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101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius 2/E
101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius 2/E
101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius 2/E
Ebook846 pages10 hours

101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius 2/E

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Fully updated throughout, this wickedly inventive guide is packed with a wide variety of stealthy sleuthing contraptions you can build yourself. 101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition also shows you how to reclaim your privacy by targeting the very mechanisms that invade your space. Find out how to disable several spy devices by hacking easily available appliances into cool tools of your own, and even turn the tables on the snoopers by using gadgetry to collect information on them.

Featuring easy-to-find, inexpensive parts, this hands-on guide helps you build your skills in working with electronics components and tools while you create an impressive arsenal of spy gear and countermeasures. The only limit is your imagination!

101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition:

  • Contains step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations
  • Provides tips for customizing the projects
  • Covers the underlying principles behind the projects
  • Removes the frustration factor--all required parts are listed

Build these and other devious devices:

  • Spy camera
  • Infrared light converter
  • Night vision viewer
  • Phone number decoder
  • Phone spammer jammer
  • Telephone voice changer
  • GPS tracking device
  • Laser spy device
  • Remote control hijacker
  • Camera flash taser
  • Portable alarm system
  • Camera trigger hack
  • Repeating camera timer
  • Sound- and motion-activated cameras
  • Camera zoom extender
Release dateOct 29, 2011
101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius 2/E

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    101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius 2/E - Brad Graham



    Getting Started

    Welcome Noobs!

    If you have been experimenting with electronics for any amount of time, then chances are you can skip right past this chapter and start digging into some of the projects presented in this book. If you are just starting out, then you have a little groundwork to cover before you begin; but don’t worry, the electronics hobby is well within reach for anyone with a creative mind and a desire to learn something new.

    Like all things new, you have to start from the beginning and expect a few failures along the way. We electronic nerds call that letting out the magic smoke, and you will fully understand this term the first time you connect your power wires in reverse! Don’t be intimidated by the huge amount of technical material available on electronic components and devices, because chances are you only need a small amount of what is available to complete a project. All problems can be broken down into smaller parts, and a schematic diagram is a perfect example of this. Once you understand the basic principles, you will be able to look at a huge schematic or circuit and see that it is made up of smaller basic building blocks, just like a brick wall is composed of individual bricks.

    Because of limited space in this book, we will cover only the essential basics you need in order to get started in this fun and rewarding hobby, but there are thousands of resources available to research as you move forward one step at a time. You have the Evil Genius itch—now all you need is a good pile of junk and a few basic tools to set your ideas into motion!

    The Breadboard

    This oddly named tool is probably the most important prototyping device you will ever own, and it is absolutely essential to this hobby. A breadboard or solderless breadboard is a device that lets you connect the leads of semiconductors together without wires so you can test and modify your circuit easily without soldering. Essentially, it is nothing more than a board full of small holes that interconnect in rows so you can complete a circuit. In the early days, our Evil Genius forefathers would drive a bunch of nails into an actual board (like a cutting board for bread) and then connect their components to the nails. So you can thank those pioneering Evil Geniuses who once sat in their workshops with a breadboard full of glowing vacuum tubes and wires for the name!

    Today’s breadboards look nothing like the originals, often containing hundreds of rows to accommodate the increasing complexity and pin count of today’s circuitry. It is common to have 50 or more complex integrated circuits (ICs) on a breadboard running at speeds of up to 100 megahertz (MHz), so a lot can be done with breadboards. One of our latest breadboard projects was a fully functional 8-bit computer with a double-buffered video graphics array (VGA) output and complex sound generator. This project ran flawlessly on a breadboard at speeds of 40 MHz, and had an IC count of over 30, so don’t let anyone tell you a breadboard is only for simple low-speed prototyping. Let’s have a look at a typical solderless breadboard that can be purchased at most electronics supply outlets.

    A breadboard like the one shown in Figure 0-0 will typically cost you around $30 and will provide years of use. Without a breadboard, you would have to solder your components together and hope your design worked on the first try—something that is only a pipe dream in this hobby. The connections under the plastic holes are designed so that the power strips (marked + and −) are connected horizontally, and the prototyping area holes are connected vertically. The small gutter between the prototyping holes is there so your ICs can press into the board with each row of legs on each side of the gutter. Figure 0-1 shows a close-up of the interconnections underneath the plastic board.

    Figure 0-0 A typical solderless breadboard.

    Figure 0-1 Connections between holes on the breadboard.

    As you can see, the power strip holes connect horizontally, and the prototyping holes connect vertically. This way, you can have power along the entire strip, since ground (GND) and power (VCC) often have multiple connection points in a circuit. Once you are familiar with a breadboard, it is easy to rig up a test circuit in minutes, even one with a high component count. Once your circuit is tested and working, you can move it to a more permanent home such as a copper-clad board or even a real printed circuit board (PCB).

    To make the connections from one row of holes to another, you need wires—many wires. Breadboard wires should be solid, not stranded, have about ¼-inch of bare wire at the end and come in multiple colors and lengths to make tracing your circuit easier. You can purchase various breadboard-ready wiring packs from electronics supply stores, but when you get into larger prototyping, it may get expensive to purchase as many wires as you need. The best solution we have found is to get a good length of Cat5 wire, which is used for computer networking and then strip the ends for use on the breadboard. The nice thing about Cat5 wire is that it has eight colored wires with a solid copper core that are the perfect size to fit into the breadboard. Figure 0-2 shows some of the Cat5 wiring being cut and stripped for use in our breadboard.

    Figure 0-2 You can never have enough wires.

    Cat5 wiring comes as four twisted pairs, so you can just cut a bunch of lengths, unwind the wires, and then strip the ends of the plastic sheathing using a dull utility knife. Just place the wire over a dull blade and press down with your thumb to score the end so it pulls away from the wire. An actual wire stripper works just as well, but the dull blade seems a lot faster when you want 100 or more wires for your breadboard. For starters, you will need about 20 wires (each) in lengths of 1 inch (in), 2 in, 4 in, 6 in, and a few longer wires for external devices. The 1-in wires should also include red and green (or similar) colors that easily identify your power connections. The power wires will be the most-used wires on your board, so make sure you have enough of them to go around.

    Figure 0-3 shows why it is important to have a dull blade for stripping the wires if you choose to do it this way. We purposely sanded the edge of this utility knife so it would be sharp enough to score the wiring shield, yet not cut a thumb after repeated stripping of hundreds of wires in a row. A wire stripping tool also works well, but it is a little slow when we need 128 blue bus wires for a circuit we want to complete before the end of the night. Now that you have a breadboard and an endless supply of wires to press into the holes, you can begin prototyping your first circuit. Learning to look at a schematic, identifying the semiconductors, and then transplanting the connections to your breadboard will open up an entire world of fun, so let’s find out how it is done.

    Figure 0-3 Stripping the Cat5 wiring for the breadboard.

    Figure 0-4 shows a simple schematic of a capacitor and a resistor wired in parallel. This wiring is transferred to the breadboard by placing the leads of the two components into the holes and then using the wires to join the rows. Because the holes are all connected to each other in vertical rows, the wires can be placed in any one of the five holes that make a row. Although a breadboard circuit may have 500 wires, there is not much more to it than that. Now you can see why prototyping a circuit on a breadboard is easy and lends itself well to modification. There are, however, a few breadboard gotchas to keep in mind, and capacitive noise or crosstalk is one of them.

    Figure 0-4 Learning to use the breadboard.

    Crosstalk or capacitive noise can be a real problem on a breadboard because the metal plates that make up rows of holes are close enough together to act as capacitors. This can induce noise into your circuit, possibly causing it to fail or act differently than expected. Radio frequency (RF) or high-speed digital circuits are prone to noise and crosstalk, and this can create all kinds of Evil Genius headaches. Sometimes you can design a high-speed or RF circuit on a breadboard and have it work perfectly, only to find that it completely fails or acts differently when redone on a permanent circuit board. The capacitance of the plates is actually part of the circuit now! Although you can never really eliminate this error, there are ways to greatly reduce noise on a breadboard, and it involves adding a few decoupling capacitors on your power strips.

    Decoupling capacitors act as filters so RF and AC noise don’t leak into your power source, causing havoc throughout the entire circuit. When working with high-speed logic, microcontrollers on a clock source, or RF circuits, decoupling capacitors are very important and should not be left out. If you look at an old logic circuit board, you will notice that almost every IC has a ceramic capacitor nearby or directly across the VCC and ground pins. These capacitors are nothing more than 0.01 microfarads (μF) ceramic capacitors placed between VCC and ground on each of your power supply rails as shown in Figure 0-5. Also notice in the figure that the power rails need to be connected to each other, as each strip is independent. If you forget to connect a rail, it will carry neither VCC nor be grounded, so your circuit will fail. Usually decoupling capacitors on each end of the powers strips will be adequate, but in a large high-speed or RF circuit, you may need them closer to the IC power lines or other key components.

    Figure 0-5 Fighting breadboard noise.

    When your designs become very large or complex, the standard breadboard may not offer enough real estate. But not to worry—you can purchase individual breadboard sections and snap them together to make a larger prototyping area. Figure 0-6 shows 10 breadboard sections snapped together and then bolted to a steel cookie sheet in order to create a grounding plate. The steel base also helps reduce noise, and all breadboards should have a metal base. This massive cookie sheet breadboard circuit is a fully functional 20-MHz video computer that can display high-resolution graphics to a VGA monitor and generate complex multichannel sound. The entire computer was designed on the breadboard shown in Figure 0-6 and went directly to the final design stage based on the breadboard circuit. We have built high-speed computer systems running at more than 75 MHz on a breadboard, as well as high-power video transmitters, robot motor controllers, and every single project in this book. Until you break the 100-MHz barrier, there is not much you can’t do on a breadboard, so become good friends with this powerful prototyping tool!

    Figure 0-6 Breadboard circuits can get large!

    Electronic Building Blocks

    So you’ve just found a cool schematic on the Internet and you have a brand new breadboard with 100 wires waiting to find a home, but where do you get all of those components? If you have been doing this for a while, then your junk box is probably well-equipped, but for those just starting out, you have to be resourceful in order to keep your budget under control. A simple circuit with 10 small components might only cost you $5 at the local electronics shop, but often you may need a lot more than 10 parts or might need some uncommon semiconductors. The best source for free electronic components is from old circuit boards. Dead VCRs, fried TVs, baked radios, even that broken coffeemaker will have a pile of usable components on the circuit board. A small radio PCB might have 200 semiconductors soldered to it and at 50 cents a piece, that adds up fast. You may never use all of the components, but on a dreary day when you are in your mad scientist lab in need of some oddball resistor value, a box of scrap circuit boards is great to have.

    We keep several large boxes full of circuit boards that we find, and often discover that they yield most of the common parts we need and often have hard-to-find or discontinued ICs that we need when working on older schematics. Figure 0-7 shows one of the 20 or more large boxes of scrap PCBs we have collected over the years. Removing the parts from an old circuit board is easy, especially the simple 2 or 3 pin parts, like capacitors and transistors. For the larger ICs with many pins, you will need a desoldering tool, also known as a solder sucker. A low-budget soldering iron (34 watts [W] or higher) with a blunt tip and a solder sucker can make easy work of pulling parts from old PCBs. Figure 0-8 shows the hand-operated solder sucker removing an 8-pin IC from an old VCR main board. To operate a solder sucker, you press down on a loading lever, heat up the pad to desolder, and then press a button to suck up the solder away from that pad.

    Figure 0-7 Old PCBs are a goldmine of parts.

    Figure 0-8 Removing parts from an old circuit board.

    We prefer to desolder using a cheap iron with a higher wattage and fatter tip than used for normal work because it heats up the solder faster, reaching both sides of the board easier. There are other tools that can be used to desolder parts, such as desoldering wicks, spade tips, and even pump vacuums, but the ten-dollar solder sucker has always done the job for us, even on ICs with as many as 40 pins without any problems at all. When you really start collecting parts, you will find that a giant bowl of resistors is more of a pain that having to desolder a new one, so some type of organization will be necessary. You will soon discover that there are many common parts when it comes to resistors, capacitors, transistors, and ICs, so having them sorted will make it very easy to find what you need. Storage bins such as the ones shown in Figure 0-9 are perfect for your electronic components, and you can easily fill 100 small drawers with various parts, so purchase a few of them to get started.

    Figure 0-9 Organization makes finding parts a snap.

    We have an entire closet full of these component drawers and the larger parts or PCBs are stored in plastic tubs. It’s a rare day when we can’t find the parts we need, even for a retro project that needs some long-discontinued component. Of course, there are always times when you want new parts or need something special, so one of the many online sellers will be glad to take your money and send you the part in a few days.

    The Resistor

    If you are new to this hobby, then you have probably seen a few schematics and thought that they made about as much sense as cave hieroglyphics. Don’t worry—that knowledge will come as you use schematics more and start to decode the electronic component datasheets. If you want to take the fast track, then you might consider getting a book on basic electronics to get you kick-started, but for those who want to learn as you go, here are a few of the basics you will need to complete the projects in this book.

    Resistors, like the ones shown in Figure 0-10, are the most basic of the semiconductors you will be using, and they do exactly what their name implies—they resist the flow of current by exchanging some current for heat which is dissipated through the body of the device. On a large circuit board, you could find hundreds of resistors populating the board, and even on tiny circuit boards with many surface-mounted components, resistors will usually make up the bulk of the semiconductors. The size of the resistor generally determines how much heat it can dissipate and will be rated in watts, with ¼ and 1/8 W being the most common type you will work with (the two bottom resistors shown in Figure 0-10). Resistors can become very large, and will require ceramic based bodies, especially if they are rated for several watts or more like the 10-W unit shown at the top of Figure 0-10. To save space, some resistors come in packs, like the one in the figure that has multiple legs.

    Figure 0-10 Resistors with fixed values.

    Because of the recent drive to make electronics more green and power conservative, large, power-wasting resistors are not common in consumer electronics these days; instead, it is more efficient to convert amperage and voltage using some type of switching power supply or regulator, rather than by letting a fat resistor burn away the energy as heat. On the other hand, small-value resistors are very common, and you will find yourself dealing with them all of the time for simple tasks, such as driving a light-emitting diode (LED) with limited current, pulling up an input pin to a logical one state, biasing a simple transistor amplifier, and thousands of other common functions. On most common axial lead resistors, like the ones you will most often use in your projects, the value of the resistor is coded onto the device in the form of four colored bands which tell you the resistance in ohms. Ohms are represented using the Greek omega symbol (Ω), and will often be omitted for values over 999 ohms (Ω), which will be stated as 1 K, 15 K, 47 K, or some other number followed by the letter K, indicating the value is in kilohms (thousands of ohms). Similarly, for values over 999 K, the letter M will be used to show that 1 M is actually 1 megohm, or one million ohms. In a schematic diagram, a resistor is represented by a zigzag line segment, as shown in Figure 0-11, and will either have a letter and a number such as R1 or V3 relating to a parts list, or will simply have the value printed next to it such as 1 M, or 220 Ω. The schematic symbol on the left of Figure 0-11 represents a variable resistor, which can be set from zero ohms to the full value printed on the body of the variable resistor.

    Figure 0-11 Variable (left) and fixed (right) resistor symbols.

    A variable resistor is also known as a potentiometer, or pot, and it can take the form of a small circuit board–mounted cylinder with a slot for a screwdriver, or as a cabinet-mounted can with a shaft exiting the can for mating with some type of knob or dial. When you crank up the volume on an amplifier with a knob, you are turning a potentiometer. Variable resistors are great for testing a new design, since you can just turn the dial until the circuit performs as you want it to, and then remove the variable resistor to measure the impedance (resistance) across the leads in order to determine the best value of fixed resistor to install. On a variable resistor, there are usually three leads—the outer two connect to the fixed carbon resistor inside the can, which gives the variable resistor its value, and a center pin connects to a wiper, allowing the selection of resistance from zero to full. Several common variable resistors are shown in Figure 0-12, with the top-left unit dissected to show the resistor band and wiper.

    Figure 0-12 Common variable resistors.

    As mentioned earlier, most fixed value resistors will have four color bands painted around their bodies, which can be decoded into a value as shown in Table 0-0. At first, this may seem a bit illogical, but once you get the hang of the color band decoding, you will be able to recognize most common values at first glance without having to refer to the chart.

    TABLE 0-0 Resistor Color Codes Chart

    There will almost always be either a silver or gold band included on each resistor, and this will indicate the end of the color sequence, and will not become part of the value. A gold band indicates the resistor has a 5 percent tolerance (margin of error) in the value, so a 10-K resistor could end up being anywhere from 9.5 to 10.5 K in value, although in most cases will be very accurate. A silver band indicates the tolerance is only 10 percent, but we have yet to see a resistor with a silver band that was not on a circuit board that included vacuum tubes, so forget that there is even such a band! Once you ignore the gold band, you are left with three color bands that can be used to determine the exact value as given in Table 0-0.

    So, let’s assume that we have a resistor with the color bands brown, black, red, and gold. We know that the gold band is the tolerance band and the first three will indicate the values to reference in the chart. Doing so, we get 1 (brown), 0 (black), and 100 Ω (red). The third band is the multiplier, which would indicate that the number of zeroes following the first to values will be 2, or the value is simply multiplied by 100 Ω. This translates to a value of 1000 Ω, or 1 K (10 × 100 Ω). A 370-K resistor would have the colors orange, violet, and yellow followed by a gold band. You can check the value of the resistor when it is not connected to a circuit by simply placing your millimeter on the appropriate resistance scale and reading back the value. We do not want to get too deep into electronics formulas and theory here, since there are many good books dedicated to the subject, so we will simply leave you with two basic rules regarding the use of resistors: (1) put them in series to add their values together, and (2) put them in parallel to divide them. This second simple rule works great if you are in desperate need of a 20-K resistor for instance, but can only find two 10-K resistors to put in series. In parallel, they will divide down to 5 K. Now you can identify the most common semiconductor that is used in electronics today—the resistor. Now we will move ahead to the next most common semiconductor—the capacitor.

    The Capacitor

    A capacitor in its most basic form is a small rechargeable battery with a very short charge and discharge cycle. Where a typical AAA battery may be able to power an LED for a full year, a capacitor of similar size will power it for only a few seconds before its energy is fully discharged. Because capacitors can store energy for a predictable duration, they can perform all kinds of useful functions in a circuit, such as filtering AC waves, creating accurate delays, removing impurities from a noise signal, and creating clock and audio oscillators. Because a capacitor is basically a battery, many of the large ones available look much like batteries with two leads connected to one side of a metal can. As shown in Figure 0-13, there are many sizes and shapes of capacitors, some of which look like small batteries.

    Figure 0-13 Various common capacitors.

    Just like resistors, capacitors can be as large as a garbage can, or as small as a grain of rice, it really depends on the value. The larger devices can store a lot more energy. Unlike batteries, some capacitors are nonpolarized, and they can be inserted into a circuit regardless of current flow, while some cannot. The two different types of capacitors are shown by their schematic symbols in Figure 0-14, C1 being a nonpolarized type, and C2 a polarized type. Although there are always exceptions to the rules, generally the disc-style capacitors are nonpolarized, and the larger can-style electrolytic types are polarized. An obvious indicator of a polarized capacitor is the negative markings on the can, which can be clearly seen in the larger capacitor shown at the top right of Figure 0-13.

    Figure 0-14 Capacitor symbols.

    Another thing that capacitors have in common with batteries is that polarity is very important when inserting polarized capacitors into a circuit. If you install an electrolytic capacitor in reverse and attempt to charge it, the part will likely heat up and release the oil contained inside the case causing a circuit malfunction or dead short. In the past, electrolytic capacitors did not have a pressure release system, and they would explode like firecrackers when overcharged or installed in reverse, leaving behind a huge mess of oily paper and a smell that was tough to forget. On many capacitors, especially the larger can style, the voltage rating and capacitance value is simply stamped on the case. A capacitor is rated in voltage and in farads, which defines the capacitance of a dielectric for which a potential difference of 1 volt (V) results in a static charge of 1 coulomb (C). This may not make a lot of sense until you start messing around with electronics, but you will soon understand that typically, the larger the capacitor, the larger the farad rating will be, thus the more energy it can store. Since a farad is quite a large value, most capacitors are rated in microfarads (μF), such as the typical value of 4700 μF for a large electrolytic filter capacitor, and 0.1 μF for a small ceramic disc capacitor. Picofarads (pF) are also used to indicate very small values, such as those found in many ceramic capacitors or adjustable capacitors used in radio frequency circuits (a pF is one-millionth of a μF). On most can-style electrolytic capacitors, the value is simply written on the case and will be stated in microfarads and voltage along with a clear indication of which lead is negative. Voltage and polarity are very important in electrolytic capacitors, and they should always be inserted correctly, with a voltage rating higher than necessary for your circuit. Ceramic capacitors will usually only have the value stamped on them if they are in picofarads for some reason, and often no symbol will follow the number, just the value. Normally, ceramic capacitors will have a three-digit number that needs to be decoded into the actual value, and this evil confusing scheme works, as shown in Table 0-1.

    TABLE 0-1 Ceramic Capacitor Value Chart

    Who knows why they just don’t write the value on the capacitor? It would have the same amount of digits as the code! Oh well, you get used to seeing these codes, just like resistor color bands, and in no time you will easily recognize the common values such as 104, which would indicate a 0.1 μF value according to the chart. Capacitors behave just like batteries when it comes to parallel and series connections, so in parallel two identical capacitors will handle the same voltage as a single unit, but double their capacitance rating, and in series, they have the same capacitance rating as a single unit, but can handle twice the voltage. So if you need to filter a very noisy power supply, you might want to install a pair of 4700-μF capacitors in parallel to end up with a capacitance of 9400 μF. When installing parallel capacitors, make sure that the voltage ratings of all the capacitors used are higher than the voltage of that circuit, or there will be a failure—ugly, noisy smelly failure!

    The Diode

    Diodes allow current to flow through them in one direction only so they can be used to rectify AC into DC, block unwanted current from entering a device, protect a circuit from a power reversal, and even give off light in the case of LEDs. Figure 0-15 shows various sizes and types of diodes, including an easily recognizable LED and the large full-wave rectifier module at the top. A full-wave rectifier is just a block containing four large diodes inside.

    Figure 0-15 Several style of diodes including an LED.

    Like most other semiconductors, the size of the diode is usually a good indication of how much current it can handle before failure, and this information will be specified by the manufacturer by referencing whatever code is printed on the diode to some datasheet. Unlike resistors and capacitors, there is no common mode of identifying a diode unless you get to know some of the most common manufacturers’ codes by memory, so you will be forced to look up the datasheet on the Internet or in a cross reference catalog to determine the exact value and purpose of unknown diodes.

    For example the NTE6248 diode shown in Figure 0-15 in the TO220 case (left side of photo) has a datasheet that indicates it is a Schottky barrier rectifier with a peak reverse voltage maximum of 600 V and a maximum forward current rating of 16 amps (A). Datasheets will tell you everything you need to know about a particular device, and you should never exceed any of the recommended values if you want a reliable circuit. The schematic symbol for a diode is shown in Figure 0-16, D1 being a standard diode, and the other a LED (the two arrows represent light leaving the device).

    Figure 0-16 Diode schematic symbol (LED on the right).

    The diode symbol shows an arrow (anode) pointing at a line (cathode), and this indicates which way current flows (from the anode to the cathode, or in the direction of the arrow). On many small diodes, a stripe painted around the case will indicate which end is the cathode, and on LEDs, there will be a flat side on the case nearest the cathode lead. LEDs come in many different sizes, shapes, and wavelengths (colors), and have ratings that must not be exceeded in order to avoid damaging the device. Reverse voltage and peak forward current are very important values that must not be exceeded when powering LEDs or damage will easily occur, yet at the same time, you will want to get as close as possible to the maximum values if your circuit demands full performance from the LED, so read the datasheets on the device carefully. Larger diodes used to rectify AC or control large current may need to be mounted to the proper heat sink in order to operate at their rated values, and often the case style will be a clear indication due to the metal backing, or mounting hardware that may come with the device. Unless you know how much heat a certain device can dissipate in open air, your best bet is to mount it to a heat sink if it was designed to be installed that way. Like most semiconductors, there are thousands of various sizes and types of diodes, so make sure you are using a part rated for your circuit, and double-check the polarity of the device before you turn on the power for the first time.

    The Transistor

    A transistor is one of the most useful semiconductors available, and often the building block for many larger integrated circuits and components, such as logic gates, memory, and microprocessors. Before transistors became widely used in electronics, simple devices like radios and amplifiers would need huge wooden cabinets, consume vast amounts of power, and emit large wasteful quantities of heat because of vacuum tubes. The first general-purpose computer, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was a vacuum tube–based computer that used 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7200 crystal diodes, 1500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors and had more than 5 million hand-soldered joints. It weighed 30 tons and was roughly 8 by 3 by 100 feet, and consumed 150 kW of power! A simple computer that would rival the power of this power-hungry monster could easily be built on a few square inches of perforated board using a few dollars in parts today by any electronics hobbyist, thanks to the transistor. A transistor is really just a switch that can control a large amount of current by switching a small amount of current, thus creating an amplifier. Several common types and sizes of transistors are shown in Figure 0-17.

    Figure 0-17 Various common transistors.

    Depending on how much current a transistor is designed to switch, it may be as small as a grain of rice or as large as a hockey puck and require a massive steel heat sink or fan to operate correctly. There are thousands of varying transistor types and sizes, but one thing most of them have in common is that they will have three connections that can be called collector, emitter, and base, and they will be represented by one of the two schematic symbols shown in Figure 0-18.

    Figure 0-18 NPN and PNP transistor schematic symbols.

    The emitter (E), base (B), and collector (C) on both the NPN and PNP transistors do the same job. The collector/emitter current is controlled by the current flowing between base and emitter terminals, but the flow of current is opposite in each device. Today, most transistors are NPN because it is easier to manufacture a better NPN transistor than a PNP, but there are still occurrences when a circuit may use a PNP transistor because of the direction of current, or in tandem with an NPN transistor to create a matched pair. There is enough transistor theory to cover 10 books of this size, so we will condense that information in order to help you understand the very basics of transistor operation. As a simple switch, a transistor can be thought of as a relay with no mechanical parts. You can turn on a high-current load, such as a light or motor, with a very weak current, such as the output from a logic gate, or light-sensitive photocell. Switching a large load with a small load is very important in electronics, and transistors do this perfectly and at speed that a mechanical switch such as a relay could never come close to achieving. An audio amplifier is nothing more than a very fast switch that takes a very small current, such as the output from a CD player, and uses it as the input into a fast switch that controls a large current, such as the DC power source feeding the speakers. Almost any transistor can easily operate well beyond the frequency of an audio signal, so they are perfectly suited for this job. At much higher frequencies, like those used in radio transmitters, transistors do the same job of amplification, but they are rated for much higher frequencies sometime into the gigahertz range.

    Another main difference between the way a mechanical switch and a transistor work is that a transistor is not simply an on/off switch, it can operate as an analog switch, varying the amount of current switched by varying the amount of current entering the base of the transistor. A relay can turn on a 100-W light bulb if a 5-V current is applied to the coil, but a transistor could vary the intensity of the same light bulb from zero to full brightness depending on the voltage at the base of the transistor. Like all semiconductors, the transistor must be rated for the job you intend it to do, so maximum current, switching voltage, and speed are things that need to be considered when choosing the correct part. The datasheet for a very common NPN transistor, the 2N2222 (which can be substituted for the 2N3904 often used in this book) is shown in Figure 0-19.

    Figure 0-19 Datasheet for the common 2N2222 NPN transistor.

    From this datasheet, we can see that this transistor can switch about half a watt (624 mW) with a voltage of 6 V across the base and emitter junction. Of course, these are maximum ratings, so you might decide that the transistor will work safely in a circuit if it had to switch on a 120 mW LED from a 5-V logic level input at the base. As a general rule, look at the maximum switching current of a transistor, and never ask it to handle more than half of the rated maximum value, especially if it was the type of transistor designed to be mounted to a heat sink. The same principle applies to maximum switching speed—don’t expect a 100-MHz transistor to oscillate at 440 MHz in an RF transmitter circuit, since it will have a difficult enough time just reaching the 100-MHz level.

    RTFM—Read The Flippin’ Manual!

    Let’s face it, Evil Geniuses don’t often read manuals and prefer to learn by trial and error, which really is the best way to learn most of the time. When it comes to determining the specs on an electronic component with more than two pins, you really have no choice but to read the datasheet in order to figure out how it works to avoid letting out the smoke. For transistors and ICs, this is especially true as you really have no idea what is inside the black box without the datasheet. That 8-pin IC may be just a simple timer or it could be a state-of-the-art 100-Mhz microprocessor with a built-in USB port and a video output. Without the datasheet, you would never know. There are also times when you find some cool schematic on the Internet and it has a parts list that you determine contains mostly discontinued transistors, so you will have to compare the datasheets to find suitable replacements. Once you learn the basics, you will be able to make smart substitutions for almost any part.

    You can dig up just about any datasheet on any device, even those that have been off the market for decades, so learn how to find them and you will never be in the dark when it comes to component specs. The datasheet for the very common 2N2222 transistor was found by typing 2N2222 datasheet into Google (Figure 0-20) and looking for the PDF file. Although there are a few bogus datasheet servers out there that try to suck you into joining so they can spam your e-mail address for life, most of the time you will find a datasheet with little or no fuss. If you know the manufacturer of the device, try their Web site first, or try a large online electronic supply site like as they will have online datasheets for thousands of components. The Internet is also a great source for general information on electronics, so if you find yourself needing to know the basics, consult your favorite search engine.

    Figure 0-20 The Internet is your friend.

    The wealth of information found by searching LED basics was almost endless. Even the first site (Figure 0-21) has more than enough information on the LEDs presented in a very easy to understand format. The fact is that almost all of the information you will need when learning electronics can be found on the Internet with a little patience.

    Figure 0-21 Finding the basics online.

    Asking for Help

    When the Internet fails to provide you with answers or you really feel you need guidance from those who may know the answers, there are countless forums that you can join and look for help or discuss your projects with other Evil Geniuses. Like all things in life, forums have their own special rules of etiquette, so before you jump in and scream help me! please take the time to read their posting rules, and consider the following.

    Most of the knowledgeable people on a forum who would consider answering your question are doing so on their own time just to be nice. They do this because they remember what it felt like to be starting out and in need of a little guidance to make that project a success. If you have not bothered

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