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Magic Huntress
Magic Huntress
Magic Huntress
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Magic Huntress

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In a world awakened by solar flares, magic stirs. Brene Tollis, a witch with a secret, must contain it before chaos reigns.

Brene Tollis isn't your ordinary witch. Gifted with an innate ability to attract magic, she operates under a glamour, concealing her true powers. As the recent solar flares stir ancient magic across the globe, Brene finds herself in high demand. Her unique talent is crucial for preventing the reactivation of long-dormant artifacts that threaten global stability. However, her involvement comes with a cost – both personal and professional. The Order, which once shunned her, now desperately seeks her aid. Yet, they're not alone in their quest. Layton Murphy, another magic tracker with secrets of his own, crosses paths with Brene. While he pursues a more intimate alliance, they find themselves reluctantly teaming up against rival mages hired by the Order, whose intentions are as dark as their magic. Brene and Layton must navigate this treacherous landscape, not only combating their adversaries and the volatile magic they seek to control but also the growing tension between them.

This thrilling tale is perfect for fans of The Dresden Files and Charmed, blending magical intrigue with personal dynamics.

Step into Brene's world where magic and mystery intertwine. Grab your copy now and join her in a race against time to save the world from magical chaos.

Release dateOct 22, 2021
Magic Huntress

Renee Joiner

Renee Joiner has been in love with the supernatural for longer than she can remember, so it is no surprise that she is an author of paranormal urban fantasy. Although she discovered her passion for writing when she was only twelve years old, she didn’t make her writing debut until many years into the future. Adventurous and fun-loving, she enjoys traveling to new places, exploring new sights and meeting new people. Thus, she delights in creating fantastical worlds that are sure to give her readers an escape from the real world while simultaneously providing thrilling entertainment. Besides her special knack for writing, you'll also find a passion for metaphysics spirituality which she has been nurturing for over four decades. Renee hails from New York and currently resides with her husband in their empty nest—unless you count their three adorable fur babies—in Florida. She enjoys adding to her sea of knowledge and thus spends her free time learning new things.

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    Magic Huntress - Renee Joiner


    In a tiny village, stood on stilts, on the bed of a slow-moving river, there was once a wise old man that had lived far beyond the natural will of the world. He had cheated death more times than there were fingers on his hands. The man lived alone in a small shack close to the middle of the river. He spent most of his days sitting on the edge of his veranda, swinging his feet off the sides so that they felt the cool water flow gently towards the sea. He was a warrior of sorts who had fought many battles before and lived to tell tales. He was a stern man who valued his privacy and a man of very few words, to say the least. He was tall and lean, his muscles strong and his skin the color of cooked rice, slightly brown but primarily pale. He had short gray hair that was bushy and unkempt, which matched his wild eyebrows that seemed to stick out in almost every direction. His eyes were the color of honey and, in the sunlight, looked like an amber-colored jewel that belonged on a rich woman’s finger or around her neck.

    He was not from those parts, but he had settled there after the great battle of the frozen glade, where he had seen things that he had wished he could forget. He had felt things in his soul that still made his skin crawl when he thought about it. He had never spoken of that time or that battle. And although he lived a quiet life of peace within nature, his mind was never still, and his heart was never happy.

    One morning, the wise old man sat on the edge of his veranda, dropping his legs into the water and mending a fishing net that the current had ripped apart. The current had grown more unsettled and seemed to flow faster and harder than he had ever seen before. He knew that part of the river well. In all his years, he had never seen the waters flow in such a way as if the Earth was angry and frustrated at the men who inhabited her. He focused on his net in his hands and hummed softly to himself as he worked.

    Suddenly, he heard something plop into the water from the veranda next to his. Looking up, he saw a young boy, not much older than 10, throwing pebbles into the flowing river. The boy saw the old man and smiled, his eyes lighting up as he did.

    Then the boy did the most unbelievable thing. He took a few steps backward, then ran forwards as fast as he could, leaping into the air at the edge of his own veranda and landing quite hard in the old man’s.

    Although impressed by the young boy’s bravery and strength, the old man maintained his neutral expression and demeanor, turning his attention back to mending his net.

    You are the wise old man, the young boy said excitedly. I have looked for you for many days.

    Why is that? asked the old man.

    I want to know the story of the Myxan and its powers.

    The wise old man froze as though he had felt the touch of a ghost and stopped mending his nets. A serious countenance washed over his face, and his body became stiff and strong, as if he was preparing for a battle of some sort, ready to pounce at any moment. After a long moment of silence, the young boy spoke again.

    Please, wise old man. I just want to know if it will be able to save my mother. She is very ill, the boy’s voice was shaky.

    The magic of the Myxan is lost. And if it was found, I would not use it on my own mother, for its power is all corrupting, the old man’s voice was stern and deep.

    Please help me, wise old man. The boy was crying now. There’s no magic that can heal her. The healer in the village says she is going to die soon. If there’s anything that can save her, I need to find it.

    The wise old man stood up slowly and faced the young boy, and then he held out his hands and touched the boy’s face kindly.

    Dear child, he said. What do you know of the Myxan and its powers?

    I know that it possesses the most powerful magic in the world. Magic that can save anyone and anything. The boy wiped his dirty face with his hands and looked up at the wise old man longingly.

    The man looked down, closed his eyes, and shook his head.

    Come, child, He said, ushering the boy inside his home. Let me tell you the truth about the great Myxan, He spoke through gritted teeth and with hate that seemed misplaced.

    The young boy followed the wise old man into his home and sat on the floor in the middle of the room. Then he gratefully accepted a bowl of hot soup and a piece of bread as the man sat in a chair close to the fire that burnt, smoking on a pipe and puffing out dark clouds into the flames of the fire.

    "At the beginning of time, when man and beast did not yet exist, and the Earth was covered only in beautiful trees and small magical creatures, a wall was built. The magical creatures that inhabited the world spent millions of years making the wall in preparation for man’s time on Earth. The wall was not built of large, robust rocks that were sharp or uncut, but rather wonderful, glassy pebbles like those you might find lodged in the sand of a river bed. You see, the wall was built to separate the Northern and Southern lands. Although nobody quite knows who gave the instruction or why the magical folk of the time was dedicated to their cause. When the wall was completed, the good magical folk who had worked all that time tirelessly found themselves on the Southern side. Being too little to cross over the wall, they inhabited the Southern lands and lived peaceful lives since their duty was done. These magical creatures came to be known as the builders. But where there is good, there is also bad. It is the ultimate balance of the universe. You see, there cannot be light without darkness, and so darkness was allowed to grow.

    "Over the wall, in the Northern lands, were creatures and majestic beasts surfaced. The lands were barren and scarce, and creatures fought to survive. Fathers ate their young, and mothers ate their mates, and that is how they lived for a long time. Surviving. Then men arrived in the Northern lands. They seemed to appear from thin air but inhabited the land as though it had belonged to them as a birthright of sorts. These men and women possessed no magical skill or talents, and they hunted the beasts and were-creatures, causing them to flee into the mountains and live in the shadows. There they faced starvation and great unhappiness.

    "One day, a great leopard as large as a house, with eyes as red as blood and teeth as sharp as knives, came across the great wall of pebbles as he roamed about. He leaped gracefully over the wall and visited the Southern lands. The air seemed cleaner and fresher. The water was tastier and more refreshing. The grass was greener and lusher. But he knew nothing of those who lived there or their history, for he was new to this world, and his heart was still untainted. He was a great shape-shifter, and at will, he could transform into a human, with dark brown hair and eyes to match, a handsome face, and a solid and large body. And so, to enjoy the Southern lands, he shifted to his human form. He felt the grass beneath his toes and breathed deeply in the cool air. He ran his fingers along the soft petals of the flowers and smiled at the tiny creatures he came across. He felt happy and at peace for the first time in his life, and so he fell asleep, dreaming sweet dreams, underneath a large tree on the river’s edge.

    "When the shape-shifter woke, little creatures, all of which looked at him curiously, surrounded him. They had never seen a man sleeping naked under a tree, for the men and women in the Southern lands were always clothed. Around the same time that men appeared out of thin air in the Northern lands, so did they in the Southern, but these men were different. They possessed magical powers and skills. Kind and benevolent creatures took him to their homes, clothed him, and fed him well. Then they told him stories of the glorious pebble wall they had built for man’s coming. The shape-shifter told the builders stories of his own home and the famine and unhappiness that seemed everlasting. When the sun began to set, the builders ushered the stranger back towards the wall and wished him well.

    "In the Northern lands, the shape-shifter went back to his cave and told his family of the wonders across the wall. He told them of all the food and water he had found and the kind people who told him the story of how the wall came into existence. He told them of the humans with magical powers and how they lived in harmony with the little creatures. He was sure, he said, that the little creatures would show his own family the same kindness, and so he urged them to follow him over the wall the next day. But when the time came to cross over the wall, the shape-shifter and his family could not. For the wall had grown twice its height overnight, and although large and strong, the family of leopards could not scale it.

    "this angered The shape-shifter, for he was confident that the little creatures had done this to prevent him from coming back. He thought them selfish and cruel, and so, for the first time, he felt hate. The hate grew in his heart, and a darkness grew in his soul, and so the magic that he possessed grew darker as well. That morning, he retreated to his cave in the mountain, and he began plotting his revenge on those who called themselves the builders. They had abandoned him and his people.

    "In the years that followed, the great leopard shape-shifter recruited all the magical creatures in the Northern lands. Together, they plotted against the Southerners, believing that they were the rightful rulers of the world and that their powers, if put together, were undefeatable. They trained for battle and practiced their magic. However, still, the shape-shifter felt as though they were too weak, the hate and darkness within him growing stronger every day until it consumed completely him. He did not believe that they were strong enough to take on the Southerners, especially their magical skills and powers. But the shape-shifter was intelligent and cunning and he would not accept defeat.

    "He had watched the Southerners use their magical powers to heal, and so one night, he approached a village of man in the Northern lands, as a man. He walked through the village, breathing in the air deeply and seeking the scent of illness until he came upon a house where the candles still burnt in the middle of the night. He knocked on the door, and a young man answered. The young man explained that his wife was ill and the healer in the village had told the family that she would die very soon. With that, the shape-shifter entered the house. He used a blade to slit the woman’s wrist and drank her blood, claiming her soul as his own, and after that, he used his magic powers to cure her of her illness. With two souls in his body, his power doubled, and he felt unstoppable. And now that the woman’s soul belonged to him, she could harness his powers through her own body as well. So, she accepted him as her leader and followed him. The woman’s husband, feeling empty without his beloved, offered his soul to the shape-shifter as well. And so, the leopard-man possessed now three souls, and two mere humans could harness his dark powers through their bodies. They followed him with loyalty and were ever willing to do his work.

    "As time went on, the shape-shifter recruited thousands of non-magical humans. He took their souls as his own, and they were able to harness a small amount of his power through their bodies. And with his army of beasts and newly magical humans, he tried his very best to break down the wall. Eventually, he and his followers succeeded. They stormed the Southern lands, causing havoc and chaos, and killed many innocents, claiming their souls as his own and growing more powerful than ever before.

    "When that war was almost won, and the great dark shape-shifter had practically conquered the world, a group of witches and warlocks from the Southern lands created a spell to rid the world of his darkness. In the middle of the ultimate battle at the great pebble wall, a spell was cast to destroy the great shape-shifter. But,

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