALL humanity.

    The dogmatic positioned religions within this world has produced an obscured, shallow, and quite vague perception of God.

    The contorting singular definition of God is used as out of context that stems from concealing the identity of The Sacred Spirits—plural, and with the Divine Holy Spirit—singular.

    Christianity fails to comprehend the context of two subjects concerning the term Holy Spirit.

    The Almighty Divine Source is indescribable.

    The formless personage of an ALL-POWERFUL spirit is so far beyond the comprehension of humanity.

    The enlightened individuals taught/spoke upon and/or as within all on their own uplifted their era or culture endeavoring to then describe the indescribable. The Sacred Spirit of the Godhead is of the energy force of the true formless omnipresent Source.

    The energy force is of formless acts as the wind. Jesus, as the anointed master of the children of the light has then taught all that blasphemy of the Almighty Powerful Spirit will cause of dire straits

    for an individual.

    People all around the globe blasphemy the All Powerful Source, the spirits of the light, the sacred spirits, the prophets, the sages, and as the king of the children of the light, Jesus. The profanity of the Almighty Divine blessed spirit of the "ALL -POWERFUL energy force will NOT be overlooked!

    Identifying Divine direction is crucial to learning the certainty of truth that reveals the deception of the world, religion, and the twisting of the scriptures.

    Your Spirit Guide(s)

    What is a Spirit Guide?

    Do you believe in Spirit Guides?

    Have you ever met your Spirit Guide?

    A Spirit Guide- is a spirit of any kind that guides you ALL throughout of your entire life, or even just phases of your is depending upon your circumstances You can have one or more depending upon where you are in your life at as any given moment.

    Spirit Guides are entities that we’ve made a solid contract with on the other side before beginning a new life. These spirits are there to protect us, guide us, and to ensure that we will stay on the right path as in to fulfilling the life blueprint that we made for ourselves.

    They communicate with us (as onto our own level) most often through of gut feelings, dreams, and synchronicities. With of a little practice we can/and will learn to communicate with them in more direct ways.

    A Spirit Guides' main purpose is to teach/guide you at any given point into your life...while in working with spirits, it means that those spirits are in of aiding you with different life tasks, but they are not necessarily tasked with guiding or into teaching you, and are not always concerned of with staying with you on a constant basis. There are of many spirit guides, masters, angels, and of other positive direct discarnate(s) that are available to assist in psychic protection and in our spiritual growth in general.


    Each one of us has a Spirit Guide:

    A Spirit Guide is someone we were very close to and trusted with our soul while we were still upon the other side, in prior to incarnating into yet of another lifetime on Earth. Our Spirit Guides, who have made a direct pact with us being our complete constant of our vigilant guides, of companions, and our helpmates are the very best friends we have ever had! Because of your own developed/personal direct relationship with your Spirit Guide formed between your soul and theirs from the other side prior to your own birth, it’s impossible for them as to be that someone you’ve known into this lifetime.

    The spirits are all around us, everywhere...and ALL the time!

    Though these companions cannot be physically seen, they can be felt or fully sensed. Sometimes it is that voice in your head warning you not to do something/telling you as to do something. It might be of a dream or in a vision you have in giving you a message about things you should do...and of things you should know. Spirit Guides constantly send you ‘messages’ throughout your subconscious mind, from your intuition, and your dreams.

    What you have always accepted as instincts and/or your conscience or, unusually vivid dreams are of your personal Spirit Guides...sending you messages.

    In addition to mapping out our solid blueprints in prior to incarnating here, we make sacred contracts with the entities on ‘The Other Side’ to watch over protect, help/guide us, all through this earthly journey that we have chosen to truly undertake.

    Our Spirit Guide is the most intimate all known advisors and assists us to conceive and as to review our ‘blueprints’ or ‘charts’ with us all freely.

    Spirit Guides, as well as of other transcended spirits are male or female and as to all known Spirit Guides have spent at least of one lifetime on Earth. And reason being...Spirit Guides can empathize with the foibles, mistakes, problems, fears, temptations and all those other frailties we encounter as humans in the physical world.

    Our Spirit Guide’s job is to urge, encourage, nudge, support, advise and ‘guide’ us on our live paths and soul missions.

    We have help from our ‘spirit guides."

    Spirit Guides—-can also be those beings who have never touched the Earth.

    They can be people in your lifetime who’ve left this physical earth as to enter the spirit world to become a Spirit Guide.

    We all have different Spirit Guides:

    -occupational guides

    -decision guides

    -creative work guides

    -types of work to do guides (ex.) Doing a painting.

    (An expert in that field will help to develop your helping you to bring out those abilities)

    -gatekeeper guides

    -healing guides


    We have as many Spirit Guides as we need to carry on our mission here in life.

    To identify/recognize your Spirit Guides is for having you as to learn to work with the Center...

    (Close your eyes, breathing slowly in and out, get back to your heart center.)

    -get to that "neutral’ space—-a floating space

    -send out a thought with that certain intension to the spirit world

    -talk to a spirit guide, ONE AT A TIME, because it will get confusing...

    for you

    Dear Spirit Guide...come close to me now.

    Dear Spirit Guide...come behind me now.

    Dear Spirit Guide...put your hands upon my shoulders, allowing me feel your energy.

    The more that you feel that energy, the more you will recognize of that specific individual energy of that Spirit Guide.

    Once you then acknowledge that energy of a certain Spirit Guide, as that energy...

    How do you assist me?

    Can you give me a symbol that you are with me?

    You can conduct this practice in several different times, with different types of Spirit Guides.

    Just get into your centered and silent space...and it works!

    It works because the energy is different.

    As the more you get into that silent’ space and to work with Spirit Guides, those Spirit Guides" are WILLING to work with you.

    Our Spirit Guides are ALWAYS there with us...

    but it is us to show up!!!

    All we need to do is ask!

    Sit within your quiet sacred space (10-15 minutes...starting) and you will begin to hear your soul speak.

    (This is where people should start)

    Learn to develop and have a relationship with...My Soul and I.

    You can ask your Spirit Guides for their names and they’ll give you a symbol, sign. etc. so you can identify with them.

    However, become more interested into getting to personally know of their certain energy.

    Their energy is of what REALLY identifies them, as to the degree as in how they are working with you.

    Also, asking a Spirit Guide their name is so...human!

    (Why limit your spirit guides with human stuff?)

    Again, get to know about their energy is what is important.

    The spirit world works constantly into getting the right spirits to the medium.

    The Spirit Guides work with the spirits to get them there.

    Multiple Guides:

    Once you have connected and feel comfortable with one guide, you may want to see if there are any others. I DO connect with my Master Guide and with other Spirit Guides. They all serve a different guiding purpose in my life, and...with all their energies feel distinctly different from one another.  

    They're Here to Help:

    Some guides are only here for only of a very short brief time as in order to help you through a crisis, as others are here for a lifetime. No matter how long that they are with you their only purpose is to serve you.

    Being able to freely call upon them individually by name and/or as a group is of a wonderful tool as to have in your psychic toolbox. Don’t worry that you’re calling upon them too much or bothering them – it’s their job to help you, and they’re happy to do it!   

    —-Spirit Guides—-

    Many people believe in the concept of Spirit Guides, and I for one am one of them. I DO believe in Spirit Guides, and I’m aware that they’re of a Universal truth. When we start researching Spirit Guides and start to contact our Spirit Guides, as some of us will start to realize that there are more than of one Spirit Guide in our lives. Some Spirit Guides are more prominent and are closer as to your recognition rather than with other Spirit Guides, but they are there... nonetheless.

    There are four basic types of Spirit Guides, all of which I will do my best to explain in this hub. You find that you can contact your Spirit Guides, or you may even find that you can only contact just one of your Spirit Guides. sure that you do have more than one.

    1-Ancestral Spirit Guides...

    One type of Spirit Guide that everyone possesses is the...Ancestral Spirit Guide.

    This type of Spirit Guide is someone who’s passed away that is...or it has been a part of your family.

    This Spirit Guide could be of someone that you already usually knew quite personally, such as a sister or grandparent. Or...this Spirit Guide could be of an ancestor that you haven't known in this life.

    You may have never even known this Spirit Guide lived on this earth!

    Perhaps, this Ancestral Spirit Guide is of your great-great grandmother who lived a hundred years before you were ever a thought within your parents' minds. It’s a part of their other-dimensional existence as to help guide you on your path in life.

    They are around to watch over you and are also potentially help you make the positive decisions as in leading you directly right back into your higher self's energy...

    thereby fulfilling a BIG part of their own path into experiencing and in

    coming closer to their higher self's purpose.

    2-Animal Spirit Guides...

    Animal Spirit Guides seem to us to be one of our most beloved types of known Spirit Guides. The cute, the snuggly, the noble, and the brave. Each one of us has at least one type of animal Spirit Guide.

    Usually, it will be that you’ll have one permanent type of Animal Spirit Guide; or what some call a...totem, and you can have Animal Spirit Guides come as  of temporary messengers.

    They’ll bring you messages that you may need at that given moment, and...they might disappear. Some will resurface at certain later points in your lives, while of others are meant just for that moment and that moment only.

    Many of us are aware which Animal Spirit Guide is indeed our permanent one or totem.

    If you are still unsure, as this Animal Spirit Guide is the one who is ALL-ever present in your life, as to no matter the phase and/or experiences that you are going through. We may have/had dreams of being with this animal or possibly even becoming this animal. ALL of us DO have of an Animal Spirit Guide. And...

    we also envelop multitudes of temporary Animal Spirit Guides as well.

    3-Ascended Masters...

    Ascended Masters consist of a third type of Spirit Guide that ALL of us have of in our lives. These Spirit Guides are of the ones who have come as to a different type, or a level of knowing themselves and are quite close within to reaching perfection (if there is such a thing) on a spiritual level.

    Many people say that these beings were once humans and who had lived on this planet, but have not had the need or had the push to re-incarnate, as they will have come to know of themselves in a full-circle way and not requiring of themselves as to live as humans any longer.  However, it’s a part of their experiencing of themselves to teach us and lead us to our higher selves in this life.

    Some say that Ascended Masters can dwell on other dimensions but still do reach us here on the 3rd dimension.

    Some say they do dwell within the fifth dimension, as while others will argue that it is indeed the sixth dimension.

    I do not fully understand the multiple dimensions of this Universe, so I do not dwell on this belief until I can understand it better myself.

    What we really need as to understand is that these Ascended Masters must have ascended out of a human life, and then into the life of fully teaching us to reach out and up to a higher level of ourselves.

    If you DO receive communications from your Ascended Master, as it is time to listen!

    4-Lifetime Spirit Guides...

    Another type of Spirit Guide and, perhaps the one that many of us can communicate with easily is that of our Lifetime Spirit Guide...and what is also referred to as...the common Spirit Guide. As this type of Spirit Guide is one that will (always) be here with you ALL throughout your entire life, no matter the day or phase. They’re quite known as to show up in our dreams, during meditations, and as it can be communicated with through different methods. This Spirit Guide is the one who has also lived a human life, or have the possibly hasn't, but as in my case my Spirit Guide has lived many lives.

    (I feel that my Spirit Guide has been with me since day one and will ALWAYS be with me. I converse to him at any time, knowing that he is there listening.)

    People say that these types of Spirit Guides can appear in the form of those that you might know...or have known before.  This is so that you can feel more connected to them being able into recognizing them easier. All these types of Spirit Guides will also show up into the form of an archetype –—

    a king, warrior, monk, etc.

    Do YOU believe in Spirit Guides?

    Have you ever met YOUR Spirit Guide? 


    Beings that have completed their full karmic cycle represent perfect energy. When they had resided here upon Earth, these beings were of masters... and attempted to help others.

    The purpose of a Master is to help others complete their own karmic cycle and attain perfection.

    The difference between a Master and of an individual Spirit Guide is that Masters work in great numbers of people...whereas your own Spirit Guide will work with you and a small number of other souls.

    Masters conduct their work upon a mental plane...and sometimes within during their waking state, but most often as while their physical bodies are in a state of a deep trance. The purity of their lifestyle allows them as to occupy the same physical body for more years than of the average human.

    Masters focus on of their self-consciousness...upon any location and enter the inner consciousness of any living being.

    Masters also receive the advice from the higher entities who are with higher vibrational rates in the seven higher places.

    When we listen to these Masters, we will make better decisions and to work out our own karmic cycles faster and with much less trauma.


    Angels are messengers of God.

    Not a single human being has/will ever become an angel.

    Angels are pure spirit, without any corporeality (physical body).

    They have their own society, values, hierarchy, and activities.

    -Angels exist in a different realm than man.

    -They will enter in our world through a type of doorway as by making  

    themselves  known to us.

    -They have consciousness, will, and purpose.

    -Angels are ALWAYS messengers, protectors, and guardians.

    -They are Universal, being a component of ALL religions.


    These entities do represent all those souls of people who have clinically died but have not yet entered the white light. They remain on the astral plane...visiting this Earth plane.

    Other terms will consist of...apparitions, discarnate(s), and poltergeists.

    You’ll be contacted by these entities in during your altered dream state while asleep. Some of these souls are spiritually evolved, while others are then struggling to figure out what is going on, and as to why earth souls can’t see or hear them.

    They usually stay in the astral plane because...

    1-they don’t know they’re dead

    2-they have unfinished business to take care of

    3-they’re afraid in crossing into the white light because of the life they

    lead on Earth, feeling the fear that they will be within judgment by

    that of a Source/ Higher Power/Universe.


    Spirit Guides assume/shapeshift into the form of a very strong animal such as...elephants, dragons, and panthers. They all have a GREAT presence! You will often find them when you will require inner strength to deal with critical challenges in your life.


    This Spirit Guide lived on earth as a healer and/or a physician.

    This guide assists in your mental, physical, and emotional healing.


    These are Spirit Guides who help us to understand the world in as to which we function. They will help train you to perfect your soul’s energy so that you may ascend to the higher plane.


    These types of Spirit Guides/entities continue to help you in receiving messages, and with valuable information from psychic abilities...such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.



    These spirits protect you in all your spiritual protection from negative entities and evil forces.  They function as guards, allowing only positive energy to



    These types of Spirit Guides assist with your body into altering body chemistry in order to move more easily; adjusting this spiritual communication.   

    NOTE: There are many other types of specific Spirit Guides too.

    The more specific your journeys here on this

    Earth plane takes you, the more specific Spirit

    Guide(s) WILL be involved.



    -You are not in danger (at any time) establishing communication all with your Spirit Guide.

    -The compatibility of your purposes or goals are the main reason to

    why  a certain guide or groups of guides choose to work with you.

    -The higher level of guides serves as sources for clarity, direction, and

    of direct  guidance.

    -It is not necessary to place yourself in a trance, a meditation state,

    or dream state to contact your Spirit Guides.

    -The control and the direction of any direct communication as with 

    your Spirit Guides ALWAYS rests with you.

    If you are not ready to communicate, your Spirit Guide CAN read of

    your mind  and  already know.

    -A Spirit Guide will assist you within your requests so it does not hurt

    anyone, or...even  your spiritual growth...but you still must learn  of

    your karmic lessons yourself.

    -Don’t expect instant revelations each and every time that you contact your Spirit Guides. Some lessons are harder than others, so it is of your free will to reject  their advice.

    -Do NOT follow a Spirit Guide’s advice blindly. Test them.

    -Spirit Guides communicate with you only with your permission.

    -In contacting your Spirit Guides, expect to be enlightened...spiritually, and from  your compassion towards others will grow.

    NOTE: Accessing of your own higher self is the fastest way I know of to

    achieve contact with your Spirit Guide.


    You’ll be assigned a certain number of Ascending Masters as your own personal guides.  As you’ll learn to grow spiritually, these guides will be replaced by others who are specialized as of into assisting you with the advanced stages of spiritual growth.

    When you’re in contact with a true spirit guide, certain factors are to come into play:

    -You are always left feeling confident and empowered.

    -All messages provided are designed to offer you freedom  to  choose your actions.

    -There is no difficulty understanding the information provided.

    -You’ll find any new information presented that will always better

    your life as In some way as you apply it.

    -The psychic powers that you currently have WILL increase so that you will then receive additional data beneficial for your own growth.  

    This is all part of your psychic empowerment.

    -As a result of all these contacts, you will be more stimulated to be so much more stronger, encourage others, and initiate healing powers in yourself.

    -Others will become attracted to YOU (with good reason) because of  your new and higher energy.

    -A sense of sincerity, simplicity, humility, and of spirituality will ALWAYS be demonstrated within these contacts.  This entity will NEVER make demands or brag about their abilities or knowledge.

    -Your true Spirit Guide is capable to accurately perceive, not only future  trends within your life, but how you will respond to them. Spirit Guide contacts will help you to protect yourself from psychic attacks and can help empower your life.

    You will ALWAYS be strengthened...and will also be enlightened with a greater sense of meaning of life and resulting of these exposures.

    Your life will ALWAYS be improving in some way to when you access a true Spirit Guide.  

    It is always wise to apply protection techniques when contacting Spirit Guides.

    There ARE of many negative spirits in this  Universe, and yet sometimes they will try to communicate as with inexperienced trance-channeled people.

    Negative spirits will do the following:

    -The group leader projects himself/herself into a somewhat superior being and/or processes some unique knowledge of the Universe.

    -They’ll pressure you to join them and make many important decisions regarding your life without allowing you as to use a precious amount of time  to properly decide.

    -This organization demands for you to make (any) drastic changes at your  home and/or workplace.

    -They demand absolute obedience to their authority.

    -The sudden appearances of emotional and medical problems.

    -You become obsessed with material and personal gains.

    Attempts to use and to manipulate others may manifest.

    -You will become overcritical within the attitudes/distortions from the teachings teaching’s and opinions of others.

    -Unusual experiences in your environment such as foul odors, knocks, within bells ringing, sounds with no apparent source...or unexplained outbursts of fire.

    The leaders of the group are often quite disturbed individuals.

    Their attempts as to alienate you from your friends/family should be enough of a warning. As resulting in their company, you’ll feel drained physically as well as emotionally. They’ll also try to discourage privacy in your life.

    How to Connect:

    There are techniques as for making contact, including meditations and visiting a professional psychic...but here is just of a simple method that worked well for me. Lie down and put yourself into a secure relaxed state by doing some deep breathing.

    Envision yourself being surrounded by of a pure white light where no negativity is allowed.  Then set the intention that only your Spirit Guide permitted into that light.

    This protective measure is so very important so that you do not invite of any other random entities to contact you.

    When you feel completely relaxed and/or safe in your sacred bubble of a light, call upon your Spirit Guide.

    How would you call upon someone whose name you don’t know? Many times, a name will pop into your head if you’d ask for it.

    If this does happen go with matter how silly it seems. Your guides really do not care what you call upon them, and they will answer to any name.

    If no name comes to you, just address it as Spirit Guide until you will obtain to be more comfortable in communicating with this spirit.

    You will eventually get a name.

    Next, ask him/her to touch or brush upon you in a specific area. Once you make contact, try to determine if it’s a male or a female energy... and so see if you can get an idea of what they look like.

    Often, an image will appear within your third eye, but don’t despair if that doesn’t happen right away.   

    Once you get to know your Spirit Guide, the different pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. You’ll develop an image of them within your mind and will learn exactly what they are here to help.

    In the meantime, it is wonderful to just feel their energies around you and to receive the reassurance that you are being  assisted by the spirit world.

    Use guided meditation to take you to your Spirit Guide’s realm.

    Your unconscious mind will guide you straight to them. Also...

    try lucid dreaming. Many times Spirit Guides will completely appear in dreams, although we dismiss them having some weird meaning. With of direct lucid dreaming, you will be in control of the dream and again, your unconscious mind will lead you straight to your guide.

    Once you make a Divine connection as with your Spirit Guide, you will spend quality time into getting to know each other. Your guide will then tell you about themselves, etc.

    This introductory period is meant as to making you feel so completely comfortable as with your new spiritual teacher. You should feel as if you could ask your guide anything and

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