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Big Vegan
Big Vegan
Big Vegan
Ebook909 pages9 hours

Big Vegan

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“An exciting collection of healthy plant-based recipes, from simple to sophisticated, for everyone who loves high flavor food made with real ingredients.” —Fran Costigan, author of Vegan Chocolate

Veganism has been steadily moving toward the mainstream as more and more people become aware of its many benefits. Even burger-loving omnivores are realizing that adding more plant-based foods to their diet is good for their health and the environment. Big Vegan satisfies both the casual meat eater and the dedicated herbivore with more than 350 delicious, easy-to-prepare vegan recipes covering breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Highlighting the plentiful flavors that abound in natural foods, this comprehensive cookbook includes the fundamentals for adopting a meat-free, dairy-free lifestyle, plus a resource guide and glossary that readers can refer to time and again. Eat your veggies and go vegan!

“Gorgeous, inviting, and amazingly well thought out, Big Vegan is a resource you’ll be cooking from for years to come.” —VegNews, “Ten Must-Have Vegan Cookbooks of 2011”

Big Vegan is the book I want to give to those asking questions about vegan nutrition and what to cook! It answers all the most asked questions in such a clear way and then escorts the reader right into exciting and easy recipes. This is a truly valuable addition to the book shelf.” —Linda Long, author of Virgin Vegan

“This cookbook isn’t about narrow labels (vegan) or even intimidating expertise (cuisine)—it’s about delicious, flavorful meals you make in your kitchen and eat with your family. In an age of ceaseless foodie hype, Robin delivers food you want to eat—Monday or any day!” —Chris Elam, Program Director, Meatless Monday
Release dateJul 22, 2011
Big Vegan

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    Big Vegan - Robin Asbell

    Introduction to the Vegan World

    Vegan is getting bigger all the time, so welcome to the party!

    Some of you may be committed, long-time vegans, and some of you may just be starting to investigate this way of eating. Some of you may just want some great plant-based recipes to help you cut back on animal foods. You are all welcome, and there should be something for everyone in this book. Eating great foods that just happen to be animal-free is good for your health, good for the environment, and good for the animals, so every time someone chooses vegan, we all win. With even just one plateful, clean plant-based food makes a difference.

    Eating this way is a celebration—a celebration of you nourishing yourself while reveling in the sensuous cuisine that springs from a nourished planet. It’s a celebration of the colors, tastes, scents, and textures that emerge from the soil and all the energy they possess. Feeling great, looking good, and doing good for the planet is just one big party, with no hangover the next day. As much as we look to food for pleasure, the ultimate hedonism is great health. Sure, junk food has its fleeting buzz, but living in a nourished body is a long-term plan for serious fun. Who doesn’t want to have more energy and avoid chronic disease? The most powerful tool for accomplishing a vibrant state of being is your plate.

    The plant-based food party is coming into its own place in the world. Good food is good food, transcending labels. Anyone who has ever eaten a crispy-hot slice of hearty bread spread with melting peanut butter and jam for lunch was enjoying a vegan meal with no label attached. Sublime pleasures like a perfect, ripe peach; a just-picked juicy tomato still warm from the sun; or a handful of crisp pistachios come from plant cuisine at its most basic. Hand those over to creative chefs, and a whole world of flavors and textures begs to be explored. Many of the most respected culinary minds, including Thomas Keller and Charlie Trotter, now explore plant-based cuisine in their world-famous restaurants. Making amazing food from pure, simple ingredients gives them a chance to show that they really understand food. Working without animal products makes them stretch, drop old ways of thinking, and work a little harder to produce something that people will pay top dollar to experience. And, like me, they look to the history and the ancient traditions of eating low on the food chain. We have come full circle.

    Eating well has always involved plants. Every great cuisine of the world has dishes that revel in the textures and flavors of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, and good oils. Peasants ate this way out of poverty—the cucina povera of Italy is the source of some of the most robust, decadent, animal-free dishes on the planet. Every country that touches the Mediterranean Sea has its own form of vegetable worship—from Spanish romesco to Greek hortika in olive oil to Lebanese hummus and Syrian eggplant in pomegranate molasses. The Mediterranean diet, that lifelong prescription for pleasure and health, goes vegan without skipping a beat. The real Mediterranean diet was flexitarian before we had a word for it. Hardscrabble living consisted of eating things you could grow most of the time, since eating animals was expensive. Luckily, one of their native plants was the olive, so they could drench their healthful food in its richness and in the process, create a life-saving cuisine that we aspire to today. Wine, plant foods, and song—how can you go wrong?

    Looking to the East, we see the influences of Buddhism and other peaceful philosophies have planted seeds for plant-loving cuisines that flourish to this day. In the traditional Chinese kitchen, we find masterpieces made from plants. Can you imagine a world with no soy sauce? There must be a bottle of that simple, fermented black elixir in every kitchen in the world by now. Like the Mediterranean way, traditional diets all over Asia are plant-based—a little bit of animal, stretched across an expanse of rice and a crisp-tender jumble of stir-fried vegetables, or perhaps simmered into a miso soup with the best vegetables available for the season. It’s easy to go vegan with such a plant-filled plate. A few thousand years ago, China turned away from dairy foods. It’s unclear whether it was to differentiate from the Mongol herders, or perhaps an emperor was secretly lactose intolerant. Either way, one of the world’s most ancient civilizations has been making magic without dairy for quite awhile, and we still reap the benefits. Tofu is also attributed to the Chinese, so tip a hat to those soybean alchemists.

    More tropical Asian cultures, like Thailand, Malaysia, and the Pacific Rim, bring us light, plant-based food born of sizzling heat and tropical plants. Coconut milk and chiles, exotic spices, and fermented beans make a light, summery meal taste rich and satisfying. In tropical climates, everybody wants to eat foods that won’t weigh them down—and vegans like that feeling, too. How sexy is a rich coconut sauce, spiked with heat and spice, punched up with touches of sweet and sour, flecked with fresh herbs? You could put it on anything and it would sing, but it really speaks when gentle plants hold it high.

    India, where vegetarian traditions are strong to this day, has much to teach us about making satisfying plant cuisine. After a few thousand years, they have worked out complex spice and flavor balances that elevate the simplest potato to gourmet fare. Dal and rice are the national dish, and variations are endless. We can borrow many of their classic, time-tested cooking techniques and combinations, and work around their yogurt and cheese. A symphony of spice, a subtle play between soft and crisp, a teasing touch of sweet, then a hint of sour—the experience in a mouthful of curry is so intense that it needs only simple plants to carry it.

    As much as we depend on Europe and Asia, we can also travel the globe, discovering the creative ways in which cooks prepare plant foods. South America, with its amazing quinoa, amaranth, rice, and corn, and the home of the chile and so many varieties of beans, has a vast treasure trove of plant dishes. Many islands, from Jamaica to Hawaii, are home to tropical flavors, many based on abundant fruits and vegetables that soak up that sunshine and heat. Jamaica even has its own vegan religion, the Rastafarians, who happily simmer up the fruits of the island with coconut and callaloo.

    The melting pot of our global kitchen brings us exciting access to the dishes of far-flung islands and faraway steppes. This is the great vegan harvest. The down-to-earth foods that people have made from plants for years build the base of our cuisine. Don’t be fooled by restaurant fare. When you eat in a restaurant that serves another country’s food, you usually get the celebration food, the meat dish they only serve on feast days, the richest, sweetest things that are meant to seduce you. In everyday life, there have to be plant-based, inexpensive foods. Look to the old ways, the agrarian traditions, and there you will see how that culture expresses its love of plants. Learn from it; take it home.

    The vegan way of life is also about fusing global tastes with local foods, to keep our carbon footprint as small as possible. Vegans are cutting edge in that regard, in the food world. I attended a panel discussion featuring Elizabeth Andoh, a Japanese food expert and anthropologist; Rick Bayless, Mexican food expert; and Vikram Vij, an Indian chef running a wildly popular Indian restaurant in Canada. The topic was which was more authentic, importing the foods of the homeland for each immigrant population, or applying the cooking style and flavors of a cuisine to the fresh, local foods? While the whole notion of authenticity is always changing, all agreed that the true expression of a cuisine involves using the best indigenous foods, even if they did not exist in a recipe’s homeland. While vegan food was the last thing they thought they were discussing, I think that adapting foods of the world to plant-based dishes, and even using local, nontraditional substitutions, results in a vibrant new cuisine. Food culture is always evolving, and evolving away from animal agriculture and Big Food is the way of the future.

    What Is Vegan Food Anyway?

    The label vegan essentially means you are participating in a food chain with no animals in it. Not cows, not chickens, not even bees. It’s not a new idea, but it is one that is making more sense all the time. Here in the Western world, where diet-related diseases are common, turning to plants is a delicious way to dance right past health issues that might slow you down. People are finding that eating vegan makes them feel and look better, and that it can really be quite delicious and fun. As consumers, more of us are looking at where our food comes from and the impact that our consumption has on the planet. Once you start looking into the ramifications of your food choices, choosing to go vegan is a simple way to live lightly on the earth.

    While vegan cooking is often defined by what you don’t eat, it’s not about deprivation. It may take a little creativity to get beyond the idea of a plate anchored by a piece of protein, but it is not difficult. Your friends and family may need a little help and patience. Be gentle with them—they know not what they do. Eating is a deeply emotional, personal choice, and most people are very attached to their food. Saying yes to a tasty felafel burger may well mean saying no to a cheeseburger, but there is no need to try to convert anyone beyond serving and enjoying. Every plant-based meal makes a difference. We can help our friends the most by eating and sharing vibrant, tasty foods that are plant-based. When you are living vegan and showing the people around you how great you feel and how good the food really is, you may just nudge them to make better choices.

    The foods that vegans eat are the lively ones. Move past the meat counter and look to the veggies, fruits, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds and you are looking at energy and health. You may have noticed that when the latest list of super foods hits magazine covers, it usually involves plants. Headlines about the newest ways to prevent cancer or diabetes always recommend eating more plants. Striving for nine servings of plant foods a day is the government recommendation for vegetable and fruit consumption, and most people fall far short.

    What is so unimaginable to your standarddiet friends is that once you stop eating animal foods, you genuinely appreciate the flavors and textures of your new diet even more. It’s as if animal and processed foods were shouting all the time, but when they are gone, you can suddenly hear all the gentle sounds of the plants. Instead of overwhelming your palate, entertain it with the rich, crunchy experience of a walnut, harmonizing with all the subtle flavors of a tender bowl of greens and a zingy citrus dressing. A perfectly tender bean bathed in a lush, herbal vinaigrette melts in your mouth, spilling its simple comforts. Cooks find it hard to give up the way that meat and animal fat flavor things so intensely, but it’s so easy! An animal has transformed all the plants he ate into something with lots of complexity, and you need to learn a few tricks to get similar complexity with vegan dishes. But your palate will change, if you will only turn down the volume and listen.

    Living a plant-based life is like traveling light. Your system adjusts to foods that don’t weigh you down and take forever to digest. You may find that maintaining your weight gets easier, as long as you don’t hit vegan desserts too hard. The vegan mainstream has food manufacturers taking notice: Vegan-friendly packaged foods multiply daily. While that makes it easier to eat vegan, don’t become a junk-food vegan. The upside? Options in dairy-free milks, ice creams, and vegan-friendly sweeteners are growing. The downside? You can construct a vegan diet out of pudding cups, fake bologna, and white bread, but you will not be all that healthy doing it. You still have to seek balance and listen to your body. It will tell you how things are going, if you just pay attention.

    In the years I have spent cooking for vegans, it seems to me that what they craved most was special food—food for celebrations and shared dinners; food that really tastes great. It’s not that difficult to put together a big salad or sandwich on your own. Restaurants will happily strip down dishes and leave off the cheese. You can eat vegan and survive, but it’s the special foods that you crave. After going to the same sandwich shop a few times and having a sandwich with just veggies and no cheese, vegans want recipes for genuinely interesting food. A virtual world exists on the Internet, where vegans swap sources for marshmallow crème and recipes for mock cheese sauces. This book is my best effort for plant-based diners who want food that rocks.

    Why Vegan?

    Vegetarianism has been practiced in many forms for thousands of years. Spiritual and religious groups all around the world, from Buddhists and Brahmins to Seventh-Day Adventists, have adopted thou shalt not kill as a dietary guideline. Veganism follows that line of logic to its end and asks why animals should be used at all to provide food for us. Any ingredient of animal origin, from gelatin and Worcestershire sauce to milk and eggs to honey from bees is not vegan. The official birth of the vegan movement was in 1944, when a group broke away from the Leicester Vegetarian Society in England to form a vegan group. They wanted to live harmlessly and followed the vegetarian ideal to its logical end.


    It’s OK to act out of self-interest when you are going vegan. Many vegans get into it purely for their health, looks, and energy level. All that other stuff is a side benefit. The popularity of a vegan diet as a means to lose or maintain weight has brought a lot of people to the practice. Svelte vegan celebs who go public undoubtedly convert plenty of folks—why not try it if it works for them? If your body is a temple, fuel it with nutrient-rich, pure plant energy to purify it. Obesity is running rampant among omnivores, who just can’t seem to eat any vegetables. Dumping the junk food and eating more plants is a simple strategy for getting and staying lean and healthy.

    Then there are people who are well along the way to serious illness, due to the standard American diet of refined foods, fatty meat, and sweets, and who go vegan to heal themselves. Dr. John McDougall and Dr. Dean Ornish are just two of the better-known proponents of this kind of veganism. They take people who are on track for the quadruple bypass because their bloodstream is so blocked and completely turn them around with a very low-fat, vegan diet. It works: Check out the research. Good food is serious medicine. The National Cancer Institute estimates that three out of four deaths in contemporary Western society are diet-related, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The risks from all those diseases are markedly lower for vegans. If heart disease or diabetes runs in your family, you would do well to head them off at the pass by eating defensively. Vegetarians who avoid meat because of cholesterol and saturated fat are cutting back, but eggs and dairy still contain the same fats as the animals that made them.

    The medical establishment has been slow to come around to the healthfulness of vegan diets, so don’t be surprised when your doctor voices concern about your choices. Myths about complete protein coming only from animals have been debunked, and fears that a vegan diet will inevitably lead to B12 deficiency, anemia, or brittle bones can be put to rest. Considering that the American Dietetic Association gave vegan eating its stamp of full approval in 2009, you can feel confident that a vegan diet can be healthful. A balanced vegan diet can certainly provide all the nutrients you need, especially with fortified foods that are available now. Beyond that, loading up on plant foods delivers the protective elements they contain in abundance, like antioxidants, fiber, essential fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals. It does take some planning, though, like all healthful diets do.

    The Environment

    Now that you know how well you are taking care of Number One, you might as well consider the effect that your lifestyle has on the planet. It’s no longer just a hippie thing to search out ways to minimize the damage to the earth from our food consumption. In 1996, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization released Livestock’s Long Shadow, a report detailing the environmental impact of animal husbandry. At that time, 30 percent of the world’s surface was used to raise livestock and their food, and 70 percent of the Amazon rainforest had been cut down to raise cattle. Livestock runoff still dumps tons of pollutants into waterways, choking and killing streams and even large swaths of the ocean.

    For many vegans, animal rights are the big issue. Steering clear of animal foods is one way to leave the critters alone. When you can live a healthy, happy life eating plants, why not?

    How to Cook Vegan

    I turned on the TV the other day, just in time to see a scene from a movie in which the characters go to a vegan restaurant because the guy mistakenly believes that his date is vegan. They are offered kelp pizza described as earthy, with a taste of dirt and are served a yeast ball for the table, which looks like a cross between taffy and bread dough. Neither can pretend to like it, so they spit it out and the camera cuts to the sizzling beef they are about to order at a street truck. Unfortunately, vegan food has an image problem.

    In the omnivorous world we live in, some consider the label vegan a flashing red warning sign for bad taste. Chefs spend years mastering their craft, and vegan cuisine is not generally covered in culinary school, so they may well be baffled by requests for it. I am hopeful that this image (at least in big cities) is changing with more exciting restaurants serving plant-based cuisine that even food critics rave about. When we share vegan food, we should pick things that are entry-level, not too challenging but infused with flavor and texture. You may not even want to say it’s vegan, at least not before they try it, just so that they will have an open mind. One of the highest compliments that I have received many times over the years is I could be a vegetarian, if I had food like this every day. Of course, they can make food like this every day, and so can you!

    To cook without animal foods can be looked at in two ways. One is just to adapt your favorite dishes and use soy cheese, soy burgers, and soy sausages. You don’t need a cookbook to do that—so I don't use them here. Tofu, seitan, and tempeh are as close as we get to processed food, and they are all real foods that you can make in your own kitchen; they are not really trying that hard to be meat, and that's okay. The only dairy substitutes we use are a little tofu cream cheese and Earth Balance margarine and a variety of plant milks. A second way to approach vegan cooking is to work with recipes that were mostly animal-free to begin with. Indian dal or Jamaican rundown are already close to vegan as long as you use vegan sweeteners. The challenge for most beginning vegan cooks is to get the level of flavor, texture, and satisfaction that they remember from using animal foods. Your palate will adjust, but it will be easier if you know how to harness the flavor and texture of the new foods you will be using. Armed with the plant-based traditions of the world and the food chemistry tool kit I’ve put together for you, you will be ready to win over friends and family with your enviable, delicious lifestyle.

    The Tool Kit

    Balancing the Five Tastes

    Putting food together in the kitchen is many things, but at its essence, it is chemistry. When you put vegetables in a hot pan, all sorts of processes occur, and suddenly cells collapse, chemicals that were separate in the living plant mix together, and the taste changes. As organisms go, plants are simple. When animals eat plants, they concentrate all sorts of chemicals into the complex constructs that are muscle, milk, or eggs. That is why cooking a piece of animal food is so easy: There is a lot going on in there, and cooks can fall back on the fats, amino acids, and browned sugars from a piece of beef to flavor a whole dish. Melted cheese is a complicated sauce because cheese itself is complex, and you can’t really create it without the cow. When you cook without animal products, you can still use culinary chemistry to replace some of the flavors and sensations that animal foods have. As vegans, we can layer flavors and use plant-based chemistry to give the palate well-rounded flavors and sensations. Like all chefs, we work with the five tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and—a new one for Western chefs—umami.

    Vegans would do well to understand umami. It is the Japanese word for meaty, or the experience of well-rounded mouthfeel. The Japanese have made an art form out of harnessing the amino acids and other molecules that spark this fifth taste. It was a Japanese scientist who isolated the most common and basic umami chemical, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and started the manufacture of it in crystalline form. In recent years, a taste receptor for umami was located, and scientists believe that we evolved to feel pleasure when we eat umami-rich foods because they are good for us. Basically, all foods that contain protein contain a collection of amino acids, some of which are bound together in a protein molecule, and some of which are free. When proteins break apart through fermentation or cooking, amino acids are freed to trigger your umami receptor. This kind of umami comes from fermented foods like miso, soy sauce, fermented bean pastes of all kinds like Chinese and Korean black bean sauces, and tempeh. Other sources are mushrooms, and drying them or any vegetable concentrates the taste of umami. Ripe vegetables and fruits, like vine-ripened tomatoes, develop maximum umami. Sweet corn, peas, beans, winter squash, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and almonds all have varying levels of umami. Sea vegetables, like the kombu used in miso soup, are full of umami chemistry—and the first isolated MSG was made from kombu. Even nutritional yeast is loaded with umami, and the actions of active yeast give baked goods more umami. Fermented drinks like wine and beer, as well as pickled foods, develop umami, too. Tea has theanine, its very own umami chemical, which makes the brew more appealing. Beyond the intrinsic food ingredients, smoking foods gives them more umami.

    To add umami to recipes throughout this book, I have used small amounts of miso, nutritional yeast, and other ingredients. It may not be traditional to use miso in a Southeast Asian recipe, but because it adds flavors the recipe once got from umami-rich fish sauce, miso is a great vegan stand-in.

    So now that you know which vegan foods are rich in umami, you can use it to give plant-based dishes a satisfying fullness in the mouth. Then you can play with the other four tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Taste combined with aroma makes flavor. When you look at the cuisines of India, the balancing of tastes is an art form that makes vegetarian food sing. Learning to make a curry with toasted and raw spices; combinations of beans, vegetables, and grains; and the play between sweet, sour, and hot will make you a better cook. Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Southeast Asian cuisines make light foods intense by balancing tastes and flavors. The balance of salty, sweet, and sour are the backbone of many Asian dishes. You may not realize how much you like a little bitterness, until you think about dark chocolate, coffee, and even some spices and vegetables. Your palate wants just a touch, balanced with other tastes and sensations. Bitter chocolate is better with some sweet and fat. A tomato sauce might seem flat until a shot of wine adds acid and another kind of umami, and a hint of salt brings up the sweetness of the fruit at its base. Herbs add complexity, aroma, and often a touch of bitter.


    As much as we crave taste, we crave texture. Humans love the sensations that butter, cream, and cheese bring to their mouths, as the umami chemicals and fats that melt at body temperature cascade sensations to the brain. We can trip the same triggers without the cow, though. Vegans have the amazing coconut to provide rich milk and a fat that behaves a lot like butter. Nondairy milks have become better and better, with choices proliferating every day. Where once we had only rice and soy, we now have hemp, almond, hazelnut, and coconut milks as well. Nondairy creamers have also appeared in flavors designed for coffee, but they can be used to make vegan ice creams, too. Nondairy yogurts, sour cream, and cream cheese are stand-ins when you crave the old standards, and you can make your own. Liquid oils are generally best for health, but some margarines with no hydrogenated fat or trans fat have become readily available. I often use a little cold-press corn oil to get a buttery taste, or simply switch to a mild, buttery olive oil for a whole new experience.

    The texture of cheese has been the hardest thing to mimic, with plenty of icky, nonmelting soy cheeses on the market, but those are getting better, especially as the rising number of vegans makes an impact on manufacturers. Cheese brings fat, fermented complexity, and often a hefty dose of sodium to dishes, so you may find that a little sour and a bit of salt help make up for its absence. In this book, purees of lightly fermented, raw, or toasted nuts create cheese-like sensations. In a sandwich, sliced avocado or melted nut butters can provide both the holding power and the intensity that a slice of cheese would. In a pasta, a puree of beans, nuts, or even veggies can make a rich, creamy sauce. Of course, a nondairy béchamel or pureed veggie soup with soy milk is a great stand-in for dairy.

    When you want meat’s heft and chewiness in a dish, you can thank Asia for gluten. Mock duck, mock chicken, and even Tofurkey are made from forming the springy proteins extracted from wheat into tasty forms. You can purchase convenient canned, frozen, and even dried gluten products, and it is not that difficult to make them at home. Soy foods like tempeh add chunky texture and nutty flavor, and tofu can be frozen or crumbled and cooked to give dishes a chewier feel. Textures that can be used to replace meat include the granular chewiness of bulgur wheat or chunkily chopped mushrooms or beans. Nuts and seeds can also create a meaty texture. If you want to try processed foods like vegan sausages and burgers, that is up to you, but they are not in this book. Of course, you may be able to buy some minimally processed burgers, so just use your judgment about how real they are. As with soy cheeses, manufacturers are coming out with better ones every day.


    There are times when a leaf of lettuce or a spear of steamed broccoli is just the thing: light, simple, and satisfying. But when you want to amp up the flavor, you need some methods for intensifying, layering, and deepening the plant flavors in the pot. Many a classic dish starts with a sauté of onions and other aromatics. The magical chemistry of the Allium genus gives onions, leeks, shallots, and garlic a potent sweet chemical that comes forward with long, slow cooking. Caramelized onions and roasted garlic are two ingredients that add depth, sweetness, and complexity to dishes. In the same vein, roasting also brings out sugars, shrinks and condenses vegetables, and tempers bitter and vegetal flavors. A root vegetable like a beet can lose half its weight during a long roast, shrinking down to an earthy, butter-soft nugget.

    Similarly, flavorful liquids can become even more intense when simply simmered to cook off the water and reduce their volume. Reduction is a chef’s trick for quickly making the juices from a dish into a sauce and intensifying flavors. It’s also a tried-and-true technique to use alcohol as a flavor enhancer. Adding wine or liquor to vegetables actually does more than add flavor: The alcohol in the liquid acts as a solvent, breaking open molecular bonds and extracting flavors that were locked in plant tissues. Once the alcohol has done its job, simmering the liquids also evaporates the alcohol, leaving the precious extractions behind.

    Grilling/barbecuing, broiling/grilling, and searing also work to layer flavor. A mushroom or a piece of marinated tofu is really quite wet inside, and when the surface hits higher heat, the crust or skin that is created is very pleasing to bite into. Browning also develops sugars into more interesting flavors. Grill marks, with their hint of carbon, also give a little bitterness to the overall impression.

    Smoke is such a powerful flavorizer it is really an ingredient. As it adds umami, it can add strong aroma and the taste of the plant being burned, from mesquite to rosemary stems. It should be handled judiciously, as a little goes a long way. Liquid smoke, used in some of the recipes in this book, is a convenient way to add a hint of smoke without burning anything. It’s manufactured by burning wood and infusing the smoke into water, then reducing the liquid. Always go slow with liquid smoke, though—just a few drops go a long way.


    Vegan food is just food, after all, and the usual pans and stoves are all you need. There are only a few pieces of equipment that you might want to add to your kitchen.

    For breads and pizzas, you need a baking stone. I keep one in the oven all the time: Just put it on the bottom shelf and leave it there. Everything you bake will be better on stone, with a crisper crust and a better rise. A side benefit is that you can remove it after it cools and scrub it gently, so if there are spills, you don’t have to clean the whole oven.

    Cast-iron pans should have a place in every vegan kitchen. Cooking in cast iron adds measurable nutritional iron to cooked foods, which vegans need. When well-seasoned, cast iron can be a healthful alternative to coated nonstick pans and the chemicals that they bring to the table.

    For baking, I find that air-bake sheet pans are superior for cookies/biscuits and buns. They have a layer of air sandwiched between two sheets of metal, which makes them a little gentler in browning the bottoms of your baked goods. Use parchment/baking paper or silicone baking mats to avoid contact with the aluminum, if you are concerned.

    For many of the recipes, a food processor or blender is necessary. For the best, smoothest, nut-based sauces, a serious blender like a Vitamix is a good investment. They are a bit pricey, so if you can’t spring for one, get the best blender you can. You’ll just have to scrape down the jar and repeat the pureeing a few more times.

    For steaming, you can either invest in a bamboo steamer or something like it, or you can rig up your own. For steaming dumplings or larger foods, you can place a cake rack or even wads of foil in a pot, simmer water in the bottom, not touching the rack, and put a plate on top, as long as there is room around the plate for steam to circulate, and a tight lid on the pot to hold it in. For vegetables, a folding steamer or a perforated steamer insert pan will do.

    For some of the seitan recipes, you will need to invest in some cheesecloth/muslin, a light cotton fabric that is often used in canning.

    A bamboo mat, or sudare, for rolling sushi is helpful, especially for making inside-out rolls. It’s simply thin strips of bamboo stitched together. For inside-out rolls, look for a larger bamboo mat.

    An electric rice cooker is a conveniece that you may find worth the investment. These cookers range from inexpensive, cook and turn off–style cookers, to cook and keep warm ones, on up to pricier fuzzy logic cookers. Since you will be cooking brown rice and whole grains in yours, look for one that has a setting for them and always measure the water—don’t rely on markings on the sides of the container.

    A slow-cooker or crockpot is another convenience. Instead of simmering beans or seitan on the stove, you can put them in a crock and let them gently cook all night or all day when you are at work.

    A pasta rolling machine is used to make fresh pasta in one recipe in this book. If you love fresh pasta and want to show your friends how great eggless pasta can be, you may want to invest in one. A simple manual crank one is perfectly adequate and will last for years.


    If cooking is chemistry, baking is advanced chemistry. A muffin or a cake batter is a carefully balanced formula in which leaveners mix with liquids and react to create bubbles. Then the wet starches and proteins in the dough trap the bubbles and harden into an open structure as the heat removes moisture, and fats and sugars keep the whole thing tender and sweet. Yeasts, as they come to life and colonize in a bread dough, break molecules apart and consume starches, liberating all kinds of flavors that were trapped in the grain. Yeasts give off alcohols and gases, which evaporate during baking, as gluten fibers harden around the holes where they expanded and changed form. In vegan baking, we harness all those things but replace the standard butter, milk, cream, and white sugar (which is often processed using animal by-products) with animal-free ingredients. Since all our favorite cakes, pies, and pastries are usually made with dairy and eggs, we have to be a little clever and find ways to do the same kinds of things with vegan ingredients.

    So, when you look at a recipe with eggs and dairy, look at the roles they play in the recipe. Something like a meringue or an angel food cake is almost all egg whites, and there is really no vegan product that will act the same way. On the other hand, something like a cookie/biscuit, in which there is one egg in the recipe, is a prime candidate for veganization. Your egg-free pantry includes several options. One is egg replacer powder, such as Ener-G Egg Replacer. It’s a mixture of starches and leaveners that does some of the binding and lifting that eggs do. It’s best for cakes and muffins, in which ingredients are pretty light. Flax seeds are another natural binder, because when ground and mixed with water, they form a kind of glue that holds the batter together and can help trap gases as they rise. Flax doesn’t make things rise, though, so you still need baking soda/bicarbonate of soda and baking powder. Flax can also be heavy, so it’s more of a cookie or scone ingredient. You can also replace the richness and binding of eggs with a puree of bananas, applesauce, dried fruit, sweet potato, or squash.

    Cream and milk provide liquid, richness, and flavor, but you may not have realized that they also act as acids to spark chemical leaveners like baking soda/bicarbonate of soda. So when you replace dairy in a quick bread, you will often need to add some vinegar, lemon, or other acid to have the same leavening effect. Take your pick from the nondairy options for baking. I usually pick the ones with the mildest, whitest milks—usually rice, almond, or coconut. If there is just a little in a whole-wheat/wholemeal muffin, it doesn’t matter, but in an ice cream or white cake, you don’t want a strong taste or a beige tint. In something like caramel that is made from cream added to a hot syrup, coconut milk from a can or a nondairy creamer from a carton works well.

    Sugar is the next challenge. Because the Vegetarian Resource Group estimates that 20 percent of the refined cane sugar sold in the United States is purified by passing it through filters made from cow-bone char, it’s not considered vegan. When I first got involved with vegan baking in the ‘80s, it was just assumed that all vegan baking involved alternative sweeteners like brown rice syrup, molasses, fruit juice concentrates, crystalline fructose, and, a relative newcomer, Sucanat (sometimes called rapadura). Sugar was seen as the white menace, sucking nutrients out of your body and contributing to chronic disease, and that was before the new drug of choice, high-fructose corn syrup. In recent years, some vegans have decided to go ahead and use refined sugar, because it is inexpensive and easy. It’s up to you. A good middle ground can be found in vegan sugars, dried cane juices, and organic sugars that promise all the ease of sugar with no bone char involved. Keep in mind that baking with liquid sweeteners always requires that you reduce the amount of liquid in a recipe, and often these syrups are strong tasting. Brown rice syrup gives a charming, caramel quality to some dishes, and a shot of molasses goes a long way in gingerbread. A recent addition in the liquid sweeteners category is agave syrup—made from the cactus that gives us tequila. Agave is a great choice, because it is mostly fructose, a kind of sugar that has less of a metabolic impact. It also has a clean, sweet taste and dissolves easily into liquids. Using dry, crystallized sweeteners allows you to do the creaming step that many baked goods require, in which margarine is beaten with a sugar until fluffy. This is an important step for some recipes, because the bubbles formed in the fluffy mixture are the only spots for the leavening to do its lifting. If you don’t get tiny bubbles in the fat, you don’t get any lift. Granular cane sugars are the only sugars that can be browned for a caramel, and they melt into syrups as well. Their pure, sweet flavor is what we are used to.

    In the recipes in this book, the word sugar refers to granular cane products like dried cane juice, vegan sugar, Florida Crystals products, Wholesome Sweeteners products, and the like. In those recipes, you can use conventional sugars as well.

    Vegan Nutrition

    It’s great to hear that dietitians endorse a vegan diet. They don’t mean chips/crisps and candy instead of beef; they mean a well-planned diet. It’s not rocket science, but if you are going to eat exclusively vegan foods, you do need to make sure you are not missing out on some nutrients. Luckily, the bounty of fortified foods available just for vegans— from breakfast cereals to soymilks—makes it really easy. Nutrients like B12, calcium, vitamin D, iron, and a few others that you absolutely need and that omnivores get from animal foods can be obtained from eating unprocessed plant-based foods, with only a few additions like fortified milks or nutritional yeast to your diet.

    While the average omnivore struggles to eat enough vegetables and fruits, the vegan solves that problem by going all-plant. Your body is awash with healing antioxidants, and most vitamins and minerals fall into place effortlessly. You might have to monitor your B12 intake, but fiber and good, heart-healthy fats are easily incorporated in your daily fare.

    The vegan lifestyle can be easy. Once you understand which foods you need, it all becomes second nature. The Vegan Food Guide Pyramid is a good tool for keeping the big picture in mind. In general, that means that you eat more vegetables and fruits as the base of your diet. Even vegans forget this one. Make sure you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, consciously emphasizing leafy greens, which you need for calcium. Make most grains whole, and eat a variety: Each kind of whole grain has its own charms and special nutrient bonuses. The legumes/pulses, beans, and seeds group, as well as the fortified nondairy products, can make up your concentrated protein sources. The top of the triangle is the stuff you make sure to keep in balance—like sweeteners and fats. Your body needs some fats and oils, so don’t think that lesser quantities means total elimination.

    The Vegan Pyramid

    For many years, the food pyramid published by the USDA was not vegan-friendly and gave the impression that vegan diets were unhealthful. Thanks to the work of vegan-friendly dietitians, the nutrition community has come around to the soundness of an animal-free diet.


    The pyramid was developed by Virginia Messina, MPH, RD, member of the ADA’s Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group. It’s a nice, visual way to understand healthful eating, with a special emphasis on calcium, which can be an issue in vegan diets.


    The single biggest myth about vegetarian and vegan diets is that they don’t contain enough protein. Cows are vegans and build all that muscle mass and make all that milk with only plant-based proteins! We aren’t set up to digest a diet of grass, but we can get all the protein we need from plants. Proteins are made up of twenty-two different amino acids, and of those, nine must be supplied by food. These are called the essential amino acids. The remaining amino acids can be made by the body. The misunderstanding about vegan diets being protein-poor came about because animal foods have all nine essential amino acids, while plant foods contain varying proportions. That led to the theory of protein combining, put forward by Frances Moore Lappé in her book Diet for a Small Planet (1971). In the book, Ms. Lappé developed the idea that if beans have one set of amino acids and whole grains have another, combining the two would form a complete protein. To this day, people think that plant foods must be combined carefully for our bodies to get complete protein. This has been proven to be unnecessary, and Ms. Lappé has done her best to set the record straight since then. It turns out that all plant-based amino acids count as part of complete protein, and when eaten over the course of the day they

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