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Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports
Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports
Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports
Ebook702 pages7 hours

Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports

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Fascinating and factual accounts of the world’s most recent and compelling crashes

Industry insiders James Walters and Robert Sumwalt, trained aviation accident investigators and commercial airline pilots, offer expert analyses of notable and recent aircraft accidents in this eye-opening, lesson-filled case file. Culled from final reports issued by military and foreign government investigations, as well as additional research and resources, Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports tells the final and full tales of doomed flights that stopped the world cold in their wake.

Technical accuracy and details, presented in layman’s language, help to clarify:

  • Major accidents from commercial, military, and general aviation flights
  • Pilot backgrounds and flight histories
  • Chronology of events leading to each accident
  • Description of aviation investigation process
  • Insight into NTSB, military, and foreign government findings
  • Resulting recommendations, requirements, and policy changes

Readable, authoritative, and complete, Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports is at once an important reference tool and a riveting, what-went-wrong look at air safety for everyone who flies.

Featured final and preview reports include:

  • U.S. Air Force, U.S Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Jessica Dubroff, Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • Valujet Airlines 592, Everglades, Florida
  • American Airlines 955, Cali, Columbia
  • John Denver, Pacific Grove, California
  • Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Carrollton, Georgia
  • US Air 427, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • TWA 800, Long Island, New York
  • Delta Air Lines, LaGuardia Airport, New York
  • John F. Kennedy, Jr., Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
Release dateFeb 16, 2000
Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports

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    Book preview

    Aircraft Accident Analysis - Jim Walters

    Part One

    Major Air Carrier Accidents


    The longest investigation in U.S. history

    USAir flight 427

    Operator: USAir

    Aircraft Type: Boeing 737-300

    Location: Near Aliquippa, Pennsylvania

    Date: September 8, 1994

    In the summer of 1992, one of this book’s authors attended the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) Aircraft Accident Investigation School. During the first day of class, a seasoned investigator tried to prepare his students for something that words can not adequately describe. When you first walk onto an accident site, it appears to be a big jigsaw puzzle—a real jumbled-up mess!

    Two years later, the author—by then a trained accident investigator—would enter his first full-scale airline accident investigation. It was a big one, too. An airliner had just gone down outside of Pittsburgh. Indeed, it would be a jumbled-up mess. Indeed the investigation would be like a big jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes the pieces fit, but many times they would not. During the next four-and-a-half years, investigators would log more hours solving this mystery than any other in the NTSB’s thirty-two year history. The investigation was spectacular and methodical, drawing on resources and personnel from all corners of the globe. In their probing, investigators uncovered a previously unknown flight control failure mode of the Boeing 737. This latent condition was not only responsible for the downing of USAir 427, but also would provide the key to uncloaking an enigma surrounding another B-737 accident that had occurred years earlier.

    Flight history and background

    After long, sultry summer days, welcome are the first cool, clear breezes that signal the imminent arrival of fall. Snapshot September 8, 1994: beautifully clear blue skies, unlimited visibility, cool temperatures, and light winds.

    Just after noon that day, two USAir pilots and three flight attendants reported for duty at the Jacksonville International Airport, Florida. The crew was in a good mood; everyone seemed to get along well. The evening before as they deplaned for their thirteen-hour Jacksonville layover, the crew sang Happy Birthday to one of their flight attendants. Today was like a Friday for this crew, as it was scheduled to be the end of their three-day trip sequence.

    Flying N513US, a B-737-300 (see Fig. 1-1) that was delivered to USAir seven years earlier, the crew flew USAir flight 1181 from Jacksonville to Charlotte, N.C., and then to Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD). They landed in Chicago just as the afternoon rush hour was gearing into full swing.

    1-1 Boeing 737-300

    Almost an hour later they departed ORD, now flying as USAir 427 bound for Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT). Flying time was scheduled to be just under one hour. The forty-five year old captain was performing radio communications and other Pilot Not Flying (PNF) duties, while the thirty-eight year old first officer was performing the Pilot Flying (PF) duties. Between the two of them, there was a wealth of flying experience. Their combined flight times exceeded 21,000 hours, with over 7,500 hours in the B-737. The captain was described as being meticulous, very proficient and professional, attentive to detail, and well liked. The first officer was likewise considered an outstanding first officer who exhibited exceptional piloting skills.

    As the aircraft approached its destination, Pittsburgh Approach Control directed USAir 427 to turn right to a heading of 160 degrees and advised that they would receive radar vectors for the final approach course to Runway 28R. As the air traffic controller was planning to sequence flight 427 behind Delta 1083, a Boeing 727, he further advised USAir 427 to reduce speed to 210 knots. The flight was then cleared to descend to 6,000 feet mean sea level (msl). The time was 6:58 P.M.

    About a minute-and-a-half later, air traffic control (ATC) instructed Delta 1083 to turn left to 130 degrees and reduce speed to 190 knots. Still intending for USAir 427 to follow the approximate flight-path of Delta, the controller then assigned USAir 427 a heading of 140 degrees and an airspeed of 190 knots. The USAir crew selected flaps to the Flaps one setting to allow the aircraft to slow.

    At 7:00:43, ATC instructed Delta 1083 to turn left to a heading of 100 degrees. A minute-and-a-half later, Pittsburgh Approach stated, USAir 427, turn left heading one zero zero. Traffic will be one to two o’clock, six miles, northbound, [a] Jetstream climbing out of thirty-three [hundred feet] for five thousand [feet].

    We’re looking for the traffic, turning to one zero zero, USAir four twenty seven, replied the captain. The 737 was flying at 190 knots, level at 6,000 feet with the autopilot engaged. As it approached the ATC-assigned heading of 100 degrees, the aircraft began smoothly rolling out of the left bank toward a wings-level attitude. At this time, about 7:02:53, the first officer remarked to the captain, Oh, ya, I see zuh Jetstream. As he completed that statement, the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) recorded three rapid thumps.

    Sheeez, exclaimed the captain.

    Zuh, uttered the first officer, as if he was beginning to say something, when he was suddenly surprised.

    During this time, the aircraft’s indicated airspeed quickly fluctuated from 190 knots to 193 knots and then back to 191 knots. The left bank angle, which previously had been smoothly rolling out on the assigned heading, increased from about seven degrees to more than twenty degrees in the next two seconds. The CVR recorded an additional thump, two clickety click sounds, the sound of increasing engine noise, and the sound of the captain inhaling and exhaling quickly one time.

    About 7:02:59, the rapid roll to the left was arrested, and the airplane began to briefly roll right towards a wings-level attitude. But also about this time, the airplane’s heading, which had been moving left steadily towards the ATC-assigned heading of 100 degrees, began to move left at a more rapid rate, passing through the 100-degree heading.

    Whoa, stated the captain. The CVR, with enhanced audio recording capability due to the crew’s wearing of boom microphones, detected the first officer grunting softly.

    The arresting of the left rolling movement was short-lived. By just after 7:03:00, the airplane had begun to roll rapidly back to the left again; the airplane’s heading had moved left through about 089 degrees and was continuing to move left at a rate of at least five degrees per second. Between about 7:03:01 and about 7:03:04, the CVR recorded the first officer again grunting, this time more loudly. By now the airplane’s left bank angle had increased to about forty-three degrees, and the airplane had begun to descend from its assigned altitude of 6,000 feet msl. There were several rapid fluctuations in the rolling movement. The first officer disconnected the autopilot. The left roll continued. By 7:03:06, the left bank angle exceeded seventy degrees.

    At 7:03:07.5, the aircraft began buffeting as the airflow over the wings was disrupted due to excessive aerodynamic angle-of-attack. In short, the wing was stalling. What the hell is this? demanded the captain.

    The stickshaker, the 737’s stall warning system, began rapidly vibrating the control wheel. Within half a second, the altitude alerter sounded to alert the crew that the aircraft had deviated more than 300 feet from its assigned altitude. Within the next second, the onboard Traffic Alerting and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) detected a possible traffic conflict with the Jetstream that was climbing to 5,000 feet, and announced an advisory message, Traffic, traffic. About this time, the approach controller noticed that USAir 427’s altitude readout on his ATC radar screen indicated that the 737 was descending through 5,300 feet.

    USAir 427 maintain 6,000, over, stated the controller.

    Four twenty seven emergency! responded the captain.

    Within seconds, the aircraft would be pointed nearly vertically towards the ground. Between 7:03:18.1 and 7:03:19.7, the CVR recorded the captain commanding pull…pull…pull, perhaps in a desperate attempt for the first officer to pull the nose up. By that point, however, there was nothing that could be done.

    The CVR stopped recording at 7:03:22.8.

    The airplane impacted hilly, wooded terrain near Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, approximately six miles northwest of PIT, at an elevation of about 930 feet msl. The ensuing post-impact fire burned for approximately five hours, but the wreckage continued to smolder for days. There were 132 fatalities.

    The investigation and findings

    A full NTSB go-team arrived in Pittsburgh early the next morning. Although the weather the previous day had been perfectly clear, by the time investigators began their initial probe a massive downpour had thoroughly drenched the crash scene. Mud, debris, and carnage were everywhere.

    The aircraft’s primary impact point was in a densely wooded area on an up-sloping hillside alongside a dirt road cut through the trees. The wreckage was severely fragmented, crushed and burned, and most was located within a 350-foot radius of the main impact crater. It was computed that the aircraft impacted terrain at about an eighty-degree nose-down attitude, in a slight roll to the left.

    Examination of the spoiler control surfaces and actuators revealed that all wing spoilers were in the retracted position at impact, with no evidence of preimpact failure. Inspection of the leading-edge flaps and slats revealed they were extended symmetrically at impact, with no evidence of any precrash malfunctions. Likewise, there was no evidence of structural fatigue or preimpact fire on the trailing edge flaps or flap tracks.

    The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) indicated that the engines were operating normally and symmetrically until ground impact, and physical inspection of what remained of the engines supported that finding. Examination of the engine thrust reversers indicated that the left engine reverser locking actuators were in the stowed position at impact. However, the actuators for the right engine were discovered in the extended position. Two days into the investigation, perhaps this was the break that investigators needed. It wouldn’t be that easy, though. Subsequent X-ray inspection and disassembly of the four reverser locking actuators revealed that all four actuator pistons were in the stowed position with locking keys engaged at impact. The anomaly noted on the right engine was determined to be the result of impact forces.

    The airplane’s tail section was located in an inverted position. The horizontal stabilizers and elevators remained attached to the tail (see Fig. 1-2). Flight control continuity was established within the tail section, with an elevator position of about fourteen degrees nose-up. The vertical stabilizer and rudder were located next to the tail section, and the aft rudder control quadrant was found attached to its mounting brackets. The main rudder power control unit (PCU) displayed a bend in the actuator rod that was consistent with a rudder position of about two degrees to the right (airplane nose right). If this was true, then why was the aircraft turning to the left, investigators wondered.

    1-2 Tail wreckage of USAir 427 …Courtesy Capt. John Cox, ALPA

    Only a few fragments of the cockpit were recovered. A notable find was the airspeed indicator, frozen at 264 knots or 303 miles per hour (mph).

    A ground and helicopter search was conducted of the aircraft’s final flight-path to look for additional components, but none were found. Because the airplane impacted at such a high speed, the NTSB was concerned that important aircraft pieces may have penetrated the top-soil into harder clay and might not be easily located and recovered. Using a ground-penetrating radar borrowed from the U.S. Bureau of Mines, additional pieces of wreckage were discovered six feet under ground.

    Before removal from the accident site, the wreckage was thoroughly examined, components were identified and photographed, and critical measurements were recorded. After the wreckage was documented and decontaminated, it was taken to a hangar at PIT for further examination and a two-dimensional reconstruction.

    The purpose of the reconstruction was to determine whether a control cable failure, bird (or other airborne object) strike, floor beam failure, or in-flight explosion was involved in the accident. The process involved using Boeing drawings to identify aircraft pieces; once identified, workers would then lay them out somewhat to scale in their relative positions on the hangar floor (see Fig. 5-3, a photograph of a similar reconstructive effort involving Valu-Jet flight 592). The NTSB enlisted the aid of the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB), because of that agency’s experience with the reconstruction of the in-flight explosion of Pan Am 103 near Lockerbie, Scotland, some six years earlier. Although reconstruction efforts were severely hampered because much of the airplane was destroyed or heavily damaged, the AAIB could find no evidence of any preimpact explosion. Additionally, explosive experts from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) examined the wreckage and formed similar opinions.

    The Safety Board also examined the CVR and FDR information from the accident airplane and compared it with FDR and CVR information obtained from Pan Am 103 and other known in-flight fire, bomb, and explosion events. No similar signatures were found. All aircraft doors and hatches were accounted for, and their respective locking mechanisms provided witness marks consistent with them being closed and locked at impact. About forty percent of the rudder control cables were recovered and those remains showed no evidence of preimpact failures.

    An ultraviolet light, commonly used to detect blood, was used to look for evidence of a bird strike. Examined were portions of the radome, the forward pressure bulkhead, left wing leading edge slats, cockpit flight control components, and the leading edges of the vertical and horizontal stabilizers. No evidence of a bird strike was found.

    Although the CVR unit showed evidence of external and internal structural damage, the recording tape was in good condition. The quality of the recording was classified as excellent, which by NTSB standards means that virtually all of the crew conversations could be accurately and easily understood.

    The crash-protected FDR memory module unit and recording medium were intact and provided good data. Although this FDR actually recorded thirteen parameters, it was often referred to as an eleven parameter FDR, because the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) that required its installation did not specifically require recording two of those thirteen parameters. Recorded parameters that were sampled at once-per-second intervals were altitude, indicated airspeed, heading, and microphone keying. Also recorded once-per-second for each engine were exhaust gas temperature (EGT), fuel flow, fan speed (Nl) and compressor speed (N2). Recorded parameters that were sampled at more frequent rates were roll attitude and control column position (two times per second), pitch attitude and longitudinal acceleration (four times per second), and vertical acceleration (eight times per second).

    The FDR did not record actual flight control surface positions, nor was it required to by the FARs. Without that information, however, investigators were forced to spend the next several years conducting complex computer simulations and a mathematical study known as a kinematic analysis to derive their best estimates of where and when the control surfaces moved. And after all of that, the real question remained: how did the controls get to those positions?

    Years later, as the investigation was concluding, NTSB Chairman Jim Hall confessed, I wish it had not taken us four-and-a half years to get to this point, but the complexity of this investigation, coupled with the appalling lack of flight data recorder information, necessitated a long, comprehensive investigation.

    The roll event

    It was clear from witness statements and FDR information that the aircraft rolled to the left during its fatal plunge to earth. Investigators considered various scenarios that could have produced the rapid leftward rolling moment. Slowly, one by one, they conclusively ruled out the possibility of asymmetrical engine thrust reverser deployment, asymmetrical spoiler/aileron activation, transient electronic signals causing uncommanded flight control movements, yaw damper malfunctions, and a rudder cable pull or break. While is it true that each of these events could have caused a rapid rolling moment, investigators determined that none of them could have matched the heading change and acceleration curves that were documented on the FDR.

    Wake turbulence

    The NTSB obtained radar data from Pittsburgh Approach Control and plotted the positions of USAir 427 and Delta 1083 to see if wake turbulence from the Delta 727 could have somehow triggered the upset. The radar data showed that Delta 1083 was descending through 6,300 feet msl on a 100-degree heading when it passed the approximate location where the initial upset of USAir 427 subsequently occurred. USAir reached that location about sixty-nine seconds after Delta 1083, and the two airplanes were about four nautical miles apart. NTSB and NASA aerodynamics experts created a wake turbulence model and concluded that under the atmospheric conditions that evening, the wake vortices would have descended approximately 300 to 500 feet per minute. This placed them at the same point in space that USAir 427 subsequently flew through, and at the point where the upset initially began. From this, investigators drew the conclusion that USAir 427 did encounter wake turbulence from Delta 1083.

    The NTSB was aware that wake turbulence had led to three air carrier accidents between 1964 and 1972. However, each of these aircraft were operating at low altitudes during takeoff and landings, unlike USAir 427, which was flying relatively fast and at higher altitude. After the 1972 wake turbulence accident, ATC separation standards were increased and since then, there have been no fatal wake turbulence-related air carrier accidents. So, investigators were baffled at how wake turbulence could have played a role in this accident.

    In an effort to learn more about wake turbulence, the NTSB conducted a series of wake turbulence tests near Atlantic City, New Jersey, in the autumn of 1995. These tests used a specially instrumented Boeing 737 to fly through the wake of a 727, whose wake was marked by smoke generators mounted on each wingtip. Care was taken to load each aircraft to the approximate weights of Delta 1083 and USAir 427, as well as to conduct the tests during atmospheric conditions similar to those that existed when the accident occurred.

    During the tests, the 737 penetrated the 727’s wake vortex cores more than 150 times, from different intercept angles, flight attitudes, and distances ranging from 2 to 4.2 miles. Each of these penetrations was recorded with a video camera mounted in the 737 cockpit and a camera with a wide-angle lens mounted on the tip of the vertical stabilizer. Also used was a special FDR that sampled specific parameters twenty times per second.

    Various pieces of audio recording gear were placed throughout the aircraft to see if any of the mysterious thumps and other puzzling sounds on 427’s CVR could be replicated. The NTSB then performed a sound spectrum analysis of several curious sounds. As it turned out, the three thumps on the CVR had the same audio characteristics as those heard during the wake turbulence tests, as the main aircraft fuselage passed through the wake’s core.

    The test pilot participating in these tests remarked that the wake turbulence had varying effects on the 737 flight handling characteristics. He also stated that the effects usually lasted only a few seconds and did not result in a loss of control or require extreme or aggressive flight control inputs to counteract. Review of the test data did not reveal any instances in which the wake vortex encounter produced a heading change resembling that recorded on flight 427’s FDR. It was further determined that in most of the wake tests, once the aircraft entered the vortex, the natural tendency was for the aircraft to be ejected from the wake’s effect. Based on all of these data, the NTSB determined that flight 427 would not have remained in the vortex long enough to have produced the heading change and bank angles that occurred after 7:03:00 P.M. Investigators believed that there had to be more to it than just wake turbulence.

    Left rudder deflection

    While several factors were being ruled out as a possible cause of the 737’s roll, one theme continued to ring constant. The available FDR data, although limited, matched computer simulations that indicated the airplane had likely experienced a sustained full left deflection of the rudder. The focus of the investigation then narrowed to determine what events could have resulted in that rudder movement. Investigators were convinced that it had to be one of two things: a mechanical rudder system anomaly or flightcrew action.

    Boeing 737 rudder system

    During normal in-flight operation a pilot turns the aircraft using the control wheel, which banks (rolls) the aircraft by deflecting ailerons on the back of each wing. The 737 also uses wing-mounted spoilers to augment roll control. As the ailerons (and spoilers) deflect and the aircraft begins to turn, it will also tend to yaw (turn) opposite the commanded direction, due to increased drag on the wing that is being lowered and increased lift on the wing that is being raised. This yawing tendency is appropriately known as adverse yaw. The rudder is used to counteract the adverse yaw, and is controlled by the pilot through floor-mounted rudder pedals. As a pilot rolls into a turn by turning the control wheel, he/she should also apply an appropriate amount of rudder to keep the aircraft from yawing too much into or out of the turn (see Fig. 1-3).

    1-3 Boeing 737 flight control surfaces…Source: NTSB

    The rudder is also normally used by pilots during crosswind takeoffs and landings to keep the aircraft tracking straight down the runway centerline. It is also used during abnormal situations to counter asymmetric turning tendencies such with an engine failure or asymmetric flap condition.

    In the 737, each pilot has a pair of rudder pedals. These pedals are connected by cable to the tail section of the aircraft, where they are joined to the main rudder Power Control Unit (PCU) and the standby rudder PCU, located in the aft portion of the vertical stabilizer. The PCUs, through various mechanical and electronic inputs, convert pilot commands (mechanical inputs through the rudder pedals and cables) into hydraulic outputs that operate the rudder. The 737-300’s rudder is a single panel, and during normal operation it is actuated by a single hydraulic PCU (the main rudder PCU).

    Unlike most light airplanes, in many large transport-category aircraft such as the 737, it is not possible to move the rudder without hydraulic pressure. In the event that both of the 737’s primary hydraulic systems are lost (System A and System B), the standby hydraulic system is available to power the rudder. The standby hydraulic system is totally independent of Systems A and B, and has its own standby rudder PCU.

    The NTSB conducted a review of large transport-category aircraft, including Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Airbus, and Lockheed models, and found that the 737 is the only twin wing-mounted engine, large transport-category airplane designed with a single rudder panel and a single rudder actuator. All other large transport-category airplanes with twin wing-mounted engines were designed with a split rudder panel, multiple hydraulic actuators, or a mechanical/manual/trim tab rudder actuation system. The NTSB observed that because the 737 engines are wing-mounted, its rudder system has to be sufficiently powerful to effectively counter the significant asymmetric yaw effect of a loss of one engine.

    When properly rigged and installed, the 737-300 main rudder PCU can command a maximum deflection of twenty-six degrees left or right from its neutral position, under no aerodynamic loads. As the aircraft goes faster through the air, air pressure from the slipsteam will limit the amount of available rudder deflection. For illustration, if a rudder is able to move twenty-six degrees left or right with no aerodynamic loading (such as on the ground under static conditions), that same rudder might only deflect to twenty-two degrees when the aircraft is flying at 300 knots. The maximum amount that the rudder can deflect under given flight conditions/configuration is known as the rudder’s blowdown limit.

    Main rudder PCU servo valve

    The major working part of the PCU is the servo valve, located inside the main PCU housing. This valve was designed by Boeing and manufactured to Boeing specifications by Parker Hannifin Corporation. The purpose of the servo value is to direct hydraulic pressure to the appropriate ports, or small openings in the assembly, to move the rudder in the proper direction. This can be commanded either by the pilot (through the rudder pedals), the yaw damper (which can move the 737-300 rudder up to three degrees either side of neutral without pilot input to maintain aircraft stability while in turbulence), or from rudder trim.

    The servo valve is called a dual concentric tandem valve, meaning that there are really two valves, or slides, in one housing. The primary slide is about the size of a pencil, and has small groves and holes machined into it to direct hydraulic fluid to the rudder actuators. When the PCU receives a command to move the rudder, the primary slide moves in the appropriate direction to send hydraulic pressure that either extends or retracts the rudder actuator piston, which is directly linked to the actual rudder panel. When the rudder actuator piston is moved in the extend direction, it moves the rudder left; when it moves in the retract direction, it moves the rudder to the right.

    Concentrically surrounding the primary slide is the secondary slide, and it is concentrically surrounded by the servo valve housing. Like the primary slide, the secondary slide can also move back and forth to port hydraulic pressure to move the rudder. Normally, when a command is received to move the rudder, the primary slide displaces first. The secondary slide moves only when movement of the primary slide is not sufficient to move the rudder at the commanded rate. The two slides are designed to provide approximately equal hydraulic fluid flow. The primary slide alone can provide a rudder rate of about thirty-three degrees per second, and the primary and secondary slides together can provide a rudder rate of about sixty-six degrees per second under zero aerodynamic conditions (see Fig. 1-4).

    1-4 Exploded view of rudder PCU servo valve …Soruce: NTSB

    The total distance that these slides actually move is very limited. From neutral to their full extreme positions is only about 0.045 inch for the primary and secondary slides, for a combined distance of 0.090 inch. This is about the thickness of a dime. Both slides are designed so that they can move about 0.018 inch axially beyond their normal operating range, and this is known as overtravel capability.

    These slides were designed to fit together with very tight clearances so the servo valve could be manufactured without O-rings to seal the slides. There is about 0.00015 inch (less than the thickness of a human hair) clearance between the outer diameter surfaces of the primary slide and the inside diameter surfaces of the secondary slide, as well as the outside diameter of the secondary slide and the inside diameter surfaces of the servo valve housing (see Fig. 1-5).

    1-5 Photograph of PCU servo valve with case cutaway to show internal components …Courtsey Jan Steenblik, Air Line Pilot magazine

    NTSB testing of the PCU and servo valve

    The PCU recovered from the wreckage of USAir 427 was subjected to many tests. The yaw damper system was examined to see if a failure mode could have allowed it to exceed its three-degree authority for moving the rudder. Actual hydraulic fluid trapped in lines and actuators from the accident aircraft was examined to see if it contained contamination that could have resulted in a rudder abnormality. In another test, small chips of rubber, wire and hardened-steel were placed into a test servo valve to see if a jam could be introduced. As designed, most chips were sheared off and the PCU continued to operate, however, one of the larger steel chips did lodge in the servo valve. Upon disassembly, investigators found physical marks on the servo valve where the chip had lodged. No such marks were found on the servo valve from flight 427. Testing was conducted to evaluate the effects of air in the 737 hydraulic system and to check for the possibility of silting, a process where extremely small particles build up in the servo valve and compromise the already tight clearances designed into that system. Each of these tests, while helpful for ruling things out, provided investigators with little in the way of answering why flight 427 crashed.

    Independent technical advisory panel

    Perhaps investigators were feeling frustrated that wherever they turned, testing provided no real clues. In January 1996, the Safety Board took the unprecedented step of forming an independent advisory panel of six government and industry experts. This group’s mission was to review the work accomplished in the investigation to ensure that all issues had been fully addressed, and to propose any additional efforts that they believed were needed to ensure a complete and thorough investigation.

    During their first meeting, one of the panel members stated that he had worked with a military fighter project that had used a control system PCU similar in design to the 737 main rudder PCU. He stated that an accident occurred in a very early test flight that was attributed to a jammed PCU. The investigation of that mishap revealed that the unit jammed when a sudden full-rate input caused hot hydraulic fluid to enter the cold PCU. The inner parts of the PCU thermally expanded into the cold PCU body, resulting in a jammed condition. Armed with this input, the USAir 427 crash sleuths developed a thermal shock test plan.

    Thermal testing of the PCU

    Boeing engineers confirmed that failure of one of the engine-driven hydraulic pumps could result in the overheating of hydraulic fluid. In August 1996, twelve thermal tests were conducted; four were on a new-production PCU and eight on the USAir 427 PCU. In October 1996, nineteen more tests were done; eight were on the new-production PCU and eleven on the PCU from flight 427.

    One of the various tests was an extreme temperature differential test. This test involved precooling the PCU to about minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and then injecting hydraulic fluid that had been heated to about 170 degrees Fahrenheit.

    The results of the August 1996 testing were surprising. The new-production PCU responded normally, but the 427 PCU showed anomalous behavior. In one of these tests, the 427 PCU stuck in the full left rudder position for about five seconds. In another, it stuck for about one second. In other tests, it exhibited slower than normal movement for the left rudder command.

    The October 1996 tests yielded similar results. According to the NTSB, Further examination of the data indicated that the servo valve secondary slide momentarily jammed to the servo valve housing and that the subsequent overtravel of the primary slide resulted in an increase in system return flow that could cause a rudder actuator reversal (travel in the direction opposite to that commanded.)

    After the thermal testing was completed, the USAir 427 PCU was disassembled and examined at Parker Hannifin. The primary slide, secondary slide, and the interior of the servo valve housing showed no evidence of damage or physical marks from jamming or binding that occurred during the thermal testing. Also noteworthy was that before disassembly, the PCU passed the functional acceptance test used by Parker Hannifin to validate PCU performance. This failure mode was elusive; although the PCU had been observed to jam in several tests, it still passed the acceptance tests and provided no witness marks.

    Rudder reversals during secondary slide jams

    Following the Safety Board’s October 1996 thermal tests, Boeing conducted independent tests using a new-production PCU that was modified to simulate a jam of the secondary slide. These tests revealed that when the secondary slide was jammed to the servo valve housing at certain positions, the primary slide could travel beyond its intended stop (overtravel) because of bending or twisting on the PCU’s internal input linkages. This deflection allowed the primary slide to move to a position where the PCU commanded the rudder in the opposite direction of the intended command (see Fig. 1-6). Eureka, we have a rudder reversal!

    1-6 Cutaway diagram of rudder PCU servo valve…Source: NTSB

    Other significant roll/yaw events

    During the investigation, the NTSB gathered a listing of several 737 rudder-related or roll-related events. Investigators learned of two events where pilots who were incapacitated by seizures inadvertently pushed on a rudder pedal, causing an unexpected roll. But in many more events, there was a mechanical explanation. For example, in July 1974, a flightcrew reported that the rudder moved full right upon touchdown. The investigation revealed that the primary and secondary slides of the main rudder PCU had jammed together due to a foreign object that became lodged in the servo valve. In another case, in January 1993, a crew reported binding of the rudder pedals during their pretakeoff flight control check. The main rudder PCU was immediately shipped to Parker Hannifin for analysis. During testing, the unit exhibited rudder reversals, meaning that when a right rudder movement was commanded, the rudder would actually move left. While many of these events were insightful, there were two events in particular that the NTSB considered key to the 427 investigation.

    United Air Lines flight 585

    In March of 1991, NTSB investigators found themselves wrestling with a troubling Boeing 737 accident. United 585, a Boeing 737-200, crashed under mysterious circumstances while on approach to Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Board began to realize that there were striking similarities between that accident and the USAir 427 accident. The United aircraft encountered turbulence, not from wake vortices as with USAir 427, but rather from strong and gusty atmospheric winds. As the aircraft was about 1,000 feet above ground, it suddenly yawed and rolled rapidly to the right, followed by a rapid pitch down and crash. United 585 only had a five-parameter FDR, however, which severely hampered the original investigation.

    When concluding 585’s investigation in December 1992, the NTSB, for only the third time in their history, announced that they would be unable to positively determine a probable cause. They listed two possible causes: a malfunction with the aircraft’s lateral or directional control system, or an encounter with an unusually severe atmospheric disturbance, such as a mountain rotor.

    The aircraft’s maintenance history revealed that in the week prior to the accident there were two rudder-related pilot write-ups. One stated that on departure got an abnormal input to rudder that went away. Pulled yaw damper circuit breaker. The yaw damper coupler was replaced in response to that problem. Two days later, a pilot complained that the yaw damper abruptly moves rudder occasionally for no apparent reason…unintended rudder input on climbout at [25,000 feet]. The main rudder PCU yaw damper transfer valve was replaced and the aircraft returned to service.

    As a result of a NTSB recommendation stemming from that accident, in 1997 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) teamed together to observe, document, and analyze potential meteorological hazards in the Colorado Springs area, with a focus on the approach paths to the Colorado Springs Airport. Mountain rotors observed during the NOAA/NCAR data gathering program had a maximum rotational rate of 0.05 radians per second, which is twelve times less than the NTSB determined would have been necessary to have produced the extreme control difficulties that brought down United 585. It was beginning to look less likely that an atmospheric disturbance caused that accident.

    Eastwind Airlines flight 517

    In June 1996, an Eastwind Airlines Boeing 737-200 was on approach to land at Richmond, Virginia. As the aircraft was descending through 4,000 feet msl, with an indicated airspeed of 250 knots, the aircraft yawed abruptly to the right and then rolled

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