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Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller
Ebook2,072 pages19 hours

Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller

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Tap into the latest advancements in PIC technology with the fully revamped Third Edition of McGraw-Hill's Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Long known as the subject's definitive text, this indispensable volume comes packed with more than 600 illustrations, and provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller's hardware and software schemes.

With 100 experiments, projects, and libraries, you get a firm grasp of PICs, how they work, and the ins-and-outs of their most dynamic applications. Written by renowned technology guru Myke Predko, this updated edition features a streamlined, more accessible format, and delivers:

  • Concentration on the three major PIC families, to help you fully understand the synergy between the Assembly, BASIC, and C programming languages
  • Coverage of the latest program development tools
  • A refresher in electronics and programming, as well as reference material, to minimize the searching you will have to do


  • Setting up your own PIC microcontroller development lab
  • PIC MCU basics
  • PIC microcontroller interfacing capabilities, software development, and applications
  • Useful tables and data
  • Basic electronics
  • Digital electronics
  • BASIC reference
  • C reference
  • 16-bit numbers
  • Useful circuits and routines that will help you get your applications up and running quickly
Release dateMay 22, 2007
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller

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    Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller - Myke Predko


    The primary role of the Microchip PIC® and other embedded microcontrollers is to provide inexpensive, programmable logic control and interfacing to external devices. This means they typically are not required to provide highly complex functions—they can’t replace the Opteron processor in your ISP’s server. They are well suited to monitoring a variety of inputs, including digital signals, button presses, and analog inputs, and responding to them using the preprogrammed instructions that are executed by the built-in computer processor. An embedded microcontroller can respond to these inputs with a wide variety of outputs that are appropriate for different devices. These capabilities are available to you at a very reasonable cost without a lot of effort.

    This chapter will introduce you to the functions and features that you should look for when choosing a microcontroller for a specific target application. While keeping the information as general as possible, I have put in pointers to specific PIC MCU features to help you understand what makes the PIC family of microcontrollers unique and which applications they are best suited for. You will probably find it useful to return to this chapter as you work through the book if a specific feature or aspect of the design of the PIC microcontrollers seems strange or illogical. There is probably a reason for the way something was done and if you can fully understand what it is doing, you will be best able to take advantage of it in your own applications.

    Microcontroller Types

    If you were to look at different manufacturer’s products, you would probably be bewildered at the number of different devices that are out there and all their features and capabilities. I find it useful to think of the microcontroller marketplace having the three major subheadings:

     Embedded (self-contained) microcontrollers

     Microcontrollers with external support

     Digital signal processors

    There is quite a wide range of embedded (self-contained) devices available. An embedded microcontroller has all the necessary resources—clocking, reset, input, and output (referred to as I/O)—available in a very low cost chip. In your application circuit, you don’t have to provide much more than power (and this can be as simple as a couple of AA cells). The software for the computer processor built into the microcontroller is stored in nonvolatile (always available) memory that is also built into the chip. If you were to look at hobbyist and relatively simple electronic products designed in the 1970s and 1980s, you would discover a number of standard chips such as the 555 timer chip, whereas if you were to look at more modern designs, you would discover that they are based almost entirely on embedded microcontrollers. Embedded microcontrollers have become the new standard for these applications.

    When you look at some of the more powerful microcontrollers, you might be confused as to the difference between them and microprocessors. There are a number of chips that are called microcontrollers (with typically 32-bit data and address paths) that require external memory and interface circuitry added to them so they can be used in applications. These chips are typically called microcontrollers because they have some of the built-in features of the embedded microcontrollers, such as a clock generator or serial interface, or because they have built-in interface circuitry to specific types of memory. Microcontrollers tend to require support circuitry for clocking and can have a very wide range of external interface and memory devices wired to them.

    Digital signal processors (DSPs) are essentially very powerful calculators that execute a predetermined set of mathematical operations on incoming data. They may have built-in memory and interfaces, like the embedded microcontroller, or they may require a substantial amount of external circuitry. DSPs do not have the ability to efficiently execute conditionally; they are designed to run through the calculations needed for processing the formula needed to process an analog signal very quickly instead of responding to changing inputs. These formulas are developed from digital control theory and can require a lot of effort to develop for specific applications. There are DSPs that are completely self-contained, like an embedded microcontroller, or they may require external support chips.

    If you were to look at the microcontroller applications contained within your PC, you would find that the embedded MCUs are used for relatively simple applications such as controlling the circuitry in the mouse. The disc drives use the more powerful microcontrollers, which can access large amounts of memory for data caching as well as have interfaces to the disc drive motors and read/write circuitry. The sound input and output probably pass through DSPs to provide tone equalization or break down speech input. If you look at other electronic devices around your house (such as your TV and stereo), you can probably guess which type of microcontroller is used for the different functions.

    Internal Hardware

    If you were to pull off the plastic packaging (called encapsulant) around a microcontroller to see the chip inside, you would see a rectangle of silicon similar to the one in Fig. 1.1, with each of the functions provided within the chip being visibly different from the surrounding circuitry. The reason why you would be able to tell the function of each block is due to the specific circuitry used for each block; random processor logic looks different from neat arrays of memory circuits, and it looks different from the large transistors used for providing large current I/O functions.

      Figure 1.1   Block diagram with the basic features that can be expected in an embedded microcontroller .

    Along with the basic circuitry presented in the block diagram of Fig. 1.1, most modern microcontrollers have many of following features built into the chips:

     Nonvolatile (available on power-up) program memory programming circuitry

     Interrupt capability (from a variety of sources)

     Analog input and output (I/O), both PWM and variable direct current (DC) I/O

     Serial I/O (synchronous and asynchronous data transfers)

     Bus/external memory interfaces (for RAM and ROM)

     Built-in monitor/debugger program

    All these features increase the flexibility of the device considerably and not only make developing all applications easier, but allow the creation of applications that might not be possible otherwise. Most of these options enhance the function of different I/O pins and do not affect their basic operation, and they can usually be disabled, restoring the I/O pins function to straight digital input and output.

    Most modern devices are fabricated using CMOS technology, which decreases the current chip’s size and the power requirements considerably over early devices’ reliance on NMOS or HexMOS technologies. For most modern microcontrollers, the current required is anywhere from a few microamperes (uA) in Sleep mode to up to about a milliampere (mA) for a microcontroller running at 20 MHz. A smaller chip size means that along with less power being required for the chip, more chips can be built on a single wafer. The more chips that are built on a wafer, the lower the unit price is.

    Note that in CMOS circuitry, positive power is labeled Vdd and negative power or ground is Vss. This corresponds to TTL’s Vcc and Gnd" connections. This can be confusing to people new to electronics; in this book, I will be indicating power as being either positive (+) or at ground level and use the manufacturer’s power pin labels in the schematics.

    Maximum speeds for the devices are typically in the low tens of megahertz (MHz), with the primary limiting factor the access time of the memory built onto the chips. For the typical embedded microcontroller application, this is usually not an issue. What is an issue is the ability to provide relatively complex interfaces for applications using simple microcontroller inputs and outputs. The execution cycles and the delay for software routines limit the MCU’s ability to process complex input and output waveforms. Later in the book, I will discuss the advanced PIC microcontroller hardware features that provide interfacing functions as well as bit-banging algorithms for simulating the interfaces while still leaving enough processor cycles to provide the other application operations required.

    Despite the tremendous advantages that a microcontroller has with built-in program storage and internal variable RAM, there are times (and applications) where you will want to add external (both program and variable) memory to your microcontroller. There are three basic ways of doing this. The first is to add memory devices to the microcontroller as if it were a microprocessor. Many microcontrollers are designed with built-in hardware to access external devices like a microprocessor (with the memory interface circuitry added to the chip as shown in Fig. 1.2) with the classic example of this being the Intel 8051. A typical application for a microcontroller with external memory is as a hard disk cache/buffer that buffers and distributes large amounts of data. The 8051’s bus designs of the 8051 allows the addition of up to 64K as well as 64K variable RAM. An interesting feature of the 8051 is that internal nonvolatile memory can be disabled, allowing the 8051 chip to be used even if it was programmed with incorrect or downlevel programs.

      Figure 1.2   Block diagram of a microcontroller with built-in circuitry to access external memory devices .

    The second method of adding external memory is to simulate microprocessor bus operations with the chip’s I/O pins. This method tends to be much slower than having a microcontroller that can access external devices directly, like the 8051. While it is not recommended to simulate a microprocessor bus for memory devices, it isn’t unusual to see a microcontroller simulating a microprocessor bus to allow access to a specialized peripheral I/O chip. There are cases where a specific chip will provide exactly the function needed and it is designed to be controlled by a microprocessor.

    The last method is to use a bus protocol that has been designed to provide additional memory and I/O capabilities to microcontrollers. The two wire inter-inter computer (I²C) protocol is a very commonly used bus standard that provides this capability. This standard allows I/O devices and multiple microcontrollers to communicate with each other without complex bus protocols.


    In this book, I use the term application to collectively describe the hardware circuitry and software required to develop a microcontroller-based circuit. I think it is important to note that a microcontroller project is based on multiple development efforts (for circuitry and software) and not the result of a single discipline. In this section, I will introduce you to the five elements of a microcontroller project and explain some of the terms and concepts relating to them.

    The five aspects of every microcontroller project are:

     Microcontroller and support circuitry

     Project power

     Application software

     User interface (UI)

     Device input/output (I/O)

    These elements are shown working together in Fig. 1.3.

      Figure 1.3   Embedded microcontroller application block diagram showing five development project aspects .

    The microcontroller with its internal features (processor, clocking, variable memory, reset/support, and application program memory) is simply the complete embedded microcontroller chip. Other than the chip itself, most microcontroller circuitry just requires power along with a decoupling capacitor and often a reset circuit and an oscillator to run. The design of the PIC MCU (as with most other microcontrollers) makes the specification of power and external parts almost trivial; chances are, other than power and a decoupling capacitor, you will not require any other parts to support the embedded microcontroller in the application.

    In the second edition of this book, I took a fair amount of effort to ensure that the voltage levels of the power applied to the PIC MCUs were within relatively narrow ranges. Most new PIC MCUs (as well as other manufacturers’ chips) are now able to run within a surprisingly wide range of voltages (from 2 to 6 volts), which will allow you to use simple alkaline batteries and dispense with voltage regulators for most applications.

    A decoupling capacitor—usually 0.01 μF to 0.1 μF connected across positive power (Vdd) and ground (Vss)—should always be wired to the power connection of each chip in your application circuitry, with one pin as close to the positive power input pin as possible. Decoupling capacitors are used to minimize the effects on the chips of rapid changes in power levels and current availability caused by other chips in the circuit switching and drawing more power. A decoupling capacitor can be thought of as a filter that smoothes out the rough spots of the power supply and provides additional current for high-load situations on the part. As I will show later in the book, having a decoupling capacitor is critical with the PIC MCU and should never be left out of an application’s circuit.

    The purpose of the reset circuit is to hold the processor within the microcontroller until it can be reliably assumed that the input power has reached an acceptable level for the chip to run and any initial oscillations have completed. Many embedded microcontrollers (including different PIC MCU part numbers) provide the reset circuitry internally or they can be as simple as just a pull-up (resistor connected to positive power). The reset circuitry can become more complex, providing the capability of holding the microcontroller reset if power droops below a certain point (often called brown out). For most applications, the reset circuitry of an embedded microcontroller can be very simple, but when the operation of the device is critical, care must be taken to ensure the microcontroller will only operate when power and other conditions are within specific parameters.

    For any computer processor to run, it requires a clock to provide timing for each instruction operation. This clock is provided by an oscillator built into the PICmicro, which uses a crystal, ceramic resonator, or an RC oscillator to provide the time base of the PICmicro’s clocks circuitry. Many modern microcontrollers have built-in RC oscillators to provide the basic clock signal for the application. When you are first starting to learn about embedded microcontrollers, a nice feature is the built-in oscillator, as adding a crystal or ceramic resonator can be a bit finicky and will give you an additional variable to check if your circuit doesn’t seem to be running.

    The user interface is critical to the success of a microcontroller application. In this book, I will be showing you number of ways of passing data between a user and a PIC microcontroller. Some of these methods may seem frivolous or trivial, but having an easy to use interface between your application and the user is a differentiator in today’s marketplace. Along with information on working with different user I/O circuitry and devices, I will also be giving you some of my thoughts on the philosophy of what is appropriate for users.

    Device I/O is really what microcontroller applications are all about. The I/O pins can be interfaces to strictly logic devices, analog signals, or complex device interfaces. Looking over the Projects chapter, you should get the idea that there is a myriad of devices that microcontrollers can interface with to control or monitor. I have tried to present a good sampling of devices to show different methods of interfacing to the PICmicro that can be used in your own applications.

    Within the microcontroller is the application code stored in application program memory, which is the computer program used to control the operation of the application. The word code is often used as a synonym for program. While this is one-fifth of the elements that make up a microcontroller application, it will seem like it requires six-fifths of the work. Microcontroller application software development is more an art than a science, and I will present information in this book that should give you a good basis for developing your own applications. In addition, you will find code snippets that you can add to your own applications and methodologies for finding and fixing problems in the application code.

    Processor Architectures

    Here’s a hint when you are inviting computer scientists to dinner: make sure they all agree on what is the best type of computer architecture. There are a variety of strong points for supporting the options that are available in computer architectures. While RISC is in vogue right now, many people feel that CISC has been unfairly maligned. This is also true for proponents of Harvard over Princeton computer architectures and whether a processor’s instructions should be hard-coded or microcoded. Trust me when I say if you don’t type your guests properly, you will have a dinner with lots of shouting, name calling, and bun throwing.

    The following sections will give you some background on the various processor types, explain feature advantages and disadvantages, and help you understand why engineers made some choices over others when specifying and designing a microcontroller’s processor. They are not meant to provide you with a complete understanding of computer processor architecture design, but should help explain the concepts behind the buzz words used in microcontroller marketing materials.


    Many processors are called RISC (reduced instruction set computers, pronounced risk), as there is a perception that RISC is faster than CISC (complex instruction set computers) because the instructions they execute are small and tailored to specific tasks required by the application. CISC instructions tend to be large and perform functions that the processor designer believes will be best suited for the applications they will be used for. When choosing a microcontroller for a specific application, you will be given the choice between RISC, RISC-like, and CISC processors.

    There is no definitive correct answer to the question of which is better. There are applications in which either one of the design methodologies is more efficient. A well-designed RISC processor has a small instruction set, which can be very easy to memorize. A CISC instruction set provides high level functions that are easy to implement and do not require the programmer to be intimately familiar with the processor’s architecture. In terms of high level language compilers, there are equally sophisticated tools available on the market for either one. Both allow complex applications to be written for them. For new programmers, a CISC processor will be easier to code, but for an experienced programmer, a RISC processor will actually be easier to create complex code. Proponents of the methodologies will push different advantages, but when you get right down to it neither is substantially better than the other.

    Personally, I prefer a RISC processor with the ability to access all the registers in a single instruction. This ability to access all the registers in the processor as if they were the same is known as orthogonality and provides some unexpectedly powerful and flexible capabilities to applications. The PIC microcontroller’s processors are orthogonal, and as I go through the PICmicro architecture, instructions, and applications in the following chapters, you will see that fast data processing operations within the processor can be very easily implemented in a surprisingly small instruction set.


    In the 1940s, the United States government asked Harvard and Princeton Universities to come up with a computer architecture to be used in computing tables of naval artillery shell distances for varying elevations and environmental conditions. Princeton’s response was for a computer that had common memory for storing the control program as well as variables and other data structures. It was best known by the chief scientist’s name, John Von Neumann. Fig. 1.4 is a block diagram of the architecture. In contrast, Harvard’s response was a design (shown in Fig. 1.5) that used separate memory banks for program storage, the processor stack, and variable RAM. The Princeton architecture won the competition because it was better suited to the technology of the time; a single memory space was preferable because of the unreliability of the current electronics (this was before transistors were even invented) and the simpler interface would have fewer parts that could fail.

      Figure 1.4   Princeton computer architecture block diagram .

      Figure 1.5   Harvard computer architecture block diagram .

    The Princeton architecture’s memory interface unit is responsible for arbitrating access to the memory space between reading instructions and passing data back and forth to the processor. This hardware is something of a bottleneck between the processor’s instruction processing hardware and the memory accessing hardware. In many Princeton-architected processors, the delay is reduced because much of the time required to execute an instruction is normally used to fetch the next instruction (this is known as pre-fetching). Other processors (most notably the Pentium processor in your PC) have separate program and data caches that pass data directly to the appropriate area of the processor while external memory accesses are taking place.

    The Harvard architecture was largely ignored until the late 1970s when microcontroller manufacturers realized that the architecture did not have the instruction/data bottleneck of the Princeton architecture–based computers. The dual data paths give Harvard architecture computers the ability to execute instructions in fewer instruction cycles than the Princeton architecture due to the instruction parallelism possible in the Harvard architecture. Parallelism means that instruction fetches can take place during previous instruction execution and not wait for either a dead cycle of the instruction’s execution or have to stop the processor’s operation while the next instruction is being fetched.

    After reading this description of how data is transferred in the two architectures, you probably feel that a Harvard-architected microcontroller is the only way to go. But the Harvard architecture lacks the flexibility of the Princeton in the software required for some applications that are typically found in high-end systems such as servers and workstations. The Harvard architecture is really best for processors that do not process large amounts of memory from different sources (which is what the Von Neumann architecture is best at) and have to access this small amount of memory very quickly. This feature of the Harvard architecture (used in the PIC microcontroller’s processor) makes it well suited for microcontroller applications.


    Once the processor’s architecture has been decided upon, the design of the architecture goes to the engineers responsible for implementing the design in silicon. Most of these details are left under the covers and do not affect how the application designer interfaces with the application. There is one detail that can have a big effect on how applications execute and that is whether the processor is a hardwired or microcoded device. The decision between the two types of processor implementations can have significant implications as to the ease of design of the processor, when it is available, and its ability to catch and fix mistakes.

    Each processor instruction is in fact a series of instructions that are executed to carry out the larger, basic instruction. For example, to load the accumulator in a processor, the following steps need to be taken:

    1  Output address in instruction to the data memory address bus drivers.

    2  Configure internal bus for data memory value to be stored in accumulator.

    3  Enable bus read.

    4  Compare data values read from memory to zero or any other important conditions and set bits in the STATUS register.

    5  Disable bus read.

    Each of these steps must be executed in order to carry out the basic instruction’s function. To execute these steps, the processor is designed to either fetch this series of instructions from a memory or execute a set of logic functions unique to the instruction.

    A microcoded processor is really a processor within a processor. In a microcoded processor, a state machine executes each instruction as the address to a subroutine of instructions. When an instruction is loaded into the instruction holding register, certain bits of the instruction are used to point to the start of the instruction routine (or microcode) and the μCode instruction decode and processor logic executes the microcode instructions until an instruction end is encountered as shown in Fig. 1.6.

      Figure 1.6   Microcoded processor with memory storing individual instruction steps .

    I should point out that having the instruction holding register wider than the program memory is not a mistake. In some processors, the program memory is only 8 bits wide although the full instruction may be some multiple of this (for example, in the 8051 most instructions are 16 bits wide). In this case, multiple program memory reads take place to load the instruction holding register before the instruction can be executed.

    The width of the program memory and the speed with which the instruction holding register can be loaded into is a factor in the speed of execution of the processor. In Harvard-architected processors, like the PICmicro, the program memory is the width of the instruction word and the instruction holding register can be loaded in one cycle. In most Princeton-architected processors, which have an 8-bit data bus, the instruction holding register is loaded through multiple data reads.

    A hardwired processor uses the bit pattern of the instruction to access specific logic gates (possibly unique to the instruction) that are executed as a combinatorial circuit to carry out the instruction. Fig. 1.7 shows how the instruction loaded into the instruction holding register is used to initiate a specific portion of the execution logic that carries out all the functions of the instruction.

      Figure 1.7   The hardwired processor generates each individual instruction step from execution logic arrays .

    Each of the two methods offers advantages over the other. A microcoded process is usually simpler than a hardwired one to design and can be implemented faster with less chance of having problems at specific conditions. If problems are found, revised steppings of the silicon can be made with a relatively small amount of design effort. An example of the quick and easy changes that microcoded processors allow was a number of years ago when IBM wanted to have a microprocessor that could run 370 assembly language instructions. Before IBM began to design their own microprocessor, they looked around at existing designs and noticed that the Motorola 68000 had the same hardware architecture as the 370 (although the instructions were completely different). IBM ended up paying Motorola to rewrite the microcode for the 68000 and came up with a new microprocessor that was able to run 370 instructions much more quickly and at a small fraction of the cost of developing a new chip.

    A hardwired processor is usually a lot more complex because the same functions have to be repeated over and over again in hardware—how many times do you think a register read or write function has to be repeated for each type of instruction? This means the processor design will probably be harder to debug and less flexible than a microcoded design, but instructions will execute in fewer clock cycles.

    This brings up a point you are probably not aware of. In most processors, each instruction executes in a set number of clock cycles. This set number of clock cycles is known as the processor’s instruction cycle. Each instruction cycle in the PIC microcontroller family of devices takes four clock cycles. This means that a PIC MCU running at 4 MHz is executing the instructions at a rate of 1 million instructions per second.

    Using a hardwired over microcoded processor can result in some significant performance gains. For example, the original 8051 was designed to execute one instruction in 12 cycles. This large number of cycles requires a 12 MHz clock to execute code at a rate of 1 MIPS (million instructions per second) whereas a PIC microcontroller with a 4 MHz clock gets the same performance.

    Instructions and Software

    It is amazing that, in a tiny plastic package, there is a chip that can perform basic input and output functions, with a full computer processor along with memory storing the full application code and variable data areas built on it as well. (In the next chapter, you will get an idea of what tiny means when the different PIC microcontroller chip packages are described.) The microcontroller’s computer processor has essentially all the capabilities of the processor in your desktop PC, although it cannot handle as much or as large data as the PC. The microcontroller’s processor executes a series of basic instructions that make up the application software, which controls the circuitry of the application.

    When a computer processor executes each individual program instruction, it is reading a set of bits from program memory and decoding them to carry out specific functions. Each instruction bit set carries out a different function in the processor. A collection of instructions is known as a program. The program instructions are stored in memory at incrementing addresses and are referenced using a program counter to pull them out sequentially. After each instruction is executed, the program counter is incremented to point to the next instruction in program memory.

    There are four types of instructions:

     Data movement

     Data processing

     Execution change

     Processor control

    The data movement instructions move data or constants to and from processor registers, variable memory and program memory (which in some processors are the same thing), and peripheral I/O ports. There can be many types of data movement instructions based on the processor architecture, number of internal addressing modes, and the organization of the I/O ports.

    The five basic addressing modes (which are available in the PIC microcontroller and will be explained in greater detail in later chapters) move data to or from the registers or program memory. If you are familiar with the Intel processors in PCs, you will know that there are two memory areas: data and registers. The data area stores program instructions and variable data, while the register area is designed to be used for I/O registers. The addressing modes available to a processor are designed to efficiently transfer data between the different memory locations within the computer system.

    In the PIC microcontroller’s processor (and other microcontrollers that use Harvard-architected processors) there are also two memory areas, but they are somewhat different from that of a PC and consist of program memory and registers. The program memory is loaded exclusively with the program instructions and, except in certain circumstances, cannot be accessed by the processor. The registers consist of the processor and I/O function registers along with the microcontroller’s variable data (which are called file registers in the PIC microcontroller). The five addressing modes available in the PIC MCU allow data to be transferred between registers only.

    They are:

     Immediate (or literal) values stored in the accumulator register

     Register contents stored in the accumulator register

     Indexed address register contents stored in the accumulator register

     Accumulator register contents stored in a register

     Accumulator register contents stored in an indexed address register

    These five addressing modes are very basic and when you research other processor architectures, you will find that many devices can have more than a dozen ways of accessing data within the memory spaces. The five methods above are a good base for a processor and can provide virtually any function that is required of an application. The most significant missing addressing mode is the ability to access data in the program counter stack. This addressing mode, along with the other five, is available in the high-end PIC microcontroller chips.

    The data processing instructions are the arithmetic and bitwise data manipulation operations available in the processor’s arithmetic/logic unit. A typical processor will have the following data processing instructions:





     Bitwise AND

     Bitwise OR

     Bitwise XOR

     Bitwise negation

    These instructions work the number of bits that is the data word size (the PIC MCU has an 8-bit word size). Many processors are capable of carrying out multiplication, division and comparison operations on data types of varying sizes, as well as logarithmic and trigonometric operations. For most microcontrollers, such as the PIC microcontroller, the word size is 8 bits and advanced data processing operations are not available.

    Execution change instructions include branches, gotos, skips, calls, and interrupts. For branches and gotos, the new address is specified as part of the instruction. Branches and gotos are similar except that branches are used for short jumps that cannot access the entire program memory and are used because they take up less memory and execute in fewer instruction cycles. Gotos give a program the ability to jump to a new location anywhere in the processor’s instruction address space.

    Branches and gotos are generally known as nonconditional because they are always executed when encountered by the processor. There can be conditional branches or gotos and in some processors conditional skips are available. Skips are instructions that will skip over the following instruction when a specific condition is met. The condition used to determine whether or not a branch, goto, or skip is to execute is often based on a specific status condition.

    If you have developed applications on other processors, you may interpret the word status to mean the bits built into the ALU STATUS register. These bits are set after an arithmetic or bitwise logical instruction to indicate such things as whether or not the result was equal to zero, was negative, or caused an overflow. These status bits are available in the PIC microcontroller, but are supplemented by all the other bits in the processor, each of which can be accessed and tested individually. This provides a great deal of additional capabilities in the PIC MCU that is not present in many other devices and allows some amazing improvements in processor performance.

    An example of using conditionally executing status bits is shown in the 16-bit variable increment example below. After incrementing the lower 8 bits, if the processor’s zero flag is not set (which indicates that the incremented register’s contents have changed from 0xFF to 0x00), then the increment of the higher 8 bits is skipped. But if the result of the lower 8-bit increment is equal to zero, then the skip instruction doesn’t execute and the upper 8-bit increment is executed.

    The skip is used in the PIC microcontroller to provide conditional execution, which is why it is described in detail here. The skip instructions can access every bit in the PIC MCU’s register space, making it a very powerful instruction, as will be described below.

    Other execution change instructions include call and interrupt, which causes execution to jump to a routine and return back to the instruction after the call/interrupt instruction. A call is similar to a branch or goto and has the address of the routine to jump to included in the instruction. The address after the call instruction is saved and when a return instruction is encountered, this address is used to return execution to the software that executed the original call instruction.

    There are two types of interrupts. Hardware interrupts are explained in more detail in the next section. Software interrupts are instructions that are similar to subroutine calls, but instead of jumping to a specific address, they make calls to predefined interrupt handler routines. The advantage of software interrupts over subroutine calls is their ability to provide systemwide subroutine functions without having to provide the addresses to subroutines to all the programs that can run within it. Software interrupts are not often used in smaller microcontrollers, but they are used to advantage in the IBM PC.

    Rather than providing instructions that immediately change the program counter (and where the program is executing), it can be advantageous to be able to arithmetically create a new address and load new values directly into the program counter registers. In most processors, the program counter cannot be accessed directly, to jump or call arbitrary addresses in program memory. The PIC microcontroller architecture is one of the few that does allow the program to access the program counter’s registers and change them during program execution. This capability adds a great deal of flexibility and efficiency in programming (which will be discussed later in the book), however, care must taken when updating the processor’s PC to make sure the correct address is calculated before it is updated.

    Processor control instructions are specific and control the operation of the processor. One common processor control instruction is sleep, which puts the processor (and microcontroller) into a low-power mode. Another processor control instruction is the interrupt mask, which stops hardware interrupt requests from being processed. These instructions are often very device specific and cannot be counted upon to be present when you move to a new microcontroller family.


    Properly used, hardware interrupts can greatly improve the efficiency of your applications as well as simplify your application code. Despite these potential advantages, they are seldom used and often avoided as much as possible. For many application developers, interrupts are perceived as being difficult to work with and something that complicates the application code and its execution. This perception isn’t accurate if you follow the basic rules that will be discussed in this book.

    Hardware interrupts in computer systems are analogous to interrupts in your everyday life. As the computer processor is executing application code, a hardware event may occur that will request the processor to stop executing and respond to or handle the hardware event. Once the processor has responded to the event, the regular program execution can continue where it was stopped. The hardware event requesting the interrupt can be a timer overflow, a serial character received (or finished sending), a user pressing a button, and so on. There are many different hardware events that will cause an interrupt to take place—similar to you getting a phone call or other distraction while working. Like a phone call giving you new information, the application code often uses the information provided by the interrupt as new data to consider during execution.

    Possible hardware interrupt requests that you will have to consider responding to in your microcontroller applications include such situations as changing digital inputs, the completion of an analog-to-digital conversion, the receipt of a serial character, and so on. When sending a string of data, you may use interrupts to load in the next bit or byte to be output without affecting the primary application’s execution. In any case, it is important to quickly respond to these requests and store the new information as quickly as possible to avoid negatively affecting how the application runs.

    A good rule of thumb is to code your applications so the data provided by hardware interrupts is in as simple a form as possible and reading it is as simple as reading a byte or a bit.

    The process of responding to a hardware interrupt request follows the six distinct steps outlined in Fig. 1.8. If a hardware interrupt request is received while the primary application (or mainline) code is executing (1 in Fig. 1.8), the processor continues executing the current instruction and then tests to see if interrupt requests are allowed. Hardware interrupt requests do not have to be responded to immediately or at all. This is an important point because an application may ignore interrupt requests if time sensitive or high priority code is being executed. If the request is ignored, the hardware will continue requesting until the application code enables the processor circuitry that responds to interrupts. This is analogous to you ignoring a phone call and listening to a message later because you were doing something that you considered more important.

      Figure 1.8   The steps taken when a hardware event requests that the execution of the application is interrupted to respond to it .

    If the processor can respond to a hardware interrupt request, execution of the mainline code is stopped (2 in Fig. 1.8) and the current program counter and other important data is saved until the interrupt response has completed and execution returns to where it was stopped. The important data is often called the context data or context information, and consists of the contents of the registers that were being used by the mainline code when it was interrupted. This context information may be saved automatically by the processor or require special code to save and retrieve it. The PIC microcontroller requires special code to save and retrieve the context data. With the return address saved, the processor then changes the program counter to the interrupt handler vector (3 in Fig. 1.8). The interrupt handler (4 in Fig. 1.8) is the subroutine-like code that processes the data from the interrupting hardware and stores it for later use. You may see terms like interrupt service routine in some references instead of interrupt handler, but they both mean the same thing. The interrupt handler vector is a program memory address that points to the start of the interrupt handler. After the interrupt handler code is finished (5 in Fig. 1.8), the hardware interrupt has been acknowledged and the hardware reset to request another interrupt when the condition happens again. The mainline’s context information is restored, the saved address where the mainline was interrupted is loaded into the program counter, and the mainline code execution resumes just as if nothing had happened.

    Most high level language compilers (such as HI-TECH PICC-Lite, discussed in this book) provide the ability to create interrupt handlers that are based on a subroutine model and eliminate the need for you to fully understand the mechanics of creating an interrupt handler. The interrupt handler routines produced take care of the interrupt handler vector and context information storage so you can concentrate on designing the interrupt handler.

    In some processors, you have the ability to acknowledge a new interrupt while still handling another one. This is known as nesting interrupts (Fig. 1.9) and is generally only done when there are hardware interrupts of such high priority that they supersede the response to other interrupts. Creating application code that allows response to nested interrupts is generally not trivial, and in the PIC microcontroller architectures it is very difficult to implement successfully.

      Figure 1.9   Nested interrupt requests occur when interrupts are responded to while other interrupt handlers are active .

    Peripheral Functions

    All microcontrollers have built-in I/O pins that allow the microcontroller to access external or peripheral devices. The hardware built into these pins can range from I/O pins consisting of just a pull-up resistor and a transistor to full Ethernet interfaces or video on-screen display functions that require just a few high level commands. The capabilities of the I/O pins define the peripheral functions the microcontroller can perform and what applications a manufacturer’s part or a specific part number is best suited for. Along with memory size, the peripheral functions of a microcontroller are the most important characteristics used to select a device for a specific application.

    I wasn’t being facetious when I said an I/O pin could be as simple as a transistor and a pull-up resistor. The Intel 8051 uses an I/O pin that is this simple, as is shown in Fig. 1.10. This pin design is somewhat austere and is designed to be used as an input when the output is set high so another driver on the pin can change the pin’s state to high or low easily against the high impedance pull-up. When used as an output, this design of I/O pin can only sink (pass to ground) current effectively, it cannot be used to source (pass current from positive power) current.

      Figure 1.10   The 8051 bidirectional input/output pin consisting of a pull-up resistor and transistor .

    A more typical I/O pin is shown in Fig. 1.11 and provides tristatable output from the control register. This pin can be used for digital input as well (with the output driver turned off). When the output driver is enabled, the pin can both sink and source current to external devices. This design of I/O pin is used in the PIC microcontroller; later in the book I will explain the operation of the I/O pins in greater detail.

      Figure 1.11   The tristate driver on this I/O pin can sink and source current as well as work as a digital input .

    A microcontroller may also have more advanced peripheral functions built into its I/O pins, such as the ability to send and receive serial I/O that will allow communication with a PC via RS-232. These peripheral functions are designed to simplify the interfacing to other devices. How functions are programmed in a microcontroller is half the battle in understanding how they are used; along with changing the function of an I/O pin, they may also require other features (such as a timer or the microcontroller’s interrupt controller). Fig. 1.12 shows the block diagram of an I/O port that can be used for digital I/O as well as transmitting serial data—note that there are a number of external resources required to implement this function.

      Figure 1.12   An I/O pin that can be used for sending serial data is not only more complex but requires other resources within the microcontroller .

    While most peripheral functions can issue hardware interrupt requests, you don’t have to use this feature in your applications. Often a single flag bit can be read or polled in the mainline to determine whether the peripheral function has new information for the application to respond to. Along with hardware interrupts, advanced peripheral functions built into a microcontroller’s I/O pins provide you with additional options for your applications.


    Despite the plethora of peripheral features available in microcontrollers, there will be situations where you want to use peripheral functions that are not available or the builtin features are not designed to work with the specific hardware you want to use in the application. These functions can be provided by writing code that executes the desired I/O operations using the I/O pins of the microcontroller. This is known as bit-banging, and the practice is very common for microcontroller application development.

    There are two philosophies behind the methods used to provide bit-banging peripheral functions. The first is to carry out the operation directly in the execution line of the code and suspend all other operations. An example of this for a serial receiver is shown below:

    The advantage of this method is that it is relatively easy to code, but the downside is that it requires all other operations in the microcontroller to stop. The serial receive function above waits literally forever for data to come in. While the function is waiting or receiving a character, nothing else can execute in the microcontroller.

    The other method of providing bit-banging functions is to periodically interrupt the mainline execution to provide the peripheral function. To do this, the timing relationships of the peripheral function have to be well understood. For the serial receive function, a bitbanging interface could be implemented using a timer interrupt at three times the incoming bit speed. This code will start reading the incoming data when a start bit is detected. After the data byte has been received, it is stored for later use by the mainline code, just as a byte that was received in a specialized serial receiver pin function would be.

    While this function is operating as a periodic interrupt, it is taking processor cycles away from the mainline code. But the overall percentage of lost cycles is very low—it will probably only use 1 or 2 percent of the total execution cycles available in the microcontroller. For this reason, I prefer it to the inline bit-banging peripheral functions.

    The timer serial interrupt handler code probably seems quite complex and at first glance is just about impossible to understand exactly how it works. I will explain the theory behind the function and how it is implemented in the PIC microcontroller in more detail later in the book. What I wanted to show now was a bit-banging function that does not prevent other microcontroller operations from being carried out while it is operating.

    Memory Types

    Memory is probably not something you normally think about when you create applications for a personal computer. The memory available for an application in a modern Microsoft Windows PC can be up to 4.3 gigabytes (GB) in size and can be swapped in and out of memory as required. Few people have PCs with this much memory, and even if they did, they would find that all the potential programs they could run on it would take up more than this amount of space. Fortunately, in a PC you can store programs and data on a disk drive and access them as required. This eliminates the need to manage how software and data are stored and accessed on the computer and makes it easy for the casual user to work with a PC.

    A small embedded microcontroller, like the ones discussed in this book, does not have the capability to control a disk drive or the user interface to load and execute applications. When you create an application for an embedded microcontroller, you will have to know how much memory (of different types) is available in the microcontroller and how the program and data are to be stored on the chip. For the most part, this is not difficult, but you will encounter circumstances where you find that you are running out of memory and either have to redesign your application or select another device to put the application on. While it may seem to be a bit of a burden when you start working with microcontrollers, it will very quickly become second nature and allow you to further customize your application to best suit the device you have chosen.

    There are two or three types of memory that are provided in embedded microcontrollers:

     Nonvolatile program memory

     Volatile variable memory

     Optional nonvolatile data memory

    Program memory is known by a number of different names, including control store and firmware (as well as some permutations of these names). The name really isn’t important, as long as you understand that this memory space is used to store the application software. The adjective nonvolatile describes the ability of memory to retain the information stored in it even when power is removed. This is important because each time power is applied to the microcontroller, the application code should start working. The program memory space is the maximum size of application that can be loaded into the microcontroller and contains all the code that is executed in an application along with the initial values for the variables used in the application. Program memory is not generally changed during program execution, and the application code is stored in it using custom chip programming equipment.

    The variable memory available in an embedded microcontroller consists of a fairly small amount of RAM (random-access memory), which is used for the temporary storage of data. Variable memory is volatile, which means that its values will be lost when power is removed from the microcontroller. When the processor addressing modes were discussed earlier, they were primarily referring to accessing the variable memory of a microcontroller. It is important to remember that application execution does not take place in variable memory. While in Princeton-architected microcontrollers, it is possible there is no simple way of loading the memory with code when the device starts up other than having software in the main program write initial values to the variables.

    The nonvolatile data memory provides long-term storage of information even when power is lost. Typical information stored in this memory includes data logging information for later transmittal to another device, calibration data for different peripherals, and IP address information for networked devices.

    With an idea of how applications execute in an embedded microcontroller, you can look at how it is actually implemented on the chip. The nonvolatile program memory will probably be some flavor of read-only memory (ROM), called this because during execution the processor can only read from this memory, not write new information into it. In the PIC microcontroller, there are four types of program memory available in devices and applications: none (external ROM), mask ROM, EPROM, and EEPROM/Flash. While these four types of nonvolatile memory options all provide the same function—memory for the processor to read and execute—they each have different characteristics and are best suited for different purposes.

    None probably seems like a strange option, but in the high-end PICmicros running in microprocessor mode, it is a very legitimate one. With no internal program memory, the device has to be connected to an external ROM chip, as can be seen in Fig. 1.13. The external ROM feature is primarily used when more application program memory is required or applications and data are to be loaded into RAM while the application is running.

      Figure 1.13   External memory connections to a microcontroller are wired similarly to that of a microprocessor .

    There are microcontrollers available with the traditional type of read-only memory program memory although they are becoming increasingly rare. This type of read-only memory consists of memory cells that can be configured as either a one or a zero by not etching the last metal layer during the wafer manufacturing process. When an order comes in for a batch of microcontrollers with a ROM with a customer-specified application, these wafers are pulled from stock and the last metal layer is exposed to a custom mask made from the customer-supplied software program, which makes the connections to the memory cells that turns them into ones or zeros. This is known as mask ROM programming. With the program put into the chip, the customer will have a device they can use in their product without having to load a program into it later. ROM contents typically cannot be read out of the microcontroller to thwart others trying to pirate or reverse engineer the product.

    There are some significant downsides to buying microcontrollers with mask ROM. The first two are the cost and lead time required to have the customized chips built. While the actual piece price of a ROM program memory chip is less than a device with a customer (or field) programmable program memory, the nonrecurring expense (NRE) costs of getting the mask made makes this process cost effective in lot sizes of 10,000 or more chips. The lead time for getting mask ROM devices built is typically on the order of six to ten weeks. For certain applications, such as for the automotive market, the downsides of mask ROM microcontrollers do not take away from the cost advantages; here, the parts are ordered well in advance and with one or more per vehicle, a large guaranteed order is assured.

    It should be obvious that going straight to mask ROM for a product or project is not an efficient method of finding out whether the program works. To provide a method of loading a program into a device outside the factory in short order, programmable read-only memory (PROM) was invented. The most popular form of PROM is known as fuseable link, in which high current is optionally passed through small metal connections to burn them out and cause the memory cell they are associated with to be programmed to a one or zero. These chips fell out of favor for two reasons: the part can only be used once and cannot be reprogrammed, and after a period of time some of the links will regrow back, changing the value of the cell (and ruining the program contained within the chip).

    Erasable PROM (EPROM) program memory quickly eclipsed PROM-based memory because it was reprogrammable. The microcontrollers using this type of program memory became available in the late 1970s. EPROM uses ultraviolet light to erase its memory cells, which consist of a transistor that can be set to always on or off. Fig. 1.14 shows the side view of the EPROM transistor.

      Figure 1.14   EPROM memory, which is programmed when the control gate forces a charge onto the floating gate .

    The EPROM transistor is a MOSFET-like transistor with a floating gate surrounded by silicon dioxide above the substrate of the device. To program the floating gate, the control gate above the floating gate is raised to a high voltage potential that causes the silicon dioxide surrounding it to break down and allow a charge to pass into the floating gate. With a charge in the floating gate, the transistor is turned on at all times. Before programming, all the floating gates of all the cells are uncharged. The act of programming the program memory will load a charge into some of the floating gates of these cells. By convention, the memory cell acts as a switch to a pulled-up bit. If an unprogrammed memory cell is read, a 1 will be returned because the switch is off. After the cell is programmed and pulls the line to ground, a 0 is returned.

    To erase a programmed EPROM cell, ultraviolet (UV) light energizes the trapped electrons in the floating gate to an energy level where they can escape the silicon oxide barrier. In some manufacturer’s devices, you find that some EPROM cells are protected from UV light by a metal layer over them. The purpose of this metal layer is to prevent the cell from being erased. This is often done in memory protection schemes in which critical bits, if erased, will allow reading out of the software in the device. By placing the metal shield over the bit, UV light targeted to just the code protection bit cannot reach the floating gate and the programmed cell cannot be erased.

    This may seem like an unreliable method of storing data, but EPROM memories are normally rated as being able to keep their contents without any bits changing state for 30 years or more. This specification is based on the probability of the charge in one of the cells leaking away enough in 30 years to change the state of the transistor from on to off.

    Microcontrollers with EPROM program memory can be placed in two types of packages. If you’ve worked with EPROM before, you probably have seen the ceramic packages with a small window built in for erasing the device (Fig. 1.15). EPROM microcontrollers are also available in black plastic packages that do not have a window, known as one-time programmable (OTP, see Fig. 1.16).

      Figure 1.15   The quartz window on a ceramic EPROM chip package allows ultraviolet light through to erase the chip .

      Figure 1.16   The plastic encapsulant of the OTP package does not allow ultraviolet light through to the EPROM chip inside .

    The reason for producing OTP devices is probably not obvious when you consider that the advantage of the EPROM is its ability to be erased and reprogrammed using ultraviolet light, which cannot pass through opaque plastic. It seems to make more sense to go with a mask ROM or fusible link PROM device. OTP devices actually fill a large market

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